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04x13.5 - Mickey's Pirate Adventure Pt. 2

Posted: 03/22/24 19:25
by bunniefuu
[birds chirping]

[laughs] Hey, everybody!
It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right! Let's go!

[loon howls]

[laughs] I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,

we get to say the magic words.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

Say it with me.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

[cheerful music playing]

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪


♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

[announcer] Roll call.


-[announcer] Daisy!

-[announcer] Goofy!

-[announcer] Pluto!

-[announcer] Minnie!
-[giggles] Here.

-[announcer] Mickey!
-Right here.


♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse presents...



[Mickey] Yo-ho!

[Goofy] Last time
on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...

Mickey and the rest of us
were having a fun day at the beach

when Pete the pirate brought a message
from my grandpappy, Captain Goof-Beard.

He needed our help to save his home,
Harmony-Chord Island.

In our new pirate ship,
the Jolly Golly, we set sail.

Yo-ho and shiver me timbers.

We rescued my grandpappy
from a giant guitar.

[Goof-Beard] Yo-ho.

[Goofy] Then he told us
if we didn't find his treasure

the island would sink
to the bottom of the sea.

To find Grandpappy's treasure,
first, we had to find

a ukulele from the Strum-String Jungle

and bongo drums from the Bam-Boom Forest.

Mickey, and Minnie, and Pluto
found the ukulele just in time.

Let's watch and see if we can find
the bongos before it's too late.

[rhythmic drumming]

[Goofy] Gosh, Grandpappy,

the Bam-Boom Forest
sure is a booming place.

Aye, that it be, Little Goofer,
and rhythmic, too!


What's the big idea?


Now cut that out!


All right, put them up, put them up!

I see a lot of drums,

but I don't see any bongos anywhere!

Aye. That be true!

We need something to help us see better.

Maybe a Mouseketooly can help.

Everybody say,

[sing-song] "Yo-ho, Toodles!"

[sing-song] Yo-ho, Toodles!

[rings] Ahoy, me hearties.

Pirate Toodles reporting for duty!

[Daisy] Avast, we've got a spyglass,

a ship's anchor and rope,
and the Mystery Mouseketool.

What could help us see better
so we can spot the bongos?

The spyglass!

[Goofy] Yep! A spyglass is great
for looking for stuff!

[Daisy] We've got pirate ears.
Say, "Cheers!"


Let's see if we can spy any bongos.

Remember the bongos
from Captain Goof-Beard's treasure map?

Bongos are small drums
you play with your hands.

Come on and look through
the spyglass with me.

Ready? If you see any bongos,
shout, "Bam-Boom!"

[Donald] Nope, not bongos.

[Goofy] There's some tambourines. Shaky!

[Daisy] Bam-Boom!

Thar be the bongos!

Golly, if we want to reach them,
we're gonna need longer arms.

[Daisy] Hmm, how can we get up there?

I know!

Let's bounce!

That be a seaworthy idea, matey!

We'll jump and bounce! [chuckles]


[grunts] Whoa!

I got them. I got them.


Bouncing bongos! You did it!

[Pete] Yo-ho, Quackers.

I'll kindly take these bongos
and lighten your load, you salty duck!


Oh, batten your hatches.

Gosh, it's awfully nice of Pegleg Petey
to help us like that.

Aw, phooey!


[instruments playing out of tune]

Avast, thunder and lightning and yar!

Ms. Daisy be right!
The Bam-Boom Forest be sinking!

Head for high ground!

[rumbling continues]




Hot dogfish!

We've found the ukulele
and you found the bongos!

Fine and dandy treasure hunting, crew.

Now we just need to play them

and the location of me treasure
will be revealed!

It's about time!

[playing music]

[horns playing]

What was that music?

Play it again, Goof.

[continue playing]

[horns playing]

That be me treasure, she's calling to us!

Keep playing!

[continue playing]

The "X" that marks the treasure spot

is showing itself on Brassyhorn Peak!

Avast! The music's coming from up there!

Well, we ain't waiting on me!

♪ Treasure, treasure
Is so much fun to find ♪

♪ It could be hidden or buried or lost
There's only one way to know ♪

♪ We play this shanty and dance a jig
And find where to go ♪

♪ Treasure, treasure
It could be anywhere ♪

♪ We look and peek, scour and dig
We keep a weather eye ♪



♪ We sail and march and climb and jump
We search both low and high ♪

♪ Treasure, treasure
That's what a pirate loves ♪

♪ Gold and jewels and pieces of eight ♪

♪ And bags of silver, too ♪

♪ Diamonds, sapphires, rubies and jade ♪

♪ Plenty for me and you ♪

♪ But mostly me ♪


[all] ♪ Treasure, treasure
That's what a pirate loves ♪

[Mickey chuckles] Argh.

[music playing]

Sticky starfish! You hear that?

Me treasure's right inside this cavern!

Gangway! I've got treasure to find.

[Mickey] Belay that, Pegleg Pete!

[stammering] Will you... Huh?

If we're not careful,
we could all get lost inside these caves.


Well, but...

Aye, Brassyhorn Peak be a twisty,
turny maze of tunnels!

