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04x08 - It's Raining Love Triangles

Posted: 04/18/24 12:28
by bunniefuu



[Lana chimes]

Lana Banana.

I care a lot about Nick,

but I didn't expect Shawn to walk in
and look like that. This man is sexy.

I can look, but I cannot touch, right?

[Desiree] Technically you can,
but Lana's touch tax can be hefty.

[Lana] Imogen and Shawn,
I hope you enjoyed your dates yesterday

and your first night in the retreat.

I was knocked out.

I might have took Kayla
on that first date,

but as soon as I saw Jawa,
I knew I had messed up.

She's had plenty of time
to get to know Nick. It's my turn.

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.

Rep the Aussies.

I had a phenomenal date with Imogen,

but right now,
I'm really happy with Flavia.

[Desiree] Aw, cute.

The problem is
Imogen's Aussie and super beautiful.

[Desiree] So you're happy with Flavia,
but could be even happier with Imogen?

Got it.

[Lana] I hope the other guests
have been making you feel most welcome.

Yeah, mostly.

I know that Creed
is sharing a bed with Flavia,

but Creed is giving me
these cheeky little looks.

The eye contact makes me more confident
that there is a connection there with us.

Glad to be here.

[Lana] As you approach
the latter stages of my retreat,

I have noticed that some of you
still need to fully commit to the process,

whilst others
need to fully commit to each other.

Oh, shit.

[Lana] The decision
about what to do next is yours,

but I will be watching.

-Oh, my...


[Ethan] Go away, Lana.

Blah, blah, blah.

[Desiree] Be careful, Ethan.

Lana's got a naughty step
with your name on it.

-Oh, shit.
-Oh, shit.

How are you feeling?


[sighs] It's just so fricking hard.

-Like, honestly, the hardest thing.
-I know.

I'm not ready to be in a relationship.

I'm not open to getting
to know anyone in that way,

I think my experience
with Creed in here solidified that for me.

I'm just not sure
what more I can learn here.

I feel like you can do it.

Every day I wake up
and I'm just counting down the days to go.

How f*cking beautiful are you?

-You're something.
-I'm with somebody.

[Desiree] Ethan, you may have been
given the boot by Brittan,

but with a new girl in the villa,
you're back in the game.

-You've got a good body, to be fair.
-Thank you.

So I'm real curious. Are your boobs real?

[Desiree] Ah,
the quintessential British gentleman.

There's a new girl in the house
and she is hot.

I love a pair of fake boobs.

Like, I don't know how I'm gonna carry on
and not break the rules.

I get, like, fuckboy vibes from you.

[both chuckle]

[Desiree] You walked right into that one.

Jawa and I
are connecting and growing together

so much more than I ever anticipated.

But since Shawn showed up,
Jawahir is acting a bit different

and I really want to see
where her head is at.

[Shawn] My beautiful Black queen.

Hi, Shawn.

[Desiree] In answer
to your question, Nick,

her head is dangerously close to Shawn's.

I'm about to talk to Jawa.
I got to give it all I got.

I gotta get that connection started
and hopefully things will spark.

You look great. You in the gym
or you just naturally built like this?

I do work out.
I run a lot, so this is all natural.

-Mmm. I can tell. I love it.
-No fillers.

Thank you.

If you look up the word
"tempting" in the dictionary,

you will find a picture of Shawn.

[Desiree] And if you look up the word
"besotted," there's a picture of Nick.

You're connected with Nick.

-It's definitely there.

Yeah, it's definitely there.

-But I'm just like very curious about you.
-I like that.

-You obviously look good.
-Thank you.

I'm definitely getting the vibe
that Jawa's enjoying herself.

It's time for me to make a move.

-Oh, shit.

[Jawahir laughing]

[Desiree] Well, that escalated quickly.

Mmm, I like that.

I'm sorry, Nick, I really do like you,
but when Shawn touches my leg...


What's wrong with me?

