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02x46 - Teddy Ruxpin's Birthday

Posted: 03/09/24 16:15
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Oh, I'd love going swimmin' ♪

♪ If the water weren't so wet ♪

♪ If the water weren't so wet ♪

♪ If the water weren't so wet ♪


♪ If the water weren't so wet ♪

[continues humming]

Good morning, Teddy.

And happy birthday.



[Grubby humming]

Grubby, are you almost
finished bathing?

Remember what we're doing today.

Don't worry, Gimmick.
I've got a great memory.

I never forget anything.


Except this time.

I forgot to bring
a towel with me.

[laughs] Just wait there
until I bring you one.

I don't want you
to get my floor all wet.

Okay, Gimmick. And thanks.

Here's your towel,
Mr. Memory.

My, what an unusual vessel.

Do you like my boat?

I call it the "S.S. Zena."

That's it.

Why didn't I think of it before?

But, Gimmick--

Not now, Grubby. Science calls.

But does it have
to take my towel?

-Hey, Teddy.
-Yes, Grubby?

Could you please
bring me a towel?

I've been in this bath so long
I'm turning into a prune.

-Here you are, Grubby.

Gee, Grubby, I thought you told
me you didn't like taking baths.

That's right, Teddy, I don't.

Then why are you
taking one today?

Oh, come on, Teddy.

Even I have to bathe
for a special day like today.

Grubby, you remembered.

Of course I remembered. [laughs]

I'd never forget
that today is your...

uh, uh, that is, um,
my Aunt Tilly's anniversary.

Yep. That's what today is,
all right.

Oh. Yeah.

Well, that is
a special occasion.

Is, uh, that the only reason
today's special?

Well, as far as I know.

Is it somebody else's
anniversary, too?

No, not that I know of.

-I just thought--
-That I forgot something?

Not a chance.

My memory
is just too good.

I don't ever
forget a thing.

Eleanor: Should the oven
be smoking like that?

No, it's been
trying to quit.

It's not going
to blow up, is it?

Stop worrying, Mother.

You're about to witness
a scientific triumph.

They said it couldn't be done,

but I've proved them wrong.

I, Jack W. Tweeg,
have shown the world

that I can turn
buttermilk into gold.

[cash register dings]

Uh, Twank, I think your
scientific triumph is done.

The moment of truth!



It looks like...
[coughs] gold this... time!


It might look
like gold, Tweep,

but it still tastes like
buttermilk doughnuts.

And overcooked ones at that.

What are you
blabbering about?

Eleanor: L.B. is right.

These aren't bullion.
They're bagels!

Are you sure one of those
bogus buns was really gold?

I'm telling you, Eleanor,
I saw it with my own eyes.

It was solid gold, I tell ya,

and it was mixed up with
a batch of regular doughnuts.

When Quellor found it, I thought
he was gonna bust a gut.

And he's got lots of it to bust.

If J.W.T. here did it once,
he can do it again.

You just gotta
follow the recipe.

Hmm. I suppose you're right.

Tell me, Tweegy,

when Quellor caught you
at the Ying Zoo,

you didn't give him
the recipe, did you?

You're not that stupid,
are you?

Certainly not.

The list of ingredients
I gave Quellor

was as good as... Ha.

As your last paycheck, L.B.


You gave Quellor
a recipe for rubber?


"Six pounds of sauerkraut."
Have we got that?

Sauerkraut. Yo!



One pair of old pajamas.


[clears throat]
I donated those.


Thank you.

Slime. You betcha.

The wings of
a creepy crawly insect.

Uh, we could only find one wing.

Toss it in.

Are you sure this is
formula for making gold,
Your No-Goodness?

I think we can safely assume
this list is accurate.

That worm Tweeg wouldn't dare
give us false information.

I don't know.
It sounds pretty weird.

I do not require you to think.

I require you to mix
that batch of formula.

Now move it.

Yo, Trudge, into the barrel.
Let's go.


You should think about
going on a diet, fatso.

I'm not fat.

I'm-- I'm-- I'm husky. [cries]

That's enough.

Sludge, tell him you're sorry.

Oh, all right.

Sorry you're so fat, Trudge.

That's better.

Gimmick: Teddy, Grubby,

come out and see what
I've done to the, uh, airship.

It's, uh... [laughs]
quite extraordinary.

What did you do, Gimmick?

I invented a land sail.

A land sail?

Yes, it's connected
to the yardarm.

But, Gimmick,
that's just the airbag

without any air.

