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02x03 - The Warrior Class

Posted: 01/24/14 21:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Banshee...

Carrie's voice: I'm not Ana anymore. My name is Carrie.

Gordon's voice: Is anything about us true? About you?

Is Carrie even your real name?

Rabbit: Your mother has told you many lies, Deva.

Gordon: We have two children...


...whose lives have been turned upside down.

My baby!

Gordon: And nothing and no one else is more important than that.

Guard: You got a visitor.


You coming?

Making friends?

You know me.

You getting any more time for it?

They just let me off with a warning.

Take it seriously. They'll just keep you in here longer.

I just can't stand being in here not knowing if my kids are okay. I can't talk to them.

And then if he comes back...


If he's alive, you hurt him pretty badly.

He's alive.

I put my kids in harm's way.

I have to get them out of it.

We will.


All that time you were inside, I never came to see you.

Thank you.

Just keep your head down, okay?

Quiet time.

Quiet time.

[gate buzzes]

[gate buzzes]


[theme music playing]

2x03 - The Warrior Class

[children shouting]

[people singing]

[singing continues]

My Grandfather says green eyes are a sign of the devil.

Maybe he's right.

Girl: I put that in the category of crazy shit old Injuns believe.

What? Was it the shit part or the Injun part that got you?

Sometimes I wonder what planet you come from.

Man: And the Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be alone.

I will make him a helpmate for him."

And out of the ground, the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air.

Want a bite?

We have got to get out of here.

Right now?

No, not right now.

The first chance I get, I'm gone.

Is it really that bad on the reservation?

Our parents tell us how we were this great warrior tribe,
but now everyone's on dr*gs or in jail or getting k*lled.

I'm not gonna die on the rez. No way.

Where would you go?

I don't know.

It's a big world out there.

And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereon.

You miss Rebecca, don't you?

Man: And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept.

And he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof.

Girl: Is that what you want to become?

Are you gonna drive a horse and buggy, grow a long beard,
and throw your children on the streets when they tell you to?

Man: And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman and brought her unto the man.

You know, we could go together. If you want.

♪ Holy, holy, holy ♪
♪ Merciful and mighty ♪
♪ God in three persons ♪
♪ Blessed Trinity. ♪

[thunder rumbling]

I'm going to get the horse.

I'll stay here.

Miriam: Solomon?



[speaking Pennsylvania Dutch]

Elijah: Solomon!




[speaks Pennsylvania Dutch]

[camera clicking]

[crowd murmuring]


Brock: Her name is Lana Cleary. She's Kinaho.

What's she doing here?

No idea.

[camera clicking]

Don't we have a medical examiner for that?

Three counties sharing one ME, we tend not to be a priority.

After last night's rain, there isn't much left, but we take the pictures, send it all up to Harrisburg for forensic analysis.

I don't need Harrisburg to tell me she got her skull caved in.

Hey, that's the girl's family over there.

You might want to talk to them.

They're pretty broken up. I couldn't get any information.

Mr. Bowman, please stay back.


Mr. Bowman.

My son Solomon, he never came home last night.

Whoever did this might have done the same thing to him.

Brock: All right, Mr. Bowman, I assure you every effort will be made.

But you can help us by asking your people who saw Solomon last.


Elijah: I don't know.

Brock: All right, thank you. I understand.

Right now I need you to please step back.

There's no connection?

Girl: No.

[sobbing] Tell him.

Just tell him what you told me. Now, come on. Now.

Lana was hooking up with an Amish kid.

What Amish kid? What's his name?

Solomon Bowman.


This is... this is a... this is a lie.

This is a damned lie!

My son had no dealings with Indian girls.

So where is the boy?

Elijah: He's not here.

He's missing. The boy is missing.

They're hiding the boy. You're hiding the boy!

Elijah: Why do you say this? I am not hiding him.

He's hiding the boy. Bring the boy here.

I will not bring the boy here. He has nothing to answer for.

