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01x07 - Blue Ribbon Bunny

Posted: 04/02/24 08:46
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

Sofia the First


JESTER: Your Majesties.
Welcome to the Dunwiddie Village Fair.

Where games, food and merriment
await anyone and everyone.

Enjoy the fair, Your Majesties!

Thank you. We will.

MAN: Bells and whistles!
Bells and...

This is so exciting.
What do we do first?

Haven't you been
to the fair before?

Uh-uh. I always wanted to go, but...

Mom and I were too busy
working in the shop.

You know, before I became a princess.

Hey. Check this out.

Who has the finest pet
in all Enchancia?

-Is it you?

Or you?

Or you, young Prince?

I do, for sure.

Oh, ho, ho! Well, tomorrow,
we'll find out if that's true,

because right here
on this very stage,

there is going to be
a pet contest!


What's the prize?

Ah, yes, the prize.

The pet who performs
the most impressive tricks

will win the blue ribbon.

Then, pet and owner will get to ride
in the village fair parade!


I always wanted to ride
in that parade.

Well, you'll have to wait
a little longer,

'cause I'm entering my
pet baboon in the contest,

and he's the best pet
in the kingdom.

Second best pet.
After my peacock.

I wish I had a pet to enter.

What about that bunny
you always hang out with?

You mean, Clover?
He's not my pet.

-He's my friend.

Friend plus fur equals pet.

But you'll never win with
a plain bunny like Clover.

If I were you, I'd go to the castle
zoo and pick out a better pet.

Come on, James.
Let's get ready for the contest.




[GIGGLES] More ketchup.


Hey! What's up, Princess?


Oh, I'm ready when you are!

-Hip! Good one!

-Hip! Hip! Hip!

All righty, get ready
for this one.

-Ahhh. [GRUNTS]

Whoo! [CHOMPS]
And the crowd goes wild!

Clover! Clover! Clover!

[LAUGHS] Nice catch.

-Thanks, Princess.
-So, guess what?

They're having a pet contest
at the village fair tomorrow,

and I was hoping you might
enter it with me.

Oh, yeah, that sounds great...
Hold up.

Who you calling a pet?

It would be just for the day.

So I can enter you in the contest.

We always have
the best time together.

It'll be so much fun.

And if you win,
you get a blue ribbon

for being the best pet
in the kingdom.

A blue ribbon, huh?

And the winners get to ride
in the parade.

How great would that be?

The two of us,
riding on a big float.

Well, we do make a great team.

-All right, I'll do it.
-Do what?

Sofia's entering me
in a contest.

Is it an eating contest?

[GIGGLES] No, silly.

It's a "best pet in
the kingdom" contest.

-Good luck with that.
-Ha, ha, ha.

It's about time the rest
of the kingdom found out

-what I've known for years.
-What's that?

That I'm already
a Blue Ribbon Bunny, baby!

Hit it, What-Naught!

You know, Princess.
I'm no ordinary rabbit.

No, no, no.

Yo, here we go. [LAUGHS HEARTILY]

Check it out.

[SINGING] When I hop through
the garden they stop and stare

Plain to see
that I got that flair

A little something called
savoir faire

BOTH: He's no common hare

I dig up a tasty gourmet lunch
and I serve it on China

'Cause when we're talking'
'bout food, my friend

There's nobody fina

Y'all give it up
'cause I got the moves

And I got the hops

I'm tellin' you, look out below
'cause I'm the tops

CHORUS: I'm a Blue Ribbon Bunny, yeah
don't you know?

A Blue Ribbon Bunny
I'm the best in show

He's a Blue Ribbon Bunny

And I'm all the rage

ROBIN AND MIA: A Blue Ribbon Bunny

When I take the stage

Break it down. Go Clover!

BOTH: He's a pro, look at him go
stealin' the show

What other rabbit
can nap all day

then polish off
a whole buffet?

Right from the salad
and the pate

ROBIN AND MIA: To the last souffle

I'm king of the woods
without a doubt, there is no equal

You see me once
and then you'll shout

"Hey, I want a sequel!"

Y'all give it up, 'cause I got
the moves, and I got the hops

I'm tellin' you
look out below

ROBIN AND MIA: 'Cause he's the tops

I'm a Blue Ribbon Bunny

Yeah, and don't you know?

I'm a Blue Ribbon Bunny

ROBIN AND MIA: He's the best in show

He's a Blue Ribbon Bunny

At the pet contest

CHORUS: A Blue Ribbon Bunny

You're gonna see who's best

ALL: Blue


Blue Ribbon Bunny

CHORUS: Blue Ribbon Bunny
don't you know

I'm your bunny

Blue Ribbon Bunny
he's the best in show

Blue Ribbon Bunny

Blue Ribbon Bunny
at the pet contest

You know who's the best!


