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01x02 - Work Horses

Posted: 03/08/24 16:37
by bunniefuu

Girl: Oh man...

Where's Carole?

Exercising racehorses
for David McLeod.

It's the coolest job.


It's OK, Prancer.
It's me.

I just want to see
what's wrong.

[Whinnies loudly]

I have to ask my mom

if I can get out
of my clarinet lesson,

if I'm gonna go
on that trip.

Excuse me.

At least you have
the money to go.

I thought your parents
were gonna pay for it.

So did I

till my dad decided
to teach me

the "value of a dollar".

OK, the trip
costs $75.

How much do
you still need?




Mr. McLeod!

You're back early.

I suppose you want
your pay check.

It's Prancer!

What happened?

We were galloping
in the south meadow,

and she pulled up lame.


Oh, stand!


Ah, useless animal.

Strained tendon.

Third time this month.

Go on,
put her in the stalls.

Should I call
the vet?

What for?

Spend a fortune
on an uninsured horse?

Got a lot to learn

about the racing business,

But she's in pain!

She'll be put
out of her misery,

first thing
tomorrow morning.

Where's Carole?

She's supposed
to groom Cobalt.

Ever heard of grooming
your own horse?

Can I help it if she likes
working for me?

Carole doesn't
work for you.

She only does it
because she
loves Cobalt.

I'll look after
Cobalt for you.

Veronica and Lisa:

Of course,
it'll cost you.

How much?

Ten bucks a job.



I have to talk
to you guys!

Emergency Saddle Club meeting.

What's wrong?

Someone forgot
the password?

No, they have to work
on their secret handshake.


Hey Stevie--spotless.

And when you're done,
clean my saddle.

Sir, yes sir!

Girl 1: I'm so excited
about this overnight.

Girl 2:
Yeah, me too.

But Prancer's so sweet.

You should've seen her

when I put her back
in her stall.

It was like she knew
something bad

was going to happen.

Well, I'm sorry

But it's the reality
of the business.

Not everyone's
in it for the love
of horses.

Stevie: He's going
to turn her into dog food!

She belongs
to David McLeod.

nothing I can do.

You said Pepper's
getting too old.

So you need another
school horse, right?

Prancer would
be perfect!

I need a school
horse, guys.

Not a highly strung
with a bad leg.

What if we leased her?

We could all pitch in
and take care of her.

Then you could see

what a great school
horse she would be.

I don't have the room.

Stevie: We could do extra
work around the barn.

You know,
to pay for her board.

She'd be our

And what?

You'd quit school
and work here
full time?

That's not
an option, guys.

I'm sorry.

The answer's no.

Why're you cleaning
Veronica's saddle?

It's a long story,
Mrs. Reg.

I hope it has
a happy ending.

This isn't the onset
of teenage angst, is it?

It's Prancer.

You did everything
you could, Carole,

and you can bet
that Prancer knows that.


Lisa: Can you ask
your dad to buy her?

She already
has Starlight.

He said we can't afford
to board another horse.

I even offered to use
my trip money.

You what?
You can't!

You have to come on
the Mountain Trail

Stevie, Prancer's worth
more than any trail ride!

You're right.
I'm sorry.

He said no, anyway.

We can't let
Mr. McLeod
destroy her.

You heard Max.

It's Mr. McLeod's horse.

What're we gonna do,
kidnap her?


Yes what?

No, Stevie,
we can't.

Tell me!
Where would
we hide her?

What're you
talking about?

The old
Regnery barn,

on the other side
of Pine Hollow.

Can you please tell me?

What about her leg?

We'll keep her
out there till
it's better.

And then we show Max

what a great horse she i!

Then he won't be
able to say no.

We have to do it tonigh.

What are we doing?!

We're kidnapping Prance.


Where've you been?!

Cobalt's stall
is a mess!

I don't have time.

Woman: ♪ She believes
the make the needy ♪

♪ Feel the way they do ♪

♪ And everyone can make
a difference ♪

♪ Even me and you ♪

♪ He believes that destiny ♪

♪ Is following your dreams ♪

♪ He says you got to say
the things you feel ♪

♪ And always feel
the things you mean ♪

♪ And they buy
each other coffees ♪

♪ In a Bronte cafe ♪

♪ And they talk
about the music ♪

♪ They heard last night
on "rage" ♪

♪ Ain't nothing more to life ♪

♪ Ain't nothing more to life ♪

♪ Ain't nothing more to life ♪

♪ There ain't nothing,
nothing, nothing, nothing more ♪

♪ Ain't nothing
more to life ♪

♪ No, no, no, no ♪

You just leaving now,


You must be exhausted.

You've been here
all day.

I'm so tired.

I guess so.

