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04x07 - The Politics Episode

Posted: 03/03/24 21:23
by bunniefuu
-Great news!

Chago's daughter Margarita

is getting baptized,

and we're all invited!

-Oh, yeah!

-That's so sweet!

-Oh, I love it!

I got the perfect suit.

-Oh, that baby's so cute!

Her name is Alice, but they

nicknamed her Margarita

because that's how she got made.

-Question -- has Chago picked

a godfather,

and can I throw my nombre

in the hat?


-Oh, my God.

-Are you Cuban?

Are you family?

Are you Catholic?

-I'm two out of three.

-You're none out of three!

-Estrellita and her family are

coming in from Miami.

Which means Mirtha is coming,

which means I have to spritz

the place with holy water

because she is La Diabla.

-Oh, um --

-What's happening?


-This is just Febreze until I

can get the real stuff.

-I thought you settled

the mantilla feud and

you're all good now.

-No, Tia made a comment about

Abuelita's croquetas

being dry and now it's back on.

-You know what will be dry?

Every eye at her funeral!

-Yeah, but your

ridiculous vieja feud

isn't gonna be

the problem this time.

-What is?

-Make America great again!

Make America great again!

Make America great again!

-Oh, that's right.

-♪ This is it ♪

-♪ Oh, oh, oh, whoa ♪

-♪ One day at a time ♪

-Because they're like us, I

always forget they're like that.

-Okay, as long as we stay away

from politics, it'll be fine.

It's a baptism -- we don't have

to talk during the service,

and afterwards, we'll gossip

about how Chago and Valeria

got married seven months ago and

Margarita is a miracle baby.

-What will we do after?

Because they are of course

staying with us.


No, Mami.

I know they're family and --

-We don't send family to hotels

like los Americanos frios.

-Good, so you get it.

-We have to make an exception

this time.

The only way to keep

the family together

is to keep the family apart.

-Well, if they cannot stay with

you, they will stay with me.

Night night, Mirtha.

I hope the floor isn't as hard

as your bistec empanizado.

-If I wanted to hear screeching

from an old bag,

I'd play with this zipper!

-You know what I wish had

a zipper?

Your mouth!

They have to stay.

They are family.

-I'm with Abuelita.

I hope the Reyeses stay as long

as they want.

I love Tio ATM.

-Tio ATM?

-That's what I call Tio Juanito.

How great is it being Cuban?

-iEso, Papito!

[ Cha-ching! ]

-He gives me $20 every time I

say something he likes.

-This is all a disaster.

-Just keep it light.

Talk about

non-controversial stuff.

Like the weather.

-Gotta love this LA weather,


-Thank you, "global warming."

-Maybe try sports?

-How dare that football guy

disrespect our troops by

kneeling down peacefully?

-How about movies?

-If you have a penis,

use the men's room!

-Why would that come up?

-It always comes up!

-I still think the Reyeses

should stay with us.

-What? You of all people should

be against it,

you disagree with them

about everything!

-True. I mean, when I came out

to Tio, he said...

-You just haven't met the right

boy yet, Elena.

-That's because they don't make

them like you, Tio.

-iEso, Papito!

[ Cha-ching! ]

-But they're voters in Florida,

a swing state,

so we can't let them leave

till December.

[ Thunder crashes ]


Politics and family do not mix,

and that's why I'm putting

my foot down.

The Reyeses can't stay with us,

iy ya!

[ Cell phone chimes ]

-Too late.

They just landed, they're on

their way here.

iY ya, y ya!

-Just landed?

The baptism is next week!

-They are coming early

to have a mini-vacation

and do all the things

they can't do in Florida.

Go to the beach, visit

Disneyland, see an orange grove.

-You are literally describing


This is terrible.

It's just going to be a week of

fighting and yelling.

-Yeah, how is that different

than any other week?

-Oh, my God.

Can I please fix everything?

-Oh, boy.

-What I love most about you guys

is how you talk about


Every sigh, every slight exhale,

you're like,

"What's going on there?

Family meeting,

love, love, hugs, hugs."

-Why are you telling us things

we already know?

-Because it's a huge mistake

in this situation!

Let my wildly dysfunctional

family be your guide.

Just don't talk to each other.

-That is impossible.

-Yeah, Mami sometimes FaceTimes

me while I'm peeing.

-And that is only

because I am cooking,

because otherwise

I would just walk in.

-You gotta retrain yourselves.

Father and I have spent weeks

without saying a word

to each other.

He once left a Post-It note on

my door that said,

"I'm not sure you're mine."

I saved it and look at it

whenever I think

I might love him.

