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02x03 - The Ghost Family Costume Party

Posted: 03/17/24 18:50
by bunniefuu
[man]Calling all umis.

Team Umizoomi!

[children] ♪ One, two, three, four

♪ Umi

♪ Zoomi

♪ Umi

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi

[man]♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi City

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

[children] Yay!

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi

[Milli]♪ We can measure

[Geo]♪ Build it together

[Milli]♪ You can help us You're so clever ♪

[man]♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

-♪ You can call us any hour -[cheering]

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da Ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da Ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da Ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do

-Milli! -Geo!

-Bot! -And you!


It's me, Milli.

I'm Geo.

I'm Bot.

And together, we're...

[together] Team Umizoomi.

Guess what?

It's Halloween!

My favorite thing about Halloween

is seeing all the different costumes the kids are wearing.

Yeah, me too.

Do you like to wear costumes?

So do I.

We have a big bowl of treats

to hand out to the trick-or-treaters.

Oh, hello, there.

Hi, Team Umizoomi.

It's our friend Gabrielle.

What's her costume?

She's a pumpkin!

Happy Halloween, Gabrielle.


Happy Halloween.

[robotic voice] Trick-or-treating, Umizoomi.

It's our friend Matthew.

What's his costume?

A robot!

Spiffy costume, Matthew.

[robotic voice] Here you go.


Thanks, Bot.

Give me a robot high-five.

[robotic voice] Happy Halloween, Team Umizoomi.

Oh, look, it's a little ice cream cone.

Hello, there.

An ice cream cone?


I scream for ice cream.



That's a funny costume.


Want to see an even funnier one?


Hold on.



What's his costume now?

Ha! A banana.

That's so silly.


I wonder who's wearing those funny costumes.

It's me.

Little Ghost. [laughs]


It's a ghost.

[gasps] I've never met a ghost before.

I'm Little Ghost,

the silliest ghost in town. [laughs]

I'm trying to pick the funniest costume to wear

to the Ghost family costume party.

The Ghost family costume party?

What's that?

Every Halloween,

all the ghosts in my family get together

for a big costume party.

My mom wears a costume, and my dad wears a costume.

Even my grandma and grandpa wear costumes.

It's so much fun.

Great gizmos!

The Ghost family costume party sounds terrific.

The party is at the top of that big house.

It's up in the attic.

-[Milli] Ooh. -[Geo] Whoa.

[Bot] Ooh.

Hey, look, Little Ghost.

There's something on the back of your invitation.



If you want to get to the Ghost family costume party,

you have to figure out four riddles.

First there's a door riddle,

second, a stairs riddle,

third, a black cat riddle,

and fourth, a pumpkin riddle.

Oh, man.

Four riddles?

It's gonna be hard to figure out four riddles all by myself.

If I can't figure out the riddles,

I won't get to go to the costume party with my family.

Don't worry, Little Ghost.

We'll help you figure out the riddles

and get you to the party.

You will?

Thanks, Team Umizoomi.

But we're gonna need your help.

Will you help us get Little Ghost

to the costume party?


Team Umizoomi...

[together] It's time for action!

♪ Who's gonna get Little Ghost to the party?

♪ We are

♪ Team Umizoomi

♪ Who's gonna get me to the party? ♪

♪ We are

♪ Team Umizoomi

♪ We're on a mission to save the day ♪

♪ Here we come

We're on our way!

♪ We're gonna get Little Ghost to the party ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Team Umizoomi

Hey, look.

We made it to the house.

The Ghost family costume party is in there.

To get to the party,

Little Ghost has to figure out four riddles.

The first one is the door riddle.

There's the door.

Let's go check it out.



It's locked.

That's because you have to figure out the door riddle

to get inside.

Ooh, the owl is gonna tell us the door riddle.

The door riddle is...

You don't need a key to unlock this lock.

An upside-down six is the number to knock.

Look, there's a number six

right there on that door knocker.

Let's turn it upside-down and see what we get.


Now what number is it?



So to open the door, we have to knock nine times.

Count to nine with me.











It's opening.

We solved the door riddle.

