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03x12 - Happy Campers

Posted: 03/30/24 18:54
by bunniefuu
- This is me, eliza thornberry,

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom, and a sister.

There is donnie--we found him.

And darwin--he found us.

Oh, yeah, about our house--it moves,

'Cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts his nature show,

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

And between you and me, something amazing happened...

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool, but totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

[Cranes honking]

- I told you bhutan was beautiful.

- Finally, a place where we can just relax.

- Not me.

I'm going to help mom and dad film the black-necked

Crane migration dance, and just maybe I can talk one of

Them into donating a souvenir.

- [Chattering]

- Just the thing we need...


More feathers.

- Donnie, these feathers are important.

- As usual, eliza, you are so missing the point.

We are going to be staying in a palace.

At last, accommodations that are worthy of my station in life.

- What's all the hubbub, princess?

- Princess?

- He was just using my proper title.

Dad, I am, like, so not bored to be here.

- Splendid, deborah.

You know, most countries worry about how much money

They make, their gross national product.

Here, the government is more concerned with people being

Happy, or gross national happiness.

That's good.

- What a cool idea.

- It certainly is.

Let's go.

Girls, could somebody grab the camera?

- It's your turn to carry the equipment.

- You must have mistaken me for a commoner.

- Come on, dar.

Even debbie's not going to ruin my day.

- Oh.

- Here you go, chap.

Immensely happy to be here.

- Good to have you, mr. Thornberry.

- Oh, you recognize me.

- Actually, it's part of our environmental protection

Policy to know who is in and out of our country at all times.

- Oh, and we are thrilled to be in.

- With a slight change in plans.

Due to an unexpected ecological survey,

We have reached our unofficial cap on visitors.

We are asking that you send only two people in for the filming.

- There's a crick in the cobblestone, marianne.

How are we going to manage?

- Oh, I don't know.

We can't leave the children alone overnight.

- I suppose there is only one clear choice.

You go, and let someone else take my spot.

- Oh, nigel.

I know how you were so looking forward to seeing the cranes.

- My mind is made up.

Take one of the girls.

- Sorry, deb.

I guess you'll just have to play castle in the commvee.

- What? No way.

Eliza always gets to go.

- She has a point.

- Only because, half the time,

You don't want to go anywhere.

That's not my fault.

- Also a point.

- Well, this is a sticky wicket.

You're both so equally deserving.

- What?

But I help you guys with the filming all the time.

- I'm afraid we're on a tight schedule.

May I load the truck?

- Of course.

Girls, work this out.

- Hold it.

Who discovered the water buffalo colony in katmandu?


- But who milked the water buffalo after you found them?


- Oh, okay, but I curded that gross milk,

And made cheese to feed our guide, rabu,

So he would lead us here.

- What?

- Got to go.

- But, but...

- Now, I guess that settles it then.

- Dad, stop her.

- Bye, eliza. I'll be thinking of you.

- Good-bye, you two. Be careful.

- Bye-bye.

Now, poppetty, we'll make our own fun.

- Ooh!

Debbie lied.

I was the one that stirred cheese curd

For rabu of katmandu.

- No use crying over spilled milk, even if it is curded.

- But she gets to go to the palace.

- I'm sure there'll be another chance.

Besides, didn't you say debbie wasn't going

To ruin your day?

- One way or another, I'm getting into bhutan.

- As if it would be any different.

- Here we are at the gong.

- That's bhutan for palace, right?

- In a way.

- I am home.

- I've got it.

We could dress up in native clothing,

And walk in like we live there.

- Oh, of course, just an average, red-haired,

Bhutanese girl, and a good looking chimp.

- There you are.

How about joining me in a rousing round of cowboy songs?

We'll have a border party of sorts.

- [Chattering]

- [Gasps] by george, it's a lemon-rumped warbler,

One of bhutan's famous birds.

Oh. Of course, silly me.

Borders can keep out people, but they can't keep out animals.

Ready for some world-class bird-watching?

- You go ahead.

I would really like to do a little exploring first.

- Fair enough.

Maybe donnie would enjoy being my bird calling partner.

- Wow. [Chattering]

- I'll take that as a yes.

Come, I think I have some bird head costumes left over

From the fiji flight festival.

- "Borders can keep people out, but not animals."

- Who gave you that nutty idea?

- Never mind.

I've got a plan.

- Oh.

- Oh, my.

- Oh, yes.

- I'm sure this will do.

Please, be ready in minutes so that we can take

You to the hotel buffet lunch,

And then on to wildlife filming.

- Mom, remember in new zealand,

When you made me eat roasted termites so I wouldn't

Offend our host?

I forgive you.

- You want me to do what?

- Walk through the station.

Distract them.

I'll get in, and make a bee line for that pine tree area.

