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03x09 - Detective Polie's Cookie Caper/The Lie/Guess It's Nite Nite

Posted: 03/22/24 07:51
by bunniefuu

SINGER: Way up high
In the Rolie Polie sky

Is a little round planet
Of a really nice guy


SINGER: He's Rolie Polie Olie

He's small and smart
And round

And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid around



SINGER: And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid around

He's Rolie Polie Olie

He's small and smart
And round

And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid around



SINGER: And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid around

And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid

The swellest kid around


OLIE: It was a super detective day.

Me and my sidekick
had cracked the cookie caper

and were knocking back
a couple of cold ones

in Mom's joint.

It all started this morning...

Me and Zow were laying low

watching our favorite
mystery movie of all time.

TV DETECTIVE: I'll tell you
how it happened, see.

OLIE: When in came the smell of...

Mom's home-baked cookies.



Mmm, yum.

DETECTIVE: Hold it right there, cookie.

OLIE: We were stuck between
a cookie and a hard place.

Watch the mystery get solved

or get out mitts on a couple
of Mom's fresh tasty treats.






That's a Nokeydokey.

These cookies
are for the bowling league bake sale.


But these five
are for good Polie boys and girls

and Pappys, too.

ALL: Yay!

OLIE: Mom gave the old Nokeydokey.

We had to cool our heels
while the cookies cooled theirs.

Okeydokey, Mom.

We'll be watching telly.

Don't forget to call us
when they're ready.


OLIE: Pappy was going
for some shut-eye upstairs

before the smell of cookies
made him pop a piston.

I guess I'm going to catch me
a little... Oops!

Oh, no, you don't!


Ah, going to catch 20 winks
before the old dentures

put a dent in those cookies.

OLIE: Dad headed back to his tinkering

and me and Zow got to see
the detective get the bot

and break the case.

TV: Here's how it happened, see?



TV: Well, I guess that about wraps it up.

How's about a cold one?

Cold one, Olie?

Sounds good, Zowie.

And cookie, Olie?

And a cookie.

Where go, Olie?


You know what this is, Zowie.


Bad, Olie?


It's bad, all right.

This is a case for detective Olie.

And sidey-kick Zowie.


And sidey-kick Zowie.

Who take cookies, Olie?


Pappy take, Olie?

Here's how it happened, see?

OLIE: Pappy said his teeth
had jumped out of his head, but...


Oh, no.

There go my chompers.

Come back, you.

OLIE: It was just a setup.



That's how it happened, see.


You sure are good detective bots.

But that's not exactly how it happened.

You see, the smell
of the cookies was so strong

I just couldn't sleep till I had one.

But I only took one.

Up, up, Olie?

Yeah. I think he is on the up-and-up.

One cookie down, four to go.

Daddy, Olie?

Here's how it happened, see?

After Pappy pinched his cookie...



Honey, how's the vacuuming coming?

Uh, uh, just, uh, fine, Sweetums.

Dad cleaned out the joint.

Yeah, clean, clean.


Well, uh, that's some clever
detective work, you two.

Well, I did have a cookie

but just one.

OLIE: Mm-hmm.

Get him, Olie?

That's right, Zow.

-Let's get the bot.


No! Stop!

I told you I just had one!


But what happened to the other...


-[GASPS] Mom.

OLIE: There were five cookies.

Pappy and Dad each had one.

That means there should have been three.

Us? We were too busy to notice.


Mine. All mine.


Ooh, you're right, you clever kids.

I did snatch myself a cookie.


But only one.

That leaves two.

Where'd they go?

Yeah, where go, Olie?




That's where the last two went.


It's okay, Spot.

'Nother solved, Olie?

Another mystery solved, sidey-kick Zowie.


But all the cookies are gone.

POLINA: Olie, Zowie.

I guess the bowling league

can live without
two more chocolate chip cookies.

Besides, you two earned them.

-OLIE: Yay!
-ZOWIE: Yay!

OLIE: And that's how we cracked
the great cookie caper.

Our reward?

A couple of Mom's fresh tasty treats.

[SIGHS] Well, bust my belly bolts

but that dinner
was tummy-tickling delicious.

POLINA: Oh, pushing
those trussels sprouts around

isn't going go to get them
eaten any faster, Olie.

Why do we have to eat brussels sprouts?

Because they help you grow up
to be big and strong.

These little things?

ZOWIE: All done! All done!

Zowie watch telly now?

Say, why don't we all curl up
in front of telly

with a big bowl of Rolie Polie ice cream?

Ice cream! Ice cream!

Great idea, Dad.

We can watch Space boy.

Zoom, zoom, zoom.

Vegetables first, Olie. Then dessert.





You ate all your sprouts, Olie?


Every single one.

Olie Polie, you just told a lie.

I ate most of them.

It was just a little lie.

Little lies have a way of growing

into big ones, Olie.

Dad's right, Olie.

Little lies have a way
of getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

Now why don't you
just sit down a little while

and think it over?


TV: Space boy and Space Dog,
heroes of the...

OLIE: Golly gee, Mr. Fork.

Brussels sprouts
are the yuckiest, aren't they?

Yuck-a-rama, Mr. Spoon.

Icky-yuck-a-rama, mister...

Oh, forget it.



You ate all your brussels sprouts, Olie?



