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03x01 - Stompasaurus

Posted: 03/17/24 19:08
by bunniefuu
- Calling all Umis.

Team Umizoomi!

- ♪ , , ,

♪ Umi

♪ Zoomi

♪ Umi

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi City

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

all: Yay!

- ♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ We can measure

- ♪ Build it together

- ♪ You can help us

♪ You're so clever

- ♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

all: ♪ You can call us any hour

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do ♪

- Milli! - Geo!

- Bot!

- And you! - And you!

- Hi, we're Team Umizoomi,

a tiny team of superheroes.

- And today we're playing at our friend Wyatt's house.

- Hi.

Today I'm getting a new toy to play with.

- A new toy?

That's awesome.

- I love playing with toys.

- Do you like playing with toys?

Me too.

- Check it out.

Here's a picture of the new toy I'm getting.

It's so cool.

- Oooh, look.

What kind of toy is Wyatt getting?

A dinosaur, yeah.

It's a robot dinosaur.

His name is Stompasaurus.

- I've never seen a toy like that before.

I wonder how it works.

- Yeah, how does Stompasaurus work?

- ♪ How does it work?

both: ♪ How does it work?

- ♪ How does it work?

both: ♪ How does it work?

all: ♪ How does it work, work, work? ♪

- How does Stompasaurus work?

Stompasaurus comes in pieces that you have to put together.

How many pieces are there?


And each piece does something really special.

Piece number is his stomping feet.


Piece number is his swinging tail.

And piece number is his roaring head.

- [roaring]

You put the pieces together to make... Stompasaurus!

And that's how Stompasaurus works.

- Wow, Stompasaurus is awesome.

- I can't wait to play with him.

- The delivery truck with Stompasaurus

should be here any minute.

- Come on. Let's go look for it.

We can use our Umi-Goggles.

Umi-Goggles on.

The delivery truck is blue.

When you see a blue truck, say, "Blue truck."

Blue truck!

And look, there's the box with Stompasaurus in it.

- Whoa, the truck is on a really bumpy street.

- Oh, no. The box tipped over.

- [gasps] There goes the roaring head.

- And the stomping feet.

- And the swinging tail.

Oh, no.

Stompasaurus' pieces are all gone.

- Now I'll never get to play with my new toy.

- I have an idea.

We can go find all three pieces and bring them back to Wyatt.

- Then we can put Stompasaurus together.

- Yeah. Don't you worry, Wyatt.

We are going to look all over Umi City

until we find Stompasaurus's pieces.

- Thanks, Team Umizoomi.

- But to find all three pieces,

we're going to need your help. Team Umizoomi...

all: It's time for action.

- Good luck, Team Umizoomi.

- ♪ Who's gonna find Stompasaurus' pieces? ♪

all: ♪ We are, Team Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ Who's gonna find Stompasaurus' pieces? ♪

all: ♪ We are, Team Umizoomi ♪

♪ We're on a mission to save the day ♪

♪ Here we come, we're on our way ♪

- ♪ We are gonna find Stompasaurus' pieces ♪

all: ♪ Yeah, Team Umizoomi ♪

- Okay, team.

To build Stompasaurus,

we have to find these three pieces:

the stomping feet, the swinging tail,

and the roaring head.

- [roaring]

- But they could be anywhere in Umi City.

- Bot, let's use your Robo Radar

to figure out where the missing pieces went.

- Great idea, Milli.

Let's look for the stomping feet first.

[gasp] I'm getting a signal.

The stomping feet are someplace

where there's lots of water and a bunch of fish.

Hmm, water and fish.

Should we go to the swimming pool,

the aquarium, or the movie theater?

The aquarium. Yeah.

It has water and fish.

- [gasps] There they are.

The stomping feet are stomping into the aquarium.

- We've got to get to the aquarium fast.

Let's call Umi Car.


Calling Umi Car. Calling Umi Car.

Come and get us!

[motor humming]

- ♪ Let's take the Umi...

- ♪ Umi Car

- Everybody in.

- Seat belts on.

- Umi Car, we need you to get us to the aquarium fast.

[horn beeping]

all: Umizoomi!

[motor humming]

- The aquarium. We're here.

- Watery websites. This place is amazing.

- I wonder where the stomping feet

stomped off to.

- We need you to help us find them.

When you see the stomping feet, say, "Stomping feet."

Stomping feet. There they are.

- After them!

- No way! - 'Scuse us.

- Team Umizoomi.


- Uh-oh.

The stomping feet stomped into the fish t*nk.

- Don't worry, team. I'll get them.

Scuba gear on.


Hey, there they are.

[gasps] But those are some really big fish.

