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01x04 - Sleep On It

Posted: 03/18/24 17:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Someone once told me the grass is much greener ♪

♪ On the other side

♪ Well, I paid a visit

♪ While it's possible I missed it ♪

♪ It seemed different yet exactly the same ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

♪Till further notice♪

♪ Till further notice

♪I'm in between♪

♪ I'm in between

♪From where I'm standing♪

♪ From where I'm standing

♪ My grass is green

♪ Someone once told me the grass is much greener ♪

♪the other side.

Ginger: Well, we can't have the slumber party at my house.

Our VCR's still broken since, you know...

Someone has to tell your brother

that maple syrup and electronics just don't mix.

Let's just do it at my house.

Everyone's p.j.'s are still there from last weekend.

Now-- who wants to be in charge of refreshments?

Miranda, are you listening?!

They actually go to each other's houses... and sleep there!

Yes, I'm familiar with the concept.

It's quite popular amongst our peers.

What do you suppose they do at these "slumber parties"?

From what I understand

they stay up all night telling moronic stories

and gorging on white- flour-based party foods.

I could do that. I know plenty of moronic stories.

Or at the very least, I could pinch some off Blake.

You are not suggesting...

Yes! I want to have one, too.

So, apparently, Mumma

slumber parties are all the rage in school.

I'm not quite sure I understand.

Oh, It's fabulous!

A small group of extra-special friends

agree to sleep on the floor of your home.


Dear, you must have heard incorrectly.

Why would anyone willingly sleep on a floor

unless, of course, there was a national emergency?

A flood, or one of those whirly things.

It's true, Mumma!

I've seen it on the television.

Please? It would mean the world to me

and these six girls, carefully chosen

and screened for fashion sense.


If Courtney's having a sleepover

I get to host my own ripping affair, too, I say!

I insist!

It sounds perfectly barbaric

but if it means that much to you, permission granted.

I'll have Winston prepare the guest rooms.

And Blake, you may invite one guest of your own to spend the night.

Thank you, Mumma! Hooray!


[crickets chirping]

[doorbell rings]

[ringing insistently]

Lois: Will someone get the door?!

[continues ringing]



Greetings, Ginger!

Lois: Who is it, Ging?

Do I need to rinse off and come down there?

I got it, Mom!

Um, won't you, uh...

[Lois singing, water splashing]

Uh... it's kind of hot in there.

I'm having a slumber party this Saturday night

and I want you to attend.

Where's Carl?

I need a word.

Doghouse 'round back.

So, can you come to my soiree?

Wow. I'd love to, Courtney

but I have to check with my mom first.

Oh, I'm sure she'll be thrilled.

But you double-check.

Will do.


Uh... Carl, may I enter?

It's, uh, devilishly cold out here!

Carl: State the nature of your business!

I was hoping you might attend

my first annual sleepover soiree on Saturday.

Carl? Did you hear me, I wonder?

I said...

Information received!

I am mulling, do you copy? Mulling!

We accept.

Oh, so sorry, Woodsey.

I didn't see you there.

I suppose you'll want to attend?

Nope. I'm busy.

Double drats!

Well, Carl, say about : then?

What do you mean, you're busy?

You can't make me go, Carl!

Hoods, when have I ever made you do anything?


You must accept this invitation to Courtney's!

I once overheard that her bedroom

is the ultimate in teen chic.

But I'd be bailing on you and Macie.

Maybe I'll just catch Courtney's next slumber party.

Next slumber party?!

There may not be a next slumber party, fool!

Okay, I'll go.

Think of it-- your first adult slumber party.

Dodie, Courtney's our age.

Ginger, Ginger, Ginger...

This is nothing like our slumber parties.

You will be expected to wear "sleep ensembles," not p.j.'s.

There will be sophisticated party games like you couldn't even imagine.

You might even be expected to levitate...


Ooh, we better get cracking!

Call me the minute your mom says yes

and we'll discuss what to do

about your little snoring problem.

You can always wear a piece of clear tape over your nose.

Really works, trust me.


Oh, yes...

Lois: Of course you can go to the slumber party.

