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04x18 - Danger Things

Posted: 04/01/24 07:03
by bunniefuu
[ music ]





- This pumpkin looks gooooood.

- Hey, sweet 'stumes.

Lemme guess...don't tell me, don't tell me...

you are people who just got bitten by zombies

but haven't turned into zombies yet?

- We're not leavin 'stumes. We are leaving.

- Like...forever?

- No, that would be ridiculous.

We're spending the night at a haunted house

because my rich uncle just died

and whoever can stay the entire night at Hackney Manor

will get his inheritance.

- Uncle Jimmy died?!?

- I know...sad.

- Focus Henry! I'm about to inherit a fortune.

- Okay. Hang on a second. Woah woah woah!

Who's gonna watch Piper while you're gone?

- You are!

- What? No no no no no!

I can't watch Piper tonight. - Why not?

- Because I'm supposed to go trick-or-treating

with Charlotte and Jasper.

We're going as funny exterminators

from a very famous movie.

- Well young man, you should've thought about that

before Uncle Jimmy died.

- What?!?

[ Piper screams ]

- Ooooo... Piper sounds mad.

You better go see what she wants.

- Byeeeeee!

- Great parenting!

- Thank you! - That was sarcastic!

[ Piper screams ]

- Piper?

- I'm under the table.

- Wait, what?

- The kitchen table!

- Oh right.

Why are you under the table?

- I messed up my hair.

- Come on Piper, I'm sure it's not that--

Oh my god! What happened to your hair?!

- I tried to trim my hair just a little bit

so I could be this Fresno Girl doll for Halloween...

- That would've been a sweet 'stume.

- But after I trimmed it,

I noticed that the right side was a little bit longer

than the left side.

So I trimmed a little off the right.

But I trimmed too much.

So then, I tried to even it out on the left side.

But I trimmed too much again!

And it just kept happening!!

- At least it's even?

- I look terrible!

And my hair was one of my fifty best qualities!

-Henry this is Charlotte. Do you copy?

-This is a code red. I repeat.Code red!

- Hey Charlotte. It's Henry.

- You have to come to work right now. Code red.

- Copy.

C'mon, we gotta go to Junk-N-Stuff.

- Code red. I repeat, code red.

- Yeah, got it. Code red. We are on our way.

C'mon let's go.

- No! I'm not leaving the house

with my hair like this.

- But I gotta go! You heard Charlotte--it's a code red.

- It's a code red.

- And Mom and Dad said I have to watch you

while they're gone. So, let's go.

- I said I'm not leaving!

- Okay! Hey hey hey, look there's uh,

wigs at Junk-N-Stuff!

Right? We'll go--we'll go to Junk-N-Stuff,

we'll get you a wig,

and you'll look exactly like that creepy doll. Let's go.

- She's not creepy, she's beautiful!

She's a Fresno ten!

- Hey Charlotte, we got wigs at Junk-N-Stuff, right?

- Shoosh yeah we got wigs.

I'm wearin' a wig right now.

- Jasper?!? Have you been listening?

- Of course I have.

I heard Charlotte say it's a code red.

- It is a code red.

- See? We'll go to Junk-NStuff,

we'll getcha a wig,

and everything will be just fine.

- Why can't she just stay home with your parents?

- They're gone.

My Dad's rich uncle died

and now he's staying overnight at this haunted mansion

in order to claim the inheritance.

- Uncle Jimmy died?!?

- Focus, it's code red Piper!

- Hey, bring that pumpkin with my face on it.

- Ray? - That's right.

- Is everybody on this channel?

- No...

- Alright let's make this quick.

Piper's upstairs with Jasper trying on wigs.

- First thing's first--

show me my face-o-lantern.

- Here ya go, man.

- Ah yesss... I am handsome.

Any-Ray, Charlotte's worried about

a bunch of missing dogs or something.

- It's not a bunch of missing dogs

it's a bunch of missing kids.

- What?!? Missing kids?!?

That's way more serious!

- Dude, I worked all day on that...

- Hey! They're talking about it on the news.

- Happy Halloween Swellview!

- Halloween?

Or Hallow-missing-tweens?

- It's both, Trent. Today is Halloween

and it's making some kids in Swellview

say "Boo...Hoo". Because they're missing.

- That's right, Mary. They're gone.

So far, ten children have disappeared.

Without a trace.

Unless you consider the puffs of smoke, the screaming,

and the eye-witness accounts of a terrifying monster

appearing out of nowhere a trace.

If you do, then all of those things are traces.

- Ten kids, that's a juggler's dozen.

- That's right, Mary. The big question is,

who's going to be eleven?

[ music ]

- What do you think?

- Anything is better than what you looked like before.

- Hey!

- You asked me what I thought!

- Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

- Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

- Henry! Ow!

