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03x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 03/11/24 17:32
by bunniefuu
[doors open heavily]

[tense music playing]

[man 1 calling]

- [doors slam, echo]
- [man 1] You made it.

- [excited chatter]
- [man 2] Okay, guys. Time for a movie.

I want everyone to sit here now!

[man 3] You heard Filip, little boys.

- No one closes their eyes.
- [Filip cackles]

- [man 3] Keep watching.
- [man 4] Are you stupid or what?

[man 3] You're horny, huh?

- Like what you see, boys?
- [Filip] Is that a hard-on you got there?

[guys clamoring and jeering]

[dance music blasting]

- [music cuts out]
- Just stop it!

- [sniffles]
- [somber instrumental music playing]

[August] And Erik...

Erik was there.

[music fades out]

[Valter] One could say
that W's lack of communication

in itself is... then became rhetorical.

Yeah, but the... the question remains,
"Was this a conscious strategy by W?"

- [Valter] It probably wasn't, in his case.
- [students chuckle]

[Henry] Or if he just happened to be
in the wrong place,

and chance decided his place in history.


[Henry] Who knows?

Not us.

- That's all from us. Thanks.
- [Valter] Thanks so much.

- [students clap]
- I'm just tired.

[teacher] Thank you very much for that.
And then we have, uh...

[indistinct chatter]

What do you think I should be wearing
for your birthday?

Is there a dress code?
What are you gonna wear?

[clicks tongue] Um...

[clears throat] I, uh...

[takes a deep breath]

I guess I'm wearing a suit.

- A suit?
- [Wilhelm] Mm.

[Simon] Okay. A black one, or what?

Hello? What's up with you?

Nothing. I'm... just... tired.

["WIZZ" by Coucou Chloe playing]

♪ I should get high ♪

♪ Not the first time ♪

♪ And let it go, let it go, let it go ♪

♪ Listen, I was high ♪

♪ Not your last time ♪

♪ Let it go, let it go, let it go ♪

♪ Let it go, let it go, let go ♪

♪ And go ♪

♪ Gonna, gonna ♪

- [Vincent] August! What's up?
- ["WIZZ" fades]

We are... we've just, uh, started working
on the nominations.

Have you, uh, had the time to look at it?



The Class Party Animal.

The Class Legend. The Class Socialist.

The Class Import...

[indistinct chatter]

- What?
- Yeah, you know, that you're an immigrant.

Or some hobo. [chuckles]

Marwan, you thought
that was hilarious, right?

[chuckles] Yeah, really funny.

[inhales sharply]

But is that really a smart move?

Maybe I'm the lamest guy ever,

but what happens
if an outsider hears about this?

But please, August. It's over.

Do you really think
that they would give back our cell phones

and have the third-years' dinner
if they weren't completely convinced

that we had won?

[inhales sharply] Yeah, whatever.

Do what you want.

I'm not gonna be there anyway, so...

What? Where are you going?

It's Wille's birthday.

We're gonna celebrate him at the palace.

[splutters] But what?
You're not gonna be at the party?


It's just family. You know?

- A bit more important.
- Okay.

But, um, good luck.

Have fun.

[indistinct chatter]

[Housemistress] Yes, excuse me
for disturbing you

in the middle of your lunch,
but this is regarding you first-years.

Uh, at the third-years' dinner
this weekend...

[group cheers]

[Housemistress] Oh goodness.

I have divided you into three groups,

since it is the first-years
who will be serving them.

[girls cheer]

Group one, who will handle starters
and aperitifs

will be Fredrika, Edith,
Louise, and Madison.

Then we have group two, the main course,

Agnes, Sofia, Pervin, and Stella.

If she... I mean, if she's fine.
She's sick right now.

Yes, we certainly hope so.
We need all the hands we can get.

Group three will handle dessert.

That's Michaela, Felice, and Sara.

Right. Make a note of this.

[excited chatter]

We can switch groups if you want.

So you can avoid being with Sara.

No. No, it's fine.

- [Fredrika] Are you sure?
- [Felice] Yeah. No problem. I'm okay.

[Fredrika] I mean, can you imagine
how cute we'll be in our uniforms?

Wait. We're gonna wear uniforms?

[rock music playing on radio]

[Micke singing along]

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm making some food for us.

Grandma's lasagna. [chuckles]

And I washed your clothes with that, uh,
perfume-free detergent that you like.

