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02x12 - Mama Peanut/Bye-Bye Bubbles

Posted: 04/05/24 08:54
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j, pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

oodle-ay !

Hey, peanut,
ready to play some ball ?
hello, peanut.

- Time for the world series.
- Hey, guys ! I'll meet you
there in a second.

Hello, lucky cap.
Hello, lucky mitt.

Let's play ball !

Oh, uh, peanut, before you go,
could you do something for me ?

- Well, i--
- could you run to the store
and get me some milk ?

♪ [ Humming ]

- Can't jelly do it ?
- Yeah, mama, I'll go.

Jelly's not old enough to go
to the store by herself.

But, mama, I can do it.
I'm old enough, really.
Sorry, jelly.

But, mom, I've got a game !
Please ?

- I'm sorry, peanut,
but I need your help.
- But, mom !

- Okay.
- thanks, peanut.

i really appreciate it.

Man, getting older
can be a real pain.

and peanut otter
hits a long fly ball !

He's rounding first.

- [ Grunts ]
- [ laughs ]

- Peanut !
- We need you !
- Hey, guys !

I'll be there
in just a sec.

Here you go, mama.
Thank you, jelly.

[ Panting ]

Thank you, peanut.
You're my big, grown-up helper.

- Can I go now ?
- Of course.
Good luck in your game.

Yes !
[ Together ]
good luck, peanut !

[ Babbles ]
thanks, butter.

- [ All laughing ]
- and here comes peanut otter !

He walks on the field,
and the crowd goes wild !

Yeah ! Yeah !

oh, peanut !
peanut otter !

peanut !
huh ?

down here.
Hey, mrs. Turtle.

Peanut, could you do me
a big favor ?

Mr. Turtle forgot to pick up
any diapers for my babies.

Yeah. They look like
they could hatch any minute.

Would you be a big boy
and watch my nest ?

Oh. Well, i--

- Please ?
- I guess.

Oh, you're such
a big, grown-up helper.

Yeah, that's just what
my mom says.

I'll be back in a jiffy.

Man, growing up
is a lot harder than I thought.

[ Sighs ]
[ crackling ]

Huh ? Uh-oh.
Mrs. Turtle.

Mrs. Turtle !
[ Crackling continues ]

Mrs. Turtle,
one of your eggs is hatching !

Mrs. Turtle !

What am I gonna do ?
Oh, man ! I don't know nothing
about hatching turtles !

[ whimpering ]
oh ! Oh, no !
Are you okay ?

please be okay !

oh !
[ babbling ]

Oh, no !
He can't get out !
[ Whimpering continues ]

Oh. Oh.
Come on ! Come on !

You can make it !
Yes ! There you go !

Um, welcome to lake hoohaw,
little fella.

- Mommy.
- Huh ?

Who, me ?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I'm not your mommy.
My name is peanut.
Peanut otter.

Mommy !
Okay, okay.
Enough hugging.

And I'm not your mommy.
She went to the store.
Hey, here she comes right now.

Ooh, my !
Oh, my goodness gracious !

Dear me ! I wasn't
expecting you this soon.

Thanks so much, peanut.

You really are
a grown-up helper.

Thanks, mrs. Turtle.
Well, gotta go. See ya.

Thanks again.

Hmm. Maybe growing up
isn't so bad after all.

Mommy !
[ Wailing ]

No, honey,
I'm your mommy.

The crowd goes wild
as slugger peanut
steps up to the plate.

here's the pitch.
[ yells ]

- Hey, who's that ?
- Huh ? [ Grunts ]

- Mommy.
- Oh, no !

what did he say ?
Mommy. Mommy.

He thinks you're his mommy ?
[ Laughing ]

Mommy, mommy,
could I have my bottle now ?

Mommy, mommy,
change my stinky diaper.

- Very funny, flick.
- [ Whimpering ]

I told you,
I'm not your mommy.

[ Laughing ]

I better get you back home.
Your real mommy
is gonna be worried.

where are you going ?
What about our game ?

I'll be right back,

[ Babbling ]

[ All whining ]
okay, okay, hold on.

There's plenty
for everyone.

Oh, no !
Did he crawl off
while I wasn't looking ?

I think he thinks
I'm his mommy.
Oh, dear.

Now, listen.
Peanut is not your mommy.

I'm your mommy.

All set, mommy ?

Batter up.

