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01x09 - Chapter Nine: Impossible

Posted: 03/06/24 16:41
by bunniefuu
TRIPP COLLIER: Previously,
Death and Other Details...

Who is Viktor Sams?

No one knows Viktor Sams.

- He did this, he was watching us.

Those of you who thought
Lawrence Collier was super sus,

- I'm beginning to think you were right.

- Whoa.
- Your followers,

who else do they suspect?

The clients expect a Collier in charge.

But you are not a Collier.

You are your father's daughter.

- Biologically?

- Not what he says.
- She threatened my son.

TRIPP: Oh, my God, I know who it is.

Katherine is Viktor Sams.

- Where is Katherine Collier?

And you didn't untie
me, so you could escape.

They hacked our ship,
help is not comin'.

- There's enough here to sink us.

- Thank God, your backup.

That is not my backup.


You work for Viktor Sams.

Gather the guests. We
are going to play a game.


The world is ugly.

You have made it so.

You, the 0.01%

and those who ride their coattails.

Some have already
gotten what they deserve.

Keith Trubitsky,

Alexandra Hochenberg,

Llewellyn Mathers,

Katherine Collier.

What they owe has not been repaid.

Not in full.

Viktor Sams has been watching. He
knows what each of you has done.

He's meticulous in his justice.

Who the f*ck is Viktor Sams?!

Is he here? On this ship? In this room?

What matters is he is in control.
Interpol is no longer in command.

Stop! You can't. Hey!

And we're expected to believe
you let Rufus and Eriksen go?

ANDREAS WINDELER: They were innocent,

unlike the rest of you.



The innocent have been sent home.


- Where are you taking them?
- ANDREAS: To shore.

Viktor Sams has no qualms
with your crew, Ms. Goh.

My son is out there.

ANDREAS: The lifeboats are gone.

We're 70 kilometers from shore.

In one hour, this
ship will be destroyed.


Wait-wait, don't tangle with
that. These things are sensitive.

- How do you know?
- Well, I don't, but they look it.

- They aren't armed.
- Yeah, yet.


No. No, no. Jules. No,
no, no. Get in there. Hide.

Now, Jules! Go on, trust me.


Ah. So, you're the assholes
trying to sink my ship.


I am here to hold an
auction for your lives.

The only way off this
ship is our helicopter.

Nine of those seats are empty
and they are now for sale.

You may move freely.

I will be accepting bids
in suite 218 until noon.

If you're tempted to cheat,

I strongly advise... don't.


The auction starts







- You gotta focus.
- [EXHALES] Focus. Life is a toilet.

Uh-huh. How much do we bid?

Nothing. I'm not playing.

That's not funny. We got
not much f*ckin' time.

And ya know the Chuns are just
gonna steamroll this whole thing.

But they're spread more
thin than we are, right?

'Cause they need all nine
seats and we just need five.

You, me, uh, Leila, Imogene, Dad.

- Not my dad.
- Yes. Yes, he f*ckin' is!

And he's s-sick, which you
could've told me about months ago.

But we can hash all that
shit out when we're home safe.

You're the negotiator. What do we bid?

Jesus f*cking Christ.
Now is not the time to...


Anna, our lives are on the line,
so I really, I really need to know.

How much cash do we have?


Three billion from the
Chuns hit our account.

Alright! Okay. I can
work with three billion.

Uh, wha-w-what do you
think we open with?


Come on, we got...

Okay, look, I know.

Alright? I-I-I g... I get it.
I-I'm, I'm, I'm right there with ya.

Mom is...

M-Mom's gone.

Alexandra's gone. Llewellyn's gone.

But... that's not gonna be us.

Okay? We're gonna get
the f*ck off this boat.

We're gonna survive, and we're
gonna throw the biggest f*ckin'

pity party the world's ever
seen and just drown in all of it,

but t... but to do that, we, we
need to, we need to win first.



Okay. [SIGHS]


Okay. Uh... you stay
here. I'm gonna, uh...

I got this. I got this. I-I'm
gonna, I'm gonna fix this. Okay?

Uh... I'm gettin' us home!