How was school?

Are you on something?

What? [scoffs]

Is it against the law to feel good
after a productive day?


- [pans clatter]
- [Micke grunts]

I went to the doctor
and got some, uh, new medication.

You said that you can't take
that kind of medication.

Well, I mean, it can't be
that the only thing I can handle

in a whole day is practice driving
for an hour with you.

I have to work and pay the bills too.

I mean, if it's a burden that I'm here,
I can move back home to Mom.

No, the opposite.
I'm so happy that you're here.

I'll see my doctor again in a month,
so you don't have to worry.

Uh, I was thinkin'
about your driver's test.

If you drive us there, we can practice
and calm your nerves one last time. Okay?

[rock music ends]


[coins jingle]

[tense music playing]

[sighs deeply]


[line ringing]

[Wilhelm sighs]

- [Duke] Hi, son.
- Hi. Is it a bad time?

No, no. I'm just sitting here reading.

How is Mom doing?

Well, it is what it is.

But of course, she's looking forward
to you coming home for the weekend.

Is she?

Of course she is.

I haven't talked to her
in like... like forever.

I think, um,
she's trying to keep all this from you.

So you...

Don't you worry.

You know how hard it is
for her to show, uh, weakness.

Was Erik ever like that?



Uh, everyone has weaknesses, son.

But it's difficult to remember Erik's.

You know, he was so...

he was so exuberant.

He didn't have that darkness inside him.

[somber music playing]

He was perfect, wasn't he?

Yeah. He really was.

[Duke takes a deep breath]

He really was.

[grunts sadly]

[clicks tongue] I...

I heard something

about him.

[takes a deep breath]

Oh. Oh, hang on, son. Come in!

[indistinct chatter on phone]

[Duke] I see. I see. Yeah, just a moment.

Could I call you back later?

Uh, or maybe we could talk
about it this weekend?

- Mm.
- Great. We'll do it then.

It'll be nice to celebrate you.

And to meet Simon too.

- Sleep well, son.
- Sleep well.

Say hi to Mom.

[receiver clatters]

[line beeps]

[cell phone vibrating]

[call disconnects]

This is Wilhelm. I can't take your call
right now, but leave a message.

[Simon breathing shakily]


[somber music fades]

[in Swedish] ♪ With soft
And vivid warmth ♪

♪ To all that has been dead ♪

♪ The sun's rays will approach ♪

♪ And all will be reborn ♪

[girl, in English] But it felt okay.

[indistinct chatter]

[door opens, closes]

Uh, Simon, I...

I'm gonna quit the choir.

What? But you just started.

Yeah, but I really don't feel comfortable
performing in front of people.

It's just not me,
and the restrictions are gone,

so there's really no point in me staying.


I mean, you can be honest
and tell me if I've done something.

It feels like you think that I'm...

[takes a deep breath]

...difficult 'cause I'm asking
about your birthday.

But I'm doing it for your sake.

You're not difficult.

Okay. So what is it, then?

It would be nice if you could...

mm... talk to me 'cause I don't understand.

[takes a deep breath]

Erik took part in it.

[somber music playing]

The initiation. He was one
of the third-years who was there,

who arranged it.

You mean the... p*rn video?

Yeah, and that's... that's the reason
why I haven't said anything.

'Cause I don't even know
how to feel about it.

And I really don't need
you judging him as well.

- I haven't said anything.
- No, but I know what you're thinking!

What I'm thinking?

You're thinking he was a h*m*.
He didn't stand up for the weak.

He wouldn't have liked that I'm with you,
or that he hadn't liked who I am.

Wille, that's not necessarily the case.

Maybe it isn't that strange
that he got sucked into it

if everyone else was doing it

and thought it was
a perfectly normal behavior.

Maybe he gave in to peer pressure.
What do you know?


If there's anything I've learned
from this whole situation with Sara

and everything is that...
that siblings can screw up too.

And let you down.

I think that you just have to get used

to the idea
that maybe Erik wasn't perfect.

But hold on. I mean...

What do you mean?


I mean, you can't compare Erik to Sara.

- You have no right to do that.
- I didn't do that.

- Yes, you did.
- No.

You just did, or what...
what the hell do you mean?

[tense music playing]

I'm just trying to say
that Sara isn't perfect either.

- [scoffs] What the f*ck?
- She's tried to do something good.

Never mind. I can't take this.