He k*lled her.

Why does he say this?

Both of you just back off now!

If you're hiding him...

What? No. What?

I do not know where he is.

Cleary: He k*lled my baby!

Elijah: I tell you he did not k*ll anyone.

Cleary: He k*lled her! He k*lled my baby!

Mr. Cleary. Mr. Cleary.

Mr. Cleary.

Brock: Please stay back, okay?

I have to find my son.

The State is sending more troopers to comb the area.



Hey, who's the big guy?

Brock: Oh, that's Chayton.

He's head of the Redbones, a g*ng on the reservation.

Real bad news. Did some time a while back.

Beat the living shit out of a busload of tourists because some of them were dressed like Indians.

Came out bigger and meaner than when he went in.

You guys bust him?

No, staties got him.

Me and Brock tried to arrest him a while back.

You tried?

He's a large man.




[birds flapping]

Keep your finger along the trigger guard until you're ready to sh**t.

Good. Wide stance.

Good. Good. Now let's see what you can do.

That's very good.

Excuse me.


[glass shatters]


Men: Solomon! Solomon!



Solomon, can you hear me?





[police radio chatter]

[phone ringing]

Hold on a moment, okay?




Have you heard anything about my brother?

Uh, no. Not yet.

State troopers are helping with the search, but there's nothing yet.

Do you have any idea where he might be?

Solomon's not a k*ller.

There's a lot of people who believe he is.

That's why we need to find him before the Kinaho do.

If I can be of any help, Sheriff, any help at all.

Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.


Let's go, Rebecca. Let the sheriff do his job.

Come on.

Please. Just bring him back to me.


Rebecca Bowman have anything to add?


I think I got something from the sister.

Lana Cleary had an ex-boyfriend, a guy named Tommy Littlestone.

Apparently, when he found out she was dating an Amish kid, he went off on her.

Started sending her threatening e-mails.

Tommy Littlestone?

Any relation to Chayton Littlestone?

It's his little brother.

What, Chayton, the big guy from the crime scene?

Yeah. Chayton isn't some meathead gangbanger.

He's old school. He's all about the purity of the Kinaho tribe.

In fact, none of the Redbones date outside the tribe.

So my guess is if his little brother's girl was involved with some Amish boy, that wouldn't have gone over so well.

Siobhan: Yeah, and according to Lana's sister,

Tommy's now a full-fledged member of the Redbones.

I guess we need to have a little chat with Tommy Littlestone.

We have no jurisdiction on the reservation.

We cannot take one step onto their land without a federal warrant.

Brock: Exactly. [chuckles]



Just wondering which one of us has the best relationship with the FBI these days.

That's what I thought. Let's go.

What? Hood. Hood! Hey!

[dog barking]

We should rethink this.

I agree.

We expecting trouble?

We don't have jurisdiction here, all right?

Some of these kids are minors.

We pull our g*ns, we could all go down for it.

Okay, so no g*ns.

Yeah, but if Chayton is in there...

We should probably have a talk with him.

Emmett: Where's he going? Where are you going?

I'm gonna go around back, poke around a little.


He's gonna poke around.

Bring your Tasers. Shit.

[loud music playing]

[dogs barking]

Heads up, guys. There's cops.

Emmett: Good afternoon. Banshee County Sheriff's Department.

We can see who you are, man.

Look, we just want to ask you a few questions.

Go f*ck yourself, bitch.

One of our girls was k*lled on Amish land and you're landing on us?

Typical r*cist white man bullshit.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

Look, nobody's accusing you guys of anything.

We're just trying to figure this thing out.

Figure it out somewhere else.

This is the rez, man. You're trespassing.

Look, son, I don't want to argue the finer points of the law with you, but we are investigating a potential capital m*rder case.

So we have jurisdiction.

We have jurisdiction?

Just go with it, okay?

Get the f*ck out.

[men muttering]

f*cking cops.


[music blaring]

We're looking for Tommy Littlestone.

