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06x08 - Straighten Upper-er To The Rescue / Great Manner Hunt / Polie Poppin' Day

Posted: 03/22/24 08:42
by bunniefuu
Rolie Polie Olie - Season 6 Episode 8

way in the rolly boy sky is a little

round planet of a really nice

guy he's rly poly yolly he's small and

smart and round and in the land of her

and Pearls he's the swest K around howdy

howdy hooray three and in the land of c

and curs he's as well as get around he's

rly he's small and and round and in the

land of ands he SW around howdy howdy

hooray hoay and in the land of C and

C around and in the

ofid US


Straighten Upper-er To The Rescue


you almost ready OE almost and now the

amazing Olie ply will attempt to catch

six rings on his antenna without

stopping now me tweet to give it all you




wao great catch


Jolie let's see if you can snag a poly

pie super




uh-oh y Tada six ringer dingers o teach

sway you bet so but it takes lots and

lots of practice and lots and lots of

ring throwing oie time for your checkup

at the

antennas okie dokie mom aren't you

worried about going to the antenna doie

nah Dr Olstein is really funny and I

always get a sticker here's the ringer

Dinger toss

box catch you later

guys tell you what zo when I get back

I'll give you your very first Pogo ring

toss lesson poo


poo you know OE we might be just an itsy

bitsy bit longer than usual at the

antennas today why is that Mom well your

antenna starting to grow just just a tad

crooked sweetie oh really looks as

straight as your

hat gee guess it is starting to lean to

one side oh not to worry hun Dr Olstein

will fit you with a straighten upper a

Wen waterer a straighten upper lots of

bots about your age need them to help

unbend their antennas it's just a part

of growing up off we



come on OE I got a batch of triple

chocolate Dynamo chip cookies Cooling in


kitchen be there in a



w it's me


spot wa there

partner thanks Dad those straighten up R

can take you for a tumble till you get

used to him that's for sure guess I look

pretty silly with this thing on huh not

at all son just a little different but

wearing a straighten upper is just one

of those growing up things whoopsie

ol has funny hat it's not a hat Zoe it's

a straighten upper and it's not


funny come on I don't look that funny do

I oh no not

funny I know just different real

different only teach Zoe ring toss now


zo W pH afid ring tossing might be a

little tricky till you straighten uper



off I see what you mean Dad this

straighten up ER really is going to take

some getting used to


it's a buffer upper spot Dr Olstein says

I've got to keep my straight and upper

polished and waxed so it doesn't get

rusty this but upper is kind of



W thanks a lot

mom o probably best to set your buffer

uper on low next time but you sure got a

sparkly bright straighten upper golly

Mom it's so much work and I can't play

my favorite game and I look funny it's

just not fair that I have to wear this

dumb old thing oh I know how you feel

feel hun but lots of kids need a little

extra help with one thing or another

like the girl who had to wear a special

Temple regulating gear to control the

spring in her step who was that me when

I was just about your age hey there am I

in time for a rip roaring Betty time

story sure are hun I was just about to

tell OE about a young Percy py getting

his first pair of

glasses that's a good one why I had the

go ugliest eyeballs in poville till I

got my specs did you feel funny at first

well maybe just a NY bit but I'm sure

glad I got him just like you'll be glad

you got your antenna all straightened

out I guess you're right but I'm still

not looking forward to facing my friends

at school



hey Ollie what happened did a satellite

crash land on your

head that's a good one screwy um it's

called a straight and upper her I have

to wear it for a while wow Ollie it's

so big yeah and it's pretty heavy too

till you get used to it what's it feel

like cuz my mom said I'm going to the

antennas next week don't worry Polly it

doesn't hurt you just have to keep it

polished yeah how do you do that they

give you a special machine called the

buffer uper wow it's a lot of trouble

sometimes but I want to have a nice

straight antenna so it's worth it I I

have to go to the Bist next week I I

The Great Manner Hunt

might have to get my threads cleaned are

you worried about it kind of don't be

scared screwy lots of kids need a little

help with one thing or another it's just

part of growing



pain paint

pain who easy

zo zo it's not poly polite to throw

paint at other Bots sorry okie dokie




hi Dad what sort of Monkey Business are

you two up to no monkey business Mr poy

we're just hanging around well then

would you mind hanging around here and

watching zo for a sec okie doie

dokie here you go oio I'm putting you in

charge of the camera too sure thing Dad

don't worry Mr poy you're covered

covered all right in


paint e zo wiping your nose on your

dress is a real nosy no no he's not very

poly polite either oh it's okie doie zo

you just forgot to crank your good

manator regulator and I gears all good

manator uh-huh your good manator

regulator helps keep your good manners

in check you know what they say you're a

poly Delight if you're poly

polite what a good maner well it's like

spinning your sincere gear when you meet

somebody how do you do nice to meet you

nice to meet you too or spring in your

sunny sprocket to hold a door open for

somebody hey

thanks golly there's about a bazillion

we could show you more zo uh-uh me paint

come on it'll be fun we could hunt

around poville looking for good manners

there's tons of them around here yeah

we'll go on the great Manor hunt

pleasure hunt sort of ooh fun fun



howdy there welcome to the great Manor

hunt I'm your host olly poly Zoe poly

and I'm Billy Beville today we're

hunting for good manners in their

natural surroundings right here in the

poville wilderness once you see what

good manners look like you'll see

they're a real snap to imitate good

manners here good manners where you are

shh if you want to spot them you got to

be quiet and be on the


lookout we're inside poy Park I'll bet

there's a whole flock of good manners

here look over there passing on your

left instead of bowling Polly over

willly let her know he was passing by

