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13x01 - Bees are Much Calmer Than All This

Posted: 04/30/24 15:21
by bunniefuu
This is Los Angeles, California.

From the global entertainment capital ...

eleven teams will embark on
a race around the world...

for a million dollars.

Classic cars take
teams to the starting line...

at the Los Angeles Coliseum.

The only stadium in the world to
host the Olympics...

on two occasions.

Each team is made up
of two people with...

a previous relationship.

The eleven teams are:

Tony and Dallas, mother and son
from Northern California.

I've raised him alone all his life.
Give me the ball!

It has been quite difficult,
but I have enjoyed it all.

And I am so proud of the
person he has become.

Let's go with everything.

My mom has sacrificed so much
for me, so I'll give up...

the last bit of energy I have
to make sure I don't let her down.

Nick and Starr, brothers
from New York and Texas.

Nick and I have a
very close personal relationship.

It was a blessing
that we were brothers.

Starr and I have always known
what we want, and we've always...

We have gone for it,
without fear.

We usually get it.
We always do.

Ken and Tina, estranged husbands
from Tampa, Florida.

As a young man I was a football player,
I played seven years in the NFL.

I made some bad decisions
and I cheated on Tina.

At the end of the race I think we
will know clearly...

whether we will save the marriage
or take different paths.

Aja and Ty,
long distance boyfriends.

The distance has made us
stronger as a couple.

We don't take our time together for granted .

Aja is the
sweetest girl in the world.

I'm sure we're
meant for each other.

Marisa and Brooke, "southern belles"
from South Carolina.

Marisa and I, we are very elegant,
we always wear pearls.

We are interested in fashion and we
love to bake cupcakes.

Andrew and Dan, frat brothers
from Phoenix, Arizona.

Dan and I are
frat brothers and that encompasses...

parties, girls and alcohol.

The chocolate that interests us is
bought, and is not in the stomach.

Anthony and Stephanie,
dating for four years,

hailing from Los Angeles.

I want to get married soon.

If that does not happen, we will have
to take different paths.

Stephanie tries to make things
her way or for the street.

Anita and Arthur,
married beekeepers.

Anita and I have a
farm in Fall Creek, Oregon...

and our main focus right
now is beekeeping.

Very good honey.

We are also quite strong
from our work on the farm.

We have the experience
and the ability to achieve it.

Kelly and Christy, friends,

both recently divorced,
hailing from Texas.

Kelly and I went through some
terrible marriages.

I firmly believe that because of this
we can achieve whatever we want.

Terence and Sarah, recent boyfriends
from New York.

Terence is par excellence the
most free spirited person I have ever met.

I'm the one who
slaves in the office.

I only do the things
that make me happy, but...

I get paid to train
runners in New York.

I think our
differences may be...

the best advantage for
us in the race...

or the thing that destroys us.

Mark and Bill, best friends
from San Diego.

We are the "geek" of comics.
I mean, the guys who when they see us...

everyone thinks we live in
our parents' basement.

I wear the word "geek"
like a badge of honor.

The Amazing Race
is the ultimate game...

on the biggest game board
you can imagine.

Can these teams withstand
the stress of traveling together...

for more than 53 thousand kilometers?

And which of them will have
the right strategy,

the perfect combination
of intelligence, strength...

and teamwork to
win the million dollars?

These are the questions
waiting to be answered...

as we get ready to
start The Amazing Race.

Welcome everyone,
in a few minutes, you will leave...

to a race around the world.

There are eleven stages in the race.
At the end of each stage,

there's a stop.
Eight of these stops are...

elimination points.

They must get to them as soon
as they can because if they are last,

they will be deleted.

Their first clue awaits them
in an envelope on top of...

luggage they brought with them

which is at the bottom of the
stairs behind me.

When I give you the signal, you
can run for your bags,

read the track, and take one of
the waiting cars.

The first team to cross the finish line
after all 11 stages...

will win a million dollars.

They are ready?

In agreement.
The world awaits you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


C'mon darling.
Go Go.

We will. We will!

We will!
C'mon C'mon.

C'mon darling.

Come on, mom.
Here we go.

We will.
C'mon C'mon.

Mom, this way.

Salvador, Brazil.
Travel to Salvador, Brazil.

They can only travel on one
of these two flights.

