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02x07 - Misters Over Sisters

Posted: 04/18/24 11:55
by bunniefuu
♪ Give a little bit of love ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Give a little bit of love ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

Good morning.

Good morning, Lana.

Good morning, Joey,


and Tabitha.

I trust you slept well.

I could just hear people all night.

- What did you hear?
- Just like...

- Yeah, yeah.
- Uh-oh.

Anything you want to admit,
Melinda and Marv?

Last night, Melinda,
once again, came to my bed

and some stuff happened.

Everybody is gonna hate us.

you only had to go 24 hours

without any rule breaks to win a reward.

If... If anyone's broken the rules tonight
in here, I will not be happy.

- What did you two get up to?
- You look guilty.


- Nah, she's cool.
- I don't know what you're talking about.

I was very sexually frustrated.

So of course, I'm biting his neck,
I'm biting him all over his body.

I wanted him to feel me.
Feel the passion I have for him.

It was worth every coin.

What do you think
about Nathan and Larissa?

I was just thinking like,
"What are they doing?"

He told me he was a stripper,

so now my mind is like,
"I want to see some shit."

- You just gonna sit there and smile at me?
- Yep.

Last night was fun.

It was impossible
to keep our hands to ourselves, literally.

It was easier sleeping here.

How are we gonna handle telling them?
What's our game plan?

Sounds like last night
could have been an expensive one.

I trust them more than I trust anyone.

- They're the mum and dad of the retreat.
- Yeah. Yeah.

We're about to find out if
Mom and Dad made any babies in the suite.

♪ There's no stopping us ♪

♪ So just hear us out ♪

♪ We're gonna raise it up ♪

We didn't break any rules!

So happy, babe.
I knew you wouldn't.

No money spent!

Was there any dry humping?

- No.
- No. Absolutely nothing.

- Well done.
- Thanks.

I'm so happy for you two.

We will be so annoyed
if any of you guys broke rules.

No, babe. Well, you have our word
that nothing here.

g*dd*mn it!

We didn't break any rules
and you guys didn't break any rules.

Does that mean
we're gonna get a reward from Lana?

- Yeah, buddy!
- Hope so.

Mon dieu.

Like, it's gonna go down like...

- Chase, you had a good sleep?
- I slept good.

Haven't seen you smile this much
in a long time.

You guys are funny.

We didn't break the rules,
but I have no complaints.

I'm waking up this morning,
bright, beautiful sun,

bright, beautiful girl next to me.

And your ex-squeeze nearby
with a face like thunder.

- Chase, you're different, bro.
- Chase is gone.

I want to be strong. Like, I want to be,
you know, like, really happy,

but watching Chase in bed
with another girl really breaks my heart.

It makes me feel
really sick to my stomach.

♪ Everything just seems so heavy now ♪

- Hey, you.
- Hi.

♪ I've been trying so hard
To figure it out ♪

What's going on?
Give me a hug. Ooh.

- You okay?
- Like shit.

I just feel...

- Mugged off.
- Mugged off, completely.

It's just, like, it's so fresh, you know?

- Mmm.
- Like it just...

It is, and that's the thing.
It's just so raw.

And them giggling all morning
and stuff and...

I've put in my time,
being so open, honest,

trying to really
go through this process, and...

him to throw it away all in one night
for someone else...

And he seems as if he's fine.

Everyone's like, "I've never seen you
so happy, laughing in the morning."

Just, like, I get no space from it.

Like, I... I need, like, a breather.

You need to just not rise to it.
You want to look strong.

And act as if you don't care.

One thing I do know
is you two aren't right for each other.

You deserve better.

I was so good to the wrong person, so...
He wasn't a good guy to me.

I need to move on from men like that.
Time to be with someone better.

Thank you.

It looks like it's finally time
for Carly to give up the Chase.

Yes, I've been waiting seven episodes
to use that line.

- Whoo!
- This better be good news!

It's been 24 hours
since Lana set the guests their challenge

to go a whole day
without breaking any rules,

and in return,
they would receive a reward.

But it's only money,
right, Melinda and Marv?

Oh God.
I'm gonna get crucified out there.

I'm gonna get burned at the stake.

I am not ready for this.

Ooh! Moment of truth.

I am positive that no one would have been
stupid enough to break any rules.

And I am positive
that you're in for a surprise.

I know it's time. I've never been
that nervous in my whole life.

