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04x13 - It's Her Move

Posted: 04/17/24 17:46
by bunniefuu
- Lauren, hi.
- Hi.

- 'How are you?'
- I'm good.

- How are you?
- Uh, good.

- Guess what I'm doing tonight.
- What?

- I'm going to a rock show.
- 'What?'

I'm going to
Tokyo Police Club with Lo.

- 'Aren't you proud of me?'
- Yeah.

I was, like,
trying to, like... Wait.

You have to help me
pick an outfit to...

'Where did it go? I was gonna
cut a shirt. I've to find it.'

But you have to give me,
like, cool outfit approval.

So I've been meaning to tell
you, so I just wanted to...

Uh, you know
how I told you eventually

I was looking for places?

Well, I found a place

and I'm gonna be
moving out soon.

- Oh, wow.
- Yeah.

I've been meaning
to tell you for a while

but I just wanted, until I,
I didn't wanna tell you

until I knew for sure,
you know what I mean?

When are the,
when are movers gonna be...

They're actually coming
this weekend.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

That was quick.

I'm kind of bummed,
but at the same time

I'm excited
because of the place, like...

So has Justin seen it?

No, I haven't told him
about it yet.

But I'm sure he'll be there
a lot and we'll get closer.


It will be like he lives there

but I'm not gonna
plan on anything.

We'll just see what happens.

♪ Tell me that you love me
and it'll be alright ♪

♪ Oh you think you know me
just come with me tonight ♪

♪ You know I need you
just like you need me ♪

♪ Can't stop won't stop
I must be dreaming ♪♪

What did it take us,
five months to get this done?



It's like yesterday,
I looked here

and it was all construction.

I know.

'Here come the kings.'

'Then we have the party
and then Oakenfold's'

gonna go on probably
like what, around 11:00?

'He'll open
and Jason Bentley will close.'

'We gotta have more greeters'

'than we thought
outside on Selma.'

'The party's on the deck.
Last thing we wanna do

is we invite important people
here and they can't get in.

So for four years,
we've been, everybody's been

like, waiting
for this thing to open.

And I think everything's
gonna coordinate through her.

- Yeah, Heidi, so...
- I'm Mrs. Coordinator.

- You're gonna be here, right?
- Of course.

- Of course, I'll be here.
- I remember last time.

'When we finish the walkthrough,
we'll go outside.'

You guys finish. I'm gonna look
at the tent they just put in.

'Okay, there's just gonna be
so many people.'

And it's gonna be heavy
with this crowd.

Um, with them cutting tape
and all that

it's not gonna be
like our other events.

But I feel like we have
most of the things done

and maybe
I'll, uh, invite Spencer.

- What, to here?
- Yeah.

Maybe I'll have him bring his
sister or somethin', you know?

I don't know. It's gonna be,
like, huge, high stress.

This is a big one
for Sam and Brent, you know?

Yeah, I feel like, you know,
it's all under control

and what's the harm
in adding, you know

maybe one more
to the guest list?

'And Audrina,
maybe she'll wanna come.'

I mean, this is gonna be
the best party yet.

Yeah, I think I'll invite 'em.

♪ Breathe in breathe out ♪

♪ Give it up
you'll never live this down ♪

♪ Last call lost cause
who's counting? ♪

♪ Last call lost cause
who's counting now? ♪♪

Hi. I have a shirt

in that same material
as your dress. I love it.

I didn't know if I thought
it was, like, dorky or...

I hope not,
otherwise we're both dorks.

I think we are both dorks.

Well, how are you doing?

Um, Audrina, well, she's been
looking for places

for a little while and she told
me that she's gonna move out.

Wow. So she just found a place
and she's ready to go?

Yeah. It was just kind of
out of nowhere though.

And you're totally okay with it?

It's gonna be weird when she's
gone when that place is empty.

'I just really hope she's doing
it for the right reasons.'

She's been looking
for places with Justin.

To move in with Justin?

