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01x08 - The Dinosaur Museum Mishap

Posted: 03/17/24 18:37
by bunniefuu
- Calling all umis.

Team umizoomi!

- ♪ , , ,

♪ Umi

♪ Zoomi

♪ Umi

♪ Umizoomi, umizoomi ♪

- ♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi city

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

All: yay!

- ♪ Umizoomi, umizoomi ♪

- ♪ We can measure

- ♪ Build it together

- ♪ You can help us

♪ You're so clever

- ♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

All: ♪ you can call us any hour

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do

- Milli! - Geo!

- Bot!

- And you! - And you!

- Hi, it's me, milli.

This is my brother, geo,

And our best robot friend... - Hi.

- Bot.

We're team umizoomi,

The tiniest team of superheroes ever.

- We're playing dinosaurs.

- Roar!

I'm tyrannosaurus bot.


- Oh, bot.

- I can make a shape-a-saurus.

- Oh, I'm gonna put on a dinosaur dress.

- Roar! - Roar!

- Roar! [Laughter]

Do you like dinosaurs?

We do too.

- And we love to roar.

Roar with us.

Say "roar!"

All: roar!

- Good one.

- Today all the kids from umi city

Are going on a field trip to the dinosaur museum,

And we're going too!

[Bot blooping]

- Listen.

[Blooping continues]

It's the umi alarm.

- That sound means someone needs our help.

- We can see who it is on my belly-belly...

All: bellyscreen!

- The call is coming from the dinosaur museum.

- [Roaring sounds]

- Who's making those sounds?

- Roar!

- Yeah, it's the dinosaurs.

- Roar! - Wow.

- There's stegosaurus.

- And brachiosaurus.

- Roar!

- And microraptor.

- Whee-hee!

Look out below!

- Oh, nice one.

- You've been practicing, my boy.

- Prehistoric pixels!

Those dinosaurs are having so much fun.

- Rerr!

- Looks like they really like living in the museum.

- But the umi alarm means someone has a problem.

I wonder what the problem is.

- Team umizoomi, team umizoomi,

Up here!

- It's a little mouse.

- Hi, I'm mouse.

I live here in the museum

And help take care of the dinosaurs.

They're my friends.

- Hi, mouse.

- But there's a big problem.

- What's wrong, mouse?

- Well, there's one thing dinosaurs are really afraid of,

And that's thunder.

[Thunder rumbles]

- [Gasps]

That sounds like a thundercloud rolling in.

- It is! Look.

It's heading this way.

[Thunder rumbles]

- Yikes!

I don't like the sound of that.

- Oh, no, the dinosaurs are getting scared.

- [All screaming]

- Oh, no, the dinosaurs got so scared,

They ran away.

- Dinosaurs, come back!

The thundercloud is going away.

Oh, no!

It's too late.

They're gone.

- Poor dinosaurs.

They don't belong out in umi city all alone.

- They're gonna lost out there.

- You've just got to help them, team umizoomi.

The dinosaurs won't be safe until they're back home

At the museum.

- Don't worry, mouse.

We'll find the dinosaurs and bring them home.

- We need to find the lost dinosaurs

And get them back to the museum.

We're gonna need your help.

Will you help us rescue the dinosaurs?


Let's get our mighty math powers ready!

[Bouncy rock music]

♪ I'm milli

♪ I can make any pattern

♪ With my dress

♪ Pattern of...

♪ Butterflies

♪ Pattern power

- ♪ I'm geo

♪ I can build anything

♪ With my shapes

♪ Triangle

♪ Oval

♪ Super shapes

- ♪ I'm bot

♪ I can show you anything

♪ On my belly-belly bellyscreen ♪

♪ Skyscraper

♪ Taxi

♪ Traffic light

- Umi friend-- that's you.

You've got mighty math powers too.

Let's see your mighty math powers.

Count down with me.

Start with .






All: ♪ you've got mighty math powers ♪

♪ Mighty, mighty math powers

- You got 'em!

All: ♪ you've got mighty math powers ♪

♪ Team umizoomi

♪ Ready for action

- Okay, team, let's go to the museum

And find out where those dinosaurs went.

- We can take umi car.

- Come on, let's go!

- ♪ Let's take the umi...

- ♪ Umi car

- Milli!

- Geo!

- Bot!

To the dinosaur museum!

We're coming, dinosaurs!

- ♪ Let's take the umi...

- ♪ Umi car

All: umi car!

[Horn toots]

- Okay, team, seat belts on.

- Umi car, we need to get the dinosaur museum fast.

[Umi car revs]

All: go, umi car!

[Horn toots]

- Hold on to your helmets.

- Whee!

- [Laughs]

- Whoa-ho-ho-oh!

- There's the dinosaur museum.