Peanut looks over
at first base.

he smiles at all his fans.

He waves his cap.
Then he goes
into his windup, and--

Huh ?

Here you go again.
No more running away.

Okay, I got it !
[ Grunting ]

[ Babbles ]
[ shouts ]

[ Panting ]
[ whimpers ]

[ Laughs ]

You're out.
[ Burps ]

Aaagh !
Hey, mommy, your baby's
ruining our game !

Uh, I hate to say it,
peanut, but flick's right.
What am I supposed to do ?

Hey ! How about
one of those noodle dance
thingy-dingys ?

Aaah !
You're right, guys.

This is an emergency.
Let's noodle dance !

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ there's an answer
you can find ♪

♪ use your noodle
use your mind ♪

I've got it !
[ Clearing throat ]

[ Both ]
what ? What happened ?
What ?

How about we put him
in an atomic
growth accelerator...

That makes him grow up
real fast ?

[ Machinery whirring ]

and then he could play
third base.

Great idea, munchy.
Do you have an atomic
growth accelerator ?

No. I was hoping
you had one.

Hey, I got an idea !

We don't have to get
the baby turtle to grow up.

We gotta show him
that peanut's just a kid,
not his mommy.

Yeah, that's right !
I'm just a kid !
Good thinking !

[ Together ]
♪ we can't wait to get bigger ♪

♪ So we can reach
the top shelves ♪

♪ We're getting taller
and stronger ♪

♪ One day we'll be grown-ups
ourselves ♪

♪ But I can already
tie my shoes
wiggle my ears ♪

♪ Whistle a tune
climb a tree ♪

♪ I've lost three teeth ♪
♪ I can quack on the beak ♪

♪ We're only just kids
don't you see ♪

♪ We can't wait to get older ♪

♪ Maybe I'll fly to the moon ♪

♪ Maybe I'll get a bit bolder ♪

♪ Maybe I'll make money soon ♪

♪ We can already tie our shoes
wiggle our ears ♪

♪ Whistle and stand
on our heads ♪

- ♪ I've lost three teeth ♪
- ♪ I can quack on the beak ♪

♪ It's great
that we're only just kids ♪

♪ Yeah, it's great
that we're only just kids ♪

Now you see,
don't you ?

You a little kid,
me a little kid.

Not grown-up,
not mommy.

Oh, for crying out loud !

Don't you get it ?
I'm not your mommy, okay ?

Blagh !
Everyone wants me to be
so grown-up all the time !

"You're my big,
grown-up helper."

Well, I'm not big,
and I'm not grown-up,

And I'm not your mommy !
[ Sniffling ]

That's telling him.
Now, come on.
Let's play some ball.

He sure looks sad.
[ Chuckles ]

Babies are always squalling.

Come on, peanut.
Your turn to pitch.
Peanut ?

Where ya going ?
Peanut !

Cheese and quackers !

I guess
I got a little mad.

I think I kind of
hurt his feelings.

Can I talk to him,
mrs. Turtle ?
Sure, peanut.

[ Whimpering ]
listen, little guy.

I'm sorry I got so upset,
but I'm trying to play
baseball right now, okay ?

[ Babbling ]
I can't be your mommy.
I'm just a kid.

Besides, you have a mommy--
a great mommy.

But I can be
something else.

Do you know
what that is ?

I can be your friend.
[ Both chuckling ]

Mommy ?
No, not "mommy,"

[ Sniffling ]
Yeah !


Wow ! So you helped
the baby turtle out of his egg
all by yourself ?

Mmm. My little man.

You're getting to be
more grown-up than ever,

Mom, dad,
can I ask you something ?
[ Together ] sure.

Is it okay while I'm growing up
and all, that I get
to keep being a kid too ?

Of course.
[ Laughing ]

[ Together ]
♪ we know you can't wait
to get bigger ♪

♪ So you can reach
the top shelves ♪

♪ you're all getting taller
and stronger ♪

♪ one day you'll be grown-ups
yourselves ♪

[ Together ]
♪ so though we're not grown-ups
we're growing a lot ♪

♪ We can do
not much more than we did ♪

♪ Every day just gets better
and better and better ♪

[ Together ]
♪ but for now
we're only just kids ♪

And we're so glad
you are.

It wouldn't be half as much fun
raising grown-ups.

[ All laughing ]

you've done it again.

That was delicious.