Imagine how Stevie
must feel.

What do you mean?

Well, I saw Stevie
working for you today.

I've never seen
Cobalt's stall
look so clean.

Oh, that.

Stevie needed
the money,

and I wanted
to help her out.

Mmm. You know, Veronica,

it's--it's one thing
to ride your horse.

But the real bonding

happens with
the daily routine
of looking after him.

Now, just imagine how
wonderful Cobalt would be

if you got to know him
just a bit better.

Actually, Cobalt and I
are doing fine, Mrs. Reg.

And my parents pay
a lot of money

for me to ride here.

So, I don't think they
want me to waste my time

doing barn chores.

But thanks anyway.
Good night.

[Playing "Ode to Joy"]

Lisa, it's late!

Will you stop playing
and go to bed!

I can't go to my lesson
on Saturday

if I haven't practiced.

Yeah, I know what
you're trying to do.

She's trying to get out
of her clarinet lesson

so she can go to
the Mountain Trail overnight!

Melanie, go to bed!

How am I supposed to sleep
with all this noise?

That is enough,

Now, off you go.

And you, Lisa,

will stop spending
all your time
at Pine Hollow

and start practicing
your clarinet

daylight hours!


[Resumes playing]

All right, you've
made your point!

It sounds like
you're k*lling a duck.

Off to bed, both of you!

Yes, Mama.

We're so late!

Where's Stevie?

I'm here.

Queen Veronica
wouldn't let me go.

Come on.

What's wrong?

Why can't she get up?

Why didn't
we leave her
in the stall?

She wanted to
lie down.

She's got colic.

If we left her lying dow,

her guts would've
knotted up

and she could've d*ed.

We have to get
her outside.

What if Mr. McLeod
sees us?

We have to keep
her walking.

The old Regnery barn
is only a few minutes away.

I'm calling the vet!

You want to go to jail?

We can't let anyone
know we're here!

If we keep her walking
she'll be OK.

What about her leg?

We don't have a choice.

We have to keep
her moving.


[Prancer whinnies]


She's hot.

She's burning up!

That's weird.

Colic doesn't usually
come with a fever.

Let's get
this blanket off.

Lisa's right.

We have to call the vet.

Carole, we can't!
Mr. McLeod--

I don't care
about McLeod!

We have to save her!

I don't want you to get
in trouble because of me.

It was my
stupid idea
to kidnap her.

Well, if you hadn't
have thought of it,

we wouldn't have made it
to Prancer in time.

This is the Saddle Club.

We stick together,


Stevie: I'll call
Dr. Barker.

I can't help
thinking about Carole
and her horse.

It's not Carole's
horse, Mom.

It's David McLeod's.

Carole's been--

Carole's been raving
about Prancer

ever since she started
working there.

The question is:
what're you gonna do
about it?

Me? Nothing.
You know McLeod.

Unfortunately, yes.

There are men
like McLeod,

with his passion
for the almighty dollar,

and there are those of us
who just love horses.

I thought I knew which camp
you were in.

It's not my horse,

I was there when we bought
the school horses.

Delilah, Patch, Comanche...


I've thought about that.

Have you?

Yes! We don't
have the room!

Why can't anyone
understand that?

Your decision, Max.

When did the colic star?


She was fine
this afternoon.

And she's really
hot, too.

She's definitely
running a fever.

Any change in her
routine lately?

She's lame in her
left front leg.

I've seen that strained
tendon twice this year.

It's pretty quiet
in there.

That's a bad case
of colic.

What's that?

Ah, it's an anti-inflammatory
to treat the colic.

It'll take
the pain away.

And I'm going to prescribe
a broad-spectrum antibiotic

for the fever.

She'll need to have a sh*t
every day for seven days.

She'll be OK,

The leg should heal
all right.

The fever concerns me.

How much will this cost?

Don't worry,

I'll send the bill
straight to McLeod.

No! I mean, uh...

Uh, um, we'll
take care of it.

Aren't you Karen Hanson's


What are you doing
out here?

Uh, we came to
visit Prancer.

In the middle
of the night?

We do it all the time.

Yeah, all the time,
at night.

What's she doing
in the old Regnery barn?

We walked her over here
from Mr. McLeod's.

of the colic.

I don't know
what you're up to,

but you obviously
love this horse.

Let's call it

Can you please
give us a moment?


I've only got 75

that I saved up for
the Mountain overnight.

Where am I gonna
get the rest?

Don't worry,
I've got it covered.

Will you take a deposit?

We'll give you the rest
of the money tomorrow.


No, Stevie!
You can't.

That's your
trip money.

You were right,

This horse is worth
more than any trip.


[Horse neighs]

Red: Ahem.

You need anything
else, Max?

