02x06 - Freedom

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Crossing Lines". Aired: September 11, 2016 to present.*
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A special crime unit investigates serialized crimes that cross over European borders and to hunt down criminals to bring them to justice. A global FBI is born.
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02x06 - Freedom

Post by bunniefuu »

Is that necessary?

He's a garden variety scumbag, not Hannibal Lecter.

Procedure, Ma'am.

Procedure, ma'am.

Oh, isn't this adorable?

Lover boy's come all this way to see you in the rain.

Or is it me you've come to see, Carl?

Take him.

How was your flight?

He snores. Doesn't smell too good either.

And here I thought we had a real nice time.

I didn't say it wasn't nice.

Bringing you here to face an international court is one of the highlights of my life.

Then, sugar, you need a better life.


Home sweet home.

Did he seem too unconcerned to you.

He's covering. Brave face.

I don't know, the whole way here, it felt like he knew something I didn't.

Amanda, he's a pompous piece of shit who wants you doing exactly what you are now.

Right. Right...

He's going to be in prison for the rest of his life.

If not here, then back in New York.

Want to get a drink?

Not unless you want me to lose my two year chip.



It's kinda nice not to have to go out and find my car every morning.

I'm off morphine. Are we getting old and dull?

I don't know about you, but I actually feel younger.

Louis told me you still haven't gotten that apartment.

But I booked you into a really nice hotel.

Hmm, good. That's good.

Um... tour of The Hague?

Hotel Leopold.

Do we still have our understanding?

Of course. Nothing has changed.

Then do not deviate from the plan.

I must save them! I don't want to do this anymore.


Does anyone know what is happening?

Hey, Lech is my friend! I think there is a mistake.

I was only supposed to be seeing someone about a job.

Drag him inside.

Any more questions?

Thank you.

Phillip Genovese...

You were brought to Europe to stand trial here.

Yeah, I know. It's an elite bracket.

You requested my appearance, Mr. Genovese.

It is going to be a very short one if this is not going to be anything more than badinage.

Badi... Badi-what?

Badinage. "Playful banter."

Oh. Oh, no, this is gonna be much more than playful banter.

What if I had something to offer you?

That I would want?

I would find that very difficult to believe.

The Eleutheria.

That sank off Greece? How many people died?


Six of those women were thrown overboard on the way.

The others were all locked in the hold as it sank.

They were being transported against their will.

Human trafficking.

Yeah, a tragic event.

And you had something to do with it?

Hey, hey, hey, wasn't my boat.

But suppose I could tell you whose it was?

And not just the registered name, but the real owner of the boat and cargo.

What would be in it for me?

Give me the name.

It's a really big name. You might cream yourself.

Aleksander Robak.

Oh, look at that reaction, yeah. That's... that's it.

There are a great many people in your line of endeavour who would try to utilize the name Aleksander Robak.

I'm gonna give you a taste.

A little town called Nysa, Poland.

That'll be your first stop on a very long trip.

Figured you'd be here.

Something's wrong.

What's wrong?

I went to get Genovese for his extradition arraignment, and the prosecutor told me that he's on a special hold.

What prosecutor?

Your boss's wife, Rebecca Daniel.

Carl, we've been waiting for you.

Yeah, I have something that...

I think you may want to hear this.

Both of you.

This man is our enemy.

His name is Aleksander Robak.

In the 80s, he worked for the Polish Security Services, their secret police.

Then he capitalized on the fall of communism and made millions.

And now he is one of the most notorious crime bosses east of Berlin.

I have sent Sebastian Berger to Berlin to follow some leads.

Leads on what?

Six months ago, the Greek-flagged ship The Eleutheria sank.

With a cargo hold filled with trafficked women.

Yes. 54 women.

All of them drowned.

We have a lead on that?

We have an informant.

No... no way.

You think you know Genovese?

Bear me out.

One of Robak's most lucrative operations is the trafficking of young men, conscripted in Europe and then transported to the Gulf where they serve as slaves.

I didn't bring Genovese here so the ICC could play games with him.

I do not play games, Detective.

He gave me something small.

If it bears fruit we will give him something small in return, and then he will give us something more.

Who is "we?"

"We" is the two of you.

He is your prisoner. No one knows him like you do.

