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01x14 - Nothing to Fear But Berries Themselves

Posted: 03/15/24 11:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪

Then the galumphalot galumphed closer and closer

And closer... Until it went

Woogie, woogie, woogie!

(Laughing and giggling)

(Giggling) hey, orange!

I have your lunch all packed and ready for you.

Thanks, strawberry.

Um, are they reading what I think they're reading?

The galumphalot story!

You should stick around to hear the end.

No thank you. The beginning and the middle are enough for me.

And what did the galumphalot say?

Woogie, woogie, woogie!

(All giggling)

(Girls chattering)

I'm so very glad you decided to have

A special style under the stars hair extravaganza.

(Giggling) I can't think of

A more thrilling way to spend an evening!

Oh boy! I just can't wait to see how my hair will turn out!

It's so super exciting!

Raspberry, when I'm done with you,

Your hair will be completely different.

Excitement, thrills?

I'm here for the relaxation!

Oh! I've had a busy week.

(Water running on wheel)

(Machine squeaking)

(Spheres rolling)

(Loud grinding as wheel stops)

(Berrykins shouting) hey! What?

(Shouting) what's going on? What's happening?

(Power shutting down)

(Girls gasping)

Raspberry: um, lemon? I think someone switched off the lights.


Well, it's on.

Well, the dryers are off, too.

I would conclude we have a power failure on our hands.

Orange: it's dark everywhere.

In here and uh, out there, too.

(Flicking switch)

Oh, something must have happened at the berryworks.

I better go over and see if I can help out.

Berrykin #: hmm, must be a malfunction in the juice pipe junction,

Over in berry bitty city.

Berrykin #: we'll have to go over there to start the repair!

Better keep the baby berrykins here

Until we get the power back on.

(Everyone agreeing)

Mr. Longface: have no fear! I am here, ready to take charge

And fix this problem. Now everyone follow me!

Come on mr. Longface

The problem is not over there.

It's at the juice pipe junction.

Ah yes, I was going to suggest we check there, too!

(Girls chattering in confusion)

So what do we do now? I can't style what I can't see.

I think we should head outside and see what the trouble is.

The berrykins might need some help fixing the power.


Um, maybe we should just wait in here.

What's wrong, orange? Is something bothering you?

I guess--i guess I'm just a little bit scared.

You? But you're always the berry last one of us

To be scared of anything.

Oh. Um, really?

Well, yes. Remember the time when...

Lemon: you picked the fruit from the super high branch.

Lemon: and you were the only one

Brave enough to swing into the pond.

Lemon: and then you were the one

That tight-roped across, ah, never mind.

You're not scared of anything!

Well, I'm scared now.

And I think we should stay inside.

Are you saying you're afraid of the dark?

I am absolutely not afraid of the dark

I didn't think you were.

I'm afraid of the things that might be out there in the dark.

Things? What things? Like the moon? And stars?

Things like, well, galumphalots.

All together: woogie, woogie, woogie! Woogie, woogie, woogie!

Okay guys, stop. She's serious.

I'm sorry, orange.

Are you really afraid of galumphalots

From that cute story I was just reading

To the baby berrykins the other day?

But they aren't afraid of it.

Well, I am.

(Giggling) but galumphalots aren't real. They're just a silly story.

But-but how do you know galumphalots are just a story?

Because, because, well, uh, blueberry?

Well, it must be just a made up story, because

I got it from the fiction section.

You know, the make-believe section, in my bookstore.

But don't people who make up stories

Sometimes base them on real things?

Well yes. That is true.

And it is a very old story. Can't call the author and ask.

I told you! See?

Maybe galumphalots aren't real, but how do you know for sure?

How do you know they couldn't be out the dark.

(Laughing) because well, oh come on, I've been in the dark

Lots of times and I've never ever seen one.

But then we wouldn't see them.

I mean, if they were real,

It'd be hard to spot them in the dark.

Because of the darkness.

Not to mention, they could be really good at hiding.

Out there.


In the (gulp) dark?

Oh, come on, this is silly.

(Loud creaking sounds)

(Girls all screaming)

Mr. Longface: one, two, heave!