[Desiree] I'd hold off
having that chat right now if I were you.

[Jawahir laughing] Oh!

This is my chance right now.
I really need to tell her how I feel.

-Why do they call you Big Shawn?
-You have to find out.

[Nick] f*ck, man.
What is going on right now?

I feel so disappointed

and I really don't know
where to go from here.

Oh, my God. Shawn, Shawn, Shawn.


[Jawahir] I'm going to have to stop this
right now because this is a test, right?

'Cause I have Nick in my head.

-So the new girl...
-She likes Creed.

I think she wants to go to Creed
but hopefully Creed won't let her.

Did Creed say he was gonna stay with you?

-[Flavia] Yep.
-Okay, good.

I hope he sticks with you.

I hope he does.

Last night,
Creed reassured me, but in the past

I had some trust issues
with my ex-partners.

So I really do hope
Creed doesn't screw things up,

'cause I'm trusting him.

If Creed wasn't giving me any signals
he was interested, I wouldn't try.

But I need to find out
exactly what's going on.

Last night, I was sitting back, watching
how you guys were in bed and stuff...


I catch your eye
and you're looking at me. I'm like, "Mmm."

-Yeah, I...

[Creed] Imogen is stunning.

I am so tempted. I have to stay strong.

Let's not forget Flavia.

[Desiree] Uh, the rest of us
very much remember her.

I'm trying to figure out
if it's a friendship vibe.

Are you sexually attracted?

-To you?


-Guess it's not really a friendship then.
-It's hard.

I really want to behave,
but Imogen is making me hot and flustered.

She's giving me those eyes.

But would you say I'm in a position
where I shouldn't try to pursue you at all

or would you still like me
to continue getting to know you?

Would you rather me keep trying
or would you rather me fully close off?

-I don't think you should fully close off.
-So it's a yes?

Yeah. It's a yes.

I don't think
you should close anything off.

I'm stuck in between
the perfect girl and the perfect girl.

This is a real dilemma.

[Desiree] It's a tough life, Creed.

I don't know where things stand with Jawa.

I feel very emotionally drained

and I am not in the mood
for everyone else right now.

[Desiree] Well, I hate to break it
to you, Nick, but...

[groans]'s party time!

Lana's throwing a Forbidden Fruit party
to welcome the new arrivals.

At least my quads look big.
Girls love big quads.

Forbidden fruit. I hope somebody
wants to take a bite out of me tonight.

[Dominique] How you feeling?

I'm not really interested
in getting to know anyone.

Let's go!

I love fire!

[all cheering]

All the girls,
they're looking very appealing tonight.


It just feels like I'm spinning plates.

I've got Flavia over here.
Imogen over here.

Just trying to keep 'em sweet.

[pop music playing]

[Lana chimes]

-I swear Lana only throws us parties

just so she can crash them.

Can we go back to the party, please?

[Lana chimes]

[Lana] I hope you enjoyed the party.


[Dominique] Oh, hell no.

[Ethan] "However's" never good.

Every time Lana
throws a party, it's a trap.


I am feeling so nervous right now.
What is going on, Lana?

Was there any breach of the rule?

You can take your eyes off me right now.

Please tell me
Jawa and Shawn didn't break any rules.

[Lana] This morning,
I stressed the importance

of being committed to my process.

Unfortunately, some people
are still falling short of that goal.


Oh, shit.

tonight's festivities will also serve

as a leaving party.


That's messed up.

Lana is literally
the worst party host alive.

Damn, I ain't even unpack my bags yet.

[Jawahir] My head has been turned
since Shawn has arrived.

I am scared that it's gonna be me.

Somebody's getting booted.
This could be any of us, you know.

Who could it be?

[Lana] Exiting the retreat tonight is...

I really hope it's not me.
I'm not ready to leave.

There's just so much fun to be had here.

I'm really worried it could be me.

I'm juggling the two hottest girls.
I'm not ready to go.