- Can we just...
- I can't take this, Simon.

[Simon] Can... can we just talk?


[indistinct chatter]

[door closes]



Has something happened?

[sighs] No, Sara.

[tense music playing]

[line ringing]

[tense music fades]

Hi. You have reached Micke.
I can't talk right now.

But if you leave a message
or send a text, I'll call you back later.

[voicemail beeps]

Hi. Where are you? Are you on your way?

Because if you can't make it or something,
you have to tell me.

'Cause my driving test is in 30 minutes,

and the bus won't leave
for another 20 minutes,

so, uh, you really have to come now.

Uh, yeah, call me.

- [energetic music playing]
- [sighs]

- [line rings]
- Hi. It's Sara again.

Are you on your way?

Um, call me.

[line rings]

[Sara] Hi. Where are you?

I really need to know
if you're on your way or not.

'Cause... yeah. Just call me.


[energetic music fades]


[upbeat pop music playing]

[Felice] I really don't think
Simon meant any harm.

He was probably just shocked.

[sighs] Yeah, I guess he was, but...

I, for one,
am really glad that you told me.

I really want to know
what's true and not true in all this.

[Wilhelm sighs]

It's different with you
'cause you knew Erik.

You saw his good sides.

Simon never got the chance.

It can't be him.

Erik was the one that I...

He was the reasonable one.
He was the one I could trust.

[voice breaking] He was my brother,
and now...

[exhales] I don't even know
if he would've liked me.

Of course he would.

♪ You're burning up ♪

♪ You're burning up... ♪

But, hey...

Can we talk about something else?

- [both chuckle]
- Sure.

What color would you like?

How about some, uh... hmm...

purple with glitter, maybe?

♪ Don't even know me, know me ♪

Purple is fine.

[Sara panting]

Hi. Excuse me.

Sara Eriksson?

Yeah, exactly. Well, I'm sorry I'm late.

Yeah, cutting it a bit short.
Have you got your ID?

Yes. Yeah.

[inhales sharply] Sorry.

[examiner] Hmm.

Yep. Thank you.


You can get in.

[takes a deep breath]

[examiner] Now take a left
at the T-junction.

[turn signal clicking]

You can follow the signs
towards Bjärstad South.

[tense music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

[horns honking]

[examiner] All right.

You can proceed.

[Sara sighs]

[in Spanish] Wow! It fits you perfectly!

[in English] Thank you, Mami.

[in Spanish] What? Don't you like it?

We can return it if you want.

[in English] No, I like it.
It's really beautiful.


[inhales sharply]

[in Spanish] What's up?

[Simon sighs]

[in English] I just don't know
if it's gonna happen.

I mean, we had a fight. Kind of.

I always try to be there for him.

[takes a deep breath]

But whatever I do...

well, it turns out wrong.

[sighs, in Spanish] Sweetheart.

[in English] You're not doing
anything wrong.


[in Spanish] You know what?

I think he's a wonderful boy.

His life and his situation is what it is.

But love...

[in English] shouldn't be this hard.

Especially when you're this young.

[in Spanish] Remember that, Simon.

[door rattling]

[murmurs in English]

[rattling grows louder]

[door opens, closes]

[Sara sniffles]

I got it.

My driver's license.

[sniffles] But Dad...

He was...

He was supposed to drive me there.
He promised.

But instead, he drank beer
with his friends.

I don't know.

I didn't think that it...

I thought it would all be fine, but...

[somber music playing]

I don't know what I thought,
but it just hurts so much.

- [sobbing]
- [gently] Sara.

[sniffles] I'm sorry, Simon.

I'm so... I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


[Simon] It's okay, Sara.

Mm. I forgive you.

[Sara sobs softly]

[Linda] Oh.

[somber music fades slowly]






[knocking on door]

- Hi.
- Hi.

Here's the suit for your birthday.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.


[energetic music playing]


Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!

It has to be ready in half an hour.


[chef] Group one can start
preparing the appetizers.

[girl 1] Oh my God. It's funny.

[woman] Group two can come with me.

[indistinct chatter]

[Housemaster exclaims] Put this down.

[Henry] What? Put this down?

The small ones on the outside.

The cutting edge
should always face the plate.

You may start.

- Is there more dill, or is that the last?
- There's more.

- [Henry] I'm setting the tables.
- Fantastic.

- Thanks.
- [Housemaster] Nice.

