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01x42 - Dream Man

Posted: 04/01/24 11:22
by bunniefuu

b i n o t h i o

isio b i n o c h i

o doy

o me from a tree but he's like you and

me just looks like a


keep down inside there a heart can hide

CU it's really a boy don't

forget p i n o c h i o is


o b i n o c h i o




deep in the heart of the

forest lies an isolated

cabin Pinocchio Willie and Jack are

taking shelter

there but are they



we've got him surrounded we're ready to

close in

Captain I can't wait to get my hands on

that middling puppet and when I do he's

for the

bonfire come on I know you're in here

give yourself up you



wait for


me there he is after him don't let him




help come back here you get a move on

troop we're losing





maybe who is


it funny I thought I heard someone at my

door down here sir well well

please help me can I come and hide there

are soldiers chasing me and they're not

far behind bless me you must be that

wooden puppet who managed to save our


Forest uhhuh Pinocchio that's

me right you'd better come in come thank


you huh a farmer and I can tell you no

farmer wants a

w*r the very idea cutting down all the

trees on the mountain to build ships

with it's a good thing you came along

and saved them Pinocchio and what thanks

do you get the Army puts a price on your

head it's a

disgrace I tell you if they were here

I'd give them a piece of my mind oh

well excuse me sir what are you making

yeah I'm making sure some new shoes for

nah my

granddaughter oh Nina's lived with me

for a long time haven't you

sweetie it would have been lonely out

here in the woods so I'm glad to have

Nina for

company I'm Miss

father m

Pinocchio what's wrong I'm all right I'm

just a little sad cuz I missed my

father I heard a rumor that they're

going to send your father to Devil's

Island to punish him for having made you

it's a

Pity I'll rescue him I swear that I

will open

up open this


I'm scared the soldiers they'll catch

me open this door right now or we'll

break it

down hide hide quickly yall try to get

rid of them but where can I possibly

hide in here there you have to get in

there get into what into that open the

door I'm coming I'm coming stop that

bracket I'm sorry I took so long Captain

what can an old man do for you at this

time of

night out of my way oh grandfather are

you all right let me help you I want

that puppet hand him over I heard his

voice I know he's here somewhere and I'm

not going to leave until I find him I'll

arrest you for concealing a lethal

puppet please Captain be reasonable you

can see there are only the two of us

here I don't even know what you're

talking about all right men tear the

place apart yes


I wish I in


here Captain I regret to report that

there's no sign of the lethal puppet

here sir he's here somewhere I'm sure of

it we just haven't looked in the right

places that box for

instance open


it oh

there's no point in wasting our time a

puppet that big could never fit into a

box that size don't think your troubles

are over old man you're our only lead

arrest him but Captain I don't know

anything I can't tell you what I don't

know don't give me that I heard him loud

and clear I'll soon get the truth out of

you take them in on let me go you've got

no right let me go I don't know anything

please don't hurt


grandmother oh grandfather oh nah I'll

be back soon don't


worry touch me leave me alone if your

grandfather doesn't talk he's going to





it's all your fault why did you have to

come here if it weren't for you the

soldiers wouldn't have taken him away

bring back my

grandfather it wasn't even him they were

looking for it was

you I'll never see him again if you

don't turn yourself into JY you've got

to I don't blame her for hitting me I

wish father were here he know what to do

we have to do something we have to save

him we have to get him out of there

Nina's right I am the one they

want but if I turn myself in they'll

have me b*rned I don't know what to

do oh

mother father can't help me


he's headed for Devil's

Island I'll have to make up my mind for

myself Nina please don't cry I'll work

something out you'll

see I'll turn myself in tomorrow morning

oh Pinocchio will you


oh oh thank you so much I just can't

tell you how grateful I am

it'll be all right you'll




grandfather oh po grandfather I thought

you'd gone away poor Nina I don't know

what I should



H I can help you decide what to do hey

who's there where are



you there's no need for you to be afraid

of me boy my name is dreamman sometimes

they call me Sovereign of nightmares how

