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09x15 - Reunion

Posted: 04/20/24 08:26
by bunniefuu
the My Seanna crew reunite.

She wants to know
why you took the job

if you were so miserable.

- Go [BLEEP] yourself?
- I would like to say--

go [BLEEP] yourself.

We're busting this season
wide open.

Oh, man.

Would you bring back Eddie
as First Officer again?

There were such lapses
at the most inopportune times.

All we did was come
at you with love.

Love? [indistinct]
with that. I'm sorry.

Don't lie.
Man up and say what you did!

You're sitting here
lying to me!

Rayna. Rayna, I'm not--
Can I speak for a second

now, Rayna?
- No.

The Below Deck Reunion
starts now.

Welcome to the
Below Deck Season 9 Reunion.

I'm Andy Cohen,
ready to mix it up

with the My Seanna crew,

like they're
a chicken curry platter

that someone stuck
in a blender.

So without further ado,
let's welcome the yachties.

First up, it's the stud of
the sea, Captain Lee Rosbach.

Hey, Captain Lee.

Good evening, Andy.
How you doin'?

And, he rocks it on deck

almost as hard as he rocks
an Alexander Hamilton wig--

It's Alexander Hamilton!

Say hi to First Officer
Eddie Lucas.

Hey, Eddie.
- Hey, Andy. How you doin'?

Good to see you.
Up next,

she ran a tight ship
without taking any lip,

it's Chief Stew,
Heather Chase.

Hey, Heather!
- Hi, Andy!

Nice to see you.
And speaking of,

she's got a mouth
like a sailor,

so I guess she's in
the right line of work.

It is the fabulous chef
Rachel Hargrove.

Hi, Rachel!
- Hi, Andy.

Hi, everyone.
- Please welcome two-thirds

of the most infamous throuple
to hit the high seas.

Deckhand Rayna Lindsey.
Hi, Rayna!

Hi, Andy.
How are you?

And, second stew,

Fraser Olender.
Hey, Fraser.

Hi, Andy.
How are you?

Great to see you.
And finally,

I'm hoping their Wifi
connection today

is more successful than their
love connection onboard.

Give it up for deckhand
Wes O'Dell.

Hi, Wes!
- Hey!

And third stew
Jessica Albert.

Hi, Jessica!

Hi, Andy!

A little bit later,
we're gonna be joined

by Kaylee, and Jake
was unfortunately

not able
to join us today,

which I am personally
very sad about.

Um, Fraser,

did you know how much
you talked to yourself,

you know, just muttered
to yourself

before seeing yourself
on the show?

Nobody wants me
to get sour, trust me.

It's been quite
an eye-opening year for me.

I didn't know I did half
the things I do,

but to watch it back
is haunting, worrying,

but equally, uh,
sometimes quite funny.

So, I'm not too embarrassed.

Rayna, were you aware
that you were an eye roller

before the show happened?

Most definitely.

I mean, I used to get
grounded growing up

for eye rolling, so--
- Is that true?

All the time!
Like, my dad used to be like,

I'm gonna pop those eyes
outta your head.

So, like, all the time.

Something I've always done.
It's terrible.

Um, I'm trying though.
I'm trying.

That's funny.
That is funny.

Uh, well this season,
the crew wasted no time

turning My Seanna
into a love boat.

Including Below Deck's first
guy-on-guy makeout sessions.

I wanna re-visit
the hot and heavy moments

between the yachties.

Just tell us who you'd like
to make out with

at the table.

Jess, Jess, Jess, Jess!


I was [indistinct]
at you.

Oh, my God, three-way.


[overlapped chatter]

Jake is very attractive

and I might have
a little crush.

If you guys hook-up,
can I watch, please?

- Hey, b*tches.
- Yeah!

Love you.

- Excuse me?
- Jake is a ----in' pig,

who is now ----ing Rayna.

How much of Norbit
did you guys wind up watching?

- Fraser?
- Too much.

Far too much.

Too much?
That's what you said?

Yeah, no.
Um, I didn't watch much of it.

You guys
were really into it.

But I needed to get out
and I did,

and I--
and I made a good call.

At least he didn't say
not enough.

- I know, exactly.
- Right.

Fraser, why-why did you feel
like you needed to get out?

There were things going on,
on both sides of me.

- Yes.
- And, um, you know,

it was wonderful.
It was a lovely little cuddle,

but, you know, everything's
got its expiring date.

And it expired for me.

Uh, Rayna,
Angela S. said,

"Why did you talk about
how bad you were being treated

by your boss, Jake,
but ultimately ended up

almost sleeping
with him still

after finding out
he was engaged."

Well, Jake's not engaged.
It was for a Green Card.

- Right.
- Let's be--

Let's be clear on that.
- Yes.

And I even talked to her
on the phone

on the boat as well.

That was very clear.

And, I think me and Jake
are great outside of working,

but on-- working together
just doesn't really work.

By the way,

I can't imagine that
that Green Card marriage

is gonna work after
proclaiming on television

that it is
a Green Card marriage.

She's not my girlfriend.
She's my mate.