(Creaking sounds coming from wrench)

Do you think th-that's one of...them?


Now wait a minute. How can we be sure that's the galumphalot?

Yeah. I thought they sounded more like,

"Woogie, woogie, woogie!"

Well, whatever it is, let's keep it outside, and us inside.


See? It stopped.

Galumphalot. Pfft, there's no such thing.

(Screeching sound)


Heave, I say!

(Wrench squeaking)

(Whispering) it heard you, blueberry.

And it's answering back!

Hmm. I would recommend bringing in

The big banging bolt-remover!

(Loud banging)

W-what's that?

It sounds like...

(Gasp) footsteps!

He's coming!

All together: hide!

(Scared panting)

Orange: I told you it was a galumphalot! It is real.

Plum: yes, it is!

Lemon: it's after us.

Raspberry: oh no!

Blueberry: you were right!

Is there anything I can do to help?

One, two, three!

(Berrykins grunting)


Oh, stubborn, eh? Well, nothing left to do but

Disassemble this entire juice pipe junction

And rebuild it from the ground up.


You know, mr. Longface, the berrykins might be able

To find a way to get the pipe open on their own.

Without my leadership? But then what will I do?

I have another job that is berry important.

(Gasp) you don't say!

At your service, miss shortcake! How can I help?

We need someone to tell everyone in berry bitty city

That the berrykins are working on the problem,

And the power will be out for a bit longer.

You are just the caterpillar to deliver the news.

That I am. I'm on my way!

Execute plan juice pipe junction double nought,

Seven, slash six one!

(Hatch creaking)

There's the problem.

(Berryworks starting up)

(Power humming)

(Berrykins cheering)

Great plan everyone! Nice job!

(Excited cheering)

What do you think the galumphalot will do next?

What if it's hungry?

For food!

Food? Do you think it might,

Do you think it likes food that, that, tastes like, like...

Orange: us?

(Everyone gasps)

I've never read anywhere that

Galumphalots eat something like us.

(Gasp) but I've also never read

That they wouldn't eat something like us.

(Snap and crash)

(Muffled yelling)

(Gasp) that sounds like it came from orange's store.

Oh, the galumphalot security trap I put outside my store!

I must have caught one!

Mr. Longface: I say, what's fallen on top of me?

Excuse me! Pardon me!

Oh, I hope I didn't break anything.

Can someone please help me? Someone?

Did we catch it, orange? Did we? Did we? Did we?

(Mr. Longface struggling)

(Gasping) it's getting closer!

There's only one thing to do then.


No. We must defend the beauty salon.

No galumphalots allowed!

All together: no galumphalots allowed!

I once read a book about boobytraps

Well if a book can do it, so can we!

What's first, blueberry?

Um, bucket of suds over the door.

Everybody knows that one.

Well, hopefully not a galumphalot.

Let me handle it. I'm a pro at this.

First, get one bucket of water

All together: no!

It's the only way.

When the galumphalot comes in, wham-o!

(Girls agreeing)

What's next?

We must find a way to get the galumphalot off balance.

Squeezey squishy bitty beauty batter-for-plants!

I slipped on some once and slid

All the way over to strawberry's!


Uh, careful where you step!

Okay, the last thing we have to do is find a way

To get rid of the galumphalot once it's here.


What you got?

A headache. I think I'm thinking too hard.

Wait I have it! Anyone have a hair elastic?

I do!

Right here.

I got a couple.

I got one.

Stand over there, please.

And if you can stand over on that side.

Hold on tight!

(Elastic stretching)

Almost got it.

Okay! Bring on the galumphalot.

(Mr. Longface grunting)


Mr. Longface: lemon? Are you in there?

(Gasp) it knows my name!

All together: galumphalot!


(Mr. Longface gurgling)

Mr. Longface: whoa, whoa!

Girls: galumphalot! Galumphalot!

Orange! Fire!

Hair elastics away!


(Mr. Longface hollering)

(Girls all cheering)

But what if it comes back?

I wonder why the girls haven't come to help?

They usually do when we have a power outage.

I better go check on them.

Berrykins: bye! See you!