Come on, come on,
let's go out.

We will.
C'mon C'mon.

Leave your bag in front.

Yes, let's go first. Let's go.


We are the seconds, honey.
This is so real.

Oh my gosh, let's go to Salvador, Brazil!

Let's do it,
Salvador, Brazil.

Okay, we're out.
It's okay.

We are in
The Amazing Race itself.

That's right, The Amazing Race.
C'mon darling. Let's go to Brazil!

Let's go to Brazil!
Let's go to Brazil!

A translation from:
Derek, Fost, toray,

¿Norte o sur?

South is on the right.

I know what traffic is like on the
Los Angeles freeways,

I grew up here and we won't get
traffic on the side roads.

I feel very good about
the decision we made.

Do it. American comes out first.

Therefore, American
will stop in Miami.

So we will be
closer to Brazil.

I study tourism at university,
I worked in the airline industry.

here we come.

American Airlines arrives first.
In agreement.

For raising Dallas alone,
he taught me patience,

perseverance, so I think I can
put it into practice in the race.

Go Go go.

Okay, honey, we need to focus.
I'm focused.

Don't let them pass you by.
I won't let them do it. You know it.

After Ken cheated on me,
I went through a very traumatic time.

And I have not forgotten those problems.

I have forgiven, but not forgotten.

We are in the first stage
of The Amazing Race.

What do you think about that?

We started a little slow back there,
but we'll be fine.

The other teams may think
that seeing us old hippies,

let's not be competitive,
but I think that's not true.

Get ready, here
we come.

Nobody's after us, honey,
they all took the freeway.

I know, which can
be good or bad.

I feel good about this.
Well, so do I.

Give me some love.
I love you darling.

We are doing great.
Los Angeles Airport. Good.

If we get on the first flight,
this will be a walk.

The other teams follow us.

If you get the chance
to pass them, do it.

You can pass it to the right.
Come on, come on, come on.

They are flying. Look at these.

I can't go like them.

All right, pass them on.

Dude, he's passing you
on the right.

These are playing.

Listen to me, please,
I'm going to watch your back.

Get on the carpool channel .

Trust me, this channel
is much faster than that one.

Damn, they want to play with me.
Hey, it's mom and dad. How good.

Nick and I, we haven't traveled as much as
some of those older couples,

so we hope to be like
adopted by a mom and dad.

You have to do it now.
Let's go now. Let's go.

Keep it up.
You are good.

Don't worry about the other
teams, okay?

Good work.

I swear, this channel...
It works.


Here we go, honey.
That's what I know.

That won't happen again.

Okay, parking lots.
Go straight, go straight.

This one goes to Sepulveda Avenue.
Park 'n Fly. Parking 1.

Maybe it's on the other side of
Sepulveda. Yes, go straight.

And now that?
This one goes to Sepulveda.

Stay to the left.
Sure, we don't want to go there.

Just follow them, for now.

We're following the
pretty girl and the guy.

Park 'n Fly. Parking lot 1.
Come on. Let's go.

The bus stopped. Hears!
American Airlines, American Airlines.

I hope no one else comes.

Surely someone took
the wrong path.

Here you have.


The bus stopped!
The bus stopped!

To American, please.
Get on.

C'mon C'mon.

This one goes straight to American?

We have to catch the next bus.
I know. I don't see any.

American Airlines, flight 252.

Where is the flag?

Nothing else here
buy tickets?

Nowhere else?
In no other. It's okay.

Where is the flag?
I'm worried there aren't any.

They are leaving.
I don't know what that guy is doing.

We took the
wrong road, man. In agreement.


Here we go.
Where are the counters?

We should look for the counter.
There's America.

No, you should look for the markup.

Look, they're right there.
They are right there.

Here it is not.
No, wait, wait.

Mark, it must be in another area.
It's okay.

Are there more American counters?
I think so.

There is.

Okay, where are you going?

Stay by my side, darling.

Has anyone else been
here before us?

Are we the first?

I think we are the second.

Very good American.
Go Go.

Did you take the bag?
Do you see the flags?

Yes, we are here.
They are already in line.

Many thanks.

There are no flags here.

You guys are ready.

We see you on the plane.
Let's go!

Hi, I'm Bill.

Hello Bill.
I am Mark.