- But what if we get caught?

I'll tell them we were lost.

We've got to get to that palace.

- [Chattering]


- [Whistling]





- My heart is pounding.

- All right.

You did it.

Now, no time to waste.

We've got to find the palace.


- You see, donnie.

To call a bird, I make the bird noise.



Now, let's watch.

Soon we should be seeing some sort of winged life.


- [Chattering]

- [Gasps]

Is everything all right, officer?

- These two were...

Helping me with a lost dog over the border.

I wanted to thank them and you for their kindness.

- Thornberry pleasure, sir.

Hold onto your wingspan.

It's a white-browed fulvetta.

- Thank you for not telling on us.

- It's a lesson you only need to learn once, yes?

- Yes, sir.

- Well, we tried.

Let's just stay here and--oh, no.

You've got that look.

- I don't know what look you're talking about.

- Too dressy for lunch?

- Not at all.

Join me for tea?

- Don't mind if I do.

[Knocking on door]

- Madams?

Both: [laughing] madams.

- There's been a sudden change in plans.

Please, gather your things so that we can get you

Situated in different accommodations.

- Mom, don't get too excited,

But I think we are being upgraded to a suite!


- Well, it's certainly accommodations.

- Yes, they are perfect for enjoying our beautiful scenery.

Thank you for understanding.

We didn't know the ambassador and his wife

Would be visiting.

I'll go get you your supplies.

- [Crying] but I want the bed.

I want the buffet.

I want to be a princess!

- Oh. There has to be another way to get to the palace.

- Since when do you care about a palace?

- Since it's the only spot in the country where the

Crane's do their dance.

- So debbie getting to go has nothing to do with this.

- No.

My sneaky sister, who has the nerve to lie to my face

And steal my place has nothing to do with it.

- Oh, got it.

- Dar, come on.

That wagon's going to take us to bhutan.

- [Shouting indistinctly]

[Yak brays]

[Both grunting]

[Yak braying]

- Dar. There's no time.

We'll get caught again.

When I say now, now.

[Both grunting]

- Am I alive?

- You sure are, and you're in bhutan.

- Maybe it was worth that horrible hayride.

The perfect spot to rest after all the excitement.

- Not if we want to find the palace, remember?

- Can't we just catch our breath?

- Breathe while you run.

Come on.

- So which side do you want?

Left? Right?

- Whichever is closest to the room service button.

- You know, I told your father we should bring

Sleeping bags.

You never know where you're going to end up.

Isn't that funny?

- A laugh riot.

- Ah, there.

With a little bit of imagination, it's just as

Cozy as the commvee, huh?

- Mom, please, don't remind me that eliza got to stay

Back at the commvee.

- Maybe we should head back.

It's beginning to rain.

- And why should debbie get to be warm and cozy at the palace?

Let's go.

- You'd think part of talking to animals

Would be listening to them.

[Thunder rumbling]

- Ugh.

Even my split ends are cold.

- Oh, cheer up.

Kasi should be back soon with food from the buffet.

- Buffet.

Oh, what a great word.

- There we are.

- So what are we feasting on today?

- Actually, the buffet was closed already,

But I did manage to round up this.

Mm, yak butter tea.

The national dish.

- [Sobbing]

- [Bird call rasping]

Heaven, slightly dizzy there.

There, donnie, you try.

- [Rasping]

- Oh, dear.

Perhaps there's a better accoutrement which will help

Me teach you.

Be right back, boy.

- [Makes bird call]

[Birds chirping]

- I hope this isn't one of bhutan's famous flash flood


- Now you tell me.

- The red head creature is right.

- Wow. What are you?

- I'm a red panda.

But there's no time to talk.

The rain turns into rivers here.

You two need to get to higher ground as quickly as possible.

- Oh, my gosh. Thanks.

I love your fur.

- [Giggling]

[Both grunting]

[Water roaring]

- [Screams]

[Both screaming]


- Now we're stuck until the storm passes.

[Cranes honking]



- I don't think jumping jacks are going to save us.

- No. Cranes.

Try to get their attention.

- [Whooping]

Over here!

[Cranes honking]

Over here!

- Help us, please!

Please, wait a minute.

You're the famous black-necked cranes.

We came all this way to see you.

- How nice.

We should go help those poor stranded things.

Have you tried swimming across?

- The current is too fast.

We can't leave the rocks.

- Sonam, go find a larger creature to help these two

Through the water.

- Yes, tashi.

- Let's get you to the same rock,

So we can rescue you together.

Jump over to the human.

You're the more agile one.

- I would have to be the more agile one.

I don't know if I can do this.

- Of course you can.

Just don't think about the raging river beneath you.


Just jump dar.

- Oh, no.

Can't move.

Can't move.

- I've got cheese munchies.