And strut, and strut, and pose.

Mmm. Looking good, Praline.

-Take five.
-Amber, Praline. Good morning.


What is the point of giving
great advice if no one listens?

PRINCE JAMES: All right.
Let's try the double backflip.


We gotta work
on the landing.

All right, Clover.
Let's get you ready for the contest.

What are you talkin' about?
I'm already ready.

Ow! Do you have
to brush my fur?

It's full of knots.

And you need to look your best.


I think I need a snack break.

Oh, but Clover.
I'm not finished.




If you even want a chance
of winning the contest,

you can't bring an ordinary
bunny like Clover.

You need a pet
with a special talent.


Show her the shimmer.


Does Clover even have
a special talent?

Other than eating?

Oh, no!
He's going to get all dirty now.

[SIGHS] Come with me, Sofia.

Where are we going?

The castle zoo.

If you want to bring a bunny
to the contest,

I'm going to show you
the best bunny in the kingdom.


Wow, her fur's so white.

Whiter than the whitest snow.

PRINCESS SOFIA: And so soft.

No knots to brush out.

And Ginger has a special talent.

Ginger. Whistle.



But I'm already bringing Clover.

Oh. It doesn't really matter
which one you bring,

since Praline and I
are going to win.

But I figured
if you're going to enter,

you shouldn't embarrass yourself.


-[GASPS] Oh! They're here!

Oh, I told some of our friends
about the contest.


-Hi, Sofia!
-Hi, Crackle!

Where's my Clover?

-Where is he?
-Huh? Crackle?



Hey! Remember when I told you
I am not much of a hugger?

I remember
everything you say!

Every precious word!

Ugh... Whoa!

Wow. Well, as long as you are here.

We might as well have a cook-out.

Lightly grilled or extra crispy?

Crispy, baby!



Zandar's entering an elephant
in the pet contest?

That's his pet.



How did you teach Crackle
to ride a unicycle?

I didn't.
She taught herself.

[SIGHS] Everyone's pet is so talented.

Hey, Princess! I'm ready to get
back to... [BURPS] Excuse me.

[LAUGHS] Let's get ready
for the big show.

So, Clover,
do you have any special talents?

Besides my natural good looks
and charm?


Uh... I can dance.

Really? That's great!
Can you show me?

Uh-huh, yeah, look at that,

that's the Clover Funk, uh-uh.

Put my ears up here,
shake, shake, shake, shake.

Ta-da! Uh-huh, yeah!

That's nice.

I was just getting warmed up.

[MUMBLING] Uh-uh, uh-uh,
Blue Ribbon Bunny...

Uh, you can show me more later.

We have to get you
cleaned up first.

Ha, I was just saving
those for later.

See? I'm good to go.

Ow! Are you done yet?

There. Now, all we have
to do is put the bow on.

Bow? No bow, no!

No one said anything
about a bow.

But Clover...

Do I look like the kind of bunny
that would wear a pink bow?

Uh-uh. No, no, no, no...

Time to go to the contest, everyone.

I'm gonna grab a few snacks
for the road.

-But we have to go.
-It'll just take a second.

Sofia, are you coming?

Uh-huh. I'm just waiting for Clover.

I hope you feel like riding
in a parade today, Praline.

The parade...

Hey, Clover.

I was thinking,
you don't have to go to the contest

-if you don't want to.
-What do you mean?

Well, you don't like having your
fur brushed or wearing bows.

Yeah, but I don't have to do
any of that stuff to win.

I'm just saying,
if you didn't want to go,

there's another bunny I could take.

Another bunny?

Ginger. At the castle zoo.

Uh... [COUGHS]

Yeah, well, sure,
now that you mention it,

I... I was only going
because you asked me to.

I really didn't want to go.


So, it's okay if I take
Ginger instead?

Go for it. I got naps to take.

Carrots to eat, grapes to...

I'm good.

Okay, great! Thanks, Clover.

Sure thing.

-Excuse me, Ginger.

How would you like to go
to the pet contest with me?

You can tell me.
My amulet lets me talk to animals.

Oh, it does, does it?

So, Ginger,
what do you say?

I thought you were
bringing another pet.

He didn't really want to go.

And you're so talented,
we'll win for sure.

Well, I do love
a good pet contest.

Let me get my bow.

You like wearing bows?




Hey, Clover! Aren't you coming?

[SIGHS] Not anymore.

What? No, why? Is it me?

Because I can hug you less.

Uh, a little less.

No, it's me.

-You don't want to go?
-I do. I... I mean, I did.