Hello Mark.
Hi, I'm Sarah.

Hi Sarah, this is Ken.
Ken? Nice to meet you.

Do you know how many we have ahead?

I think we are first
seconds, and third.

Where are the others?

The marked counter.
Here. There are other teams.

Damn. Really?
The marked counter?

They have to go to the other side.
That's it. Let's go.

What did he say?
Go Go.

Go Go.

No. Hey, hey, Dan.
Go Go.

Go Go go.

Honey, come on!

Mom, come on.


I didn't see any marked counter
and everyone was in line...

so like idiots
we thought we were fine.

We finally meet them.

I was dying to meet them.
I'm Nick.

Hello Nick. A pleasure.
I am Starr.

Hello Starr. My pleasure.
She's my wife.

There are already two teams.
They third, fourth and fifth.

You must be the sixth.

This sucks, man.

Someone is upset.

From what we know this flight could be
delayed in Florida due to storms.

I'm just saying it's possible.
Hey, don't be so pessimistic.

I'm not. Hey, the United flight
could be delayed even more.

I'm just trying to compensate. That is
the reality of the airline industry.

I have worked on it.

He has not worked in
Customer Service.

Many thanks.
Thanks thanks.

We better hug now,
because I know it's coming.

Your seats are ready.

We're on the first
flight, which is great.

I am sorry.

Hi guys.
We need tickets to Brazil.

I think we go to United.

Let's go ask United.
Let's go to United.

I would like to know with what advantage
this flight lands in Brazil...

United Flight 843.

Three hours early.
If there is no delay.

Very well. Thanks.

Where do they travel?

They arrive 3 hours later.

We're going to get on this one.

They made it.

Well that wasn't so bad.
She didn't tell them they were the last.

Have fun.

Hi how are you?
We must travel to Salvador, Brazil.

In agreement.
The same.

The moment of the truth.

This is crucial right now.

It's oversold,
guys. Is complete.

United has a flight at 2:00.

I can not believe it.
This is horrible.

It's oversold,
guys. Is complete.

Can they take the other airline?
Of course yes.

We made a mistake.

If they gave us a nickname it would be
"the children". Because we look young.

We are young.
They are young.

And I guess we'd call them
mom and dad.

We thought if they would like to make
a kind of alliance... two stages.
That seems fine to me.

Nick and Starr are nice people.

They are very athletic,
competitive, intelligent...

and I think an alliance with them...

probably be
beneficial at this point.

The American flight
scheduled to arrive first...

take Mark and Bill,

United flight scheduled
to arrive three hours...

after the first,
take Toni and Dallas,

Andrew and Dan, Anita and
Arthur, Marisa and Brooke,

All teams
head to Salvador, Brazil.

When they land, the
teams must travel by taxi...

through the congested streets of
Salvador and find this bakery.

The King of Ham.

Here, the teams
will find the next clue.

Attention, flight 1600
has been delayed.

Unfortunately this happens and
our flight is delayed from...

River to Salvador.

Which could put the other
teams ahead of us.

It's good for the United flight.
They are back in the race.


Cab, cab. Here?

This is the perfect rhythm.
I like this b*at, right now.

O Rei do Pernil.
Very well.

Do you know that address?
O Rei do Pernil.

Our flight was delayed.
We probably got...

an hour and a half
later than we thought.


At this rate we have to go.
I feel really good about it.

We are in a competition.

Sir, is there a fast track?
He already took it. Well done.

You are supposed to know how to speak Spanish.
How do you say "the fastest way"?

You said you knew.

Follow behind them.
Perfect. It's Kenny and Tina.

Ty and Aja are behind

The King of Ham.

Do you have a clue for me?

Route information.

Become an
old school coffee maker.

Now the teams must choose
one of these vending carts...

and carry it through
the narrow streets...

from Salvador to
this popular square...

known as Praça da Sé.

They will deliver their car to Indio,
who will give them their next clue.

I don't know how we're going to do
this without throwing these things out.

Wait, I have an idea.


We have a wide range of
intuitive abilities.

We can analyze a situation,
devise a plan and act immediately.

The King of Ham.
Are we close?

It seems he doesn't know.

Christy and I had
bad divorces...

and we are strong women
and we can solve...

any bad situation
we face.

It's okay?