-And everybody should do that?

-Yes, because

then you won't fight.

See, you keep

the feelings inside,

where the only person

they can harm is yourself.


[ High-pitched whistling ]

[ Groaning ]


-Those explosions remind me we

need a strong m*llitary.

-Eso, Papito.

[ Cha-ching! ]

-Yeah, keeping it inside

doesn't work for Cubans.

We have to say everything,

then keep saying it louder

until asked to leave

the restaurant.

-No, you just gotta

push it down deeper

so you die of an ulcer

instead of an expl*si*n!

-Ha, yeah, no. Maybe you should

go back to your apartment now,

since this is a family issue

that doesn't include you.

[ High-pitched whistling ]

-[ Gulps ]

See? Totally works.

[ Groans ]

God, I hate my father.

[ expl*si*n ]

-Lupita, you're all worried

about nothing.

Families have disagreements.

But that does not mean

we cannot be polite.

-Polite? Ha!

What's that look like?


-I say, I'm quite nervous that

you and your liberal ilk

are going to confiscate

my musket.

-Balderdash and poppycock!

Of course you'll retain

your blunderbuss.


-I'm hearing rumblings

from the colonies

about this Hamilton chap.

-Pip pip, my good Papito!

[ Cha-ching! ]


[ Laughter ]


-I think you're confusing

politeness with Britishness.

-And you think Tia Mirtha is

going to be polite back?


-Lydia, can I borrow

your lipstick?

I want to see what the color

looks like on full lips.

-She used the whole tube!

Is it my fault she has the bemba

of a puffer fish?!

-So we're screwed.


We will just have to settle this

the old-fashioned way.

A talent contest!


-♪ Everybody loves me ♪

♪ They tell me I'm so lovely ♪

♪ Compare my voice to that

of the angels ♪

♪ There's no one like me,

that's what they say ♪


-♪ I am the one who has

all the talent ♪

♪ My beauty's epic,

so hide your talons ♪

♪ Because this contest,

I'm gonna slay ♪

-Huh! ♪ I understand why

you get so jealous ♪


-♪ Why would that be? ♪

♪ I get all the fellas ♪


-♪ I am gonna kick your ass! ♪

-♪ I am gonna kick your ass! ♪


-Ladies and gentlemen,

it is I, Gloria Estefan.

And the winner is...


-But -- Oy!

-She is the best dancer,

the best singer,

and I don't know what her

moisturizing regime is,

but she looks like a baby,

and her lips are the fullest!

-But, Gloria Estefan, people

always say I remind them of you!

-Dream on, loser!

Our queen has spoken.


[ Vocalizing ]

♪ Gloria Estefan! ♪

-What is even happening?!

-Why would Gloria Estefan

be here?

-[ Speaks Spanish ]

Because everyone knows

if a Cuban closes her eyes and

swishes her hips three times,

she appears.

-Okay, Mami,

you've lost your mind.

-Well, I had a little rum.

This is very stressful.

[ Gulping ]

-Mom, face it.

There's no avoiding politics,

so we may as well try to talk

some sense into them.

-No! Our two families were

fighting for so long,

and we just got back on track.

I don't want to mess that up.

So no politics.

End of discussion.

-Okay, but they're going

to talk about it.

And if we say nothing,

you better be okay with

what's gonna happen.

-We won again!

Four more years!

-And they've perfected

the artificial heart,

so he will live forever

and be president forever!

-If it ain't broke,

don't fix it!

-iEso, Papito!

[ Slot machine bells dinging ]

-Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

-Okay. If there has

to be a fight,

then we're gonna win it.

-[ Gulping ]

iY ya!

-So, we're gonna argue politics,

let's do this!

How do I do this?

Hey, cuz, you still like that

comemierda you voted for?

Yeah? Well, either get

your head out your ass

or get the hell out of my house!

-See you at Christmas.

-Love the attitude.

But you need some a*mo

to back it up.

-Right, I got to hit her

with facts.

Give me some facts.

-Hillary got

3 million more votes!

-Hillary runs a pedophile ring

out of a pizza parlor!

And the pizza isn't even good!

-The ice caps are melting

and sea levels are rising.

-[ Scoffs ]

First there's a drought,

now there's too much water?!

Make up your mind!

-Even your guy had to admit that

Obama was born in America.

-Mm, of course he was.

[ Ding! ]

-Oh, sorry,

I forgot to tell you --

facts don't matter anymore.


-Yeah, they had a good run.

But it turns out people want

to believe what they believe

more than they want to believe

what is actually true.

-Is that true?

-Does it matter?

