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01x08 - Rocket Rhino!/Trick or TRACE-E

Posted: 04/02/24 10:35
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!

-♪ Hoo-hoo!
-♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!

It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!

-♪ Hoo-hoo!
-♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!

It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Miles] "Rocket Rhino."

Thanks for comin' to our WEB-Quarters,
Black Panther.

We know how much you like cool tech,
and we've got a lot of it.

Most impressive.

And check this out.

It's our latest invention,
our Spider-jet pack.

Once it's ready, we'll be able to
get across the city twice as fast.

And that sweet paint job?
That's my design.

Ah, yes, it's magnificent!

Problem is we haven't quite
figured out how to power it yet.

We need some kind of lightweight,
high-power energy source,

so the jet pack can
rocket us through the sky.

But what to use?

Peter likes to yo-yo
when he's got a problem to solve.

Helps him think.

Impressive yo-yoing skills.

Oh. [chuckles] Thanks.

It's all in the wrist.

You know, I think I may have
a solution to your problem.

[both] Whoa!

Is that vibranium?

It sure is!

That stuff can store and release
incredible amounts of energy.

It powers all of Wakanda.

Maybe it could help power your jet pack.

It's perfect.

That should just about do it.

Great! Thanks again, Black Panther.

Yes. But remember, vibranium is very rare.

I'm trusting you to be responsible
and take good care of it.

Wouldn't want it in the wrong hands.

I understand.

With great power
comes great responsibility.

So you must practice a lot.

Only then will you be able to handle
the speed vibranium gives your jet pack.

Okay, we'll practice.

A lot.

-[alert beeps]
-I have to go. My country needs its king.

Like you said, with great power
comes great responsibility.

I'll open up the skylight,
so you can get going.

Now I am off! [grunts]
Remember to practice!

-See ya, Black Panther!

-[WEB-Ster] Webs up! Spidey Alert!

Oh, no! Rhino's rampaging again.

He's destroying everything in his way.

And he's not even using a spoon
to eat that ice cream.

That's just wrong.

We've gotta stop him fast!

Don't you mean superfast?

We do have
a vibranium-powered jet pack now.

You're right, and I can punch
Rhino's coordinates right into the side.

Rhino location locked in.

Nice! Now this jet pack
will fly us straight to Rhino.

[groans] Just be careful
not to accidentally bump…

-…the on/off…

-[powering up]




Our jet pack is headed right for Rhino.

We have to catch it before he does!

Go, webs, go!

[chomping] Mmm, good.

Everything's better when it's stolen,
even ice cream!

-Huh? What's that sound?

That's moving really fast.

[screams] It wasn't me!
I didn't steal the ice cream!

-[jet pack powering down]

Huh? What is this?
Some kinda flying machine?

Oh! Oh, well, finders keepers.

-Ah. Ha ha!

Oh, hello!

Watch out! It's Rhino!

-[crowd screaming]
-That's right.

You better watch out.

I've always rammed and crushed stuff,
but now I can fly too.

-[Spidey] Stop, Rhino!


I just said nobody can stop me! [grunts]


Mint chocolate chip? Not my favorite.

Drop the jet pack, Rhino. It's ours!

Ha! Not anymore!

Okay, jet pack, blast off!

-[crickets chirping]
-[Spidey] Um…

Hey! Why didn't that work?

-Web him!

-Oh, man!
-We'll take our jet pack now.

No! I found it fair and square!

-[powering up]
-Oh, oh, oh, yeah!

Oh, no!
It looks like Rhino hit the button too.

Here we go! [laughing]


Wow! That vibranium really
supercharged the jet pack.

Come on! We gotta stop it.

[shouting continues]

[Spidey grunts]

Oh, oh, oh!





[groans, screams]

Get me down!

Not what I meant!


A rocket-powered rampaging Rhino
is really bad.

We've gotta get our jet pack
away from him.

[shouting continues]

[sighs] Oh, hey,
I'm gettin' the hang of this thing.

-Pretty sweet.
-[Spidey] Come on, Rhino!

Give it up!

I would, except it's mine now!


-[man] It's Rhino! Look out!

Not the hats!