- It all just kinda happened.

I wanted an after-school job.

But then, an indestructible superhero

hired me to be his sidekick.

- Ah!

- Now we blow bubbles...

and fight crime. Feels good.

[ theme music ]

- Call it. - Up the tube!

- Aw, my boot! - Ha!

- There...there...there...

...there...and there.

Those are the ten places where the kids were last seen.

- Does anyone else see a pattern?

- I do. the pattern.

- Ummm... - Are you sure...?

- It looks like you're just... - I'm don't see a pattern...

Did you forget what you're doing?

- Here, then it goes into the hole....

- [groans]

Oh my mouthh hurths.

And my lip ith all thwollen...

Piper, doeth my thwollen lip

make me look leth handthome...?

- Oh my goth! Piper! The monthter took her!

Where'd thee go?!?

I gotta tell the otherths!

- Back over to the top... - No, stop.

- Where we find at last...

- It's time to stop. - You're embarassing yourself.

- Brings us back here. - We're good.

- And then finally, as you can see the pattern is clear.


- Or...

- It's an X.

- I'm not seeing it.

- I did it! I made a device

that can find all of those missing dogs!

- It's not dogs-- it's kids.

- Oh. Well then this thing is worthless.

- Actually, my neighbor's dog is missing.

So can you--

- I guess not.

- Sweet 'stume.

Who are you supposed to be?

- Oh! I am Steve!

- No idea who that is... - I don't know any Steves.

- Steve Gildersleeve! My friend from college!

He looks just like this-- see?

- Oh yea, I see it. Right on. - Looks like Steve.

- Guyth! Guyth!

We haf a thuper theriouth emergenthy!

- Yasper, you sound ridiculos.

- Yeah, why are you talking like that?

- I thmathed my faith on the door in Junk-N-Thuff

when I tried to run down here

and tell you your thithter Piper dithapeared!

- What do you mean disappeared?

- A monthter thnatched her

then vanithed in a puff of thmoke!

- What!?! - Yes, exactly--

I can't understand a word you're saying.

- He's saying a monster appeared in a puff of smoke

and took my sister!

- Just like those other ten kids.

- So Piper is eleven!

- Prethithely! The strangest thing...

- C'mon man, we gotta go find my sister.

- Well, how are we supposed to do that?

We don't know where this monster went.

We have no way of knowing.

- Hey guys, check this out.

- Not now, Charlotte.

I don't even know where to begin to look.

Nobody does. You just gotta let her go.

- I think I know where she is.

- Charlotte, please. He's trying to grieve.

- Remember earlier when we figured out

if you plot the locations

where all those kids disappeared on the map

then it creates an X?

- Well I saw a different shape,

but go on. - Yeah

- Look where Junk-N-Stuff is.

- Okay... - Up there?

- On the map!

Look where Junk-N-Stuff is on the map!

- Oh... - You should be clearer.

- Junk-N-Stuff is also on the X.

And check out what's right in the middle of the X.

- Some place called Evil Science Corp.

- I don't like the sound of that.

- Neither do I.

You think that's where the kids went missing?

- I don't know,

but it seems like a good place to start.

- Yeah! Let's go, let's go.

- Alright, alright, I'm hurrying.

What's your beef, jerky?

- What's my--my "beef"

is that my sister was kidnapped by some monster

and we have no idea where she is,

but wherever she is, it's probably dark,

and horrible, and scary!

- Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

- Hello again, friends.

- Hi Kevin!!!

- Is everyone having funnnnnn?

- Yeaahhhhhhhhh!

- Greeeeaaaatttt...

- What the butt is going on?

- What's your name, little girl?

- Uh...Piper?

- Hello Piper, and welcome to my world.

- What do you mean, your world?

- I'll tell you... [ guitar plays ]

for the longest time,

I lived by myself in this beautiful world.

I was very lonely.

- Awwwww...

- But then, just yesterday,

a doorway opened from your world into mine!

And now, I can bring friends to my world.

- Yaaaaaayyyyyy!!!! - We love you, Kev!

- Well I don't wanna be in your world!

I wanna be in my world.

What's all this floating stuff?

Cotton candy?

- That's right. It snows cotton candy here.

And that bench is made out of fudge...

it's a little messy, but it sure tastes good!

- If this place is so great, why'd you kidnap me?

- I'm sorry. I thought you would like it here.

But if you want to go back to your world,

you can go right through that whimsical portal.

- I'd stay if I were you.

This party is lit AF,

which stands for lit and fun.

- Oliver?

- Happy Halloween.

Who are you supposed to be?

- A Fresno Girl doll.

- No one's gonna get that.

I'm former first lady Barbara Bush.

- I'm leaving.

- Sure you don't wanna hang out and eat some candy?