It is here, my love.
At the end of the street.

Hello. Hello.

Thank you very much.
Okay, let's go.

Become an
old school coffee maker.

Honey, I love you, but if you don't help--
What do you want me to do?

I don't want this to fall.
Is this the way?

Yes. Over here.

We will!

Open it, open it.

Find Indio,
the coffee vendor.

Become an
old school coffee maker.

It's like driving the worst shopping cart
in the whole world.

She says this is the front.
Do we turn it around?

She will take us.
There they go

and they speak Portuguese,
follow them. Exact.

Left? Honey, in English.
Yes darling. In agreement.

I love you so much, but you keep
saying things I don't know.

I'm so sorry, honey.
Tell me.

Stop stop Stop.
We will. For.

I don't know how they got out without
things falling off them.

Good heavens, they fall.
I can't do it all.

This is the funicular.

No, look, look.
We are reaching people.

Okay, I've lost them.
Me too.

Alright, now we have
fun. Let's keep going.

What fun.
You're not going very fast.

I cheated on Tina, and
I have to prove to her every day...

that I am worthy of your love.

Indian, the coffee seller.
Grab this thing

that's all we have
to focus on.

I'll take the front.
Toward the left.

¿Praça da Sé? Here?

Honey, I'm pushing.
Wait, straight to the car.

Are you Indian? Good!

It's okay.

You don't have it here.
She has it there.

Take a taxi to the 19th
Hunter Battalion.

The teams must now travel by
taxi to this Brazilian m*llitary base...

where they will spend the night
outdoors under mosquito nets.

Once here, they have
to sign up to receive...

one of these three
departure times for the following morning.

C'mon darling.
Taxi, taxi!

To the other teams...
We crushed them.

Where is the rhythm?

I am sorry.
Taking the b*at.

Take a taxi to the 19th
Hunter Battalion.

Okay let's go.
Get out of the way...

where it doesn't tilt,
except for potholes.

Ken, please.

Too late for that one.

We are ahead of
at least one team.

In agreement!
How are you, Indian?

My pleasure. Go ahead, count.
Here we go.

Travel by taxi.

I hate to say it, but at least
we're ahead of Ken and Tina.

It's here. We have
to go to the reception.

Go Go.
This way, honey.

Are we the first?

We are the first team!

Be good, be good.


Hunter Battalion.

Now we find traffic.

My God, we are seconds.

There. We are fine?
It's OK darling.

The officer will give you your dismissal time
in which you must sign up.

We have our departure time.
We are third, at 9 am

We are in the first group.
We are in the first group.

It's here? She says she sandwich.
Wait, there.

It's here?
It's here.

Alright, let's run.
The King of Pernil?

Here it is not.

Let's go. Go Go.
In agreement.

All right, honey,
the race is on.

Seconds out, hopefully
we can pass them.


Fast fast fast!

We have to recover what we
lost by not taking the first flight.

That was a blow to us.

The frat boys
go ahead of us.

At this rate we'll catch up
with the first flight.

The bees are much
calmer than all this.

It is hard to be in an unknown airport , especially if it is another country.


The most important thing in this
race is to earn the money to...

both, and make the
decision to get married...

and having kids would be a great
start for us.

We will arrive.

We are in good shape,
we are fast, aggressive.

Do you already know where we are going?

You better know.

Find Indio,
the coffee grower at Praça da Sé.

Is this O Rei do Pernil?
In agreement.

Hi, how are you?

Turn, turn.
It was the other way around. The truck ahead.

Being in the last group
will put pressure on us to give our best.

And we will step on the gas
all the time.

We have it, we have it.
We're good, we're good.

We are fourth.
Thank you very much.

Look, we made it out in the
first group at 9:00.

In front, in back,
we have cars everywhere.

Become an
old school coffee maker.

Let's keep going.

Oh my God.

We're 30 minutes
late with the first group.

Do you take it seriously now?

Go straight.
You're doing well.

We will enter this place.

Man, we have to take
this thing. Look.

Become an
old school coffee maker.

Hallen and Indio.

Go ahead, mom,
give me your backpack. Let's go.

Okay, Mom.
You need to see where you're going.

Hey, are you okay?
We are ok.

Hunter Battalion.

Taxi, taxi!

The first to arrive,
the first to leave. Let's go.