Yes, that's the beauty of it.

By lowering the airbag
from the Yardarm,

it will act as a sail,

and we can travel on,
uh, land.

Well, why don't
we give it a try?

Oh, I think
there's enough wind.

-All right.
-What do we do, Gimmick?

Just untie those ropes
on the side

and lower the sail.

I'll handle the, uh, tiller.

Aye-aye, Gimmick.

Grubby: Lower away.

Hey, we're moving.

We are. We're moving.

Uh-oh. Look out
for that rock, Gimmick.


Whoa! Whew.

Mighty good steering, Gimmick.

Which way should we go?

Let's cut across
Mizley Meadows.

Hmm, that's a good idea.

Gimmick, the sail
is working perfectly.

♪ Let's sail away today ♪

♪ Let's sail away today ♪

♪ Let's sail off right now
on the breeze ♪

♪ Let's sail off together ♪

♪ Wherever we please ♪

♪ Let's put all
our worries away ♪

♪ Let's put on our smiles
and let's wear them all day ♪

♪ Let's chase every bird
that goes flying on by ♪

♪ Oh, let's go sailing ♪

♪ Yes, let's go sailing ♪

♪ Let's go sailing today ♪

Teddy: So, uh, Grubby,

you're sure that you haven't
forgotten something today?

Me? Oh, sure.

I remember everything. [laughs]

In fact, my memory
is like, um, um...

uh, you know, uh, well,
I don't remember what it's like,

but it's real good.

There's the Wooly What's-It.

Ooh, hiya, fellers! How are ya?

Oh, we're fine.

What are you doing here
in Mizley Meadows, Wooly?

Well, it was such
a nice day, uh,

I decided to bring a blanket
and a picnic basket.

A picnic basket, eh?

Oh, uh, yeah.

Well, why don't you
just open up that blanket

and we'll help you sit on it?

Sure thing.

You can open that
picnic basket, too.

Do you come to
the meadows often, Wooly?

No, uh, just once in a while.

-We're going
to have lots of fun.
-And games.

-All right.
-I can hardly wait.

Hey, it's the Fobs.

-Hiya, Fae.

-Good afternoon, Frank.
-Hi, everybody.

Uncle Grubby!

Where you guys going?

-You know, Grubby.
We came here for the--
-Shh. Frank.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

-We just came over to, uh...
-All: Stand around.

Yeah, that's it.
Just to stand around.

And watch.

[all talking at once]

Gee, you Fobs
sound kind of confused.

We're not confused,
are we?

Who, us? No way.

Confused? Come on.

We're just not too sure where
to stand around and watch from.

Watch what from?


Why don't you fellas
just sit on the blanket?

Good idea.
Come on, everyone.

Let's sit down.

Where's the cake?

-Oh, sorry.

What's going on here?

Uh, nothing, Teddy.

Why do you ask?

Now the Grunges are coming.


Boy, this meadow is sure
getting crowded all of a sudden.

Well, hi, Grunges.
How are you?

Oh, we're managing,

Hey, where's the cake?

-Hey, quiet.

We came to see if we could
get a ballgame goin'.

That sounds like fun.

How about if us Grunges
play your team?

What do you say,

We can beat 'em.

I do believe we can.

So do I.

Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's play ball.

Tweeg: Oh, we're getting
lumps in the dough.

The formula says
to be careful of lumps.

Maybe we should leave 'em
in there, Twicks.

They might turn into nuggets.

Hmm, you have
a point there, L.B.

it's on the top of your head.

It definitely says no lumps.

Oh, this eggbeater
isn't good enough.

Can I stop cranking, then?

Yes, stop, stop, stop.

Oh, good, my tootsies
were getting tired.

L.B., go out and steal
something better

to mix the dough with.

Doesn't anyone use the word
"please" anymore?

Oh, well, at the walk'll give me
a chance to rest my feet.

What am I saying?

-Fob children: Go, Grubby, go!
-Teddy: Come on, Grubby. Hit it!


A hit will tie it up,

Sure is a lot
of pressure on me.

Strike two.

[crowd cheering]

-One more time, Trina.

Hit it, Grubby. Hit it!


All right, Grubby!

Run, Teddy!



The score is now tied.

Okay, Wooly.
It's your turn at bat.

Sock it good, Wooly.

Don't worry, fellas.

I'll hit it out of the meadow.

Strike one.

Come on. Throw it up here
where I can hit it.

All right, you asked for it.

Do your worst.

-Fob: Yahoo!
-It's a hit, Wooly!