She needs
a British passport.


I was pretty surprised
when he openly admitted that

on television.

I was like, well there goes
the Green Card.

- Right.
- I was like...

Eddie, is there any news
about you and your girlfriend?

She got her
Green Card, right?

Yeah, well she got it
while she was living
up in New York.

You know, of her
being from Brazil,

and, uh, and-
and half Japanese,

you know, she had to get-
get a, uh,

her citizenship actually.

And, uh, things are
goin' really well.


Um, Fraser, Stephanie
from Seattle said,

"Looking back at
the airing of the show,

"do you regret your sexually
charged interactions with Jake

"or would you do it all over
again, given the chance?"

I'd do it all over again.
We had an amazing season.

And Jake and I
are friends

as I've specified
on so many occasions,

but no, it's all
fun and games.

I don't regret anything.

We got a lot of viewer
questions wanting to know

Fraser if the two of you
ever did wind up hooking up.

Oh, that's good.

Okay, um...

Just gonna skirt around
that question.

Jess, Brandon L. thinks
you and Wes would make

such a cute couple.

Was he the person you were
first attracted to

when you initially
joined the boat?

I mean, I think that
it was all-in-all

a pretty attractive crew.

But yes, I did find
Wes attractive.

Wes, do you regret not
going in for the kiss

with Jess this season
when you had the chance?

Um, yeah.

Um, I just wanted to
make sure that was something

that she wanted to do
as well.

Well done.

Okay, I wanna move on.
Well this season,

Heather ran the
interior department

with an iron fist,

but that didn't stop
all the stews

from running their mouths
about each other.

Take a look.


I'm running on nothing.

Fraser, can I get
some backup on service?

Heather needs
to place some order

into this chaotic mess.

- Hi! How's it goin'?
- Well, not so well.

I still have
the trash bags.

I'm so sorry.

This is such
a rookie mistake.

I wanted to discuss
about Jess for a bit.

She's just, like,
moping around,

and just like,
she's pure misery.

There's, like,
all eyes on you right now.

And training day
is, like, over with.

It's coming to the point
of like, the last straw.

I just really need Jess
to understand that

there's no room for
errors anymore.

We need to show up
or ship out.

I'm really sorry,

and I hate to put you guys
in a bad place.

I have to go.
I need to leave.

Obviously, I'm leaving them
pretty high and dry,

I get it, but at
the end of the day,

I come first.

We're, um, getting my stew
for my boat in Florida.

I feel threatened.

I just worry that it's just
gonna disrupt the balance.

That's ----ing bullsh--.

Nice to meet you.
How are you doing?

Nice to meet you.
I'm Kaylee.

Can I see you, Kaylee?
Sorry, I'm very sweaty.

She can stay very much
in the laundry and cabins.

I'll be behind
the bar, Kaylee.

We are now being joined
by third stew, Kaylee Milligan.

Welcome, Kaylee!
- Hey, Andy!

- Thanks for joining us.
- Hey, everyone.

Thanks for having me.
- Hi, Kaylee.

Um, Lee, Daryl T., uh,
wants to know if you think

the guest critiques
of the housekeeping

in the beginning
of the season

was an indicator that
the interior team

wasn't up to par,
or were they just

getting used to
working together?

I think it was moreso
the fact of them

getting used to
working together,

as opposed to their ability
to get the job done.

I think everybody
that was onboard was--

was very,
very qualified.

Marilyn M., uh, has
a question for you, Jess.

She wants to know
why you took the job

if you were so miserable.

She said you were
miserable from the start.

Why even bother?
- Go [BLEEP] yourself.

- What I would like to say is--
- Seriously.

- Exactly, go [BLEEP] yourself.
- Seriously, Karen, bye!

No one has time
for Karens.

- No, but honestly,

none of us-- well,
I would say most of us

did not know what we were
getting ourselves into.

I come from a private
yachting world

where I'm a sole stewardess
on a yacht, by myself.

And so, quite frankly,
the whole production experience

of this really
hindered my ability

to do my job

My anxiety was
through the roof

with cameras
being on us 24/7.

It was just too much
for me to handle,

my body to handle,
and I just wasn't reacting well

in the--
in the situation.

how was it for you?

The first few days when
the cameras were around you,

it was difficult,
but after that,

it was like, you know,
you're just dancing

around them, and they kinda just
disappeared into the background.

So it was pretty easy.
- Jess, Leslie O. said

after watching the show back,
how did you feel about

Heather saying she wanted
to put pressure on you

by putting you
on service?

Do you think she was
trying to break you?

I'm gonna put a little
pressure on Jess.

- Okay.
- And I'd love to put her

on service and you on laundry.
- Okay.

I wanna see if
a little excitement

might bring her out
of her shell.

Yeah, that's not
a bad thought, actually.

I don't think that
you try and put pressure

on someone when you know that
they're under a lot of stress.

I think that you try
and help them eliminate that,

so I think that she was
obviously setting me up

for failure, but...

to each their own,
I really couldn't care less.

Do you really think
that that's true, Jess?

Coming up...

All we did was
come at you with love.