Then how are we gonna find our
way to the treasure

and get back out again
without getting lost?

This calls for a Mouseketool!

Everybody say,

[sing-song] "Yo-ho, Toodles!"

[sing-song] Yo-ho, Toodles!


Pirate Toodles. Ahoy, mates!

We've got a ship's anchor and rope

and the Mystery Mouseketool.

What could help us
leave a path through the cavern

so we can find our way out?

Let's give the anchor and rope a try!

[Goof-Beard] Anchors aweigh!

[Mickey] We've got pirate ears.
Say, "Cheers!"


Great! Now we can
uncoil the rope as we walk,

then to find our way out
we can follow the rope back!


[Mickey] Gosh, the music's coming
from all directions.

[horns playing]

[Goofy] Listen, we're getting close!

[Goof-Beard] Let's try looking over
this way, mateys.

[Goofy] Grandpappy, look!


It's me treasure!

[Goofy] Gosh!

This is what I've been waiting for!


[Goof-Beard] Yo-ho-dee-oh!

Once we open the treasure chest
and get me treasure,

I can finally tune
Harmony-Chord Island!

Thanks, Little Goofer,
if it weren't for you and your mates,

I never would have found it in time.

Uh, found what?

Me treasure.

What treasure?

Me treasure, it's gone!

[Mickey] And so is Pegleg Pete!

[Pete] Yo-ho-ho! [laughs]

A pirate's treasure for me!


[instruments playing out of tune]

[Goof-Beard] We're almost out of time.

After that scallywag!

[rumbling continues]

[rumbling continues]

[instruments playing out of tune]

Ha! We yo-ho made it!

[Minnie] Mickey, what happened?

Avast and yar, where be the treasure?

That jellyfish-livered
Pegleg Pete ran off with it!

What? I knew he was after the treasure!

[barks in agreement]


Aw, I'm sorry we lost your treasure,

Oh, it's not your fault, Little Goofer,
but without me treasure,

I'm just a worthless old sea dog.


-[howling in tune]
-[sad music playing]

[Pete] Come on, come on!


Don't worry, Captain Goof-Beard,
we're not sunk yet.

There's Pegleg Pete!

That low-down sea-sponge!

[grunting] Open.


Oh, no! Treasure chest overboard!

Oh, sea-weasels!

That clammy castanet just ate my treasure!

Ahoy, matey.

Would you mind hoisting your lid
so I can salvage me treasure?


Oh, blubbering whale blubber!

We've got to find a way
to get me treasure chest

out of that castanet!

You said it! We need a Mouseketool!

Everybody say,

[sing-song] "Yo-ho, Toodles!"

[all] Yo-ho, Toodles!

Pirate Toodles, present and accounted for!


[Mickey] All we have left
is the Mystery Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool!"

[all] Mystery Mouseketool!

What's today's Mystery Mouseketool?

It's a concertina!

[Goofy] A concert-whata?

[Mickey] [chuckles] Concertina!

It's a musical instrument
that pirates play!

[Goofy] How's that gonna help us?

[Goof-Beard] Maybe we can get that
castanet to sing along with us.

Then, when his mouth is open,

we can grab me treasure chest!

[Goofy] Let's give it a try!

[Mickey] We picked all our Mouseketools!

Say, "Super Pirate Cheers!"


Come on, everybody, sing with us!

♪ La-la-la ♪

[all] ♪ La-la-la
La-la-la-la-la-la ♪

♪ La-la-la ♪

♪ Oh, this here is the pirate jig ♪

-♪ It's what the sailors sing ♪
-♪ La-la ♪

♪ So, all join in and dance around ♪

-♪ And let yer voices ring
-La-la ♪

♪ Some buccaneers skip
And scallywags hop ♪

-♪ And waddle like a pig
-La-la ♪

♪ But nothing's better on the briny blue
Than doin' the pirate jig ♪

[all] ♪ Oh, La-la-la
La-la-la-la ♪

♪ La-la-la-la-la-la ♪

♪ La-la-la ♪

♪ La ♪

♪ Oh, this here is the pirate jig ♪

-♪ This here is the pirate jig
-Jig ♪

[Daisy] ♪ It's what the sailors sing ♪

-♪ It's what the sailors sing
-Sing ♪

♪ So, kick your heels and turn around ♪

♪ And bounce just like a spring ♪

-♪ And bounce just like a spring
-Spring ♪

[Goof-Beard] ♪ You can shiver
Me timbers and swab the deck ♪

♪ And throw me in the brig ♪

♪ But I'll always sail with my mates ♪

♪ And do the pirate jig ♪

♪ And do the pirate jig ♪


[all] Whee-hee!

I got it! I got the treasure chest.

[Pete as Mickey] [chuckles] Oh, boy!

Uh, great work, Goofy! Now, uh...

[clears throat]
Toss me that treasure up here!

[chuckles nervously]


Gosh, Mickey, sure thing!

Goofy, no! That's not me!

Oh, hiya, Mickey!


I think I just gave the treasure to...


Pegleg Pete!