We just want to talk to him.

Look, you guys can talk to us here
or you can talk to us from a holding cell. Your choice.

Why don't you go find the Amish m*therf*cker who k*lled her?

Get the f*ck out of here.


[music stops]

[shouting stops]


How the f*ck did you get in here?

Hey, take it easy. Take it easy.

This is a friendly visit. I just want to talk.

I'm not looking for any trouble, okay?

No? Well, it looks like trouble is what you got.

You're Chayton Littlestone.

Just Chayton.

Well, Chayton, I was just telling your colleagues here I just want to talk.

You got no business being on the rez, cop.

Well, that's something we can talk about.

Far as I'm concerned, you have no authority on or off the reservation.

You see, all the land around here was Kinaho land before the white man ever sailed.

And then your forefathers stole it, parceled it up and sold it as if they were entitled.

Just like you feel entitled to walk into my house because you wear that piece of polished tin.

And now a red girl has been k*lled on white man's land that should have rightfully belonged to her people to begin with and you... [scoffs] you don't see the audacity it takes for you to turn up here pointing fingers?

I'm trying to find out who k*lled that girl.

You won't find that here.

If you didn't k*ll her, then you got nothing to worry about.

Do I look worried?

Oh, f*ck!


Shit, Hood's in there.

Open up!

Kick his ass!


[Kinaho cheering]

Hit it, Emmett. Hit it.

Knock him out!


f*ck this.

Watch out. Watch out.

Get off!

Hey, get off me, man!

No! Hold still!

Man: Let me go, man. Let me go!

Put your hands up!

Put your hands up!

Put your hands up! Turn around!


Turn around!

[deputies shouting]

Emmett: Don't move. Don't move.


On your knees!

Stay down! Shut up!


You're gonna bleed with me, cop.

Just like your ancestors bled with mine.




[electricity crackling]



[electricity crackling]





Well, that's something you don't see every day.

Everything all right in here?

Okay, which one of you assholes is Tommy Littlestone?

Hey, Tommy.

Guess your brother ate all the vitamins, huh?




Thanks for saving my ass back there.

Guy was about five seconds away from tearing me apart.

Well, we can't have that.

Not when things are just getting interesting.

Can I help you?

Uh, yes.

I'd like to see Sheriff Hood.

The sheriff is busy right now, but who can I tell him is here?


Do you got a last name like most people?

Uh, Smith.

Have a seat, Smith.

I'll let the sheriff know that you're here.

[footsteps approach]

So... [sighs]

I got you on resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, carrying a concealed w*apon, trying to slice me open with that concealed w*apon.

I could put you away for 10 years on those alone.

But I'll bet I could also make you good for the girl's m*rder.


I don't k*ll Indians.

No? What about your brother?

You came onto the rez without a federal warrant.

These arrests are illegal.

Yeah, see, you guys all say this to me like I should give a shit.

If you give a shit about the dead girl, seems to me you should be looking for the Amish kid.

So you got nothing to tell me about Lana and Tommy?

I'll see you again, cop, outside this cage.

Ever the optimist.

So what? So I sent her some e-mails.

It doesn't mean anything. I didn't do anything!

Sheriff Hood. Your deputy just gave us the rundown.

Alison Medding.

Ah, the new ADA, right?

That's right. With Gordon filling the Mayor's slot, I will be running point on this.

What does that mean exactly?

It means it's my job to tell you that you had no authority to go into Kinaho land and start shaking people down.

You get straight to the point, huh?

We have a m*rder*d girl.

Yeah, I'm aware of that.

And if this investigation is compromised by illegal arrests...

Jesus Christ. Listen to you.'ll blow the whole thing before it gets started.

While you're standing here worrying about rules, I'm out there trying to find the guy who did this.

Hey, hey. That's enough.

Now, do you have anything solid tying these men to the girl's m*rder?

Well, when I asked him if he k*lled the girl, the big one tried to k*ll me.