There was no love,

so back the [BLEEP] up
with that. I'm sorry.


I think she was obviously
setting me up for failure.

But, to each their own.
I really couldn't care less.

Do you really think
that that's true, Jess?

No way.
I couldn't--

- You said--
- There's no way that's true.

- I wanna put pressure--
- I sat there and asked you--

You wanna put pressure
on Jess. Your words.

- Yeah, I said that to Fraser.
- It's your words,

and you can't take them back.
- But what about the words

that you and I had
when you said,

"Yeah, getting out
of laundry might be nice,

"and I really wanna
go to the beach."

And, you know what?
You can sit here and say

you came as a solo stew
from a boat like that,

but you've seen the show.

You know this isn't
a solo stew gig.

You know a lot was
gonna be asked of you.

And you said you were
depressed in the laundry,

so I said, "Do you wanna
change of scenery?"

And you volunteered
yourself to be on surface.

My confidential
conversation with Fraser

about putting pressure
on you was in a way that

we were tired of picking up
after you so much that it was

time that he felt reassured
that I was doing something,

and that we weren't gonna have
to keep doing your job for you.

What good would it be
for Heather to set her own team

up for failure? I mean,
for me, that's just absurd.

And it wasn't
the case at all.

We wanted to
change things up.

We wanted to
get Jess' mood up,

and-and-- this was
Heather's idea.

I had nothing
to do with it.

So there was no
conspiring there.

There was no teaming.

There was a lot
of conversation

between Heather and Fraser
behind my back

that I was privy to, and to
be dancing around a boat

knowing that these
conversations are taking place,

and then having Heather
only have conversations

with me when a--
when a camera was present,

was just-- it-it--

There's cameras
present 24/7!

That is so false.
I asked you so many times

to your face how I could
be a better leader.

- What did I say about you?
- What I could do better

for you. And you would
sit there and say

"I'm fine, I'm fine." and--
- You would, yeah.

You never would tell me
to my face how I could be

a better leader.
- We didn't know

how you were feeling, ever.
- So please, I beg of you,

do not sit here and act
like we did not try.

There was no bullying you.

All we did was
come at you with love,

and you just kept pretending
like nothing was wrong

to my face, which seems--
- Love? Heather, love?

- To be a common--
- Heather, you didn't

talk to me, ever.
So there was no love.

So back the [BLEEP] up
with that, I'm sorry.

- Jess, Sara D. wants to know

if there was anything Heather
could've done differently

to make you finish
out the season,

or were you just
so over it?

I really wanted
to finish this out,

however, I had lost 15 pounds
from the moment that

I had stepped onboard.
- Wow.

I was not about to
let what that does to somebody

emotionally and mentally
play out on camera.

- Mmm.
- I needed to leave,

for my own peace of mind.
And I'm sorry that that

put everyone in a predicament,
but that was where I was at.

I would like
to say that...

after all of this season
has happened, and I've dealt

with those repercussions
of the anxiety since filming

in a different way,
and I'm sorry I couldn't

support you better.
I'm sorry with all the drama

that did go down.
I learned a lot

looking back at
this season, and...

I just felt I owed you
an apology, and I wish you

nothing but the best.

Thank you,
and I appreciate that.

And I'm sorry that
I wasn't more open

with how I was feeling
with my anxiety, but--

again, that was something
that I was trying to ignore

because I didn't
want it to be a topic.

I'm sorry that I couldn't
finish it out with everyone.

What are you
doing now, Jess?

So I work in sales
and catering

for a historic resort
in southwest Florida,

a very beautiful
beach resort,

and I'm very happy
doing it.

- Cool. Congratulations.
- Mm-hmm. Thank you.

Um, Kaylee, Shawn T.
wants to know

what the mood was like

when you joined the cruise
so late in the charter season.

Watching it back, did-did
seeing Fraser's reaction

to when he learned
you were joining the crew

come as a shock?

I mean, you know what?
It did initially,

but he apologized.
He came to me.

He apologized
for the things that he said

and the insecurity that he was
feeling before I came on.

Um, Ronnie F. wants to know
why it was such a big deal

for Heather to bring
on her friend

on the Deck team, Fraser.

Don't you want more help
on the team?

Oh, of course. I never
doubted needing help.

I just felt a little bit--
not-not betrayed,

but I just didn't feel
like I was in the loop,

and with a team of two,
my Lord,

does there need to be
full communication.

And-- But, you know--
- Oh, my gosh, yeah, Fraser.

Everything turned out.

Yeah, I'm so sorry
I didn't tell you sooner.

Jess and Kaylee, um,
Kevin H. said,

"On 'Watch What Happens Live,'
Fraser said Heather's tone

"was cold and blunt,

"and never delivered orders
in a nice way.

"Do you guys agree?"

You know, I think Heather is
a fantastic chief stewardess,

and I think that sometimes,
personalities just clash.

- Kaylee?
- I think, you know,

when you're in the middle
of a charter season,

you gotta get stuff done,

so if it comes off
a little bitchy,

I don't know,
you just gotta do it.