Ha ha! How do I look, fellas?

Ha ha!

I'm flyin' high up,
way out of any spider's reach!

Ha ha!

Your days of stoppin' my rampages
are over!


Oh, no. This is bad.

We told Black Panther we could
handle this huge responsibility.

We can and we will!
We just have to get that jet pack back.

Webs up!


[Spin] Come on, faster! We can do it!

[grunts] I'm so close. I've got this!

Time to do a super-spin slingshot!

[grunts] Spin! Wait up!

[grunting] Yes!
Now I'm going to catch you!




Give it up, Rhino! I'm on you like glue!

And when I get close enough,
I'll zap you with my Arachno-sting!

[Spidey] Spin, hang on.
I'm coming to help!

I got a spider to shake.


-Around and around you go!
-Whoa! Whoa!



Don't worry! I gotcha!

[Spin screams]

Thanks for the save, Spidey.


[groans] What are you up to now, Rhino?

Heads up, you two.

Weatherman says it looks like rain!

He's gonna crash the water tower!


-That's a lot of water.

Let's make sure no one gets hurt.

-[Spin] Stand back, everyone!
-[Rhino laughs]

♪ The itsy-bitsy spiders
Came up the waterspout ♪

Down came the rain and… ♪

Something something. I can't remember.

Uh, uh, point is, you're-- you're--
you're all washed up!


[both] After him!


[sighs] Rhino got away. Again!

With vibranium powering the jet pack,
we'll never be able to catch him.

How are we gonna stop him and get it back?

Rhino might have our jet pack,

but he doesn't have Spidey-webs
or Spidey-smarts.

We need a plan that uses them both
to stop a flying bad guy.

I wish I had my yo-yo.
Playing with it helps me concentrate.


Okay, now, how do we catch Rhino?

[Spin] We have to think.

Webs. Hmm.


Webs. Smarts. Skills.

All your yo-yoing just gave me an idea.

What if we build a web paraglider
and get Rhino to chase me?

And you roll him up in webs.

Vip! Like a yo-yo.

-Right! Let's wrap this up.
-[trash can clatters]

-[crowd screaming]
-[Rhino laughing]

I couldn't decide which necklace to steal,
so I snagged them all!

I'm rich! [laughs]

-[Spin] Yoo-hoo!
-Huh? What?

[singsongy] Rhino!

Thought you could go faster than I can?
On a windy day like today?

-Not a chance!

You stay right here, necklaces.
I'll be right back.

Just gotta catch that pesky spider!


Hey! See the Statue of Liberty
way out there?

Huh? Yeah, yeah, what about it?

Race you to the statue!

First to circle it three times wins!

We'll see who can really fly!

You're on! There's only enough room
in the sky for one of us...


Yes! This trick's gonna work!

Rhino's on his way to the statue.

-Did he fall for it?

[Spin] Yep. [laughs]

[laughs] I'm winning! I'm winning!

That's what you think, Rhino.

Bull's-eye! Got him.

[Rhino growls]

[Spidey] He just has to
wrap himself around.

[Rhino] And that's three times around!

[laughs] I won!

Hey, hold on.

I can't stop spinning! [screams]

We'll have this one wrapped up
in three, two, one.

-[powers down]

Hey, what's goin' on here?

[grunts] Your flying days-- uh, I mean,
your flying day is over, Rhino.

Time to hand over that jet pack.

But I can't be Rocket Rhino
without my jet pack.

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

It wasn't yours in the first place.



[Spin] Looks like we turned
Rocket Rhino into Yo-yo Rhino.

Now let's get this jet pack
back to WEB-Quarters.

Ooh! Great teamwork, Spidey!

You too, Spin.

-Calling WEB-Quarters.

[together] Hey, Black Panther.

Hello, Spidey Team. I'm calling to see
if you've practiced with your jet pack.

We sort of tried to use it
without practicing even a little.

-It got away from us.
-But with some teamwork

and some superhero smarts and webs,
we got it back.

Wonderful! I knew you could handle
the responsibility.

But I also called for another reason.

I've been thinking about those
amazing yo-yo moves you showed me earlier.

Do you think you could
teach me to do that?