[all] Whoa.

-Wow. -Cool.

Check out all those spooky decorations.

Come on.

A jack-o'-lantern!

Ooh, cobwebs.

Hey, hey, rubber bats.

Very Halloweeny.


I wonder where Little Ghost went.

Little Ghost?

I'm over here.

I'm trying on another funny costume.

What am I...


A chicken!

Bock! Bock-bock! Bock!


A chicken.

That's a good one, Little Ghost.


So the Ghost family costume party

is up in the attic,

And to get there,

we have to figure out the rest of these riddles.

The second riddle is the stairs riddle.

The stairs riddle?

There must be a staircase around here someplace.

Do you see the staircase?


It's right over there.

Whoa, look at that.

All the stairs have numbers on them.

Well, what are we waiting for.

The party is this way.






Seven doesn't come after three.




Slippery circuits!

Those stairs turned into a slide.

We can't get to the top

if these stairs keep turning into a slide.

To get up the stairs,

first you got to figure out the stairs riddle.

What's the stairs riddle, bat?

The stairs riddle is...

Step on the wrong number,

and you'll slip, slide, and flop.

Step on the right number to get to the top.

Oh, I get it.

If I step on the wrong number,

the stairs turn into a slide and send us back to the bottom.

So to get to the top,

I have to step on the numbers in the right order.

But I'm gonna need your help.

First, I'll step on one...

then two...

then three...

then what number comes after three?

Four! Right.

Then five...

then six...

then seven...

Then what number comes after seven?


Then nine...

then ...

then ...

What comes after ?


Then .

Ha ha!

I made it to the top of the stairs.

[Geo] Way to go, Bot.

[Milli] You've figured out the stairs riddle.

Thanks for counting the stairs with me, Umi Friend.

Come on!

This way to the costume party.

I love Halloween.

♪ Ghosts love Halloween

♪ Ghosts love Halloween


Ooh, check this out.

What costume am I wearing...


I'm a shoe!


♪ Shoe-dooby-doo

[laughs] Good one!

♪ Ghosts love Halloween

♪ Ghosts love Halloween


Ooh, I've got a good one.


What am I...


I'm a hamburger!

A hamburger?

♪ Ghosts love Halloween

♪ Ghosts love Halloween


You're gonna love this one.

What's my costume...


A telephone!

Brring! Brring!


♪ Ghosts love Halloween

♪ Ghosts love Halloween


♪ Ghosts love Halloween

♪ Ghosts love Halloween

Hey! Hey!


Check it out, Team Umizoomi.

Silly mirrors!


I look humongous!

This mirror makes me look wavy.

I look super tall.


This mirror makes me look like...

a cat?


Hey, that's not a mirror.

That's a real cat!

She doesn't look too friendly.


[all] Bot! Run!



She's after us!


[all screaming]


[all screaming]

Quick, under here!


It's safe in here.

Let's check if the cat's gone.

Is the cat still here?

[gasps] Yeah!

She's right over there.

Oh, no!

The big black cat is guarding the hallway,

and she won't let us get by.

Wait a second.

The third riddle is the cat riddle,

and if we figure it out, we can get past the cat.

I can tell you what the cat riddle is.

Oh, hi, spider.

What's the cat riddle?

The cat riddle is...

The big black cat will chase you all day.

Only a dog can scare her away.

So I need a dog costume to scare away the cat.

Is this a dog costume?


Is this a dog costume?


Is this a dog costume?


Uh, guys?

I don't have a dog costume.

Don't worry, Little Ghost.

I can make a dog costume with my...

super shapes!

This blueprint shows the shapes we need to make a dog costume.

Look, we can make the whole dog out of different triangles.

These are all the triangles we need.

Which triangle goes here?

That one.

That's the front of the dog's body.

Which triangle goes here?


That makes the back of the dog's body.

Which triangle goes here?

That one.

That's one of the ears.

Which triangle goes here for the other ear?

That one.


Which triangle makes the tail?


That's the dog's tail!

So then the last triangle goes here for the dog's head.

Hmm, it doesn't fit like this.

