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02x05 - Backwards / The Missing Sheep

Posted: 03/19/24 18:55
by bunniefuu
♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playin' all day

♫ Hooray

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend, Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Bill] Ready for an adventure, Corky?

- [Corky] I'm always ready, Bill.

What's it called?

- [Bill] Today's adventure's called, "Backwards".

(upbeat music)

- What do you think of my new flowers, Bill?

- I think they're very pretty, Corky.

Especially that red one.

- [Corky] I like it, too, Bill.

- But, I'm not so sure about that flower with wings.

- [Corky] I don't have a flower with wings.

- [Bill] If it's not a flower, Corky, what is it?

- [Corky] I know what it is.

- [Bill] What?

- [Corky] It's a friend.

- [Bill] It is, too, it's Dandy the fairy.

- Hello, Dandy.

- What brings you here?

- Corky, sorry, oh!

Fairyland to come, please.

Bill, Corky, help need we.

Bill, sorry, oh!

- Paint me pink!

What was Dandy talking about?

- And why was she flying backwards?

- And why was she talking backwards?

- [Corky] We've got to get to Fairyland.

- [Bill] And fast!

(paper crackling)

- [Corky] I hope nothing bad's happened in Fairyland, Bill.

- [Bill] Me, too, Corky.

- [Corky] Do you think it will be all right?

- [Bill] We'll soon find out, we're nearly there.

- Where did Dandy go?

- Let's try her tree house.

(bird squawking) What was that?

- [Corky] It came from the sky, Bill.

- [Bill] I see it now, Corky.

It's a bird. (bird squawking)

There's something strange about it, though.

- What's that, Bill?

- [Bill] It's flying backwards, Corky.

- Gosh, what's going on, Bill?

- I don't know, we'd better find Dandy and ask her.

(bricks tapping)

- [Corky] To get to Dandy's place, we'll have to go

along this creek.

- [Bill] And past the waterfall.

- [Corky] Jumping jellybeans!

The water in the creek is going backwards!

- [Bill] So the waterfall isn't going down,

it's going up!

- This isn't a little strange, Bill.

- It's very strange.

- [Tricky] Me help, me help!

- [Corky] Somebody's in trouble, Bill!

- [Bill] There, Corky, in the creek!

- [Corky] Has someone fallin' in?

- I think it's. - It is!

- [Bill] Tricky the troll!

- Are you all right, Tricky?

- Do you need help?

- Me help, me help!

Me help, me help.

- We're coming, Tricky!

- Help is on the way!

- [Corky] How are we gonna help Tricky?

- [Bill] I see just what we need.

- [Corky] It's a bridge!

- [Bill] We'll have to reach down, Corky.

- [Tricky] Me help!

- Grab us, Tricky!

Got you! (grunts)

- Bill and Corky, you thank.

- How did ya fall in?

- We're you going backwards like everyone else?

- Stop can't, go to good.

(horn beeps) Ah, tree silly.

- Why did Tricky run away like that?

- And why is he going backwards like everyone else?

- [Dandy] Corky, Bill!

(bell clanging) (grunts)

See couldn't I.

Bill, sorry, oh! (bell clanging)

He is where?

Tricky is where?

- He's safe, Dandy, don't worry.

- First him found you.

Tricky to you late too try was I.

- Whoa, Dandy, whoa!

Take it slowly.

- So, we can understand.

- Backwards is Fairyland and everything.

- I got that, everything in Fairyland is backwards.

Then why aren't we talking backwards?

- Because we're not Fairyland people, Bill.

We're only visitors.


- Rumble like sounds.


- Rumble doesn't sound very well.

- We'd better see what's the matter.

- [Corky] I hope we can find him.

- [Dandy] Big fairy he's.

- [Bill] He is very big, that's right, Dandy.

So we should be able to spot him.

- [Corky] I see him.

- [Bill] I do, too, Corky.


And he doesn't look well at all.