Please don't say my name.


Oh, my God.

-[Kayla] Oh, shit.
-[Brittan] Oh, my God.

[Nigel] I did not see that coming.

[Lana] Ethan, you have chosen
to focus your attention

exclusively on physical desires...

Sophie's really fit, has an amazing body.

Sophie who? I'm interested in Brittan now.

I just think you're just lush.
Your bum, your boobs. You're perfection.

Are your boobs real?

...and have failed to apply yourself
in my workshops.

[all laughing]

This workshop is rubbish.


I'm gutted I'm going, honestly.

It's just been
such a good time with everyone.

Lana's been great
and she has taught me a lot.

[Desiree] At last,
Ethan has had a breakthrough.

The first thing
I'm gonna do when I get home is shag.

[Desiree] Nope. Broke right back in.

-The laughs have been unforgettable, mate.

[Desiree] Anyone else finding it hard
to take this seriously

with everyone dressed up
as sexy bondage elves?

[Lana] The second and final person...

[Dominique] Oh, no.

...leaving is...

Two people? f*ck me.

Curveball after curveball.

Another person?
Please, Lana, don't send me home.

Oh, this is bad.

I'm worried that this is going to be me
and I haven't done enough.


[Nigel] f*ck.

[Lana] Sophie, you opened your heart
to Creed only to be rejected by him.

You're completely ending things with me
romantically to pursue things with her?

-I don't want to be friends with you.
-That was gonna happen.

I think that's muggy.

What a f*cking muggy prick.

[Lana] While
that was unfortunate and painful,

you decided to close yourself off
to new opportunities.

I'm so f*cking over it.
I don't want to be here anymore.

That's true.

After what happened with Creed,

I wasn't open
to finding a deeper connection anyway.

I do agree with Lana.

I have really struggled,

and I'm not gonna progress
in a genuine connection

at this point in time.

There's no bad blood, Lana.
You and me will always be friends.

[Lana] Ethan and Sophie,
it's time for you to leave the retreat.

Oh, Sophie.

[speaking indistinctly]

-See you later, guys.

Bye. Cheers.

She tried so hard.
Creed broke her f*cking heart.

[Lana] For my remaining guests,
let this be a reminder

that the choices you make
will ultimately seal your fate.

I feel like we have to have
a real conversation about a lot of stuff.

The thing that I could do right now
is be honest towards Nick about Shawn.

And this is probably the lesson
that Lana wanted to teach me.

[Brittan] Tonight started out so fun,

but became horrible
on the flip of a switch.

What a day, man. f*ck me.

Yeah, it's not good, is it?

It is one of the worst nights. Huh?

Lana's given me more time in the retreat.
That could have been me going home.

I've been flirting with Imogen.

It's too risky.

I don't think I should throw away
what I have with Flavia right now.



What's up?


I know we care a lot about each other.
I've never been in this place before.

I've never felt this way,
but there's just so many question marks.


This is gonna be so tough.


I know you're feeling Shawn.

I know that there's,
like, whatever it is there.

I don't know what it is.
I just need the truth.

[Jawahir] I feel so bad right now.


It wasn't just
a casual dance with Shawn and...

Shawn was massaging me today at the pool.

Yeah, I know. I walked out and saw it.

Oh, my God.

It was very selfish.
I did think about you.

-I'm sorry that you had to watch that.
-It's okay.

It's not okay.


I want to tell you
where my head's at with things.

I feel a sense of love
that I've never felt before.

I like...
I genuinely like you so much, Nick,

to a point that it scares me.

But it's just like a part of me
is just so scared

of giving a part of myself to someone.

I tend to doubt myself
whenever I give myself to someone.

Being adopted has caused me to think
that I am not worthy of love

because they will abandon me.

I have to step back and think for myself,
"Is this really what I want?"

If you need your space,
I will give you your space.

But you need to tell me
what it is you want

and how you want to go about it.

