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02x02 - The Magician Revealed

Posted: 03/14/24 14:56
by bunniefuu

(Cups clinking)

(Crowd cheering)




What’s this?

What’s happened?



What’s the matter?



Are you all right?




Constance, wake up!

Something terrible has happened.

We have to get everyone out of

the rain.


Oh, my head.

Foremole, wake up.

Wake up!


Come on, you all.

Too much trifle, I reckons.

Not trifle, old dirt digger.

Something much worse.

Feel like I got bonked on the


Basil, ring the bells and

search the grounds.

We’ve got to find out what’s

happened here.


Dirty work at the crossroads,

eh, what?


Dashed odd stink.


(Rollo crying)

By the north wall gate.


Oh, no!

What’s happened, Constance?

Cornflower, over here!

It’s Lettie Bankvole.


Who did this?

(Bell ringing)


There, there, poor little


Have you seen Mattimeo?

Probably hiding with the


Why would anyone want to

hurt such a harmless creature?

Stop them!

Get back, Mrs. Bankvole!

Oh, stop!

Hugo, where’s Hugo?


Take him inside.

I’ll try to find Hugo.

Right, and keep an eye out

for the young ones.

I haven’t seen any of them.

Search Cavern Hole.

I’ll get some help and search

outside the gates.

BASILCome on out, young





Tim, Tess!


Maybe we should start back,


I don’t think Friar Hugo could

have run farther than this.

You’re probably right.

BASILOver here, quickly!

Hugo, me old lad, what did they

do to you?

Oh, no.

Why this?


Why is right.

And who?




All right, everyone.

We’ve been att*cked.

We were fooled.

Taken in by that rotten fox and

his g*ng.

Filthy cowards.

Ah, it was them rascally

dirt-bag foxes and the like.

Them magicked us to sleepin’.

It wasn’t magic, Foremole, it

was this.


We were drugged, my dears.

Some sleeping potion or other.






Excuse the outburst, my

friends, but time is of the


We must try to make sense of

what has happened here.

I too believe that the fox

magician drugged us, then fled.

The question is why?

Perhaps John Churchmouse

knows something.





Any sign of Mattimeo?

They’re still looking.

Mattimeo, Mattimeo, Mattimeo,

is that you?

No, John, it’s Matthias.


MATTHIASCan you tell us

what happened?

We were so busy at the feast,

neither of us had taken the time

to eat or drink anything.

Then we saw them.


On my oath, Matthias, we fought.

Lettie, Hugo, but they were too

many to stop them from their

awful plan.

What plan, John?

What was it they wanted?

Our young ones, Matthias.

They took my Tim and Tess.


They took Sam Squirrel and

Cynthia Bankvole and...and your





Mattimeo gone, Sammy gone.


I’ll bring him back,


I’ll bring them all back.

I swear it on Martin’s sword.

To me, to me, Redwall to me!


Oy, mouse.

Come on, spoiled baby, little

abbey pet.

What are you gonna do now, eh?



Help, m*rder, he’s k*lling me!


No noise, from any of you.


You showed that little rat.

But watch out for Threeclaws.

He’s a cruel one.


My name is Auma.

Daughter of Orlando the Axe from

the Western Plains.

Mattimeo, son of Matthias the

Warrior from Redwall Abbey.

So you’re the one he wanted

so badly.

Who wanted me?

The one who stole us all


Slagar the Cruel.

Don’t worry, my dad will

rescue us.

He’ll be out searching already.

My dad too.

But they won’t find us.

I’ve seen things.

Slagar clears his tracks and

makes false ones.

Our rescuers will all go the

wrong way.

Don’t tell the others.

Listen carefully.

Our main group will head south.

Meanwhile, Fengal and Deadnose

will take the cart and lay a

false trail to the north.

Afterwards, they can circle back

east to rejoin us.


By the claw, even the weather is

on my side.

The Redwallers won’t have any

idea which way we’ve gone.

Now let’s get them moving.


I am Slagar the Cruel, and you

are my slaves.


Understand this.

If I say walk, you walk.

If I say run, you run.

If I decide that you may live,

then you may live.

If I take it into my head that

you may not live, then you will



Now, move!

We’ve been up the north road,

but the rain is too heavy, so

there are no tracks.

Couldn’t make out a

confounded thing with all that

sky juice pouring down.


You’d better read this.

Sister Agnes found it by the

north wall gate.

It seems young Vitch, whom we

took in and cared for, was

spying on the abbey, assisting

the fox.

It’s Vitch’s writing, all


And it’s all about us.

No wonder the foxy blighter

knew I was a stomach on legs.

Mattimeo never did take to


There is something wrong

about Vitch, I just know it.

I’m sorry, Matty.

I should have trusted you.

Right, dawn tomorrow, rain or no


We strike north.

We’ll make that masked fox wish

he’d never seen our gates.

I agree.

But first, the light is failing.

And before it goes, we must pay

our respects to two of our

valiant comrades.

I’ll find you, Matty, if it

takes the rest of my life.