Sure thing. It's easy.

-All right! I wanna learn too.
-No problem.

First thing you guys need to know
is it's all in the wrist.


-All in the wrist.
-Now I see.

But to really get it right,
you'll both have to practice…

A lot.

[all laugh]

[Peter] "Trick or TRACE-E!"

Hey, Peter, are you excited
to go to the Halloween parade today?

Yeah. I guess you are too, Miles.

I can't wait to see all the costumes.

The music is my favorite part.

-Go, Gwen!

[alarm blaring]

[gasps] Oh no! The Spidey-Alert!


What's the trouble, TRACE-E?


It's Green Goblin!

[Gwen] Where is he?

Looks like he's near the Halloween parade.

He must be planning some mean tricks.

Well, we have to stop him
before he ruins everyone's fun.

But how are we gonna protect
the whole parade?


Thanks, TRACE-E. This map shows us
where the parade goes through the city.

Huh, what if we each swing
to a different position

-and keep a lookout for Gobby?

I can guard the front of the parade
from a street over here.

[Miles] I can stand watch from
the lamppost in the middle.

[Spidey] And I can be
on a rooftop here at the end.

That's a super-Spidey plan!

Gobby won't be able to play
any Halloween tricks on our watch!

I'll bring TRACE-E in case she needs
to show us the parade map again.

-Ready, my little Spidey-bud?


It's Spidey-Time!

[spooky sounds]

[crowd cheering]

[grunts] I'm in position.

[Spin grunting]

In position and on the lookout.

[grunts] Oh. I'm almost in place.
Hang tight.






Ooh, what's this?

[gasping] A little robot.

-What a treat.


[grunting] Okay, team.

I've reached my position. Over.

Ready to help me keep a lookout
for Green Goblin, TRACE-E?



Come in, TRACE-E! Where are you?

Green Goblin!

Oh! Spidey! [laughing]
What a nice surprise.

That means that this must be
one of your precious Spidey-bots.


Now I can have
even more mean Halloween fun.

She's not yours, Gobby. Give her back!

If you want her back,
you'll have to find me first.




-Spider-Team! There's a problem.

I'm going to find Green Goblin.

Spidey! I can't hear you! What problem?

[Spidey] Green Goblin!
He's here, and he's got TRACE-E!

Green Goblin? Where is he?

[Spidey] No time to talk. I've gotta go!

Spidey! Spidey?

[Spin] Ghosty, where's Spidey?

I think Spidey's going after Green Goblin!

We should help him! I'm swinging over.
We'll look for them together.


Don't worry, TRACE-E, I'm coming for you!

E-e-excuse me.


A-ha! Found you, Gobby!

-Oh! Sorry.

You're not Green Goblin.
Nice Halloween costume, though.

Oh, thank you.

[grunts] How will we ever find Spidey
and Green Goblin in this crowd?

Let me try calling him again.

Spidey? Come in. Spidey?

-[air horn blaring]
-[both groan]


[spooky sounds]

[groans] The parade is starting!

I can't hear anything over the music!

You know I love music,
but it's really not helping right now.

We just have to keep looking!

Yeah, we do!

We'll find them! [grunts]

Since everyone's wearing costumes,
those Spideys will never find me!

Now, let's see Spidey try and stop
my biggest Halloween trick ever!



Hey! Give me that back!


Don't you press that.


Don't even think about it!





[sighing] Where is TRACE-E?

-[screaming continues]
-Green Goblin!

Stop pressing buttons!


[Green Goblin screaming]

Look! There they are!

-Spidey definitely needs our help!
-You're right!

-Let's thwip out!
-[Ghost-Spider grunts]

Oh. Aah.

-Give me back that remote!


[sighing] That's better.

[grunts] Give TRACE-E back!

Let me think about it.

Okay, I've thought about it.

I'm keeping your Spidey-bot.

[Ghost-Spider] I don't think so, Gobby!

-[TRACE-E squeaking]

Yes! Just in time!


What's so funny?

It's funny because you Spider-pests
think you can stop me

at my greatest Halloween trick ever!

We like treats better than tricks, Gobby.

Tricks are much more fun.

