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01x03 - Trail Ride Part 1

Posted: 03/08/24 16:38
by bunniefuu
Hurry up.

The van is leaving
for the Mountain Trail

in half an hour,

whether you're
ready or not!

Stevie: You sure you've t
everything, Lisa?

How'd you fit everything
in that little bag?

My dad's a colonel.

We had inspection
at 0600.

Eleanor: Lisa, honey,
you forgot something.

Stevie: I knew it,
the kitchen sink!


An emergency whistle?

But, Mom!

Veronica: You've got
to be prepared, Lisa.

See? Have fun.

A whistle?


You're now officially
queen of the geeks.

Ignore her.

Come on, let's go
load up the horses.

[Kids chatting]

[Cobalt whinnies]

Veronica: Move!

[Cobalt whinnies]

Come on, move!

You know Cobalt doesn't
like being loaded.

You should be careful.
He might--

[Whinnying loudly]


Get my horse!

All: Go, Stevie!

[Cheers of encouragemen]

Yes, Stevie!

Come on, Stevie,
you can do it!

[Cobalt whinnies]

Well done, Stevie!

So...big deal.

That was great!

Veronica: Anyone could've
rounded up Cobalt.

But anyone didn't...

Stevie did.

Don't you have something
to say to her?

Thank you.

There you go.

She totally
showed you up.

You're not gonna let her
get away with that, are you?

Don't worry,
I won't.

You can't reach me
on the trail,

but Mrs. Reg'll be here,

and the vet's on speed dial,

and, uh--oh,
in case of fire...

Use water?

I know. Would you
relax, Max?

I've got it all
under control.

Oh! Sorry, Kristi.

That's OK, Red.

Are you ready to go?

I saved you a seat
next to me in the van.

Uh, thanks,
but I'm not going.

What? Why?!

Someone has to help Mrs. Reg
look after Pine Hollow.

Come on, let's go!

I'm not going.

I've changed my mind.
I've--I've got a cold.

[Fake cough]

Yeah, right.
What's going on?

Red's not going.

And if he stays,
I stay.

All set?
Rider: Yeah.

Come on, Veronica,
let's go!

What is she doing?

All right, everyone in!
Everyone in!

Boy: Shotgun!
I get the front!

Girl: I can't wait,
let's go.

Girl 2:
Finally, Veronica.

Girl 3: Yeah. What
took you so long?

Seat belts on.

All: ♪ 99 pieces of tack
left to clean, ♪

♪ 99 pieces of tack ♪

♪ You take one down,
you pass it around, ♪

♪ 98 pieces of tack
left to clean ♪

♪ 98 pieces of tack ♪

♪ You take one down ♪

♪ You pass it around,

Veronica, thinking:

Kristi's at Pine Hollow,

and I'm stuck with
the Moron Tabernacle Choir

for the whole weekend.

All: ♪ You take one down,
you pass it around ♪

♪ 97 pieces of tack... ♪

Have you seen
my sister Lisa?

She forgot her hair dryer.

They already left
for the Mountain
Trail overnight.

Oh. OK.

Why didn't you go?

My mom's making me
go to my sister's
birthday party.

Like I care.

She's not even
double digits yet.

Wait till she is.

Lisa thinks she knows

I'm Ashley.
What's your name?

I'm Melanie.

I like your horse.

His name's Dime.
He's a pony.

Want to help me
groom him?


I'll go tell my mom
I'm staying.

[Horses whinny]

Want to get some water
for the horses?

Right behind you.

Where's Lisa?

Uh, she's fixing
her tent.

It's another first
for Lisa.

Doesn't she want
any help?

No. She wants to do it
all herself.

Wish everyone
felt that way.

Veronica's such
a spoiled brat!

She doesn't deserve a horse
as good as Cobalt.

Cobalt doesn't deserve
someone like her.

I'll be right back.

Max: That tent's not goig
to set up itself.

I thought we were
sleeping in cabins.

This is inhumane!

What's inhumane
is the way you
treat Cobalt.

I don't think I need
another lecture from...

the Saddle Club.

That's exactly
what you need.

Everyone has to
help out, Veronica.

And since Carole's
tacking up Cobalt
for you,

why don't you
find something
useful to do?

OK. Everyone,
gather round.

Stevie: Unh! Oof!

Ha! Oops.
I'm sooo sorry.

You're so strong!

Do you work out?

No, I work.

Plus playing guitar
keeps my arms in shape.

Mrs. Reg: You must
love the Mountain Trail
overnights, Red.

Less stalls to muck out
tomorrow morning.

Yeah, too bad
it's only
once a year.