No, that's it
for today, Red.


So you going to buy
this new horse or what?


McLeod's thoroughbred.

Oh, not you, too.

You need another
young school horse.

Yeah, because
Pepper's getting old

and McLeod's
a monster

and--and Carole's
attached to Prancer

and look at Barq.

I already know
the top ten reasons

why I should buy
this horse.

And the answer's
still no.

You got it?

Forget I said anything.

Just another horse,

That's right!

No food.

You can give her
a little water

if she'll take it.

Keep her walking,

but whatever you do,
don't let her roll.

She's gonna call Max
for sure!

We're so dead!

Woman: ♪ A desert town ♪

♪ She's holding out her hand ♪

♪ Stare down
those old love fights again ♪

♪ b*ating off the thr*at
that held me there ♪

♪ And we'll drift away ♪

♪ So slowly ♪

♪ Until it came ♪

♪ That you would not depart ♪

♪ Too seriously ♪

♪ I could love it
in my heart ♪

♪ So what if I hold up
to ridicule ♪

♪ When you drift away ♪

♪ So slowly? ♪

[Phone rings]

What do you think
you're doing?!

Ah, ah, Prancer had coli,
so we had--

You broke into my barn
and stole my horse.

I know.
The vet called me.

Well, Prancer's sick!
She needs help!

I'm calling
the police.

I'm gonna have you charged
with trespassing,

horse theft,
and cruelty to animals!

Lisa: We were only
trying to save her.


She was fine
when I checked on her.

You came bursting
into my yard,

and suddenly she's sick!

Stevie: All you care about
is getting your money

from the slaughter hous!

I'd watch that mouth
of yours.

Max: She'll try to be more
polite, won't you, Stevie?

McLeod: You know
these delinquents?

I asked them to
bring you my offer.


I'm looking
for a new horse.

Carole told me
about Prancer.

She sounds perfect.

For horse meat.
Look at her.

David, for
a businessman,

a disappointing
sales pitch.

I think my offer's
more than fair.

Oh, and uh,
let me deal
with the girls.

Oh, no! They broke
into my barn--

and saved you from
finding a dead horse
this morning.

Judy Barker
called me.

These girls got to
Prancer just in time.

Well, don't
just stand there
staring at me.

Let's get this
horse home.

Max: Horsenapping?

I cannot believe you guy.

What were you thinking?

Stevie: If we waited till
tomorrow she'd be dead.

We wanted to
call you,

but you said
you didn't want her.

You must think
I'm a monster
or something.

You said...

"I don't need a high
strung, ex-racehorse
with a bad leg."

OK. Yes.

But I didn't mean
taking the burden
of a sick horse

entirely on your
own shoulders.

Well, we didn't
know she was sick
until we got there.

When you stole her.


After sneaking out
in the middle
of the night.


Without telling
your parents.

Pretty much.

She's obviously
a special horse.

What you did...

real dedication
and loyalty.

You reminded me

why I stay
in this business.

You know, when
I first met Barq,

his owner was going
to put him down.

My mom bought
him for me

and Barq's turned
out to be one of the
best school horses

Pine Hollow's
ever had.

And so will Prancer!

I'm counting on it.

But it means
a lot of hard work

and extra time
at the stables.

Whatever we have to do,
it's worth it.

Now, go home.

I called
your parents

to let them know
you were safe.

And call me

but I don't think
you should make
a habit of sneaking out

to steal horses
in the middle
of the night, OK?



Can you believe it?

My mother is
out shopping
for camping gear!

She said she never
wants to hear
"Ode to Joy" again.

Guess playing
the same three bars

over and over again
will do that.

what're you doing?

You have to wrap
Cobalt's legs!

No. You know what?
I don't.

I guess
you're not going
on the trip then.

Actually, I am.

Seems spending all my cash
to save a horse

means I do know
the value of a dollar.

My parents coughed up
the money.


I'm so happy
you get to go.

You have to take lots
of pictures for me, 'kay?

I don't want to go
if you can't.

The trip won't be
any fun

if we don't all
go together.

She's beautiful, girls.
Well done.

And you've got to
take care of Cobalt,

'cause you know
Veronica won't.

You can keep
an eye on Cobalt
yourself, Carole.

But I gave all my money
to the vet.

I know.

We can't separate
the Saddle Club
now, can we?

Judy told me that
you girls paid for
Prancer's vet bill.

Doesn't seem right
that you should be, uh,

Paying for a horse
that belongs
to me and Max.

Prancer's our
responsibility now.

So...I expect
to see you all

on the Mountain Trail
overnight next Saturday.

Thank you, Mrs. Reg!

Ha ha ha!

Now, does this make me
an honorary member

of the Saddle Club?

Does it?


♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