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03x22 - When Spencer Finds Out...

Posted: 04/17/24 17:11
by bunniefuu
- Have you been to S Bar yet?

Yes, I was there,
um, opening night.

We're all gonna go tonight.
Is it big though?

'Cause I don't know
how many people to invite.

No. What's it for?

Oh, it's, well, my birthday
is in a couple days

but like everyone's
going out of town.

So I was just gonna have it
tonight, so everyone can go.

- Oh, your birthday!
- Yeah. 22.

Oh, that's, like, perfect.

It's a really
good birthday place.

- That's good, yeah.
- Are you doing anything?

No. No school.

Well, if you want, you can come.

Yeah, totally, I do.

But, like, I don't know.

It's like, are you sure
you really want me there?

No, no, I wouldn't
ask you to come

if I didn't want you to come.

I don't care
if you're Spencer's sister.

I'm not gonna dislike someone
'cause of their blood.

- 'Cause of their blood.
- I mean, don't feel obligated.

I'm just saying if you're out,
you're welcome to come.

- Okay. I'm leaving.
- Good to see you.

- Come tonight if you want.
- Alright. Bye.

♪ Am I just another scene ♪

♪ From a movie that you've
seen one hundred times? ♪

♪ 'Cause baby
you weren't the first ♪

♪ Or the last or the worst ♪

♪ And I've got to
fill the blanks ♪

♪ In the past with a verse ♪

♪ And we could
sit around and cry ♪

[knock on door]

- 'Hey.'
- Hello.

Wow, this looks good.
When did you paint the place?

You really been up to...

You here to get your stuff?

- Are you taking this?
- I will take this.

And make sure you get
all your video games too.

Jelly Jim will be here
in, like, ten minutes.

Maybe any minute
actually to get this.

- Kim and jellies.
- Great.

So are, uh, we dating?

'Cause, you know,
I'll meet girls

and they'll be like, uh,
"Hey, do you wanna go out?"

'And I'm like, "I don't know.
I think I have a girlfriend."'

- But...
- You don't know?

You don't know if you wanna
go out with other girls?

- If you wanna go out with...
- That's not what I said...

- Then why are you asking me?
- I said, are we dating?

So, are you asking me
permission to go on a date?

My question is where, where
are we in our relationship?

If you wanna date,
go ahead and date.

That's fine,
if you wanna do that.

That's my point.
You don't even care.

I do care.
I'm not dating anyone.

And I don't wanna date anyone.
I'm not trying to meet guys.

And if you're trying to meet
girls, then we should break up.

I thought we were broken up.

I'm about to punch you
in your face.

Scared...I'm scared.

- You can leave.
- I can leave?

'But make sure you get
all your stuff out, so...'

[rock music]

♪ I'm feelin' a change ♪

♪ It's takin' over me ♪

♪ And it's okay okay ♪

♪ Nothing's the same ♪

[Lauren gasps]

- Happy birthday!
- Thank you.

Okay, do you want your birthday
present now or at dinner?

Here. You can open it.

- That's so pretty, Lo.
- Pretty, right?

- It's a little heart.
- Oh, I wanna wear it tonight.

- You can wear on your heart.
- It's so pretty.

Thank you so much.

Yeah, you're welcome, sweetie.

I hope I invited everyone.

I feel like I invited
a bunch of people

but then when I, like,
go down the list, I'm like...

- Yeah.
- And Frankie can't come.

Oh, that's okay.

He didn't tell me
he had a girlfriend.

He's not even invited.

Brody didn't tell me
he had a girlfriend.

Hey, same boat.

- Cheers to that, too. Yay!
- Yay!


So he won't be there either.

'But I'm seeing him tomorrow.
So we'll see.'

Oh, the brodster. That's cute.

But it'll be all the girls.

And Whitney's coming,
and bringing a friend.

I asked Stephanie
if she wanted to come

but she said that
Spencer might like

have a problem with it,
which I get.

So she might stop by, might not.

That's cool.
Okay, cheers to your birthday.

- Cheers.
- Happy birthday!

- Thank you.
- You're so old.

♪ I don't feel like I used to ♪

♪ But I don't want
for you to know ♪

♪ I don't want for you to know ♪

♪ Sandman slaloms
on our fortune ♪

♪ We watch it go ♪

- Hey.
- What up? What up?

Helping yourself to my food?

Oh, my god.
What is this doing here?'

this isn't your apartment.'

- This is mine.
- It's not an apartment.

It's a condo.

- Spencer.
- 'Stephanie.'

This needs to leave tomorrow.

What do you really want me
to do with this?

Get rid of it.

I cannot believe this, Spencer.
You're just like...

What are you doing
with your life?

"What are you doing
with your life?"

No, seriously.
You're sleeping on my couch.

Are you even trying to get a job
or look for a new apartment?

I'm getting a job.

I'm seriously gonna call dad
and have someone get this.

What are these things?
Why are they in the kitchen?

Spencer, I'm doing you
a really big favor.

You're doing me a big favor
by letting me sleep

on your couch
when you have two bedrooms

and one of your bedrooms
just has clothes in it.