What kind of fish are those?

Sharks? Yikes!

I can't get the stomping feet

with all those sharks in the way.

Oh, but look at this.

It's a chest full of snacks.

If I feed the sharks these snacks,

I bet they'll swim away.

And this chart tells us which snacks the sharks like.

The chart has pictures of all the sharks.

And up here are the snacks.

The check marks tell us

what each shark's favorite snack is.

Help me figure out what the blue shark likes to eat.

This is the blue shark's row.

Is there a check mark here, under the hot dog?


That means he doesn't like hot dogs.

Is there a check mark here, under the spaghetti?


That means he doesn't like spaghetti, either.

Is there a check mark here, under the banana?


So what snack does the blue shark eat?


Open wide, blue shark.

- [chomping] Mmm.

- He ate it!

And now he's swimming far away.

All right!

Now let's look at the shark chart

and figure out what the brown shark eats.

Here's the brown shark's row.

Where's the check mark?

Here it is!

So what snack does the brown shark eat?

Hot dogs, yeah!

The check mark is under the picture of a hot dog.

Hey, brown shark.

I have something for you.

- [chomping] Mmm.

- Awesome! Now there's only one shark left.

The gray shark.

How many check marks are in the gray shark's row?


So what two snacks does he eat?

Spaghetti and bananas!

Snack time, gray shark.

I hope you're hungry.

- [chomping] Mmm.

- All right! The sharks are all gone.

Now it's safe to get the stomping feet.

Got 'em.

Thanks for your help, Umi friend.

- Way to go, Geo.

- You did it.

- Let's take the stomping feet out to Umi Car.

[horn beeping]

- Whoa, nice wagon.

- Okay, team.

We found the stomping feet.

But to build Stompasaurus,

we have to find the other missing pieces.

How many pieces do we still have to find?

! Right.

We still need the swinging tail

and the roaring head.

- [roaring]

- Oh, I'm getting a signal.

[gasps] It's the swinging tail.

- Where is it, Bot?

- The signal is coming from...

the bowling alley.

- Come on, Umi Car. Let's go.

- This way, team.

- We'll have that swinging tail in no time.

- Stop right there.

- It's DoorMouse.

- Yep, I'm DoorMouse.

And I can't let you inside my bowling alley...

- But, DoorMouse,

one of Stompasaurus' missing pieces is in there.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me finish.

I can't let you inside my bowling alley

until you put on bowling shoes.

- Okay.


- So what size do you need?

- I'm a size three.

- Size three. Here you go.

- Ooh, snazzy.

- Now, what about you two?

- I don't know what size my feet are.

- Me neither.

- That's no problem.

We can use my ponytails to measure their feet.

♪ Milli measure!

- You first, Geo.

Let's figure out how Long Geo's foot is.

Count with me.

, , , .

That means Geo wears size-four bowling shoes.

- I have a pair of size fours right here.

- Thanks, DoorMouse.

- Okay, Bot. Now give me your foot.

- All righty.

- Let's see how long Bot's foot is.

Count with me.

, , , , .

So Bot needs size-five bowling shoes.

- Here you go. Size five.

- Thanks, DoorMouse.

Oooh. Comfy and stylish.

Thanks for your help.

- Yeah, you're great at measuring.

- All right, Team Umizoomi,

now that you're wearing bowling shoes,

you can go into the bowling alley.

- Thanks, DoorMouse.

- No problem.

- Right. Yeah.

- Wow, check this place out.

- I wonder how we're gonna find the swinging tail in here.

- Yeah, there's just so much to see in a bowling alley.

- ♪ We've got cool shoes that fit just right ♪

- ♪ Having a ball, bowling up a strike ♪

- ♪ Shapes and numbers all around ♪

all: ♪ The score goes up when the pins go down ♪

♪ We're going bowling

♪ We're ro-oh-oh-oh-olling

♪ We're going bowling

- ♪ Rock-and-rolling

- ♪ The pins make a triangle, ten in all ♪

- ♪ The ball is a sphere that makes 'em fall ♪

- ♪ The alley's a rectangle, long and straight ♪

all: ♪ Knock 'em all down, you're doing great ♪

♪ We're going bowling

♪ We're ro-oh-oh-oh-olling

♪ We're going bowling

♪ Rock-and-rolling!

- We've been all over the bowling alley,

but I don't see the swinging tail anywhere.

- Hey, I know. Let's check the bowling lanes.

Which lane is the swinging tail in?

Lane number . There it is.

- Sizzling circuits.

We can't get to the tail with all these pins in the way.

- We'll have to move them.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You can't move the pins with your hands.

