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04x19 - The Birthday Wish

Posted: 04/04/24 11:18
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First



-Happy birthday, Sofia!

Clover, it's a little bit early
for shouting.

Oh, oh, okay. Then, tell me,

is it too early
for your birthday breakfast in bed?

Is that a propeller plum?

Mmm-hmm, your favorite.

Oh, Clover, I only just woke up

and this birthday
is already ah-mazing.

Yeah, well, you know what they say.

Everything goes great
on your birthday.

Who says that?

Mmm, I said it,
and now I'm gonna sing it.

Ha ha! Where are my backup birds?

Hit it, Whatnaught.


[SINGING] It's your birthday

It's gonna be great

We got so much to celebrate

Gonna have a party

Just you wait

Yeah, everything is gonna be great




All your friends

-Are coming over
-BIRDS: Coming over

Robin, Mia, and your pal Clover

-BIRDS: Us and Clover
-Playing games

-Yeah, tu, tu, tu, tu-du
-All over the palace

Drinking punch from a silver chalice

You'll get all kinds of fun surprises

Gifts in all kinds of shapes and sizes

The king and you
will lead off the dancing

Showin' 'em how to do the Enchancian


The happiest of birthdays to you,
Princess Sofia.

Behold, a gift from Colette,
the royal dressmaker.

[GASPS] Baileywick, it's beautiful!

It is, isn't it? Now hurry up.

Your birthday party guests
will be arriving soon.

You're right, Clover.

Everything is gonna go great
on my birthday!

CLOVER: It's your birthday
BIRDS: Your birthday

-It's gonna be great
-It's gonna be great

-The sun is shining

-It's gotta be fate
-It's gotta be fate

-SOFIA: I love my new dress
-Your new dress

-CLOVER: It's greater than great
-It's greater than great

Yeah, everything is gonna be great

BIRDS: It's party time

Everything is gonna be great

BIRDS: Party, party time

-It's your birthday
-My birthday

So everything is gonna be great

It's gonna be great

It's gonna be great

Don't forget your breakfast.


Oh, no! My greater-than-great dress!

Ooh, that's not so greater-than-great.

Sorry, Sof. Hey, but don't worry!

We'll scrub that stain out in a jiffy.


Here, let me do it.


SOFIA: Wait,
that's just making it worse.


-Well, at least the stain is gone

I guess so.

See? Sofia, come on.

Your big day's gonna be great.

I sure hope so.

BOTH: Happy birthday, Sofia!

Ruby, Jade! You're here already?

We came early to help you
set up your party.

Now, close your eyes...

So we asked ourselves,

"What do you give the princess
who has everything?"

Even Tizzy, my fairy godmother,
was stumped.

Good thing Jade always comes through
with the big ideas.

So we made, just for you...



All the balloons and party hats
have your face painted on them.

Because you're our favorite person!

I love it. Thank you.

Happy birthday, Sofia.

I came early to help, too.

Me too!



-Oh, no!
-Our balloons!

Sorry. Crackle has the hiccups,
but at least there's one balloon left.


Oops! Oh, sorry, Sofia!

It's okay.
We still have the party hats.

From here on out,
I'm sure everything is going to be...

A tragedy! [SOBS]

Hi, Amber. What's wrong?

That dress, for starters.

Were you att*cked
by a herd of wild animals?

Sort of.

Don't worry.
It's not as bad as the real tragedy.

Your birthday cake!

What's the matter
with my birthday cake?

Somebody stuck his fingers in it.

I couldn't help it, Amber.
It's delicious!

Uh! This is a birthday party, James,
not feeding time at the zoo.

Sorry. But wait till you see
what I got you, Sofia.

Happy birthday!

Oh, it's fantastic, James. Thanks!

I made it and Cedric enchanted it,
so it'll fly for hours!




So... when does it turn and fly back?

Um, I guess we didn't think
about that. [CHUCKLES]

Rex, fetch!


BOTH: Happy birthday, Sofia!

Are you excited for your big...

Uh, where is James' gift
flying off to?

And what happened to your balloons?

Mom, Dad, everything is going wrong,

even the special dress
Colette, the dressmaker, made me.

What's wrong with it?

Oh, I'm sure no one will even notice.


-Who is that?
-That's Colette, the royal dressmaker.

Oh, you just got off
to a bit of a rocky start, Sofia.

There is still
a lot of fun things coming up.

Games, cake...

Our big father-daughter dance.

Ah, you'll see, sweetheart.
It's all going to turn around.

You'll have a great birthday.

Baileywick, let the rest
of Sofia's guests in.

Right away, sire.

Gifts go on the table to your left,
and games are to your right.

-Whoa! Enjoy.



Hey! How's it going, Sof?

Everything's turning around,
just like Mom and Dad said.

The games are a big hit,

especially Stick the Tail
on the Dragon.

CRACKLE: Hey, watch it!

Okay, the bad news is
someone just stuck a tail on me.

