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02x25 - Future Time

Posted: 04/12/24 21:26
by bunniefuu
The target is gone
and the Earth was saved.

You really worked hard this year.

There may be things
that are hard to accept.

You'll be under scrutiny for a while.

We'll also ask you to keep things secret.

Of course we'll protect you
as much as possible,

but let me apologize in advance.

-sensei, it's fine.

We'll try our best
to keep things peaceable too.

We don't want to cause you trouble either.

In return, we all have a wish.

Please let us attend
Kunugigaoka's graduation today.

Our battles with the main building

are also precious memories
we made with Koro

I'll get that ready.
That's what I'm here for, after all.

Everyone stand!

-sensei, b*tch

you really taught us so much.

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much!

Where's the graduation?

Since the school's off limits,
it's at the civic center.

I have to have my parents
bring my uniform.

I know they must still be sad...
They've become so strong.

It's nothing like it was last year.



Koro -sensei

never said that
the Class E arrangement was wrong

and tried to change it.

-Kurahashi Hinano.

Things are unfair in the world,
and it's to be expected.

If you have the time
to be cursing it or giving up...

Shiota Nagisa.


...have fun and fight with the unfair.

He taught us so many ways to do that.

You have good eyes now.

It must be thanks to your teacher.

Yes! Chairman, please don't overdo things.

Take care!

The graduation was nice.

I was moved.

Dad! Mom!

Why are you together?

Last month,

that "monster" teacher of yours
came to see me.

Nagisa asked me in the beginning

to call him by his first name
and not his last.

That way if he ever takes
his father's name again,

he could adjust naturally.

He's undoubtedly a good child.

Most likely he'll fulfill
a big goal in March.

Please celebrate with him as a family.

That teacher and your mom told me

how you were so dedicated
and worked so hard.

We talked about it... and both of us

want to try as hard as you
and give this another chance.

My teacher...

How much does he have to leave behind?

-The graduation finished!
-Let's interview them!

Class E!

You are not allowed here!

A word about the monster!

How do you feel right now?

Did you really k*ll it?

Hey, get out of my way!

You guys...
think about the students for once!

Who cares!

You guys! Go outside!
I have a bus waiting by the front door!

‪What the...


-Who are you!
-Don't interrupt our interview!

You're the ones interrupting
our celebratory day.

I can edit this and post it on the web.

I memorized all their faces too.

Leave the rest to us.
I'll escort you to the front door.

Although most of you
will become strangers from today,

we did learn at the same school until now.

If I leave you, it'll be
an embarrassment on me as the ruler.


Akabane, I heard
you're the only one staying with us?

Once everything settles down,
I'll have you tell me everything

about your teacher "Koro
who brought you all this far.

I don't mind,

but it might be hard for
that hard head of yours to understand.

Come on, you're the last one.

Hurry up and go.

I'll never experience a day...

that will make me cry so much.

Goodbye, Kunugigaoka Middle School.

Goodbye, Class 3-E.


Koro -sensei.

So many things happened after that.

Kunugigaoka was denounced
for harming the students.


The Class E system
was abolished as problematic.


We were to be the last class
to use the Class E building.


And the chairman

was forced to relinquish
his management rights.

But knowing him,
even that may have been part of his plan.

He's resolute in his beliefs
and has extraordinary talent.

I'm sure he'll start a teaching job
somewhere soon.


Should we help you, Asano

Nagai, Mori... how many years has it been?

I heard a lot went on...

For both you and the students
who came after us.

Is there anything we can do?

We want to help our teacher.

Let's see, then may be I'll ask you...

Will you celebrate with me?

For the departure
of your juniors and myself.

While we're drinking,
tell me what's new with you and I'll vent.

We're all ears...

All three of us!

The 30 billion yen reward...

was quickly paid to us.

According to Karasuma -sensei,

it's probably also hush money
from the government.

We talked about it

and referred to Koro -sensei's
advice book.

Fulfilling it is what's important!

You can't mature well
if you rely on the large amount of money!

So... we received our school fee
and down payment for our future,

donated it to different places,

made one big payment as a class

and returned the rest to the government
as a thanks for the year of support.

Karasuma -sensei...

Karasuma should get
lots of points for that.

The moon is slowly falling apart.

Its own gravity will turn it into
a smaller sphere one day.

Because the expl*si*n
brought it closer to Earth,

its shape, size, gravity and cycle
from Earth's standpoint

will end up similar to what it was
before being destroyed.

The crescent moon
which symbolized our year

will slowly forget its shape.


The group inciting riots
in the Middle East

is showing dangerous movement.

Various countries are sending in
agents to infiltrate.

I want you to fly there tomorrow, Irina.

Okay, no problem.

But I'm scared, Chief Karasuma.

If a beautiful woman like me
is caught in such a dangerous area...

Oh, does that turn you on?

Imagining other people
doing this and that to your wife?

I asked you because
I trusted in your abilities,

but that's how low
your self-evaluation is, huh?