I need the two of you to work him with me.

And are you sure that it's not you who is being worked? Because this is what he does.

It is not going to cost us anything more than a little bit of time while we check out the lead.

What's the lead?

Are you serious?

Are you really serious here?

If he hasn't promised him anything, what does it hurt to find out what the lead is? Please, sir, what is the lead?

He told me that all of the journeys begin in a hotel in Nysa.

That's a small town in western Poland.


Yes, sir.

Check-in undercover and look around this hotel.

I'll see what I can find.

Tommy, Arabela, do back-up. Touch base with the locals.

You're making a deal with the devil.

A devil.

And it won't be my first one.

I don't really get this.


The whole trafficking thing. Isn't it expensive?

You ship a bunch of guys thousands of miles from home to be slaves.

Why bother?

If you want to force some men into sl*very, there must sources closer to home.

I guess the buyer is choosy.

These are not just any old slaves to dig roads or lift heavy loads.

These are personal slaves, an elite.

Some Emir or ex-pat billionaire especially wants Europeans.


Oh, man.

This world just keeps getting weirder and weirder.



Are you checking in?

Um... I'm sorry, I don't speak Polish.

That's okay. Are you checking in?

Yes, yes.

Can I help you?

Yeah, sure.


Investigator Berger? Staff Sergeant Malinowski, Nysa Police.

Nice to meet you.

Your colleagues arrived 20 minutes ago.

All right.

He's a good man. Dorn.

What difference does that make?

Look, if we can use Genovese to bring down more traffickers, that's not a bad thing.

I told you last night, I had a feeling the entire way here that he knew something I didn't.

He had an ace to play.

Have you thought about this?

How the hell did he even know who this Dorn is?

He came here with a plan.

He sought Dorn out, not the other way around.

He had something to tell him, something he knew Dorn would be interested in.

We are so far behind him on this one, and you and I both know that is not the place you wanna be with Phillip Genovese.

It's how people get hurt.

How long will you be staying?

Only a day or two.

But I heard nice things about this town.

It's very quiet here.

Well, at Christmas things pick up again.

The room has a nice view.

Great. Thank you.

All by yourselves here?

It's a lot of work for just you and your boss.

He's my father.

Tough working for family.



It's very nice.

Do you need anything else?

Uh, no, I'm okay for now. Maybe later.

Call the desk.

All right.

Can I ask you something?

I mean, I know it's none of my business, but, uh... are you all right?

You seem kind of sad.

Yeah. You're right. It's none of your business.

I told you before. I don't know anything.

You cannot keep coming around here.

I have looked everywhere for him.

You are disturbing my guests. Go away or I will call the police.


Go away!

There are not many cameras in this town, but there is everything from the last two weeks, seven cameras.

Why only seven cameras?

We are a small town. We don't have the budget Gdansk has.

Someone paid for a lot of tech.

Oh. Most of it second-hand.

Seven cameras will take weeks to watch it anyway.

Not with my equipment.

Is there something else?


Then we wouldn't mind getting to work.

Oh, yes. If you need anything, I'm up at the front. See you later.

How was Berlin?

Couple of cases like this.

They took their cargo by boat. It avoids all the borders.

I meant did you see your son?


Yeah, I did. It was... nice.


Let's see what cameras we have around Nysa.

Madam? Hi. Can I talk to you?

Me? About what?

I saw what happened at the hotel. I'm a police officer.

So your son is missing?

The police think I'm just a silly mother.

They say my son is having fun, doesn't have time to speak to me.

They say modern young men, they don't call their mothers.

But I called him, four days now, just voicemail.

He said he was working at the hotel, and then maybe getting a job on a ship, for the winter.

I've been out here for two days, and he never comes in or out.

How did he get this job?

Andreas met a man in a... a bar.

You know, a special bar.


I didn't ask.

I don't like to pry.

So since your son came here, he suddenly stopped answering your calls, is that correct?

It's bad, isn't it?

No, it might be nothing.

We don't know yet.

Do you have a photo of your son?

Do you see the picture?


That was taken on the last day his mother heard from him.

Over the past five years, there have been a handful of cases, all missing young men, where the last place they were known to be was Nysa, Poland.

Supposedly working at the hotel.

Hotel Leopold.