[Brakes squeal]

- Team umizoomi, team umizoomi,

Thank goodness you're here.

- We came as fast as we could.

- Those poor dinosaurs.

They're lost somewhere in umi city.

- Hey, mouse, do you have any information

That could help us find them?

- Here, take these cards.

They'll tell you everything you need to know

About our three missing dinosaurs.

Good luck, team.

- It's brachiosaurus.

Let's look for him first.

- Let's check out that card on my super robot computer.

That's brachiosaurus.

He's got a super long neck.

He's one of the tallest dinosaurs.

So where should we look to find the tall brachiosaurus,

Down low or up high?

Up high. Good thinking.

- When you see brachiosaurus, say "brachiosaurus!"


There he is.

- Hmm.

- Uh-oh, brachiosaurus looks lost.

- Mm.

- Oh, no!

He's going into that movie theater!

- Let's go get him!

[Upbeat pop music]

[Brakes squeal]

- Pitch-black particles.

It's dark in here.

- I can't see a thing.

Brachiosaurus, where are you?

- Team umizoomi!

I'm somewhere in this movie theater,

But it's so dark, I can't find my way out.

- Just stay where you are.

We'll find you.

- But how, geo?

It's so dark in here.

- I know what to do.

I'll use my super shape power.

I can build a flashlight with shapes from my shape belt.

Then we can see in the dark.

But I'm gonna need your help.

This blueprint shows us the shapes we need

To build the flashlight.

Look, these shapes are trapezoids.

How many trapezoids do we need?


Good work.

What shapes are these?

Rectangles, yeah!

How many rectangles do we need?


Now we have all the shapes we need.

♪ Super shapes

We built a super flashlight.

Thanks for your help, umi friend.

Now we can look for brachiosaurus.

Is that brachiosaurus?

No, that's a popcorn machine.

Is that brachiosaurus?

Nope, that's just a man sweeping.

Is that brachiosaurus?


Brachiosaurus, over here.

- Okay.

Team umizoomi!

Thank goodness you found me.

I was scared all alone in the dark.

- Aw. - Don't worry, brachiosaurus.

We'll show you how to get back to the museum, where you belong.

- Aw, thanks!

- Look, there's your home... - Oh.

- Right over there. - The dinosaur museum.

- Thanks, team umizoomi!

All: you're welcome.


- Bye, brachiosaurus! - Bye, brachiosaurus!

- We'll see you later.

Good thing we found brachiosaurus.

- Dinosaurs sure don't belong in the city.

- Oh, we're getting a call right here on my belly-belly...

All: bellyscreen!

- Team umizoomi, brachiosaurus is back!

- It's so good to be home.

- But the museum is going to open soon.

You'll have to hurry to rescue the other dinosaurs.

- Don't worry, mouse.

We'll find them.

There were three lost dinosaurs,

But we found brachiosaurus.

Now how many dinosaurs are left to find?

Two, yeah.

Let's look for stegosaurus next.

- Stegosaurus has a spiky tail

And bony plates on his back.

He's also an herbivore,

Which means he likes to eat plants and leaves.

- Mm.

- Plants and leaves?

I know where there are lots of plants and leaves,

The park.

- Good thinking, milli.

To the park!

[Upbeat pop music]

- Stegosaurus, where are you?

- Do you stego-see us?

- Come out, big guy.

Look, bite marks.

Stegosaurus must be around here somewhere.

But I don't see him.

We're gonna need your help to find him.

When you see stegosaurus, say "stegosaurus."

- [Whimpering]

- Stegosaurus!

There he is!

Great dino finding!

Come on!

- Yeah, he should be right this way.

- [Gasps]

There he is,

Out there, in the middle of the pond.

- Stegosaurus, are you okay?

- Not really.

I'm stuck out here on this boat,

And I don't know how to get to shore.

- You can use your tail to paddle to shore.

We'll tell you how many times you need to paddle.

My robot computer can tell us how many times

Stegosaurus needs to paddle.

What number is this?

, Yes!

Let's help stegosaurus paddle to shore.

Count to with me.

, , , ,

, , , ,

, , , .

- Hooray! You made it!

- Whew, that was close.

- Perfect paddling, stegosaurus.

- I did it!


Thanks for the great counting.

I couldn't have made it without your help.

- Aw, you're welcome, stegosaurus.

- Now you'd better hurry up and get home to the dinosaur museum.

- I'll show you where it is.

See, that's the dinosaur museum, right over there.

- Oh, yeah, I see it!

Thanks, team umizoomi.

- You're quite welcome.

Whoa! - Our pleasure.

- See you later, stegosaurus!

There were three lost dinosaurs,

And we rescued two of them.

So how many dinosaurs still need our help?


And the last dinosaur left to find is...



