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04x07 - The Berry Bitty Great Race

Posted: 03/15/24 13:17
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit filled fun ♪

♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪

♪ Just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ Strawberry Short... ♪

♪ She may be small but... ♪

♪ no task is too tall ♪

♪ for Strawberry ♪

♪ Shortcake ♪♪


Well Sweet Sour? That was a fantastic adventure story you told!

I'd like to write up a version of it sometime. "A Tale of Twins",…], index,…}

No such place...

'Scuse me, guys, I gotta get back to work...

What was that?

My instructional camping video-

No, what'd you mean by... "no such place?"

I never heard of "Berry Deep Dark Forest."

Yeah? Well maybe you got a better story?

Ooo, I don't know...

I think Sour and Sweet's adventure would be hard to top....

Oh, I could top it, easy-peasy.

Then why don't you?

Here, stay with us!

SweetTell us a story!


RaspberryC'mon, Apple.

We want to hear about your big adventure that's more exciti-

uh, thrilling and, daring than the one Sour n' Sweet just told.

Okay. I'll just make it quick.

Well. This story? It was the kind of thing that happens to me all the time...

I'm sure.

Well, it was!

Adventure, thrills, danger... that's my life, dont'cha know.

AppleThis particular time I was reporting on the Berry Bitty Great Race

for my BerryBestBits travel page.

The four-leg course was an equestrian-style cross country...

a mountain climb... a hot-air balloon race...

and a sailboat race.

Of course, to report it, (Chuckle)... I had to enter it.

Ah! Thank you, Tea Time.

Race officialRiders to your mounts!

AppleThese are the moments an adventurer lives for!

(Cheering )

AppleMy fellow contestants were already mounted on their steeds.

I gave them a sportsmanly nod of encouragement.


Little did I know they had no intention of behaving in a sporting way!

There were Mr. McSnivels...

Guava Guttersnipe...

and Cruddy Donogood.

I felt there was something oddly sinister in the way they smiled back at me...

...but I paid it no mind at the time.

Look at her. Not enough she's won a hundred and ninety-nine races,

she has to make it two hundred. Greed, I tell you, greed!

Wretched girl. And her little turtle, too!

This time... she'll never reach the finish line.

(Evil cackle)

Not if I have anything to say about it! about it!

(Wicked cackling)

(Race start bell)

Race officialAll in... All set...

And away they go!

AppleAnd so we were off! Ahh, the thrill of the race!

The sun in your face! The wind in your hair!

The power of your noble steed leaping over every obstacle!

(Ooff, ahh, ughh...)

Blueberry; What happened next, Apple?

SweetYes, then what?

Well, Tea Time and I were doin' great, (chewing),

'wayyy ahead o' the pack...

Ahead already? What a surprise.

Nah,.. it wasn't any surprise.

It looked like things were gonna turn out just like the other

hundred and ninety nine races I'd won.

But then... all of a sudden...

...without any warning,

dastardly deeds threatened to thwart my stellar performance.

AppleWhat I didn't know, was... evil doin's were afoot.

Broccoli. No rabbit can resist it! Apple Dumplin's chance to win is doomed!

Ha, ha, ha! Genius, Mr. McSnivels, pure ge..., uh, just... really smart.

Thank you, Ms. Guttersnipe.

(Villainous laughter)








AppleSuddenly out of nowhere, my noble steed was out of control.

I was about to find out why.


AppleC'mon boy! Please! We have a race to win!

(Sigh) Oh... Well, Tea Time, sorry to say, but it looks like... were doomed.

Hahhhh-ha-ha-hahhh! Victory is ours!

Wait... look!




They're after the broccoli! RUNNNN!


(Laughter & cheers)

So, that was it for the bad guys?

Great! End of story, we can go to sleep now!

'Fraid not. These bad guys? They were really bad.

And they were just getting warmed up.

(Evil chuckling)




This way!

Right into our trap!


AppleAll of a sudden, I found the path was completely blocked.

Hmmmn. No way through it....

Or... is there?

AppleApplying my knowledge of geometry and mechanical engineering,

I figured out just what to do.

This one.

(Logs tumbling down)


Foiled again!

(Log rumble)

(Yells & screams)



Yay Apple! You defeated the villains!

(Giggles)What a couple of cheaters they were!

Unbelieve...I mean, incred...I mean that's really obnoxious.

I hope that was the last you saw of them.

Umm... Noh' quite...

Here, Apple. Try some hot chocolate.

(Sip!) MMMMM. That's really good.

Okay, well what happened next?

Did you win the race?

Yeah, what do mean "not quite"?

Ughh! You mean there's more?

Oh yeah.

Did Guttersnipe and McSnivels come back?

They did indeed... because their dastardly deeds in the cross country race

were only the beginning of their... um... dastardliness.

Relax, Tea Time. We just gotta get to the top, down the other side,

AppleAll was going swimmingly, or should I say "climbingly" when,

out of a blue and sunny sky... we were hit by a blizzard!

What I didn't know at the time was, wasn't a blizzard at all.

It looked like we were doomed,

until... all of a sudden...

I spotted a shelter!

(Mysterious echoes)

What was that?

L-l-l-legendary Abominable Snow Beast of Berry Big Peak!

Let's get outta here!

(Freaked-out )

AppleSome may have trembled in fear. Some may have fled for their very lives.

Not me. No matter the cost, I had to find out what it was.

BlueberryWell what was it?

What did you find?

Weren't you afraid?




AppleFarther and farther we ventured into the darkness...

not knowing what sort of beast we would encounter...