Well, thank you,
ernest. Huh ?
[ burps ]

- "'Cue" me.
- [ All laughing ]

Hey, peanut,
let's feed these scraps
to bubbles.


Come on !

[ Together ]
come and get it, bubbles !
Bubbles, bubbles !

Hey, that's weird.

Bubbles usually jumps right up
when we bring him a treat.

"Hoo" ?
"Hoo" ?
Oh, yeah.

Maybe bubbles wants
to jump through his hoop.

Good thinking, butter.

Come on, bubbles !
Up ! Up, boy !
Jump, bubbles, jump !

Well, maybe he's taking
a nap or something.

Let's check the t*nk.


- No bubbles.
- Bubbles ?

- Maybe he'll come
if we ring the bell.
- [ Ringing ]

I guess
he's just not here.

He's just gone.

[ All sobbing ]

[ Together ]
mommy, daddy !

[ Together ]
and then we went to the dock,
and he wasn't there either.

Now, take it easy, kids.

Bubbles is probably just
out for a swim.

He'll be back
before you know it.

Now, it's getting late.
You can see bubbles
in the morning.

- [ Groaning ]
- [ whining ]

- Peanut ?
- Huh ?

I'm worried about bubbles.
Do you think
he's really okay ?

Mom and dad are right.

He's probably just out
for a swim or something.

When we get up in the morning,
I'll bet he'll be in the t*nk.

Yeah. He loves to play catch
with our leftover waffles.

[ Snoring ]

[ Yawns ]

Come on, guys !
It's morning !

Let's go see bubbles !
[ Peanut & butter ]
yeah !

Whee ! Bubbles !

Here, bubbles !
[ All ]
bubbles !

Here, boy !

Now I'm really
getting worried.

This isn't like bubbles.
We have to do something.

How about a noodle dance ?

I'll do some thinking...
For bubbles' sake,
but I'm not dancing.

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ use your noodle
use your brain ♪

- I've got it !
- What ? What happened ?
What ?

Okay. The lake is really big,
and bubbles could be anywhere,
right ?

- Right.
- So we get
a giant "shrinkathizer"...

And shrink all of lake hoohaw,
so we can see it all at once.

boom !
and we'll find bubbles
right away.

That's great, jelly.
Do you know anybody
with a giant "shrinkathizer" ?

Well, not exactly.
How about this ?

We'll get a super-magic
crystal ball and look in it
and see where bubbles is.

Oh, great crystal ball,
grant us our wish.

Please help us find bubbles,
our pet fish.

I'm sorry.
There's no one here right now.

Please leave a message
after the beep.

Well, that's it.
I'm all out of ideas.

Then I think it's time
to ask for a little help.

Gosh, kids,
I haven't seen bubbles either,

But I'll be sure
to keep an eye out for him.

[ Together ]
thanks, mayor jeff.

You know,
you should probably ask
the other lake hoohaw folk.

- Somebody must've seen him.
- Hey, I have an idea !

We can draw pictures
of bubbles and make signs.

Yeah ! We can put them up
around the lake,
and hand them out to everybody.

And that way,
if anyone sees bubbles,
they can call us.

- Great idea, pb&j.
- Whoo-hoo !
- Yea !

All right !
Let's go !

[ Peanut & jelly ]
♪ gotta find our friend
gonna see him again ♪

♪ Gonna do whatever we can ♪

♪ Searched everywhere
go here, go there ♪

♪ we gotta get him back again ♪

♪ Gotta find our friend
gonna find our friend
gotta find ♪

♪ Gonna find our friend
gotta find our friend ♪

♪ Gonna see him again
gonna do whatever we can ♪

♪ Searched everywhere
go here, go there ♪

♪ we gotta get him back again ♪

gotta find our friend ♪
♪ gonna find our friend ♪

♪ Gotta find
gonna find our friend ♪

♪ Gotta find our friend
gotta see him again
gonna do whatever we can ♪

search everywhere
go here, go there ♪

♪ we gotta get him back again ♪

♪ we gotta get him back again ♪

[ Butter babbles ]

I think we covered
all of lake hoohaw.

Not yet, we haven't.

We forgot the snooties !
Come on !

taking up cooking as a hobby
was a great idea.

Who knew
that preparing your own food
could be so much fun ?

Well, edouard,
I guess that's why
so many people do it.