I mean, I'll be
the first to admit,

sometimes my delivery
is not like,

"Oh, my God, let's go do
beds and heads.

"If you could really cut those
lines in a circle,

"that'd be great!"

But that's why I don't
teach kindergarten,

and I do know

that I'm definitely
not a cheerleader 24/7.

All right, well, we are
gonna leave it there,

uh, and, Kaylee, we're gonna
say goodbye to you.

Thanks for joining us.
- Thanks for having me, guys.

Coming up, Chef Rachel's
in the hot seat.

We're gonna be right back

with more of the
"Below Deck" reunion.

Lee, who do you think
is-is truly to blame

for the problems the Deck crew
experienced this season?

We are back with
the "Below Deck" reunion.

During the break, we actually
had a really nice moment.

Rayna, you just revealed,

if you're comfortable
saying it...

Yeah, well, definitely.

I am two months sober
of alcohol.

God is so good.
I am loving it.

I'm super happy.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.

And Eddie,
you asked her...

I-I asked, uh, you know,
if there was something

that-that caused it, you know,
if there was a reason,

because while we
were working together,

I never saw an issue
with her drinking.

And so I was just curious, uh,
of what--

what made the change.

I just-- I have a lot
of childhood trauma,

and, like, issues that
I just want to deal with,

and I'm tried of, like,
running from, like,

you know, having
depressive episodes,

or feeling, um,
just not 100%.

Uh, so I'm taking
the plunge

to make sure that
I am 100%, so yeah.

- Well done. Well done.
- Thank you.

And did you say Rachel had
some influence over that, Rayna?

She had
a huge influence.

Um, we were in the hotel
after we got done filming.

She told me, like,
you know, this is the time

where you need to face
your demons.

You need to fight
those battles.

You need to
stop running.

You know, like, this is the time
that you need to do it.

And that conversation
has stuck with me ever since.

Rachel, you know
I love you so much,

and I appreciate you

and everything that you've
helped me out with, so yeah.

- That's so nice.
- Thank you.

Well, late season,

it seemed like Rachel
was either overserved

or grumbling about stews
who under-communicate,

but for the most part,

her job performance this year
was perfectly well done.

Take a look.

Bitch face focused.
Comin' in hot.

There's ----ing hair in here.
Oh, no, it's mint.

Chelsea will be coming aboard
with her jaw wired shut.

We tried, like, whatever
we're eating to liquefy it

and see how it goes

so she can enjoy
the same stuff we're having.

Like, what the [BLEEP]?

We need to get Chelsea food,
like, right now.

What the [BLEEP]?

She's allergic
to shell fish,

and then Pete
doesn't like cheese.

- I'm about to lose my sh--.
- How's it tasting?

I mean, I have put
on my preference sheet

a million times,

no cooked fish--
shell fish.

[indistinct] from something
that's happened prior,

and it's just compiled
into, you know,...

Lee, um, Chef Rachel had
an amazing season this season.

Um, can you say, out of all
of the staff that you've had,

that she has redeemed
herself the most

from kind of the way
that you started

to how she's, uh,
how she's progressed?

Yeah, we-we definitely
had a couple of speed bumps,

to say the least,

but, uh, the way
she came back this year

was just truly,
truly remarkable,

and I-I'm still amazed

at her command
of her craft.

- Thank you, Captain.
- Nice.

Um, Rachel, how do you
explain cooking lobster

for the guest that
didn't want cooked fish?

I don't do raw lobster.

- Raw lobster?
- Does anybody?

But, I mean, what about
just not making fish?

Well, I mean, shellfish
and fish, to me,

is completely different,
you know?

- Right. Right.
- Right?

Sorry. I mean, it is
different, you know?

I've never met anybody
who's been like, hey.

It's not the same thing
to me, you know?

But, I mean, whatever.

We-we rebounded from it,
you know? I mean--

It's all good.

Listen, speaking
of rebounding,

seeing the guest
with her jaw wired shut

was a wild ride.

What do you think
was the weirdest thing

that you served
her pureed?

- Ooh, that's a good question.
- Oh, man.

Um, it's blended oysters.

Blend-- it was oysters?
Pureed oysters?

- Oh, my God, it was so bad.
- Just all of it.

I just can't do it.
I guess it was just like--

I just thought to myself, like,
I've had problems

where I've had to
hock up stuff before

and hold it in my mouth,

but that was
the equivalent of it.


Um, I'm-I'm wondering
if the crew thinks--

Do you agree
with Captain Lee

that Rachel is the best yacht
chef that you've worked with?

Fraser's nodding,
Rayna, Eddie, Wes.

Wow, you're all-- Wow!
- She's insane.

She's incredible.
- The things that

that woman pulls...
- She's a ----ing queen. the middle of a service,
like, even all her tasting menus

were out of this world,

and I just sat in amazement at
what she could put together

in such a short
amount of time.

You know, I've known chefs who
need hours to prep for that,

and Rachel just pulls it
out of the air,

and it's the most incredible
experience to watch her,

and on top of that,

she was feeding us
incredible food, too.