♪ Everything changes I know ♪

♪ You made it easier on me ♪

♪ Out of the silence
I said I will let you ♪♪

'This is cute.'

Everywhere we go is cute, dude.

I know.

Well, you know how I told you
I was looking for a house?

- Yeah?
- I found one.

- Yeah?
- 'Yeah, it's really cute.'

I like it. It's not too big.

So I won't be afraid in it.

That's awesome.
I wanna see it.

I know.
I wanna show it to you.

- I love it. I'm excited.
- Yeah?

Yeah, I just feel like
it's time to move on, you know?

- What are you thinkin'?
- Nothing.

- What are you thinkin'?
- Nothing.

Don't lie to me.

'That I don't know
if I'd wanna live by myself.'

You know what I mean?

'Would you wanna move in,

Alright, you know what?

Let it just happen
and see what happens.

♪ You're all I need
I'm not scared ♪

♪ I'm not scared ♪

♪ You figured me out
I'm not prepared ♪

♪ I'm not prepared ♪♪

- This is a cool door.
- Isn't this awesome?

- Oh, my God!
- Isn't it pretty?

- This is just the entrance.
- I can't believe it!

- Your own house.
- I know.

The garage is over there.

And this is gonna be, like,
when you first walk in

I wanna get a bench
or something over here.

And there's a lot of stairs

but it's gonna be
a good butt workout.

- Are you ready?
- Yes.

Nice buns, here we come.

'I wanna put candles everywhere'

like, all going up the stairs.
This is the first level.

This is, like,
the guest bathroom.

- This is gorgeous.
- And then the living room.

- Isn't it pretty?
- It's so pretty.

- I wanna make it really girly.
- 'Yeah.'

And then
it leads into to the kitchen.

- Ooh.
- Isn't it nice?

- The kitchen's huge.
- I know.

Seriously, this is amazing.

Like, this house is so cool.

Seriously, gorgeous.

I wanna decorate it,
like, all romantic.

With candles
and, like, flowey white and...


Well, he can come over,
and, like

we could just hang out
where it's just me and him...

'That's not awkward?'

And it's not not like,
okay, like, be quiet

'cause they're probably sleeping

or, like, don't wake up the dog.

You know, like we could
just kind of

rekindle that flame again.

- Ooh.
- You know what I mean?

Whenever you're with someone
more, you almost become...


So you bought this
for Audrina, right?

Not so Audrina
and Justin could...

♪ That's a fact ♪

♪ The truth will always
speak out louder by itself ♪

♪ But in the end... ♪♪


- 'Don't you love Cleo?'
- 'Cleo just chills.'

I don't have to clean up
after Cleo.

- Cleo is a good pet.
- Yeah.

I was thinking about
Audrina today. I feel bad.

- I just, I don't know.
- Why do you feel bad?

Just that it didn't turn out
like we hoped

that it would in the
very beginning, you know?

I don't think this was ever
her home and I think it's...

You never wanna not
feel at home.

- Completely.
- 'So maybe this'll be better.'

I was thinking about,
you know, who's probably

pretty stoked
on her moving is Justin.

Oh, Justin Bobby.

The man's so great,
he needed two names.

I don't know
if he's ever gonna forgive me

for naming him Justin Bobby.

- 'He'll get over it.'
- Eventually.

What if Justin moves in
with Audrina?

We're still gonna see her.
I love her.

She's always gonna be
my friend. I just...

I don't think that her leaving
is gonna change that at all.

No. We'll see though.

♪ P-L-E-A-S-E
don't get me started ♪

♪ Don't hate participate ♪

The chandeliers are up.
The tent's up.

- I'm all good about all that.
- Things falling out well.

Seriously, I thought this was
gonna be such a disaster.

- I know, it went well.
- Magnificent.

You are the best.

'Do you think it's okay
if I get a drink now?'

Yeah, definitely. I'm starving.
I'm gonna get somethin' to eat.

Let's get out of here then.
Great job.

