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03x13 - Werewolf Skin

Posted: 03/29/24 15:45
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Man ]
Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.


[ Wolf Howling ]

Hey, kid,
aren't you forgetting something?

You said you were gonna
be here for a month.

- Probably gonna need these.
- Thanks.

Pretty creepy around these parts,

Yeah, well, my aunt and uncle
should be here any minute, so...

I heard a story once
about a headless ghost

supposed to be out in those woods...

and every night,
when they moon is full,

he haunts the forest,
seeking revenge.

"Give me back my head...
give me back my head!"

Don't you have some kind
of schedule to keep?

You'll be all right, kid.

Sun should be coming up...

Have a nice night!
[ Laughing ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Wolves Howl ]

[ Reading ] "Attention
all photographers. Enter today."


[ Thinking ] Wolf Creek.
Wonder where they got that name?

[ Wolf Howls ]

[ Growling ]

[ Wolves Howling ]

[ Rooster Crowing ]

[ Gasps ]

Careful, city boy.
That might be a k*ller bunny.

- Uncle Colin.
- How you doin', chief? Ooh!

- Oh, sorry.
- That's OK. That's OK.

Sorry I'm late.
Jeep's been acting up lately.

So, your birthday
present still working?

Yeah. I was wondering
if you and Aunt Marta

could take me on one of your sh**t.

You know,
give me a couple of tips.

Not much to it.
Just point and snap.

Subject is what's important.
You gotta find that one thing

that nobody's ever seen before
and show it to them.

Hopefully, in focus.

Have you heard from
Mom and Dad yet?

They called from London this morning.

They arrived safe and sound.

Let's hope that we can do the same.

- What do you mean?
- Fasten your seat belt.

We're gonna take a shortcut.

[ Honks Horn ]

[ Uncle ]
Here you are, champ.

Man, that was better
than a roller coaster.

You got in that Jeep with him?

You're lucky to be alive.
I resent that.

- Hi, Aunt Marta.
- Look how big you're getting.

What are you, 8 feet tall now?

Alex brought his camera with him.
He's hoping we'll give him a lesson.

I'm entering a photography contest.

First prize is 1,000 bucks,
and your picture goes

on the cover of Chiller magazine.

Chiller magazine--
and what kind of pictures

are they looking for,
as if I have to ask.

Something scary.

It's supposed to make
the reader shudder.

- You'll be out of luck around here.
- I'm afraid he's right.

There's nothing particularly
scary about Wolf Creek.

- What about that place?
- That's the Marlings' house.

You wanna stay away from
the couple. They're crazy.

Honey, don't say crazy.
They're just eccentric.

They're nuts.

It's probably a good idea
just to leave them alone.

[ Sniffs ]
Oh, my gosh!

- What?
- I'm making french toast for breakfast,

only by the smell of things,
I think it just became charcoal.

I bet I can get some great sh*ts in there.

[ Clattering ]

Alex, rule number 2:

if you wanna be
a good photographer,

- don't leave your camera in the Jeep.
- Right.

- What's rule number one?
- Take some pictures.


[ Rattling ]

Something to make people
shudder, hmm...

That's kinda creepy.

Don't worry. I don't bite.

I just didn't expect
to see anybody here.

I come here all the time,
I love this forest.

They're gonna cut it all down
and put up a mall,

like we need any more video arcades,
I'm Hannah Stoneman.

- Alex Blackwell.
- Yeah, I know.

Colin and Marta's nephew, right?
The city boy.

- Yeah, I guess.
- Come on, let me give you a tour.

- Cool.
- That's a tree... and that's a rock...

and that flying thing there's a bird.

Really? Wow, thanks!
What a great guide.

So, what's it like living in the city?

OK, I guess.
There's lots to do.

Sometime it gets
kinda crowded and noisy,

- but you get used to it.
- I'd like to go there sometime.

What do you mean?
Never been to a city?

I've never been out of Wolf Creek.

Wow, so, what do you and
your friends do for fun around here?

Friends? Well, um, I mostly
just hang out with myself.

- I like to be alone.
- Why?

The sun's going down.
We better get home.

Hannah, wait up.
What's the rush?

The woods aren't really safe
after dark.

Why? Is that when the monsters
come out or something?

- That's not funny, Alex.
- Gee. It was just a joke.

Hannah, wait a second.
I want to get a picture of this.

Cool. Got it.


Hannah? Great.

Thanks a lot.

"Come to the country a while, Alex."