So, Rachel, did you end up
buying that bus

and touring around
the country?

I did buy the bus.
I did.

It's a 40-foot Thomas
with a Cummins engine

and Allison transmission

with only 89,000
miles on it, baby.

- Oh, hell, yeah!
- Hell, yeah.

Coming up--

Would you bring back Eddie
as first officer again?

There were such lapses.

Welcome back.
I'm Andy Cohen,

reuniting with the "My Seanna"
crew from "Below Deck."

Well, despite Eddie's
best efforts

to keep the deck
crew in line,

his crew was plagued

by constant eff ups
this season.

I want to take
a look back

at "My Seanna's" deckhand
dysfunction. Watch.

- What was that? [BLEEP]
- Oh, hell, no.

- Cushions! Cushions! Cushions!
- John? John? John?

Wes? Hey, we lost
a couple cushions

as we just left Anchorage.

- Oh, you lost a big one.
- Don't tell me

I'm gonna have to go back
and get ----ing cushions.

That's gonna upset me.
- I'm really ----ing serious.

No more [BLEEP] ups.
Hey, Wes!

You need to attach it
to your stern

so you get more
----ing pull.

- He is not gettin' it.
- God damn it.

The bar is up here.
You guys are down here.

Way down here.

This is your final wake-up call.
- Is something wrong?

No, I haven't
said anything.

No, you don't have
to say anything.

Your eyes were rolling
to the back of your head.

I've been working
my ass off all day.

I'm just over it.
- Everybody on the deck team,

including Jake,
needs to step it up.

Otherwise, Captain Lee is
going to rip our soul out

through our butts.

So, Rayna, what were your
first impressions of Eddie

as a-- as a first officer?

Um, I love everything
about Eddie.

Had the-- Have the utmost
respect for him.

Um, I thought his opinion
and everything--

anything how he felt,
you know,

I respect it, so, yeah.

Um, it was a bumpy season
for the deck crew.

Lee, who do you think
is-is truly to blame

for the problems that they
experienced this season?

Well, ultimately,
the blame lies with me.

And it's up to me
to observe and--

and recognize the problems
that they're having...

and take care of 'em.

Eddie, do you think Jake

was ultimately
a good lead deckhand,

or did he let the role
go to his head

and unnecessarily boss
Rayna and Wes around?

Uh, when he did
get in the position,

he might have got a little big
for his britches at first.

I think he was,
uh, you know, just--

just got a little
ahead of himself.

Obviously, because he didn't
wear his britches that often.

- Isn't that the truth?

That was so--
Oh, perfect timing.

But at the end of the day,
you know,

I think he became a great--
a good leader, you know.

Um, Rayna, Kathy M.
wants to know,

"Why did you sign
up for this?

"It seems like you don't like
being called out or corrected

"and roll your
eyes constantly."

Why did I sign up for this?
What are--

What's her name? Kathy?
- Yeah, Kathy M. Kathy M.

Tell her.
- Well--


I love you. Well, the thing is,
my issue is,

like, context to all this,
you know?

Like, when Captain Lee asked us
to do the gas, for example.

Hey, guys, just a reminder,
as soon as you're done,

- Sick.

Cue the eye roll.

- Yeah. Did you see it?
- Uh-huh. Sure did.

If I see it again,
it's gonna be an issue.

I-- Out of everyone
that was standing there,

and Wes can sit here
and vouch for this,

I was the one person
not talking sh--.

I was-- They were talking
about penises,

and that's why I was
rolling my eyes.

I love yachting.
I love it.

- Wes, what do you say?
- Yeah, I was joking with her.

I was like, so we have one
person filling the t*nk,

one person holding the rag,
and, you know,

we're just standing
there, like,

all right, what's
the third person do?

I didn't expect Captain Lee
to ever hear,

so sorry about that.

I was just finding a little
humor and getting through it.

No, no. No need
to apologize.

Eddie, what do you say?

Captain Lee gets to walk
around and be grumpy,

because it's Captain.

He's the top of the chain.

He doesn't have to roll
his eyes at anybody,

because there's
nobody above him.

Uh, if I rolled my eyes
at Captain Lee,

he would take that
as a-a sign of disrespect.

Uh, you know, if anybody else,
you know,

rolled their eyes at me,
it's the same-same way.

It's a-- It's a disrespectful
thing to do.

Lee, what was your overall
take on the deck crew,

uh, this season?

Did they improve over time?

Would you bring back Eddie
as first officer again?

They did improve
over time, and--

But it was just--

There were such lapses

at-at the most
inopportune times

that just like--
that were just glaring.

Eddie was in a new role,

and a difficult-- That's
a difficult transition to make

from-from deck crew
to first officer.

That's hard.
That's really hard,

because your plate just
went from half-empty

to overflowing.

It's a hard
transition to do.

And, Eddie, what are
you up to now?

Uh, still in Baltimore.

Still running tugboats
as the first officer

in Baltimore Harbor, and just,
uh, having a good time.

Tug life, you know?

Tug life.

[overlapping chatter]

All right, we're gonna
leave it there.

