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03x13 - New Territory

Posted: 03/30/24 18:57
by bunniefuu
This is me-- Eliza Thornberry

part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom...

and a sister.

There is Donnie-- we found him.

And Darwin-- he found us.

Oh, yeah, about our house-- it moves

'cause we travel all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts his nature show

and my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

And between you and me, something amazing happened.

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool...

but totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

Look! We're almost there!

"Kakadu National Park: Five kilometers."

That's just, uh...

. miles.

This is me not caring.

I hope we can make it . miles.

Dearest, did you notice the petrol t*nk is on empty?

When it says "empty," it means we've still got

a good miles worth of gas.

Trust me, Nigel, I know my commvee.

(engine sputtering )

(weak laugh )

Hate to say, "I told you so," dumpling.

Then don't.

How are we going to get to Kakadu?

Man: G'day, mates!

Ahoy, mate!

We've run out of petrol!

Uh, the gas gauge must be broken.

I'm Marianne Thornberry and this is my husband Nigel.

Our daughters, Debbie and Eliza.

And that's Darwin and Donnie.

Ew! They're wacko!


That's "terrific" in Australian pre-teen.

We're the Gibsons-- Bethany, Gillian...

My husband Sam, and I'm Fiona.

We can lend you some petrol

but how about a bit of breakfast first?

(both chittering )

(both jabbering )

(all laughing )

That means "Yes." That means "Yes."

Jinx! Jinx!

(both giggling )

(disgusted sighs )

We're going to Kakadu. Have you been?

Lots of times.

We live pretty close by

in a town named Darwin.

Which is also the name of the chimp

you're sneaking food to.

(laughing )

You caught me.

So what do you want to see at Kakadu?

Everything. The water buffalo.

They're absolutely wacko!

The kangaroos are, too!

I've heard most about...

What you can't miss are...

the crocodiles. the crocodiles.

Jinx! Jinx!

(both giggling )

(disgusted groans )

Sisters. Sisters.



Want to see pictures from our vacation?

We went land-sailing in South Australia.


That sounds... wacko.

You're catching on.

Be right back.

That girl's in a chair with wheels.

Yeah, she is.

These are g-great pictures, Bethany.

This is my dad winning a race.

You thirsty? I'll get it.

Is that enough juice?

Oh, uh... I'm sorry.

(laughing )

(jabbering )

Ugh! Dweebs!


Thanks so much for the spot of petrol.

It should get you where you're going.

Do you have to get to Kakadu Park today?

Not really.

We're a day ahead of schedule.

The girls are hitting it off.

So what say you hang around awhile?

Play a game or two.

Ever heard of Tricky Trivia?

Tricky Trivia! Tricky Trivia!

(all gasping )

Oh, no. Oh, no.

Danger. Ditto.

My parents can be a little competitive in that game.

Mine, too.

Let's set up the board.

Debbie, Eliza, clear the table, please.

I'll wash and you dry.

Make it quick.

Gillian and I have major sunning to do.

Debbie, did you see that Bethany was in a wheelchair?

Yeah. So?

I wonder why.

'Cause she was born with cerebral palsy.

She uses crutches for short distances

but mainly sticks with the wheelchair.

Hey! You're not drying!


How do you know all that?

Ugh. I asked Gillian.

She said that she...

You can't just ask about something like that.

It's not polite, and it'll embarrass them...

You spend all your time talking to a monkey

and you're telling me how to talk to people?



Do you think Bethany keeps any snacks

in the pockets of her chair on wheels?

Shh. It's "wheelchair."

Watch what you say so you don't hurt her feelings.

But you're the only one who understands me!

(Donnie jabbering )

(Bethany laughing )

Bethany, want to go for a walk?

Uh, n-not walk, I mean...

You walk, I'll roll.

Together, we'll walk 'n' roll!

(laughing )

(laughing )

Hey! I've got a better idea.

Let's land-sail to Kakadu.


It'll be great.

We'll be clear of our parents

while they play Tricky Trivia.

I'll ask my dad. But...


We'll have to be careful land-sailing

and the whole day at Kakadu.

Bethany can't do everything we can

so it's up to us to make sure she doesn't get hurt.

Eliza's giving me that

"I feel bad that you're disabled" look.

She'll be totally over it

after you spend some time together.

All set.

Got your electric wheelchair all strapped in.

That'll get you around the park.

Thanks, Dad.

Eliza: Here, let me help.

It's no big deal.

(grunts )

I do it all the time.

(jabbering )

Sorry, Donnie, you're staying here.

(sad jabbering )

Donnie, why don't you watch this for me while I'm gone?


Whee! Whee! Whee!

Have a lovely time, poppet.

Right, right. Later.

So keep an eye out for storms.

And for bunyips.

(parents laughing )

What's a bunyip?

A cool scary creature.

It hangs around water holes and billabongs

and screeches a lot.

Some people say it's a legend.

If it's a legend, it's not really real.