I can't wonder day in and day out
if it's between me and someone else.

I know.

The truth is, Shawn is my type.

And I feel like
I do want to get to know him

-before I make my choice.

[Nick] What has just happened?

It hurts so bad.

-And I just... I really need to think.

-Then sleep on it.

Sleep on it.

I got a very big, big decision to make.

Am I going to stick with Nick
or get to know Shawn?

I just need to think about it
before I hurt anyone.





Last night was a bit rough.
I didn't like that at all.

I'm really grateful
that we're all still here together.

-[Brittan] Yeah.

[Nick] Today I'm giving Jawa her space.

I hope she realizes

what she's missing out on
if she walks away.

[Creed] I think
that should be a wake-up call

and we should honestly take every day
and have the most fun with it.

[Flavia] Something feels off.

I can't help noticing
that Imogen is always staring at Creed.

But maybe it's just me
making ideas in my head.

I need to have a chat with him later.

[Imogen] Creed's literally giving me
all the signs that he likes me.

I know that Flavia's in the equation,

but at the end of the day
I need to do what's best for me.

So it's time for me
to step up my seductive game plan.

[Desiree] Oh, boy.

That's the face of someone
who already knows they've won.

Where are you at
with Nick and Shawn and all your men?

I feel so bad to say it,
but I really do want to get to know Shawn.

I have this need in me
to find out what he's about.

Whenever he looks at me,
oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Yeah. What are you gonna do now?

I don't know, girl.

I need to make a choice.

Shawn is very good looking,
but I am trying to figure out

if it's something deeper.

This is a heavy decision,

because if you go to Shawn
you'll probably lose Nick.

[Jawahir] Mmm-hmm.

What's going on between you and Imogen?

How do you feel about her?

More like friendship-ish.

[Desiree] Well, you sound convincing-ish.

-Are you sure?

I really like Creed,
but in the back of my head

I feel like he left Sophie for me
and that might happen again.

The right thing to do,
if you are in between two girls,

-is to tell the truth.

I just wanted you to know

that the way
everything's going is, like, is perfect.

[Desiree] Well, that's cheeky.

But, um...

What was I gonna say?

Hello, Creed?

[Flavia] What the f*ck?

What the f*ck is going on?
I know Imogen is after my man.


Hi, Shawn.

Hey. How you doing?

-You have pretty teeth.
-You too.

You have this white, bright smile.

-It's crazy.
-Thank you. I love how you compliment me.

I'm rubbing on your leg
for the second time.

-You feel more comfortable with me or...

-I do feel comfortable.
-If you're comfortable with me, I'm...

Trust me,
I'm coming at you with open arms.

As we're talking,

I'm making sure she knows I'm listening
and I'm giving her physical touch.

Hitting two different love languages
at the same time.

My head is a bit in a mess right now.

And I don't know
why my attention has been shifted.

The thing is, with you,
it's just that I just don't know.

-It's the mystery.
-Mystery. Yeah.

I just want to get to know Shawn.

I'm brought up probably
a lot different than most of the men here.

You haven't had a chance
to learn that about me.

My dad left at a early age.
I was in a group home, so I was adopted.

Crazy that you were saying
you were adopted

because I've been adopted too.

[exclaims softly]

-I can understand... I know the pain.

And that is something that me and you
could connect on a whole different level.

I feel like I am getting
to know Shawn a bit better.

We have a lot in common,

but the fact that I care about Nick
is making the whole situation hard.

I just don't know what to do.

I just don't want you
to think I'm just all looks.

There's far more than that.

[Desiree] Looks like Jawa is stuck
between a rock and a Shawn place.

Luckily, I'm besties
with an all-seeing cone.

[Lana chimes]

[Lana] I'm glad
you have faith in me, Desiree.

In order for Jawahir

to make the correct decision
for this tough choice,

she needs to dig deep,
learn about herself,

and find out what she really wants.

