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01x18 - Different Waltz for Different Faults

Posted: 03/15/24 11:31
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪

(Happy humming)

Blueberry: oh, hello, strawberry!

Strawberry: good morning!

Would anyone like a fruit muffin before our dance rehearsal?

Doesn't look like we're having a dance rehearsal.

Oh? Why not?

We can't get inside the studio.

Plum isn't answering the door.

Maybe she's still asleep?

(Loud crash)

Plum: that's not right!

Oh, my! That doesn't sound good.

Tried that.

I don't think she can hear us, because of the music.

(Strawberry whistles, music stops)

Yes? Oh, hi everybody.

Have you been knocking? Oh sorry, I'm just very busy.

What can I do for you?

Uh, you called us here for a dance rehearsal.

Bright and early?

Is it bright and early already?

I'm afraid so. Would you like a muffin?

Oh, I'm sorry. Come on in.

It's just, I want it to be perfect.


What's all this?

My extra-special, super-duper, with a cherry on top,

Dance routine. The one that's gonna beat

The big bitty city dance team in this year's dance-off!

Lemon: it looks, um...

Raspberry: uh...complicated?

You better believe it!

Every year, the big bitty city dancers

Pull off a super complicated routine.

But this routine, will top them all!

Uh, but plum, the dance-off is only a week away.

All this?

Yeah, I don't know.

Learn this dance? All in one week?

We have to! Let me remind you what we're up against.

In case you've forgotten the humiliation, the shame,

The disappointment of last year's dance-off.

(Chuckle) well, it wasn't that bad.

I mean, I remember having a lot of fun.

If you call losing fun.

(Classical music)

They're great!


I can't wait to see what they do this year!

Whose side are you on?

Aw, plum. I think the important thing is that

We have a good time and do our best.

That's what I'm talking about! Our best. Our perfectest.

(Clears throat) uh, perfectest is not a real word.

But you might say, "our perfect best."

Well, that's what I am saying, then.

Our perfect best. We will win.

This year, we dance perfect.

Perfectly. Thank you blueberry.

I'm glad you all agree.

This is gonna be our year.

The year berry bitty city takes the dance-off prize.

But we can't dance that, plum.

Oh, we will.

Just watch me.

(Clears throat) music please.

(Upbeat classical music)

(Everyone gasping)

(Gasping for breath)


(Out of breath) nothing to it.

Um, that's nothing like the dance we did last year.

Exactly. We lost last year.

Oh! But the outfits I designed were gorgeous.

And I did a triple pirouette!

Everyone in the audience cheered for us!

It was spectacular.

Do you see what's on that shelf?

There isn't anything on this shelf.

Except dust?

Do you know what should be here?

Uh, a dusting cloth?

(Frustrated) no! A dance-off trophy!

Plum, I can see how important this is to you.

And we're your friends, so you know we're going to do

Our berry best to win that prize.

Thank you, strawberry.

Finally, somebody understands.

We understand, plum, it's just...

What if we help you simplify the steps a little?

Yes, for example,

This step could be simpler if we did just the first part.

Or could we divide up the parts so each of us is doing

The steps we are best at. Like, I'm really good at kicks,

And orange is so good at spins.

That's a great idea.

But that's not my vision! We have to do this dance,

My dance, or we won't stand a chance!

Well, this is important to plum.

Let's give her way a try.

Plum: all together now! , , , !

(All yelping)

No, no, no, no. Hold it, hold it!

This foot goes here.

This foot is over there, like so.

Up here, and hold it just like this.

And , , , !

All: ooph!

(Frustrated sigh)

Ooph! (Screaming)

(Tired) oh!


Ooph! Whoa!

(Exhausted sighs)

Um, plum, can we call it a day?

Yeah, since it's night.

Alright. Because it's our first rehearsal,

I'll keep it short.

But be back here tomorrow, bright and early!

And when you sleep at night,

I expect you all to dream of the dance!

