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01x12 - Fowl Weather

Posted: 03/14/24 18:49
by bunniefuu

♪ One step at a time

♪ Who could suppose what together we'll find ♪

♪ With every pair of shoes that we try ♪

♪ We'll have a new adventure, you and I... ♪

♪ Where will my feet take me today? ♪

♪ Nobody knows for sure

♪ But come for a walk, I'll lead the way ♪

♪ To places never seen before


Hmm... Now where did I put them?


Here they are!

I got everything!

Can we go now? Can we?

Go? Go where?

To the park!

Of course. Today is Tuesday..

...and Tuesday is park day.

Let's go.

You know Franny, I don't think we'll go to the park today.

Not go? Why not?

Your old Grandpa isn't feeling so well.

I think I'm coming down..


...with a cold.

You don't look sick to me, Grandpa.

Can't we go? Please?

Maybe we'll go later after I have a...


...little rest.

Okay... [SIGH]



A customer!


How can I help you?

Could you fix these for my little boy?

The toes have holes in them.

Holes in the toes! That's not good.

We'll have them patched up by Friday.

A good sturdy patch should keep your boy's toes nice and dry.

Into the fix-it box they go!

Where will my feet take me today?

[GIGGLES] Splishity splash! This is fun!

As Grandpa always says, it's a good day for ducks.

[QUACK!] Do you think so?



Bless you!


You're welcome.

I'm Franny.

I'm Randal. [QUACK]

It's almost gone.

What's almost gone?

My voice.

I have to give the other ducks an important message.

[QUACK] But I can barely talk.

I can give them the message for you.

Would you?

They're over there in the in the duck pond.


What should I tell them?

It's time to fly south..[QUACK]

I've got the feeling.

What feeling?

The feeling that tells me it's getting colder

and it's time to fly south for the winter where it's warm.

Like when Grandpa and Grandma Fantootsie go to Florida.


If we stay here the pond will freeze over.

We won't be able to swim or get food.


No food! I've got to make them listen.


Wake up!

What's that, dear?

Randal says the pond is going to freeze over!


Randal! There you are!

Are you sure about this?

Have I ever been wrong before?

Ah-choo! [QUACK]

Why... no. No, you haven't!

But my ducklings don't know how to fly yet!

Well, if the pond is going to freeze,

then it's time for a crash course!

I'm sorry dear how rude of me.

I'm Darlene and these are my ducklings.

Markie, Parkie, and Fluffy...

Pleased to meet you. I'm Franny.


[QUACK] Ducklings, formation please!

Markie, take position...

Wings up...

... and flap!


It's a crash course, all right.


Parky, wings up!

Commence lift off!

C'mon, Parky! You can do it!


[QUACK-QUACK] What's going on?

Randal says the pond is going to freeze. You have to fly south!

But... we haven't eaten enough yet!

We won't have enough energy to fly south.


This is a disaster!



Oopsie daisy! Nice try, Fluffy.

But you're still too little to fly.

Oh, Franny, what are we going to do?

My ducklings will never learn to fly before the pond freezes.

But Randal has never been wrong before!

I don't know how the pond is going to freeze in this heat.


Wait a ding dong minute.

If it's almost winter, why aren't the leaves

changing colour and falling off the trees?

And how come there are daisies growing?

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

It isn't almost winter!

It's still summer!

[SNEEZES] But... my feeling.

I'm never wrong.

When I feel this cold, it's time to fly south.

Hmmm... do you feel chilled right down to your bones?


And shivery all over?

Uh huh.

And kind of droopy?


Randal, winter's not coming.

You feel that way because you have a cold.

You mean... I'm just sick?


And you need to rest and stay warm,

and you'll be ducky again in no time!

There you go, Randal.

Have a good sleep.

Thank you, Franny. [QUACK]

I believe I will.


I better go now!

My Grandpa will be wondering where I am.

Thanks for everything Franny.

Remember to flap your wings!



Ahh! Hm... got to work on my landings.


A daisy!

Another treasure for my shoe box.


Grandpa? How are you feeling right now?

Not too bad. But I've felt better.

Well you better rest.

That's what I told Randal.

Randal? Who's Randal?

A duck.

He thought winter was coming,

but really it was just his cold!

So... Randal has a cold, too?

Uh huh. And Grandpa?

I don't think we should go to the park today.

You don't?



You should have a cozy rest instead.

You're probably right.

But let's go and have a nice cup of hot tea first.

Okie Dokie!

Where will my feet take me tomorrow?