How can I make it fit?

Turn it around. Great idea.

That's it!

Now all the triangles are in place.

♪ Super shapes


Amazing costume, Geo.

Thanks for helping me put it together.

Try it on, Little Ghost.

Perfect fit.

Now we can scare that cat away.

All we have to do is woof like a dog.

Let's do it.

There's the cat.

Say, "Woof! Woof!" with me.

Woof! Woof!

Woof! Woof!


It's working.

Let's keep going.

Say, "Woof! Woof!" with me.

Woof! Woof!

Woof! Woof!

Woof! Woof!


We scared the cat away.

She won't bother us again.

That was awesome, Little Ghost.

You only have one more riddle to go,

and then you'll be at the costume party.

The last riddle is the pumpkin riddle.

So we need to look for a pumpkin.

When you see a pumpkin, say, "Pumpkin!"



It's a whole room of pumpkins!

Come on.

Ooh, happy Halloween.

How are ya?

Wow, talking pumpkins!

They can tell us the pumpkin riddle!

Behind us pumpkins, there's a secret door,

and it leads to the party you're looking for.

Great gizmos!

There's a secret door that goes to the costume party.

And it's behind all these pumpkins.

And we'd be happy to move out of the way.

But we have a problem.

What's the problem?

You see, we're pattern pumpkins.

But there's a problem with our pattern.

We can't move until it's fixed.

A problem with your pattern?

I can fix your pumpkin pattern with my...

♪ Pattern power


Now my dress is covered in pumpkins.

These pumpkins are supposed to go in this order.




Let's look and see

which pumpkins don't fit the pattern.













[Milli] Which pumpkin doesn't fit the pattern?

This one. Yeah.

This pumpkin should have a silly face,

not a surprised face.

I can fix that.

Now I'm silly.

You fixed our pattern.


[Milli] It worked.

The pumpkins are moving out of the way.


And there's the top of the secret door.

Oh, Milli.

Now you have to fix our pumpkin pattern.

No problem.

♪ Pattern power

These pumpkins are supposed to go in this order.




Let's check the pattern.













[Milli] Which pumpkin doesn't fit the pattern?

That one.

It's supposed to have a happy face,

not a silly face.

But we can fix that.


I'm so happy you fixed our pattern.

It worked.

Now we can open the secret door.


Come on.

This will take us right to the Ghost family costume party.

This is it.

This is the door to the party.


It's awfully quiet in there for a party.

[all] Happy Halloween!

It's the Ghost family costume party.

Team Umizoomi, come meet my family.

This is my dad.


And this is my mom.


And this is my grandpa and grandma.

Good evening.

Hello there.

Wow! Those are great costumes.

There are lots of great costumes here.

[Bot] What costumes do you see?

[indistinct chatter]

Yeah, I like that one too.

Little Ghost, have you decided what your costume is gonna be?


And it's my funniest costume yet.


What's my costume...


I'm a hot dog!



Great costume, Little Ghost.

You're the funniest.

Happy Halloween, everybody.

♪ Ghosts love Halloween

♪ Ghosts love Halloween

Hey! Hey!

♪ Ghosts love Halloween

♪ Ghosts love Halloween

Hey! Hey!

♪ Ghosts love Halloween

Argh! I'm Captain Geo the pirate!

And I'm Milli the bumblebee.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!


I'm Mummy Bot.

Rah! Rah!

Wow, Team Umizoomi.

I love your costumes.


You helped us get

to the Ghost family costume party.

And you helped me make

that whole dog costume out of triangles.

You're a real shape expert.

Happy Halloween. [laughs]


Me feel celebration coming on.

♪ Two, four, six, eight

♪ Let's do the crazy shake

-Whoo-hoo! -Whoo-hoo!

♪ Let's celebrate

♪ A job well done

♪ Let's crazy shake

♪ And have some fun

♪ Everybody crazy shake

-Whoo! -Yee-ha!

-Whoo-hoo! -I'm shaking like crazy!

-Rah! -Argh!


♪ Mighty

♪ Mighty

♪ Mighty

♪ Math powers