[SCOFFS] Why are you here?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe because some psycho's
trying to blow up my life's work.

- BOTH: Shh!

Look, I know you're angry.

You wanna punch me in the
face when this is done?

Fine, I'll take it... but
right now we need each other.

Oh, my God, you're okay.

Thank you. For the escape plan.

- Yeah, my timing wasn't perfect, but...
- We'll do better next time.

LEILA COLLIER: If there're
listenin' devices in here,

they hid them well.

Did you find anything?

No, but I don't trust it.

He would not cut us loose
without keeping an eye.

Huh, probably right. He's had
access to every inch of my ship.

There's no knowing what
he's installed here.

- We need to find Rufus.
- We need to get off this ship.

Well, lifeboats are gone. Vola's
gone. Helicopter's under guard.

There's no way off,
save to play their game.

- [SCOFFS] With whose money?
- Right. Exactly. We're trapped.

LEILA: So, what's the plan?


What? I don't know what I'm
doing. I'm nothing. I'm a thief.

[SIGHS] Okay. Uh,

he wouldn't have taken Rufus
and Eriksen for no reason, right?

Neither of them are expl*sive experts,

so the only threat they
pose is figuring it all out.

Exposing Viktor Sams.

- You agree, he is on the boat?
- No, he's definitely a guest.

TEDDY GOH: Well, there
aren't many candidates left.

Background intel. On all of them.

SUNIL BHANDARI: So, let's figure
out who this f*ckin' guy is.

We could be looking at
these pictures all day.

We don't have all day.
What would Rufus do?

I don't know.

[SIGHS] Look, I don't know what he'd do.

Well, f*ck that. What would you do?



I think I'd ask the guy who knows.


To bid for a seat on the helicopter,

you must first show proof of funds.

There are nine seats. Eight
of us. We have to come in hot.

- Here comes the priest.



We don't share all the same beliefs,

Mrs. Chun, but we both value family.

My son is out there on a boat
with your great-grandkids.

They're cold and scared,
and wondering where we are.

You want my grandmother
to buy you a seat.

Derek has already lost his mother.

Please... don't make him an orphan.

You owe me.

You broke a promise.

You used me to hurt Katherine.

You're the reason that she
was all alone out there,

the reason that Viktor
Sams could get to her.




What are you saying? What is she saying?





BRAD: Bro.

- What?
- Bro! Come on.

- Brad, what the...
- Dude, we're so f*cked.


Shit, man, it's almost
up to a billion a seat.

- Oh, f*ck.
- And who knows what Eleanor Chun

is about to raise it to.

A billion what? Euros?

Does it matter? Do you
have that kinda cash?

- Son of a b...
- I have a plan.

We're gonna steal the
chopper. You, me, and the bros.

- They won't see us comin'.
- They have g*ns.

- But we have the element of surprise.
- 'Kay, say, say we do.

Who's gonna fly the f*ckin' thing?

I am. Junior year, I took a semester off

'cause my tennis elbow was flamin' up.

I got certified on prop planes

- and a Sikorsky.
- Yeah, f*ck no, Brad.

This is the dumbest
idea you have ever had.

And I'm including the cellphones
for kindergartners concept.

For those of you who thought
Lawrence Collier was super sus,

I'm beginning to think you were right.

- Pray for me, y'all.
- Toby... where's Katherine?

She didn't come by to make my breakfast.

I'll help.



I know you have a policy. You
don't lend out money to friends.

I respect that. I've
never taken money from one.

Good on you, Father.

It's one of the reasons
we love you so much.


But I need you to break
that policy, my friend.

It's a matter of life and death.

[SIGHS] Toby, you know I can't.

Mm, Katherine has already approved it.

- She did?
- Yes.

We... just need you to sign it.

Well... if Katherine...


The bidding is approaching
a billion a seat?


How many would your grandmother like?


- She refuses to play.
- And yet, you are here.

I'd like to make a bid.

You do not have access
to your trust fund.

Without your grandmother,
you are illiquid.

Here's what I propose.


Make me your straw bidder.