I will find you.



Get up!

You can do it, Tess.


You little backslider.

Up on your paws, mouse.





I’ll be fine now.

Listen, here’s a tip.

Don’t let the running line drag

behind you.

Hold it in your paws like this,

and you won’t trip.

It makes it a bit easier for us


Thanks for your help, Auma.

You’re tough.

Not really.

My mom died three years ago, so

Dad and me had to look after


You know how it is.


Be strong, Mattimeo.

Find a way to be strong.

I know you have it in you.

And I’m sorry I didn’t listen to

what was inside you, my son.


I can’t go on.

Why won’t they let us sleep?

I’m so tired.


Stop snivelling, Cynthia.

You’ve done nothing but moan and

cry all day.

Mattimeo, don’t.

Why not?

She’s a whining nuisance.


Your father would never talk

to another creature like that.


Why should I have to be like

my father anyway?

Because you are the son of

the Redwall Warrior.

And others not as strong as you

need your leadership and


I, uh...

Shut up over here.

Just think, if it wasn’t for

Matt the Brat here, the rest of

you might be safe and cosy back

at the abbey.


Ow, ow!




You Redwall lot think you’re so

clever, don’t you?

Well, let me tell you something

to cheer you up.

Slagar and I took care of the

cook and that loudmouth Mrs.


And that dozy father of yours


We k*lled ’em all, good and



Back in line!

Get up!

You are the troublemaker, son

of Matthias.

All Redwall knows that.

I’ll teach you a lesson you

won’t forget before you’re much



One more stunt like that, and

you’ll be chained in with them.

What are you waiting for?

Get these slaves moving.

And pick up the pace!

(Birds calling)

My friends, we march north.


Filthy stuff, rain, not much

fun to drink.

Sooner have October Ale any day,

what, what?

Stop chattering, you great

old feedbag, and get tracking

for signs.

Right-o, sir.

Eyes front and all that.

Listen up, troops, quick’s the

word, sharp’s the action.

This rain is going to make

tracking harder than ever.




Slaver wants ya.


Bally rain’s washed the

evidence away, old bean.

It’s like tracking fish in a


Can’t give up, Basil.

Can’t and won’t.

Walloping weasels, what’s

all this laying about like a

load of saturated stoats?

A pile of moonstruck moles?

Come on!

Chins in, chests out, jump to


Ow, ouch, bally ho!

Basil, are you hurt?


I think I’ve been skewered by a

tree trunk.

Take a gander, that’s a good old


Jess, give us a hand, will


The rest of you carry on up the


We’ll catch up later.

Give ’er mud and vinegar,

mum, just like me own mum used

to give ’em.


What you doing, Jess, trying to

hack me whole paw off?

Stay still, you flop-eared

food bin.

It’s just a splinter.

A splinter?

More like a javelin or an enemy

spear, you tiny tree walloper.



What do you make of this,


Blue paint.

I’d bet a bushel of acorns

to a cask of ale, it’s from that

fox’s cart.

Looks like our large and loud

friend here was right, Jess.

It is an enemy spear.

See the trouble and pain I go

through to find clues for you


I say, isn’t that a piece of the

fox fellow’s cape?

Yes, and here’s a broken


The rain didn’t do that.

And here, axle grease.

Look, these don’t line up


They’re travelling east through

the forest.

Let’s get a move on.

That cart will slow those

blighters down.

We may surprise them yet.

Well, what about the others?

They’ll come back eventually.

I’ll leave them a note.

Come on, hauling the cart will

slow them down.

Mattimeo and the others might be

close by.

Listen closely to my story,


Many seasons ago, during the

wars against Cluny the Scourge,

Matthias, the great Redwall

Warrior, betrayed my sainted


Your mother?

They sent her to her doom.

To horrible, undeserving death.

And she was no more than a

humble healer.

A healer?

Wait a minute.

My father told me this story.

It didn’t go like that.

Silence when I speak!


How would you know what


I was there.

I was denied my liberty.

Imprisoned in what they jokingly

called an infirmary.

No Redwaller would imprison

an innocent creature.

Our infirmary is for the sick,

not for captives.

Is that what they told you?


Lies, all lies!

I was forced to flee for my


Hunted down like a common


And I had done nothing.

Sela the Fox.

That was the healer’s name, and

she had a son.

Sela’s son, m*rder*r of


But he was k*lled.


Not k*lled.

I ran, but the warrior, he

chased me.

I had to hide.

I am Chickenhound.

And your father did this to me!


No, I know the truth.

You did it to yourself.

The truth?

You want to know the truth,


Matthias, Warrior of Redwall,

will know pain, when his only

son is made to suffer as Slagar

has suffered.


That is the truth, mouse.

And that is a promise.

BASILToo blinking obvious.

Not enough paw prints.

Jolly suspicious.


I found the cart.

It’s just up ahead.

Dash my whiskers.

Good work, Jess.

But let’s move in carefully.

It might be a trap.

I’d bet a hot dinner on it.
