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01x28 - Sweet Duck of Youth

Posted: 03/26/24 15:57
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Racecars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck blur

You might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

- DuckTales
- Ooh, ooh, ooh

Every day they're out there
making DuckTales

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Tales of derring-do,
bad and good luck tales

- D-d-d-danger
- Watch behind you

- There's a stranger
- Out to find you

What to do?
Just grab on to some DuckTales

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Every day they're out there
making DuckTales

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Tales of derring-do,
bad and good luck tales

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Not ponytails or cottontails

- No, DuckTales
- Ooh, ooh, ooh

Ah, don't let it bother you, Mr. McDee.

That lost mine will still
be there tomorrow, wherever it is.

I hate giving up, Launchpad.

Ah, when I was your age, you never could
have talked me into flying home tonight.

'Course not, McDee. When you were my
age, airplanes hadn't been invented yet.

How did folks get around way back...

Hold it, Launchpad.

Why aren't there any
lights on in the mansion?

You probably forgot
to pay your electric bill.


Why, I think you're right.

You go in the front,
and I'll sneak up on them from behind.

As soon as he opens the door,
let him have it.

Hey, give me the matches.

This is gonna blow him away.

All right, you...

Look, Uncle Scrooge found my skateboard!

See? I told you I'd get him home in time.
Ha ha ha ha.

Happy birthday, Mr. McDee.

- Happy Birthday, Uncle Scrooge!
- Happy birthday!

And a happy, happy birthday to you

Blow out your candles, Uncle Scrooge.

Don't forget to make a wish.

Ha ha ha ha!

You need a powerful set of lungs
to blow out this prairie fire.

Come on, Uncle Scrooge,
open your presents.

Yeah! We all chipped in!

I hope it's something practical,
like a new office safe.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

A rocking chair.

My grandfather wouldn't know what to do
without his rocking chair.

Mine too.

I guess I am old enough
to be a grandfather.

Oh, cheer up, Mr. McDuck.

It's your birthday.
Let's have some fun.

At my age, madame,
fun can be hazardous to your health.

Face it, Mr. McDuck, until someone
discovers the fountain of youth,

no one will stay young forev...

Wow, look at old Uncle Scrooge go!

Ah, here it is.

The fountain of youth:

"Natural spring believed
to hold the secret of eternal youth.

"Ancient explorer Ponce de Loon

"was certain the fountain
was in Okeefadokie Swamp.

But his expedition there
was never seen again."

You mean he never
came out of the swamp?

Maybe he did,
but nobody recognized him.

Boys, get packed for an expedition!

All right!

I'll find that fountain of youth
if it takes me the rest of my life!

Mr. McDee, I've helped you look for
everything from lost mines to rare animals.

But this fountain of youth thing makes me,
I don't know, uneasy.

I'd hate being a little kid again.

Because you had an unhappy childhood?

Nah, because none of my clothes
would fit anymore.

There it is, Uncle Scrooge!

Okeefadokie Swamp!

Hee hee hee hee!

Take us down, Launchpad.

Roger, wilco, and will do, Mr. McDee.

Some soft landing, huh?

There's a reason for that,
Launchpad, me lad.

You landed in quicksand.

Huh? We're stuck!
Lighten the load!

Follow us, Uncle Scrooge!

I'm too heavy!

It's your money belt!

You gotta get rid of it!

I'd rather sink.

Grab a hold, Mr. McDee.

They're up!
They're up! They're up!


They're down!
They're down!

Launchpad, are you all right?

Ah, fine, fine.

What happened to Uncle Scrooge?

He bailed out.

Boy, you were lucky.

Any crash you can walk away from
is a good crash, I always say.

Yeah, but you didn't crash!

Seemed like a crash to me.

Something hit the helicopter.


Hmm. Looks like some tiny little Indians
are trying to make a point.

We better go look for Uncle Scrooge!

Here I am, a weak, old duck...

...doomed to spend the last hours
of my twilight years...

hopelessly lost in a deadly swamp...

without my cane.

Huey! Dewey!


We've looked everywhere in the area.

Maybe he was captured
by those tiny little Indians.

We got to cover more ground.

Huey, give me
the Junior Woodchuck's Guidebook.

OK, all set.

Good. We'll search every inch
of this swamp if we have to.

We, uh, looked here already, didn't we?

Uncle Scrooge!

Mr. McDee!


Listen, you Junior Woodchucks
better make camp before it gets dark.

I'll keep looking.

Don't you get lost, too.

Don't worry, boys.
People tell me to get lost all the time,

but I always find my way back.




I'll even settle for Launchpad!

Oh, drat!
One blasted thing after another.

Blast me bagpipes!


Well, you don't frighten me,
you great toothy beast!

Whew. The things you have to do
to save a dollar these days.

Ah, these old bones tell me
there's a rainstorm coming.

I won't last the night
if I don't have some shelter.

Heh. At least I haven't forgotten
how to build a fire and a lean-to.

Ha ha ha ha.

My ears are playing tricks on me.

Now it's my eyes!

Harken, intruder.

Leave my swamp now,
or you will stay for eternity!

See ya.

Help! Anybody home?
Something's after me!


I'm getting too old for this sort of thing.

Bless me bagpipes!

Stay away! Stay away!

I'm too young to die!

Whoa, what a storm!

He doesn't stand a chance out there alone.


Poor old Uncle Scrooge.

I was talking about Launchpad.

Yeah, Uncle Scrooge
knows how to take care of himself.

But nobody can keep Launchpad
out of trouble, especially himself.

Hmm. Not a sign of old Mr. McDee.

Nothing but swamp grass, cypress trees,

Spanish moss, Spanish conquistador,



No, there couldn't still be
a conquistador around here.