- Oh, we're getting a call right here on my belly-belly...

All: bellyscreen!

- Team umizoomi,

You found brachiosaurus and stegosaurus.

- [Crunching]

It's so good to be home.

- But you've got to hurry and find microraptor.

[Gasps] [horn honks]

[Brakes squeal]


The school kids are here for their field trip.

They're lining up outside to see the dinosaurs.

The museum doors are about to open.

- Don't worry, mouse.

We'll find microraptor and get him back right away.

We need to find microraptor fast.

- This card will help us find him.

- Microraptor is one of the smallest dinosaurs.

He's really good at climbing to high places.

Then he uses his wings to glide off through the air.

- Hmm.

Climbing to high places so we can glide through the air?

I bet he climbed to the top of the tallest building

In umi city.

- Good thinking, geo.

Let's find the tallest building.

- Which building is the tallest?

Yeah, that green building is the tallest.

- Oh, and look.

Microraptor is stuck.

His tail is caught at the top of the building.

- Poor little microraptor.

Let's go, team.

- Great gigabytes.

That is one tall building.

- We've got to find a way up there.

- Look!

These window washer elevators can take us all the way

To the top of the building.

Then we can help microraptor.

- Yeah! - Let's go do it!

- Let's do it!

- To make the elevator go up,

We need to press the buttons.

Oh, no.

There's a button missing.

The elevator is broken.

- Don't worry.

I can fix the elevator.

♪ Pattern power

The buttons are supposed to go in this order:

Pink and then blue.

Now let's check the pattern on the elevator buttons.

So the buttons go pink, blue, pink, blue, pink--

What goes here?

Blue, yeah.

I can fix that with a blue button from my dress.


- Whoa, awesome!

- Whoa, hang on to your hard drives.

- Come on.

This next window washer elevator

Can take us even higher.

- Uh-oh. Another missing button.

- Don't worry.

The buttons on this elevator are supposed to go:

Red, green, purple.

Red, green, purple,

Red, green, purple, red--

What comes next?


- Going up.

- We're almost high enough to save microraptor.

- Oh, no, milli,

This elevator has two missing buttons.

- These buttons are supposed to go:

Pink, yellow, yellow.

Pink, yellow, yellow,

Pink, yellow, yellow, pink--

What comes next?


Then what?


Great job, umi friend.

- To the top we go!


- There's microraptor.

- Team umizoomi!


- Don't worry.

I've got you, microraptor.

- Ah.



- Great gigabytes!

I'm getting a call from the dinosaur museum.

- It's time for the museum to open.

- But we'll never make it in time.

- Oh, yes, we will.

Everybody hop on!

To the dinosaur museum!

Here we go.

Hold on tight.

- Whoa! - Whoa!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Sizzling circuits, we're gliding.

- Whee!

- You did it, team umizoomi.

- I'm home!

- Yay!

Welcome home, little buddy.

- I'm so glad you're back.

- Perfect timing too.

The kids are coming.

- The kids are here?

- That means it's time for us to do our dinosaur show!

- All right!

- Yippee!

- It's showtime!

- Bye! - Good-bye!

- Whoo-hoo! - Thanks, guys!

- [Laughing]

[Upbeat pop music]

- ♪ We're dinosaurs

♪ We love to roar

All: roar!

- I'm microraptor.

♪ I'm gliding high

- ♪ Gliding high

- ♪ I'm gliding low

- ♪ Gliding low

- Microraptor, how high can you go?


- ♪ I'm stegosaurus

♪ You know me by my plates ♪

♪ If you could count them for me, that'd be great ♪

- Okay!

, , , , , , , ,

, , , , , , , , .

- I'm brachiosaurus.

♪ I got a really, really, really, really, really ♪

♪ Really, really long neck

♪ How long is my neck

♪ Hey, milli, let's check ♪

- That's the longest neck I've ever seen.

- That's the longest ponytail I've ever seen.

- Why, thank you.

- ♪ We're dinosaurs

♪ We love to roar

♪ We're dinosaurs

♪ And we love to roar

Roar with us!


[Cheers and applause]

- We did it, team.

We got the dinosaurs home safe and sound.

- Thanks for all your help, umi friend.

You sure know your numbers and patterns.

- With our mighty math powers, we can do anything.

- I feel a celebration coming on.

[Together] ♪ , , ,

♪ Let's do the umi shake

♪ Shake your hands high and low ♪

♪ Let's go

♪ Shake your hands high

♪ To the sky

♪ Up high

♪ Shake your hands low

♪ To your toes

♪ Down low

♪ Up high

♪ Down low

♪ , , ,

♪ Everybody, crazy shake

- Crazy shake with us.

- Waaaaah!

- I'm shaking like crazy.

All: ♪ team umizoomi

♪ Way to go