- [Corky] Rumble, what's the matter?

- Are you feeling sick?

- Tummy's sore. (groaning)

- It sounds like you're all backwards, too, Rumble.

- Backwards going am I.

- Too me like.

- Right, Dandy, like you, too.

- Like everybody in Fairyland.


(fire blasting) (groaning)

- Did you see that?

- Rumble isn't breathing out fire, he's breathing in fire!

- Poor Rumble, it's no wonder you have a sore tummy!

- Sore is tummy.

- Corky, we've got to help Fairyland!

- I know, Bill, but where do we start?

- Tricky find let's, knows he!

- Tricky knows? - Yes!

- Then let's find him!

- Rumble, can you fly?

- Fly can I.

- Great, all aboard, everyone.

(drum b*ating)

Let's find that Tricky.

- A little left, Rumble. - A little right, Rumble.

- [Corky] That's it, now straight ahead.

I, I mean, behind.

Any sign of Tricky, Bill?

- Nothing yet, Corky.

- He can't have gone too far.

- Not if he can only go backwards.

- Bill, look up ahead!

- [Bill] It looks like a mountain!

- [Corky] I think it is a mountain.

- [Bill] And we're going to crash into it!

- [Corky] Quickly, Rumble, go up!

- Go we up!

- [Bill] No, Rumble, up, up!

- Bill, remember, everything is backwards.

- Right, Corky.

Rumble, go down, go down.

- [Corky] That's it, Rumble, down, down we go.

- [Dandy] Oh, close was that!

- Too close for me, Dandy.

Corky, look down there.

- Going on way watch must.

- It's Tricky.

- I wonder where he's going?

- We'll soon find out, Bill.

(paper tearing)

- [Bill] He's heading for that big building.

- [Corky] What is that?

- [Dandy] Castle Fairy.

- [Bill] Castle Fairy?

- [Corky] She means the Fairy Castle.

- [Dandy] That said I.

- [Corky] What's the other building next to the castle?

- [Bill] We've never seen that.

- [Dandy] Clock Fairyland.

- [Corky] The Fairyland clock?

(guitar string strumming)

- [Tricky] Come in, everyone, now up.

- [Bill] Tricky ran into the clock tower.

- [Corky] What's he going to do in there?

- [Bill] Rumble, take us, uh, up to land.

- [Rumble] Land to up, you got.

(fire blasting)

Again, sore tummy. (groans)

- Easy does it, Rumble.

We'll soon solve this backwards mystery.

- There, look!

- [Mouse] Dock, dickory, hickory.

- Hickory, dickory, dock.

- Crikey, even the nursery rhymes go backwards.

- Clock at look!

- The clock just went backwards, too.

- Now, know I.

Backwards goes Fairyland,

then backwards goes clock Fairyland.

- Got it, Dandy.

If the Fairyland clock goes backwards,

then everything else in Fairyland goes backwards, too.

- Right, that's.

- But, why is the clock going backwards?

- We'll find out, right now.

- Rumble, Dandy, you stay here.

We'll take care of this.

- [Rumble and Dandy] Luck good!

(paper tearing)

- [Bill] What would be inside this big clock, Corky?

- [Corky] Clocks are full of amazing things,

big wheels, small wheels.

- [Bill] Cogs and gongs.

- [Corky] Springs and swings.

- [Bill] And so many other things.

- Are we in the right place, Bill?

- I think we are, Corky.

Blow me down!

- How will we find Tricky in all this?

Bill, it's Tricky!

- Clock fix must.

- [Corky] Jump, Tricky!


- [Bill] Tricky!

- Hide must! (screams)

- Sorry, Tricky, but you've got to talk to us.

- Did you make the Fairyland clock go backwards?

- And everyone in Fairyland go backwards because of it?

- Oh, the backwards go started Fairyland know went wrong.

Something did I, but, the clock very big.

- We don't understand a word.

- Make it slow and simple.