Both(Off key yodeling)


For the love of lederhosen!

Who are you?

I'm Apple Dumplin', and this is Tea Time Turtle. We're competing",…], index,…}

I'm Ilsa, and this is my twin sister, Elsa.

BothDo you yodel?

Do I what?

Yodel! Like this...

Both(Off key yodeling)

Wait! We agreed to yodel always in the key of B-flat!

Ach, says you! It was the key of C!





Um, excuse me? Perhaps... this key would work for both of you?

(D-sharp ♪)

Bless my strudel, a D-sharp person.

Ya, I think you're right.

Well? Shall we try?

And a-one, an' a-two...

Both(Yodelling on-key)

My goodness gracious! We rocked!

(Celebratory giggling)

There's the balloon launch!

Well, this tunnel turned out to be a kind of a shortcut,

so I think I better wait until the rest of the contestants catch up. Only fair.

Ach, sauerkraut, who will know?

You could get a big head staaarrr-rrrrt...!

A race is only fun... if it's fair.

C'mon, Tea Time. We'll wait at the balloon launch.

Good luck, Apple Dumpling! And remember, wherever you go...

BothKeep yodeling!

"A race is only fun if it's fair?"

Strawberry; What'd she do?

SweetWhat was it?

Untying all the balloons so she wouldn't have any competition.

Hey! You can't do that! It's... not fair!

Fair schmair, see if I care!

(Evil laughter)

(Cackle) She did it!

Wait - LOOK!

Hold on, Tea Time!

Quick! After her!

Well, Tea Time, looks like we lost 'em!

Both(Laughing )

Uh oh. Quick, Tea Time! Drop the ballast!

AppleWell, there was no gettin' around it, we were gonna crash.

There was nothing left to drop overboard to lighten the load.

Nothing left... but me!


Two can play at that game!

Woo hooo!!!

Woah, whoah, whoah


Here we go, Tea Time!

AppleWe barely escaped disaster, only to discover

we were lost in the mountain wilderness! And then...

Look, Tea Time! A St. Bernard rescue dog! Here to save us.

(Bark bark)


AppleHe led us to a tropical fruit stand on the mountain!

(Giggle) A tropical fruit stand.

(Giggle) On a mountain?

Is this not getting just a bit ridiculous?

May I continue?

All(Oh yes, please please )

Mornin' or Noonin' or Afternoonin'. Welcome to Fern Frond's tropical Fruit Stand.

I'm Fern Frond, but you can call me Fern, friend.

Nice to meet you, Fren- Fern. Uh, I'm Apple Dumplin'

and I'm competing in the Berry Bitty Great Race.

Ooo. You're about a mountain off-course.

I saw some real treachery going on up there in the sky.

Could it be someone wasn't playing nice with others?

Mmm pretty much, yeah.

Actually, would it be possible for me to purchase this... banana peel?

Certainly, but what would you want with that?


Sure thing.

Come on Tea Time, they're gaining on us!

Hey! Why, that's... that's stealing!

Stealing, schmeeling. After that peeling!

Hey! That's stealing, too!

That's right! One bad turn deserves another!

(Evil laughter)

(Evil Cackling))


Apple; And it was onto the final leg of the race...





Hey! You're cheating again!

How else can villains win?


Win? Winnnn...?

Oh!! Wait a minute. Only one of us can win!

What are you saying?

I'm saying there is only room in this boat for one of us!

And that one is me!


No! No! I'm more evil than you, I should win!

(Panic-screams )

(Finish line horn)

Mr. McSnivels, Guava Guttersnipe, and Cruddy Donogood?

In all my days as head official of The Berry Bitty Great Race,

never have I seen the level of treachery and

dastardliness that you have displayed today!

Wait! It's true! You never have seen! Cuz you weren't there. You didn't see us.

How do you know we did those

dastardly villainy things we did!

Uh,,, you say we did?

I'm with Cruddy. Where're your witnesses?

Witnesses, you say?

Allow me to introduce you to our race rule monitors.

You think we just sit around all day and yodel?

We have been keeping an eye on you!


And it wasn't just bad deeds they were monitoring, either.

Apple Dumplin'?

For winning the race, and most importantly...

for your good sportsmanship,

I award you...

First Prize!

LemonWhat a great story!

StrawberryWhat great imagination!

BlueberryApple's a Tall-Tale natural!

SweetGood job, Apple!

Gotta admit, that was the best story yet.

Heh, you win first prize for imagination.

Imagination? What do you mean? I didn't make it up. Every word was true.

Yeah, uh-huh.


Sure it was.

Tea Time?

My scrapbook, please?

Thank you.

All(Amazed and in wonder!)

Wait. You mean that story you told...

..really was real?!

Well, sure! Wasn't yours?


We made it up!

What?! Why?

It's our camp out tradition!

We do it every year! Didn't you hear us talking about telling tall tales?

Uh, no. I guess I was working on my camping video, and I missed it.

(Giggle) You didn't miss it. Cuz you told a great story.

Well! If I can make up a story... the Berry Bitty Great Race is nothin'

compared to what I could tell in a tall tale!

All(Excited laughter)

But as it stands now.

I'd say Sour and Sweet win first prize for imagination.

Thanks, but...!

You can't give this to us!

No-no, it's okay! I've won two hundred of 'em.

In faaaact... Did I ever tell ya 'bout the Trans-Desert Treasure

of the Lost Pyramid Road Rally...?


But, um... what about your video project?

Ah, that can wait. We're on a campout! I want to do what you guys are doing!

Great! Let me heat up more hot chocolate.

Any more marshmallows?