And it's gonna be tough.

Oh, shit.

Hello, everyone.

Hi, Lana.

Twenty-four hours ago,
I set you all a challenge.

To go a full day with zero rule breaks.

In return, I would reward you.

As part of that challenge,

Larissa and Nathan
were sent to the suite last night.

I can tell you that...

...they did...

...not break any rules.

Well done, guys!
Well done, Mum and Dad.

Got that Lana reward in the bag.

- Tick it off.
- All right, guys.

- Wow.
- However...

Oh, shit.

the cone's not done with you guys yet.

Unbelievable. g*dd*mn it, Lana. Really?

Oh my God.
What is gonna happen? This is intense.

In my head, I know what's coming.

They're gonna be so pissed off.

Oh, la-la-la-la.

During the night,
there was a serious breach of the rules.

- f*ck!
- What the f*ck?

What the f*ck, guys?

Not okay.

What the heck
does "a serious breach" mean?

I feel like any breach of Lana's rules
are serious.

You may as well admit now. We're gonna be
more annoyed if you lie about it.

Just literally own it.

So it wasn't you?

- Wasn't me. I'm not a lesbian.
- Not us.

Muggy on all fronts,
whoever's done this.

Why are you smiling, Marvin?

- f*ck's sake. Are you joking?
- It's definitely you.

- It's you two.
- It's not!

♪ Hard times are coming ♪

I see the tension rising

and I feel like,
if I don't speak right now,

everybody's gonna be
disappointed at us even more.

Um, yesterday,
I had kind of a wake-up call.

So you go and spunk a load of money?

- Cheers, mate.
- No, no, it's not that.

Can you let him finish?
Let him finish first.

And when we're both done talking,
y'all can crucify us.

Yesterday, we shared a moment.

It was intense.



We had sex.

- Oh God, are you f*cking kidding me?
- Come on!

I am so pissed off right now.

I cannot believe
Melinda and Marvin had sex.

If we can go in the private room
and not do anything...

It's just so disrespectful to the group
when there is a reward at stake

and it isn't even a genuine connection.

- Oh my God, are you f*cking kidding me?
- Come on.

I am fuming.

I cannot believe
Marvin and Melinda have done this to us.

There's a fiery passion between us.

There is between a lot of people.

There's nothing genuine there.

It literally makes no sense. It's just
muggy behavior from both of 'em.

Just selfish really, innit?
Selfish, selfish people.

You've cost us all money
for this weird relationship.

- I wouldn't call it a relationship.
- When Christina came, what did you do?

That didn't cost us money!

They're trying to play the perfect couple,
but that's shit, man. I'm just saying.

There isn't a genuine connection.

Everyone has their process of how
they want to connect or reconnect.

This is our process. We have our process.
This is how we're dealing with it.

Like, I'm not judging you guys
based off your connections.

This is how I'm dealing with Marvin.

Everybody thinks
that it was just about sex, but it's not.

Melinda and me have a connection,
a real connection.

This incident
of sexual intercourse...

What were they thinking?
It's gonna be so expensive.

...has resulted
in a deduction from the prize fund

of $20,000.

Lana! Girl!

Not 20 grand!

It's not a genuine connection,
in my opinion.

You guys don't understand.
You don't get it.

Twenty thousand!

That could've been my house deposit.

They do not like each other,
and yet she's jumped in the sack with him.

The prize fund now stands at...


Absolute joke.

Not only did they fail
to win back any cash,

Melinda's trip up Marv's Eiffel Tower
has cost a further 20 grand.


Little mugs.

They're all gonna be mad at us right now.

- We got to prove them also that...
- Exactly.

We grew from that and we are ready
to have a healthier relationship.

- Absolutely.
- And we are ready to move forward.

Ah, f*ck.

- I got you.
- I got you too.

I feel so guilty
that Marvin and I have broken this rule.

But we're hoping we can redeem ourselves,

because I know for a fact
we have that deeper connection.

So I'm excited to move forward with him.

Imagine if that was me and Cam.
You'd be flipping your lid right now.

- Hi.
- What up?

- Here they are.
- How do you feel?

There is a real connection between us

and even if people don't see it
because we are always fighting, it's real.

It is what it is.
If I was in their position at that time,

not sure that I would have done
anything differently.

I am sorry to all of you guys
from the bottom of my heart.

I really am.

Marvin and Melinda are in a pickle.