It's, like, ridiculous.

But I've been being so cool
about this whole thing.

- And when does the maid come?
- You're looking at her.

Well, she needs to do
those sheets on my couch.

So the good news is,
I've started

operation Win Heidi Back,
at any cost.

- 'Good.'
- Today's day one.

Alright. Well, what's the plan?

Oh, like I'm gonna tell.
You're a little snitch.

You're gonna go tell L.C.
my plan at class?

I don't think so.

Well, my dear,
I gotta watch, uh, "24."

So I would like my bedroom,

Can you exit?

Are you kidding, Spencer? This...

Fine. We're gonna
end this conversation.

When I wake up tomorrow,
I don't wanna see this.

I don't even
wanna see you sleeping.

'I wanna hear...'

Alright, I'm going out.
That's it, Spencer.

- We're not speaking anymore.
- Good. Thank God!


[upbeat music]

♪ Hey J can you dance
to this one? ♪

♪ You'll be shaking
when the revolution comes ♪

♪ One fist tied to the sky ♪

♪ Two feet on the dancefloor ♪

Spencer's so wacked.
I'm glad we're going out.

♪ Brookie D
can you dance to this one? ♪

♪ The way you spin it
get some bodies ♪

Hi. Stephanie Pratt.

Here for Lauren Conrad's

Stephanie plus one.
You guys can go.


♪ Like it's 1984 ♪

♪ And we danced
all through the night ♪


♪ That's right
It's a dance revolution ♪

♪ That's right ♪♪



- Hi.
- Hi.

- Happy birthday.
- Thank you!

- Thank you.
- Cheers.


They're looking.

- Cheers.
- Hello.

- How are you, Stephanie?
- Good.

[instrumental music]

[rock music]

- Hey, Kimberly.
- Hi.

I worked S Bar last night

and Lauren had
her birthday party there

and, um, Stephanie was there.

- Spencer's sister, Stephanie?
- Yeah.

Like, she was just there,
like, at the club?

No, she was there for the party.

- That can't be right.
- Yeah. I don't know.

And then I was walking around,
just kind of checking out

everyone's tables,
drinks and stuff.

And she was sitting
over there with them.

I don't understand
Lauren's logic.

Like, that's so crazy to me,
that Lauren won't even talk

to me because of my boyfriend.

But she'll hang out
with my boyfriend's sister.

- I thought it was weird too.
- It's so weird, I don't even...

That's crazy, I'm definitely
gonna have to ask

Stephanie about that.

Alright, I'm gonna get
back to this.

- I'll be working on Coachella.
- Okay, I'll schedule it in.

[Spencer on phone] 'Hello?'

Did you know that Stephanie
went to Lauren's birthday?

Yeah, she did.
She went to S Bar.

Because Kimberly just told me
she was working it.

And Stephanie, and I think

Roxy were on the list
under Lauren's birthday

and they were sitting
at her table all night.

No, this is not a joke.

♪ You ♪

♪ You know you've got
a hold over me ♪

♪ I cannot end what I've begun ♪

♪ I feel you flowing straight
through my veins ♪

♪ I feel you mixing in
with my blood ♪

♪ Here we are a lot lower
than I thought we'd be ♪

♪ Try to run
but you can't from reality ♪

♪ In the middle where my friends
tell me you're no good ♪

Is somebody late? Is somebody
late for a lunch over here?

Where are you?

- I'm not late. I was here.
- Oh! Wait a minute.

Before you sit down,
can I get a little hug?

- How are you?
- Good.

You're very blue today.

- I like that necklace.
- Thank you.

'I miss you guys, we used
to hang out all the time'

and I only see you, like...

Last time I saw you,
you got all weird on me.

I didn't get weird.

Well, you're like,
"Where's your girlfriend?"

- "Where's your girlfriend?"
- It's a question.

I was just asking where she was.

How long have you been with,
wait, what's her name?

- Cora.
- Cora. That's pretty.

She's cool.
You would really like her.

She's, she's fun.

What's new with you?
How's love life?

I'm kind of not having
a love life right now.


Sounds like
life's very exciting.

- I'm getting As in my classes.
- 'Are you?'

- Mm-hmm.
- Congratulations.

Did I tell you
about my computer class?

- Your what? Mnh-mnh.
- Thank you.

Stephanie Pratt's in it.

She came to my birthday.

Stephanie came to your birthday.

- Mm-hmm.
- Stephanie Pratt?


That's a little strange.
I don't know about any of this.

Well, she's a nice girl.

What? Did you guys
have a little powwow?

- I like her.
- You guys best friends now?


Do you really think she's
being genuine and sincere?

- Yeah.
- But also be very cautious.

Let me just tell you,
be cautious.

I know, I know Stephanie.
I've known her for a while.

Do you ever think
that for one second

Spencer and Heidi
are trying to, like

get her into being
friends with you

just so they can, like,
something, I don't know.

- What are they gonna do?
- I don't know.

But they're always planning up
some scheme constantly.

Honestly, I really don't
think she's like them.