I've been meaning to buy you a new nightie anyhow.

I'll stop at the mall on the way home from work tomorrow.

Thanks, Mom.

I'll be out Saturday night as well.

I've been invited to spend the night

at Blake Gripling's pad.


Saves me an extra trip in the car.

But Mom, isn't Carl grounded?

I don't think so.

Not yet.

What for?

You know, that... bad thing... he did...

No one likes a tattletale, Ginger.

Besides, Carl knows he's on thin ice.

But you don't even like Blake!

He has my petrified eyeball.

There's a score to settle.

Carl, for the hundredth time

there are two things I have asked you

not to discuss at the table:

revenge and displaced body parts.

You just violated both.

Duly noted.

So, uh, can I go?


I'm coming up empty here, Ging.

You can go.


Oh, I don't believe it.

Now, hurry on upstairs.

There's cookies and milk waiting.

Soy milk, I hope, Mrs. Bishop.

Hate to be a nag, but...

I know, dear.

We wouldn't want you swelling again.

[general conversation]

My mom read that last month.

The ending's a real downer!

Okay, I've compiled a list

of potential party guests

and put their names and vital information on flash cards.

Who is this and what's her nickname?

Melissa Mipson.

Her friends call her Mipsy.

Correct. What is she best known for?

Faking a cough to get out of the math final last semester?

Oh, that's second. Try again.

Her charm ankle bracelet?

Yes! And extra points if you can name the charms.

Um... peace sign...

thorny rose...


Ooh, I was looking for "dragonFLY"

but I'll allow partial credit.

So it's really okay if I don't go to Blake's?

'Cause you know I have that little problem...

Relax, Hoods.

You're going to the sleepover

but you're not sleeping over.

Oh... good... aah!

You're going to be a spy.

You have to sneak into Blake's room, find our eyeball

and return it to its rightful owner.

What are you going to be doing?

Oh, you know...

suffer through a dozen Malted Milk Monkeys

washed down with chocolate milk.

This looks a tad small, Hoods.

Want me to toss it in the rag bag?

Courtney: I had Winston pull

some party-planning materials

from the Internet.

"How To Host A Baby Shower"?

Well, it can't be that different.

An elegant affair is an elegant affair.

"My Fifth Birthday Party"?

I need to go consult with Cook about the menu.

You go through this list of party games.

Oh, there's an adorable one

that involves the rear end of a donkey! [giggles]

I can't believe it.

Excellent, Ginger.

Now let's move on to the do's and don'ts of Truth or Dare.

Both: Ooh....

Oh, no...

Ha-ha! I knew my excavation would bear fruits.

Carl... what are you doing with that?

This is our secret w*apon.

I unleash this in Blake's room, he clears out

you sneak in and steal the eyeball.

But Carl, we aren't supposed to open

The Moldy Rotten Eggs until freshman year, remember?

Two years ago you said that.

Desperate times.

We better test it.

See if it's got the stink power yet.

Carl, no, I beg you.

Let's take it outside!

Or maybe we should open it underground... yeah!


[girls scream and groan...]

[door slams]

...but she just mopes all the time.

I know she's trapped in a loveless marriage

in th-century France, but rea...


Oh, my...

[all gasp and groan]

[screaming and groaning...]


Wait, oh, wait!

Oh, please, oh, come back!

I'm sure it will pass!


Carl: 'Kay, how about this:

I'm grounded for two weeks

beginning the day after the sleepover.

That's my final offer, Mom.

Carl, it's going to be hard to forget

the sight of JoAnn Bishop sobbing.

Do you know she's kept that book club going for ten years?

And my Moldy Rotten Eggs wiped them out

with one twist of a jar lid...

And stunk up her precious knickknacks to boot.

So you're grounded as of tonight

and that's the end of it.

And Ginger, I'm, I'm sorry

but you're going to have to miss your slumber party.

Me? Why?

I took the late shift thinking you'd both be out all night.

There's no one to babysit Carl.

I can't thank you guys enough

for watching Carl for me.

Have fun sleeping over... without me.

Your mom is coming back, right?