[ Barks ]
ootsie, bootsie,

Are you enjoying
the "pompalope" souffle ?

Oh, yeah, mom.
It's really, um,
something else.

well, be sure to save some room
for the spicy tuna balls.

Oh, don't worry, mother.
We have plenty of room.
[ Chuckles ]

In the lake.
[ Both chuckling ]

- [ water splashing ]
- [ together ] huh ?
- [ doorbell rings ]

[ bootsie ]
come in !

Well, well, well.

What brings you
to this side of the lake ?

We're looking for bubbles,
our pet bass.
Have you guys seen him ?

doesn't look familiar.

we have our own problems
to worry about.

Oh, hello, pb&j.
Won't you join us for lunch ?

Oh, that's really nice
of you, but--

We wanna keep looking
for bubbles.

bubbles loves tuna balls.

We could use 'em
as fish bait.
Oh, yeah !

Mrs. Snootie, if you have
any leftover tuna balls,

they might help us find
our missing pet bass.

take as many as you like.
we made enough to last
the rest of the month.

[ Together ]
a month !

Yeah, pb&j,
take as many as you like.

We just throw 'em in the lake.
[ Together ]
thank you.

Don't worry, peanut.
Someone's gonna call us
any minute...

With news about bubbles.
[ Ringing ]

[ Both gasp ]

Hello ? Um, okay.
I'll tell him.
[ Muffled ]

Dad, mrs. Snootie wants
another case of hot sauce...

For her next batch
of tuna balls.

- Thanks, peanut.
- [ knocking on door ]
- [ all gasp ]

Mayor jeff,
have you seen bubbles ?
Did you find him ?

Sorry, kids.
I'm afraid I haven't.

But I think I have something
that'll help.

would you look at that.
Cool !

- Wow ! What is that thing ?
- It's a submarine.

It's a kind of boat
that lets you ride underwater.

If it's okay with
your mom and dad,

I thought we could go down
and look for your fish.

Mama, daddy, can we ?

Please, please, please ?

[ Both chuckling ]

♪ gotta find our friend
gonna see him again ♪

♪ gonna do whatever we can ♪

♪ search everywhere
go here, go there ♪

♪ we've gotta
get him back again ♪

♪ gotta find our friend
gonna find our friend
gotta find ♪

♪ gonna find our friend
gotta find our friend ♪

♪ gotta find our friend
gotta find our friend ♪

♪ gotta find our friend ♪

We asked everybody.
Nobody's seen bubbles.

What if he's really lost ?
Or hurt ?

Or maybe he just doesn't
like us anymore.

Now, peanut,
you know bubbles loves you.

But, mama, what if bubbles
never comes back ?

Listen, kids,
I know you're worried,

But bubbles knows this lake
like the back of his fin,
and he's an excellent swimmer.

Wherever he is,
I'm sure he's doing just fine.

Sometimes pets do funny things.

But don't give up hope.
Keep those chins up.

Now, you've got to try
to get some sleep.

[ Kisses, sniffles ]

let's see what we've got
for lunch today.

I'm not hungry.
Me too.
Me three.

Hmm. I wonder what this is.

those are the tuna balls
the snooties gave us.

- We were gonna give them
to bubbles as a treat.
- Bubbles.

Hey, wait a minute !

Ootsie and bootsie
were throwing all their
tuna balls into the lake.

Jelly, are you thinking
what I'm thinking ?

That it's a bad idea
to throw stuff in the lake ?

Well, yeah, that.
But also, bubbles loves 'em.

- Maybe bubbles is hanging out
by their house.
- Come on !

How about
some babbleberry jam ? Huh ?

where did those children go ?

[ Gulping ]

[ pb&j ]
bubbles !

- Oh, bubbles, you're okay !
- Mmm.

We missed you so much !

Bubbles, you got bigger.

Yeah, bubbles.
How many of those tuna balls
did you eat ?

that's bubbles ?
looks like he's been eating
all mom's spicy tuna balls.

So that's where
all our tuna balls
have been going.

Well, at least somebody
likes our cooking.

[ All laughing ]

[ Burps ]

[ All laughing ]

I sure am glad that bubbles
is back home with us again.
Thanks to pb&j.

This place just didn't
seem the same without him.

[ Chuckling ]

See what I mean ?

[ All laughing ]

[ bubbles splashing ]

[ laughing continues ]
[ chuckles ]