- Even better, Tricky, try and talk backwards.

- [Bill] But, Corky, Tricky is already talking backwards.

- Because he's talking forwards,

which ends up sounding backwards.

So, if he tries to talk backwards.

- It'll sound forwards.

I'm with you, Corky!

Try it out, Tricky.

- I only, wanted to say, have a big clock, what?

I, I didn't mean to break it.

Now I'm trying to fix it.

- Fix it?

Tell us how and we'll help.

- And Fairyland can start going forwards again.

- Big pendulum, must stop.

Big wheel, must turn the other way.

- Leave that to me.

- I'll take the big wheel.

- [Tricky] And I must turn big screw.

- This needs a mighty good jump.




I've stopped it, but I don't know for how long.

- Keep it up, Bill, I'll turn the wheel the other way.

(grunting) I did it!

Your turn, Tricky.

- Right, screw turn!

- But, Tricky, everything you do is backwards.

- Turn the screw left, you have to turn it right.

And make it quick!

- Right go must, left turn, too.

- [Corky] Let it swing now, Bill.

(grunts) (clock ticking)

- Now what?

- Now we see if it's worked.

Tricky, walk forwards.

Tricky, are you trying to walk backwards?

- No, Corky, I'm walking forwards.

- And you're talking forwards.

- So Fairyland is normal again.

- [Group] Woo hoo!

- [Dandy] Thank you for helping Fairyland, Bill and Corky.

- Tricky's the one to thank.

- He knew how to fix the Fairyland clock.

- Cheer for Tricky

- [Group] Hooray!

- You shouldn't have thanked me.

- But you did fix the clock, Tricky.

- And we'll keep it a secret that you broke the clock

in the first place.

- As long as you don't do it again.

- I won't!

I know now that I definitely like everything forwards.


- Bill, we've had another great adventure in Fairyland.

- Right, you're Corky, right you're when.

- Huh, what did you say, Bill?

- (laughs) It was backwards.

I said, when you're right Corky, you're right.

(paper tearing)

(bells clanging)

- [Corky] What's today's adventure, Bill?

- [Bill] It's a mystery adventure, Corky.

- [Corky] A mystery?

- [Bill] That's right, and it's called,

The Missing Sheep.

- Time for breakfast, Corky.

- [Corky] Then will we go to Mrs. Whistlehead's farm?

- We will, because we're looking after the farm

while she's away.

This looks delicious.

(sheep bleating)

- That's Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep, Bill.

Do you think there's something wrong?

- I'm not sure, Corky?

(animal moaning)

- And that's Maisy the cow, she sounds troubled, too.

- I think there is something wrong.

Come on, Corky, let's get cracking!

- [Corky] What should we check first, Bill?

- [Bill] Let's see how the sheep are doing.

- Right you are, Bill.

Look, Bill, the sheep are gone!

- And the sheep aren't the only ones missing.

Look at Maisy's paddock.

- [Corky] Maisy is gone, too!

- This looks like the work of the Great Wild Woolly.

- I don't think so, Bill. - Why not?

- The Great Wild Woolly is always trying

to let the sheep out, but never Maisy.

- You're right, Corky, someone else must have taken them.

- But who? - It's a mystery.

We need some clues.

- [Corky] I think I see some clues now, Bill.

- [Bill] What are they?

- [Corky] The tracks of the sheep and Maisy.

- [Bill] That's just what we're after.

- If we follow these tracks,

they should lead us right to them.

- Then let's get going, Corky.

- Hang on tight, Bill.

- [Bill] Where are these tracks heading, Corky?

- [Corky] I'm not sure yet, Bill.

- [Bill] It looks to me like they're heading

towards the beach.

- [Corky] The beach, but sheep

and cows don't like the beach?

- This is very strange, Corky.

- Look, Bill, the tracks keep going.

- [Bill] Can you see where they lead?

- [Corky] Over there, Bill, what's that?

- [Bill] It looks like a jetty, Corky.