Why, he'd have to be 500 years old!

Or a ghost.

Hmm. Either the water level
is going down...

or I am!

Help! Help!
I can't swim!

We can't wait any longer.

Well, what if we get lost, too?

I think we already are.

What's that?

I was right.

We can't wait any longer!

Harken, intruders.

Leave my swamp now,
or you will stay for eternity!

I-I-Is he a ghost?

I don't know,

but I bet he's the cause
of all our troubles.

What do we do about it?

Follow him.

Oh... I had to ask.

Don't worry, Mr. McDee.

We'll be all right
as soon as it's daylight.

How do you figure that, lad?

Everyone knows ghosts can only
do their ghosting at night.

He's not a ghost.

Ghosts don't catch people
in fishing nets.

Maybe he's the ghost
of a fisherman.

It was about time someone
threw a net over you anyway.

Let's get a closer look.

L-Let me know how it works out.

I'm warning you, metal pants.

If you harmed my nephews,

I'll see to it you become a real ghost.

Don't do him any favors, Mr. McDee.

Ha ha ha ha!

Saw through my disguise, did you?

I've been scaring people out of my swamp
for years this way!

But you had to find my cabin!

Ah, he didn't have to find your cabin.
It was just an accident.

And you! You'd have drowned
if I hadn't saved you.

Big deal!

Well, I need some sleep.

Being a ghost is hard work.

I'll decide what to do
with you snoopers in the morning.

Someone's at the door.

Maybe it's a real ghost.

It's the lads.

We'll have you free
in no time, Uncle Scrooge.


Ha ha. Sorry.

What's going on out there?

If you two snoopers don't quiet down...

- He's coming!
- ...I'll feed you to the alligators!

Anything's better than
spending a night in these nets!

No, it isn't, Launchpad.

Say, who opened that door?

Uh, uh, ghosts. Real ghosts.

There's no such thing as ghosts!

Take it from someone who is one!

Harken, intruder!

How dare you use my name
for your evil deeds?

Huh? Oh, no!

It's the ghost of Ponce de Loon!


And am I ever angry at you!

Ah ha ha ha!

How dare you use
my armor to scare people?

Ugh! Oh!

Now it's your turn, swamp breath!

- Whoa-oa-oa!
- Look out!

Good work, lads!

Now get us down,
and let's get to the bottom of this.

So that's the whole story, Mr. McDuck.

I spent 30 years looking for
Ponce de Loon's fountain of youth,

but all I ever found was his armor.

Why, you wanted to be young
before you were even old.

At first, I just wanted
to bottle the stuff and sell it.

Bet you never thought of that, Mr. McDee.

Oh, no, Launchpad.
It never crossed my mind.

Hey, Uncle Scrooge?

I noticed some writing inside this thing
when we were in it.

Yeah, I saw that, too.

I can't make head nor tail feathers
out of that silly riddle.


"The path to your youth
and your map back in time

lies hidden around
where I thought up this rhyme."

Sounds like a riddle to me.


"Hidden around
where I thought up this rhyme."

If you can figure that out, I'll eat my hat.

That's it!

His helmet was around
where he thought up the rhyme.

Because he thought it up in his head!


We found it!

The map to the fountain of youth!

Give me that! I spent half my life
looking for that thing!

Calm down, friend.

We'll share the profit 50/50.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And we'll both be
young enough to enjoy it.

Not much further.

And to think I've been wearing
my fortune on my head and didn't know it.

Ah, it could happen to anybody.

As I live and breathe!

I do believe we've found it!

Hurry, lads, hurry!

Ha ha! I'm not getting any younger - yet.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Here's a fountain if I've seen one.

Oh, no! It can't be!
It's all dried up!

Blast this rotten swamp!
Blast it, blast it, blast it!

Boy, I believe we've found it!

If this is the fountain of youth, we all
drank enough to make us wee babes.

This is the fountain of youth! Look!

It is! It is!

I'm a young man again!

You, too!

Hey, what about us?

We won't have to start
wearing diapers again, will we?

We haven't even hatched yet!

But you haven't really changed.

Well, neither have you!

He's right, McDuck.

The fountain of youth
doesn't make you young.

It just makes your reflection young.

The whole thing is a lie!
A terrible, cruel joke!

True, but for a moment there,
I felt young again.

Age really is a state of mind.

Don't give me that guff!

I've wasted half my life
looking for this rotten fountain.

Well, now at least you can
make the most of the rest of your life.

That's certainly what I'm going to do.

Oh, no!

I have to grow up all over again!

Maybe this time you'll get it right, my boy.

Come on, lads, let's find our way out.

I don't plan to spend
my twilight years down here.

Ahh! Hee hee hee hee
hee hee hee hee!

I may be along in years,
but you can't keep me down.

Underground, that is.

Come on, lads, keep moving.

Ooh, your old uncle
sure has lots of energy.

Just think how rough it would be
following him if he was young again.

Ah, civilization at last.

Well, Mr. McDuck,
I sure want to thank you.

You made me see I got

You better get going,
or you'll miss that plane to Tahiti.

Right you are. Goodbye.

- So long!
- Bye!

See you later!

Well, that was some adventure, eh, lads?

Ah, you said it, Uncle Scrooge.

When we're your age,
I hope we have as much energy as you.

Maybe less.

Welcome home, everybody.

Did you find the fountain of youth,
Uncle Scrooge?

Not really, darling.
But I found myself.

I heard you were lost for a while.

Still, you seem like you're

Yes, Mrs. Beakley.
It's true what they say.

You're only as old as you feel.

In that case,
I must be at least 700 years old.