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07x04 - Spare Parts

Posted: 03/09/24 08:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT...

Oh, here we go.

- Black versus blue, right?
- Yeah.

I've been telling you since I was a kid

it ain't got to be like that.

And you're the one that told me
that if I wanted to do something

about the police, I should join them.

I was just making
a point about futility.

Ain't nobody with any sense expected you

to actually start wearing a badge.

- This is my wife Bonnie.
- Nice to finally meet you.

Last night, I was
at Del Fresco's for dinner,

I saw Bonnie. She was there with a guy.

You think my wife is cheating on me.

- How long?
- Six months.

You're so busy with SWAT all the time.

You do not get to blame me
or make me into the bad guy.

Get out.

My dad got diagnosed with
schizophrenia just after I was born.

This thing can tear families

A lot of times, it's up to me and
my brother Jacob to look after him.

I never held my dad's
worst days against him.

Jacob would never look past it.

It's a big reason we don't talk anymore.


♪ Dancing in my head... ♪

Oh, Dr. Nelson, we'll
clear a spot over here.

First names are fine outside
of the hospital, Veronica.

Oh, crud, I forgot the dips.

Oh, I'll grab them. Yeah, I need
another glass of wine anyway.

Thank you.

You throw a hell of a party,

but I don't think you've stopped
moving since I arrived.

- Can I help?

I think we're fine. Thank you.

Tony's at Porto's
picking up the desserts,

and I might finally have
a minute to breathe.

ELLIE: Mom, where's the air pump,
for the pool floaties?

Uh, did you check the garage?

First place I looked.

- IGNACIO: Party's over!

Over there.

Everybody move to the pool.




Everybody, throw
your cell phones into the pool.

I said now!


[PANTING]: Oh. Oh, my God.


what's the emergency, please?

A-a bunch, a bunch of armed men

just broke into the party that I'm at.

Follow my instructions,

and nobody gets hurt.

We're looking for the Nelsons.


Anna and Ellie.

Hey, Deac.

- Yeah.
- Meant to ask you earlier,

you still got that buddy who
owns an auto parts store?

No, he sold the business
and moved to Austin last year.

Why? What's up?

Someone stole the catalytic converter

out of Nichelle's car last night.

It was parked right in front
of the house, but...

that didn't stop whoever took it.

Yeah, a few of my neighbors have posted

their doorbell camera footage
of similar thefts.

Guys roll in in the middle of the night,

and they steal the converter
in less than 60 seconds.

It's happening all over the city.

That explains why replacement
parts are impossible to find.

I tried Leroy and Darryl's shop,
but they said converters

are on back order, it could take months.

- Hey, baby.
- Hey.

I was just telling Deacon what happened.

- Yeah. I'm sorry about your car.
- Thanks.

But it's all good, problem solved.

- You found a replacement?
- Actually, your pop did.

He said he called a friend
he used to work on cars with

and they're installing
the converter right now.

Your dad is gonna drop
the car off here later today.

My pops called a friend, huh?

Why? What's wrong?

Well, Deac and I were just saying

how widespread these thefts are.

Those stolen catalytic converters
got to be going somewhere.

Yeah, a lot of chop shop owners

are willing to look the other way,
and install stolen parts.

You really think your dad would do that?

Put stolen parts on my car?

I'll talk to my pops
when he drops off the car,

find out.


DUARTE: LAPD, drop the weapons!

Adam-11, sh*ts fired.

Officers need help.



How many suspects we got?

Just one that we know of now.

I clipped him and he holed up
in the main house.

The other three fled.

- What about hostages?
- Not sure.

Everyone scrambled
when the f*ring started.

The original 911 caller reported

upwards of 20 guests at the party.

Some of them could be stuck
in there with the suspect.

DEACON: Going in blind is too risky,

but if any one of those
hostages is hurt,

- we can't afford to wait.
- HONDO: All right, Tan, Cabrera,

move to the two side, Deac and Stevens,

you're with me on the one.