Tell them all that I
have raised the price

to an even billion.


ELEANOR CHUN: Someone will bid more.

And when they do,

you will guarantee me
one seat... for my labor.

You wish to borrow money from the
man who is threatening your death?


I see an opportunity
that can benefit us both.

Just the one seat?

That is your ask?

Just one.

[MURMURING] Alright, me,
Anna, Imogene, Leila, Dad.

Anna, Imogene, Leila, Dad.


ANDREAS: You're here to place a bid?

What are you gonna do with Rufus?

ANDREAS: He won't be hurt.

Viktor Sams does not
harm innocent people.

- Hm, so, it's all a ruse?
- ANDREAS: No, Ms. Scott.

In, uh... 36 minutes...
those bombs will be triggered.

This ship will sink.

And I can only offer nine seats.

So, again I ask,

are you here to place a bid?

What do you want?

- The going rate is one billion a seat.
- No. You make money with blackmail.

You've been doing that for years.

The only reason to escalate to mass
m*rder is to make a point, right?

See how they turn on each other,
when the rich are put in danger.

But I'm not rich.

A lot of you are here
because of mistakes you made.

You're a thief.

Your friend, Teddy, took bribes
from guests on three continents.

Leila lied to her source
and put his life at risk.

Sunil dealt in dark money as a banker,

well before he accepted
our offer to buy the ship.

Yeah, what mistakes did
Danny Turner make, huh?


- That was unfortunate.
- Right.

I think, you didn't have
any reason to punish him.

Which means he must've
seen something onboard

or you would've taken him
out before we set sail.

So, what did he see?

- Hm.
- Was it Viktor Sams himself?

You're wasting my time.

On top of everything, ya know
what my problem is with you guys?

You're no fun.



No. W-What?

Hand it back now, please.


ANDREAS: Thank you.



- That took too long.
- What did you learn?

Not much, but I got this.

Yeah, what mistakes did
Danny Turner make, huh?


ANDREAS: Hand it back now, please.

IMOGENE SCOTT: It's Danny's.

They must've taken it
from the crime scene.

Oh, shit. He took his notes
like Rufus in shift code.

- Well, you, you know how to read it.
- She'd need to have the primer.

My uncles taught me.

They use something similar
to plan train robberies.

Do ya know it?

YOUNG IMOGENE: What's a primer?

It's like a lock. A keyword.

"Truth." That's your primer.

It's "truth".

- It has to be "truth".
- What is "truth"?

- It's his primer.
- Exactly.

- Uh, I need a marker.
- Who has a marker?

- This is a desk.
- Well, this is an adult's desk.

We have pens. Would
you like a fountain pen?

Pink or red?

Thank you.

f*ck. Yeah, f*ck Dad. [SCRIBBLES]

No, shit, I can't k*ll Dad.

Yeah, no, f*ck Dad.

KURT: Next.

Three billion dollars.
What does that get me?

First, I will need
to see proof of funds.



I wanna know what three billion gets me.

Your family name is worthless.
You and I are strangers.

If you want to make a bid of that size,

my client requires proof of funds.

Well, I can't, can I? 'Cause
there's no power, remember?

We brought our own.

If you attempt an SOS message...
Kurt here will sh**t out your knees.



That's not...

What did you do?

- Is there a problem?
- J... I... I-It's gone, it's all...

Where the f*ck is our money?!

As I expected.

I already accepted a bid with
funds drawn in your father's name.

No. No, n-no, that's,
that's, that's bullshit.

Gimme that. [GRUNTS]

- It's a winning bid, currently.
- Okay, even, even if my dad

did sign that, he doesn't know
what f*ckin' day it is, so...

And who's he buyin' seats for?



You did this, didn't you?

- You f*cking k*lled me!
- Son, whatever happened,

you did it to yourself.

You tricked him. You tricked
him. My dad's mind is f*cked.

What'd you say to him, huh?

I didn't have to say much.

It's still in there,
what he thinks of you.

He knows. Everyone knows.
What you are, it's evil.

The whole world given to you
and what did you do? Nothing.

- While the mass of men struggle in pain.
- f*ck you, Toby.