Therefore, I have created
a women's-only workshop

to help Jawahir tap into her inner wisdom

in a space away from distractions.


[Desiree] I'm pretty sure that's something
they can all benefit from.

[Lana] To lead this workshop, I've invited
empowerment mentor, Matilda Carroll,

who specializes in helping women
open up to their true feelings.

Today's workshop
is going to be all about the womb.

[Desiree] Well, this is a first.

The womb is far beyond
somewhere that just births babies.

It's also an emotional center.
It's like a big sponge.

Women tap into this energy

and it informs the decisions
they make in their lives.

[Desiree] Okay, cool.

Today's workshop
is gonna be all about the womb.


f*cking wombs, man.

I'd love to know
what you think the womb is.

It's a place where men come from

and try to get back
in there their whole life.

I love that.

The womb absorbs a lot of energy.

It also is a place where our intuition
and our wisdom is also.


This is insane.

If the person
that you're having sex with has trauma

or has guilt or shame
or anything that they're carrying,

then you're actually
absorbing that as well.

You actually absorb
men's DNA into your yonis.

Ew! Get out of there.

Which can actually
stay in your body for up to 50 years.

[Brittan] That's gross.

All these men are a part of me?

It doesn't have to be in there 50 years,
right? We're gonna get rid of it?

Today we're gonna get rid of it!

[all cheering]

Next, the women will activate their wombs,
feel the energy they're holding in there,

and then we're gonna do a clearing.

You're gonna start making
a circular motion on your womb,

feeling that energy circulate.

We're gonna be talking about emotions,

which is something
I'm definitely not good at doing.

So I really don't know
how this is gonna go.

So we're gonna take a deep breath in

and allow yourself into the womb space.

Ask, "What are the patterns

that keep showing up for me
in my relationships?"

I need some healing

because I am falling back
into my old behavior again.

My mind is confused.

Dominique, would you like to share?

I think I've experienced a lot of people
who made me feel like I was too much.

Detachment and craziness.

Always feeling like I'm second best.

I would say self-doubt.

I abandon men before they can abandon me,
because I feel like I don't deserve love.

Lies, trust issues, and jealousy.

All my past relationships
I've discovered many lies,

and that's why I don't trust men.

Emotionally unavailable and selfishness.

Opening up my womb, I'm starting to think

I'm essentially emotionless
to other people's emotions.

So what we're gonna do
is clear out your womb.

You're gonna start pulling it out
wherever it's stuck in your womb,

flicking it out.

All boys from my past, get out of here.

Serving you
your eviction notice right now.

So now that we've cleared this space,

for the final stage of this workshop,
we're gonna let out a big roar.

[roaring loudly]

[Desiree roars] And stay out!


[Desiree] No, you need to roar, Nick.

Oh, sorry, you don't have a womb.

[all roaring]

[Desiree] That's better, boys.

Still no wombs,
but, hey, you enjoy your game.

[all screaming]


Let's go.

What's up there? Boom!

Now that their wombs are cleared,
they have the best possible chance

of bringing in healthy relationships
that are gonna flourish.

I'm gonna ask the women
who they want to welcome

into their sacred womb space.

Is there anyone that you would
like to welcome into your womb?

I would like to share
my womb space with Seb.

The person that I want to
enter my womb space is James.

I want to open my womb space to myself.

That's amazing.

I feel very torn between two guys.

It should be Nick.

But I have
this big question mark in my head

just telling me, "What if it's not?"

What do you feel are these questions marks
that are arising for you?


I think it's because Shawn is very built
and he's sexy as hell.

-Are those some old tendencies?

It was all games and fun to start with

and then I realized that
there could be something deeper than that.

And that is also one of the reasons
why I am drawn to Shawn.

I don't know if it's the connection

that I have with Shawn,
we could be a potential match,

or if I am running from Nick.

I don't know if I am capable
of opening myself up like that.

Most of my energy
is right now shifting towards Shawn.

