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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 03/01/24 13:50
by bunniefuu


Did it work?

Can I take your order?

What do you recommend?

Excellent beef tripe with fresh salad,

poultry liver,
or borsch with dumplings.

I'll have tripe. And a light beer.

-In a big mug.

And for you?

-No, thanks.
-I see.

The tickets and papers are inside.

You saved yourself a lot of waiting.

-What about dinner?


No breakfast again?

I'll be late for work.

-Got coffee and sandwiches inside.


Do you still find me attractive?

Come on.

Why do you ask?

You're not yourself...

I've got a good story.
My mind's set on it.

When I woke up last night,
you were gone.

Where were you?

What do you think?

I went for a walk.
I didn't want to wake you up.

-I needed some fresh air.
-I'm sorry.

-I've been haunted by silly thoughts.
-Everything's fine.

It's okay.



How come potato harvesting
will take two months?

Check with that engineer.
What's his name?

Good morning.

Sorry I'm late.
I had to milk a cow.


Where was I?

Potato harvest.

Jurek and you will close
that potato thing today.

Sports section?

We have the memorial
and the repairs to to the main stand.

Okay. Culture, Stasiu?

-Culture's down.

How about Grochowiak, Witek?

Case closed.

-Here's a text and a note.
-Thank you.

-Proofread it, Basia.

Thank you, guys. Get back to work.
Have a fruitful day.

Wait, Piotr.

-Why were you late?
-Family matters, sorry.

You're on the news at three.

I remember.

You're not here
because of your father,

but because I think you're good.

Thank you.

Don't worry if you're not praised.

What matters is you're not eaten out.


How about a drink?


Got the ticket?


How about money?

Where will you go first?

West Berlin. Then I'll see.

Will you look for her?

Remember Pniewski from the college?
The one who absconded to the FRG?


I wrote to him and asked to send me
an album of modern German art.

I got it two days ago.

What an edition!

There's a painting in it.

A portrait of a woman.

In the night.

Dim shapes of trees.

The pale moonlight illuminates
only fragments of a sunken face.

The details blend in with the dark.

Did she paint it?

Are you sure?

While looking at the woman, you know

there's someone else
standing in the forest.


That person is the cause
of the entire drama.

-Anything else?

I've got to go.

A visitor.

Let him in.


-Did you call me from the "Courier"?

Whatever they told you,
he's not fit for a conversation.


You'll see.

We had to sedate him.
He tried to bail out.


He tried to hang himself.

Let's go.

When can I talk to him?

I don't know.

It depends on many things.
He'll stay in the ward now.

And next?

He's safe here.

He'd best be ruled insane.

Or he may get a death sentence.

-I'll let you know if he gets better.
-Great. I'll appreciate it.

Górski! See the visitor off!

Thank you.


Will you suck me?

Come on! Let's go!

Move it!

Got a bite?

Got sh*t. What do you want?

There was a su1c1de at Gronty
a few days ago.

A boy and a girl.

Why did the prosecutor close
the case without investigation?

Didn't they tell you?


How about my debt?

I'll cut it down by half...

Three quarters...


It was Drewicz's daughter.



There was no letter.

They'd never been seen together.

By anyone!

Speechless, huh?

Three quarters, remember.


Hi, Magda.

May I come in?

Yes. Come in.

Is Kazik in?


Say hello to your uncle.


Is it Asia?

Last time I saw you,
you were half the height.

Can I go to my room, mom?


-Would you like some tea?
-Water, please.

Come in.

Take a seat...

Where is he?

At the cemetery, I guess.

He often goes there.

When was he released?
A month ago, right?

Does he work?

Not with his criminal record.

He takes random jobs.

Is he okay?

You know him.

He won't let it show.

Now that I look back at it...

You were right.

He should've stepped down.

I wanted to protect him.

I know.

But it didn't work out.

She was a good daughter.

A smart one.

She wanted to become a doctor.

She wanted to help.

That day she said
she was going for a walk.

I didn't even ask where.