In agreement.

I'm a bit stressed as the
race didn't go the way we wanted it to.

You know?
You better know.

First to arrive, first to leave.
Okay, let's find a taxi.

Take a taxi to the 19th
Hunter Battalion.

We will.
C'mon C'mon.

Come on, come on, come on, sir.

Sign in with the officer
at the front desk.

They will spend the night there.

are you kidding?
How many do we have ahead of us?


We are actually sixth and
we are angry about it.

Thanks thanks.
Let's go.

Hello. We are the last
ones at 9:30, yes. Thanks.

It's great. We arrived before the
others, it was what we wanted.

It was a race in the
first group and in the second...

and we won the race
of the second group.

Yes! The Super Bads!

I am very happy now.

Today was a difficult day, but I
'm glad we're finally resting...

and tomorrow is a new day,
a new challenge.

Dallas definitely
has the best body.

He is the most
attractive guy in the race.

I expect no spark or flame,

but who knows,
anything can happen.

As soon as we arrived, Sarah
started talking to the other teams.

I'm here and I want you to support me
and connect with me,

but he was busy with them
and that was very frustrating for me.

The teams will go out in 3 groups.

In the first group at 9:00 am...

there's Terence and Sarah, Nick and Starr,
Mark and Bill and Ken and Tina.

In the second group, half an hour
late, are Kelly and Christy,

Aja and Ty and Andrew and Dan.

In the last group, which leaves 45
minutes after the first, are...

Toni and Dallas, Anita and Arthur,
Marisa and Brook and Anthony and Stephanie.

C'mon darling. Where are you?

Take a taxi to Pelourihno.

The teams must travel by taxi to
this place called Pelourihno,

the historic center of Salvador.

Once there, they must locate this
church, where the clue awaits them.

Let's go.
Order a taxi.

Taxi, taxi!

Ken, Tina, see you there?

Good work.
Let's just keep going.

We're going to have to negotiate
with the taxi driver.

Taxi, taxi!
Here comes another team.

I know, honey, I see them.
We lost all our advantage.

It is not easy to find a taxi.
I don't think they listen to you.

C'mon C'mon.
We will.

You got it, Starr, you got it.
Thanks. Hi how are you?

Go Go.
C'mon darling.

Do you know where it is? Good.

They're putting their stuff
in the trunk. It worked.

Do you know where it is or not? Nope?

Don't you know where it is?
Do you know him?

Ken, use your whistle!

Go Go.

Let's just go.
Starr, stop yelling.

You've said "come on"
a million times.

Does that mean "quickly"?
No, we're in a race.

He doesn't know where he's going.
Can he follow them?

Follow them. Don't lose them, please.

We have to go,
we have to go.

Nick and Starr, I tried to be
nice in a conversation,

that it is not easy
to get a taxi.

It is not easy to find a taxi.
I don't think he listens to you.

I must learn the lesson
to stop being nice.

This is not a
popularity game.

Sarah wants people to like her,
and be friends with them,

I don't care if no
one talks to me, I don't need friends.

Take a taxi to Pelourihno.

Okay let's go.
Let's go. Cab.

Keep going. Cab!

He's slowing down. pass it on

Come on, wish it,
show me you want it.

Come on, honey, I'll take everything.
Taxi, get in!


What career!
Good work.

This is k*lling me.
They must be leaving by now.

Take a taxi to...

There awaits their next clue.
Let's find a taxi.

Okay, let's go.
We'll do great here.

You got it, come on, mom.

It's here.
I think that's the front.

Sarah, Sarah, calm down.
Can you not leave me behind?

I really appreciate your speed,
but you always get the jump on me.

It's okay, I'm so sorry.

There is a big church there.
We follow Mark and Bill...

...that's good for us.
We have to catch up with Sarah and Terence.

Don't have a message?

We hope we can
fly past them.


Here we go. Sarah is inside.
Here it is, here it is.

Not well.
Here it is not.

OMG! There is.

I have it, I have it. It's a detour.
Difficult climb or easy descent.

In this diversion the teams
have to choose between...

two difficult ways
to get where they are going.

The options:
difficult climb or easy descent.

On a difficult climb, the teams
have to reach this ladder...

known as Escadaria
do Passo.