We'll see. Might find one on this trip.

See you soon!


I'm glad this is nice and slow.

I thought it went a lot faster.

You want to go faster?


I'll just pull in the sheets...

(grunting )

(Eliza and Darwin screaming )

I'll take over, Bethany!

(all screaming )

I wanted to go fast, but not this fast!

I'm trying to slow down!

(screeching )

(all screaming )

It's okay! I've got it!

(screeching )


Look out!

(all screaming )

(all screaming )

Eliza, please!

(screaming )

(relieved sigh )

(Darwin whimpering )

Hey, Bethany!

Nice to see you again.

G'day, Pete!

I was doing fine before you took over.

I'm sorry.

I just wanted to help.

It's okay.

You didn't do too badly for your first time.

A little more practice and you'll be bonza.

That means "very good."

(laughing )

(laughing )

(grunting )

There you go, Bethany.

You girls have a good time now.

Thanks, Pete.

(whimpering )

Come on, Dar.

Hmm? Oh.

Where do you want to go first?

How about... Baramundi Gorge?

Bonza! Follow me!

Maybe we'll even see a bunyip.

It's just a legend.

Maybe, maybe not.

We're going to the gorge.

It'll be safe for her there.

The freshwater crocodiles

they only come out at night.

Good plan.

(yelps )


(jabbering )

Sorry, Nigel, Henry VIII

did not invent the scissors.

Leonardo da Vinci did.

Score! Score!

Might I see the card?

Hate to say, "I told you so"

but if you had listened to your teammate

we'd have won that point.

Thank you, Dearest.


Ugh! Embarrassing.

So that's one point for you...

Two points.

Nigel answered incorrectly.

It's one point for no answer.

I beg to differ.



Fiona: We got a little confused there.

(all talking at once )

Hey, why don't Gillian and I

read the questions and act like judges?

That would be wonderful, girls.

All right, then.

"What's the strongest muscle in the human body?"

Both: I know, I know, I know!

(clears throat )

Um, but-but-but, of course, it's not our question.

Uh, well, you go right ahead.

(whispering )

The tongue! The tongue!


Score! Score!

(groans )



Ooh! Perfect.


What are you doing? We can't go in

if Bethany can't go in.

But it's hot and I want to cool off.

Besides, Bethany is going in, see?

How'd she do that?

The point is, she did.

(laughing )


Oh, no! She's drowning!

Glad you moved out of the way when I yelled.

Otherwise, he might've got you.

A freshwater crocodile?!

But they only come out at night.

That one was a saltwater crocodile.

The freshies don't go in saltwater

but the salties go in both.

Pretty neat, huh?

Bethany, you need to get out of the water.

It's not safe for you.

It's just as safe for me as it is for you.

I was the one who saved you!

And you picked the gorge.

So now I'll pick.

I want to see the water buffalo.

Th-that crocodile!

She... you...

It's not like I couldn't have saved us

from that crocodile just by talking to him.

I don't need to cool off anymore.

So, fine. We'll go see the water buffalo.

I'll talk to them and make sure Bethany doesn't get hurt.

But the water buffalo don't always listen to you!

Did you say something, Dar?

Uh, just that you and the water buffalo

have a lot in common.

You've been playing this game for three hours now.

Yeah, maybe you should call it quits.

All: Quits!?

(chuckles )

Heavens to Betsy, no.

Just a friendly little game.

Someone's bound to win, sometime.

(all laughing )

Okay, this round, each question is up for grabs

to the first couple who rings in.

"Who invented the word 'Bup'?"

(bell tinkles )

The answer is... (mumbles )

Dear, remember, you're to discuss

the answer with me, first.

(mumbling ): But I know the answer.

You may think you know the answer

but if we both think we know the answer

and it's the same answer

we probably have the right answer.

But if we disagree, we can discuss the answer...

Time's up!

The correct answer was

Debbie and Nigel: "William Shakespeare."

Debbie: One point to the Gibsons.

We got them again! We're winning!

(cheering )

Oh, I'm sorry, Dear.

Next time, we'll just go with your answer.

(bellowing )

Uh-oh. Aren't they bonza?

Let's get closer.

I don't think that's a good idea--

They sound upset.

They just make that sound

'cause the insects bother them.

Come on!

(bellows )

Bethany, no!

They don't want us here.

How do you know?

I just do.

You don't want to come, don't come.

I just hope a bunyip doesn't get you.

Bethany, I'm serious!

Oh, no!

(both panting )

(panting )

(grunting and panting )

(leaves rustling )

(bellowing )


Get out of the water and go this way!

(bellowing )

(water sloshing )

Oh, no!

They've gone away!

(trampling )

Hang on!

(both screaming )

(grunting )

Pretty good job.

The buffalo are gone, you're okay.

Eliza, I don't know what you did

but I know you did something

to make those water buffalo leave.

Bethany, I was just

trying to help you. Trying to help me.

Well, I don't need your help.