They check in, but they don't check out.

What? They don't.

Five missing in one small town?

How come we've never heard of this before?

Because only Andreas Metaxis has a mother going frantic with worry.

The rest are just young men who left home.

"Come work in this lovely little town, in this nice little hotel."

Yeah, free food and board and a little bit of money.

And they're all together, thinking that life isn't so bad.

Until it is.

Eva, I'm going to need a proper statement from the mother to take before the Court.

Yes, sir. I already told her to go to the police and ask for Arabela.

I'll go out front and wait for her.

The mother's been watching for days.

I mean, he won't still be here, will he?

It does not matter.

And why is that?

Because it's not a single rescue mission.

It's about the larger picture.

If Robak is actually behind this, we have a real chance to stop him.

Not a single rescue mission?

At least our priorities are in the right place.

Is Dorn right?

If Robak's as bad as he says, yeah, probably.

Justice has scales.

Things have to be weighed.

Hey, it's not like we're giving Genovese the keys to the city.

I don't want to give him anything.

I know.

You want him to suffer.

I do.

Not if it means a bunch of boys get sold to some...


You are Andreas?

Y... yes.

Your friend Lech, he let us take you, just like everybody else.

Bother me again, and you will all suffer.

There is something.

I ran a facial recognition program over the footage to see if any of the cameras picked up Andreas.

You got him?

Looks like it.

Outside the train station.

Who's that?

Lech Sikora.


It is the son of the hotel manager.

Hotel Leopold.
I'm sorry.

Can I help you?

I was wondering if the bar is open.

Uh... yeah.

Come over, I'll show you.

Thank you.

I can't find any footage from the Hotel Leopold camera.

There is not one.

There's a camera on the wall just outside it.

How do you know that?

I saw it.

I have the statement.

What statement?

From the mother of a young man who went missing from the Hotel Leopold.

I will get that footage from the camera.

You're back.

Does that mean we've got a deal?

We established that you were not lying about the hotel.

We assume that they were taken from Nysa, to Szczecin, to a ship.

Sorry, I... I don't see a deal on the table, do you?

What is your role in this?

What's in it for me?

I need something for me, and it's gotta be good, Mr. Prosecutor.

Come on, Alex Robek is the man.

He's worth a lot.

Only if you can connect him directly to this case.

Listen, I'm not gonna waste your time.

I'm a fan.

If you don't get satisfied with what I give you, I'm screwed, right?

Yeah, you are right.


Yeah. It's all on spec. If the information doesn't pan out, he gets nothing.


What the hell does he have? I mean, what...

He's betting everything now on whatever he's got on Robak.

He must be damn sure it's gonna fly.


If we can find out what he has on Robak and deliver it ourselves, we won't need him, do we?

I would be so happy to never have to speak with him again.

Let's make him tell us what it is.

Good cop, bad cop?

Bad cop, worse cop.

This was the day after Andreas was picked up at the train station.

So they were shagging?

And I ran a full work up on Lech.

He recently went to Greece, a round trip ticket to Thessaloniki.

So Lech is the recruiter?

And shagging's part of the ploy? Dirtbag.

Well, whatever he is, we need to tell Eva what she's in the middle of.

Dorn goes to all this trouble... legal document, sub-clauses and all, signed and dated.

But I don't actually think that you have anything to give him.

You think I'm bluffing?

Robak's a gold medal, and he always, always stays out of reach.

So he's not gonna give something compromising to someone like you.

A garden variety scumbag?

I think you hurt his feelings with that one.

Shot and a goal.

You know, maybe I won over Robak's trust.

Trust, yeah, that's the first thing I think of when I see you.

What did you do? Did you trick him? Did... did you con him?

Photographs, video, something you could do secretly, a hidden camera?

It must be good. It's got to be really good.

All of your properties all over the world have been seized, and... and you have nothing with you.

No, I must have hid it real good.

How could you be so sure that it won't be found, whatever this thing is that you have?

Here's the thing, Amanda, Carl.

You thought you had me.

You brought me all this way to The Hague, for Godsake.

I mean, you think this intimidates me? Impresses me?

This building is full of a bunch of underpaid shitheads who all wish they could have stones like me.

They could look at the world by the short hairs and take it, take it, take it. But they don't. You know why?