"Get back to nature, Alex."
Yeah, right.

[ Sighs ]
Um, then we came that way, and...

no, it was that way.

- Or was it that way?
- [ Growl ]

[ Gasp ] Hannah?

Hannah, is that you?

Who is it?
Who's out there?

Probably just another rabbit.

[ Screams ]

That's no rabbit!



It's gonna get me!

Let me in! Help!

Let me in! Help me!

Alex! Alex, calm down.

There was something out there.
It was chasing me.

What were you doing
out in the woods?

- Just taking some pictures--
- You shouldn't be out there after dark.

It's not safe. And what did
we say about the Marlings?

- But something was after me--
- What did we say about the Marlings?!

- Not to bother them, I know, but--
- Then it had better not happen again.

Come on.

- Where's Uncle Colin?
- sh**ting, we've been waiting

for you to come home
for over an hour,

but he finally had to go on ahead.

- Can I come, too?
- No!

Look, Alex, we're working
on a special project tonight,

and the fewer bodies we have
around, the better.

What's the project?

Alex, I don't have time
for all these questions.

I want you to get in that house
and stay there.

Is that understood?

- Is it?
- Yes.


And stay out of the woods.

[ Tires Squeal ]

Legend. Now, who can tell us
what this word means?

What about you, Alex?

Well, it's like a fairy tale.

It's a... lie that people believe
in because they don't know

- that real reason for things.
- That's very good, Alex.

- "That's very good, Alex."
- Do you have something to add, Sean?

Yeah. Just 'cause something's
a legend doesn't mean it's not true.

Yeah... not true.

Do you care ot give us
an example, Sean?

How about werewolves?

- Werewolves.
- You think that's funny?

Yeah. I mean, no one
believes in werewolves.



- Do you believe the legend, Sean?
- Some of it.

Like, if someone
is bit by a werewolf,

they'll be cursed,
and when the moon is full,

- they'll turn into a werewolf, too.
- Yeah... werewolf.

And you can only k*ll 'em
with a silver b*llet, right?

That's the part of
the legend that's not true.

What really happens
is when the sun rises

a werewolf sheds its skin,
and if someone finds the skin

and destroys it before
the next full moon

is at its highest point,
the curse is over,

and the werewolf
inside the person dies.

Yeah... dies.

Where did you hear that legend,

Around. You live in
Wolf Creek long enough,

- you hear lots of things.
- Or you go crazy.

[ Bell Rings ]

Oh, for tomorrow,
remember to read chapter 13.

You think I'm funny, huh?

Is that why you were laughing at me?

Yeah... laughing at him?

Look, I didn't mean anything, OK?

It's just... you two look like,
uh, pretty intelligent guys,

and I'm surprised you believe in
something as stupid as werewolves.

It's not stupid, man.
It's true, and we can prove it,

- if you're brave enough.
- Yeah... brave enough.

- How?
- Out behind the Marlings' house,

there's a fallen tree that
goes right across Wolf Creek.

Yeah. What about it?

That's where the werewolves
go to drink water out of the river.

Meet us there, midnight tonight.

You'll get your proof,
unless you're chicken.

Yeah... chicken.
Cluck, cluck, cluck--

- Zip it, Arjun.
- Can I bring my camera?

- It's a free country.
- OK, I'm there. Midnight.

See you tonight.

Maybe I'll get a picture.

[ Wing Flapping ]

[ Gasps ] Why does everyone
around here do that?

I heard what Sean
and Arjun said to you.

About tonight.
You're not gonna go, are you?

Are you kidding?
And let those guys

think I'm chicken or something?
No way.

But, Alex, it's in the woods,
after dark.

- I told you before, it's not safe.
- Hannah, get a grip.

It's not like I'll be alone there
or anything.

Besides, if something
does come after us.

- It'll go for Sean first.
- He's big. He's a better meal.

This isn't a joke, Alex.
You could get hurt.

Nothing's gonna happen
my aunt and uncle

are going out on
another sh**t tonight.

I'll wait until they're gone,
meet up with Beavis and Butt-head,

take a couple pictures,
and be back

before any werewolves
even know I'm there.

Oh, they'll know, ALex,
and they'll find you.

Please, don't tell me
you believe in that stuff, too.

Please don't go.

Hannah... Hannah!

These people are weird.

[ Alarm Buzzes ]

They locked me in.


What is this, alcatraz?

I've been at Wolf Creek too long.
I'm starting to see things, too.

[ Screams ]

[ Snarling ]