Okay, I was trying to help you.

But not because you're in a wheelchair.

Okay, not only because you're in a wheelchair

but because those water buffalo...

You've been doing it all day.

The land sailing, then the gorge.

But this was different!

And you keep giving me that...

"I feel bad you're disabled" look.

You don't think I can do anything!

That's not true!

You just think you can do everything

without any help.

If I wanted your help

I would have asked for it.

(wheelchair whirs )

Fine! Go off!

That's bonza with me.

And it's wacko with me.

Uh! Ooh!

Shouldn't we be going

the same way Bethany's going?


If she doesn't want my help

she's not going to get it.

I think we are the ones who are going to needher help.

(thunder crashes )

(screaming )

Oh, no, I've heard about these storms.

They're called...

(both grunting )

(wind howling ) Knock-'em-down storms.

How appropriate.

Maybe we should go the way Bethany went.

Wish I thought of that.

Oh, wait-- I did!

(wind continues howling )

(screams )

Darwin, help!

I'm stuck!

(both grunting )

(thunder crashes )

Oh, it's not working.

Go find Bethany-- maybe she can help me out.


Into the forest... alone?

I need your help.

And Bethany might, too.


Okay, I'll be right back.

(screeching )

It can't be the bunyip.

That's just a legend.

(grunting )

Okay, it's time for the lightning round.

You'll have one second to answer each question.


One second!?

Poppet, that's too fast.

Ah, can't we use the bells?

Never done a lightning round.

"What U.S. state name is one syllable?"


That would be "New York."

Wrong! The answer is "Maine."

"With what body part do butterflies

taste?" Their feet!


"Where was Winston Churchill born?"

In a ladies' room at a dance.


Oh, oh, that's correct!


We're answering as fast as we can.

There's no need to get huffy.


(thunder crashes )

This is no ordinary storm.

If the girls are by the flood plain... with the lightning.

We should go find them, now!

(chattering and screaming )

(screeching )

(chattering )

I told you, leave me alone!

(chattering )

Eliza, I can take care of myself.

Eliza, where are you?

(thunder crashes )

Darwin, what's happened?

(chattering )

(thunder crashes )

You turn left up ahead.

Got it-- Thanks, Fiona.

I'll radio ahead to the park.

I know the frequency, Nigel.

(grunts and gasps )



(screeching )



Hang on!

Grab hold of the back!

I'll pull you out.


(grunting )

I've got it!

Hang on!

(motor whining )

Oh, no!

Wait, I've got another idea.

(wheelchair whines )

We'll make a pulley!

(wheelchair whines )

(grunting )

Oh, it's working!

Keep going!

(grunting )

(chattering )

Bethany, thank you.

(screeching )

The bunyip!

You said it was a legend!

I thought it was.

There's a cave we can hide in.

Come on!

The cave's just ahead.

Eliza: I see it!

Quick, go set up your lantern.

That'll scare the bunyip.

(panting and splashing )

It short-circuited!

(grunts )

(grunting )

Oh... Eliza!


Eliza, help!

Did you hear that?

I didn't hear anything.

Oh, no, Bethany's gone!

Oh, I'm stuck!

(grunting )

(splashing )

(grunting )

(panting and gasping )

Bethany, you were right.

I was being too protective.

No, you were right.

I wasn't asking for help, even when I needed it.

Both: So, I want to tell you...

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Jinx! Jinx!

(both laughing )

(screeching )

(screams )

(chattering )

Wait a minute!

Now that I hear it without the storm...

That sounds like a...

Kookaburra! Kookaburra!

Wacko! Wacko!

(screeching )

(screeching )

(both laughing ) (chattering )

You sure know how to fight through a storm, Nigel.

You, too, old chap.

I'd say together

we did a fine job of rescuing our girls.

Dad, we didn't need rescuing.

We were doing fine on our own.

Before you got there, we were...

We'd already come right up to a croco...

What did you come up to?

Did you girls get in some kind of trouble?


No. No.

No trouble.

I think it's better

they don't know about the crocodile...

or the water buffalo.

(both laughing )

Would you like a lift to the petrol station?

We pretty much used up

all we gave you on our rescue mission.

I'm sure we can make it.

In light of our previous petrol problem

perhaps you'd care to discuss this question

with your teammate?

We'd love for you to give us a lift

to the gas... uh, petrol station.

But what about your Tricky Trivia game?

Well, that's true.

Perhaps just one quick round...

To settle up. Finish it off.

Eliza and I'll play.

The two of us...

against the two of you.

Deal. Deal.

"How many ridges are on the edge

of an American dime?"


"What country has the most post offices?"


"How many gallons of liquid does

a -gallon hat hold?"

The girls are so competitive.

I've no idea where they get it from.

"Which crocodiles go in freshwater and saltwater?"

Um... Um...

Oh... Ahh!

The salties! The salties!

Jinx! Jinx!

(laughing and giggling )

Ooh, sisters!