- So, what, you just let me die?
- And not miss you.

I have people who depend on me.
A son, a church, a community.

What do you have now
that your money's gone?


This is a serious situation,

and you're not a serious person.

Well, you're supposed to be a
man of God... and you're cheating.

You trick a sick man
and you call me evil?

You... you suck.

What are you gonna do about it?

[YELLS] f*ck!

Alright, I'm in, but I need four
seats. Me, Anna, Imogene, Leila.

It is non-negotiable,
Brad. I am not choosing.

Do not make me f*ckin' choose!


Go get 'em.

Anna! Pack your shit! I'm getting
us the f*ck off this thing!



"More Collier-Chun tension."

It's his log. Everything he did onboard.

If Danny saw Viktor Sams,
then it's gotta be in there.

Okay, well, at 10:58, it's G and then O.

And then a letter that we don't have
yet, but it's a three-letter word.

G, O.

V. "Gov."

Ya see, there it is again
in the word after it.

"Gov arrives." He's
talking about Hochenberg.

IMOGENE: "Gov arrives," okay.

There's too much to
decode. We're out of time.

No, we have 20 minutes.
She can still do this.

[SHOUTS] Anna? You in here? [PANTING]


Oh, hi.

F and then A, T, H.
"Father." Father Toby.

He, he met with Gov and
Danny on the pool deck.

Imogene, Leila, can I talk
to you guys real quick?

Tripp, not now.

TEDDY: S, P, O, "spooked."

- "Gov was spooked."
- What the f*ck is this?

IMOGENE: "Gov was spooked."

[PANTS] Guys, I can't find Anna.

Alright? She's, she's missing,
and Brad's not gonna wait forever.

We, we need to go. Like, like right now.

- Anybody?
- IMOGENE: Leila, come on. What's next?

Okay, ya know what?

f*ck it. I'll tell her I tried. Alright?

You're tall. You lift?

Wanna steal a helicopter?

No? f*ck me. Okay, here we go.

Okay, motion offense.

Like that shit we rolled out
on Princeton sophomore year.

Bro, you're cuttin' it close.

Have you seen Anna? I can't find Anna.

Alright, then. Just us boys.
Let's go through the play.

No, no, no, I need more time.

I'm not leaving without my sister.

f*ck Anna! I didn't
wanna say this before,

but, like, she's got a
stick up her ass, man.

- She thinks she's better than all of us.
- Ya know what, Brad?

Good luck... with your
motion f*ckin' offense.

- Which you never understood.

New plan. It's like that game
against Trinity, junior year.


- TEDDY: "Unknown."

Um, C-R... Next word is "crew."

- LEILA: And then M-E-M.
- TEDDY: "Member."


"Unknown crew member."
What does that mean?

Trubitsky asked for the crew manifest
his first day on board, right?

- Complete with photo ID.
- And Danny never forgot a face.

"1:42." He was on the pool deck.

Who did he see?



[GROANS] I don't, I don't
know. I can't remember.

- The logs are down?


f*ck. We are,

- what, fifteen minutes away...
- Fourteen.

Fourteen minutes away from death
and we have exactly nothing.

I'm a f*ckin' joke.
Where's Rufus? [SIGHS]

- You go.
- But she hates me.

No she doesn't.


God, if he was here,
he would've solved it.

He didn't leave you. Not this time.

- I don't know.
- Imogene...

he didn't.


[SIGHS] That day on the pool deck, I...

[DEEP BREATH] I wasn't
paying attention to anything.


I hadn't been paying
attention for so long.



I'm trying to picture it.

I'm there.

Looking around.

I can see Danny, he's at the bar.

I can't see who he's talking to.

It's right there, but I can't reach it.

These people got all your money.

IMOGENE: It's like it
didn't even register.




IMOGENE: I was just
sleepwalking my way through.

Oh, my God.

You see it now?

No, but I know who did.

What up, fam? Still here.

Day six on the SS V and
they're bringing out the big shrimp.

Like, hey, don't stress on that
m*rder. Check out this big-ass shrimp.