She'll be home at :.

Just don't let your guard down, even for a second.

Emergency numbers are by the phone.

They know him at the hospital.

It's already :.

You know you're expected to be on time

for a slumber party.

Oh, Ginger, you're going to Courtney Gripling's

first annual slumber party!

I just got the chills.

Me, too.

Me, three.

Unless that's a cold coming on...

Your mission has increased twofold.

You not only have to secure the missing eyeball

but you must also take my place at the sleepover.

But Carl, sleeping over at a stranger's house makes me nervous.

And you know what happens when I get nervous...

Lots of kids wet the bed, Hoods.

But I've got a foolproof plan.

You'll be wearing the Carl-Cam.

I'll be able to watch your every move.

Oh, great.

Now I'm really nervous.

Maude's old hearing aid.

I've rigged it so you can hear everything I say.

Here, try it on.

I still don't see how this...

[echoing]: Testing...

Mayday! [feedback]


But Carl, what are we going to do

about my, you know, sleepover problem?

Two words: liquid... deprivation.

I'm not sure I like the way that sounds.

What does it mean?

It means no drinking between now and the party.

And I'm thinking no eating either.

The two go hand in hand, don't you think?



Ginger? What are you doing here?

I was invited, wasn't I?

Yes, but it's :.

You said the party started at :.

You actually came on time?

Oh, that's priceless.

[both laughing...]

Computerized female voice: Welcome to Courtney's room!

She's glad you're here!

Make yourself at home!

So, what do you think about my boudoir?

Oh, it's amazing, Courtney.

I heard you had talking furniture

but I didn't know about the faux fur.

Thanks. Glad you like.

Isn't it too too?

It's all great, but, um, where is everyone going to sleep?

[laughs] On the floor of the guest rooms, of course.

Don't you know anything about slumber parties?

Computer voice: Perfect, Courtney.

Don't change a thing!

It's just at the slumber parties I've been to

everyone sleeps in the same room.

This is a different kind of slumber party, Ginger.

It's much more... independent.

No, Miranda-- we have to follow Ginger's lead on this one.

She's the expert.

Well, I have hosted a few in my day.

[doorbell rings]

Oh, why are these girls arriving on time?!

Don't they know the fashionably late rule?

Actually, at a slumber party

you want to maximize your time

so you can get in plenty of the three S's.

Songs, stories, snacks?

Miranda, stall the guests.

Ginger, help me clear the furniture

while you tell me all about these S's.

Go. Go, go, go, go!

Where's Courtney?

I can't wait to see what she's done to her room!

I brought fudge!


[rings doorbell]


Ah! Carl, my ma...

Woodsey? What are you doing here?

Carl got grounded.

He sent me instead.

Oh, it's hardly the same...

Let's just play, sleep, and get it over with.

Yes! We're in!

Girls, do you know Ginger Foutley?

Ginger, this is...

Traci "the Tracinator" Lefferts

Heather "Cuddles" Woods

Lonnie Considine

and of course, "Mipsy" Mipson.

Nice to meet all of you.

Where have I seen you before?

I sat behind you in math all through elementary...

Anyone up for Sloppy Janes?

Hmm... I'm not familiar with that game.

No. See, they're...

Too much slop, Dodie.

Where is your head, young lady?

I wonder if Courtney really has a canopy bed

and matching end tables

with rhinestone drawer pulls...

Don't you worry.

Ginger will report every detail.

Oh, it's going to be a long night.

Speaking of which, where's Carl?

I haven't seen him since we burned that tick off him.

Can't we just pretend he's sound asleep in his bed?

We're babysitters, Macie.

It's our job to know where he is.

Here, Carl, here, boy! [kissing]

Slipped right through our fingers, did you, hot foot?

Blake: Please put that back, Woodsey.

Ah! I have an idea!

Let's spy on my sister's party!


Hoodsey: Okay, sure.

Stay focused!

Think eyeball!

[cans rattle]


Inside, Carl.

And don't make us do anything rash.

[gasps] It's Ginger!

In Courtney's room!

I'm actually seeing it!

There's, oh, there's faux fur everywhere!