Knowing that they will be
asked a mysterious question,

they must make a spiritual promise
like the locals do,

crawling up the entire stone staircase .

Then, once upstairs,
the head of samba and drums...

will ask them the mystery question.

If they answer it correctly,
they will be given the next clue.

If they are wrong...
Try again.

They will return through the streets
of the city to the beginning...

up the stairs to
start the test again.

On an easy descent, the teams must
reach this public elevator...

known as
the Lacerda Elevator.

Then, they must go down
this precarious cargo network...

to the street,

Only three computers can be
on the network at a time. Per turn.

The one on the net.
Easy descent?

Up the stairs--

We would go down the net.
Lacerda elevator?

Yes, it's easy, it's easy.
Lacerda elevator?

We don't want
Nick and Starr following us.

I hate them so much right now.
I know.

They are 72 meters.

Kenny, hurry up, the box is here,
we can pass the boys.

The net suspended from an
outdoor elevator.

Going down is not that hard.
So easy descent.

Yes, I see it. Straight to the roof.
We have a great advantage.

All right, this should be it, Starr.

Look, it says to use the marked door
to go out to the service stairs.

Let's go back. Let's find the mark.
I don't know if this is okay.

Here we go.
She is marked.

Good job, I think we
are the first.

In agreement.
Fearless, yes? Without fear.

Let's go.
We are the number one team!

Don't look down, Starr.

God, he's pretty tall.

It's here.
I don't see anyone up here.

We will.

That's a flag,
right there. Let's go!

Don't look up
and don't look down.

You're doing good, you're doing good, you're
doing great.

Just be careful.
This is crazy.

Here we go.
There is.

We're gonna catch up with you, Nick!

Kenny and Tina are going downstairs.
Yes, mom and dad!

Come on, we can catch up
if we go down fast.

Kenny, I'm afraid
of heights and...

I'm already happy with it,
okay, so shut the f*ck up.

My legs are shaking
a lot.

We'll reach the ground,
we're halfway there.

In agreement.

Nowhere else but
The Amazing Race...

you will find yourself
going down 72 meters in a net.

My God, we just
turned it all the way around.

I know where we spent it.
We passed it?

Yes, I'm sure.
OMG. It's right here.

Well, they are about to arrive.
Good work.


There's Kenny and Tina,
and I think Mark and Bill up there.

That means only God knows
where Terence and Sarah are.

We can't delay on this.
I know, we are in the leading group.

In agreement. Go to the stop!

The teams must find this
fort in the water. Sao Marcelo Fort.

This floating battlement
once defended the city from pirates.

Now is the stop for
this stage of the race.

The last team to arrive
here will be eliminated.

The last team to arrive
will be eliminated.

Good work.

Let's find a taxi who knows.
Maybe we don't need to take one.

Go to the stop.
Sao Marcelo Fort.

Kenny and Tina are behind us.
Come on, we can be the first.

Taxi, taxi!

There is one here.
There's one right there.

We will.

Kenny and Tina left.

Let's go to a boat. Listen.
I saw if they followed us.

Fort São Marcelo?

Fort Sao Marcelo?

It's here.
Yes, can you join us?

Can you walk with us?
Come with us.

No driving? You know?

It's okay.

The Forte Sao Marcelo is here.


We could have run there.

Here we go, here we go, here we

We will.
C'mon C'mon.

Starr, yes we can,
yes we can. How are you?

Yes sir!

We are the seconds.

We did it.
It was impressive.

We will not compete against them.
If they pass us, they pass us.

Hi guys.
go ahead,

we're taking a
little break.

Can you believe we do this?

You can't go downstairs and talk, I can.

Apparently I can't talk to them
because I can't go downstairs and talk.

I'll talk while she goes downstairs.

This is amazing guys!

She is happy to
be part of the team.

Go Go.

Welcome to Brazil.

Nick and Starr.

They are the number one team.

Love you!

I have good news for you,
for winning at this stage...

They have won a trip for two
courtesy of Travelocity.

They will go to Belize.

They will spend five nights at the
Belize Legacy Resort...

in a Beachfront Villa Suite .

While you're there,
you can snorkel around the reserve...

marina Hol Chan,
and also take a walk...

through the old caves of the place.

What do you have that
makes you a force to consider?

I think it's our relationship.
I think the tug of w*r...

of power between us
is great.