- [Corky] And the tracks go right to the end.

- Do you think they went for a swim?

- No, they don't like swimming.

- Then where did they go?

- They must have boarded a ship.

(drums b*ating) (zippers zipping)

- [Bill] Then we'd better go after them, Corky, quickly!

- Fire it up, Bill.

- Ready, Corky? - Ready, Bill.

- Full speed ahead.

- [Corky] Finding the ship isn't going to be easy, Bill.

- [Bill] I know, Corky, which way did it go?

- It could be anywhere.

Do you see anything yet, Bill?

- I do, Corky, over there!

- [Corky] I see it too, Bill.

But it's too big to be a ship.

- [Bill] It looks like an island, Corky.

- [Corky] It is an island!

- [Bill] Of course, it's Junkasaur Island.

- [Corky] Let's call in there.

- We can ask Jo-Jo if he's seen

any strange ships passing by.

- Where is Jo-Jo?

(breaths popping)

- [Bill] Someone's here, Corky, look!

- [Corky] Do you think it's Jo-Jo?

- [Bill] He looks like Jo-Jo.

- [Corky] It is Jo-Jo!

- Bill, Corky!

- Hello, Jo-Jo!

- We've got an emergency, Jo-Jo.

We're looking for a ship, have you seen one?

- The only ship that's passed here today had a cow

and lots of sheep on it.

- A cow? - Lots of sheep?

- You beauty, that's the ship we're after!

- Which way did it go, Jo-Jo?

- That way!

- Then that's the way we go, too.

- We've got a mystery to solve, Jo-Jo.

- A mystery, that sounds exciting, can I come, too?

- The more help, the better, jump on board.

- Follow that ship, Bill.

- Aye-aye, Corky.

(birds calling)

Do you see the ship, Corky?

- Not yet, Bill.

- What about you, Jo-Jo?

- I'm not sure, I do see something.

(bubbles popping) (paper tearing)

- [Corky] Is it a ship?

- [Bill] I don't know.

- [Jo-Jo] It's got masts and sails.

- [Bill] And it's floating.

- [Corky] Looks like a ship to me, Bill.

- Let's get closer, Bill.

- Right, Jo-Jo, we need a good look at this ship.

- [Corky] I can see someone on the ship.

- [Bill] So can I, Corky.

But it's more than one.

- [Corky] And they're not people, Bill, they're sheep!

- [Bill] Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

- If the sheep are on board, then Maisy must be there, too.

- Can anyone see a cow?

- [Jo-Jo] What's that over there on the deck?

- [Bill] Do you think it's a cow?

- [Corky] It is a cow, all right,

and it can only be one special cow.

- [Bill] Maisy the cow!

- What do you think we should do, Bill?

- We've got to get on board that ship

and get our friends back.

- [Jo-Jo] Then let's go!

(xylophone playing)

- [Corky] There's someone else on the ship, too, Bill.

- [Bill] Who is it?

- [Jo-Jo] It might be the ship's captain.

- [Corky] It is the captain.

- [Bill] Not only that, he's a pirate!

(sheep bleating)

- You're me hearties.

Get the lead out and swab these decks!

Sweep the crows nest and dust the sails! (laughing)

(sheep bleating)

And you, you lazy lubber, start gettin' things ship-shape.

(pirate yell) (cow mooing)

- [Bill] Ahoy, there!

- I be Captain Hornswoggle, the Scourge of the Seven Seas.

And this be me ship, the Bilgerat, who do you be?

- My name is Bill.

- And I'm Corky.

- And I'm Jo-Jo.

- Can you throw us a rope, please?

- What you be wanting with me

and that washtub you call a boat?

- [Bill] There seems to be some terrible mistake, Captain.

- The sheep and Maisy the cow belong

on Mrs. Whistlehead's farm, not on your ship.

- They now be me new crew.

We'll sail the seas and search for treasure. (pirate yell)

- So, you just took them, Captain?