I just don't know what to do.

[Dominique] Nick is such a good guy,

so it would be really unfortunate
to see Jawa's abandonment and trust issues

get in the way of their connection.

I would like to invite Creed to my womb,
'cause I feel like he's a good person.

He has a warm heart.

Uh... But I do have trust issues with men.

So I'm afraid that maybe he can jump ship,

-'cause it has happened before.

I just want to be
in a relationship with trust.

[Imogen] Hearing Flavia, I realized

I'm not really putting Flavia's emotions
anywhere in this equation.

All I want to do is be honest with Flavia.


If I'm being honest,

I think there is still
a bit of a connection

that needs to be explored with Creed.

I knew it! Tell me something I don't know.

Imogen is still after Creed.

I wouldn't want to ruin anything here.

But I think he needs to be
more honest with Flavia

because the way that Creed and I speak,
I feel like a genuine connection.

Is Creed telling me one thing
and Imogen another?

I'm very surprised what Imogen's saying

because I had a conversation
with him yesterday.

He told me there's a friendship there.

We also had a chat about it as well.

[Desiree] This sounds like a classic case
of "She said, she said...

and he said something
totally different to both of y'all."

Are you sexually attracted?

-To you?


-Guess it's not really a friendship then.
-It's hard.

I don't think
you should close anything off.

How do you feel about her?

More like friendship-ish.

-Are you sure?

[Desiree] Creed,
I think the jig might be up.




Okay, but he should have told me that.

Why didn't he do it?

-That's something you need to ask him.
-Okay, yeah.

I've given Creed
the chance to be honest with me

and I don't think he has been.

I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

Maybe he kept hiding stuff.

[Matilda] Thank you, everyone.

I really appreciated
how you all shared vulnerably.

[women] Thank you.

[Nigel] Hopefully, they see
how men's feelings are...

-I hope so. Please.
-I hope so.

We have feelings too.

[Desiree] Yep, the first agenda item
at the womb workshop was men's feelings.

-[Seb] Hey!


You guys wanna know what we learned today?

Talk to us.

Apparently, like, we soak up
a lot of energy from our sexual partners.

Where's Flavia?

I think maybe
you just haven't defined the lines

between a friendship and something more

with someone
that you could potentially be attached to.

Imogen and Flavia had a chat. I'm f*cked.

[Desiree] Agreed, Creed.

Today at the workshop,
we were supposed to say

if there was anyone we wanted
to let into our womb, and I said you.

I feel good that you're letting me in.
Chopping at the door.

The things I love I set free.
If they return to me, it's meant to be.

I can't hold on to anything.
I have to let it flow.

You did good today
because you told her how you felt

without revealing everything.

Why does he do this with everybody?
I don't get it.

I would not want to be Creed right now.

Imogen said that I should speak to you

because you were keeping
some words from me.

What has she said?

That you don't know what you want.
That you are between me and her.

She's saying
she has a connection with you.

You and her really have something.

If you want something with her,
forget about me.

[Creed] I really
don't want to mess this one up.

I have to be really careful
of what I'm about to say.

[Desiree] My advice would be the truth.

So there's nothing I should worry
about something you said?

Not that I can think of.

I have said to her
that I see it more as a friendship.

I've been extremely honest
in everything I've said.

-That's what she told me.
-I understand that.

But like if I were telling you
I see you as a friend,

what would you think?

-That you were not interested.

At the end of the day,
who am I cuddling in front of who?

-Obviously, it's me.

[Desiree] Wow! It looks like Creed
might live to fight another day.

After what I heard from Creed,
I can see clearly now.

He's trying to be a nice friend
and she's misunderstanding the signals.

But he needs to make himself
very clear to Imogen.

You should put a line.

We have a connection,
and that is where I'm at.

I think I deserve respect
and you should be very specific to her.

Yeah. I agree.

The thing you have to remember
is I did that with Sophie and it was...