The good news is,
it startled my hiccups away!

Crackle, look out!


-PRINCE JAMES: Almost got it, Sofia!


BOTH: [GASPING] Our hats!

-My toy!
-My cake!

SOFIA: My party.

Don't feel bad, Sofia.

You and I can still show 'em
how it's done.

Clear the floor, please.

It's time for the royal
father-daughter birthday dance.





Guess my hiccups came back.

Poof! Hey, there, Ruby!

Oh, did I miss the whole party?

I got so caught up in trying to think
of a birthday present for Sofia,

I lost track of time!

Yeah, the party's pretty much over.

It was a real disaster.


Mmm. Anything I can do?

I am your fairy godmother,

but there's no rule
against helping your friends.

Huh. I don't know, Tizzy.

Well, let me at least try.

Oh, I'm sorry your birthday
didn't go the way you hoped, Sofia.

Thanks, Mom. It wasn't so bad.

I managed to rescue
one piece of birthday cake.

Why don't you make a wish?

I wish... I wish I could have
my birthday all over again,

and this time, have a happy one.

Now, that's a birthday gift
I can make happen.

I think. I'll just check
the old fairy spellbook.


Oh, yes! Here it is.

Just wait until tomorrow, Sofia!

Happy birthday, Sofia!

Ahh! Clover,
I said no shouting. Please.

Oh, okay. But did you say
no birthday breakfast in bed?


It's not my birthday, silly.

That was yesterday.


[LAUGHS] Seriously.

Have a birthday propeller plum!

This is getting strange.


The happiest of birthdays to you,
Princess Sofia.

Oh, I'm so happy to see you.

[GASPS] Is that another special dress?

Another one? No.

This is your birthday gift
from Colette, the royal dressmaker.

Isn't it beautiful?
Now, hurry up and put it on.

Your guests will arrive soon.

What's happening?

Am I living the same day over again?

MIA: Oh, happy birthday, Sofia!



This is the same dress,
with no stain or rip!

Why would there be a rip?

Because of the propeller plum!

Thank you for reminding me.

Hey, don't forget your breakfast!

Clover, no!


I changed it!

I changed what happened!

I am living the same day over,
but I... I made it better!

Thanks for your help, guys,
but I think I need a moment to myself.

Gotcha, princess.

You gotta get ready for your birthday,
'cause it only happens once a year.


Yeah. I'm not so sure
about that anymore.

-Poof! Hiya, Sofia.

Enjoying your second-chance birthday?

What do you mean?

You made a wish
to do your birthday over again,

and I granted it!

You mean I really
get to do my birthday over again?

Every single minute of it!

But this time
it can be a happy birthday!

Oh, I hope so.

Thank you, Tizzy, thank you!

Second-chance birthday, here I come.

BOTH: Happy birthday, Sofia!

Ruby, Jade! You're here already?

We came early to help you
set up your party.

Now, close your eyes...

So we asked ourselves,

"What do you give the princess
who has everything?"

Even Tizzy, my fairy godmother,
was stumped.

Good thing Jade always
comes through with the big ideas.

Wait, let me guess.

You painted my face
on all the balloons and party hats?

Wow. That was a really good guess.

It just came to me. Thank you.

Happy birthday, Sofia.
I came early to help, too.

Me too!


-[GASPS] Oh, no!
-Our balloons!

Oh, I forgot about Crackle
and the balloons.

Sorry! Crackle has the hiccups,
but at least there's one balloon left.

[GASPS] The last balloon!


Wow, nice move!

You saved our last balloon!

You know what they say.

Everything goes great
on your birthday.

Now, if I can just stay on my toes,
this day will be...

A tragedy!


Right. You're worried about...

Your birthday cake!

Right, because...

Somebody stuck his fingers in it.

Mmm! Mmm.

I couldn't help it. It's delicious!

Oh, missed that one.


But wait till you see
what I got you, Sofia.


It's fantastic, James,
but I don't think you should...

I made it and Cedric enchanted it,
so it'll fly for hours!

Wait! I've got an idea.

I'll, um, put it under here

so it doesn't, you know, accidentally

fly into one of the regatta piñatas
and knock over Amber's cake!

-[LAUGHS] Like that'll ever happen!

BOTH: Happy birthday, Sofia!

Hey, nice balloon!

And your dress looks lovely.

Doesn't it? I dodged the plum.

So, Baileywick,
shall we let in our guests?

[CHUCKLES] That's what
I was going to say!


Hey! How's it going, Sof?

Well, I kept my dress in one piece,

saved one of Ruby and Jade's balloons,

and stopped James' carriage

from knocking over the cake
and ruining the dance floor!

I'd say it's going great.


Sofia, ready for our dance?


And now,
the royal father-daughter dance.




-Oh, no, it ripped again!



-Hey, my carriage!

Look at it go!

No! Watch out!



Our hats!

-My toy!
-My cake!