I'd be running this place within six months if I wasn't going home first.

You think you're going home?

I'm definitely going home.

Home, home, home, baby.

You know what you should've done?

k*lled me on that rooftop when you had a chance. You didn't.

I've thought this all through. I've planned this whole thing.

But your whole plan goes to hell if we find those photographs or videos or whatever before you can deal them.

But you don't got shit.

You're not gonna find shit.

When I turn it over, you're going to be the fool.

I am?



You can find it?

Maybe. Let us work it a little.

I'll be here.

You know where to look?

He's hidden it somewhere to make me look stupid?

Looks like you're going get to see the sh*thole I live in after all.

Who are you?


I'm a police officer.

From The International Criminal Court.

I should have known.

Who the hell stops in Nysa on their way to somewhere else?

The argument with your father, was that about Andreas?

You sleeping with him?

You think I used the sex to lure him?

I think you offered Andreas, and other young men, jobs in this hotel, knowing they were gonna be sold into sl*very in the Persian Gulf.

Did you take this?

Look at his photograph, Lech.

Did you fall in love?

By then it was too late.

You had to let them take him?

Is that what happened?

Where's Andreas now?

I don't know.

Does your father know?

Does he send you out to lure men into this trap?

Did you beg your father to let Andreas go?

If you help us, we can still find Andreas and put a stop to it.

We can still fix this.

If you're scared of Robak, I can protect you.

All I'm asking you is to be a little brave now.

We can protect you both.

No, you can't.

When Louis said carnival, I didn't think he really meant a carnival.

Oh, it's a whole way of life.

This was Genovese's trailer.



They've already searched it top to bottom. But that's the point, right?

They can look all they want because it isn't here.

If you're gonna hide something, you hide it in plain sight, but in a place that you'd never look.

Like my place.

Someone's in a hurry.

That's Lech.

Call Sebastian.

Tell him to get over here and meet up with Eva.

We'll let them know where we end up.

Check underneath. It might be taped up somewhere.

Where the hell are we?

Call Sebastian. He can trace your phone.

Arabela? No, I haven't seen her yet.

You're right, yeah, I can do that. Just make sure you keep it on.

Excuse me? A friend of mine is staying here?

An Italian girl? Eva.



Let's get a bit closer.

We need to see inside.


Hey. Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm okay.

You're bleeding. Who did this?

Lech, the manager's son.

It's as close as we're gonna get.


Can you put your phone on silent?

Sebastien. You find Eva?

Yeah. Lech is working with them, Tommy. He att*cked Eva.

That why I'm standing here looking at them all now.

What do you mean, them?

Andreas, and they have four other blokes in a cage.

And they have six or seven big boys with even bigger machine g*ns.

What do you need?

A S.W.A.T. team proper hardware, and about a week to plan.

Right now I'd just settle for some bloody cavalry.

It... it's clear.

Tear anything apart that might have a place where you can hide something in it.

Tear it up?

Yeah, I don't have a damn attachment to anything in here.

Come one!

It's got to be somewhere.

Carl, you're destroying it.

You're destroying it, Carl!


Carl! Hey, hey!

It has to be here!

It's okay.

No, it's not okay!

He can't beat us, not again.

He won't.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

What the hell is he doing?

I don't know.

It almost looks like he's having a second thought.

How far away are you?

Well, according to GPS, eight minutes.

They just k*lled Lech, we don't have eight minutes.

Yeah, we're hurrying.


Lech is dead.


This is what he wants.

He's... he's playing with us.

I said the same thing at the beginning of the day.

Well, if you won't listen to me, listen to you.

I thought it was here.

That day... when we arrested him the first time, he spent the whole day in this trailer.

He left me a note.

That's how I found him, with...

With... ?

He wasn't alone.

He wasn't?

No, he was with Shari.

Who's Shari?


I need to talk to you.

Come on in.

What's going on?

Looks like they're getting ready to move them.

Not if I can help it.

Tommy, there are six guys with machine g*ns.

And I have a plan.

Move around a lot, they'll think there are more of us than there is.

That's your plan?

That's as good as it gets.

Why do bravery and stupidity sometimes look so much alike?

I'm out.

k*ll them!

Both sides, move!