- Yeah I'll hang out and eat some candy!

Look at you.



- Hiiiii... do you have an appointment?

- No! - Yes!

- We do? - With justice!

- Good one dude.

We got an appointment with justice.

[ phone rings ]

- She'll call you back.

We wanna talk to whoever's in charge around here.

- Well that would be me.

- Ah! - Ah geez!

- Dude! - Where did you come from?

- Well, I'm originally from a small town

in Idaho called Belleville--

- I meant just now!

- From over there.

I'm wearing silent shoes. See?

[ silence ]

- I invented them. I'm Bill Evil,

Chairman of the Evil Science Corp.

- Oh yeah? Bill?

Did you also invent that monster

that's going around stealing kids?

- I have no idea what you're talking about.

- Don't play dumb, Bill!

We know you're in the center of the X!

- I'm sorry...what?

- The X! It's a pattern, on the board,

that I myself.

- Well...

- Guys, I promise you,

we're just a normal science lab that makes things

like quiet shoes.

There's absolutely nothing strange going on.

- The portal is out of control!

And it's definitely connected to that monster

that's going around stealing kids.

- We're doing some construction.

- No, no. Don't go over there.

Let's go to the parking lot.

Besides there's nothing of interest in this room.

Why don't I show you a different room,

where we make the quiet shoes?

You won't believe what you don't hear.

- We wanna know what that giant wall nostril is, Bill!

- Yeah, Bill! We also wanna know about that monster!

- And what happened to all those missing kids!

- And we also wanna know how you made those shoes so quiet!

That's actually really interesting too!

- But maybe answer the other questions first!

- Right! - Okay. If I tell you,

do you promise to keep it a secret?

- No. - Absolutely not.

- Do you promise that I won't be in trouble?

- You're already in trouble. - I do not promise that.

- Fine. Earlier today...

we were playing god--

as all scientists do, by the way--it's not just us.

- Fair enough. - Sure. Sure.

- So it seems that we accidentally

opened a portal to another dimension.

And it also seems

that there is a monster from that dimension

that has crossed over to our dimension

and is currently abducting children.

The shoes are made from a space age polymer.

That's pretty much it.

[ alarm sounds ]

- You might want to grab onto something.

- What why?!?

- Because the wall nostril makes that sound

every time it's about to suck something inside.

- Go Barb! Go Barb! Go Barb!

- Look everyone! A giant jelly donut!

- Donut tiiiiiimmmmeee!!!

[ screaming with joy ]

[ screaming ]

- What is that sound?

- We assume it's the sound of the terrified children

being tortured by the monster.

- Have any of you actually gone through that portal

to see what's going on in the other dimension?

- Noooo! No no no.

That's way too scary.

We hear a lot of screaming coming from that thing.

[ screaming ]

- See? There it is again-- it's terrifying.

- I've never had a jelly donut fight before!

- Oh Piper! Your smile is so infectious!

- I love it here, Kevin!

- I'm so glad! I love you all!

Friendship forever!!

[ cheering ]

[ screaming ]

- Do you hear that?

We gotta go in and save them!

- Yeah, yeah yeah you do--

go go go go ahead.

- Wait, what?

- You heard the scientist--

only one person can go through the portal.

- We have never said that.

- Alright fine!

We go in, we kick some monster butt,

we get the kids, and we get out of there!

- Sounds gooooood!

- Get the kids!

- Would you like a hug?

- Die, you foul beast!

- C'mon c'mon, get outta here get outta here!

- No stop! He's-- - I'll getcha outta here!

- Nooooo!!!

- Let's go pumpkin head!

- Get over here!

- It's just jelly from the doughnuts!

- Spare me your lies you vile creature!

- Stay down monster!

- Let me explain!

- I said, stay down!

- Captain Man! Let's go!

- Wait! - Wait for what?

- We have to close this portal, permanently!

- Well how are we gonna do that?!?

- With this!

Ah! Geez.

- An expl*sive seismic charge.

- Just make it quick!

- If I could just explain myself--

- Silence, demon!

- Nice work. - Thanks.

- What is this stuff?

- Some kind of interdimensional goo.

- Captain Man?!? Kid Danger?!?

- Woah, No need to thank us.

- Thank you?!? That monster was nice!

His name was Kevin--

he was just lonely and wanted some friends.

- Yeah! We could've left at anytime.

- We wanted to stay.

- Uhhhh...

- That is new information.

- Hey uh, dude,

how long did you set the timer for the seismic charge?

- Ummm...

- No, no, no...

- That's a solid wall, dude.

- You're welcome.

- Happy Halloween, everybody.

- Hey, has anyone seen that Barb guy?

- Hey Kevin.

- Barb! You're still here!

- I was in the candy bathroom.

Where'd everybody go?

- I have a friend!!!