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03x16 - A Night at the Opera

Posted: 04/17/24 17:08
by bunniefuu
- Morning.
- Morning.

I have to tell you something.

Tell me.

I went out to this new club

called the Green Door.

And I'm standing there
talking to my friends

and these two girls
are standing behind me

and I turn around,
and she's like

"Hi, my name is Stephanie Pratt

'"and I just want you to know
that you're a...bitch'

and you and Lauren are done."

I met that girl before.

'I had no idea he had a sister.'

She's a loony.

- Kind of looks like him too.
- It's a she-Pratt.

- It is a she-Pratt.
- That's the thing.

It's like, the only thing
worse than Spencer

is a she version of Spencer

because she's capable
of all the same things

but at the end of the day,
a guy can't hit a girl.

A girl can hit a girl.
You know what I mean?

Oh, God.

[instrumental music]

[knock on door]


- Hey.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- Uh, so much traffic.

Oh, Hollywood.

- This is nice!
- What up, sis?

- Hi.
- Pound it out.

'Where are the jellyfish?'

They went on vacation.

- Mom's house?
- No.

The electricity went off,
and they were gonna die.

- Heidi forgot to pay the bill.
- You were supposed to pay it.

Six months she hasn't paid it.

- Shut up.
- 'This is crazy.'

I've never seen
two people so in love.

Look at that. I didn't
even pay her to say that.

Um, do your parents
know about the wedding?

Do you know about the wedding?

Yeah, Tibet.

See, we're going to Tibet.

We're not [span style="bodyStyle"] going to Tibet.[/i]

Don't you think Tibet
is a fun place to get married?

I wanna go to Croatia
when I get married.

See, the Pratts know
what's up

with international weddings.

You only get married once.

I wanna have a fun wedding

but I don't wanna have, like...

I wanna have
your mom there, I...

Heidi wants to have
a wedding in a church with...

With, like, a priest
who actually marries you.

Oh, my God! Roxy and I went
online to become ministers.

'How did I forget this?
I could marry you.'

- She could do everything.
- Please let me do it.

Right. I don't want,
I don't want that.

[instrumental music]

Where do you wanna go tonight?
I don't even know.

Well, we'll have to find where
all our friends are going.

Where is Brody and Frankie
going tonight?

Brody and Frankie
are both going to Opera.

Maybe we should just go there.

I don't know if Justin's
coming tonight.

Have you talked to him tonight?

'No, he hasn't called me back.'


You have to have a relationship
that functions in public.

- You know what I mean?
- 'Yeah.'

And I understand that guys,
like, they can't help it

when, like, a cute girl
walks by or catches their eye

but with Justin,
it's like, come on

like, you don't need to do it
to every girl that walks by.

You mean he, like, checks
girls out in front of you?

We were at L'Scorpion's,
and these two girls walked by

and he just totally
went like that.

Like, what are you doing?

Like, I don't care, but I
want him to be more attentive

and he's not doing it.

He just doesn't care.

'It's like,
whenever we're together'

he's so different
than when we're out

in public with friends and...

It's like whenever we're out

it's like we don't
know each other

and then whenever
we're together

we're, like, together, you know?

If you guys were hermits

you'd have, like,
the perfect relationship.

Pretty much.

[both chuckling]

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

Oh, say hello.

- Very sweet of you.
- I'm up.

What up? How are you?

Good, how are you?

Amazing. How you been?

- Um, I don't even know.
- 'What do you mean?'

He's been in la-la land.

He doesn't have time
for anyone...not even me.

'Oh, my God.'

That's Spencer's sister
over there.

'That's Spencer's sister
over there.'

'Oh, my God.'

Brody, what are you doing here?

'You're on the evil side.'

Come home with us.

'We just want to warn you guys'

to stop messing with Heidi.

Like, just stop
being mean girls.

What have I done to her?

Uh, you've made it
to everyone... Why...

Just because you hate Spencer.

I haven't done anything to her.

You don't know me.

Do you know me?

No, I love Heidi.
I know Heidi.

I used to love Heidi too.
I understand.

'I don't... I'm sorry
I don't like your brother'

'for personal reasons.'

I-I don't get along with Heidi.

That's kind of our business.

Heidi's my family now.
They're getting married.

When you hate my brother,
it makes me hate you.

I love your brother,
but he...up

and that's his fault,
and he has to deal with that.

'It's not between you.
It's not between her...'

Heidi's business and her
business is their business.

Stop getting involved
in what you don't... Stop.

It's just really...of you,

...of me? What did I do?

Alright, this isn't a big deal.

Let's just, let's just leave.

Let's just go.

Don't fight other
people's battles.

Ah, drama.
Always drama, drama, drama.

[both laughing]

'I still don't understand
the whole'

'"come home with me" thing.
Did you get that one?'

'What's Justin Bobby
doing over there?'

[indistinct chatter]

Did he just kiss her?

'Oh, my God.'

[up beat music]

Oh, my God.
What just happened?

You okay?

I saw you guys
kissing at the bar.

- What? Are you kidding me?
- 'Oh, am I kidding you?'

'I swear to God,
I did not kiss him.'

I did not do nothing.

Then what was that at the bar?

We all saw it.
We were standing there.

No, that's it. Him.

He's smiling and laughing at me
and he won't even talk to me.

'It's okay.'

'Do you wanna run across
to the lot?'

Let's go to the lot
to go to the car.

Come on. Let's go.

'Justin, leave her alone.'

No! You were at the bar, Justin.

'Doing what? What did I do?'

Where are they walking to?

'Dude, he was kissing
another girl at the bar'

'like, right in front of her.'

Should we just leave?