We're gonna be right back.
Coming up...

What was your point
in asking her about it?

To sabotage her?
Or what was your point?

If-If I asked about--

if-if I asked
about this...

We are back with more

of the "Below Deck"
season nine reunion.

I'm Andy Cohen.

Well, one of the most dramatic
moments of this season

actually happened
off the vessel.

During a crew night out,
Heather used the n-word,

a word that white people
should never say

under any circumstances ever.

Let's take a look back
at what happened

and the aftermath,

and we'll discuss
on the other side.

[indistinct] We're here.

She thought it was cool,
and it hurts me.

It hurts my heart.
It hurts everything in me.

You know, you can't
say those things.

Try to separate
what's happening personally

with what's happening
on deck.

The lesson here is, yeah, it
should never be ----ing said,

regardless of my way
to create a friendship.

It was so wrongly done.

I just wanted you to know that
I'm not that person at all,

and I just want to apologize
for that whole situation.

I appreciate the apology.
I don't want you to feel upset.

I just want us to, like,
move in a positive direction.

Do you get what I mean?
- I am so sorry.

Come here. Come here.
It's okay.

- Because you're beautiful--
- If she wanted to apologize,

she could've apologized after
the sh-- happened.

Just over it.
Like, absolutely over it.

I was kind of looking
for you for help,

and you kind of shrugged it off,
so that made me feel like,

"Oh, I can't even really
trust him about--"

I hope you know
that's not the case.

I do not have any patience
for that whatsoever.

- Mmm-hmm.
- Can you trust me?

We shall see.

You didn't feel like I backed
you up or supported you,

and I am so sorry
for that.

Would you like if
I grabbed Heather

and we just k*lled this thing.
- No.

Okay, if you don't feel
comfortable talking to her,

then I will
respect that.

I don't know why she has
such an attitude with me.

I don't like white people
who say [BLEEP]

and that's why
I don't respect you.

You told me that
everything was okay.

I've been sitting here being
calm, cool, and collected

this whole season, trying
not to, like, stir things

and not to be, like,
the angry black person,

but there's only so
much I can handle.

So, um, Heather, what
was your initial reaction

when you saw the footage
of what happened

with you and Rayna during
that night out?

I was appalled.

It was extremely

There was no right
for me to parrot her at all.

I don't even know what was
going through my mind,

and at the end of the day,
there's really no excuse for it.

Rayna, there was a lot
of social media commentary

about you accepting Heather's
apologies a couple times,

and then continuing
to talk to others about it.

You and I have talked
about this a little bit.

- Yeah.
- So, I just want you

to re explain it.

Tell me, what kept you
from telling Heather

what you
really felt?

The first night, you know,
I stated how I just didn't--

it wasn't okay.
I stated how it wasn't okay.

I didn't feel like, honestly,
the apology was genuine.

I accepted it because
I just wanted to work,

like, cordially, and I don't
think people understand

that position of being, like,
the only African-American woman

and having to
deal with something

that, like,
is so uncomfortable,

but you also feel like
you are the burden.

The other thing that I
thought was really interesting

is that you-you
talked about the trope

of the angry black woman
and not wanting

to kind of feed into
that trope, and that that

was on your mind while sh**ting.
Tell me about that again.

If I would've,
like, snapped off,

then what would I have been
called? Ghetto?

Like, oh, like--
you know what I mean?

And then when I try
to shake things off,

it's like, "Oh, I'm fake."
It doesn't matter

what I do, because
I'm still called angry--

- It's a-it's a no win
- Every black woman stereotype.

It's a no win, and it's
really frustrating, you know?

Um, Keisha P. emailed,

"Eddie, uh, when Rayna
first came to you to tell you

that Heather said the N-word,
your reaction

came across as dismissive,
uh, but you later seemed

to take it much
more seriously.

What was your reaction
to seeing

your initial conversation
with her play back?

As you can see in
the conversation, you know,

I did say, when Rayna told me--
is that that was not okay,

what Heather said, and Rayna
was completely justified

in feeling angry
and feeling upset,

and everything
like that.

The truest thing
Rayna said, not to me,

but off camera, you know,
in her room, was that

I don't understand,
and she's absolutely right.

I don't understand.

I never will understand,
you know?

And the only thing I can do
is take Rayna at her word,

and if she says everything's
okay, and if she doesn't want

to escalate this, and she
doesn't want to take it further,

then I have to respect her,
and that's how I can take it,

but I-I am sorry for Rayna
not feeling that I was an ally,

that I was a friend, and that
she couldn't come to me,

and be honest with me,

and tell me how
she was truly feeling,

because it's important to me
to be that person for Rayna

and to be that leader,

and I'm sorry for that.

Do you really, like--
do you believe that?

It's more than Heather
- I mean-- I-I don't--

You tried to-- it's-- no,
let me finish. Let me finish.

It's more--
you can't sit here

and try to say it now,
because I'm going to.

I didn't feel comfortable for
a lot of different instances.

Okay? Eddie apologized
to me three times.

The first time he apologized
to me, you know what he did?

He says, "Well, but you say
the F-word when you're drunk."