Alfaro, you grab the XLR.

You're our eyes inside.

Good thing I got 20/20 vision.

Let's move.

the two and three sides.

an entry point on one side.

Alfaro, what do you see?

Two heat signatures in the main house.

One pacing in the back room,
likely our suspect.

One more signature
on the second floor, not moving.

HONDO: Any additional hostages?


Rest of the main house is clear.

Moving to the guesthouse.

We'll breach from the front on my count.

Tan, Cabrera, watch the three side.

Three, two, one.


[g*n CLICKS]

on the second floor. On me.

I'm going around.



Don't move.


- DEACON: It's okay, it's okay.

We're LAPD. You're safe now.

Are you the one who called 911?

Yes, yes.

ALFARO: I found two dozen
more signatures in the guesthouse.

Minimal movement.


Come out with your hands up.


Sir, is anyone in there hurt?

No, we're-we're all okay.
Just shaken up.

Boy, I've never been happier
to see my little brother.


So, the gunmen came in
specifically looking

for the Nelson family.

Did they say why?

No, they took Anna
and her daughter without a word,

then forced the rest of us
into the guesthouse.

How do you know the Nelson family?

Anna and I work together.
She's a surgeon at my hospital.

We sometimes overlap
on patients in the ER.

She's one of our best.

I wish I could be more helpful,

but once that g*nf*re started...

I don't know how you deal
with this every day, Vic.

My heart's still racing.

Becomes second nature after a while.

Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God.

I was so worried. I-I called 911

and then I just, I hid in a closet

'cause I didn't know
what else to do, but...

I am so glad that you're okay.

Give me a second
to finish up here, okay?

I'll meet you by the car.

[SOFTLY]: Okay.

What the hell was that?

Nothing you need to worry about.
We done here?

You and me? Yeah.

Detectives are gonna
want a statement, though.

Everything okay?


That's my brother, but that's
not my brother's wife.

Yep. Okay, no, I got it.

All right, thanks. Let me call you back.

The homeowner Tony Nelson wasn't
home when the suspects arrived.

He was picking up desserts
at a nearby bakery.

Patrol's bringing him in to
HQ for questioning.

Good. I'm gonna need you
to talk to him ASAP.

Now, it turns out, Tony Nelson,
he's a licensed DCS contractor

for the U.S. State Department.

- DCS, as in Direct Commercial Sales?
- Yeah.

So, Tony's a broker who sells U.S.
m*llitary weapons to foreign buyers.

g*ns, rocket launchers,
high expl*sives, tanks.

If it can cause mass casualties
in a hurry,

he sells it.

So, you don't kidnap the family

of a major weapons dealer on a whim.

Any way you shake it, this is bad.

And that's why we got to find
Anna and Ellie Nelson ASAP.

Deac, Detective Burrows,
tell me we made some headway

in the search for Dr. Nelson
and her daughter.

Some. A doorbell camera caught
the license plate

of the suspects' getaway vehicle.

The vehicle's registered to Edgar Rojas.

He owns an executive car service
in Mid City.

DEACON: It's most likely a rental,
but Tan and Cabrera

are heading to find Rojas as we speak.

- There's also a BOLO out.
- All right, good.

Any luck in ID'ing the suspects?

Well, the suspect we took
down is Andres Cantillon.

He's a Chilean national,

and he's a known associate of this guy,

an international arms dealer
named Vicente Muñoz.

According to a friend of mine
at the State Department,

Vicente Muñoz used to be one of
the U.S.'s best customers.

He purchased weapons for the
Chilean m*llitary for years,

until word got out that
he was also funneling weapons

to t*rror1st groups in South America.

What t*rror1st groups?

The kind that like to target
embassies full of U.S. citizens.

DEACON: That made Muñoz
persona non grata,

and landed him on every most wanted list

from here to Bogotá.

But what isn't clear

is why did Muñoz
specifically target Tony Nelson?

