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01x04 - Bug in the System/Test Your Super Strength

Posted: 04/02/24 10:32
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!

-♪ Hoo-hoo!
-♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!

It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!

-♪ Hoo-hoo!
-♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!

It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Peter] "Bug in the System."

[drum plays]

[spray can rattles]

[rock music playing]

Hey! What are you up to today?

There's no trouble in the neighborhood,
so I'm gonna practice my drums.

Whoa, your drumming sounds good, Gwen!

I'm gonna practice some of my web moves.


[rock music continues]

[typing, beeps]

[machine whirs]


[rock music fades]


-All right! Stuck the landing!
-[Gwen] Nice!

Come check out my new invention, guys!

I can't wait to see it!

I invented a new formula
for super-sticky web fluid.

A little bit of this stuff
will hold just about anything.

-[computer beeps]

Miles, hop in and drive the Web-Crawler.

Are you sure?
This thing has a lot of power.

-And that is a skinny web.
-It sure is, Gwen!

Miles, give it full power!

[engine revs]

[tires squealing]

-No way!

Very cool, Peter.

That stuff is super sticky, all right.
But how can you get it off?

I thought you might ask that. [grunts]

With this can of Web-Off,
another new invention of mine.

Check it out!

Wow! With your Web-Off spray,
those super-sticky webs fall right off!

-[alarm sounds]
-Uh-oh! Spidey-Alert.

[crowd screaming]

[Peter] Doc Ock is
causing trouble in the city.

Let's get ready to Spidey swing!

-[mechanical limbs whirring]

[Doc Ock laughing]


My new Octo-Vacuum
sucks up anything I want.

Goodbye, Mobile Lab.

I'll see you back in my lair.

[powers up]





Don't be confused, Cal.

This device will make
stealing things so much easier.



Care for a churro, Cal?


With the push of a button,
those churros can be ours!

[powers up]

[gasps] Hey! My churros!



Where are the churros?

They've been sent to my lab,
along with everything else!



I know, I'm a genius!


What's that? Spider-pests approaching?

Give up, Doc Ock! [grunts]
We have you surrounded!

Oh, I don't think so, Spidey!

You and your Spidey pals
are going to be too busy catching these!

-[crowd whimpers]


Webs up, Spidey Team!





-[tires screeching]
-Whoa! [grunts]

[Spin moans]

Are you two okay?



Did you see what Doc Ock had in her hands?

It looks like she has a new invention,
and that means trouble!



Ooh, what stunning jewels.

I want them.


[cutting glass]

-[Octo-Vacuum powers up]



[Gwen] Hands off those jewels, Doc Ock.

Ugh! Drat! Time to escape!

Down here, Cal!

[chirps, grunts]

My Octo-Vacuum!

-Oh, and Cal.


Oh, fine.

Keep my Octo-Vacuum, Web Slingers!

I can always build another one.


[straining] No good!

She sealed it shut. What a getaway.

Keep quiet and don't move, Cal.
I'll figure out some way to rescue you.


I'm glad I managed to thwip her machine.
I saw her using it to steal stuff.

So, this machine must send
whatever she steals

back to some secret location.

Now that we have it,
at least she can't use it anymore.

Let's get it back to WEB-Quarters
for a closer look.



[gasps] Cal!

It's you!


They're taking you to
their secret Spidey Hideout?


You'll be my Octo-Spy!
Report back once you're inside.


So, this thing sucks stuff up
like some kind of high-tech sippy straw?


It's pretty advanced. I'd like to study it
and find out how it works.

[spray can rattles]

We don't know anything about this.
We should be careful.

You're right.
Now, let's all put on our safety gloves.


[chirping continues]



Aha! You're in!

This is so sneaky!

I love it!

Look around.
Show me what the Spider Lair is like.


[Doc Ock] Oh! Look at all that equipment!

[gasps] And their vehicles!

Wait! What was that? Go back! Go back!

Zoom in! Zoom in!


That's what those spiders used
to get the sticky webs off of you?

I've got to have it!

Then those Spider-pests will never
be able to stop me with their webs again!

Get it for me, Cal, get it!


[gasps] You have
my Octo-Vacuum right there!

Just turn it on, and it'll suck
that Web-Off back here to my lair.

Let's get a good look
at Doc Ock's invention.

Hmm. I don't see any way to open it.


Yes, yes, I see.

They're too close to the Octo-Vacuum.

Can you get them away from it?
Then you can vacuum up the Web-Off!


Good. I knew I could count on
my sneaky little Cal.

Go, Cal, go!


That big button must be the on/off switch.

-Should we press it?
-[together] No!

You're right.