[energetic music fades]

[in Spanish] ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, my Wille ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

[in English] Thanks.

How did you get in?

I just had to bribe Malin.


if you don't have anyone
who sings for you in the morning,

then it doesn't really feel
like a real birthday.

[Wilhelm sighs]

You wanna make a wish?

- Nice.
- Don't wrinkle it.

Really nice.

Is everything okay between us?

Yeah. Thank you for your text.

Oh yeah.

Here's your present.

But I promise
I'll give you a real present too.

I just haven't had the time
to finish it yet.

It's absolutely perfect.

[energetic music playing]

Thank you.

[birds singing]

[Farima] All right. Here they are.

Happy birthday, Crown Prince.

Thank you. Thanks.

Congratulations, Crown Prince.

Well, the board
will already be there when we arrive.

There will be a photo sh**t
followed by a short gathering.

I will, of course,

stay close to you and help you
with names and topics of conversation,

should you feel like you need it.

Simon, I'll show you
where you can be while you wait.

[energetic music continues]

Okay. It's ten to.

We're 15 minutes late,
but I think we'll be fine.

- [Wilhelm sighs]
- Hey.

Maybe it was stupid
to tell you that thing about Erik.

I get that it must've been tough to hear.

[Farima] Are you ready? Wilhelm?

Please go ahead.

[birds singing]

[indistinct chatter]

Hello, Wilhelm. Nice to meet you.

- Thank you for last time.
- Hello.

Lovely. You too. An absolute pleasure.

Thank you for coming.

- [Wilhelm] Hi.
- Hi. Klas-Göran.

My name is Wilhelm.

- [girl] Joy.
- Hi, Joy. A pleasure. Are they...?

For, uh, me? [chuckles]

Thanks a lot. Thank you. Very nice.

[August] Whoa. Wow. You're better than me.

[Farima] All right.

Let's line up for the photo sh**t
by the wall over there.

A pleasure. August. August.

- Should I stand here?
- [Farima] Squeeze together.

Yes. Big smiles.

Very good. And stand a bit closer.

Well, I... I... I gave up horse riding
a couple years ago when I started school.

- But I'd like to pick it up again.
- [Farima] And smile.

- [Wilhelm]...when I'm done.
- [August] Yes.

[photographer] Give us
a nice big smile, now.

One, two, three...

- [camera shutter clicks]
- [light chatter]


How are you?

That went well.

[Wilhelm chuckles softly] Mm.

[August speaking indistinctly]

[quietly] Absolutely.

[Simon] Do you want some?

It's really good.

Thanks, but I can't eat anything

that's not made by the royal's own chef
at events like this.

Why's that?

'Cause there's a risk of poisoning.

[Farima] Crown Prince? Simon?

Time to go.

Farima, I don't give a sh*t
what Mom and Dad think

they're gonna achieve
by having August at my dinner.

I refuse. Okay?

It's either him
or me going back to Hillerska.

[quietly] Okay.

Malin, can you arrange a car

for the Crown Prince
and Simon to the palace?

- [Malin] Sure.
- [Farima] Good.

Uh, not tremendously,
but it's certainly an interesting...

- [Farima] Excuse me.
- [woman] Hmm?

- [Farima] Excuse me.
- Oh.

- Thanks for the conversation. Great.
- A pleasure.

- [Farima] Hey.
- Yeah?

I know that things are tense
between you and the Crown Prince.

So I was thinking
that you don't have to come to the palace.

- After all, you only graduate once, right?
- [sighs]

Good. I'll get you a car.

Mm. Thanks.

["Wet White Tee Shirt" by Upsahl playing]

♪ Don't look at my eyes, look at my eyes ♪

♪ Drippin' all night ♪

♪ Drippin' on my wet white T-shirt, mm! ♪

♪ Don't look at my eyes ♪

♪ Love a good cry, drippin' all night ♪

♪ Drippin' on my wet white T-shirt, mm! ♪

♪ I see you goin' fast ♪

♪ Call the priest, you are possessed ♪

♪ No, you ain't gonna last ♪

♪ If you keep eye-f*ckin' my breasts ♪

- [screams]
- ♪ If you keep staring down like that ♪

♪ Sorry, your brain can't get no rest
Take a picture... ♪

Here's to the future.