Oh, Macie, it's better than I dreamed!

Root beer, ladies?

The game is Truth or Dare.

What do you say we start with... Ginger?

Uh... okay... truth.

All: [gasp] Truth...?

Okay... what is your deepest, darkest secret

that nobody in the whole wide world knows?

I can't tell you that.

You picked truth.

That means you answer the question.

No, no, no, no!

Not your hairy legs, Ginger!

Okay... my deepest, darkest secret is...

I've had this monster crush on Ian Richton

since the third grade.

[all exclaim]

Wow... I just would have lied.

Both: Oh...

Mission Control to Hoodsey!

Get out of that girl party and get the eyeball!

Who does this belong to?


I'd never wear black with peach, Miranda.

[all laugh]

All chant: Light as a feather, stiff as a board.

Rise, body, rise!

I can't believe this!

Neither can I!

You really trust us!

Aah! Ow...

Oh, that's got to hurt.

Hoodsey! I've lost visual contact!

Repeat: I can no longer see you!


Silly me.

I forgot the whipped cream.

Back in a flash.

Carl? He made hot chocolate!

I don't think I can resist!

No, no, no! Don't drink it!

You're on liquid deprivation

and you still have to get the eyeball!

But I'm really thirsty!


It's the eyeball-- I got it!

Good job, Hoodsey!

Now get out of there!

But what about the sleepover?

Forget it.

Come home, boy, come home.

Blake: Woodsey, we're in luck.

Cook left us some chicken cordon bleu in the fridge.


She tried to start the car, but she was out of gas.

Then a deep voice says

[imitating]: "Can I give you a hand?"

And with that, a severed hand came flying in the window--

with her boyfriend's class ring on the finger!

[girls screaming]

Lois: Dodie, Macie! Carl!

You kids still up?

Why are all the lights out?

Mrs. Foutley! The jig is up!

Just when it was getting good!

Lois: Where is everyone?

[gulping and slurping...]


[Miranda snickering]

Miranda: You sure this is going to work?

Mipsy: Promise. Ginger won't know what hit her.

How did you learn that you can make someone wet the bed

by putting their fingers in water?

It's wonderfully diabolical.

Later we can put her bra in the freezer.

Like she wears a bra.

Ooh, you're so bad.

[both laughing]





Girl: [gasps] Bed-wetter!

Girls chanting: Bed-wetter...

Bed-wetter... bed-wetter... bed-wetter...

Bed-wetter... bed-wetter...

bed-wetter... bed-wetter... bed-wetter...

bed-wetter... bed-wetter...


Eww... Courtney's fluffy white carpet!

My tartan bathrobe!

My slumber party! Ruined!


No! Not Princess!

Just get out!

Don't you think you guys

are being kind of tough on the kid?

He just had a little too much to drink.

That's more than

a little too much to drink.

Truth or Dare, Courtney?

Now is not the time for party games.

Fine. Be a chicken.


Okay. Truth.

Didn't you ever wet the bed when you were younger?

Even just once?

[all gasp]

Of course not.

It's disgusting.

You know, if you're not going to tell the truth

you might just want to say "dare".

Come on, Hoodsey.

Ginger Foutley is so history.

Did you see me leading the conga line?

That was my favorite part.

Especially when you ribbed Mipsy in the tummy.


You're my hero.

Oh, Hoodsey was the hero.

Yeah, Hoodsey.

You saved me from Miranda's trick.


I guess I did okay, after all, huh, Carl?

Okay? And you stole back the eyeball from that weasel Blake

and left your mark right in Courtney's doorway!

Oh, revenge doesn't get any sweeter than that.

Oh, Carl, how many times do I have to tell you?

No discussion of displaced body parts

and plots of revenge at the table!

Ginger: And speaking of payback

Carl's not the only Foutley who can pull off a prank.

On the way out of Courtney's

Hoodsey and I made a little stop in the kitchen.

I sure hope Courtney has a sense of humor...

'cause it will come in kind of handy

when she finds that bra of hers in the freezer.


Dodie: Here, Carl, here, boy! [kissing]