This is a bowling alley.

You've got to knock the pins down with a bowling ball.

- Oh, well, leave that to me.

I am an excellent bowler.

- Well, Bot.

I hope you're as good as you say,

because you only get three balls to knock all the pins down.

- [gulps] Three balls? That's not very many.

I'm really gonna need your help to knock them all down.

Let's count to see how many pins there are.

Count with me.

, , , , ,

, , , , .

- Whoa! pins.

- Go, Bot!

- Knock 'em down.

- Okay, here goes.


[pins clattering]

all: Hooray!

- You knocked down pins.

- There were pins, and I knocked down .

Let's see how many are left.

Count with me.

, , , , , , .


, take away , is .

- Not bad, Bot.

But you've got pins left and only more balls.

- Whup. Ah.

Let's do it.


[pins clattering]

Hey, look at that. I knocked down some more.


There were pins, and I knocked down .

How many are left?

! Right.

, take away , is .

- But you only have ball left.

Good luck.


Eee, I can't look.

[pins clattering]

Did I knock down both pins?

I did?

Ha! Ha, ha!

And there's the swinging tail.

Come on, Umi friend. Let's go get it.

I got it.

- Woo-hoo-hoo! - You did it!

- Hey, hey. You knocked down all pins.

You're a bowling machine.

- Well, thanks, DoorMouse.

Now we've got the stomping feet and the swinging tail.

Our friend Wyatt can build Stompasaurus

if we find one more piece.

What piece do we have to find?

The roaring head!

Come on. We've got to find it.

- Bye!

- My Robo Radar is detecting the roaring head.

It's inside the store

that has a picture of a circle with a triangle under it.

Which store should we go to?

That one. The ice cream store.

To the ice cream store!

- Step on it, Umi Car.

- [horn beeping] - Come on.

- Wow, look at all the ice cream.

- I see chocolate.

- And strawberry.

- And... [gasps] raspberry fudge ripple.

- But I don't see Stompasaurus' roaring head.

- Let's spread out and look for it.

- It's not in here.

- Aw, nuts.

- [laughing]

- Maybe it's in the sprinkles.


Nope, not in the sprinkles.

- [roaring]

- I hear the roaring head.

- [roaring]

- It's coming from in there,

the ice cream freezer.

- Shivering shareware, it's c-cold in here.

- That big fan keeps it cold so all the treats don't melt.

- [roaring]

- Look, there's the roaring head

way up there.

- I've got an idea.



- Milli, you're floating.

- Woo-hoo.

This fan is blowing me up into the air.

But it's not blowing me high enough

to get to the roaring head.

Geo, Bot.

You'll have to make the fan blow more air

so I can go higher.

- Look, those are the controls for the fan.

- Yeah.

We can use the controls

to make the fan blow more air.

- The fan is set to the number .

But Milli needs to go higher.

- Hmm.

Let's see what happens if we push this up to .

- Whoa.

Now the fan is blowing too much air.

I can't reach the roaring head from up here.

- Yoinks-a-doinks.

is blowing Milli too high.

We need the fan to blow less air.

- We should try a number that's less than .

Is less than ?


- Is less than ?

Yes. Let's try it.

- I'm going lower.


But now I'm just a little too low.

- doesn't blow enough air, and blows too much.

We need a number that's more than but less than .

What number do we need?


- That's it! Perfect.

I've got the roaring head.

- Whee. - All right, Milli.

- That was awesome.

- Thanks, guys.

And thank you for helping me.

I couldn't have done it without you.

[horn beeping]

- Now we have the stomping feet,

the swinging tail, and the roaring head.

Do we have all the pieces?


Let's get them back to Wyatt.

[horn beeping]

- Team Umizoomi.

You found all of Stompasaurus' pieces.

- We sure did.

Now we can put them together.

The swinging tail goes here.

- The roaring head goes here.


- Woo-hoo. - Wow.

- You put Stompasaurus together.

- Thank you. - all: Yeah!

- We did it! - Stompotastic.

- Thanks for helping us find all of Stompasaurus' pieces.

- You're really great at math.

- Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. - Whoa.

- And Stompasaurus is really happy to be put together.

[roaring and stomping]

- I feel a celebration coming on.

All: ♪ , , ,

♪ Let's do the crazy shake

♪ Woo-hoo

- ♪ Let's celebrate

- ♪ A job well-done

- ♪ Let's crazy shake

all: ♪ And have some fun

♪ Everybody crazy shake


- Woo-hoo. Ha, ha.

- Waaaaa.

- Rooaaar.

- Mighty... - Mighty...

- Mighty...

Math powers!

- ♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