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01x08 - Strawberry's House Pest

Posted: 03/15/24 11:25
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪

(Guitar playing)

♪ Berry best friends forever ♪

♪ We never let each other down ♪

♪ As long as we're together ♪

♪ Things will always ♪ ♪ turn around ♪

Oh, pardon me. I didn't mean to interrupt.

Hi, jadeybug. No problem.

Just rehearsing for this week's cafe cabaret.

Can I get you something?

I was just wondering if I could bother you for a cup of tea?

Of course! Have a seat. Wherever you'd like.

What kind of tea are you in the mood for?

(Sigh) oh, something warm and comforting.

Lemon? Or mint?

Oh dear, oh my. I can't decide.

What do you think?


(Custard purrs)

(Nervous yelp)

May I ask, you seem a little jumpy. Is anything wrong?

I'm nervous. It's my cousins.

Sadiebug and kadiebug?

They just left a message on my phone

That they're coming to visit! For a whole week!

And I'm going to have to tell them they can't!

Why not?

My, um, guest room, it's being repainted!

They'll be so disappointed.

Beside themselves! (Sobs)

I don't know how I'm going to tell them!

Oh, my.

Well, what if they stay with me, here at the cafe?

Oh they'd put you through much too much trouble.

I'd be thrilled to have house guests. It'd be fun!

Are you sure? Really?

I'm berry sure!

Blueberry: I have a book with tips on hostessing.

Somewhere up here.

Strawberry: good! I want ideas

On how to make them feel really welcome and special.

We could make them gift bags.

Oh yeah, like little travel, or you know, um, overnight kits.

Oh, I could even sew them!

Here it is.

Thanks, blueberry.

I could put a toothbrush, toothpaste

And bitty hand soaps inside.

Wow. That would be berry nice, orange.

(Reading) "the berry best hostess.

Take the guess work out of having guests."

"At home away from home, the first rule of being a hostess

Is making your guests feel comfortable"

Comfortable? What else does it say?

Um, "a good hostess will tolerate the quirks

Of her guests."

"Never embarrass them by pointing out that their ways

Of doing things are different from yours."

So, if they sleep upside down, don't say anything?

(Laughs) guess so.

"Their arrival should be a celebration."

We could throw a tea party in their honor!

Oh, we can have it in the cafe!

I'll make a welcome banner!

I'll help you!

Thanks, lemon!

Watch out, your guests will love it so much,

Next thing you know, you'll have to open a hotel!

(All laughing)

(Door chime jingling)

Jadeybug: goodness! All this for my cousins?

Isn't it going to be fun?

Oh, but strawberry. You've gone to so much trouble.

You all have. Oh me, oh my!

You even embroidered their gift bags?

But that's what being a good hostess

Is all about, jadeybug. I'm enjoying this, really.

But, you don't even know if they'll

End up staying very long.

I thought they were staying for a week?

Oh yes, but, (chuckling)

You never know what will happen.

(Girls cheering and welcoming)

Together: huh? (Laughing)

Kadiebug! Sadiebug! It's, uh, been too long!

Likewise. What's to eat?

Oh. Uh, i...

Welcome to berry bitty city.

It's so nice to see you.

Everyone, this is sadiebug and kadiebug.

(Girls all saying hello)

Strawberry: you'll be staying with me at my cafe.

Can I help you with your bags?

Sure! Knock yourself out!

Strawberry: during the day, I'm sure you'll be visiting with your cousin,

But after the cafe closes,

I have a place fixed up for you upstairs.

(Giggling) why would we visit jadeybug,

When we can hang out where the food is?

(Girls chuckling)

Oh. Uh, you're just joking, right?

Your cousins sure are kidders, jadeybug.

Yeah. Kidders.

(Everyone chattering)

Ooh, ooh! What did you get?

Hey, I want that.

Not fair.

Lemme see yours, yours is better.

It is not.

Is too.

Hey that's my favorite color.

Is not.

Yuh-huh, is so.

What? No straw?

I beg your pardon?

(Laughing) a straw?

That's wacky.

Oh! Excuse me. (Slurping)

Oh my.



That's mine!

But it's mine!

No, finders keepers.

Oh, girls. We don't use straws in a tea cup.

Remember, a good hostess

Will tolerate the quirks of her guests.

(Both struggling)



Um, I don't know if that's a quirk,

Or just bad manners.

Bad manners, I'm afraid.

My cousins are the worst of the worst.


Oh, sadiebug! Kadiebug! Please!



Well, at least they seem comfortable. I think.

I guess this is just their way.

Oh strawberry. I am so sorry.

I don't think you're going to be able to tolerate

Their "ways" for very long.

No, no jadeybug. I volunteered to host them,

And that's what I'm going to do.

