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01x23 - How You Play the Game

Posted: 03/15/24 11:34
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪

(Berrykins chattering)

(Berrykins chattering)

(Berrykins shouting and laughing)

Hi, berrykins! What's this?

(Berrykins yelling and laughing)

Can I play too?

Berrykins: sure!

(Everyone laughing)

(Wind blowing)

Berrykins: aawww!

Come on, let's go find more dandelions! I've got an idea!

Now what do we do, orange?

You'll see...

There. There you go, orange.

Thanks, raspberry. It's perfect!

But I still don't understand what it's for.


(Berrykins laughing and playing)

Wow! That looks like so much fun!

(Playful shouts and laughter)

(Playful shouts and laughter)

Strawberry: oh, perfect. Thanks, lemon!

Another satisfied customer!

(Playful shouts and laughter)

(Playful shouts and laughter)

Now that we have our teams,

Let's use the gazebo as one of the goals.

And for the other...

Ooh, how about that daisy over there? The droopy one.

Orange: that's perfect!

Now all we need are some...

Referees! (Giggling)

(Whistle blowing)

(Playful shouts and laughter)

Whew! Maybe this game needs a

"No standing on each others' shoulders" rule?

I know what it needs!

(Pogo stick bouncing)

Plum: hey orange!

Blueberry: that's not fair!

Raspberry: wait, can you do that?

There's no rule against it...

In fact, I haven't made up any rules yet!

(Happy shouting)

(Whistle blowing)

(Playful shouts and laughter)

Well then in that case...

(Shouting and laughing)

(Whistle blowing)

(Wild cheering)

Okay, one pogo stick is no match for two birds.




(Strawberry laughing)

Whew! It's getting late.

I better be getting back to the café.

Uh-huh. And I better get back to my store.

(Sigh) same here.

(Giggling) me too.

What a fun day this has been!

This is a great game you invented, orange!

What do you call it?

I dunno, it's a ball stuffed with dandelion fluff,

So how about we call it... Dandi-ball!

Yes! Dandi-ball!


Raspberry: way to go, orange!

Great idea!

I love it!

Blueberry(reading) ever so carefully, the little berrykin tiptoed

Up the stairs of the--

(Whistle blows)

(Playful shouting and laughter)

Great block!

Wait! We're not finished with storytime!

Hi, blueberry.

Uh, hi, strawberry.

Okay if we have storytime in here this morning?

Sure. But it's such a beautiful day outside.

It's, um, a little busy outside.

Well, what do you mean?

(Whistle blows outside, shouting and laughing)


(Giggling) I can't imagine a more perfect day

For a needlepointing picnic.

(Whistle blows)

(Playful shouting and laughter)

- Hello there. - Hi, strawberry.

Aren't you needlepointing today?

Well, we got so caught up in the excitement of dandi-ball.

So we thought maybe we'd finish our picnic in here.

(Giggle) so, you know, we won't get distracted.

(Playful shouting outside)

(Whistle blows)

Hi, plum.

Hi, strawberry. I was wondering if I could ask a favor.

Of course. What do you need?

I need some help clearing part of the meadow.

Sure. I'd be glad to help.


(Leaves rustling)

So what are we clearing this for, plum?

So I'll have space to use for my dance recital.

Wait a minute, I thought the dance recital

Was going to be near the gazebo.

It was. But with dandi-ball being so popular,

I thought it'd be easier to just move.


There's plenty of room outside for everyone.

Dandi-ball shouldn't be getting in anybody's way.

And there should be plenty of room to play dandi-ball, too.

Right! Everyone should be able to enjoy themselves

And the outdoors, with just a bit of planning.

(Girls all agreeing)

So who should do the planning?

I'd volunteer, but I have to finish the costumes

For plum's recital first.

That's right. Hmm.

And I need to practice. Who would be good?

Well, since I was the one who sort of

Got the ball rolling--

Make that "floating."

(Girls all laugh)

Maybe I should be the one to figure out a way

To keep things fair for everybody.

Maybe I could figure out, oh, I don't know,

Some sort of schedule?

Oh, what about lemon?


Yeah. You schedule appointments all day,

And the problem here seems to be all about scheduling.

Huh...i guess it is about scheduling.

Okay, I'll give it a try.

Is that okay with you, orange? You did volunteer first.

Oh, no problem. I think raspberry's right.

Lemon will do a really good job.