Unless they show some genuine connection
to the rest of us,

none of us are gonna be happy.

The only thing you can hope from that
is they grow and become stronger for it.

What I did was f*cking selfish,

and I swear to you all
I'm gonna literally, like, work hard

to gain your trust back
and some money back.

But if Lana decides to send me home,
then fine.

I really like her,
I have feelings for her.

But it's hard for me
to get into a relationship,

'cause I've had only one in my life
and I definitely need to work on it.

♪ It's in the sound ♪

I just want to eat you up.
I'm gonna eat you up.

♪ And the feeling that you lost
Can sometimes get you down ♪

♪ But when it's not enough
Find hope it's in the sound ♪

♪ The feeling that you lost
Can sometimes get you down ♪

Like, Nathan is the first blond
that I've been into.


- We really push each other's buttons.
- Yeah.

♪ On my way I found another level
And it's you that's made... ♪

With the prize fund
as low as it is,

it doesn't leave us with much wiggle room.

But I do... Trust me,
I want to spend some of this money.

Or, okay, no, I don't want to spend
this money. I want to break the rules.


Sounds like our resident cowboy
is upset

he didn't get to ride the rodeo
last night.

You know, I've been here...
been here a while now and,

you know, I've just been
slowly plugging away.

You know. I've slowly been plugging away
with Larissa.

- You haven't really got anywhere.
- Um... No, I've just got nowhere.

I constantly make comments
about the money being spent,

but it's almost worth it

if it's in pursuit
of, you know, this whole connection thing.

So is Larissa's excuse of,
"I don't want to spend money..."

Is it genuinely the money
or is it because it wouldn't be worth it?

It's not like you're content
with your situation with Larissa.

You've always been a bit like,
"It is what it is."

You're trying to get on board
with the process,

but I feel you're trying to get on board
with process with the wrong person.

I was definitely more tempted
to break rules than Larissa was.

I could have slept naked

and I really don't think
there would have been any risk

of her just being like,
"Okay, let's break some rules."

I think I've put in a lot more effort.

I think it's nice to be wanted, right?

♪ Set me free ♪

♪ Set me free ♪

- Have you spoke to any girls yet, Joey?
- Carly's like...

- The one that stood out.
- The one that stood out.

I'm seeing myself as a free, sexy
young man in this establishment

and maybe she just needs the right love
to make her bounce back.

I would really hope
to get a one-on-one with Nathan, like...

- Mmm.
- We need to f*ck shit up!

Uh, Lana!

Hello, Joey, Tabitha, and Elle.

Hi, Lana.


Tabitha and Elle, in order to grow,

you have to be willing
to put sex to one side

and explore deeper connections.

To encourage you
to build a more genuine bond,

I would like to offer you the chance
to go on a date with a fellow guest.

- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Finally!
- We spoke it...

- Yes!
- We spoke it into existence.

They're too cute.
I honestly would eat 'em all alive.

Please tell me
who you'd each like to invite...

...and I will do the rest.

Oh my God.

I don't know who to pick.


- I'm bad at making decisions.
- No, no, no, don't ask us.

This is your thing.

I'm really not trying to, like,
hurt anyone's feelings, you know,

and I've decided on...

Ooh, teasing the reveal
of who they pick.

- No.
- Here she is.

Give us some good news, please, Lana.

Hello, everyone.

I have gathered you as I have some news.

Tabitha and Elle

have been given the opportunity
to form more meaningful connections

by choosing one person each
to accompany them on private dates.

- What?
- Oh my God.

Are you kidding me?

This is insane.
No one pick a date with Marvin.

- Oh, shit.
- Knew that was coming.

This is a pot stirrer.

Oh, shit.

Tabitha has chosen

to go on a date



Chase is gonna be
all over Tabitha, I already know.

That's okay.

Gotta let it go.

Let him go.

Chasey-wasey gets a datey.

And Carly-warly
looks angry-wangry.

Lana, you are blessing me.

Elle has chosen...


I'm trying to pretend like I don't care
and, like, put a tough face on,

but it's a bit hard seeing the person
you've been getting to know

go on a date
with someone else in the retreat.

But, yeah,
I guess we'll just wait and see.

Please go and get ready
for your dates.

I'm incredibly flattered.

This is kind of a wake-up call
right now that

things with Larissa aren't really moving
in the direction that I want them to.