Like my pumpkin pranks. [laughing]

Now I think it's time to rain
on this parade

with my goblin goo!


[Green Goblin laughing]

-[Spidey] Grab a pumpkin, everyone!



[Ghost-Spider] Spin, let's web up the rest
before they splat.

[Spin] We've got this.
Spidey, go save TRACE-E from Green Goblin.

[Spidey] Thanks, team!



[Spidey grunting]


I'm having so much fun!

You won't get your Spidey-bot back,
and you'll never catch me.

[TRACE-E squeaking]


[Spidey grunting]


Where'd he go?

A giant pumpkin float?

[pumpkins launching, Spidey grunting]

-[Green Goblin laughing]

Now you're trapped right where I want you.

You won't get away with this,
Green Goblin.

I don't see how you'll stop me
while you're in this sticky situation!

Why am I stuck on a pumpkin?

-Oh, not just any pumpkin.

It's the biggest pumpkin prank
that ever was!

Ha ha!


[laughing] Isn't that right, Spidey-bot?


You leave her alone, Gobby! [straining]

I'm… [straining]
…coming for you, TRACE-E!

No, we're all coming for you.

You're too late, Spiders.

My unstoppable pumpkin float
is going to splat goblin goo

all over the parade and ruin Halloween.

Me and your Spidey-bot here
will have a front-row seat.

Ta-ta! [laughing]

Ghost-Spider, you get that remote.

-I'll get Spidey out.
-On it!


Not so fast, Gobby!

Get off my glider!

I'm not going anywhere
until I get that remote.

-[Spin] Now to get you out of here.
-There's no time!

You have to stop this pumpkin
before it reaches the parade!

You're right! I can use
my superstrong webs to stop it!

Oh, the little spider thinks he can stop
my giant pumpkin with webs?

I don't think so! [clicks]

Hi-yah! It's still moving, and now
it's going even faster!


No one ruins my plans to ruin Halloween.

Hey, Gobby! Give me that remote!



Hurry! We have to find a way
to stop this pumpkin!

Okay, I've got another idea.


We won't let you
blow up the parade, Gobby.

Give it a break, already.

Brake? What a good idea!

[gasps] Whoa!

[grunting] I can't stop it!

[Spidey] What are we gonna do?
We're running out of time!

I didn't get the remote from Gobby.

He hit the brakes
and threw me off his glider!

The brakes! That's it!

Maybe we can break the pumpkin!
Ghosty! See if you can pull the top off!


This will take two of us.
Spin! I need your help!





[gas hissing]

[tires screeching]

[sighing] That was close.

Amazing work, team!

You spiders may have stopped
my giant pumpkin prank,

but I still have your precious Spidey-bot.


Quick! Get me outta here!


Okay, team, it's gonna take
all three of us to rescue TRACE-E.

Maybe you could both keep Gobby busy
while I swing in.

Sure. I'll confuse him with my
cloaking power so he can't see me.

Then I'll glide in and surprise him!

Great plan! That'll give me a chance
to thwip TRACE-E back.


No sign of those pesky spiders.

I guess I get to keep you after all,

-little Spidey-bot.


-Or treat!


TRACE-E! Don't worry!

I'm coming for ya!


[Spidey grunting]


I'm really glad to have you back too.

Now, where's Green Goblin?

-[screams, groans]
-[Ghost-Spider] Coming your way!

-I got him! Back to you!
-[screams] Oh!

[screams] Oh!

[Ghost-Spider] You shouldn't have tried
to ruin the parade, Gobby!


[Spin] Or steal our friend TRACE-E.


Oh! [stammers]

Oh, why did I have to make
this goo so sticky?

Ugh! Someone get me out of here!

-I don't think so, Gobby.

-You're not going anywhere.

Phew. Green Goblin almost ruined
the Halloween parade.

But now he can't, thanks to our teamwork.

[TRACE-E trilling]


Welcome back, TRACE-E.

You know, we can still check out
all the fun costumes

everyone's wearing in the parade.

Look! Those kids are dressed up
like the Spidey Team for Halloween!

[laughs] She thinks
we're in Halloween costumes.

[all] Happy Halloween!