I can't understand
why she wouldn't tell me.

I'd be happy knowing
she finally had a boyfriend.

Get out!

And don't ever come back.

-Why didn't you tell me?
-Why should I?

I knew that kid.

-Why did they close the case?
-What do you think?

It's a disgrace.

Two kids.

It looks bad. Drewicz's daughter,
a f*cking oppositionist.

-It's none of our business. Not this time.
-Not ours, but mine.


-Zarzycki from the "Courier".
-Your appointment was at 3.

I know, I'm sorry.
It's been crazy in our office lately.

I need 15 minutes.

I'm begging you.

The pavilion will be remodeled.

We're extending the leather
and textiles department.

From January,
we're expecting deliveries

from Czechoslovakia
and the Soviet Union.

-So the works will begin this month?

-How long will they take?
-Till December.


We'll have new stillage,
and a large counter with a till.

There'll be an exhibition there,
and new windows.

Thank you, director.

-That's enough.




Zarzycki from the "Courier".
We met two days ago.

-I was with my older colleague.
-Yes, of course.

You had a wrinkly shirt.

-You look better today.

I've seen you in the street,
and I thought maybe we could talk.

Do you work around here?

I'm a reporter in the court
round the corner.

Didn't your friend say
you won't write about me?

We won't.

How about a cup of coffee?

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Did you know people are divided
into cocoa cream cake lovers,

-and those that prefer éclair?
-Does it mean anything?

I don't know.

My husband always picked éclair.

-What was he like?

When I met him, or recently?

He was 11 years older than me.

I was 18 when I met him.

He impressed me then.

And recently?

We didn't talk to each other.

Did you know he cheated on you?

Why are you asking?

Okay, I'll tell you.

Yes, I did.

Since the first night.

It's not about woman's intuition.

The first time he came back from her,
I could smell a weird scent.

Do you know how blood smells?

I know it sounds dramatic,

but that's how he smelled.

When one day he went to work,
I borrowed my sister's car,

and followed him.

He stopped at a hotel downtown.

I was surprised at how tacky she was.

I followed them. They pulled
into a small parking lot in the woods.

When they were done,
he took her home.

She lived by the forest at Gronty.

In a sleazy post-German house.

And you know what?

She lived over a slaughterhouse.

That's where they k*ll animals.

Hence the scent.

Excuse my intrusion...

Come in.

-Would you like a drink?
-No, I'm in a rush.

-What is it?
-I want to ask you about the Kn*fe.

You said it might've been
a butcher's Kn*fe.

You did, didn't you?

-It was a supposition.
-Did they find it?

I don't know.
Woźniak confessed. Case closed.


Take a seat.

I was in the hotel.

Woźniak spent a whole night
in the bar.

-He wasn't in the woods.
-You were in the hotel?

Did you get so horny?

Who did you talk to?

A whore from the bar.

-What's her name?
-I don't know.

A good-looking blond, talkative.

-Charged in dollars?

Did you sleep with her?

Me? No.

"I felt like I was extricating myself
from the superfluous excess of energy

that my youth filled me with.

I could possibly use it otherwise,
I could write 4 reportages

on the development of small towns,

I don't give a f*ck
about small towns!"

Sounds familiar?


But I'll remember it.

I've got to go.


-Is Nadia there?



Good evening.

You've been gone for a while.
The usual stuff?



Hi, professor.

-Hello, Wala.
-Where have you been?

-Here and there.
-But you remember us?

It'd be hard not to.

-What will you have?
-You know I'm a simple girl.

Straight vodka.

-Have you seen Nadia?
-Aren't I enough for you?

-I need to talk to her.
-She's gone since yesterday.

-Where is she?
-I don't know. I'm not her chaperon.

Didn't he say anything?

If I wanted to disappear,
I wouldn't tell anyone.

-Especially him.


I don't know why these girls
keep running from me.


Him too.

So they call you "professor"?


Why are you so dumb?

Why the f*ck do you pry
into somebody else's matters?