Our working theory is
that Muñoz wants weaponry,

so he intends to use
Dr. Nelson and Ellie

as leverage to force a deal.

Now, the only flaw
with that theory is...

The kidnappers haven't reached
out with ransom demands yet.


All right,
Hondo's already in with Tony Nelson.

Hopefully, he can shed light on
Vicente Muñoz's possible motives.

You think Muñoz is behind this?

My God.

Mr. Nelson, I know you're worried

about your wife and daughter.
We are, too.

But if we're gonna find them,
we need your help.

Of course. What can I do?

You seem pretty familiar with Muñoz.

- You've met in the past?
- Many times.

Muñoz used to handle procurement
for the Chilean m*llitary.

I did half a dozen deals with him.

Deals for deadly m*llitary weapons?

Yes. But those deals
were thoroughly vetted

and sanctioned by the State Department.

All above-board,

with a goal of strengthening
one of the closest

m*llitary allies we have
in South America.

So you had a good working
relationship with Muñoz?

Yeah. We became friendly over the years.

Hell, Anna and I even had him
over for dinner a few times.

That stopped the moment I
learned he was in bed with t*rrorists.

Is that when your relationship soured?

Yes. We were in the middle
of a deal for some HIMARS.

They're fancy rocket launchers.
Muñoz wanted them badly.

Transferred almost 50 million
to lock it down.

The State Department ended up
keeping both the HIMARS

and Muñoz's money.

And I'm guessing Muñoz
wasn't too happy about that.

Yeah, Muñoz blamed me
when State vetoed the deal.

Told me I'd stabbed him in the back.

If I'd known he'd come after my family,

I would have charged the bastard double.

All right, listen, Mr. Nelson,
we're gonna keep you here

for safety for the time being,
but we will update you

- if we hear anything about your family.
- Okay.


Hey. There you go.

She's running good as new again.

And my guy even threw in a car wash.

Free of charge.

Listen, Pop, I gotta ask.

Where'd your guy get
a catalytic converter from?

New ones are hard to find.

Can't say for sure. You know,

Junior's always been tied into salvaging

and finding used parts.

Coming up, working on that '64,

we rarely had money for new stuff,

so we'd scrounge around in scrap yards

and find what we could.

Why? What's the big deal?

I just can't have my wife driving around

with stolen parts on her car.

- Stolen?
- Come on, now,

you know people steal
catalytic converters

and flip 'em to refiners
and chop shops for cash.

Well, my friend don't run a chop shop.

- He's got a legit business.
- Okay.

All right, then he should
be able to tell you

where the converter came from.

Junior did me a giant favor

by fixing Nichelle's car.

A favor that I passed along to you.

And I appreciate it, Pop.

Then don't ask me to go back
and insult that man.

And if you're so concerned
about stolen car parts,

get the damn LAPD to do
something to stop the thefts.

We're trying, but it's happening
all over the city.

And guess whose neighborhood
is getting hit the hardest.

Listen, we don't live in Brentwood, son.

We ain't got gated driveways
and multi-car garages.

- I'm-I'm aware, Pop.
- Are you?

'Cause it sure sounds to me
like you might need a reminder.

You see, folks in our neighborhood,

they don't have the luxury of
asking where parts come from.

They need their cars,
'cause they got jobs,

and they got bills to pay.

And I get that. I do.

But none of that is
a justification for stealing,

or moving in black market auto parts.

So, what?

You think I'm some two-bit crook now?

I think you'd turn a blind eye

to doing the right thing
if it suits you.

I was just trying to
do you and Nichelle a solid.

Would a simple "thank you"
have k*lled you?

Pop. Pop, wait.

Sorry for inadvertently looping you into

my family drama earlier.

We've all got family drama,

it just comes in different flavors.

Still thinking about your brother?

We're not the closest.
Don't talk all that much.

I just can't believe Jacob
would throw away his marriage

over an affair.