That's not very nice.

- I not be nice because I be a pirate! (pirate yell)

Take this you lubbers!


(pirate yell)

- [Group] Whoa!

(screaming) Whoa!

- (laughing) You now be part of me crew, too.

- I'm sorry, Captain, but we're not going to be your crew.

- And neither are the sheep or Maisy.

- Yes, yas are.

Or they'll be no food, no water,

and no share of the treasure.

- That's not very friendly.

- Friendly, friendly?

Pirates aren't supposed to be friendly,

you lolly-gagging lubbers!

- Calling us names isn't very nice, either.

- Wobblin' whales, nice?

What's so nice about being nice?

(thunder booms)

- [Bill] Corky, over there, do you see it?

- [Corky] I see it, Bill, and I don't like the look of it.

- [Jo-Jo] It's a big storm.

- [Bill] And we're heading straight for it.

- Captain, Captain!

- How can I be a proper pirate if I'm nice?

It's not right, it's not.

- We're going to have to do this ourselves

and get this ship away from the storm.

Corky, take the wheel. - Aye, aye.

- Maisy, watch out for any dangerous rocks.

(cow mooing)

Jo-Jo, you, me, and the sheep have to roll up the sail.

- Right, Bill!

(cow mooing)

- [Corky] Bill, Maisy spotted something up ahead.

- [Bill] I see it, Corky, it's a reef.

- [Corky] We don't want to hit that!

- [Bill] You said it, Corky!

Turn the ship hard about.

- Turning, Bill.

- Now let's get this sail up.

Pull! (sheep bleating)

- Are we going to miss the reef, Bill?

- We just might, Jo-Jo, we just might.

(thunder crashing)

(wood crashing)

Then again, we might not!

- Abandon ship!

- Everyone to the speed boat!

(sheep bleating)

- [Jo-Jo] Wee!

- Hurry, Captain, abandon ship!

- I not be goin' anywhere.

I be stayin' with me ship. (pirate yell)

- Sorry, Captain, but we can't let you do that.

- Wassling walrus'!

I've been shanghaied!

- [Corky] Make room for us!

- Hit it, Jo-Jo! (thunder crashing)

- Me poor ship!

- We're sorry about your ship, Captain.

- But at least you're safe.

- The Bilgerat is gone, it is.

Down in the briny deep.

(thunder crashing)

(upbeat music)

- Safe at last!

- And well away from that storm.

(sheep bleating) (cow mooing)

- I suppose I should be thankin' ye for saving me.

- We couldn't let you get hurt, Captain.

- But you have to promise you won't try

and make us be your crew again, Captain.

- I be sorry about that. (pirate yell)

Sorry as sorry can be.

- You'd be better off asking people nicely to be your crew.

- You think they'd do it?

- Definitely, people always like to be asked.

- Aye, but what use be a crew if I have no ship?

The Bilgerat be in Davy Jones' Locker.

- But, Captain, you can easily get a new ship.

- I can, laddie, how?

- Just look!

Junkasaur Island has so much junk,

you can make new ships!

- That's a great idea, Jo-Jo!

- What do you think, Captain?

- Keel haul me chippers!

I think it's brilliant!

The Bilgerat will sail again, it will. (pirate yell)

(sheep bleating) (cow mooing)

- It sounds like everyone wants to get home, Corky.

- We'll visit in a few weeks

to see how you're new ship is coming along, Captain.

- Bye, me hearties, thankin' you, again.

- Bye!

- [Bill and Corky] Goodbye!

(cow mooing) (sheep bleating)

- [Bill] Well, Corky, we did it!

We solved the mystery of the missing sheep.

- And the missing Maisy, too.

And we did it the best way possible.

- How's that?

- With an adventure, of course.

- (laughs) When you're right, Corky, you're right!

(sheep bleating) (cow mooing)

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ See you again

♫ Goodbye

♫ Bottle Top Bill

(dramatic music)