-Que barbaridad.

[ Gulps ]

-Unfortunately, what you have to

do now to win is go negative.

-What happened to, "When they

go low, we go high?"

-Yeah, that went out the window

with facts.

So, what dirt do you have

on Estrellita?


Hey, Estrellita, remind me --

was it '96 or '97 when you had

that pregnancy scare?

-[ Gasps ]

-[ Gasps ]

-[ Chuckles ]

-You didn't hate Planned

Parenthood back then, did you?

-At least I wasn't on

a first-name basis

with the nurse who gave out

the free condoms!

-[ Gasps ]

-[ Gasps ]

-[ Squeals, chuckles ]

-How about that summer

you taught me

all about mouth stuff

using a cucumber?

-Nope! Bad plan.

We gotta stay above the fray.

We are a classy family and we're

gonna stay classy, damn it.

-[ Gulping ] Ahh!


-You know, we just had

an assembly at school about

conflict resolution.

These two kids were

filming a fake fight

for TikTok

and then it turned real.

-Oh, yeah. They sent

an e-mail home about it

that I skimmed and deleted.

Go on.

-Okay, it's got three steps.

First, you ask

a non-threatening question.

Then, you listen to

the person's response.

Then, you find common ground.

Ask, Listen, Find --


-I hate ALF. Just another

illegal alien in our country.

[ Siren wailing ]

-Okay, tell me how it works,

but don't call it "ALF."

-Okay, we need an issue

to use as an example.

-Let's start with the thing

I know best.

-'90s boy bands?

-All the places to get something

free on your birthday?

-How to not wear lipstick

but still succeed?

-Dang, I'm good at

a lot of things.

But I was talking about

health care.

-Okay, so "Ask"

a neutral question.

-So, obviously, everyone should

have health care, right?

-Okay, MSNBC.

-Wow, Mom!

-What was wrong with that?

-You jumped down her throat.

You totally assumed she would

care about other people.

-Right, right.

Good, this is good, keep going.

-It's got to be a completely

uncontroversial question.

-Being healthy is good, right?

-Oh, yes. If you don't have your

health, what do you have?

Of course, if we had socialized

medicine, then we'd all be dead.

Did you know that, in Canada,

a lady had to wait eight years

for a liver transplant,

and then instead,

they gave her a breast implant?

I saw it on Facebook.

-I bet her husband loved it.

Where is the lie?

-And I respond to the crazy how?

-You "Find" common ground.


We...are both on Facebook.

-Good! Keep going!

Find more common ground.

-And, uh, you're upset about

unnecessary medical procedures.



So we both want to live in

a world where we prioritize

good health care that

doesn't cost too much.



Speaking of health care,

I'm gonna forward you a meme

about how Obamacare paid for

a caravan of illegals

to get free nose jobs.

It's a big problem.


Well, what do I do now?

-Agree to disagree.

-Agree to disagree?!

So she gets to say

all of her nonsense and I just

have to be nice about it?


Because it takes years.

My teacher says this is what

they use in the Middle East.

-I don't have years!

There's Cubans in an Uber

right now!

We still have no plan!

[ Sighs ]

This is so much harder

than I thought.

-Changing peoples' minds

about politics is hard.

How did you think

it was going to go?

-And that's why I believe

what I believe.

[ Clapping ]

-Thank you for opening our eyes

with that beautiful speech.

-Eso, Lupita.


-I can't believe we ever voted

for that person!

-What fools we've been!

And Boys II Men

is better than NSYNC.

And I was always jealous

of your curly hair.

-It could happen.


-Aw, Mom.

[ Chuckles ]

No. It's not going to go

anything like that.

-Well, then, it's going

to go like this.

-I'm gonna drain your swamp.

-Bring it, snowflake!

[ Grunting ]

-Stop fighting!

Here, have some of

my arroz con pollo.

-More like arroz con caca!

[ Grunting ]

-[ Grunts ]

-But her e-mails...





-Oh, we're screwed.

[ Knocking on door ]

-Oh, it's been so long, let me

get a good look at you!

-Well, you can't do that!

-She is right.

Fire will only make

Mirtha stronger.

-I've got it!

Let's move!

I'll have the whole building


and we'll start a new life

in Vancouver!

You guys will be so cool

as the only Latinos there.


-You mean y ya?

-What'd I say?

-Okay, okay!

They can stay in a hotel!

-Mami, that's very big of you,

but it's too late.

-Good, because I already changed

my mind again in shame.

-I, for one, am glad.

This is important.

Mom, if we want things

to change,

then isn't it on us to talk

to the people that we love?