♪ We're gonna make it last ♪

♪ We're gonna raise a glass ♪

♪ If all we had is tonight
We gonna celebrate... ♪

- Who's in next?
- Rock, paper, scissors is fair, right?

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t!

He's got the winner!
He's got the winner!

- Do you think this dress is nice?
- Unreal.

- Really? Okay.
- Unreal, babe. You look fit.

♪ All we had is tonight ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ As long as we're dancin' ♪

Nathan and I have
come a long way,

so it would be pretty lame
to just throw it all away.

And Elle is not Nathan's type.

He likes blondes.

So that's why
he's always looking in the mirror.

Miss Elle.

- Hi.
- Good evening.

Come here. Let me give you a kiss.
It's a pleasure to finally...

- Sit and talk. Yeah.
- To talk to you, I know.

You look absolutely fantastic.

Thank you. So do you.

Anybody else getting a real urge
to watch Toy Story again?

Nathan in his little cowboy hat,
he's, like, looking amazing.

He just looks so good to me.

So excited.

Cheers to one Elle of a date.

Oh my God,
that's the first time I heard that.

Come on. No one's hit you
with "one Elle of a time"?

Yeah, that's because
it's one Elle of a cheesy line.

Thank you very much
for inviting me.

I was actually surprised
you said yes.

I just felt like Larissa was,
like, in the way.

Oh, you've gone straight in. Hang on.

Um... I don't think "in the way."

- Mm-hmm.
- "In the way" is the wrong phrase.

Is there, like, any chemistry there?

Larissa and I...

Yes, I suppose that I did, you know,
open up to her and whatever, but...


- But...
- That's before I got here.

That's before you got here.

Elle, right now, is just looking amazing.
She looks... She looks incredible.

Gorgeous, confident.

Just bubbly character that...
I do really want to get to know her.

You know, for me, it meant a lot that you
actually asked me out here this evening.

Perhaps you should've been here
from the beginning.

They saved the best for last.

I guess they did.

- Hey, best till last. Cheers.
- Cheers.

That's the thing about Nathan.
Hates brunettes.

Can't stand 'em.

Oh my God.

She's not that pretty once you look at her
for five minutes.

That's true.

This hurts me less
than him sleeping with her.

Once he got in that bed with her,
to me, mentally, he's gone the furthest.

You should move on with... with Joey.

When a guy kind of blows me off,
hurts my feelings,

I just will hook up with someone else

or get affection from someone else
to make myself feel better.

You're sitting right here.
This is your seat.

- Can I pull this out?
- This is so romantic!

Until a cockroach
lands on Chase's head again.

Can we just see that one more time?

And I feel like I haven't felt that...

Never gets old.

Beautiful scenery, beautiful girl.

I got no complaints.

She's got, like, the red dress,

nice succulent lips.

Like, she is absolutely A1.

- What do you do?
- I'm a pro football player in the US.

Love that.

He's 6'5". He's dressed in all black.

Like, he is sexy.

you're trying to put sexy to one side.

Try talking about something
other than how big and handsome he is.

You're the biggest guy
I've ever seen in the flesh.

Like, your hand is huge. Let me see.

See, that's not normal, babe.

- That finger!
- I get that a lot, but not with the hands.

Like, I think I'm in love

with Chase,

the athlete.

I'm a WAG. I'm a WAG.

I think we get the message,

Hopefully the rest of the group
are feeling less sexed up,

especially after Marvinda-gate today.

♪ I wanna lay you down ♪

Yeah, right.


What undies are you wearing?

They're just old.

Oh my God!

- I'm not...
- Sorry.

I wasn't ready for that!

- I thought I was ready, but I wasn't.
- I didn't know which ones I was wearing.

they expect me to put up with this shit

while Nathan's on a date
and I don't have wine.

I felt fine about him going on this date,

but since he's left,
I'm, like, dwelling on everything.

I would be sad
if Nathan got his head turned with Elle.

I do kind of get
quite a sexual vibe from you.

Someone's taken
this first-date convo up a notch.

I mean, I wanna be.
Like, I... I absolutely wanna be.

Can I feel your arm?

Go crazy.
But let me just pump it up a little.

Why would you...

You didn't have to do that! Oh my gosh.

I feel as though Nathan and Larissa
lack that chemistry.

That's nice.

Needless to say, like, Nathan turns me on.

Like, just looking at him,
it's just I can't even think straight.