He and Claire have been
together since before med school.

They have two kids.

Almost wish I just
didn't see what I saw.

I know what you mean.

When I found out Bonnie
was cheating on you,

I went back and forth over
whether to say anything.

Sometimes I still wonder

- if telling you was the right thing.
- It was.

Hurt like hell to hear,
but we're both better for it.

Maybe it'll be better for Jacob, too.


Hello, Officers.

Can I interest you in a
top-of-the-line luxury SUV rental?

We offer police discounts.

Actually, we're very interested
in a Lincoln Navigator

that was spotted fleeing
the scene of a kidnapping

- a few hours ago.
- One of your vehicles.

Unless you want be known
as the number one

car rental option for fugitives,

better start talking.

I rented that SUV to my Uncle Benny.

Your Uncle Benny in
the kidnapping business?

No, he's visiting from Chile,

and wanted a vehicle to show
some co-workers around.

We're gonna need to see the
paperwork for that rental.

They paid in cash,
and tipped on top of it.

So we got a better chance of
seeing Bigfoot than that paperwork.

How far back does your
security camera footage go?

HICKS: Is that who I think it is?

Vicente Muñoz, in the flesh.

So we've got an international
fugitive on the streets of L.A.

- Any word on his whereabouts?
- No.

Not yet, but we've got a BOLO
out on the suspect's SUV,

and Muñoz's photo is in
every patrol unit.

I ran this video through facial rec.

I was able to ID Muñoz's
other accomplices.

Rojas' Uncle Benny is Benitez Bravo.

He's a dual Chilean/U.S. citizen.

Known associate of Muñoz.

The other two, Javier Zuniga
and Ignacio Vera,

are g*ns for hire.

Enforcer types. sh**t first,
ask questions later.

Still no word from the kidnappers
about ransom demands?


And that's why none of this
is adding up for me.

Look, do a deep dive on
all three of these suspects.

If any of them have
family or friends in L.A.,

- I want to know about it.

Sir. Parking Enforcement just
flagged the suspect's vehicle.

It's parked in a red zone
at Hillside Hospital.

Tan and Cabrera aren't far.
Get them over there.


I'm Officer Tan,
this is Officer Cabrera,

LAPD SWAT. How long has
this vehicle been parked here?

We're not sure.

They got SWAT doing
parking enforcement now?

This vehicle was used in
a kidnapping earlier today.

Did you see where the men
who were driving it went?

No. I was just making my rounds
and saw the SUV

sitting in the red zone.

- [g*nf*re]
- Take cover.

If you see anyone approach this SUV,
radio it in.

TAN: 25-David. sh*ts fired at Hillside
Hospital, cover now!



How many sh**t?

- Two.
- Which way did they go?

That way, toward the surgical wing.

down in the east hallway.

Multiple GSWs. Hey, hey!
This guy needs help.

- Moving.
- All right. Stay with me.

- [g*nshots]

LAPD. Drop the weapons!

IGNACIO: Get the doctor to the van.


Hey, get down. Get down!
Come towards me.

- Go, go!
- Go.


Get down! Get down!

Got a confirmed visual

on two male suspects, armed
with handguns and a hostage,

heading for the hospital ambulance bay.

Go, go, go!


fleeing Hillside Hospital

in an ambulance heading
southbound on Budlong.

Requesting air support.

That must have fallen off the hostage

when they shoved him in the ambulance.

Dinesh Madrosian, anesthesiologist.

This is the second doctor
Muñoz and his men

have kidnapped in the last few hours.

And we need to figure out why,
before these guys start

turning their g*ns on the hostages.

The ambulance got away
before an LAPD airship

could get eyes on it,
so suspects are in the wind.

DEACON: What do we know about
the newest kidnapping victim?

Dr. Madrosian's been an anesthesiologist

at Hillside the past five years.

Guy's personal and professional
records are spotless.

So first they kidnap a surgeon,
and now an anesthesiologist.