♪ Fill the roll, just be my guest ♪

♪ Don't wanna talk ♪

♪ Keep it physical, physical ♪

♪ You raise my thoughts ♪

♪ When you're down on your knees ♪

♪ I'm the audience ♪

♪ And you're the show ♪

♪ Come and cure my depression, let's go ♪

♪ Don't look at my eyes, look at my eyes
Drippin' all night ♪

♪ Drippin' on my wet white T-shirt, mm! ♪

♪ Wet ♪

- ♪ Wet, white, mm! ♪
- ♪ Wet ♪

["Wet White Tee Shirt" ends]

[in Swedish] ♪ We are so happy, ha ha ♪

♪ That you were born, hip-hooray ♪

♪ That you were born, hip-hooray ♪

♪ And born today ♪

♪ And all the gifts ♪

♪ That you see are for you ♪

♪ And all the gifts, they are for you... ♪

[in English] It's Froggy Ball.

- Froggy Ball?
- And Charlie Strapp as well.

The cartoon.

A family tradition.

Congratulations, dear Wilhelm,

who doesn't just turn 17,

but he has also performed

his very own assignment

without Mom and Dad.

We're so proud of you.

So, um, let us hear it
for Wilhelm! Hip-hip...

[group] Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

- Hooray... [chuckles]
- [woman] How lovely.

Thanks, everyone. [chuckles]

- Congratulations.
- [Wilhelm] Thanks.

[softly] Thanks.

- [Queen] Oh, honey. Mm.
- Hello.

Mm. How are you doing?

How are you?

Just fine.

- It's so great, Simon.
- Yes.

To have you here with us today. Welcome.

Thank you.

- How lovely. Mm.
- Thank you for having me.

Well, this year,
we'll have a smaller celebration.

But next time,
it'll be the first official Wilhelm Day.

Wilhelm Day, huh?

[Duke] Yes, the people will also want
to celebrate their Crown Prince.

So we'll get to enjoy being able
to take it easy this year.

- Yes.
- [all chuckle]

Shall we...
Well, let's have a drink, shall we?

- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- Huh?

- Yes, absolutely.
- I'd love to.

- [Duke] This way.
- Thank you.

No, so it's, uh... Thanks. It's really nice.

- [Vincent] Yeah?
- Expensive to refill.

But totally worth it.

[Nils] sh*t, there's August. Hey!

- Hey.
- [Vincent] Welcome.

- [August] Thanks.
- What happened to the birthday?

Uh, I excused myself.

I realized
that you only graduate once, right?

- [laughs]
- [Nils] You're right.

Hey. Excuse me. Uh, could we arrange
for August to sit here, sweetie?

And could he get a glass
and something to drink for August as well?


Damn, a white tuxedo. Fresh.

Right? Dad's old one.

Really nice.

- Thanks.
- [guy 1] A toast?

[guy 2] Yeah!

Well, uh, you've, uh,
been boozing away, I see.

- [Vincent] Yeah, of course. Yeah.
- Would you like a red or white?

Whatever is fine.

Mm. Red.

- [Vincent] You take care of that.
- [Nils] I'll handle everything.

[Vincent] If I handle it,
I won't get it done.

- Thanks.
- [Nils] We can book a skipper too.

[Vincent] A skipper? Hell yeah.

[light, classical music playing]

It's, uh, really beautiful.
Thank you very much.

Really nice.

It was time
for you to have one of your own.

Yes, um... the old one belonged to Erik.

[Simon] Okay.

Well, you must be hungry.

Let's eat.

[doors open]

[footsteps approaching]

Thank you.

[Queen] Please enjoy.

So, Simon,

how do you celebrate birthdays
in your family?

The usual.


Singing in the morning, cake, and gifts...

And then I usually meet my friends.

Bowling or something like laser tag.

- Laser tag?
- [Simon] Mm-hmm.

Hmm. I haven't tried that, have I?

♪ Raise your glass up to your mouth
Tjofaderittan lambo! ♪

♪ And that wine is going south
Tjofaderittan lambo! ♪

♪ See the last drops in the wine glass
Slowly fill that drunken dumbass ♪

♪ Lambo, hi, lambo, hi
Tjofaderittan lambo ♪

- ♪ I, the glass, have... ♪
- [Vincent] Penalty round!

[students chanting] Penalty round!
Penalty round!

Penalty round! Penalty round!
Penalty round!

♪ Raise the glass up to your mouth
Tjofaderittan... ♪

[indistinct chatter]

[guy] Has someone seen the tray?