Uh, do you think plum's taking this too far?

If you asked my feet about it, they'd say, "yes!"

I know, but it means so much to plum.

Besides, it's only for a week, and then comes the dance-off.

(Girls groan)

Six more days of this?

My toes are gonna fall off!

Plum: practice, practice! Not a moment to lose!

And, , , , !

(Blow dryer running)

Higher, higher!

(Containers falling)

Plum: and, again!

Keep twirling! Keep twirling!

Um, plum? I'm a little dizzy.

Plum: , , , !




(Loud lick)

(Strawberry giggles)

(Sigh) this is what I was worried about.

The day before the dance-off, the other dance team is coming,

And we are nowhere near ready!

Uh, plum, it's not whether you win or lose,

It's how you dance the dance!


Plum(gasp) here they come!

(Wings beating)

Welcome to berry bitty city!

We are so very delighted that we can be here to dance

In your always delightful dance-off.

(All together) yeah!

How can we possibly beat them ?

We have to work even harder!

And to give us the edge,

I've designed some special additions to the dance.

Oh, no!

More stuff to learn?

But-but we haven't learned the first dance!

I've designed a new hairdo for everyone to wear when we dance.

It'll make us look like a team.

Plum: for me? Please? Could you try it out?

Are you sure this will work?

Of course. I designed it.

Oh! Raspberry, I've got an exercise

To help you with your posture.

Please balance this vase on your head,

And whatever you do, keep it there until tomorrow!

Whoa-oh! I don't know about this.

I'll have to design a whole new outfit to go with this vase.

Trust me, it'll work.

This is the greatest book ever written about dance.

Please have it read by tomorrow, blueberry.

I'll try.

Orange, I would appreciate it if you would pick

As many glimmerberries as possible.

Glimmerberry juice is super nutritious

And will help give our team mega-endurance.

So please get tons!

Tons! But-

And me?

Just keep practicing, even while you cook!

Please, don't ever stop.

Over twice and under once. (Grunt)

Then around the side.

Roots to ends and back again!

(Yelp) my hair!

(Happy humming)

These new lovely leotards are going to look spectacular.

Whoa! (Yelp)

Oh, bitter berries!


(Struggling grunt)


How can I possibly read all of this tonight?!

We just had a very large harvest.

Only the glimmerberries on top are left,

And even our highest ladders cannot reach them.

And there's no higher ladders?

(Excited gasp) I've got an idea!


Orange: just a little higher! Almost there!


You're doing it!

Both: huh?

Oh! This is so important to plum, and she said tons,

So we're going to get tons.

, , , .

Here you go. Jete! And for you. Pirouette!

By tomorrow, my dancers will be so good,

Nothing can stop us from winning!

(Knocking on door)

Lemon: closed. Please go away!

Uh. It's me, plum.

We have one more rehearsal before the dance-off.

Lemon: can't. Won't. Impossible.

What?! But--

Lemon: I can't leave the salon. Maybe ever again.

But why?

Lemon: remember your new "team" hairdo?

Great idea, wasn't it?

I can't be seen in public.

People will run screaming!

It's not so bad.

Okay, maybe it is.

Lemon: I'm sorry, plum.

But I'm sure it will work out much better without me.

Plum: but-but, there has to be a way.

Is there anything I can do?

Lemon: yeah. Bring me an extra-large paper bag to put over my head.

I'll just have to re-plan the dance a bit.

(Knocking on door)

Raspberry: coming!

Ok, plum.

Ready, willing and able to dance-off!

What's that noise?

Oh, no! I'm sorry, plum,

But it fell off my head and I stepped in it and it's stuck!

We have to get it un-stuck!




I have a better idea.

Why raspberry, what are you wearing on your foot?

Her new dance shoe!

Looks like a vase.

(Sigh) I'm sorry, plum.

But I'm sure it will work out better without me.


Okay, okay. Stay calm.

I still have three other dancers.