Mr. Longface: galumphalot! Galumphalot! Galumphalot!


Mr. Longface: it was a galumphalot! At lemon's!


Oh. Thank you very much.

It's good to know the lights are back on.

What's this about a galumphalot?

At lemon's salon. The poor girls!

I tried to save them, but I was completely galumphed!

But galumphalots aren't real.

(Other berrykins agreeing)

This one most definitely was!

We must do something! Do you have a plan?

No, no, no! This is a galumphalot we're dealing with.

Much better. Follow me!

Berrykin: woogie, woogie, woogie!

Follow me! (Noticing) f-follow?

Berrykin: woogie, woogie, woogie!

Berrykin: woogie, woogie, woogie!

Oh, no! The galumphalot's coming back!

And it sounds like he's bringing friends! And lots of them!

There's only one thing we can do.

We have to face him. Show him we're not scared!

Even though we are.

O-ho! That's the spirit.

On the count of three.

One, two,

On three, or after you say three?

You know I was wondering the same thing.

Me, too. I'd hate for you to run out on three,

And I was left waiting here for you to say three.

Maybe we could go out on four? Four's a good number.

(Girls agreeing)

Okay. Four!


(Berrykins and girls all shouting)

Strawberry(yelling) wait!

What's going on?

Lemon, why are the lights in your salon still out?

The berrykins fixed the juice pipe junction a while ago.

The power's back on?

Oh, bitter berries. I had the light switch off.

Sorry, girls.

What is this all about?

Th-there was a galumphalot!

And we booby trapped it!

But it came back!

Berrykins(together) no, that was us!

(Clearing throat)

And uh... Me, I'm afraid

What got you thinking about galumphalots in the first place?

Blueberry said she read a book

That didn't say there weren't any galumphalots.

Well I only said that because the rest of you

Were sure there were galumphalots.

But it's just a story.

Berrykin: woogie, woogie, woogie!

It-it was me. Oh, ever since I heard that story,

I started imagining what if there were galumphalots,

And the story said they like the dark,

And I imagined some more and, well soon I was boobytrapping

All around my store and then lemon's store too, and then...

Oh, I'm sorry everyone.

You never know what's in the dark and, well, how could you

See if the galumphalots were out there anyway

Because it is dark?

Look around you, orange.

Strawberry: now close your eyes.

Are they closed tight?

Now open them again and look around.

Strawberry: any galumphalots there?


I always remind myself that there's nothing in the dark

That isn't there in the light.

You're right!

And if you can imagine the galumphalot being scary,

Then you could probably do a good job

Imagining one funny, too.

(Giggles) you're right.

We are all bigger than our fears,

No matter how bitty we think we are at times.

That's right! And orange, you were the one

Who got your old courage back at the end,

Even when we were all scared.

I was?

Oh yeah! And you were the one that said "four."

I was.

And you were the one that fired the elastic trap.

I was!

You were always the bravest of us.

I am.

You're right, strawberry.

There is nothing in the dark that isn't there in the light.

Not even galumphalots!

Berrykin: woogie, woogie, woogie!

Woogie, woogie, woogie! (Laughing)

(Everyone laughing and clapping)

Lemon: everyone inside for my special

Style under the stars hair extravaganza!

(Everyone cheering)

Lemon: sorry! Accidentally hit the light switch!

♪ Everyone listen up, ♪ hear my proclamation ♪

♪ About taking ♪ ♪ dreams seriously ♪

♪ Erase your fears, ♪ ♪ don't worry about perfection ♪

♪ All that matters ♪ ♪ is what you believe ♪

♪ Feel inspired, learn, ♪ ♪ ask a million questions ♪

♪ Be the berry best ♪ ♪ you can be, yeah! ♪

♪ Just imagine all ♪ ♪ the possible directions ♪

♪ Let's make history! ♪

♪ Say it loud! ♪ ♪ And be proud! ♪

♪ Go on raise your voice ♪ ♪ and shout it out! ♪

♪ Say it loud! ♪ ♪ Make your sound! ♪

♪ You gotta always ♪ ♪ stand your ground ♪

♪ Beyond any doubt ♪ ♪ say it loud! ♪