I think she's a nice person.

Take your time.

[instrumental music]

♪ Oh what have I done ♪

♪ To lead me to this? ♪

♪ I cannot run ♪

♪ Falling through
if things don't work ♪

♪ All I can see ♪

♪ Is you calling me ♪

Well, look who it is.

What's up?

Did you forget
that Bolthouse owns S Bar

and that Heidi is one of the
lead promoters for Bolthouse?

So you know
what I'm talking about?

Yeah, that I went
to Lauren's birthday.

And you don't think
that's weird?

Are we five years old?
Heidi has apologized to her.

Heidi just went there to be
like, "Hey, crazy.

Why are you mean to me
for no reason?"

'Lauren is the crazy one
that hates Heidi'

because of me,
who's now friends with you...


Friendly is not going
to somebody's birthday party.

- That's friends. So friends.
- Okay, friends.

So you're gonna hanging out
with Brody tomorrow or what?

You got, you got,
you got plans with him?

I don't get it.

She hasn't said anything mean
about you or Heidi

and if she did, Spencer...

It's just insane to me.

The fact that she talks to you
freaks me out.

'I guess I'm very different
than people'

'like you, people
like Brody who...'

Stop putting me
in the same category.

You guys are in different boats.

His set sail a long time ago.

Yours is just sailing this way.

- So...
- Oh, my god.

The fact that you don't
think it's crazy

is what's so crazy to me.

You don't think it's crazy? No?

I feel like since Lauren
and I are friends

I can make them friends again.

I just cannot believe
you wanna keep this fight going.

Like, we get it.
Everyone gets it, Spencer.

You need to stop
having enemies, Spencer.

'She's forgotten this.
She's forgiven Heidi.'

- I forgot it too.
- No, you haven't.

'Cause you're
making me cry right now.

Stephanie, you're
making yourself cry

thinking about what you did.


So, I'm sorry that you're
making yourself cry.


So you had a great time
at the birthday.

♪ You won't amount
to anything at all ♪

♪ And no one is gonna
be there when you fall ♪

♪ Your feet will never
stand on the ground ♪

♪ And no one is ever
gonna be around ♪♪

[rock music]

♪ I was lookin' here
when I went down ♪

'You're gonna be using some
of those sketches that you did.'

'And I have the homework
to give you back.'

How was your birthday?

- It was fun.
- That's good.

Roxy and I had a good time.

- She's really nice.
- Isn't she the best? Yeah.

Spencer found out
that I went to your birthday.

He was such a jerk about it.

- What happened?
- Oh, my god.

He was like, I can't believe
you actually went.

And he was like, I know you
just, like, you wanted to go.

And I was like,
"Yeah, I did want to go."

Like, we're friends.

He made me cry. I know.

I'm really sorry.

I think he just like

his goal is to make me,
like, feel guilty.

You know, it's probably
because, you know, when like

there's certain things
you're sensitive about.

And he had a really big problem
with Brody being my friend.

And it's probably
just a sensitive...

This is exactly,
exactly what it is.

And that's not your fault.

And I'm really, really,
I mean, I don't ever

wanna, like, cause fights
and I'm really sorry.

But you didn't do anything
wrong. You know that.

Yeah. That's true.

[rock music]

[knock on door]

[Heidi] 'Come in.'

Making a salad?

Yes. Dinner. So what's up?

- You know, don't you?
- What?

That I went
to Lauren's birthday.


I didn't tell you this
just because, like

'we have become friends.'

And I know you wanna
be friends with her.

'You do, don't you?'

Anyways, I heard that you went
to Lauren's birthday

from a coworker.

'And I was like, "First of all,
I don't believe this."'

Like, "You're kidding,
you have to be kidding."

Of all the people in the world,
being like a sister to me

and like a best friend to me,
and being Spencer's sister.

I'm sorry. Like, what
do you want me to do?

Like, we do have
fashion in common.

I mean, every girl
has fashion in common.

You know, like...

You just apologized to her.

Yeah, but I apologized to her

for something
that we both were doing.

What did you and Spencer
do to her that she...


I didn't... If you're
really thinking that

then I-I honestly don't
even wanna talk to you.

If you really think
I would do something like that.

Like, that's crazy.

I don't know.

Just be careful with her,
because one minute

you're her best friend,
and then the next minute...

Just like playing
devil's advocate, why?

- What's gonna happen?
- I have no idea.

I wouldn't have been able
to tell you the events

that have occurred
in my life, so...

I mean, obviously,
you wanted to go.

I'm glad I went.

Well, that's great.

You know, you guys,
it does not, like, sounds

like it's the end
of your friendship.

It sounds like
it's just the beginning.

♪ Once in my life I just
want things to be simple ♪

♪ But all I can think and feel ♪

♪ Is this bitterness
inside my head ♪

♪ I'm distressed
when you're gone ♪

♪ And unknown
to what I've done ♪

♪ You didn't know
I know better ♪

♪ I've complicated this again ♪

♪ And I replay the conversations
in my mind ♪

♪ From times before
I read into every... ♪♪

[theme music]