I'm fixing to set sail
with my gold and jewels! [chuckles]


Captain Mickey?

That's me name and I'm here
to take back that treasure!

Well, you'll never get it!


Have at you, Pegleg Pete!

En garde, ye scurvymouse!



[grunts] Argh!

-[Mickey] Had enough?



Gonna play tricky, eh?



Looks like you're taking on water!





And that's how I swab the deck!

Oh, sinking seahorses!


Smooth sailing, Captain Mickey!

Yeah, that's what I call swashbuckling!


[instruments playing out of tune]

Oh, no, the island is way out of tune!

-[instruments playing out of tune]

[Goofy] Gosh, Grandpappy,
I guess we were too late.

I sure am sorry, Captain Goof-Beard.

I sure am sorry, Captain Goof-Beard.

[sad barks]

Aw, don't let your hearts sink too deeply,
we still have me treasure.

-[Goofy] Gosh.
-[all gasping]

[Mickey] Wow!

Oh, oh, what sort of treasure is it?
Diamonds? Gold? Jewels even?

'Tis the most valuable treasure
there ever be,

my Mellodephoneum!


What did you say?



It's the only musical instrument
of its kind anywhere.

And it's the only way to tune me island!

Now, with everyone's help, we may save
Harmony-Chord Island yet!

[stammers] Captain Goofster-Beard, sir,

I didn't realize how bad it would be
if I took your treasure.

It was wrong of me,
I know that now, and I'm sorry.

So, I'd like to help, too.

Really, truly I would!

Even got my own trumpet!

Do you give me your pirate's honor
you'll be good?

Do you promise?

I promise on my dear mother's

that I'll be a good little Petey!

Aye! You'll make a good pirate yet,
Pegleg Pete!


All right, me hearty hearties!

Play on!

Oh, boy!

Aye! You can count on us, Captain!

We're ready to play!


[cheerful music playing]

♪ There be a place out in the ocean
Few pirates ever see ♪

♪ Where bongo palms beat loudly ♪

♪ And the cliffs are piano keys ♪

♪ It's a wondrous island playland ♪

♪ Right here in the sea ♪

♪ It's rhythmic and so tuneful ♪

♪ Like a symphony ♪

♪ Harmony-Chord Island
It's the place to be ♪

♪ A pirate's paradise
That everyone should see ♪


♪ It's a land of music treasure ♪

♪ Filled with happy song ♪

♪ Forest bells ring sweetly ♪

♪ And the vines all play along ♪

[all] ♪ Harmony-Chord Island ♪

♪ It's the place to be ♪

♪ If you listen closely
It's playing for you and me ♪

♪ It's playing for you and me ♪


[Goof-Beard] Gollyfish-golly!
Harmony-Chord Island be back in tune!

[all cheering]

-[Goofy] Yippee!
-[Daisy] Goody-goody-goody!

Thank ye, Captain Mickey,
for all your help.

And Little Goofer, me boy,

thank you most of all for being Goofy,

the best treasure
an old pirate like me could ever have.

Aw, gee-willikers-gee, thanks, Grandpappy!

And to show you all me gratitude,

I'm giving you the Jolly Golly
to sail wherever you like.

[Mickey] Our very own pirate ship?

Yo-ho, thanks!

Well, guess it's time for old Pegleg Pete
to sail on.

Although I don't really know
where I'm gonna go.

[clears throat]


Well, then why don't you sign on with me?

You can help me keep
Harmony-Chord Island shipshape.

Throw me overboard, you mean it?

Aye, I could use a first mate,
who keeps his pirate's honor.

Aye-aye, Captain!

[cheerful music playing]

♪ Harmony-Chord Island
A pirate's paradise ♪

♪ Where every pirate's smiling
And the music is so nice ♪

♪ This musical island we'll keep in tune ♪

♪ We can't wait to see ya here ♪

[both] ♪ Come back again real soon ♪

♪ Come back again real soon ♪


Fair winds to you, Pegleg Pete!

And goodbye, Captain Goof-Beard.

Bye-bye, Grandpappy!

Smooth sailing to you, Little Goofer!

Thanks for joining us
on today's pirate quest, mateys!

Now, let's all stand up

and do the Hot Dog Dance
on our new ship, the Jolly Golly!


♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears
It's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
The problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

Thanks for sailing to Harmony-Chord Island

and helping us to find
Captain Goof-Beard's treasure.

And thanks for doing the Hot Dog Dance,
ye scurvy swabs.

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day
What you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splittin' the scene
We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now
From Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the Mickey Mouse ♪

♪ Clubhouse ♪

Thanks for stopping by, mateys!

And thanks for a swashbuckling good time!


[both] Yo-ho!

-Yo-ho! Yo-ho!

♪ Over the ocean and through the waves ♪

♪ There's no captain who's near as brave ♪

♪ As the one who sails today
Captain Mickey ♪

[all] ♪ Captain Mickey ♪

♪ I can brave any storm
While wrestling a fish ♪

♪ Or find any treasure ♪

♪ That's my wish ♪

♪ You... Captain Mickey ♪

[all] ♪ Captain Mickey ♪