We should be extra careful with this
until we know how it works.


[rock music playing]

Oh! Whoa! What's up with the loud drums?

I don't know. I'm not playing them.

Weird. The volume knob
was turned all the way up.

-[music fades]
-I never play that loud.


Isn't that one of Doc Ock's octo-bots?

-There! That's Cal!


We must have carried Cal in
with Ock's machine by mistake.

Let's get him!



Give it up, Cal!
You got no way outta here!

-[electrical crackling]
-Huh? Webs up!



Cal's making the training room go haywire!

And he's trying to get away.

Quick! Thwip him!


He's headed for the lab!

Ock's machine is in there!

[chirps, cackles]

Stop right there, Cal!

What are you up to?

Drop it, Cal!
You won't get away with this!

[trills, grunts]

Hey! Not cool.


Watch it with my detective kit!


[Cal growls]

Hey! My super-sticky web formula!
Now, that's enough, Cal!


[grunting] Whoa!

Stuck on my own invention!

[grunts] Hey, team! Toss me the Web-Off!

-[Octo-Vacuum powers up]


-[Octo-Vacuum whirs]
-[Spin grunting]

[grunting continues]

Cal wants the Web-Off!

I need that to get free.

Hold on tight, Spin! I'll help!

[both straining]

Nice toss, Ghosty!

Cal wants something from WEB-Quarters,
and I know just what to give him.

Come on, team!

[both grunt]

How about a super-sticky web blob!

[screams groans]

[grunts] Time to get Cal
out of our WEB-Quarters

-and send him back where he belongs!
-[powers up]



Now let's make sure Doc Ock's invention
doesn't cause any more trouble today!


Phew! That was close.

[typing, beeping]


Is that you, Cal?

Have you got that can of Spidey's Web-Off?

Ha! I can't wait to use it!

I'll never get stuck in webs ever again!

-Huh? [grunts]
-[Cal beeping]


Ew, super sticky!


Oh, another brilliant plan
ruined by that Spider Team!



Nice job today, Team Spidey!

Yeah! We destroyed Doc Ock's
evil machine once and for all!

Actually… I kinda fixed it.

What? Why would you do that?

Well, I did make a few Spidey adjustments.

Miles, are you done with your drink?

Oh! Um, yeah.

Don't forget to recycle.


Whoa! Where'd it go?

Into the recycling bin.


[bottle clanks]

[Miles] Wow.

Now, that's how to put
Doc Ock's evil machine to good use.


[Hulk] "Test Your Super Strength."

Thanks for hanging out
with me today, Hulk.

Sometimes even Hulk needs
a break from crime-fighting.

[gasps] Huh?


I've always wanted to win a stuffed bear.

I love carnival games.

Come on! It's Spidey and Hulk time!



-[gasps] Wow!


[glass shatters, clatters]



[Hulk gasps]

Aw… [growls]



Oh! [grunts]

That's it!




-Yes! I win!

Uh, Hulk?

I don't think that counts.

Why not?

You didn't follow the rules.

You're supposed to use a bean bag
to knock over the cans.

I wasn't winning, so I got mad
and broke the bean bag.

And that made me more mad.

Maybe you should try to
manage your anger, Hulk.

When I get mad,
I take a breath and count to five.

That always calms me down.

Hey. Take a breath and count to five.

I can do that.

Let's keep playing,
and if I get mad, I'll try it.


[crowd screaming]

Sounds like trouble.
Playing games will have to wait.

Come on! Let's go see what's wrong!



-[screaming continues]
-[Rhino cackles]


Ugh, he just walked up
and took the hammer.

He didn't even wait his turn.

Wait here! I'll try to talk to him.


Rhino, you need to follow the rules,
and wait in line like everybody else.

When it's your turn, you'll get to
show everyone how strong you are

by swinging the hammer
and trying to ring the bell.

Oh. Okay.

-[hammer thuds]

I don't need to swing a hammer
to prove I'm strong.


-[bell dings]
-[crowd gasps, groans]

Looks like I'm the strongest.

Guess I'll take my prize now!

Ha ha ha!

[growls, grunts]



All you did was break the rules
and the game.

Now no one can play!


Easy on the sidewalk, big guy.

I'm sorry, but Rhino needs
to put back that bear!


I'll give it back when someone
stronger than I am makes me!


No one is stronger than Hulk!

You sound pretty mad, Hulk.

Want to try taking a breath
and counting to five?


[breathes deeply]

If you're so strong,
why don't you prove it?

How about a strength contest?

-Winner gets the bear!

Why don't we start with
a throwing competition?

[grunts, laughs]

Come on! I was waiting for that!