- You can't stop giggling.
- Oh my God. It's 'cause I'm so horny.

This is definitely
more second-date kinda language.

I wouldn't be mad
if you, like, came and slept in my bed.

Okay, we're really
in third-date territory now

after, like, five whole minutes.

I mean, it's... it's no pressure.

- I know.
- Do what you want.

- This is tough. You know, I...
- Yeah.

Two beautiful girls.

- It's a delicate situation.
- Very delicate.

But you just have to go with
your feelings, like your gut, you know.

I feel bad
that I've put Nathan in this position,

but, at the same time, I feel
he shouldn't be putting up with

settling with someone just because.

All right, well, Elle set
the bar pretty low. Over to you, Tabitha.

Have I got it in my teeth?

Have I got it in my teeth?

- Mmm.
- We're screwed.

That's not sexy.

- You look good.
- I hope that's not, like...

- I could lick it off.
- You'd lick it off my face?

- That's not a kiss...
- Lick it off my face.

It's not a kiss, right? Look this way.

- There you go.
- Do it again.

Technically, not a rule break,

but something I'm sure
Lana will be looking at for next season.

I'm literally so attracted to Tabitha.

Like, I get it, we got these rules,

but like, Lana, don't look at me.
Don't look at me, Lana.

Let's cheers to a really nice first date.

- To a really nice first date.
- Cheers.

- To finally getting to know you.
- Yeah.

This date has made me horny.

Get me in the bedroom now,
and not for sleep.

After those steamy dates,
the boys are in need of a cold shower.

Luckily for them, Lana has
a male-only workshop coming up tomorrow

to help them
stop thinking with their dicks.

What are you doing?

Snagging my sandals.

I'm just sick of being sad about someone.

I've wasted so much time already
with Chase.

I don't have much time left here.

Come here.

For one second.

Uh-oh. Looks like Operation
Get Over Chase is about to begin.

What up?

- You done stressing yet?
- Mm-hmm.


To get over somebody,
you get under somebody.

Joey is just, like, more cuddly.

More reminds me of me.
More, like, dorky, weird.

Come here.


Will you give me a kiss?

Kissing a pretty girl has become kind of
second nature in the outside world.

They say it takes about two weeks
to break a habit.

I've been here for two days.

I think it'd be fun.

I think we'd have fun.

It would be rude

not to kiss him, obviously.

- We can't tell anyone.
- No.

Lana, shut your little cone-head eyes.

♪ Oh, oh, doin' it ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, doin' it ♪

♪ Oh, oh, doin' that ♪

♪ The way you doin' that ♪

It looks like
revenge is tasting very sweet right now.

Chase who? Right, Carly?

Actually, don't talk with your mouth full.

♪ Doin' it
Oh, oh, oh, doin' it ♪

That was a spark.



She is an amazing kisser.

I am thinking about Lana.

But I'm also kinda mad at Lana... I'm like,

"Mmm, you've put me through a lot.
I think I can deserve one kiss."

- You're a good kisser.
- You are too.

♪ That's down low ♪

No rule breaks tonight!

Marvin, you knob.

Night's watch tonight, guys.

- All right, y'all?
- Oh, hi!


It's decision time, Nathan.

Will it be bed number one
with the lovely Larissa

or bed number two with the elegant Elle?

- Yo!
- Yo!

- Yes, big man. You good?
- I'm cool.

- Did you have fun?
- It was a lot of fun.

- Whose bed are you in tonight?
- I'm here.

- Cute.
- I'm here.

I'm gonna get into bed
with Larissa tonight.

Everyone's there.
I can't embarrass her like that.

But perhaps things
will be different tomorrow.

♪ Just you ♪

♪ Just you ♪

- Hey!
- Morning!

♪ It feels so right ♪

Nathan, how was your date?

I had a whole lot of fun, I'm telling you.

It was nice getting to know someone.
I feel like, instantly, we clicked.

We had a spark.


Man, this is top five, like,
most awkward moments of my life.

There wasn't really a dull moment.
There wasn't a quiet moment.

"Know what? Elle, great. She's
fantastic, beautiful, had a great night."

Pretty savage, that, Nathan.

Anything else, Nath?

Maybe tell Larissa
how you only like brunettes now.


I've been thinking a lot
about that kiss last night.

I'm trying to stay positive
and maybe... maybe Lana will be cool.

Oh yeah,
I'm sure she'll be cool.