Muñoz has to be orchestrating

some kind of off-the-books surgery.

Witnesses at the hospital
reported that the gunmen

didn't just take Madrosian.

They also demanded surgical
supplies and an ICD,

or implantable cardio defibrillator.

Helps regulate the rhythm of the heart.

All right, if we can find out more about

the surgery that Muñoz is planning,

it might tell us where to look next.

Tan, your brother works
with Dr. Nelson, right?

- Yeah, but I don't know...
- Get him in here.

We need all the help we can get.


How'd it go with your pop?

Not great. I asked him where

the replacement converter came from,

and things got a little heated.

A little heated by Harrelson standards?

Baby, I should have seen it coming.

He came in here feeling so proud

because he was able to
help us with your car,

and the second I questioned it,
I hurt his pride.

Well, we both know your father's
got plenty of pride.

He'll get over it.

What? There's more bothering you?

You know my pops has always felt like

I got my priorities in the wrong place,

that I'm more blue than Black.

Come on, that's in the past.

He's come around to
accepting what you do.


He may not mention it as often because

we gave him a granddaughter
that he loves to be around,

but the way he feels
about me and this job,

it's still there.

And it still gets to you.

- So what are you gonna do?
- I don't know.

I mean, for starters, I do want to help

pick up the slack for the LAPD,

but these converter thefts
are low priority,

and my pops was right about what
community is hurt the worst.

You have a plan?

Maybe. I did some digging.

There's a pilot program up in San Jose,

and the PD there partnered with
community watch groups,

and they were able to reduce
catalytic converter theft

by more than 50%.

If you've got something,
I can see if my office

can maybe help make it happen.

Thanks, baby, I'm gonna
keep looking into it.

- Thanks.
- No problem.

Commander Hicks
will be here in a minute.

You any closer to finding
Dr. Nelson and her daughter?

We're making progress.
Hoping you'll help us make more.


I'm not all right knowing my
brother's cheating on his wife.

I know I'm in the wrong, okay?

This morning, when I was staring
down the barrel of a g*n,

all I could think about
was Claire and the kids,

how much I might've
screwed up my family.

I'm glad they crossed
your mind, at least.

Look, Victor, marriage is hard,

especially after 15 years.

You and Bonnie, you're still
in the honeymoon phase.

I don't expect you to get it.

Bonnie and I are divorced.

What? When?

It finalized a couple months ago.

She cheated on me.

Yeah. I know what that feels like.

Well, I'm sorry that happened.

But at least you understand
where I'm coming from.

You know now it takes

three people for an affair
to happen, not just two.

Wait. Are you trying to say

it was my fault that Bonnie cheated?

I'm just saying
it's not always black and white.


- You must be Jacob.
- Yeah.

Well, I appreciate you coming down.

Happy to help if I can.


Right this way.

Hey, Tony.

I'm really sorry about all of this.

Jacob? What are you doing here?

This may not be about your access

to m*llitary weapons after all.

We have a few more questions we
need to ask you about Vicente Muñoz.

And Dr. Tan's going to help us
fill in the blanks.

TAN: In your dealings with Muñoz,

did he ever mention any health issues?

For himself, or one of his loved ones?

No. He fainted once.

After one of the dinners at our house.

Fainted how?

Describe what happened.

It was out of the blue.

We were just conversing

and then his breathing
got a little labored

and he just collapsed
right there at the table.

Anna was able to revive him right away.

Muñoz just laughed it off,
blamed it on too much wine.

Did Anna have a theory
about what caused it,

or a potential diagnosis?

She was concerned about
some heart condition.

Brujo? Uh, no, no.


Brugada syndrome.

For those of us that are
less medically inclined?

It's a rare heart disease,

usually seen in men over 40.

Brugada can cause abnormal
heart rhythms, or arrhythmias.

- It can even lead to sudden death.
- Oh.

WILD GUESS: the treatment
for Brugada involves surgery?