quickly people for forget that sometimes

I can help them for instance I can help

you decide what to

do I think I've already

decided Pinocchio you're a fool why

should you help others well they help

me I can't let them down so you've made

up your mind you'll surrender to the

soldiers but do you know what they

intend what do you mean let's try a


experiment let me show you exactly what

happen when you surrender no I don't

want to see you can't make me look you


can't now you know your eyelids are

growing heavier and heavier you're very

sleepy I can't stay

awake I won't fall asleep good night

leave Ty pinio sweet



was that ever a bad


dream no let him

go oh hey I I nearly had a heart att*ck

what's wrong

Nina I had a really bad nightmare a

nightmare it was about grandfather there

were Flames all around

him go go Pinocchio you promise to help

me come


back but he


oh I'm so



scared H fear is good for you it keeps

you safe Only Fools take risks if you're

wise you'll leave your father to his

fate H you mean just let him go I can't

do that I got to help him will you never

learn I'll show you you're not scared

yet I'll show you real horror it'll be

good for you your eyelids are growing

heavier and heavier don't fight it Pino

IO sleep tight sweet dreams and this

time I'll let you meet your father have



father can you hear me it's me





father my

boy oh Father I thought I'd never find

you I missed you so









father help

me no

you what do we



do learned your lesson good



oh Pinocchio take care of

yourself try not to


worry wake up I suppose we better stay

here here for the night here do we have

do it filthy soldiers we better be

careful they may be looking for a sweaty

in here Jack okay pop follow

me come on step on

it come on it's

j i him keep it

moving I suppose you might say this is

our best chance to rescue J pedo right

let me go you're hurting me I can't

breathe oh Willie I'm so sorry I got

carried away think nothing of it I don't

think we can handle this alone we have

to find pinoo let's hit the road Willie

Boy you

and and so Jack and Willie escaped from

the castle where japeto was held

prisoner they searched for Pinocchio for

hours until they could hardly stand up

meanwhile Pinocchio is trying to forget

his terrible nightmare but it's very

hard to be brave after a dream like

that oh

my got to find Pinocchio got to find

Pinocchio oh good

morningin huh huh say is that that's him



Pinocchio hey wait up Pinocchio where on

earth have you been we've been looking

for you all night and he's not

kidding Willie Jack what are you guys

doing here don't bother about that now

if you want to save Jeep here's your

chance we found him the soldiers are

holding impr prisoner up there in the

Old Fort you found him that's

great well we thought you'd be happy do

you think he looks happy

it's just that I'm really scared if they

catch me it'll be the end of

me I don't believe it where is your

courage aren't you even going to try to

save jaeno you leave me

alone I guess he doesn't want to say

jedo I wonder why huh that's easy pinoc

was a coward and I never knew one until



Pinocchio please let me go whatever you

do don't turn me over to the soldiers

I'll do anything you say but please

don't turn me in Pinocchio calm down

what's the trouble don't turn me in oh

you're safe they didn't hurt you did

they no no they're more bark than bite

in the end they had to let me go great I

was really worried about both of you no

you weren't you ran away oh but I had a

nightmare and it was so scary I did run

away I'm

sorry I guess I understand I had a bad

dream too I dreamt I'd never see

grandfather again and I couldn't stop

crying but it wasn't

true it wasn't true Everything the dream

man showed me was a dream

yay no dreams are going to stop me now

watch I'm going to rescue my


bye good luck Brave

lad there's no way I'm going to let

dream man scare me out of rescuing

father I'm not afraid of dreams


anymore father

father where are



father father it's me




I'm too late oh no



father dream man be quiet I'm

disappointed in you you haven't learned

your lesson oh yes I have your dreams

aren't real don't be a fool of course

they will and I know just how to prove

it be quiet you and your dreams you kept

me from finding my father I'll get you

no I'll give you a happy dream a really

good one and a beautiful place you will

love it I promise




he vanished there's nothing left of

him gee I guess the sunshine is bad for

dream men

but not for me it's chased away my


father wherever you

are I promise I'll save