Besides, I'm pretty busy with my store right now.

And with the new game, I've kinda gotten behind.

I'll see you later.

Okay, orange. See you later.

(Playful shouting and laughter)

Oh, good shot!

(Timer buzzes)

Our time is up. You're next, blueberry.

Thank you!

(Baby berrykins giggling)

(Reading) once upon a time, there was a big baby berrykin

Who loved to do somersaults...

Mmm, I love that story.

(Timer ticking)

What's going on?

How come everyone is just standing around?

We're waiting for blueberry's hour to be up

So we can play again.

Oh. Where is blueberry?

Oh she finished a while ago, and went back to her store.

So why don't you just go ahead and play?

Lemon's schedule says we can't until blueberry's hour is up.

But that doesn't make--

(Timer buzzes)

Berrykins: - come on! Let's go! - We've only got an hour!

This doesn't seem quite right...

Hi everyone!

Hi strawberry!

(Girls saying hello)

Is lemon around?

(Paper fluttering)

Hi, lemon. How's it going?

Oh, fine, fine. Almost got this worked out, I think.

One hour for watering plants, one for tasting jam.

You know, lemon, maybe an hour is too long for some activities

And too short for some others.

Huh? What do you mean?

Well, I didn't need a whole hour to read to the berrykins.

And the berrykins needed more than an hour to play dandi-ball.

Gee, I hadn't thought of it that way.

I'm used to making salon appointments by the hour.

I know I can figure this out, but it's taking forever.

I don't have any time to do my hair appointments!

Maybe someone else could take over while I get caught up?

Well, I'm pretty busy, but I suppose--

Oh, oh! You know who'd be good at this? Blueberry!

Lemon: plum's right!


Well, yeah, now that I think about it.

Research, detail, figuring out numbers.

Those are the things you're really good at.

Well, I do enjoy those things.

Okay. I'll do my berry best.

Oh, thank you. This is great.

Here I'll help you move all the papers.

Are you okay with blueberry taking over the scheduling?

Oh, sure. It's the kind of thing she's good at.

She's bound to figure out what's best for everyone.

Oh, I still have lots to do in the store.

Better get back to it. Bye!

Bye, orange. Hmm...

Aha! Just as I thought!

Yes! I think that's it!

The longitudinal lines have days of the week...

Rectangles represent dandi-ball.

Here's quilting, a square.

Storytime for the baby berrykins is a hexagon.

Plum's dance recitals are circles.

The book fair, two squares.

Blueberry: well! Now, that takes care of nine o'clock tuesday morning.

Now, on to wednesday...

Ah...hang on. This is monday.

Hang on...

(Embarrassed laugh) well! Um, that concludes

The presentation portion of my, um, presentation.

But! I made a copy of everyone's schedules, in handy pocket size,

So you can always carry it around.

Here you go. This is for you.

Here's yours. Here you are.

Here you go. This is yours. One for you.

And one for you.

Well! This is really great, blueberry! Lots of...

Um, details! And so thorough!

But I don't mind telling you, figuring this out

Was a bit more complicated than I thought.

I'm sure it'll work out just fine,

Once everyone gets the hang of it...

(Blueberry gasps)

What's going on? It's supposed to be my turn for the book fair.

I thought I got to have my gymnastics class now,

But they all think they get to do their activities now.

My turn!

Not fair!

It says right here--

I checked twice. I know it's my turn.

(Everyone arguing)

Hang on! I'll be right back!

Okay. Uh, it's here somewhere...

(Nervous giggle) that's not it... Aha!

The outdoors gets used now for...

Jadeybug's surprise birthday party!

My birthday isn't for two more months.

Wait! What surprise party?

I know it's here, I just saw it.

(Sigh) I'm sorry, everyone.

Listen, we all like dandi-ball, right?

So for now, let's all play,

And I'll try to figure out a better schedule.

(Everyone agreeing)

Wow, this was trickier than I thought.

I think I can straighten out the rest of the day.

But maybe one of you could give it a try after that?

How about you, raspberry?

Oh, well, I'd be happy to try,

But I think the perfect person is...

You, strawberry.

After all, you schedule activities in the café...

Maybe...but I wonder if orange shouldn't give it a try first?

Huh? Orange?

Sure, why not?

Oh, no-n-no, it's not that we don't think she can do it.

Oh, no! I mean, she's great at thinking fast.


Plum: but sometimes she kinda...

Lemon: uh...jumps into things?


