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01x07 - The Underhanded Digital Pet Rebellion

Posted: 04/09/24 11:09
by bunniefuu
Let this be as is a bit longer: walking shoulder to shoulder.

Counting my vanishing dreams. Exhausted, I met my friends.

On the road I am used to, I am getting lost lately.

By darkness, another myself is created.

A thirsty shout pierces my heart that seems beaten.

I invite you to see the world I wish to see.

Come along with me.

No one can provide the answer existing in me.

Tactics are the key. Fly at higher game!


Hey there, hey there, hey there!

Don't walk in front of me!

Yuck, it's Kujirada.

He used to be such a shy, quiet guy.

His attitude suddenly did a 180.

He got a lot worse once he got his hands on money.

The hell outta my way!

You got pretty dirty there.

Here! This'll cover the cleaners bill!

Take it!

The Underhanded Digital Pet Rebellion

My Miho-chan...!

Why won't you show yourself before me today?

So, modern Japan's economy is rapidly growing around the world.

What was that?

Man! I just cleaned it!

Here ya go.

That should do it.

What are you doing?

Don't you know, sir?

It's the new Digital Pets product!

I'm taking care a' my pet!

You gotta feed it and clean after its potty habits.

The way you raise it shapes how the pet grows up!


What's different about these things is that you can date your Digital Pets!

And that means you can create an even more personalized pet!

They're really big right now!

I'm telling you not to do it during class!


You dummy! Why didn't you switch it off?

If I switched it off, it wouldn't grow at all!

I wanna grow it up really fast!

It can't be helped that it takes some time.

Well, I guess that's what makes it so cute.

If you care for it properly, the end result will speak for itself.

It's like your child.

True that! I've been devoting half the day to this guy!

What nonsense!

If you've got the time to waste on that, you're wasting your own youth!

Worthless! Depravity!

What'd you say?!

You don't need to say it like that!

Honda-kun, it's pretty fun.

Nope. Not interested.

You say that, but you just couldn't get your hands on one, right?

It's sold out everywhere right now, after all.

Hmph! I did not become a Beautification Member to clean up Digital Pet droppings!

What I desire to clean is not the Digital World!

Even if the crap of the Digital Pets spreads to all of humanity,

I'll maintain my reality and continue taking out the trash one piece at a time!

As the Beatification Member...

As Hiroto Honda!

Good morning!

M-Miho-chan! Good morning!

What do you mean "good morning"?

Second period ended a while ago.

Well, she's hard to take care of.

She stayed up late last night!


So you're doing it too, Miho-chan?

Yup! I wanna go to Australia no matter what!


Here it is!

You didn't know? It's coming up this Sunday.

Something like a pet competition.

And guess what the prize is?!

An invitation to an Australian tour!

I see! So that's why Jounouchi's so desperate!

Well, I'd never afford a foreign trip like that without this thing.

But... Miho's tired.

It'd be nice if someone could raise the pet for me and win the prize.

And the Australia trip is for a pair.


Miho-chan, leave it to me!

I will bet my all as a Beautification Member and win it for you!


Hey! What happened to all that crap about humanity?

I just realized it!

That there is no difference between the real world and the digital world!

Really now...?

Do your best, Honda-kun...


Aren't you going to play with your Digital Pet, too?


I don't have one...

Haiyama, you there?


Come with me for a second.



I've heard bad things about Kujirada-kun lately...

Could Haiyama-kun be...?

I-Is this extortion?!


Oh, Yuugi-kun.

Um, uh...

Did you see that?


Yuugi-kun, don't ever tell anyone!

You have to swear!


I don't want anyone to know about this...


Thank you...



He's kinda like how I used to be...


Um, you know...

If you ever want to talk, come to me anytime.

We're classmates, aren't we?

Thank you. You sure are nice, Yuugi-kun.


Oh yeah!

Haiyama-kun, I have plenty of these, so I'll give you this one!

Let's enter the contest together.




With that said, let's begin homeroom.


What's up with Honda?

He left this for you.

Taking the day off to raise a child?!

What's that supposed to mean?!

That dumbass!

I'm your parent from today on!

I won't take my eyes off you for a second!

And I'll win prize for Miho-chan!

And the Australia trip is for a pair.


I mustn't!

Miho-chan and I aren't married yet!

I cannot do something so impure and small-minded with Miho-chan...!



There's no way I could refuse Miho-chan!



Time to clean!

Hiroto! What are you doing in the middle of the night?!

Leave me be! I'm currently betting my entire youth on the line!

Man, what's that Honda thinking?!

He didn't even come to school!

I can't wait until the contest!

What could it be?

It's a Gold Pet!

What's that?

Oh, it's a limited edition Digital Pet with only 100 copies being sold!

They say you can raise an amazing pet!

So you're saying there's no way you can lose the contest with that thing?!

I want it! I want it!

The Worth: In 1998, ¥50,000 is about $450.00 in 2021. But it's 50,000 yen...


It's a premium item, after all.

I want--

Outta da way!

Isn't that Kujirada?

That Gold Pet belongs to the great me!


Here's your payment doubled, plus repairs.

Take it.

Money, money, money!

That's money he stole from Haiyama-kun...!

That bastard...

He barely had enough money to buy rice for lunch until a while ago...

But I heard this a while back.

He used to be a good kid, but then he suddenly went wild.

He was forced to change schools.

I wonder what happened?

That darn Honda's been absent for three days!

Seems he's been watching over the pet all that time.

Miho's pet is the obvious winner for that tournament!

You know...

It's so cute!

It's eating its food!

I named him Yuu2!

Yuu2, huh?

Mine is pretty good, too.


Yours is cute too, Anzu!

Her name is Plumy!

I'm pretty confident in her.