It was horrible, so now,
instead of doing it like this,

-it's like a slow process that...

I really need you to talk to Imogen
and tell her you're with me.

-That's it.

Fair. I can do that. That's an easy fix.

I've got away with it here.

I wasn't 100% honest,
but now I need to do the right thing.

[Desiree] There's a difference
between needing to do the right thing

and actually doing it.

But I've got everything
crossed for you, Creed.

What's going on with you, beautiful?

[Jawahir] The workshop has made me realize
that I need to make a decision right now.


You k*lling the game right now.
You call yourself best-dressed here?

I don't know. Am I the best-dressed here?

You didn't wear no jewelry with it
and you still popping. That says a lot.

But Shawn is being Mr. Smooth right now.

[Desiree] Shawn is moving in for the k*ll.

So, Nick,
if you're gonna fight for your girl,

it's now or never.


Is he meditating again?

[breathing deeply]

Or maybe he's performing an exorcism
on Jawa's horny demons.

Right. You single,
ready to mingle with Shawn?

-Could be. Who knows?
-Huh? Could be. Who knows?

My head
is all over the place to be honest.

-I know. It's like a tornado?
-It's a tornado.

The thing that I'm asking myself is,
"Is this connection real?"

[Shawn] I might be cracking jokes,

but it's very important for me
to let her know how I feel.

I really want her
to see that side of myself.

I think you're beautiful.
I really think you're beautiful.

I think you're sweet, but I feel like
you got so much more, and I just...

I just think personality-wise,
relatability-wise, long-term-gevity,

you are the one.

[Desiree] Shawn has brought his A game.

He even invented the word

I really need to know
if there's something here.

-I need to know.
-I know there is.

I know there's something here. No doubt.

He's telling you one thing and her another

and he shouldn't
be allowed to play you both.

I told him, if you want to build something
with someone you really like,

that person comes first.

Yep. Agreed.

[Flavia] He said he'll
cut things off straight away.

And he said,
"I understand and I will do it."

-Oh, my God.
-I hate being mean, but he has to learn.

No, you're not being mean,
you're standing up for yourself.

[Desiree] Flavia has a point, Creed.
You do have to learn.

And here comes your practical exam.



This is my chance to say I'm unavailable.

Here's the shitty situation

and it's gonna make me
sound like an absolute prick.

But I'm gonna be completely honest,
'cause it's the best way to be.

[Desiree] Oh, my. I can't believe
he's actually going to do it.

I can't... I can't lead two girls on.

And it's not fair.

Right now, what I have with you...

is not worth giving up.

[Desiree] Wait, what?

Thing is, I'm willing to give it a go.

Oh, shit.

It's really hard to do the right thing
when she's just so tempting.

What am I doing?

I know, like,
what I have with you is deeper...

But did you guys, like, talk?


Oh, well...

I didn't think he'd ever have the balls
to be honest with Flavia.

[Desiree] Um... Yeah, about that, Imogen...

Are you gonna sleep in my bed?

Say I jump into your bed, right?

The last time I was abrupt with Sophie,
shit hit the fan.

-Understand what I'm trying to say?
-Yeah, I do.

Trust me, I'm gonna be
on my side facing the f*cking door.

I'm sorry for putting you
in such a shit position.

[Imogen chuckling]

What have I done now?

[Desiree] You'd better be ready
to face the music, Creed,

because I reckon
it's gonna be loud and angry.



There is nobody else in the villa
that I am attracted to like that.

You make my heart beat faster.

'Cause it's already beating,
otherwise I'd be dead.

Look, I'm just saying
stupid stuff now, but all right.

-Do I make you nervous?

But every day you will see
more of me come out of my shell.

There's more to Shawn
than he shows people.

It's blowing my mind right now.

I would really appreciate if...

we were to share the bed tonight.


You know, just to explore.

[Jawahir] This is one of the hardest
decisions I've ever had to make.


[theme music playing]