Hey strawberry!

How's everything going with the twins?

Uh, just--



Wow! Look at all the great stuff!

I brought you a treat.


Ooh! Come here. Look at this.

(Laughing and spraying)

(Choking and coughing)

Girls... (Coughing)

Let's not use up all of orange's perfume.

Yum! Mmm, thank you, strawberry.

My pleasure.

Well, I'm off to deliver the rest of these. See you later.

Thanks again.

You're welcome. Girls?


Hi girls! How's the dance number coming?

Almost ready for this week's cafe cabaret.

Ooh! Ooh!

Uh, we can dance!


We're really good!


(Laughing) they should do a comedy routine at your cabaret!

Please! (Laughing) don't encourage them.

So, how's it going, being the perfect hostess?

Uh, well...

Oh-ho boy! You must be having a great time.


They must love the guest room

The way you fixed it up for them.

Well, they like my bedroom better.

You gave them your bedroom?

Uh, they sort of took it. But it's nice for me

To have a chance to sleep in the guest room.

(Gasping) (crash)



Uh-huh. Too bad there's not a book called

"How to be the berry best guests."



Those are my cooking utensils.

Please don't put them in the dirt.

Aw, come on!

What are we supposed to do?

Yeah, we want to be sculptors!

We're making art.


Mmm. Let me try that.

Get your own!

Girls! Please, if you'd like something to eat,

I'll fix it for you, but I'm going to have to ask you

Not to eat out of the refrigerator. (Nervous giggle)


Uh, this is a cafe?

Like, where people eat stuff?

And that's what we're doing.


(Music playing on stereo)


♪ Berry best friends forever ♪

♪ We never let ♪ ♪ each other down ♪

(Laughing) so super fun!


Hey! Give me a turn!

I sing better than you!



Uh, girls, I really need to practice for cafe cabaret.

It's an evening of entertainment I host in the cafe.

It's in a couple of days.

Oh! We'll help you!

Testing. (Blowing) how do you turn this thing on?

(Loud screeching)

Ooh! We are live. Hit it, sadiebug.

(Out of tune) ♪ berry best friends forever ♪

♪ Ever, ever, ever, ever ♪

Kadiebug: gimme that!

♪ Berry best friends for ♪ ♪ more ever ♪

Together: ♪ forever ♪

(Sadiebug and kadiebug screaming)


(Sisters singing) ♪ we never let each other down ♪

(Sisters screaming high notes)

(Sisters singing) ♪ as long as we're together ♪

(Sisters singing out of tune)

♪ Things will always ♪ ♪ turn around ♪

(Singing high note)

What is the big idea?

We were really going somewhere with that!

Going somewhere? I wish you would go--

(Breathing in) we don't want to give away the surprise

Of the performance before cabaret night, do we?


She's totally got a point.

Okay, from the top.

(Singing out of tune)

(Mr. Longface clears his throat)

Oh, mr. Longface! How are you?

Could I have a word, miss shortcake? Outside?

Of course.

(Sadiebug and kadiebug arguing)

My guests aren't disturbing you, are they?

Well, I really came to see how you were holding up.

Oh, that's very kind of you, mr.longface.

Well, I was thinking you could probably do with

A break from hostessing.

Why not let me watch the cafe for the rest of the day,

And you take a breather at the pond

Or anywhere far away from here,

(Whispering) and them.

Oh, I couldn't.

After all, they are my guests.

You could. I insist.

Mr. Longface. I don't know how I can thank you enough.

(Laughing) you'd better go now, while they're occupied.

I'll keep them entertained.

Kadiebug: ♪ sadiebug is a clown! ♪

Sadiebug: am not.

Kadiebug: are too.

(Sighs) good luck.

Strawberry(reading) "the fragrance of the blooming flowers was carried by a warm,"],…}

Gentle breeze to the snout of the little rabbit,

Who knew at last spring had arrived."

"There was only one thing that kept the little rabbit

From enjoying the calm peace of the meadow."


I'm sorry custard, pupcake.

We'll finish the story later. I can't relax.

I have a strange feeling that all is not right

Back at the cafe.

I just feel like I better check on mr. Longface

And, and those twins.

(Screaming and laughing inside the cafe)

Mr. Longface!

(Gasp) I'm sorry, miss shortcake! I tried to stop them,

But they're, they're... Unstoppable!

They buttered the floor! (Wailing)

Buttered the floor?

Why would a person butter a floor?

(Berrykins cheering and laughing, music playing)

My turn!

You don't fit on the sled.

I do too!

You don't.

Then I won't use a sled.


(Music stops)

(Laughing stops)


The cafe is closed.

Uh, sorry.

Berrykin : uh, yeah. We'll comeback later and help you clean up.