Even if it's hard?

-I know, baby, but we're just so

far apart on this stuff.

I just can't imagine what

they're gonna say.

-I think I might be able

to piece it together.

If we're being generous,

the things they care about

are actually...the same things

we care about.

I read this thing,

and it's like...

-Let's say I'm trying

to get to San Diego.

There's a train going

to New York

and a train going to Phoenix.

Neither one's ideal,

so I pick the one

that gets me closer

to where I want to go.

That's how I feel about

this president.

Whatever else happens,

he's going to appoint

Supreme Court justices who are

going to finally protect

the lives of unborn babies.

Is this guy perfect?


Do I want him to come over

to our house for dinner?

God, no.

But be honest --

politicians are all terrible

in some way,

so you have to find the ones

who will do what you want.

And come on, you're telling me

your guy is your first choice?

Everything you ever dreamed of?

I don't think so.

Look, our parents sacrificed so

much for us to be Americans.

So when I hear about free

college and free health care,

my shield goes up because

that's what Castro promised.

We all know how that turned out.

And I don't care about

the president's personal life.

I care about what he's gonna do

so I can keep my personal life.

The world is a scary place,

and there's hard decisions

to be made,

and we don't like

to think about that,

but it can't always

be about your feelings

and wanting to be nice

to everybody.

That's why, as much as it hurts

my Christian heart,

we can't just say,

"Everybody come in."

That's why we need a tough guy.

He may be a bully,

but he's our bully.

And he won,

so get over it.

It's not my fault that he was

opening cans of whoopass

while all your candidates

majored in gender studies.

The world may be crazy right

now, but you and I are safe.

Because he's keeping us safe.

-And what's what's

important to me.

-Dang, you're good.

Like, I was actually nodding

during some of that.

-I know, I kind of

scared myself.

-So, Mom, if she says that,

what are you going to say back?



I am so stunned that

we are looking at the world

and seeing such

different things.

You think he keeps you safe?

He mishandles every crisis

that comes his way.

Look at Puerto Rico.

A hurricane, earthquakes,

the whole island without power.

And that guy comes and he throws

a bunch of paper towels,

and then he's like, "Bye!"

Now imagine something happening

on a global scale.

Something so huge, it completely

shuts everything down,

and we're stuck waiting

for someone to lead us

while we watch episodes

of our favorite TV shows,

but now they have

to be animated.

I know, it sounds crazy,

but look into my eyes

and tell me that that's the guy

who will get us through it.

Remember when we used to joke

about this stuff?

"I'm a crazy liberal, you're a

stuffy conservative, ha ha ha."

I miss that.

Us being on opposite sides

isn't new.

But now it's different.

This guy made it different.

People used to actually try

to hide their racism.

But the president

made it cool again!

We have to stand up for one

another now more than ever.

That's why we need to say

black lives matter,

trans lives matter,

brown lives matter.

When he calls Mexicans

drug dealers and rapists,

you think that

doesn't affect you?

Do you think if your son

was in that Walmart

where the guy said he was there

to sh**t all the Mexicans,

he would have stopped

to ask if Flavio was Cuban

before pulling the trigger?

He wouldn't have cared.

Because the president told him

immigrants are dangerous

and don't deserve to be here.

You want to keep us safe?

How about not deporting people

who fought for this country.

who served with me, who risked

their lives for you?

Crazy idea -- what if, when

people came to this country,

we were like, "Oh, are you

fleeing a horrible situation?

Please, come on in,

it's all good!

Love your food, love your music.

Anyway, we're gonna

give you a little help.

Oh, God, you're doing amazing!

You've actually made

this place better!"

Oh, wait,

that's not a crazy idea.

That was literally us when

our family fled Cuba!

How quickly we forget!

America is great because we

don't just fight for ourselves.

We fight for people

we will never meet.

Just like when

our parents came here.

Strangers organized their trips,

arranged for them to be safe.


We can't benefit from

the kindness of strangers

and then turn

our backs on the ones

who need us

to stand up for them.

Because that's what

kept us safe.

And that's what's beautiful

about this country.

That's what's in my heart.

-Oh, Mom.

You are ready.

-iEso, Mami!


I still wish there was a way we

didn't have to talk about this.

But now I know I can.

[ Knocking on door ]

-Who is that?

Are we expecting someone?

Oh, that's right.

I have had a little rum.

-Okay, we can do this.

I know they're nuts, but they're

family, and we love them.

-Okay, we can do this.

I know they're crazy liberals,

but they are family,

and we love them.


-Nice to see you, guys!


[ All greeting each other ]