- Cheese munchies?


Where are they?

- Later. The water's rising.

- Over here.

- Ugh, I must say, I'm built for ice and rock,

Not mud and water.

- You just need to get them to higher ground.

Come on, sonam, we'll be late for the dance.

- But we didn't get a chance--

- Please, there's no time.

- [Whimpering]

- [Grunting]

- Thanks.

I don't know what we would have done without you.

- Yes, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

- Oh, you're welcome.

- Aren't you going to ask her how to get to the palace?

- We've been through enough.

Let's go home, dar.

- Ooh.


- Ah, dear.

Okay, let's see now.

Oop, there we go.

- A wet dog.

A wet duck.

A wet hand.

- There.

In a few minutes, we should feel the heat.

- Who cares? I'll still be bored.

Sorry, no offense, mom.

- Oh, debbie, I understand.

You must think it's incredibly lame to be stuck

With your mother in a tent.

- Not really.

- Ooh, I know.

Let's pretend we're at summer camp.

We can share secrets around the campfire.

- What are you gong to tell me?

You put baking soda in dad's socks so they don't smell.

- You'd be surprised.

I have a few juicy secrets I've kept hidden all these years.

- Like what?

- Well, your aunt nancy and I were--oh,

I don't know if I should.

- Mom, you have to.

You used the word "juicy."

- Okay.

Once when I was and nancy was ,

My girlfriends came over for a sleep over.

Nancy was away, so we went into her room

And had a huge pillow fight, and I ended up destroying

Her school project, a wheat paste replica

Of the lincoln memorial.

- No way.

What did you do?

- I blamed it on our terrier, toodles.

Luckily, he was a hyper little guy.

- Did you ever tell aunt nancy?

- Not even after she came home, burst into tears,

And locked herself in her room.

Well, at that point, I thought it was too late to

Say anything, but I wish I had.

- Really?


You got away with it.

- Ah, yes.

But the weight of the secret was horrible.

- Mom, I guess I have something--

- I passed up the moment and then it ate and ate at me.

Well, sometimes I would toss and turn all--

- Mom, I want to tell you--

- The guilt consuming my waking hours.

Oh, poor nancy.

Poor toodles.

- Yeah. I know the feeling.

- Oh, how much better it would have been to unburden

Myself right then and there.

- Mom!

- Dear?

- I'm trying to unburden myself here.

I kind of fibbed to get to come to bhutan.

Eliza was actually the one that stirred the curd for

Rabu of katmandu.

- I see.

Well, I guess everything works out just the way it's

Supposed to, huh?

- You're not mad?

- You'll have to take that up with eliza, but, no.

I'm actually glad we could have this time together.

Oh, I think the rain has stopped.

- Yuck.

Nothing but mud.

Hey, a feather.

It's the perfect souvenir for eliza.

Both: [shouting]

- [Groans]


- Oh, you should see yourself.

- I don't have to.

I see you.


- This is great.

We didn't get to see the crane dance or the palace,

And now we're lost.

[Cranes honking]

- Hear that?

I think it's the cranes.

Oh, dar, isn't it beautiful?

- I've never seen anything so wonderful.

- I could stay all day.

- I could stay forever.

- Look, our friends.

They say the tossing is a symbol of their devotion to each other.

- Huh?

What are you talking about?

- The crane dance.

- I was talking about the palace.

Don't you want to go kick debbie out of your warm,

Cozy spot?

- No.

I don't care about that anymore.

We should get back before dad worries.

[Birds chirping]

- [Chattering]

- Still birdless, eh?

I know you're frustrated, but perhaps you're not

Ornithologically inclined, my boy.

We'll find something.

Don't you worry.

Eliza, where have you been?

- Oh, around.

- Ah.

The call of bhutan too strong for my little explorer?

Mm, yes, poppet.

For next time, bhutan limits visitors specifically to

Protect the environment.

The slightest transgression can throw the whole delicate

System out of balance.

Do you understand?

- Got it, dad.

- Gracious.

What are you doing back so soon?

- A visiting ambassador needed our room, so they

Moved us to a tent, and since the tent didn't come

With a shower, we thought we'd come home.

- Princess, how disappointed you must be.

- Oh.

I'm a little old for that princess stuff.

Besides, mom and I had a blast.

- You did?

Well, then, I stand corrected.

Not to mention thoroughly amazed.

- Nigel, let me tell you about the crane dance.

- Uh, hi.

I brought you this for your feather collection.

- Thanks.

- Look, I'm sorry I took credit for that curd thing.

You should have gone.

- Well, I was kind of upset at first,

But darwin and I had a good time anyway.

- It seems that everyone found their own happiness

Here in bhutan, except for our bird boy.

Where is donnie anyway?

- [Chattering]

[Birds chirping]