Yes, we treat it
with an ICD implantation.

That explains why he
kidnapped Dr. Nelson.

She's one of the preeminent
implantation specialists

on the West Coast.

All right...

Well, Muñoz is on
every wanted and watch list.

So even if a hospital would accept him,
he wouldn't risk it.

He's gonna need to source
his own surgical suite.

What type of facility would they
need to perform this operation?

If they've already got
the proper surgical tools

and the ICD device,
they could go just about anywhere.

- Can you be more specific?
- Not really.

This is Los Angeles.

There are hundreds
of cosmetic surgery offices

and weight loss clinics that could have

a suitable operating suite.

There's no telling which one of
those sites Muñoz may be holed up in.

- Great, thank you.
- You're welcome.

Commander Hicks filled me in
on the latest with Muñoz.

I'm looking for anything that
might help us track him down.

I just saw Jacob leaving.

Did you end up talking about the thing?

More arguing than talking, really.

He said Bonnie cheating
was partially my fault.

It might've gotten ugly,

but that's when Hicks stepped in.

You know that's not true, right?

I maybe could've done
a few things differently

to be a better husband,

but I-I've made my peace with that.

What's really bugging me is the distance

between me and Jacob. We're brothers.

We should be able
to talk about our lives,

but we just... we can't.

Think that might have
something to do with the way

you compare yourself
to Jacob all the time?

Any time you mention him,
there's a comparison attached.

To work, to relationships.

We've been comparing and competing
with each other our whole lives.

I guess we still are.

Bet that's why you never
told him about your divorce.

That competitiveness is what's keeping

the distance between you two.

If you really want to fix things,

you've got to stop judging each other.

Think I found something.

According to hospital records,

Dr. Nelson had a Brugada patient

cancel an ICD implantation
surgery last month.

Why would someone cancel
a life-saving surgery?

The hospital cancelled it
when they learned the patient

was using a fake name: Joseph Rodriguez.

You think that might've
been Muñoz using a pseudonym?

Yeah, because that same Joseph Rodriguez

rented an Airbnb in
Highland Park yesterday.

Credit card matches the one
the hospital had on file.

Not a surgery center.

But that could be where they're
keeping the kidnap victims.



- [expl*si*n]

LAPD! On your stomach!


Kitchen clear!

Hands behind your back.



Closet only.




It's okay, Ellie. You're safe.

Clear the rest of the house.

Let's get you out of this.

- Did you find my mom?
- Not yet. She's not here?

I think they took her
somewhere, I don't know.

- I've been tied up here the whole time.
- Okay.

Room clear.

DEACON: Almost done.

Rest of the house is clear.

No sign of Muñoz or the missing doctors.

You have to find my mom!

We're working on it. Come on.
It's gonna be okay.

No, you don't understand.

I heard them say they'd k*ll us all

once she finished
performing the surgery!

So, Muñoz and his men
left with your mother

and Dr. Madrosian about 30
minutes before SWAT arrived?

I think so.

It was so hard to keep track
of time in that room.

Why aren't you out there
looking for her?

She's in danger.

Ellie, Ellie, we've got
a bunch of officers

out there trying to locate her,

but we're gonna need your help
in order to do that.

Did the men who kidnapped you...

did they say anything about
where they were taking

your mother or Dr. Madrosian?

HONDO: The name of a surgical center,

or a clinic where they planned
to perform the ICD surgery?

All I heard them say was Studio Vista.

That's not a hospital or
neighborhood I've ever heard of.

Are you sure that's what you heard?

Think carefully, El.

We need to find your mother quickly

and you're our best hope right now.

It was Studio Vista.

I'm sure of it.

I'll have Cabrera and Alfaro
dig into Studio Vista,

- see if anything pings.
- Okay.


- Those men...

they were so cruel.

I'm scared of what
they're gonna do to Mom.


Your mother is one of the
smartest people I've ever met.