♪ No matter
what the backbiters say ♪

♪ Nobody fret me today ♪

♪ Got your back
each and every day ♪

♪ I'll be your sun
when the skies are gray ♪

Oh, you don't even
have the lime?

Did you want a lime?
I'll go get you a lime.

'Okay. That's for him.'

- Hi.
- Hey.


I found the bar before
I found you. What's up? Cheers.

- That tequila hit you.
- Three tequilas.

Why don't you pour that in mine?

No, no, no. Hi!

- Whoo, whoo, whoo!
- Hi.

- 'Whoa.'
- 'Hi. How are you?'

- Look at this.
- 'Nice.'

Whoo, look at you.

- Hi, I'm Casey.
- Hi. How are you?

We get high fives.
You don't get hugs yet.

Hey, Justin, hi.

- How are you?
- So what's up, ladies?

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- 'I'm moving out.'
- To you moving out.

- 'Whoa!'
- Finally.

I will definitely toast that.

'Cheers to moving out
of the house.'

- Thank you.
- Cheers to that.

Isn't it amazing
having your own place?

Totally, I love it.

Are you two gonna
move in together or what?

'What's up with that,
'cause I know'

that Heidi
and I moving in together

was the greatest thing
that's ever happened to me.

Okay, congratulations, Audrina.

- I think this is a great move.
- Thank you.

'I'm very proud of you
for getting your life together.'

- To new beginnings.
- Cheers, to new beginnings.

- 'Can we get another tequila?'
- 'Whoo!'

- I'm so wasted. I'm so wasted.
- Shh.


Can I get another tequila?

- Excuse me.
- 'Hi.'

- Do you know where Brent is?
- Uh, no.

Do you want me to go find him?

Are we still
working here tonight?

- Are you?
- Would you like a shot?

- The bar's over there.
- 'Let's go.'

Alright, let these girls work,
if you don't mind, huh?

What else? Are you okay?
Do you need anything else?

I'm okay
when you guys are working.


- Let's go.
- Okay, alright.

♪ On the outside ♪

♪ Somewhere for you and I ♪

♪ Where I can find you ♪

♪ Wait for me to run ♪♪

I just had to go through
all my cookbooks last night

'cause I had to, like,
get all of Audrina's out.

Get all of Audrina's cookbooks?

- Audrina has cookbooks?
- Separating the things, yeah.

- Why are you separating them?
- 'Cause she's moving.

- Oh, yeah.
- It was just so quick.

I, like, didn't realize
she was gonna move

like, it was literally like...

Oh, by the way, I'm gonna move,
like, right now.

Yeah, she told me
she was getting a house.

- Oh. Did you talk to her?
- Yeah.

I saw Audrina last night
at some Bolthouse thing

'that Heidi was working at.'

I haven't seen Heidi and Spencer
drink in such a long time

so they must have been
celebrating something.

I think, like, they're gonna
start hanging out.

They could hang out
when she lived there.

It would have been
awkward if Heidi...

...if she came to the house,
but that was it.

It would have been weird
if Audrina went over

to Heidi's house
because I don't think her

and Spencer are, like, great.

I don't know.

But I know Spencer likes Justin.

So that might be the new crew.

♪ Do you think we can go
back and rewind? ♪

♪ Do you think that a right turn
could take us back? ♪♪

'Kimberly, can you come in
here right now, please?'

- 'Hi, Kimberly.'
- Hey.

- Hi.
- What's up?

Um, so I just got off
the phone with Sam.

And were you guys drinking
at the XIV opening?

I definitely wasn't.

Out of respect for you,
I'd never do that.

- Okay.
- Why, what happened?

Well, Sam made it sound like
you guys were pretty wasted

and he was a little pissed off.

Oh, my God, not at all.

Was Heidi wasted?

I don't think so, but...

Will you grab Heidi and have
her come in and talk to me?

- Yeah.
- 'Okay.'

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Brent wants to talk to you.
- Now?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Everything okay?


I think it's about XIV.