I'm not gonna leave her
behind a dumpster

'yelling at the guy
who just made her cry.'

So what are we doing?

[Audrina sighs]

I just keep waiting around

for you to make a decision

and I just,
I can't keep waiting.

So you don't care if I went
and dated other guys?

Of course, I would.

I mean, I'm not a...

I mean, seriously, truly.

Of course I would.

But then when I wait around

for you to call and, like

ask me out, you don't do it

so I just sit there and wait.

Do you think that's fair to me?

So what?

[instrumental music]

- 'Hello.'
- 'Yo.'

'What are you doing?'

- ''
- What?

You're never gonna believe
who I saw last night.

Good morning.
Would you like some cereal?

- No. Um...Brody.
- 'Brody?'

With Lauren, Audrina

and who's that guy

who's like a wannabe
Wilmer Valderrama?

- 'Frankie Delgado?'
- Yes.

'This is so crazy.'

'So, Roxy and I are at Opera'

and we see Brody,
and so we go over.

He's sitting next
to Lauren and Audrina

and they're like...

And I was like, look,
you have a problem with Spencer

I have a problem with you.

You said that to who?

To Lauren.

I mean, if some girl
was talking so much...about me.

'That's what I said to Brody,

that's why
I'm not friends with him

'cause he hangs out with
somebody that talks...about me

'and that's over his head.'

And I was like,
"Look, I'm Heidi's best friend"

and Brody was like,
"Oh, please."

- He did not say, "Oh, please."
- 'Yeah.'

And Lauren was just staring
at Roxy and I.

She was like, Heidi hurt me

and you made her choose
you or Spencer.

She didn't make Audrina choose.

Like, she doesn't
like Audrina's boyfriend

who, by the way, was kissing
some redhead at Opera.

- In front of Audrina?
- 'Audrina was there.'

- What did Audrina do?
- I have no idea.

But he seems like the
nicest one out of all them.

The bottom line
is if we broke up tomorrow

'she would call you
and be like'

'"I heard the good news.
Let's go to lunch."'

Please, please, please, please.

- You're welcome.
- Good work.

Well, you'd do it for me.

- 'I would.'
- I know. Thanks.

Anyways, I am so sick
of talking about these people.

- So, let's change the subject.
- Let's get Heidi some earmuffs.


[instrumental music]

Aah! I have to tell you
about last night.

There is so much that went on,
we went to Opera.

'And Justin was there'

and he was making out with
the redheaded chick at the bar.

Yeah. I couldn't believe
what I was seeing.

I was just, like...

"...This isn't happening."
I was like, no!

'Like, no one was there,
everyone was leaving...'

And he thought you left,
so he went to the bar made...

That's what he does probably
when I'm not around.

So I was, like,
seriously, it's over.

Like, that is the last thing.

It's the straw that broke
the camel's back. Right.

Well, then I get in the car

and then he gets in
and I'm like...

'So, my friend Kelsey,
she's like'

"Where do you want me
to drop you off?"

And I'm like,
"Take him to his apartment."

So we dropped him off,
we didn't talk

the entire time in the car,
it was silent.

'We dropped him off, he's like,
"Come on, I'll take you home"'

I'm like, "No, I'm serious

this is it,
it's over, go, leave."

Have you, has he called you
or anything since?

'Yeah, he doesn't
think I'm serious'

'and he wants to talk to me.'

I'm like, Justin,
I'm not joking this time.

It's over, like, look at me,
I'm dead serious.

And you can only take so much
a-abuse, to a certain extent

before you, you know...

You respect yourself more
than that. Don't let him...

But I still have to see him
and end it for good.

'And you have to hold strong
to that though.'

- Like, don't... Don't give in.
- Yeah, I know.

I'm not.
I'm gonna do it tonight.

[instrumental music]

[door bell ringing]

- You covered it.
- I did cover it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- I'm okay.

- How are you?
- Good.

- Good?
- Yes.

You can come in.
It's kind of messy.

Yeah? What are you doing?

Just being mellow.

'Yeah. How are you?'

I'm okay, a little tired.

I don't know.

I feel like
I just need to move on.

If that's what
it takes for you.

- I told you.
- What did you tell me?

I already told you everything.

- When?
- At Opera.

I don't even know what
the...that was about at all.

- 'I really don't.'
- You didn't kiss her?

No, I didn't, and that's
what trips me out the most

is the fact that people run up
and you run up

to me and say
that I kissed her

I don't even know
who you're talking about.

I saw her. She kissed you.

You guys, I saw you,
and so did other people...

You can look me in the eye
and tell me out of all this...

- Yes, I saw you kiss her.
- You saw me kiss her.

She leaned over and kissed you,
and you let her.

- And I let her?
- Yeah.

Well, I think you're wrong...

No, I'm not, 'cause I wasn't
the only one who saw it, Justin.

Of course. Of course
your friends say they see it?

'Of course,
they're gonna say that.'

Your friends
don't fathom me whatsoever.

You were at the bar with that
girl and I was gonna...

I think you believe
what you wanted to see.

Why would I wanna
see that, Justin?

I have no idea, because I know
I didn't do anything wrong.

I just...

...I just needed those feelings

that I have for you,
Justin, I really like you

'but I don't know
what it is with you.'

I don't know
why I always go back.

Like, what am I doing?
Like, I'm just hurting myself.

I need to stop.
I need to move on.

But I want you to know
like I love hanging out

with you,
I love being with you.

I-I, you know,
I don't want that stuff to end.

You know what?
It's like, hopeless.

It would never work.

'It's just...'


I just think
it should just be over

and just be friends.

I decided.

Maybe sooner than later.

- Yeah.
- Good.

- Well...
- Bye.

[music continues]

[music continues]