- We need that phone.
- Excuse me?

- There's no time to...
- This belongs to my son.

- I intend to return it to him.
- Give it to her.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the auction is now closed.

Thank you for your bids.

- See that? There. Right there. Rewind.

Stop. There... See?


ELEANOR: Where are your bags?
The helicopter's leaving.

Yeah, we're not. Have you seen Anna?

Anna? W... N-Not for a while.

- Oh, f*ck.
- Tripp, we're almost out of time!

learned a great deal about all of you.

What matters most.

- What you're willing to sacrifice.
- f*cking do this!

Money, so much money.

BRAD: Where are the guards?


There's one person who
could've bought every last seat,

yet did not render that a reason
to survive over those who have less.

[OVER PA SYSTEM] And because of
that, she is the winner of our game.

Ladies and gentlemen, all
nine seats go to... Celia Chun.

[OVER PA SYSTEM] She may invite anyone
who did not wager their own bid.

Helicopter leaves in seven minutes.

I guess you're safe.

No... I'm not.

She told me not to bid.

She told me to trust her. I...

I don't want to die, Tripp.

It does not make sense.


BRAD: f*ckin' love you
guys so f*ckin' much!

- You f*ckers, ready?!

Yeah, here we go!

BROS: Come on, Woo!


Holy shit.

- TRIPP: Holy shit.
- What's that? What's happening?

Brad. He f*cking did it.

f*cking Brad, you did it. You
won. You always f*ckin' win.

Shit, we're flyin' now! We're home free!


ANDREAS: If you're tempted to
cheat, I strongly advise... don't.


I know you're in there.


Jesus Christ. I've been
looking for you everywhere.

Come on, let's go.

Come on, we have to go. We have to go.

Come on. Come on, come
on, come on, come on.

Viktor Sams.

- See that? There. Right there. Rewind.

Stop. There... See?

LEILA: Who is that?

SUNIL: Holy shit.

LEILA: It does not make sense.


All this time, it was you.

You were here on this ship the
day before Danny was k*lled.

The day before anyone called Interpol.


This was all just one big magic trick.



Agent Hilde Eriksen.

Sunil Bhandari, welcome to the Varuna.

But you made a mistake...
because Danny saw you.

Ya know, I didn't see
you on the ship's roster.

Who are you?

And he never forgets a face.

So, you had him k*lled... by Winnie Goh.

She's one of your followers
or whatever you call them.

I k*lled Keith Trubitsky.

You own this ship. You
own half of this crew.

You planned all of this.

Because this was never a vacation.

It was a trap

for Alexandra, who buried the case

against Collier Mills 18 years ago.

You made her think the
Colliers were after her

so she'd have no choice
but to turn on them.

You wanted her to feel fear before
you k*lled her and it worked.

Lawrence was too far gone
to pay for what he did.

They were lucky to have
a job... those people.

Always begging for work
with their hands out.

I tried to explain it to
you. You wouldn't listen.

So you k*lled his wife.


[CRYING] Oh, my God, Mom.

And Llewellyn,

the family fixer.

You were with him the
night before he jumped.

It was my night off.


I have known that man for years.

He never would've offed himself

unless he thought he
had no other way out.

He knew he was gonna die.


Put it out! Put it... [GROANS]



Did you enjoy that Haut Brio?

Smokey... with a hint of ricin.

You have three days, maybe four.

The Governor is still walking,
but boy, she does not look good.

- Why would you...
- Yes, why would I?


Look at my eyes,

and imagine them blue.

Oh, God.

Kira deserved so much better.


I really loved her, ya know?

And you wanted him to suffer.

[SOFTLY] Because this,

all of it,

was personal.

[IN AMERICAN ACCENT] You figured it out.

You see things, Imogene.

Things other people don't
even bother to notice.

You have a gift.



[expl*si*n BLASTS]


♪ Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo ♪

♪ Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo ♪

♪ Rebel rebel, your face is a mess ♪

♪ Rebel rebel, how could they know? ♪

♪ Hot tramp, I love you so ♪

♪ So how could they know? ♪

♪ How could they know? ♪