- Hey, Heidi.
- Hey.

So I just got off
the phone with Sam.

'He kind of let me know
that you were drinking'

at the XIV opening
and he was a little pissed off.

I'm so sorry, I thought
when everything was done

and taken care of
that we could have a drink.

'You had responsibilities
that night.'

I can't have you
visibly, like, intoxicated

drunk in front of my partner.

We were working so hard all
night and everything was fine.

And so I thought
that it would be okay.

Then he said
your, your boyfriend was there.

- Mm-hm.
- That's not okay.

To have your boyfriend there,
if he influences you

in a bad way at the workplace

then that's something
you need to sort out, okay?

- But, Brent, I...
- Hold on.

I put a lot of faith in you and
I fight for you all the time.

And I'm a little disappointed.

So I don't really
have much of a choice.

Get your, get your bag,
get your stuff.

'I'm firing you.'

Alright. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

- Okay.
- Thanks.

♪ Can I go home? ♪

♪ I'm so tired ♪

♪ Can I go home? ♪

♪ In a flash before your eyes ♪

♪ When the past
has passed you by ♪

♪ Think of everyone
that you hold dear ♪

♪ Rituals start fading ♪

♪ With a breath
there's no more waiting ♪

♪ You've done everything
that you're supposed to do ♪♪

[knock on door]

- Hi.
- Hey.

You okay? You overwhelmed?

I'm trying to, like,
there's so much stuff to pack.

- Oh, my gosh.
- 'I know.'

- Um...
- Wanna help?

Yeah. What do you want me to do?

There's a box right there,
just start

putting stuff in it
or wrapping, or...


- Do you want this wrapped?
- 'Yes.'

- Alright.
- 'Thank you.'

No worries.

We did a lot of stuff
in the past two years.

I'm gonna miss
my partner in crime.

Who you gonna cry
about with at your house?

I'll just call you.

I'll always come cry with you
on your kitchen floor.


I can't believe you're moving.
That happened really fast.

I know it did.

- Who's that?
- Justin.

'Did I, did I ever
show you this picture?'

No. Where's this from?

- We went to dinner somewhere.
- You look pretty there.

It's a cute picture.
He's actually smiling in it.

I know.
Wow, you captured a moment.

I know. I had to frame it.

- Where is he?
- I don't...

I think he's working
or something.

I figured once I get
everything to the house

I'll make him come and help.

You gotta.

All the time, like, I feel
like you've been there

so much for me
with the whole Justin thing.

All the big stuff,
I just know for me

that I've had to go through

it's been, like, it's been nice
to have someone there.

I feel like every time something

went wrong with Justin,
you know, we were together.

But it was the same way
with me where, whether it was

me dealing with, like,
you know, getting over

the whole, like, Heidi
situation or any of the guys.

But I feel like it's really
important to always have

someone there, and it's just,
over the last two years

you've kind of been that person.

And you've been
that person to me too.

It's not the end of the story,
it's just a to-be-continued.

It's just to be continued, yes.


I love you.
I'm really proud of you.

Thank you.

♪ We're both gonna lose ♪

♪ We're both gonna win ♪

♪ Tonight 'cause it's time ♪

- I know.
- Okay, bye, girls.

- Drive safe. Be careful.
- I'll call you later.

- I love you.
- Bye. I love you too.

- Bye, Lo.
- 'Bye, sweetie.'

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Makes me a little sad.

♪ Wish we had ♪

It'll be okay.

♪ The first chance
is all we had ♪

♪ All we had ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause it's time
to say goodbye ♪

♪ I don't know
what I should do ♪

♪ I guess I'll have to
get over you ♪

♪ It's time to say goodbye ♪

♪ I don't know
what I should do ♪

♪ I guess I'll have to
get over you ♪

♪ It's time to say goodbye ♪

♪ I don't know
what I should do ♪

♪ I guess I'll have to
get over you ♪

♪ It's time to say goodbye ♪♪

[theme music]