Mmm. I trust Max left
his usual brief instructions?

Eh, uh...

six pages.

Front and back.


How's your cold,


Much better, thanks.

You should go home
and get some rest.

Now, I give my horses
six drops of eucalyptus

in a nose bag
filled with straw.

I'll remember that.

In your case,
one drop on a tissue.

Looks like it's just
the two of us.

More like
the four of us.

OK, listen up.

Wendy will ride up ahead
with the younger riders,

so I'm trusting the rest of you
to follow the rules.

The Marsten family
has kindly consented

to let us use
the back 50 acres

of their property.

Please keep
to the marked trail.

Now, I want all of you
to pick riding buddies

and stick together.

Aren't you coming, Max?

No, he can't.
He has to stay back

and make Max's
magnificent, marvelous,

meaty, mouth-watering

Mountain Trail...chili.


He couldn't think
of anything to cook

that started with "m".

What are you standing
around here for?

Let's go!

[Excited chatter]

Watch where
you're going!

I'm sorry.
Patch is acting weird.

If you don't know
how to control
your horse,

you shouldn't
be here.

What's gotten into Patc?

He's never done this
at Pine Hollow.

He's happy to be
on the trail ride.

That's right.

Horses get just
as excited as we do

when we go someplace ne.

Ah, ah...ow!

Are you all right?

Lisa, are you OK?

Is she OK?
What happened?

I don't know.

I, I think so.

I don't know
what happened.

All of a sudden
I started slipping.

Your girth is loose.

But I'm sure
I tightened it.

Patch puffs out when
you put his saddle on.

I know that,

but it's hard
to get it
tight enough.

Don't worry.

All beginners
have trouble tacking up.


Hey, what are you
still doing here?

You should go home
with that cough.

What? Oh no.
It's fine, really.

I'm feeling so much
better now.

So, I could help
if you want.

I mean,
since I'm here.

Oh, that's OK.
I can handle it.

I don't mind.

It'll be fun.

You sure?


So, where should
we start?


you can start here.

We'll meet in the middle,
do it in half the time.

Thanks, Kristi.

This place is amazing!

What a perfect day.

Could you guys sit
behind the bushes?

You're ruining the view.

So much for
our perfect day.

Don't worry,

I don't think she'll
be staying long.

What are you staring at?

Nothing much.

Is that the best
you could come up
with, Stevie?

How childish.


Get it off me!
Get it off me!


Oh, there's
my rubber spider.

It didn't scare you,
did it?


Boy: Nice throw.

Try putting a spin on it
next time.

Are you guys on the Mountain
Trail overnight?

How'd you know?

My parents told me
I'd find you out here.

You should stick
to the trails.

There've been wild animal
sightings around here.

You never know
what you might run into.

Wild animals?
Like what?

Panthers, wild dogs,
poisonous snakes--

your average blood-thirsy
man eaters.

Yeah I thought I saw
some k*ller deer.

I'm Phil Marsten.
I live here.

I'm Stevie.

Hi. I'm
Veronica di Angelo.


[Spluttering and coughin]

Are you OK?

You're so clumsy!

Here, grab my hand.

I'm...really sorry.

[Veronica and Phil giggl]

[Sneezes and coughs]

Phil seems nice.

And cute.

he looked gorgeous,

laughing at me
while I nearly drowned.

The water only came
up to your waist.

That's not the point.

He just stood there
with Veronica...

laughing at me.

I bet he let go
of my hand on purpose.

[Veronica and Phil


I told you,
Phil's a creep.

Our parents belong
to the same country club.

Isn't that funny?

Huh? Oh yeah,

So, does Stevie
have a boyfriend?

Are you kidding?

Who'd be interested
in her?

Lisa: Ow...



If you want to,
I could ask Max

if you could stay
for dinner.

that'd be great.

Really? Good.

And maybe after dinner
we could go for a hike,

just the two of us.

Can you just
wait a minute?

There's something
that I've got to do.


Don't look now,

but there's one
cute creep heading
your way.

I'll go find Lisa.

She's probably
pretty sore
from the ride.

Get back here!

Don't leave me alone wit-


I thought
I'd find you here.

Great detective work.
I'm camping here.

Where else would I be?

Look, I'm sorry
you fell in the water.

I was only trying to
help, honest.

By laughing at me?
Big help.

I didn't mean to,

you have to admit...
you looked kind of funny,

flailing around
in the water like that.

I was not flailing!

Well, maybe it was
more like waving.

Stevie, wait!

Oh brother.

Great! Thanks!

No problem.
It was easy.

I just wish I could
help you more.