My party... again.


Oops. Still got those hiccups.

-Oh, hi, Tizzy.

So, how was birthday number two?

It was okay.

Didn't you have fun?

Sort of. Kind of.

Not really.

Oh, no.

So you had two bad birthdays in a row?

Aw, I'm sorry, Sofia.

That's okay.
I'm just kind of glad it's over now.

I'm getting a little tired
of birthdays.

Well, I'm sure tomorrow
will be better.

At least it'll be different.


Happy birthday, Sofia!

Dah! Clover, please!

Stop doing that!

-But it's your birthday!

Now, who wants
a birthday breakfast in bed?

-I don't understand.
-Then I'll sing it.

Clover. Clover, stop.

[MUFFLED] But don't you
want to hear a song

about how great
your birthday's gonna be?

I know I just woke up,
but I already feel

like I've had more than enough
birthdays today.

Can I meet you downstairs?

Sure thing, Sof!

After all, it's your big...

-Tizzy! Tizzy, where are you?

Happiest of birthdays,
Princess Sofia. Oh!

Thanks, Baileywick,
it's a beautiful dress.

Can you tell my guests
I'll be with them soon?

Of course.
Oh, birthdays can be so frantic!

Ugh, you have no idea.


Poof! Hi, Sofia. What's happening?

My birthday is happening
for the third time!

That's strange.

I thought your spell
would only give me one do-over.

So did I. Huh.

But to be honest, I didn't read
the spellbook that closely.


Maybe I should do that now.


It says here you'll magically keep
reliving this day

over and over until you have
a truly happy birthday.

A truly happy birthday?

That's the only way
to break the spell.

Well, yesterday
I avoided most of the problems.

But then everything
fell apart at the end.

Well, that's rough.

I guess I have to avoid
every single problem

if I want to break the spell.

Well, in my experience,
it's hard to avoid every problem.

SOFIA: Not for me, not today.

Because I've had practice.

I mean,
I'll get it all right in a single try,

or even in ten tries.

But in the end, I will stop
everything bad from happening

and have a perfectly
trouble-free birthday.

A happy birthday.

Right, happy. That's what I said.

But do you really think you can stop
every bad thing from happening?

Oh, hi, Tizzy.

Hey, Sof, I forgot to give you
your breakfast propeller plum.


Just watch me.














Poof! Sofia,
how did birthday number 37 go?

Perfect. Finally.

Kept everything from going wrong.

Now the spell will end! For sure.

-But did you have fun? Sofia?


Happy birthday, Sofia!

Ah! Clover! No!


But why?

I made everything go right! [GROANS]

I'm trapped
in a birthday wish forever!

That sounds awful,

because everything
should go great on your birthday!

It's impossible, Clover.

According to the spell,

I'll keep reliving my birthday
until I'm truly happy!

Only how am I supposed
to be truly happy

when everything always goes wrong?

And even when I work
really, really hard

and make everything go right,

it still doesn't reverse the spell!

How happy do I have to be?

I'm happy, okay? I'm happy!

If that's what happy looks like,
I'd hate to see sad.


The happiest of birthdays to you,
Princess Sofia.

-Are you all right?

[MUFFLED] I'm fine, Baileywick!

I'll be down in a minute!

I'll let everyone know.

Hey, Sof, I wish there was
something I could do.

I give up, Clover.

Give up? Not on my watch.

It's no use, guys. I tried everything.

Cheer up, Sof. You have to look
on the bright side.

Like, you get to start your birthday
with a delicious breakfast!

Ugh! Again?

Oops! Sorry?

Huh. Wait a minute.

There may be
a bright side to this, after all!

Get more plums.

Now smush one on the dress.

Say what now?

See? Now you try.

Hmm. Ha! Okay.


Hey, polka dots.

That doesn't look half bad.

Let's finish the other half!


Everyone, I was just
in Princess Sofia's room,

and we may have a problem.


What have you done to my dress?

I had some fun with it.
Do you like it?

Like it? I love it!

Plum polka dots! A new fashion trend!

C'est magnifique!

Sofia, that is one fun birthday dress.

Well, it's gonna be one fun birthday!

Wait till you see what I got you!

A flying carriage! Thank you, James.

I made it, and Cedric enchanted it,
so it'll fly for hours.


for the piñata regatta!

Oh, no! Rex, fetch!


JADE AND RUBY: Our hats!

-My toy!
-My cake!

My party!

You know what? It's okay.

No matter what happens,

it's going to be a great birthday
because I have all of you here.




Happy birthday, Sofia!

Gah! Really?

It's time for birthday breakfast
in b...

[LAUGHS] I'm just kidding.
You broke the spell. Yay!

-Oh, Clover. Is it really tomorrow?

Look! It is different. It's raining!

Yeah, bummer.
Looks like we're stuck inside today.

Cheer up, Clover.

All you really need
to have a happy day

is to look on the bright side.