So, he tried to sit
here and make it seem

like because I say
the F-word when I'm drunk,

that excuses what
he and Heather did,

and I said, "Well, yeah,
I say [BLEEP] all the time.

Like, I'm grown.
I can say [BLEEP]."

He says, "No, you say
[BLEEP] when you drunk."

And did that, and had
the audacity to say,

"Do you trust me?" afterwards,
to try to make it seem

like I was saying
derogatory terms as well,

and I would never.
My sister is gay.

When I graduated college,
I walked down the aisle

with the president of the LGBTQ
community, and it's crazy.

So, that's why I go cry after he
tries to have me do the anchor,

and that's why I feel
all these certain type of ways.

You cannot do that.
You tried to ruin me, Eddie.

Do you get that?

You tried to-- you tried
to ruin me, for what?

Eddie, what-what do you--

I mean, I don't--

I don't really remember
the whole conversation.

You know, that
was a year ago.

If I did--
- I heard it.

He said, "But I
hear you say--"

Can I speak
for a second now, Rayna?

I think it's--
- No.

So, if-if I asked
that you used that word,

I don't understand why
it's wrong for me to ask

about if you use that word,
because if I-- I didn't just--

I wouldn't just say that just
to try to frame you,

or something like that.
I would never do that, ever.

I guess what
she's saying is--

No, he said he
heard it himself.

He said he heard it himself.
He said, "I--".

No, I--

He said, "But I hear you say
the F-word when you're drunk."

He said, "No, no, no." He argued
with me back and forth.

Back and forth
about the situation.

"No, you do." I said,
"No, I didn't. I'd never."

Back and forth.

My heart is too big to sit
here and try to ruin people,

but to sit here and lie, Eddie?
Don't lie.

Man up
and say what you did.

You're sitting here lying
to me, and that's crazy!

I-I'm not lying.

If I said it to you,
if I asked you about it.

I don't understand what's
wrong with me asking--

Your point in asking her
about it-- what-what--

was your point in her asking
her about to sabotage her

or what was your point
in asking her?

- If-if I asked about this--
- [scoffs]

Let me finish Rayna, please.
If I asked about this,

my point is, why should I ask if
you're using a derogatory term,

and what's the difference
between Heather

using a
derogatory term.

If it's-it's okay--
- You didn't ask me.

For me to-- is it okay for me
to go to Heather and ask her

if she used the N-word because
that benefits you?

But if you use the F-word,
it's not okay,

because that's
gonna hurt you?

You didn't ask me.

You sat there and said
that I said this.

This girl is over here
saying the N-word

all nonchalantly
all night.

I did not hear her say
it once, all night,

but I have heard you say
the F-word a few times,

and you need to watch that.
- Like, what do you mean?

Like, when we're
working alone?

Like h*m*.
Like h*m* F-word.

I've never in my life
said that, never.

- Really?
- Never.

I think I've heard it.

- I've never in my life.
- Okay.

Never. I'd never
say that.

That's not even
in my vocabulary.

- Okay.
- Look, I know that's not true.

All right, well, I-I--
You've been drunk a few times,

and I've heard it,
but it's okay.

Maybe it wasn't you.
- I don't believe that.

I was told production was
unable to corroborate the story,

and there was one mention
of it on camera,

and that is why they chose not
to include it on the show.

I'm sure. I'm sure.
I'm sure.

And my issue is, like, for--
Like I'm saying--

No, no, Rayna,
it's that you didn't--

The corroboration was that
you didn't say the word.

Okay, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Material girl. I love you.
Okay? Material girl.

But the whole point of it is
that Eddie still tried to use it

to, like, say that I said it.
You get what I mean?

And he thought that
was gonna slide.

Okay, I wanna move on.
I wanna move forward,

because I have more
questions about this.

Heather, Ellen L. said,

"After seeing Rayna's
conversation with Wes

"about how she didn't
want to come off

"as an aggressive
black woman,

"do you now have
a better understanding

"of why she was
sending mixed messages

"by saying things were fine,
and they clearly weren't?"

I wish I would have known
her true feelings

so I could have
acted accordingly

and given her
her space.

She has every right to feel
the way she does,

and I am at fault for that.
No one else.

Heather, like, I wish nothing
but the best for you,

and I don't think
you're r*cist.

And I think people
are, like, delusional

in that way.

Like, the fact that people are
even calling you r*cist--

I think it's a lack of--
Like, I think it's ignorance.

You get what I mean?

No, I agree.
It's ignorance.

Eddie, Kathy C. said, "On
'Watch What Happens Live,'

"Rayna said that you
reacted more strongly

"when she called
out Heather

"for sticking her finger
in the crew dinner

"than when she told him that
Heather said the n-word."

How do you
respond to that?

Uh, I don't think
that's really true.

I mean, there's a lot that
happened that we didn't see

about me going
to Captain Lee

and talking to him about
what happened between Heather,

um, and, you know,
the whole thing--

and the fingers
in the food, I mean,

she used a piece of bread
to scoop up some sauce.