But Sofia wants to take
another rabbit.

But you're the best bunny ever.

[SCOFFS] Sofia doesn't think so.

And if she doesn't think
I'm a Blue Ribbon Bunny

then maybe I'm not.


You better go.

Maybe we'll come back after
and have another cook-out.

See you later?

Yeah, Crackle. You have fun.



Where is Sofia?


Wait for me!

Oh, that's more like it.

Coachman, we are ready to go!

This is going to be
so much fun.

Oh, no, no, no.
Pet contests are serious business.

We can have fun afterwards.

Right. Of course.





Fruits and berries,
start your day right!

Ooh! Ginger, do you
wanna play "catch"?

Catch what?

Ah, you look like you could
use a bite of breakfast there.

Here you go, Princess!

Thank you.

Clover and I play this all the time.

I toss the blueberries in the air,

and you catch them
in your mouth! It's fun. Hip!

Oh, I like to eat
my blueberries the proper way.

And never before a performance,
sweetie. But thank you.

This is who you pick over Clover?

-Oh, hi, Crackle.
-Don't "Hi, Crackle" me.

You really hurt Clover's feelings.

And if you hurt Clover's feelings,
you've hurt mine.

I didn't hurt his feelings.

He said he didn't want to go.

He was just being nice
because you told him

you wanted to bring
"fluffy" over there.




Come on! The contest
is going to start soon.


Whoa. Your pet's really cool!

How long have you had her?

Oh, not long.

I've had Max since he was a puppy.

But he doesn't do
neat tricks like yours.

Then why did you enter him
in the contest?

'Cause he's my best friend.
Right, Max?


-MAN: Contestants.

The show is about to begin!

-Good luck!

Ginger, I made a big mistake.

I should've brought Clover.

But I thought you wanted to win.

I'd rather be with my friend.
I'm sorry.

-Can you hold Ginger?
-Oh, my.

Thanks, Baileywick!

Back to the castle, please!

I need to find my friend.


What are you doing here?

Aren't you supposed
to be at the contest?

[SIGHS] Well...

-I left before it started.

I thought I needed
an extra-special pet to win it.

But I forgot what makes you more
special than any other bunny.

Yeah? What's that?

-You're my best friend.
-I am?

I should have brought you
to the contest like I said I would.

I'm sorry.

And no matter what anyone
else says, if you ask me...

You're a Blue Ribbon Bunny
and so much more

A Blue Ribbon Bunny
the one I adore

A Blue Ribbon Bunny
and it's no contest

A Blue Ribbon Bunny

I know you're the best

Is there anything I can do
to make it up to you?

Well, yeah.

We can go win that pet contest.

You still want to go?

-You still want to ride in a parade?

Then let's hop to it!


Oh, Crackle.
Do the hoop of fiery flames.

Now, the spin.


Thank you.

And strut, and strut, and strut,
and pose!


Now, give them the shimmer.


Oh, thank you, thank you.

Oh, thank you so much!

Come along, Praline.
Let's go wait in the winner's circle.

PRINCESS SOFIA: It's not over yet.

Coachman, get us as close as you can!

Since that was our last contestant,
it's time to...


That's close.

It looks like there's
a last-minute entry.


-Hit it!
-Hit it!

Look at that.



Uh-huh! [GRUNTS]

-Go, Clover! Go, Clover!


Uh-huh. Break it down. Whoo! Yeah!

Hey, he's pretty good.

And he makes the cutest noises.

Go, Clover!


Come on, Princess!
It's your turn!



-BOY 1: Bunny! Sofia!

-BOY 2: Oh, look at that!
-Now for the big finale.

Ready when you are.



-Great job!




That was great!

I'm so glad we got to do that.

Me too, Princess.

Okay, everyone.

The judges have voted,
and it's time to announce the winner.

Ooh, I'm so nervous,
I can barely breathe.

Ha! Good, 'cause I'm too tired
to dodge flames right now.

Excuse me, Clover?

I just wanted to say, as one
talented bunny to another,

that was... wonderful.

And the most magnificent pet
in the kingdom is...


...Clover the rabbit!

-Yeah! All right, Clover!

[GASPS] You won!

I won! I won! I won!

[CLEARS THROAT] 'Course I won.

What'd I tell you, Princess?

Oh! But you gave them, the shimmer.



And now, the moment
we've all been waiting for.

It's time for the village fair parade!





-Whoo-hoo! Clover!

Isn't this great?


Clover. Please don't eat the float.

All this waving
is making me hungry.

Well, when we get
back to the castle,

I'll have the chefs make you
the biggest feast ever.

A whole feast, just for me?

Anything for my Blue Ribbon Bunny.