Now wait...just a minute!

Too bad for you, 'coz the championship's going to my pet, Joe!

Not cute at all.

Not only do they look the same, but they're both cheeky!

Sh-Shut up!

Hey, Yuugi, do you wanna trade data with me?

Let's help each other grow them!


Yuu2's pretty quiet.

I'd like it if he became a wild boss like Joe.

Okay! In that case...

Let's connect 'em!

There they are!

It's a bully!

He's just like you!

The data exchange is complete!

After this, there should be some change in their development.

Heck yeah! Now Australia's as good as mine!

What's as good as yours?!


The contest championship belongs to the great me!

Hmph, Kujirada!

Don't get full of yourself just because you got a Gold Pet!

There's no way someone like you could raise one!

Oh, really?

This is my ultimate pet!

The Devil Master!

What a horrible personality.

Th-That's yours?

You can learn plenty of secrets if you dish out the cash.

Money again?!

His strength ain't just for show!

Go, Devil Master!

My Plumy got...!

Devil Master grows by eating other Digital Pets!

Damn you, Kujirada!

Should he eat yours too?

Fine, then!

Try and do it if you think you can!

Get him, Joe!

Yes! Nice one!


Useless! Futile!


I'll take the Australia trip for you, so don't worry!

That's cruel, Kujirada-kun!

That's right! I can't believe you'd use the pets others raised to go to Australia!

Like you can talk.

Kujirada-kun, everyone raised their pet with care.

It's wrong to just eat them!

Shut up! Those who have money in this world win!

I'll eat yours, too!

Stop it!

That you, Honda?!

What's wrong with you?

I finally raised the ultimate pet!

Hmm? The ultimate pet?

This is the ultimate creation from three days of no sleep!

Digital Sweeper Strawberry!


Did you think I, a Beautification Member, would not know what you've been doing?!

This device will teach you!

What can that pet do?!

I'll turn him into Devil Master's food!

Try it!



H-He did it!

Sweeper Strawberry will not forgive trash!

When he finds trash, he completely destroys it!

He's truly the Beautification Member of the Digital World!


Hmph! Serves you right!

That was awesome, Honda-kun!

As expected!

But this is really Honda in a nutshell!

Haiyama, is something wrong?

N-No, not really...

That bastard...!

He dares to humiliate the great me?!

I can't wait!

Miho already picked out her swimsuit!


I also bought romantic nightwear!

It's definitely important when staying overnight at a hotel!



The Paper: Let me thank you for caring for my pet. Come to the Meme Warehouse! ~ Kujirada

Kujirada...! I won't forgive you!

I hope Kujirada-kun hasn't done anything to Haiyama-kun...

What was that?

Kujirada! Where are you?! Give Miho-chan back!

Get out here!

This is cowardly!

Miho-chan! Where are you?!


K-Kujirada, you bastard...!

This is...!

Welcome, Honda-kun!


Why are you here?

My pet is pretty pathetic, isn't he?

I was just punishing him.

What did you say?

This guy's my pet.

The guy always had an inferiority complex... I thought I could use money to feed him and grow him.

It turned out to be pretty amusing.

Does that mean you...?!

But he lost to a mere Digital Pet. He's as good as worthless.

I want a strong pet!

I can't believe you'd call a fellow human a pet!

You're rotten!

What's wrong with it?

It's pretty fun to lure in suckers with sweet bait.

But I just didn't raise the others right.

Some transferred schools partway through.

And some got hospitalized.

What did you say?!

I had heard about people suddenly changing completely...

So that was your fault?!


I'll clean up trash like you!

Can you do it?

At any rate, I wanted to thank you for taking care of my pet.

Stop it!

Yuugi! What are you doing here?!

I was worried about Haiyama-kun, so I followed Kujirada-kun...

But this is how it was...

Haiyama-kun, what you're doing is wrong!

You saw me during feeding time, didn't you?

Yeah, that's right!

I'll return this kiddy game to you!


You shouldn't have stuck your nose into my business!


Hmph. This guy's dumb.

He's not even worth being a pet.

You bastard!

So the damage from staying up all night affects me now?!


Honda-kun, done already?


Hey! Earth to Honda-kun!


Honda-kun, the truth is that I was tiring of Kujirada-kun.

Would you like to become my pet?

That's why I called you out here.

What did you say...?!

It's fun once you get used to it.

The lifestyle of a pet.

And for your feed...

What do you think?

Haiyama...! You alone I will never forgive...!

A pet should never look at his master like that!


What an idiot. But it's all good.

Raising a resistant pet can be interesting.


Now... It's time for a game.


Haiyama, would you like to use your pet to fight mine?

Sounds interesting!

I love this kind of thing.

Go! Eat that loser!


Such a weakling is hardly a threat to me!

It's all right... Yuu2, you can win.

It'll be the same no matter how many times you try!

What the?

So the result of the data exchange shows up now, huh?

It's time for the Digital Pet to evolve.



The change resulting from Joe's data has shown itself!

What the?!

I can sense powerful energy!

Get up!

Haiyama, this match is over!

Not yet!

Yes, that's it!

Stop it!

I raised you!

The Door of Darkness has opened.

Pets are free to choose who they point their fangs at.

Once you forget that, you lose.

Pets aren't merely toys to play with.

They require love.

You didn't understand that up to the very end.

Let's go to Australia together...


A card battle! Kaiba, burning with revenge over his Duel Monsters draw...

...the first of The Four Game Masters!

A mysterious man who manipulates dolls...

He mustn't be underestimated!

Then, the devilish yo-yos target Jounouchi!

Furthermore, a twisted female teacher is coming.

The next episode!

"The Four Game Masters Finally Move Out"

Now, let's battle!