Go to the stop:

Sao Marcelo Fort.
Go to the stop.

Ken and Tina.
Yes Phil.

They are team number two.

It's okay. Perfect. Cool.
Good work.

It's there? OMG!
It passed.

Now we go back.

Great, mom. Cool.

Which will be faster?
We will go down.

Okay, we'll go down.
The cargo network.

Law? Okay let's go.

Here comes another team.
Man, they were after us.

They were all behind us.
We must hurry.

Only three computers can be
on the network at a time.

I think it will be full.
I say hard climb.

Ready? We will.


Teresa and Sarah.

They are team number 3.

We want easy descent.

The net?
Okay, the network.

I'm quite willing
to try, for everything.

One half ready.
I am proud of us.

Here come mom and son.
This is fun.

We'll make it, baby.
Keep going down.

It's our challenge, come on.

Dallas has been an athlete and
competitor all his life...

and I never got a chance
to be on his team,

So I'm going to do everything
I can to succeed.

Looks like it's something over there.

Climb the stairs using
your hands and knees, nothing else,

When you get to the top, the drum chief
will ask you a question.

Let us begin.
Just hands and knees. Non-stop.

Mark and Bill.

They are team number four.

Well, we can do it.
Take it easy.

Let's go.
This is ridiculous!

Follow. We are making progress.
We are not far anymore.

We are Spider Woman!


This is crazy.

Go to the stop.

There's plenty of time, honey.
A lot of time.

I can't even enjoy the view
because I'm going to pee.

Good job, mom.

Go to the stop.

How many steps did they climb?
Oh no!

Write it down, please.

You have to answer the question.

I'll go for 40.
Write 40, quick.

Just score 40.

I am sorry.
Please try again.

Try it again?

Where is the Lacerda elevator?
Down there.

It can cost us.
Count the steps this time.

We don't count.
How stupid.

We don't count.
How stupid.

We can't go wrong this time.
We start here.

This is 1, 2, 3, 4...

Kelly and Christy,
they're team number five.


We are almost there.

We will be proud to finish this.

I'm tired.
Yeah come on.

Don't look down. Keep going so.
We can b*at the girls.

Right now I'm
a little worried.

Toni and Dallas
are team number six.


We had good speed.
That's right, mom.

C'mon darling.
Go to the stop.

Love you.
Me too. We are making progress.


Fort Sao Marcelo.

The girls finished.
Here come the hippies.

One by one.
You have to kick butt.

The last team to
arrive will be eliminated.

Fort Sao Marcelo.
By Allah.

We just asked,
it's over there. Let's go together.

Let's get right.
We will.

How many steps did they climb?

Give it to me please.

Yes! Good work.

Make your way to the Thank you stop .

Okay, let's go down.

Thanks thanks.

Hurry up, the last
team will be eliminated.

I think it's here.
Do you want to run now?

Not as fast as you.

Looks like it's Ty and Aja.

Doesn't it have a back button
that can be pushed?

This is not the United States.

Go over there. Walking.

Come on, Andrew.

Quick, friend.
Quick, yes, yes! Let's go.

Cross over, darling, cross over.
Let's go.

We will.
We will.

Here's Phil!
We were hoping to see you.

Andrew and Dan,
they're team number seven.

Come on guys, come on.

Aja and Ty, they're
team number eight.


Cross over, darling, cross over.

...are team number nine.
In agreement. OMG.

Marisa and Brooke, come here.

They are team number ten.

Anita and Arthur
are the last to arrive.

We were hopeful.

I'm sorry to tell you that you are
eliminated from the race.

It was a good race.

We gave our best effort
and it is the most important thing,

we will come back and tell
our children, friends and family,

and tell them that if they have the
opportunity to do so, do not hesitate.

We know we gave
all our effort.

Compete with Anita and
ten other excellent couples,

it's a privilege. It is a great
privilege to have done this.

Below are scenes from the
next chapter.

The next week in
The Amazing Race.

Mark and Bill look for
some charity.

Hey, let us fat guys
have something, okay? Let's go!

I am happy to compete against
a former professional football player.

And an alliance begins to bother.

Nick and Star, and Ken and Tina
have an alliance,

they do everything together.
They are not two teams, it is one.

And they don't even greet us.