She might even give you some cash
just for being awesome.

♪ Tell me, is it all in my head?
Is it all in my head? ♪

Today is going to be a great day.

♪ Tell me, is it all in my head?
Is it all in my head? ♪

- I, like, woke up so angry this morning.
- Why? Why?

'Cause I was, like, jealous
that you, like, weren't in my bed.

♪ Tell me, is it all in my head?
Is it all in my head? ♪

♪ Is it all in my head? ♪

♪ Tell me, is it all in my head?
Is it all in my head? ♪

You almost seem like
a different man since Tabitha's come in.

I was laying in the bed last night
and she got completely naked.

- Oh!
- What?

When you say completely naked...

Not an ounce of clothing.

No underwear. Nothing.
Like, everything was showing.

I'm not breaking these rules.
I'm not a hypocrite.

But I don't care what any man says,
that takes willpower,

'cause that girl looked good.

If he thinks he'll get through
however many days

without breaking rules
with Tabitha sleeping naked in his bed,

he's absolutely deluded.

This is getting into
a little awkward situation.

No one here knows
about our kiss last night.

- How'd your night go?
- She's laying there in a white thong

in a spooning position, you know?

I mean, I had to take
20-30 minutes outside just to cool down.

Just to cool down, sit down, relax.

I'm trying to just,

you know, keep everything to myself.

I... I...

I really struggle a lot, you know,
because I just...

I'm just a bit of a horndog,
you know?

Well, Lana, I'm no expert,
but it seems to me

these boys are in need
of a cone-shaped kick up the backside.

I agree, Desiree.

I am concerned
that the boys' lack of emotional maturity

is preventing them
from forming deeper connections.

That is why I have arranged
a male-only workshop

to encourage them
to take greater responsibility

and help master their immaturity.

And Lana has just the man to help
our guys get in touch with themselves.


Mindfulness coach Keith Mitchell.

The importance
of having a male-only workshop

is it alleviates the distractions,
you know?

Guys can be just raw,
they can let themselves go.

The idea is they can begin

to level up their relationships
with emotional maturity.

Hello, everyone.

What's stage one?
Talk about your feelings,

let the barriers down and discuss
what's emotionally always held you back?

You're gonna talk to your manhood.

Sorry, what?

What is this?
I've got to talk to my penis? Like...

I suppose it makes a refreshing
change from using it to think with.

It's an opportunity for you
to set a new regimen going forward.

What you're going to commit to
with your manhood.

The man will be talking to himself.

He's talking to his manhood, you know?

He's establishing
that intimate relationship with himself,

talking about your frustrations,
talking about your past.

Not locking that in like men typically do.

So we're gonna dive
in some really deep waters today.

Think of your manhood like money
and spend it wisely.

- How am I gonna spend it better?
- Yes.

So excited to hear what he says.

Hey, big guy.

I've probably taken you places
where I probably shouldn't have taken you.

This is, uh...
This is a bit weird, if I'm honest, Keith.

We've had some good memories.
Some really, really good memories.

I've used you to break hearts.

And backs.

What do you guys think
they're learning there?

I feel like they're learning
about communication, honestly.

I'm hoping they're gonna learn
to not be such dicks.

just learn to talk to their dicks.

Hey, my Eiffel Tower.

I definitely need to talk to my penis,
because we spent the most money here.

Really bad penis.

It's gonna require
a little bit of maturity with this, yeah?

Hello. Hello, you.

We've had some good times.

Very good times, yeah.
Remember those twins?

They were... They were fun.

I want to use you
for good, meaningful things,

rather than just manipulate,
lie, get my own way.

Using you, having sex with other people,
protects me from vulnerability.

I'm sorry to say it,
but we've got to change our ways.

But, yeah, good chat though.
Good chat. Ta-ra, mate.


- Good job, Cam.
- Good job, Cam.

Strange, that one.

So, Joey, your turn.

I've known you a pretty long time.
You've always taken care of me.

It's about time for me to start...
start really, really taking care of you.

Little Joey's done a lot for big Joey

and I'm ready to, uh, connect
on a deeper level

and I'm ready to maybe give it a shot,

to respect him
a little more than I have in the past.

- Strange, isn't it?
- I find it weirdly normal.

This'll be fun.

What's going on, little fella?
You gotta wake up for a second.

We've got, apparently,
a deep conversation to have.