I bet I can throw this snow-cone machine
farther than you can!




[grunts] I don't wanna
have a throwing competition!


Hey, Hulk, maybe now's a good
time to practice calming down.

[breathes deeply]

One, two, three, four…


Sorry about that.


Throwing things is dangerous.

People could get hurt.

Or covered in snow-cones.

[scoffs] Fine.

I'll just find another way to
prove I'm stronger.

Don't let Rhino make you mad, Hulk.
You don't have to play his game.

[Hulk] Rhino!



[Rhino grunts]

If you want me to return the bear,
you have to lift more than I can!

Put the bumper cars down!


[laughs, grunts]



I'll prove I'm the strongest.

You'll see!


-[woman] Watch out! Oh!

-Rhino's making a big mess!
-And he's making you really mad.

Let's calm down and count to five again.

Then we can stop Rhino together.
I'll start.

-[crowd screaming]
-One, two--


Hulk! Wait!


This roller coaster will help me
prove how strong I am.


[grunts, laughs]

Oh, my goodness, what's going on?
What are you doing?

I'm puttin' the brakes on your fun.


Rhino! You need to stop!

Let the roller coaster go!

[Rhino] No!

Actually, you both need to stop.

[both] Huh?

[screams] Whoa!




You're really starting
to lose your temper, Hulk.

Ugh, you're right, Spidey.

It looks like I need to calm down again.

[inhales] One, two, three, four…


Too bad you're all calmed down now.

I had a lot more games to play!

Sorry, Rhino, it's over.

We're done playing your games.

Giving up, huh?

[grunts] I knew I was stronger!

So it looks like the prize
is mine to keep!


Get back here, Rhino!

[woman gasps]

[Rhino grunting, pants]

Once I lift this,
everyone will see I'm stronger than Hulk!

Ha ha! [grunting]

[metal rattles]

[laughs] I did it.

Huh? [growls]

Hey, Rhino? Hands off the Ferris wheel.

Stay out of it, Spidey!

-[metal rattles]

-Ha! I'm the strongest there is!


-[metal clangs]

[grunts] You'll never be the strongest
as long as the Hulk is around.

Huh? Hey! Let go!

[grunts] Stop, Rhino! [grunts]

[Spidey] Both of you, stop!
You're gonna break the Ferris wheel!

[Hulk and Rhino grunting]

[grunting continues]




This is not good!

How are we gonna stop that runaway wheel?

Hey! Look out!



Whoa! Thanks, Spidey!

No problem.

Actually, there's a really big problem!

[Spidey grunting]

[groans] The wheel is too heavy!
Gotta keep trying!


-[ice cream splatters]




[crowd cheers]

Wow. Thanks for the hand.

[groans] I'll show them.


I bet together the two of us
can fix this ride.



-[metal clangs]
-[Ferris wheel powers up]

Nice work, Spidey.

And thanks for trying
to help me calm down.

Rhino was making me really mad!

Everyone gets mad, Hulk.

But not being able to manage your anger
makes things worse.

If I can't calm myself down
and manage my behavior,

I'm not any better than Rhino.


I'm not gonna let myself
get mad like that again.

[Rhino grunts in distance]

Next time, I'll take a breath,
count to five and calm down.

That's great, but right now,
we need to stop a rampaging Rhino!


I'm just not sure how.

I think I have the perfect plan for that.

Hulk thinks he's so strong…

but I know I'm stronger.



And I'm gonna crash through everything
until I prove it!

-[woman] Oh!

Ha! Nothing can stop me!

You do know that crashing through stuff
isn't a good thing, right?

You can't stop me!

I'm gonna crash into something so big,
everyone will know I'm stronger than Hulk!

[grunts, chuckles]

I don't think so, Rhino.

It's time for your rampage to stop.

[laughs, grunting]


[grunting continues]

Spidey! Now!

[Spidey grunts]

[grunting] Huh?

Hey! Your webs are slowing me down!

That's part of the plan.

But that's not all.

He's all yours, Hulk.


Hey! What's happening? [screaming]

That was amazing, Hulk.

Your plan worked perfectly.


Looks like flying Rhinos can't rampage.


Oh! Teddy!



I guess Rhino won't be crashing
through anything else today.

Now we better get this bear
back where it belongs.


[groans] I'll get you next time.


Not bad, Spidey!

Okay, Hulk, let's see what you got.



[inhales] One, two, three, four…




[ball chinks]

-[Hulk sighs]
-Yeah! Way to go!


Learning to manage my anger is going to
help me be an even better superhero!

And hey, you won a prize:

A Hulk-sized bear.

[chuckling] Oh!

-[both laugh]
-[bear squeaks]