Here they come.

I'm out, too.

Any ideas?

Can you run faster than a b*llet?

I can't even run faster than you.

Then I got nothing.



This is the police. Drop your g*ns.

Are you okay?


Yeah, yeah. Andreas is inside.

You don't know whose operation this is.

Oh, I do.


Come with me.

You can sit here.

You're safe now.

It's all over, all right? You're fine.

He tried to save me.

He cared about you.

He tried really hard that night to save you.

He also fought with his father about that.

He did?

Yes. He did.

You mother is here.



Yeah. Right.

They got the father.

He's locked up at the police barracks.

But without Lech, we have nothing to link this to Robak.

We've still got Genovese.

That's not going to sit well with Hickman or Andrews.

I'm sorry to wake you up.

It's okay.

I can make some coffee.

No, no, no. No, no thanks, I...

I need your help with something.


You can come over here.

That's okay.

I'm sorry. I...

Amanda. Andrews. Hi.

You are American?

New York.

Amanda was my partner.


Nice to meet you. I'm Shari. I...

Shari works here. She's the...

She works here.

Listen, um...

We've never really talked about...

About what?

About that day.

About that day and that night with Genovese.

Because I don't really remember it.

I know, I know, I know, but...

I need you... to remember it.


I would never ask you this...

Then don't.

You know, let's... let's go, Carl...

Genovese is making a deal.

A deal?


Like he might get out?

No, no... well, not for a while anyway. But eventually, yes, he would, and... and probably sooner than he should...

Carl, let's go. Come on.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


I had just got off the phone with you...

Okay. Bye.

He came right in...

What do you want?

Like he owned the place.

He said not to scream.

He said... if I did what he told me, he wouldn't hurt me.

He lied.

I kind of... turned myself off after that.

I realized he didn't want to hurt me, he wanted to hurt you.

I remember thinking if I stayed strong, he couldn't do that.

He could not hurt you through me.

Stop. Stop...

What? What do you want me to remember?

I think he hid something in my trailer.

And maybe you saw him do it.

He stood here...

Maybe he put it somewhere here.

Oh, where is it?

Oh, yes.

Nice to meet you.

Good bye, Carl.

Thank you.


Oh, Dorn sent you two to finalize the deal, huh?

That's fairly twisted. I'm pretty impressed.

Mr. Robak was just arrested.

We won't be needing that deal after all.

Photos, videos, sound recordings. Robak is implicated all through it.

Are you bluffing me, 'cause I had a deal with Dorn?

See, but here's the thing.

Dorn doesn't really do deals with people like you.

I had a deal.

54 dead girls.

You don't get to use them as a bargaining chip for your retirement beach.

Okay, doesn't matter.

Doesn't really matter at all.

I'll find another way to get out here.

But in the meantime, you're gonna find prison rough.

Oh, yeah. Enemies everywhere.

Guys with personal vendettas, and others who just don't like people like you.


Sure, Hickman.

I had a deal!

How was it?

I thought bringing him in was the greatest day of my life.

I know, I know. I need a... I need a better life.

Hey, Dorn.

Hey, buddy, we're going to be here a while, huh?

I won't even remember you tomorrow.

Oh, yeah? You're gonna come for me.

Robak's not the only guy I know.

I got shit on a lot of people, buddy.

You're gonna need me again one day.

Is that what you want to be shouting in a cell block?

Enjoy your stay.

Remember how we used to celebrate a big win?

Bottle of tequila, target practice in the junk yard.


Now, you don't drink and I don't sh**t.

I'm not sure I even know what a win is anymore.

Maybe we need new traditions.

Or not.

I'm, um... I'm going to go home today.

Soon as I can get a flight.

I was going to tell you about her.

No, you weren't.

Yeah. I was.


You weren't going to tell either one of us.

You didn't even know what to call us.


Look, I'm...

I'm not your girlfriend, and...

I don't even really care.

That's not why I'm going home.

She's just someone...

Don't. Don't do that.

Don't minimize her. It's not fair.

Not after what you... what we... asked of her this morning.

How we used her.

That's me.

Hey, next time, we should... we should talk.

You know, I'll call you in a couple weeks, yeah?

Yeah, a couple weeks.



How much time do I give her?

You'll know.

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