You're really good at this.
I didn't know that you enjoyed cooking.

Yeah, thanks.

Yeah, I... I really enjoy it.

I always thought that I would become
a chef when I was a kid.

- [energetic music playing]
- Okay, girls. Are you ready to serve?

- Two minutes.
- Uh...

- So, um...
- Yeah, absolutely. Okay.

- What do I do now?
- Uh... put some on this one, maybe.

- That's right. Take...
- Ooh.

- [chuckles]
- Oh. It's okay. It doesn't matter.

- And then this stuff on each one.
- This one.

- All of them. These too. Like this.
- These? Okay.

And then take some of this.

Uh... [exhales]

Which ones are ready to be served?

- These ones. Start with them.
- Oh, thanks.

- Then we just have to...
- Oh yeah.

- Thanks.
- Wait, if you add some of that...

[both laugh]

- So?
- Oh God. [laughs]

- [energetic music fades]
- [light, classical music resumes]

- [Simon] It was really tasty.
- [Duke] Mm? Hmm.

So, Simon.

I've been told
that you're very interested in music.


I, um... I sing.

And I write my own songs
from time to time.

- And I'm trying to learn sheet music.
- [Duke] Oh.

- Wille has actually helped me quite a bit.
- [Duke] Really?

- Hmm.
- [laughs]

[Duke] Yes, he took both piano
and cello lessons when he was a kid.

But we had to force him to attend them.

So, uh, does music run in your family?

Yeah. Kind of.

My mom, uh, likes to listen to music
and dances and sings and stuff.

And Dad plays the guitar.

He used to play
in a band when he was younger.

Uh, and I think
he plays the piano as well.

Erik played as well.
He was a very talented pianist.


[Queen] And then he played
the transverse flute.

- Was it the violin?
- [Duke] Yeah, I think it was, but...

[Queen] Yeah. He was so talented,
whatever he put his mind to. [chuckles]

- [Duke] Yeah.
- Excuse me.

Isn't it to your liking?

Yes. Yes, it was good.

[takes a deep breath]

The Class DILF Hunter, Derirée!

[students cheer]

- [dance music blasting]
- [guy 1] Hey!

Our next person has been mentioned
in several, uh, categories.

The Class All-Star Jock,
the Class Overachiever,

even the Class Future.

But he got the most votes
as the Class Bad Boy.


[students cheer and applaud]

[guy 2] Bad boy!

[Vincent] Agge!

Damn, I'm jealous.

- I mean, bad boy. That's the best one.
- The best one. I know. The best.


Uh, yeah. The next one.

Yeah. He has the most stinking headaches.

His nutritional intake
consists of 99% paracetamol.

If someone sleeps
in your nuggets, well, it's probably him.

The Class Hangover is, of course, Filip!

- [students cheer and applaud]
- [somber music playing]

- [cheers distort and fade]
- [Vincent laughs]

- [birds singing]
- [dance music continues playing inside]

[somber music building]



[bottles clinking]


[Sara] Hi.

Throwing away the trash? [chuckles]

[Sara] Mm-hmm.

Have you had time to read the letter?

Um, no, but I, uh...

[grunts]...I was gonna give it back.


Because I don't want to read it.

[hesitates, chuckling] Why not?

'Cause I don't want to.


It isn't... It's not very long.

I can... I'll read it.

- I can read it. Yes.
- No. I...

[sighs] I'll be quick.


There. [inhales sharply]

[clears throat]

"Hi, August in the future." [chuckles]

"I hope that you graduate
from Hillerska as the man you want to be."

"That you,
through hard work and discipline,

manage to transform yourself
from the scrawny little first-year

that everyone bossed around
during the initiation

to a strong and independent individual
that nobody dares to mess with."

"You'll show them."

"Right now,
you're running everyone's errands,

but when you graduate, you should be
the one who rules Forest Ridge."

"This first year was just the beginning."

[takes a deep breath]

"You've increased your muscle mass."

"You have stopped crying."

"You have learned to suck it up,
and you've gotten yourself

some friends."

"You even get to hang out with Erik."

"And the third-years sometimes."

"I hope that you'll never
have to be alone again."

[takes a deep breath, grunts]

[letter rustles]

I want you to understand
where I'm coming from

and what I tried

or thought I wanted to... to be.

I don't even know if I want that anymore.