-Fob children: Go, Grubby, go!
-Run, Wooly. Run to first!

But, Teddy, I broke the bat.

Don't worry about it, Wooly.
Just run.

Gee, I'm sorry
about breaking the bat.

-Gimmick: All right, Grubby!
-You did it, Grubby!

We're one run ahead.

Fob children: Go, Wooly, go!

Go, Wooly, go! Go, Wooly, go!

Uh, listen, Trina,

I really didn't mean
to break this bat.

That's okay, man.

By the way, you're out.



Nobody's home.

Maybe Gimmick'll have
some gimmick I can steal.


Now, that looks like
some labor-saving device.


Well, did you do it?

Well, it sure
don't look like gold.

Maybe if we look at it
from a distance.

You know, like modern art.


Just like mom used to make.


Stand aside, you vermin.

Uh, right, Your Vileness.

Ooh! [groans]

Hey, let's not just
stand there, guys.

Help him out.


[Quellor grunts]

Sludge: Look.
What's that shiny thing?

It's gold!

The formula works!

Of course it's gold,
you fool.

That happens to be my tooth.

-Didn't mean to.

Yeah, we were trying to help.


This is all Tweeg's fault,

and Tweeg shall pay.

-Ooh! How he'll pay.

Okay, Grubby,
the bases are loaded,

and they've got two outs.

-One more out and we'll win.
-Okay, Teddy.

Teddy: Strike one.
Good work, Grubby.

Yes, splendid
spheroid projecting.

-Look out. Here she comes.

Strike two. Okay, Grubby.

Just one more strike.

Oh, no.
It's gonna be a homerun.

Don't worry, Teddy.
I'll catch it.


-What a catch.

Why, thank you.

Hey, is she on your team?

She sure is.
She's our tall-stop.


Well, okay.
You guys win.

Yeah, Leota should get
the game ball for that catch.

Well, I think Teddy
should get a game ball.

To help him remember
his birthday party!

My birthday party?

All: Happy birthday, Teddy!

[laughs] Oh, boy.

Thank you.
Thank you all.

But how did you know
it was my birthday?

Grubby told us.

Yes, he arranged
all this.

Gimmick helped, too.

But I thought you forgot
it was my birthday.

Teddy, I keep telling ya,

I don't forget anything.


Here's what I swiped, Boss.

Oh, good, L.B.

Now, that thing should
blend the dough perfectly.

I wonder how you work it.

Oh, I see.

You just pull this cord.

Uh, yep. Yep.

That's the way
it works, Twitch.

Oh, Tweeg! It's Tweeg.

Now, put it in the dough

and I'll give the cord
a good, hard jerk.

If there's anybody knows
about jerks, it's you, Boss.

Thank you.

Ready? Here goes.



-Where's the cake?
-And the ice cream?

Where's the food
and the presents?

In this basket!

The perfect hiding place.

[Gimmick laughs]

♪ It's your birthday,
it's your birthday ♪

♪ Yes, your birthday day
has rolled around again ♪

♪ It's your birthday ♪

♪ It's your birthday ♪

♪ Yes, your birthday day
has rolled around again ♪

Leota: ♪ We like to watch
you growing old ♪

♪ Before our very eyes ♪

♪ And see that
really silly smile ♪

-♪ When we all yell ♪
-All: Surprise!

Leota and Grubby:
♪ Now think real hard
about a special wish ♪

♪ You'd like to make ♪

♪ It might come true
if you blow out ♪

♪ The candles on your cake ♪

♪ 'Cause it's your birthday ♪

-♪ It's your birthday ♪

♪ Yes, your birthday day
has rolled around again ♪

-♪ It's your birthday ♪

-♪ It's your birthday ♪

♪ You had one just a year ago
and now it's here again ♪

♪ If you should have another
birthday in a year or two ♪

♪ We want to come
around this way ♪

♪ And celebrate with you ♪

♪ So stuff yourself
with birthday cake ♪

♪ And gobble up ice cream ♪

♪ 'Cause we want this
to be one of ♪

♪ The greatest days
you've ever seen ♪

-♪ 'Cause it's your birthday ♪

-♪ It's your birthday ♪

♪ Yes, your birthday day
has rolled around again ♪

-♪ It's your birthday ♪

♪ And we all would like to say ♪

♪ We love you
and we hope you have ♪

♪ A very happy, very happy ♪

♪ Really, really very happy ♪

♪ Really, very,
very happy birthday ♪

[theme music playing]