I'm gonna perhaps let you take a breather
occasionally and let you have a night off.

I'm just gonna do better.
Gonna stop using you as a tool to hurt

and start using you to kinda spread love.

Yeah, that's my commitment to you.

Awesome. Thank you.

As ridiculous as this sounded
at the beginning,

I see Keith's thought process.

As men, we really struggle to open up,
we struggle to show any signs of emotion.

We can be vulnerable.

I'm impressed.

The boys are taking
a schlong hard look at themselves

and it's not just their shorts
that are opening up.

So notice you have this wooden drum
next to you and you have some paint.

And what we're gonna do here
with this, uh, this wooden drum here,

we're going to draw, we're going to write
whatever you feel about the past traumas

that were not quite the best.

Things that you could have done better

and the things
that... that you want to move away from.

I'm a horrendous painter.

Even stick figures.
I can't seem to draw a stick figure.

So this isn't gonna be a masterpiece,

but I'll try
and put some meaning behind it.

♪ I've been trying to find the words
Trying to work out what to say ♪

I definitely haven't been able to go in
and out of relationships in a healthy way,

and a storm would be the perfect way
to describe that.

If there wasn't any storms,
you wouldn't appreciate the sunny days.

♪ Every time I start to write
You just take over my mind ♪

♪ And the words
They just won’t come out ♪

I'm writing
everything that hurt me in the past.

All the guilt I felt because,
when I was young, my mom was struggling

and I wasn't able to help her,
so it was really hard for me.

Now we get to turn the blocks around to
see what we want to create going forward.

We're going to paint the positivity.

The lion is so symbolic to me,

because I never got to grow up
with a pops, you know,

and my favorite movie
when I was a kid was The Lion King

and he grew up without a pops
and he still became the king.

So, everyone, let's turn the block around
to your negative.

And voilà,
our six finished master-penises.

Robert, tell us about it.

The... The palm tree and the sun represents

kind of my... my international travel
that I've done and undertaken in the past

and how I promised girls around the world
that maybe I'd stick around and I haven't.

I would say I'd ring round,
make some apologies,

but I don't think I've got
that sort of time, to be honest.

So, Nathan, tell us about the negative.

I've put a bulldozer next to a house. Um...

On multiple occasions,
I feel like I've been a home-wrecker,

in my own home
and maybe some other homes, you know?

I felt at such a young age,
I was ready to commit to a certain person

for the rest of my life.

You know,
that... that didn't quite work out for me,

so I just took this path
of just destruction.

I didn't care who I was hurting,

I didn't care how many women
I was seeing at the same time.

I was just at w*r with women.
I wanted them to hurt like I hurt.

Cam, tell us about that negative.

My negative represents
my inability to change and to move on.

On the one side,

you've got certain parts of my personality
and attributes I used to have

which I... I like and I think are more me.

On the other side, you've got as I am now.
Heartless, kind of egotistical, cocky.

Lonely. Um...

There's just two parts of me and I...

I struggle to decide
which is right and which is wrong.

Let's talk about the positives.

The positive is where I'd like to be.

I'll be content in having no fear.
I'll stop running from things.

♪ And I don't know what the future holds ♪

I would like to carry it on with Em,
but I still feel stuck in my own ways.

I'm too scared
to just jump into something.

Do I trust myself to... get to a point

where I can be
what I think she wants me to be for her?


I've learned to drop my pride a little bit
and have genuine connections with people.

I tried a relationship with Carly,
didn't work out.

And instead of being closed off,

I found Tabitha,
and I can learn something from it.

So, Marvin,
tell us about the negative side.

First of all, the negative side,
we talked about manhood here,

and, uh, my dad was the opposite of a man.

He left his wife with two children

and he ran away from his family.

I saw my mom struggling
and I couldn't be here for her.

I couldn't provide for her.

And, uh, this is what I don't want for me.

I feel really emotional and vulnerable,

because I'm letting go
and talking about my past.

Let's see the positive side.

I've written "trust," because I feel like
I should trust myself a little bit more.

I'm touched by what Marvin's saying,

I think because I've never...
I've never heard him open up.

The fact that my dad left,
I always had my guard up with people,

not being able to open
and, uh, trust them.

So I never trust any girl.

I've always been, like,
messing around and everything.

I feel like, since I've been here,
I haven't been a man with Melinda

and I should have treated her
as well as I'd treat my mom.