I mean, i-it really
wasn't that big a deal.

But I'll even be
the first to say that, yeah,

that was messed up.

I'll be the first to say,
yeah, that's gross,

and I probably would have
had the same reaction.

Let me ask you this.
Did you double dip?

I was wondering,
did she double dip?

- No. No.
- Because I would be really--

You did double dip, girl.

[overlapping chatter]

Oh, Rayna, it was
a double dip?

I don't know.
Play back the footage.

To my knowledge,
I never double--

That's a gross thing.
- Heather, if it was

a double dip, man.
- It was a double dip, girl.

And I was lookin' at Heather,
and I was starin' at Heather,

like, girl--
- You know what?

It was nine months ago.
I can't remember.

- Do not double dip.
- You're fine, Heather.

You're fine.
- Okay, um, Captain Lee,

um, what's your take
on the whole situation

on everything
that went down?

Heather apologized.

The apology was accepted.

Now does that mean that
it was handled perfectly?

No, I-I don't believe that.

But there's been
a thorough investigation

and interviews with
the entire yacht crew,

and several members of
the, uh, production team

who were all
involved in it,

and at the conclusion,
it was determined

that no further action
was required.

I-I think that's a basis
for us to move forward

and try to do better
in the future.

Did you and Rayna ever
get a chance to discuss

what happened between
the two of you?


All right,
we are back,

and before we jump ship
from season nine,

I have a few
more questions.

Wes, Chelsea T. said,
"Your attempt

"to diffuse the situation
with Heather

"really blew up
in your face."

- Walk the [BLEEP] away.
- You should understand!

- I do understand.
- Shut the [BLEEP] up!

- Shut the [BLEEP] up, Wes!
- I'm not gonna

shut the [BLEEP] up, because--
- Your stupid white ass.

You're white just like
these mother----ers.

- The one person that you got--
- You're not black though.

See? Get the [BLEEP] out.
I don't--

I don't appreciate that sh--.
- Did you and Rayna

ever get a chance
to discuss what happened

between the two of you
after the season ended

and-and where are
the two of you now?

Um, not fully.

I would love to
discuss it further,

um, more in private.

Yeah, it did--
It did hurt.

I mean, but--
I mean, no--

I-I get it
all the time.

Like, the half black thing,
the "you're not black" thing,

that kind of stuff.

And so I get it. It's all right.
It's all right.

I mean, I'm still here
for her if she wants.

Um, everybody
makes mistakes.

Everybody needs to learn
from their mistakes.

And for everybody watching,

please let this be
a teachable moment,

because it's not acceptable,

any derogatory term

for anybody that's a part
of the disenfranchised,

not just African American,
but anybody.

Well, Heather and Rayna,
I'm wondering, um,

final thoughts
from you

about what you learned
from all this.

I-I'm gonna let you
go first, Heather,

and then I'll go
to you, Rayna.

The word should've never,
ever been used, at all.

And, you know what?
At the end of the day,

it's probably one of
the biggest regrets of my life,

and the shameful thing is

that context
is everything,

but there's no excuse,

and it's something
I live with,

and, Rayna, whether you think
it's genuine or not,

from the bottom
of my heart,

I am so sorry that I did this
and this happened,

and that I spoke a word
I should have never spoken,

and from there, I just...
- Okay.

...keep trying to grow
and be a better person.

Rayna, final thought
from you?

Um, this whole experience
was just, like, a lot.

Like, it was a lot,
and, um, I just--

It was-- It was hard.
Like, all of it was just hard.

And Heather, I just want--
All I want Heather to know

is that I don't
hate you.

You know what I mean?

I don't want anything bad
to happen to you

or anything like that.

I wish nothing
but the best for you.

Um, Lee, Bonnie U. wants
to know who on the crew

demonstrated the best
work ethic

during your time
on the boat.

Who gets your
gold star tonight?

I'm gonna hand that
to Wes.

Oh, wow!
To Wes!

Wes kept his-his
head down,

kept his-his focus,

and he just did
what he had to do.

He, you know, he accepted
the errors that he had,

and he just
went forward,

and so, I mean,
I can't ask any--

any more than that,

and I just wish Wes
all the continued success

that I know
he's gonna have

in the, uh,
in the Virgin Islands,

'cause he's gonna make
a hell of a captain.

He is a captain.
He's gonna make a--

He is a captain.

Go, Wes!

Thank you, Captain.

I-I really do
appreciate that,

and, uh, it means
a lot to me.

Thank you.

Um, Fraser, you are
a chief stew now.

What's the biggest
lesson you've learned?

You know, um,
it's about--

I mean, Heather told me this
early days as well.

It's all about
the bigger picture.

Um, I'm quite used to just
honing in on one issue

and that being my world

and it just
tearing me down,

but every small step
in yachting,

and every piece of advice
you get given is--

It's all-- It's all contributing
towards a bigger picture,

and, um, and, yeah.

That's excellent, Heather.
Thank you.

Um, well, I want to thank
the crew of "My Seanna"

for being here

and for a wild
charter season.

I'm Andy Cohen.
Good night, everybody.