Then I have no choice.

I'll ask someone else.

It's a joke! I just wanted you
to be worried about me a little!

Come on, Honey!

So you're going?

I'm going!

Then get ready now!

Yes! My pleasure!

We met seven years ago, huh?

She really doesn't change.

Are both of our...


Are the students the three of us taught...



...doing alright?


Hey, Morning Drama Actress!

You guys!

Kaede, is that your costume?
Aren't you busy?

I sneaked out during my break.

I feel bad leaving it to all of you.


Let's start cleaning up!


You're still such a class president.

You all made me responsible of the key.

These things

were always better off in Isogai's hands.

Hey, did you finish reading
that advice book?

Not at all. It's never ending.

Some people are still trashing this place
even though we bought it.

Oh well, the rule of this campus
is to clean up if it's dirty.

You sure hit it big didn't you, Kayano?

I'd imagine.
She's good looking and can do action

and jumps off
a 30 meter cliff with a smile.

Who wouldn't like that?

I'm just relying on my
middle school experience.

And Okajima, stop snapping down there
and start cleaning.

We all said we don't need

to make a grave.


it doesn't seem like he's gone.

They're probably here on this campus,

somewhere we can always come back too.


Instead of just doing upkeep,
we have to use this place somehow.

Before we all become busy finding work.

Okano is using the mountain.

She made an acrobatic
performance team at her university,

and she said it's
the best place for practice.

Let's start our circuit! Follow me!


Kurahashi's also doing
a nature tour for kids.

She's always been good at
earning money on the side.

Over here! Watch your step.



grew up just as Koro -sensei taught.
Manami and Takebayashi

used the recipe for activated cells
that was on the advice book

to research artificial blood

that can match any blood type.

This... can save billions of lives.

Most of the development was done by Okuda.

I want to make it available
in clinical practice.

I named it Rh Slimy Transfusion Blood.

Sugino is an ace in college baseball.

Strike! Batter out!


Even professional scouts come to see
his versatile pitching.

He's slimier than I imagined.

Slimy Sugino is really something.

Terasaka's guts and physical strength
caught the attention of a politician.

Hey! We'll be late for my speech!
Aren't you a man, young'un?

Damn you old man!
Making a student work like a donkey!

He may become a private secretary
when he's out of college.

Yoshida and Muramatsu
will take over the family business.

It sounds good!

Yeah, I guess!

Look at this Takuya!
Doesn't it look delicious?

Idiot! How can we make a profit
with such an expensive ingredient?

Itona went to his family's workshop
after graduating high school.

If I have problems with business?
I'll ask Yoshida and Muramatsu.

...Are his words.

Ritsu has found her place in the internet.

I'm doing parallel processing
with computers worldwide,

so now I can write music and draw too!

Now she's showing even more emotion
and helping out the former Class E.

Everyone else has also been
expanding themselves

and choosing their careers.

Oh, I heard Karma easily passed
the national public service exam.

You can't find any faults with that guy.

But I hear after passing it
is the real problem.

Since being a bureaucrat
is a really stressful job,

they pick on you during
the interview and training

to test your stress tolerance.


So this is my new wallet, huh?

But for him,

it should be no problem.

Wait, I give up!


You haven't changed at all!

You haven't either!

No matter what path we choose,

Koro -sensei would probably smile and say

"It suits you!"

We learned about so many different lives
from him in one year.

All of them

are still alive

inside of us.

A life called pride...

How are you ten times over the budget?

You said you'll leave it up to my sense!

A life to share...

Let's go to that park over there today.

A life that's given...

Euler's polyhedral formula is so crazy.

A life we want to raise one day...

I wish everyone and I
can carry it on forever.

The colorful exchange of lives

in the classroom filled with blood lust.

This classroom is
-sensei's big keepsake.

Personally, I have someone
who I wish would use this classroom.

So, how are things with Nagisa?

Do you keep in touch?

I'm not even
in his line of vision right now.

That assassin always
has his eyes fixed on his target.

Nice to meet you everyone!

I'm Shiota Nagisa.
I'll be teaching this class as a trainee.

It's been seven years
and I've become a very tall

and approachable teacher...

or so I thought...

Huh? A trainee?

Stop kidding!

Isn't she a girl?

-Take off his pants!
-Aren't you in middle school?

Why is this happening?

Who knew I wouldn't grow at all
after middle school...

Everyone else grew so much.

Karma is 185 cm! How unfair!

On top of that,
I have to train in this mayhem.

The roles are completely opposite than

the assassination classroom.

Do you know what kind of
high school this is?

Make it study period
or you'll be hospitalized.

The bell rang, please sit down.

Pwease sit down?

Don't order us around. I'll k*ll you.

k*ll... me?

k*ll me, huh?

It's a typical phrase

that anyone's heard of.

But to us, it's the magic word
that gives us courage.

Why don't you try

before you graduate!


Take your seat.

I'll begin class.