Coming out from this workshop,
I really feel like a new man,

'cause I realize now that I should
have treated Melinda in a better way,

and now I'm gonna do it.


Okay, so, men, just one last look at what
you're going to let go moving forward.

What you don't want.

I don't want to go on hurting people
and breaking hearts.

I need to apply that
to the Larissa situation with Elle

and keeping both of them on,
you know, on either side,

I can't do that.

And we're gonna shift this consciousness
to the positive side.

Being okay with being open,

honest, speaking truth to yourself.

I'm finally starting to get it.

I'm finally starting to open up
and seeing things from the bigger picture.

Vulnerability is hard, man.
It's a challenge.

Job well done.

It's nice just to have this open space
in front of all the boys

and to kind of be a bit vulnerable.

I know none of my boys here
are gonna judge me,

and I'm not gonna judge them.

♪ Oh, oh, let's go into the unknown ♪

♪ Oh, oh, let's go into the unknown ♪

So the boys
have spent the afternoon

learning about emotional maturity.

And, on first looks,
it seems to be having a positive effect.

♪ Feelin' so crazy ♪

♪ Arms all around I feel hazy, yeah ♪

♪ Oh baby ♪

♪ You’re all that I need, yeah
You’re all that I need ♪

There's probably not a time in the day

that I haven't thought
about sex with you.

did you not listen to a word Keith said?

So you want to tell me
about the workshop?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
First of all, how are you feeling like?

I'm good. I'm happy. Very happy.

I feel like everything that happened,

like, really made us grow already.

I think so too.

So quickly. And now I feel
like there's no more tensions.

- Absolutely.
- No more child's play.

- Yeah.
- And... it's great.

And today, the workshop
helped me understand even more things.

After this workshop,

I feel really emotional

and I need to talk about it with Melinda
and open up.

We had to write down all the positives
and the negatives in our lives.


My father left when I was six years old.

Everything he did
was the opposite of being a man.

I want to be the opposite
of what my father did.

I want to be a man for my family.

- Yeah.
- For my future wife. My future children.

- My mom was struggling and, uh...
- Yeah.

...every day I saw her, like, suffering
and I couldn't do anything for her.

- Basically, everything I do for my mom...
- Mm-hmm.

I should have treated you
the way I treat my mom.

- Aw. Yeah.
- You know?


When Marvin broke down to me
and talked to me about his past

and the effect that
that workshop had on him,

really, really soothed my heart.

I was so happy.

I think I've done
so many wrong things with you.


And, yeah, I love my mom so much,
I have so much respect for her.

- Absolutely.
- But I've never been acting this way

with the girls
I've been in a relationship with.


This is the first time I really opened up.

So I feel like it's a big step for us

and it can only be better for the future.

For me,
it's hard to get into a real relationship.

- I've always been playing around.
- Yeah.

And, uh, I definitely need to work on it,

but just the fact
that knowing it is a big step.

That's a huge step.

- This workshop helped me so much.
- Really?

That makes me really, really happy
to hear.

I'm proud of you.
I'm really, really proud of you.

I'm really proud.

The journey here has been very difficult,

but the fact that he is willing
to open up and change his ways,

this is truly beautiful right now.

I feel like you and I can now go forward
and leave the past behind us.

Good terms.
Yeah, this is the start of something new.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Something awesome.

Ah, I'm so happy.

I'm very, very happy.

Thank you for sharing that with me.
It really does mean a lot deep down.

It really does.


I got the green light!
My first green light.

I'm not wasting any second.

This kiss
is so special right now.

Marvin has completely opened up to me.

♪ All this love is waiting here for you ♪

This woman is so perfect,
so special.

I feel like I'll remember that day
my whole life

and I can feel
that we are going in the right direction.

♪ You ♪

Yay for Marvin and Melinda!

Wow, Lana, finishing the episode
on a happy ending?

I guess that means we've turned a corner

and there's only good things
to come for our guests.

I'm afraid not.

My systems predict more guest malfunctions
on their path to enlightenment.

Do you wanna have a shower
with me?

Oh God.

Soon as you get feelings for someone,
you jump ship?

I wanna have sex right now.

This is not how I wanted
this conversation to go.

Two of you
must leave the retreat tonight.

Oh, hell no.

♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Turn it up! ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Whoo, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Don't, don't mess with me ♪

♪ Don't, don't, don't mess with me
Oh-oh, oh, oh ♪