She'll find a way to buy
herself some more time.

- [SOBS]
- Come here.

Please tell me you're making
some kind of headway.

Keep the faith.

We're doing everything we can.

No, the doctor isn't in today,

but I can try to answer some
questions about the procedure...

I need to borrow your surgical
suite for a few hours.

Show us the way.

Let's go.

Come on.


Commander, we've got something.

What's up?

One of Muñoz's henchmen

had bariatric weight loss surgery

here in L.A. about five years ago.

Happened at an outpatient
clinic in Studio City.

- Okay.
- And that clinic is located

in the Studio Vista Medical Plaza.

That's got to be where Muñoz
is having the operation.

Go! Get moving!

This will do.

Let's get started.

I'm not performing this surgery
until you let my daughter go.

Ever the negotiator, like your husband.

Unfortunately for you,
I have all the leverage.

Let's get going.

Look, we don't know if this...
if this OR

has been properly sterilized.

You're risking severe infection

from bacterial residue,
airborne pathogens...

Infections are the least of my
concerns at this moment, Doctor.

I'm gonna need a surgical assistant,

in addition to Dr. Madrosian.
For safety.

This woman, she will assist you.

I-I've never helped with surgery.

Consider it a résumé builder.

Are we all done stalling?

Look, Vicente, please.

Let Ellie go.

She's just a girl.

She's no older than
your nieces back home.

I will still perform the surgery,

I just need to know that she's safe.

You don't have a choice, Anna.

Perform the surgery or my men
will k*ll you and your daughter.

Let's begin.

The surgical suite we're looking for

is on the first floor of the building.

DEACON: Over a dozen
businesses rent space in the complex.

Lot of potential for hostages.

Should we use the XLR again?

Too many bodies.
We'd never get a clear reading.

I'll have Patrol set a perimeter
and watch the exits.

As soon as we make entry,
we head straight for suite 105.

Looks like the office
has two points of entry:

the main door and an
emergency exit at the rear.

All right, we go top and tails.

Deacon, Cabrera, Alfaro,
you move in through the front.

Tan and Stevens,
you're with me at the rear.

- Fill the gaps.
- OTHERS: Stay liquid!


Patrol at all exits at our location.



Alfaro, snake cam.

confirmed visual on suspect

Javier Zuniga in the reception area.

Tan, you're up.

in the rear hall.

If Javier and Benitez are here,
Muñoz has to be, too.


Stevens. Three, two,

one, initiate.



- Stevens, clear the offices.

Tan, with me.


On your stomach, now!

CABRERA: Hands behind your back!


- LAPD, drop the w*apon!
- Put the g*n down, now!

Take one step, and they all die.

- Back away slowly

or I sh**t them. ¿Cachai?

- Hold on now. Let's just talk.
- Back up!

Not unless you let the
hostages come with us.


Enough! You're all wasting
time that we don't have.

What the hell are you doing?!

- NELSON: I'm trying to save his life.
- Don't move!

If he dies on that table,
he said his men are

gonna k*ll my daughter.
I'm not gonna let that happen.

We have your daughter.

Ellie and your husband are safe.


BENITEZ: What is that? What did you do?

Nothing, because you won't let me.

Shut that alarm off now!

His heart is out of rhythm,
and it's gonna

stay that way until you let me go.

Do you want us to save his life or not?

Okay, go.

Pulse is erratic, BP's dropping, fast.

He's in tachycardia.
It's a Brugada att*ck.

MADROSIAN: 85/60, pulse-ox at 82.

Up the oxygen,
full-flow and prep an epi.

MADROSIAN: Epi ready.

Defibrillator on standby.

Damn it. We need to finish
connecting the ICD lead

to his right ventricle,
but I need another set of hands.

I need her now!

No, she stays right here.

You didn't go through all this trouble

just to watch your boss
die on the operating table.

- Shut up.
- Let her go, Benitez!

I let her go, you sh**t me.
I'm not stupid.