Uh, you betcha, Mom.

Good boy, Olie.



No one can eat a sprout that big.

Hey, Spot, want to play catch?



Thanks, Spot.

Mom will never find that sprout now.

Besides, it's just an
itty-bitty little lie.



Oh, no.

It's even bigger.

Mom will never find the sprout now.

Besides, it's only
an itty-bitty, teeny-weeny little lie.

Oh, no.

That was close.



Oh, it's even bigger!

It's just not fair.

I don't get it.

It's only an itty-bitty,
teeny-weeny, micro-beanie,

almost unseeny little lie.








I'm going to put you

where's there's no way
Mom will ever find you.


I'm going to blast you into orbit.

Three, two,

one, blastoff!

That brussel sprout is gone forever!


All this work for such an itty-bitty

teeny-weeny, micro-beanie

almost unseeny

not even meanie

tiny little lie.





Olie's been quiet an awfully long time.

I'll go check on him.

How's it going in here, Olie?

You and Dad were right.

Little lies can grow and grow

into super-duper, giant, humongous lies.

I'm sorry I lied, Mom.

That's all right, Olie.


Do you think you still have room

for a scoop of Rolie Polie ice cream?


And I know exactly where to put it.

Right in here.



TV HOST: Contestant number two,

can you guess what I am?

What... What...


That's easy.

Easy, easy, easy!

CONTESTANT: A jumping bean?

Ooh, ooh! A... A... A cow!

A kangaroo!

No, a boinky bot
on a super-bouncy pogo stick.

-HOST: Sorry, time's up.

Answer is: "a boinky bot
on a super-bouncy pogo stick."


I guessed it! I guessed it!

Olie guessed! Olie guessed!

HOST: Tune in next week
for more Guess What I Am.


Well, I'm guessing it's time you two

were heading off to your beddys.


But we always play a round
of Guess What I Am

after the show's over.

Yeah, yeah!

Guess me! Guess me!

I reckon we can

take a couple of quick
guesses before bed.


OLIE: Remember, Zow,

I act it out and you guess it.

If you're wrong I shake my head

and you get another guess.

If we guess right, you tap your schnoz.

Zowie guess! Zowie guess!

Zowie guess me.

OLIE: Ready?




Our first contestant is...

Olie Polie!


ZOWIE: Yay, Olie!



Oh! Oh!

Mom's salad on a windy day.


PAPPY: A portable pan holder?

Mom in a hair net?

A flying upside-down cake?

ZOWIE: Me know.

Spacey boy!
Spacey boy!

You guessed it, Zow!


Zowie guess, guess, guess.

Oh, well... [MUMBLING]

Time for beddy.

Me turn!

Guess me! Guess me! Guess me!

Okeydokey, Zowie.

You take a turn.




Guess me! Guess me!

Gee, Zowie,

I don't know.

A dancing sugar plum fairy bot?

PAPPY: A blinky bo peep

who lost her sheep?


Me is a ballerina princess!

Zow, you're not supposed to tell us.

We have to guess, 'member?


Pappy turn! Pappy turn!



ZOWIE: Oh, me guess.

Pappy nappy!


Right you are, Pumpkin.


I was having a happy nappy.

You got to do a real one, Pappy.

Okay. Guess what I am.

Now, this one'll stump you.

OLIE: That's easy.

Pappy eating ice cream in a snow storm.

Snow, snow, snow!

Ah. I'll be jiggered.

Ha! Right on the nose!

Now, shake a sprocket.

It's beddy time.

[SHAKY VOICE] Wait, I got a really,
really good one.


Olie cold?


PAPPY: Uh, Uncle Gizmo on a windy day?


A flipped flywheel?



Jumping jacks!

You're a big bowl
of wiggly-jiggly jigglio!


Way to go, Pappy!


Yummy Olie tummy tickle jigglio.


Ah, all right, you two.

I know, Pappy.

A space rocket traffic controller.

A boinky ball referee.


No go beddy, Pappy.

Oh, Zow, you're still not
tuckered out, huh?

Choo! Choo!

Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga.

Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga!

Whoo! Whoo!

Polieville Express.

Whoo! Whoo!



Whee, whee, whee.

Whee, whee, whee!

A runaway ear.

Oh, and Zowie is lady bot.

Lady bot, lady bot, fly away home.


Righty, righty, righty.


Ah, your Pappy's all revved up.

I got my second wind.


A wacky weedy whacker.










A tussle with a growly grumpa
wussa woopa jiggity jib!

I got it, you ain't nothing
but a hot diggety dog!



A game of Guess What I Am
can sure poop you out.

Hey, I'm just getting warmed up.

Guess what I am.





Well, I'll be. [CHUCKLING]

I guess it's Beddy time after all.


Me got one.


All right, Zowie.

Your turn.


Me thinking.

Guess me.


My guess is that Zowie's ready for Beddy.



I got one more for you, Olie.

OLIE: Okeydokey.

Guess what I am.

Chopping onions

with the magno-mincer?


Um, a space explorer
using his robo-binoculars?

I give up, Pappy.

I got to go nite nite.


You guessed right, little sprocket.


Nite Nite, it is.

Pappy, guess what?

You're the funnest Pappy around.

Nite Nite.


Nite Nite, Olie.