Well, that's not exactly conclusive now, is it?

Tommy Littlestone is 17 years old.

You're questioning a minor without representation.

Not to mention your arrests were illegal to begin with because you were out of your jurisdiction.

You two should meet.

Chayton Littlestone has two warrants in Jefferson County.

Probably why he resisted today.

They have priority, so I'm having him transferred back to their jurisdiction.

Believe me, they're welcome to him.

Alison: You can take the little brother now.

Let's go.

Tommy. Tommy. Don't say another word. I'm shutting this down.

Come with us.

Brock: We're not holding him any longer.

This your first m*rder case?

It is.

Big career boost, huh?

Damn straight. I plan to crush it.

My boss doesn't like you.

Don't be ridiculous. Everyone likes me.

Sheriff Hood.


I've got something you might want to hear.

Uh... What?

Someplace private we can talk?

You know?


It's crazy out there today, huh?

Is it always like that?

You got something to tell me?

You're not my father.

No, that's very true.

Yeah, but... see, you have his name.

I don't think I introduced myself.

I'm Jason Hood.

I don't know who you are, but you're not Lucas Hood.

What do you want?

Well, for starters, where's my father?

Your father is dead.

I figured. Did you k*ll him?


Why should I believe you?

I have no reason to lie to you. You already got me nailed.

You don't seem too worried about that.

You don't seem too broken up for a guy who just learned his father's dead.

We weren't very close.

If it makes you feel any better, he died doing the right thing.

Thanks. It doesn't.

Yeah, I had a father like that, too.

So what's stopping me from just walking out that door right now and blowing your shit out of the water?

If you really think I'm the guy who k*lled your father, a cop, in cold blood, then had the balls to steal his identity, do you really think it's a smart idea to sit there and thr*aten me?

Come on, I'll buy you lunch.

I'm f*cking starving.

[children laughing]

I'll talk to her.

Hello, Miriam.

You allowed the elders to send your only daughter away with nowhere to go. She would have ended up in the streets.

But I was there to put a roof over her head and feed her.

As I think you knew I would be, right?

And now... could it really be that you'd just rather hang your laundry and leave your son to die than speak to me, the only person who might be able to help?



[distant cars roaring]

[engines revving]

[men whooping]


Walk to the house.

To the house.

We want the boy.

Patia. Patia, wait, please.

I can't talk to you.


Look, you can think whatever you want about me, but you and Solomon grew up together and I know you care for him.

You've got to help me.

No, I can't help you.

You can and you will.

Is it true about Solomon and the Indian girl?

You know that little bridge in the woods where the boys used to fish?

Yes. - Go there and I'll meet you there as soon as I can.

Thank you. Thank you.

Man: f*cking cham!

Kai, no.

Man: Get over here, you bun runner.

Blessed are the peacemakers that they will be called sons of God.

Man: Come on, you f*cking Dutchy!


Kai, don't.

That's it, come on, you bitch.

You're all brave men intimidating people you know won't fight back.

I'll give you 30 seconds to get back into your trucks and go.

[men laugh]

No, what I'm thinking is I'm gonna take this bat and shove it up your bitch ass and see how you like that.

Show him.

I see.


Men: Oh!


Man: Let's go. Be strong, man.

Come on, right here.


He's going nuts.

Hold up, hold up.

[overlapping voices]

Get in there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Wait, wait.



Do you know what's worse than getting your testicles crushed with a baseball bat?

Getting them crushed again.




Go home.

Man: We're coming back for you, Dutchy.

Are you hiding the boy? 'Cause if you are...

You dare speak to me like this?

As if I would do such a thing.

[speaking Pennsylvania Dutch]


Israel: Leah.

To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgiveness though we have sinned against him.

This is about the life of your grandchild.

If Kai can help, I will not be the one to stop him.


Jason: So these guys k*lled my father
and then you just k*lled them and figured what the hell, I always wanted to be a sheriff?