Epi, now.

If I don't get
another pair of hands now,

this man dies here on the table.

Tan, watch my six.

Stay back!

I'm trying to save your boss's life.

What do you need me to do?

Glove up and come meet me over here.


I'm gonna need you
to tilt the C-arm my way.

I need to be able to see
what I'm doing in there.

- This right here?
- Yes.

That's perfect.
Grab the lead wire to the ICD.

You got it.

Feed it right in here.

You have experience with
anything like this, Officer?

I trained as a combat medic.

Good. Then I don't have to worry
about you fainting on me.

I just need to finish connecting
the last electrode.

We have a successful implantation.


- Hey!
- Hey! Benitez, drop the g*n.

Drop it, right now.

Put it down.

TAN: Turn around,
hands behind your back.

- Let's go.

You know, you're pretty calm
under pressure, Officer.

Sergeant, actually.

Sergeant Harrelson.

You got nerves of steel yourself, Doc.

Excuse me.

Are you Jacob Tan's brother?

Yeah. My name's Victor.

I just wanted to thank you

for saving me and my daughter.

It was a team effort.

Sure, but...

someone from the Tan family always seems

to be around when I need help.

Your brother has gotten me through

many a crisis at work.

He's a good man.


You both are.

Thank you again.


Mint chip still your favorite?

Yeah, and I see it's still
chocolate and coffee for you.

Can't believe this stuff still
tastes the same after 20 years.

Louie's is an institution for a reason.


I'm sorry for what I said earlier.

About it being your fault
that Bonnie cheated.

You weren't completely wrong.

Still shouldn't have said it.

It had to have been tough on you.

So what're you gonna do?

About Claire and Veronica, I mean.


I don't know, Vic.

I mean, Claire and I have been
having issues for a while.

There was a month-long stretch

where we barely said a word
to each other.

Then Veronica came along, and she was...

a ray of sunshine, you know?

It felt good to just smile
and laugh with somebody again.

I don't mean to say
that it's Claire's fault.

I was the one that was unfaithful.

I just have no idea
where to go from here.

I can't tell you what to do, but...

what I won't do is judge you for it.

No matter what you decide.

Does Mom know?

About the divorce?

I haven't had the courage
to have that conversation yet.

But, uh, I will... soon.

If you want...

I can be there when you do.

To offer moral support.

Or help clean up
whatever she throws at me?


Hey, Pop. Thanks for stopping by.

I'm only here for the chance
to be able to see my grandbaby.

So where's the little angel at?

In her room. I just laid her down.

Well, let's not waste any time.

What's this?

It's the proof you asked me for.

Junior installed
an aftermarket converter.

And that's all the approvals,
the executive orders,

and the magic signatures
that makes it all legal

in the eyes of this crazy state.

You know...

he could've sold that converter
to somebody else,

probably for a lot more.

But because he and I go way back
and Nichelle

is my daughter-in-law,

he did me a solid.

I know I said it earlier, but thank you.

You saved us a lot of stress.

I just want my boy to be able
to sleep easy tonight.

Take it easy, Pop.


I was way out of line
with what I said earlier.

I didn't mean to accuse you
of stealing, and I know

you did us a huge favor
with this, so real talk.

Thank you.

You're welcome. Now can I see the baby?

Not yet.

There's one more thing.

Our conversation got me thinking.

And I did some research.

San Jose has a program,
etching VIN numbers

into people's catalytic converters.

And theft has gone way down
since the stolen parts

are harder to sell.

I spoke to the inspector
general about funding

a program like that here.

It looks promising.

HONDO: And I also talked
to Leroy and Darryl,

who said they'd be willing to do some

of the etching work in their auto shop.

I thought it might help some of
the people in the neighborhood.

You know...

I knew a good idea would get through

that thick head of yours,
sooner or later.


- Now can I please see my grandbaby?
- All right.

- Come on, Granddaddy, come on.
- Come on.