I don't know what it is I'm... [sighs]

[gentle music playing]

I wish I had done things differently
with you.

[gentle music swells]

[muffled chanting]

[students cheering]

[both whispering inaudibly]

- [floorboards creak]
- [gentle music continues]


[playing somber melody]

- [footsteps approaching]
- [gentle music fades out]

[Simon] Oh, there you are.

[sighs] Please don't leave me alone
with your parents like that.

Sorry. I just needed a break.


Hey, maybe it's best if I just go home.

What? What do you mean? Why?

Mm, because it feels
like I shouldn't be here.

It's a bad atmosphere.

What do you mean, "shouldn't be here"?
I... I need you here!

Simon, it's my birthd...

How the hell do you think I feel?

I mean, I've been worried sick for Mom.

And now, when we finally get
to see each other, it's just horrible.

But sure, if you actually think
it's so bad, then go. Just go.

[servant] The cake is served
in the small living room, Your Highness.

[Wilhelm's footsteps fade]

[Duke] There. Here comes Wille. Right.

Yes, it's time to blow out the candles.

And there's Simon as well. Very good.

Not bad.

And you get to make a wish.

There. I think
I'll just retire back to, um...

Well, you... you... you just stay
and finish the... the cake, so... [chuckles]

[Duke] Well, let's have breakfast together
tomorrow before you have to leave.

[scoffs] Wait, wait. Is it...

Is it really that much trouble

to just sit here
and eat a damn piece of cake?

Hey, Wilhelm...

Or what's the deal?

I mean, sorry,
but can we stop putting on this act?

And stop pretending
that everything is normal?


Well, there is, um...

Nothing is normal after Erik d*ed.


No, of course not.
You think I think it is?

But that's not the whole truth.

Things have never been normal for us,
but you pretend that they're normal.

You scratch the surface.

You talk about it, but you don't mean
anything of what you're saying.

I mean, it's so damn sick, like...

I don't know. I was... I was so devastated!

I was totally devastated,
and I needed you.

I needed you both!

I wasn't even allowed to mourn
in peace with you.

The grief of Sweden was more important.

The only thing you cared about
is how I look

and how I'm supposed
to behave as Crown Prince!

How we... how our family appears.

That's what has mattered.

And when I didn't want to lie
about the video and Simon

and about who I am,

then you break down!

Then you shattered!

Then you can't function!

Then you decide to f*ckin' abandon me.

- Come on, Wilhelm. That's enough.
- And you!

You let Mom do whatever she wants,
and you don't give a damn about me!

I'm your only son.


- Can you see me?
- Wilhelm!

That's no way to talk to your father!

- Not to me either!
- [Wilhelm] I will talk as I please!

You're my f*ckin' parents!

- You should be there for me!
- [Queen sobs]

It is... [sighs]

[crying] It isn't that easy
to be both your mother and your boss!

No, I've noticed because you're
just as damn useless at both!

Just stop it!

[Duke sighs]

[mutters] I...

I... I... I... I... [mutters]

I don't know.

[dramatic instrumental music playing]

[Wilhelm panting]

[softly] I'm sorry, Simon.

[Simon sniffles]

I didn't mean for you to see that.

Wille, I, um...

I think it's good
that you're honest with your parents.

And, um...

I really try to be there for you.

But then I just see how...

everything just hurts you.

- This whole situation you're in.
- [sniffles]

And that hurts me.

[softly] I'm sorry, Simon.

It's just like you...

[takes a deep breath] became someone else.

I don't recognize you.

["Arcade" by Duncan Laurence playing]

Love shouldn't be this hard.

♪ A broken heart is all that's left ♪

♪ I'm still fixing all the cracks ♪

What do you mean by that?

♪ Lost a couple of pieces when... ♪

[crying] Maybe it just can't work.

♪ Carried it, carried it home ♪

♪ I've spent all of the love I saved... ♪

I can't do this anymore.

♪ Small-town boy in a big arcade ♪

♪ I got addicted to a losing game ♪

[singer vocalizing]

♪ All I know ♪

♪ All I know ♪

♪ Loving you is a losing game ♪

♪ How many pennies in the slot? ♪

♪ Giving us up didn't take a lot ♪

♪ I saw the end before it began ♪

♪ Still, I carried out ♪

♪ Carried out, carried on ♪

[singers vocalizing]

♪ All I know ♪

♪ All I know ♪

♪ Loving you is a losing game ♪