Let's just say I needed to become someone else and the opportunity presented itself. Your turn.

Well, I was working for these guys out in Portland.

What kind of guys?

Pretty much what you think.

You know, bad guys, bad-tempered, bad dr*gs.

Things got uncool and I decided it was time to split.

And they sent some assh*le after me back in Nevada.

They sent someone after you?

That means you either took something that didn't belong to you or you f*cked someone that didn't belong to you.

Yeah, [chuckles] one of those things.

You boys need anything more?

You got any pie?

Look around you, son.

Does this look like the kind of place that serves pie?

Thanks, Sugar.

We're good.

How good?

Good enough.

Here's what I'm thinking.

You got everyone here believing that you're Lucas Hood, right?

That takes some doing.

There's identification, social security, credit card numbers, the works.

Do you know how to do all that?

I know a guy.

I'm thinking of just... disappearing.

You know, like going up to Canada and maybe get work with the fishing fleets.

I just... I don't...

I don't want to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.

Yeah, I can help you out.

But it's gonna take a few days.

So in the meantime, I'm gonna need you to lay low for a while.

You understand?

That's one of the few skill sets I do possess.

Shut up! You're gonna check in to the Valley Motel and you're gonna stay there.

I don't want to see your face around town.

I'll come to you. We do the thing, then you say good-bye.

You go off, start your new life. And you do not come back.

Hey, where you going?

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a little busy.

You mean you actually do the job?

Now and then.

He just leave me with the check?

It's on the house.

Well, thanks for lunch.

What the f*ck?!

Sit down.

Ah, I'm f*cking bleeding.

Pay attention.

I saw your father die right over there. He didn't deserve it.

And the man who just walked out this door, he k*lled the men who did it.

Now, you may find this hard to believe, given his winning personality, but the man actually has friends here.

Good friends, if you take my meaning.

I know because I'm one of them.

And if I get as much as an inkling that you pose any threat to him,

I will personally turn your father's grave into a family plot.

Do you understand?

Yes, I understand.

Let me get you a band-aid.


No! Get off me!

Get off of me!





No! No!


[police radio chatter]

Lucas: Hey.

You okay?

Hey, hey, hey. It's okay.

Hey, hey, hey. You're okay. What happened?

Rebecca, what happened?

A man.

What man?

In the woods. He att*cked me.

[branches snap]




Siobhan: What happened?

Let me see that.

It's nothing. I'm fine.

You need to get that looked at.

No, no. I think I might have clipped him. We got to go back in.

No, no, no, no. No, no. Not you.

Not like this.

We're wasting time.

Brock has got the staties combing the woods for Solomon.

Whoever is in there, they're gonna find him.

I'm fine.

When was the last time you actually slept?

You've got to give it a rest.

I'm gonna drive you home, okay?


I don't live here.

I know.

You haven't eaten anything today.

I'm gonna make you something.

Man on TV: I said posse, idiot.


[music playing]

[laughing fades]

You want some more?



With everything that's happened in the last couple of days, you know what's sticking with me?

Lana's mother told me her girl was gonna be a schoolteacher.

I wanted to do that once.

A long time ago.

How's your head?


I should probably go.

You should go.

This is a bad idea.

[breathing heavily]


[heavy breathing continues]



[music playing]

♪ Come on! ♪
♪ His skin was soft as leather ♪
♪ I'm the Weatherman ♪
♪ No one else more dedicated ♪
♪ I'm the Weatherman ♪
♪ Well, hey, kid, you got the right ♪
♪ But the choice to k*ll ♪
♪ No, Son of Sam ♪
♪ Will let you in to turn against ♪
♪ Addicted to the love of ourselves ♪
♪ I'm the Weatherman ♪
♪ I tell no one else ♪
♪ I'm the Weatherman ♪
♪ So go for the k*ll ♪
♪ Go for the k*ll. ♪

[breathing deeply]

[chanting in Native American language]