Berrykin : we got a little carried away.

(Struggling) ooph!

A little help here?

Both: whoa!


(Phone ringing)

Strawberry's cafe, hope you're having a berry nice day.

Oh, hello princess berrykin!

Yes, they're cleaning everything up,

Doing a berry good job.

Strawberry: I can't believe those two left the juice taps running.

I'll talk to you later, princess.

(Door opens)

I came to help.

Thank you, blueberry.

Strawberry, it's time you sent them packing.


You know who. Those house pests.

How can I kick someone out that I invited?

I mean, are they really that bad?

I know you don't want to say anything bad about your guests,

But sometimes it helps to confide in a friend.

You know, let off some steam.

(Sigh) you know. You're right.

I should confide in someone.

Strawberry: so you see girls, I do want you to stay here

And I want you to feel comfortable,

But I want to feel comfortable, too.

Girls? Are you listening?

So I need you to be more considerate to me

And to the customers.

And I can help you with your manners,

If you'll agree to listen.

Listen? I've heard enough!

So have i! Have you ever heard such rudeness in your life?


We can tell when we aren't wanted!


Well, I don't know how staying with me would work.

See, I just moved all my new clocks into the guest room.

It's my clock winding room.


Oh, well um, you could sleep on my floor,

That is, if, you know, I didn't have all

My dress patterns laid out just now.

Oh, I'm really sorry.

All my cousins are visiting right now.

There's, uh, hundreds of 'em! I'm just full up!

Plumuh, I'm leaving for vacation. Tonight. Right now!

Um...oh! We could house sit.

Oh no. I mean, you see, the floor just got polished.

Can't walk on it. Heh, heh.

Sadiebug: berry bitty city is so rude!

Yeah! Rude like those people in gladiola glen!

And the folks in melonville.

Rude, rude, rude!

People seem so friendly at first.

Then they're always turning on us.

Sadiebug: I just don't get it.



How's about putting us up for the night?

(Sigh) I'm afraid I can't.

Why not?

The truth is, I don't like the way

You treated your last hostess, my friend strawberry.


Plum: neither do we.

Raspberry: okay, we're so sorry, sadiebug and kadiebug.

We should have told you the truth.

We made up excuses so we wouldn't have to host you.

And that wasn't right.

You mean, none of you like us?

We like you,

But we don't think you've used good manners as house guests.

You can be funny, but you aren't very considerate.

Hey! I figured it out!

Jadeybug: don't feel badly, strawberry.

Everywhere else the twins have stayed,

They've been kicked out by, by...

Why, you are the first host who didn't kick them out!

Katiebug: it's true.

We got something to say.

Oops! Oh, I mean, uh, may we come in?

Well, sure! Please do.

(Clearing throat) okay, we'd like to say we're sorry.

We thought everyone else was rude,

But now we see it was always us.

Yeah! You were like the perfect hostess.

And you were the first person to be honest with us.

And we were totally awful.

Uh-huh. Icky.

Really ewww!

Will you still teach us how to have good manners?

Uh-huh. And be nice house guests?

I never thought I'd see the day.

I'll make you a deal. I'll teach you good manners,


If you also let me teach you how to sing.


But good luck teaching us to sing.

Yeah. We're pretty awful.

(Giggles) yes, you are.

(Guitar playing)

♪ Berry best friends forever ♪

♪ We never let ♪ ♪ each other down ♪

♪ As long as we're together ♪

♪ Things will always ♪ ♪ turn around ♪

♪ Us bitty girls ♪ ♪ have the courage ♪

♪ We're not afraid ♪ ♪ to take a chance ♪

♪ In the end ♪ ♪ it's always worth it ♪

♪ So make your move ♪ ♪ and do your dance ♪

♪ You might get lost ♪ ♪ but it's okay ♪

♪ When you got your friends ♪ ♪ you'll find your way back ♪

♪ Home sweet home ♪

♪ Where memories are made ♪ ♪ and berries are grown ♪

♪ Home sweet home ♪

♪ A place you can ♪ ♪ always call your own ♪

♪ Do-do-do-do ♪ ♪ do-do do ♪

♪ Do-do do-do-do ♪

♪ Sometimes the rain ♪ ♪ will fall down ♪

♪ Sometimes the sun ♪ ♪ will shine ♪

♪ No matter what the weather ♪

♪ Together we're just fine ♪

♪ You might get lost ♪ ♪ but it's okay ♪

♪ When you got your friends ♪ ♪ you'll find your way back ♪

♪ Home sweet home ♪

♪ Where memories are made ♪ ♪ and berries are grown ♪

♪ Home sweet home ♪

♪ A place you can ♪ ♪ always call your own ♪