Blueberry: I read the whole book, plum.

It took me all night, but I did it.

But now my eyes are so tired, I can't see straight.

Okay. How many fingers am I holding up?

Blueberry: are you sure that's your hand? I thought it was your foot.

Plum: wow! I asked for tons and I got tons!

This is great, orange!

Uh, orange?

Orange? (Knocking)

Thanks for mashing all the glimmerberries into juice,

But aren't you going to come dance?

Orange: no!

Why? What's wrong?

(Gasp) what happened?!

I got some on me.

Oh! I've been washing and washing, but it's going to take

Until tomorrow to get these stains out.

But...but the dance-off is today!

Hi, plum!

Your feet! What happened to your feet?

Uh, all that dancing while cooking you wanted me to do?

(Sigh) it gave me blisters on my feet. I can't dance.

I'm sorry, plum. But at least the other girls can dance.

No, they can't either.


I've lost my a-team. What am I gonna do?

Hmm...(Gasp) what about your b-team?


"B" as in berrykins!

"B" as in "bad dancers", you mean!

They were on our team last year, remember?

I think that's part of the reason why we lost!

But plum, remember, berrykins have different skills.

So you might wanna modify the dance a bit to suit them.

Well, I'll try it. I don't know what else I've got to lose.

Plum: and! , , , !

(Frustrated) together! Stay together!

On the beat! On the beat!


Stand still, not on your head!

Stop! Stop! Please! You've got it all wrong!

No! That is not the way my dance is.

Mr. Longface(clears throat) it's just about time for the dance-off everyone!"],…}

(Gasp) the dance-off! Now?!

Welcome everyone to the annual berry bitty city dance-off!

Featuring the big bitty city dancers

Versus the berry bitty city dancers!

(Cheers and applause)

Our distinguished panel of judges will decide the winners.

First up, the big bitty city dancers!

(Cheerful classical music)

(Light applause)

(Cheers and applause)

Oh! What a wonderful dance by the big bitty city dancers.

And now for a short intermission

Before the berry bitty city dancers begin!

Oh! I can't go on.

We can never be that perfect.

It would just be too humiliating for me.

For you? What would it be for the berrykins?

What? The berrykins?

And what would it be for all of berry bitty city

Who pitched in to help put on this dance-off?

Um, but, but--

And what about the other girls who rehearsed your dance?

Everyone worked so hard for you.

But I'll look silly!

Maybe, maybe not.

But this dance-off has to do with all of berry bitty city.

And our guests the big bitty city dance team, too!

Not just you, plum.

Those dancers came all this way to dance for us,

And to see us dance as well.

But we dance--

Like we dance. The berrykins are different.

Why not let them dance the way they dance best?

Wouldn't that be more fun for them?

You're right. I haven't been making this fun for anyone.

Berrykin dancers!

What kind of dance steps would you like to do?

Wiggle! Build a tower!

Do some leap froggin'! Bouncing!

(Chuckling) all right everyone, those are all great ideas.

What do you think?

(Excited chatter)

So let's dance! But don't do it my way,

Let's do it our way. Let's have some fun!


And now for our second group of dancers,

From your very own berry bitty city,

The berry bitty city dancers!

(Upbeat theme music)

(Girls gasping)



Plum: dance! Dance! Dance!




(Wild cheers)

Such imagination! Such diversity of form!

Never have we seen a dance like that before!

(In unison) yeah!



(Chuckles) lovely.

Now, although this is a friendly contest,

We do have to choose a winner.

And it is the decision of the judges that for originality,

Teamwork and enthusiasm, the winners are...

The berry bitty city dancers!

(Wild cheering)

I guess their way isn't the only way to dance well!

You're right, strawberry!

Everyone's ideas, yours, the other girls',

And the berrykins. They all made for a better dance.

(Chuckles) just wait till next year. I'll design an even better dance,

With everyone's ideas in it!

And my only rule, it has to be fun!

And, , , , !