ringing his ding a linger let's see what

they do next go for it Polly no you go

first wheie no way go ahead and rock it

that was super polite you bet you hey

your turn wheelie now Paulie's waiting

for wheelie to


W think I threw my rock and rolling gear

I'll go get it for


here you go wheelie thanks wow that was

really nice of paully perfectly poly

polite a real


Delight the holy kitchen at

lunchtime you'll probably find a whole

herd of good manners grazing here first

of all as you can see everyone's using

their hands to eat not chowing down

straight off their

PL and they've got their elbs off the

table that's the poly polite way to eat

uh Percy could you please pass me the

poly pickles happy to papy notice how

papy didn't ratchet out his arm to reach

for something that was too too far away

you should always ask someone to pass

it so there you have it a perfect

example of a poly polite

meal wo is that good manner Bly no way a

bad manner I can't believe it I thought

Bad Manners were supposed to be totally

extinct yeah and there weren't any

pickles left for anyone

else I'm sorry about my mischievous


hey we better show you what to do to

make sure something like that doesn't

happen to


you Zoe could you please pass me the

pickles yes

oie thank you Zoe you're

welcome see there's plenty for everyone

to share pickle anyone

good manner see how easy that


is and don't forget to clear your

plate well everybody that concludes our

great Manor hunt I hope that you've had

a great time and learned all about good

manners and remember what they say

you're a poly Delight if you're po holy

polite I'm oly poly and I'm Billy bevel

me sry

poly well I'd say that was a super duper

little diddy of a great Manor movie sure

was it was a cinch with all the good

manator Regulators cranked to high gear

everyone was poly

polite yeah except in

matis I don't know where their good

Polie Poppin' Day

manners went oh will I guess they left

their manator regulator idling in low

gear they do better next time poy oh I

sure hope so sweet

PE mind passing me the popcorn Billy



you come back here you naughty Choppers

come on everybody we're on the great




happy poly popping day everybody right

back at you all got another sizzling

Burger hot off the grill if anybody's

tummy needs a tickle I'll take it if

nobody else wants it

please M I love poly popping


day OE the poly popping day Parade's

about to start we'd better get a move on

if we're going to get a good watching

spot G paully my favorite part of

popping day is that scrum delicious

barbecue here I'll get you some but

Ollie it's just not popping day without

seeing the parade picnics are way more

fun than parades Paulie o takes all to

Bubble blowy contest

now sorry Zoe but we're all going to the

parade we're having a picnic bubble

blowy contest I want to go to the parade

let's have a picnic bu blow who's in the

mood for some Planet holy flag wav but I

want to celebrate popping day my way but

my way is better my way my way my way oh

goodness what a Ruckus sorry Mom we just

can't agree on the best way to celebrate

poly Poppin day you know this reminds me

of the story of why we call today poly

popping day I've never heard that story

Mrs poly well it's about a king and a

brave little girl and a bubble that

changed the world story time story time

I'm with zo well way back in the poly

olden days Planet po was ru Red by King

MyWay whatever King MyWay wanted to do

his subjects had to do too good news

loyal subjects I hereby Proclaim today

bum scooching


day I'm scooching again me no want to

scooch but he's the king so we got

to so the poor peasants of poville were

in a

pickle what happened next mom yeah s

where Pap's mommy and the brave little

girl Oh I thought this tail might tickle

your antennas well wouldn't you know the

very next day King my way made another

Proclamation more good news loyal

subjects I hearby Proclaim today another

bum scooching

day call

I'm just about scooched out me want to

blow bubbles but you heard the king we

have to do things his way right nokie

doie it was then that one Brave little

girl decided to blow the most specialest

bubble of

all the bubble that changed Planet holy

forever the PO popping

bubble um what are you blowing a bubble

for I said I wanted to bum

scooch hey that's a good idea King my

way thank you um what's a good idea

popping bubbles is almost as much fun is

blowing them poy poy

poppy can we please get back to bum

scooching now but we bum scooch every

day can't we do something different

different you mean other people have IDE

ideas that aren't the same as mine yep

and sometimes their ideas are a lot more

fun but if everybody has a different

idea of what's fun how will we decide

what to do

H me want to pop

bubble hey I know how we can choose what

to do and that's when The poville

Peasants came up with the idea of voting

raise your hand if you want to pop

bubbles that's one two two votes for

bubble popping now who wants to bum

Scoot and that's one vote for bum

scooching two votes are more than one

looks like bubble Poppin wins gee does

this mean we're never going to bum

scooch again no it just means we'll take

another vote later bum scooch in one

time bubble poping another we might even

think of some other fun things to do

well I'm used to doing things my way but

this way is more fair and more fun fun

fun then it's

official I hereby Proclaim today pully

Poppin day yay




and that's why we call this today poly


day and from that day on every time we

folks here in pollyville want to decide

something important we take a vote that

was neat oh Mom me like bubbly girl I

like the whole story Mrs pully me too

Callie I was so busy listening I burned



Burgers you know what Polly the parade

sounds like fun we don't have to do

things my way thanks Ollie but we don't

have to do things my way either why

don't we just do what zo wants to do zo

we want to do what oie and poie want to

do I have an idea why don't we head over

to poville park for the super duper

bubble work show sounds like a swell

idea mom

but shouldn't we take a vote on it first

oh you're right sweeds that's how we do

things here on planet buley who wants to

go see the bubble work show well that's


vote and that happy hoppy vote makes two

I'll make it three and we'll make it

four and five



yay w