And she's never had to do this kind of planning before.

None of us have had to do this kind of planning before.

I think if we give orange a chance,

She'll surprise everyone. Including herself.

Hi, everyone. What's going on?

Well, strawberry had this idea...

And we wanted to know what you think of it.

Her idea is that maybe you should try

To organize the outdoor areas.

I don't know if I would be good at that kind of thing.

Planning, organizing, scheduling...

And I really do have a lot of work in the store right now.

What work do you have to do, orange?

Well, I have to keep track of what people have bought,

So that I know what I have to reorder.

I have to figure out where to put everything I've ordered

Once it comes in...

And I have to put everything in its special place on the shelves

So that everyone can find what they're looking for...

Then I have to do my weekly calendar, you know,

Where I schedule which days I clean the store,

Which days I stock the shelves...

Sounds like a lot of planning, organizing and scheduling.

Orange: oh, it is. That's why I don't have much time to--

What are you all smiling about?

Because everything you just said--

Is about planning and organizing and scheduling.

Exactly the kind of planning, organizing and scheduling

The community areas need.

And I should know...

Orange: oh, hi, everyone.

Ooh, this seemed like a pretty big job at first.

But I realized it was just like working in my store.

I had to start with one activity,

Then move on to the others.

But why didn't I think of that?

So I broke it into smaller jobs, and the first job

Was to organize the game of dandi-ball.

Of course! That makes so much sense!

So I set up six teams.

Everyone can sign up to be on a team over there...

I'm gonna be on the orange team, naturally!

(Crowd laughs)

I figured out how long it usually takes to play one game.

Then added how many games we have to play a week

To finish a month-long season.

So mondays, wednesdays and fridays are dandiball days.

I worked out the whole season. There's even a championship.

Oh, yay!

Orange: once I had the game figured out,

I was able to fit everything else into the rest of the week.

(Giggling) yes!

Here's raspberry's fashion show.

Oh, that's perfect! Two hours

Is just the right amount of time I need to set up!

And these are perfect times for story reading.

The baby berrykins are awake!

All my gymnastics classes are scheduled for when

The breeze is nice and cool!

And here are the smaller versions of the schedule.

Lemon: wow, orange, it looks like you thought of everything!

We wish we could have been more helpful.

You can be. There are a few things we could still use...

Oh, hey! Those teams will need uniforms!

I can definitely design 'em!

And dandi-ball should have a rule book.

I've always wanted to write an official rule book!

Oh, the teams should have someone to cheer them on!

I'll go work up some cheerleading routines!

Oh, wow, orange. I'm so sorry we ever questioned

Whether you could do this.

I questioned it, too.

It was strawberry who got me to realize I could do it.

The only way to find out what you can do well

Is to give it a try.

Or to find out what you don't do so well!

(Girls all laughing)


Jadeybug: orange! Wait up!

Oh, you were amazing!

I'm just glad I could help.

That's why I wanted to talk to you.

Maybe you could help me reorganize the post office?

Sure, jadeybug. I'd be glad to!

Princess berrykin: orange! I need to ask a favor.

Certainly, princess. What can I do for you?

I wonder if you could help get the berryworks

To run a bit more smoothly?

I'll certainly give it a try,

Right after I help jadeybug with the post office.

Blueberry: there you are!

I want to come up with a better way

To sort all the books in my store. Maybe you could...

Help you organize? Sure!

Right after I help jadeybug and princess berrykin.

(Berrykins shouting and laughing)

I mean, right after one more game of dandi-ball! Come on!

(Everyone laughing and cheering)

♪ Try your way to the top ♪ ♪ once you start, never stop ♪

♪ And if you fall, ♪ ♪ get up and go again ♪

♪ When we do our best ♪ ♪ that's what counts, ♪

♪ Forget the rest ♪

♪ We can all be champions ♪ ♪ here and now ♪

♪ It's time for you to show ♪ ♪ the world you can shine ♪

♪ Never ever, ♪ ♪ ever say never ♪

♪ Don't give up on ♪ ♪ what you believe, ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Never ever, ♪ ♪ ever say never 'cause, ♪

♪ You gotta dare to dream ♪

♪ I don't have to know it all ♪

♪ To know that one thing ♪ ♪ is for sure ♪

♪ Don't ever, ♪ ♪ ever, ever, ♪

♪ Ever give up on ♪ ♪ what you believe! ♪