'Cause that one still needs
to be cleaned,

if you're up to it.

[Kristi's pager beeps]


I'll do it
in a second.

I just have
to answer this.

This better
be important.

Red was just about
to ask me out.

Of course
it's important.

I met a guy--
Phil Marsten.

He's so hot!

How hot?

Picture Red,

only our age
and rich.

OK, tell me everything.

For some reason,
he's chasing
after Stevie.

He probably feels
sorry for her.

So what do I do?


You make him feel
sorry for you.


Just get thrown off

You want me to
get bucked off
my own horse?!

No. You don't really
get thrown.

You make it look
like you did.

Then when Phil figures out
you're hurt--

He'll come riding
to my rescue!

It's perfect.
I know.

But how will Phil know
where to find me?

Figure it out.

I have to go make sure
Red doesn't leave.

I thought he was just
about to ask you out.

He will...eventually.

Knock, knock.

Who is it?

Me. Are you OK?

I'm fine.


Yeah, that can
take forever.

I'll be out soon.


[Clearing throat]

Megan! I'm just going to
take Cobalt for a quick ride

down that trail
over there.

I was going with Phil Marsten,
but he's busy,

so if I'm not back
in half an hour,

could you tell him?

I don't want him
to worry.

he's right over there.

Why don't you tell him?

Thanks, Megan.


So, you live
way out here?

It's so far away
from everything.

It's only half an hour
from Willow Creek.

And out here,
I get to ride
Teddy every day.

Great. Guess you better
be heading home.

Stevie, don't be so rud.

What? I was just thinking
about Phil.

'Cause uh...

Max doesn't allow strangers
at the campsite.

And if he told us once,
he told us a thousand times.

I never heard
Max say that.

Hey says it
all the time.

Max: Hey!

Go. Max gets ugly
when he's mad.

Hi Max.

Hiya, Phil.
How're your folks?

You know each other?

Sure do. I met Phil when
I talked to his parents

about using their land.

Has anyone invited you
for dinner, Phil?

We're having
my world famous chili.

I told you
he's just like her.

Veronica said she'd ask
if I could stay.

Hmm, it must've
slipped her mind.

But you're more
than welcome.

I'd love to.

[Fantasy harp music]

[Cobalt neighs]

Somebody, help me!

[Teddy neighs]

Are you all right?

No, it's my leg.

Don't worry,
I'll take care of you.

What about Stevie?

Stevie who?

Turn around,
you silly horse!



I finished
the stalls!

Ah, great.
Thanks a lot.

No problem.

I mean, it was great
hanging out with you.

Maybe we could
grab something to eat.

Ah thanks,

but I've still
got a lot to do.

That's OK.

I meant after,
when you're done.

And I could help
you more, too.

No, you've done
enough today.

They pay me
to be here.

Heh. Then you can
buy me a soda.

Actually, thanks
to you Kristi,

I'm probably
going to get out
of here early.

That means I can
make it to my
band rehearsal.

Band rehearsal?
But I thought--

Thanks again,

If it weren't for you,

I would've been
stuck here all day.

Hey, Wash. I think
I can make it to band
practice after all.

I'll be out of here
as soon as possible.

Hey, what are you
still doing here?

Nothing. Well,
not nothing, it's just--

so, you're in a band?

Yeah. I just
told you that.

And actually,
I'm running late, so--

I love music.

Maybe I could
come and hear
you play sometime.



But we never let anyone
sit in on rehearsals.

It's kind of a band rule.

Look, I got to run.

Uh, if you need anything,

just ask one of the other
stable hands or Mrs. Reg.

You can't go.

It's Barq.
What about him?

He's limping
a lot.

I think he might
be hurt.


OK, I'll check him out.

There you go.

Is Lisa ever coming
out of her tent?

She's feeling
a bit embarrassed.

What's a sore bum
between friends?

It's so peaceful.

Hey, you're right.

OK, where's

I rode into camp
with her.

Boy: That's weird.

Cobalt's not tied up.

Maybe she took him
out again.

Max said
we weren't allowed to.

Like that'd stop

Maybe we should
go find her.

She could be lost.

With my luck,
she'll be
back in camp,

bugging me,
any minute now.


♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Life is easy
if you wear a smile ♪

♪ Just be yourself ♪

♪ Don't ever change your style ♪

♪ You are you ♪

♪ I am me,
we'll be free ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
don't be afraid ♪

♪ Come on, baby ♪

♪ It's not too late ♪

♪ Say you do ♪

♪ Won't you open up
the door and let me in? ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ This is me ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪

♪ Hello, world ♪

♪ Life should be ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Fun for everyone ♪