I don't understand.

You don't...

Lean over.

Do it.

They say you want to leave town.

If I ever see you,

or your polypus lackey round here again,
sticking your nose in my business,

I will f*ck you up.


Since we have an agreement,
it's on you, professor.


Shut up, you f*ck!

Hold on a moment!


-Is Nadia in?

Until she pays her quarterly rent,
she won't go anywhere.

-Get the f*ck outta here!
-Go where?

I said she won't go,
until she pays.

-When did she leave?

She's getting laid out in town.

-Tell her professor was looking for her.


Not so loud. I'm not deaf.

f*ck off...

f*cking deaf whore.

-Was Zarzycki here today?
-Not yet.

Where's Zarzycki?

I wish I knew.

-Did he have any business out in town?


I got a weird phone call today.
A guy told me to watch over you,

-or else there'll be trouble.
-Who was it?

Didn't say.

Is there something I should know about?


Put the bowl down
and start pumping.


I'm looking for a room.

-Wrong address.
-For no less than three months.

There's a shared toilet
in the corridor.

Weird smell.

Does it always smell like this?

It hasn't been aired for a while.

Who lived here?

Take it, or f*cking leave it.

Very well.

Here's the advance.
I'll bring my stuff tomorrow.

Just air it.

-Good you're back, honey.

Don't get scared,
we have a guest.


-Good evening.
-Good you're here.

Witold was afraid he'd miss you.

It'll take a second. I've brought you
a proofread text about the heat station.

-Will you see me off?

No way!

You just got in.

Take a seat and finish your tea.

Thank you.

What's up in the office?


Very good.

It must've been crazy today.

Witold told me you were
a talented journalist.

-Very bright.

-He never told me that.

I keep telling him
he is an excellent journalist.

He just needs to wait
for his opportunity.


-Won't you agree?

Unfortunately, good stories
are few and far between.

But when they happen,

you must be careful not to waste it.

It's time for me.

-It was nice to meet you.
-Same here.

-Will you see me off?

I'll be back soon.

What's that show about?

What have you gotten your ass in?

-Where were you all day?
-That's what interests you.

Where was I?
Shall I make a confession?

An innocent guy's been locked up.

You think you can help him?
And the prosecutor will admit his mistake?

What shall I do, then?
Shall I abandon him?

I still have a moral spine.

What the hell is going on with you?

Why have you come here?

Because one has to start somewhere?
Do I remember well? Start, all right.

But where will you finish?
Here, as well?

Let an older and experienced colleague
give you some good advice:

stay the f*ck out of it.
The case is closed.

You know what?

Of all the people,
I thought you'd care about the truth.


You're getting yourself in a pile of sh*t,
and even your dad won't save you.

-You're not from here.
-No one is.

You won't make it.

Everyone here's a liar. It's been
like this forever, and it won't change.

-Teresa is a great woman.
-Which Teresa?

Your wife, fool!

Wanycz is a cool guy.


But he can't lie.

What's it about?

I thought it'd be different.

Different than in Krakow.

f*ck! It's exactly the same.

They wipe everything under the carpet.

Remember you still have us.


Got a moment?

I need to ask you something.

-Kazik doesn't know I'm here.
-I guessed that.

I don't believe it was su1c1de.

It may be a revenge
for his political activity.

Whose revenge?

You know.

The Security Service,

the committee, all that sh*t...

If it's true,

I'll never forgive him...

having my child k*lled
because of his samizdat.

-Are you moving?
-I'm leaving.

For long?

What do you want me to do?

Promise that you won't leave
until you get it solved.

You're the only one I can ask.

I know you'll manage.

"I'm fading in your eyes,
I know how to become silence.

I'm fading in your dream,
the last echo is mute..."

I'm fading in your eyes,
I know how to become silence.

I'm fading in your dream,

the last echo is mute

This is where your gaze ends.

I am blinded by the dream,

a glowing heart's ember.

I'm fading in your heart.

Class is over, girls! Let's go!