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24x06 - Down and Dirty

Posted: 04/30/24 20:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"The Amazing Race All Stars"...

Eight teams raced from Kuala
Lumpur to Colombo, Sri Lanka.

At the airport,
two teams took a risk.

We can make a 30-minute

- Yeah.
- No.

And everybody else is on the
flight tonight, except for us.

Can you put us on standby?

One paid off...

I can't believe we made it.

...and one didn't.

So there's no chance?

We're gonna have to take
the morning flight.

In Colombo, Jessica and John

couldn't get a bite at
the Detour...

While Brendon and Rachel
lost their balance.

A rip.

At the Road Block,
Connor sewed up first place...

It's good?

Thank you, thank you.

You are team number one.

Winning the leg with his father.

Meanwhile, Margie and Luke never
recovered from their gamble.

You have been
eliminated from the race.

- Bye.
- Bye, Phil.

Go, go, go, go!

Seven teams remain.

Who will be eliminated...


That was perfect!

Sri Lanka is an island
nation off the coast of India.

And in the heart of its
capital city,

the Colombo rowing club,

established by the British

Today, it is
the start of the sixth leg

in a race around the world.

You are team number one.

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

Dave and Connor won
the last leg of the race

and will depart first
at 2:59 a.m.

Route Info.

"Make your way to
the Dutch Museum in Colombo

and search the Hall of
Headstones for your next clue."

- Let's roll.
- Let's go... fast!

Connor's been great.

He's carrying the majority
of the weight

and I believe he's the
single-most capable person

on "The Amazing Race"
this season.

He's biased, so...

Oh, no, I'm right.

- Dutch Museum?
- Yes.

You know it.

My dad doesn't
give himself enough credit.

He's just as strong as any
of these other teams,

we just have to take it
a little slower when we can

and only use that energy when
we really need to.

We need to go there
very fast, we're in a race.


Dutch Museum?

We are fighting,
fighting for our lives.

The physical part of it
is tough for us,

but we really feel like
we're equal competitors.

We're still laughing our way
through the race,

but we are
definitely fighting too.

We brought out our warrior.

It's nice to be in
the front of the pack.

Do you know where
the Dutch Museum is?

Jet and I are competitors.

Don't know if we're
just born that way

or just grew up that way.

That's that
sense of competition,

that you just gotta
keep stepping up your game,

you gotta get better every leg.

My friend!

We gotta b*at the cowboys,
we gotta b*at Dave and Connor.

We're really the only other team

who's given a good
performance without a win.

Come on, let's go, let's go!

This is the Dutch Museum.

I don't think it's open, Dad.

Here we go.

Everyone's gonna be here.

Looks like we're gonna be
camping out for a few hours.

I totally feel like we're not

racing up to our potential
at this point.

Finally, it seems to be
an even playing field right now,

so it's no excuses.

Brenchel is not in the back,
we're part of the pack.

- Good job rhyming.
- Thank you.

Here we go!

you see it?

Where is it, where is it?

Go right, go right!

Go, go, go, go! Get it!

- You all right?
- Yeah!

There he is!

This is cool.

- Hi.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Rip and read it.
- Okay.

"Make your way to
Fort Railway Station."

"Make you way
to Fort Railway Station."

Teams will now travel by train

through the lush landscape
to the city of Alawwa.

Once there,
they must make their way

to this Ceypetco fuel station

where they'll
find their next clue.

- Okay, let's roll.
- Okay, so it's not that far.

Fuel station, on a cargo.

Let's go, we know where it is.
We can just run.

"You must travel by train
from the Fort Railway Station."

- Okay.
- Let's get out there.

- Okay, let's go.
- Okay.

"Search on foot
for your next clue."

"Fuel station on
Kurandala Road."

Wanna jog over there?

Yeah, we're gonna walk up there.

Hustle there, Connor.

Let's go.

We need to
buy a ticket right here.

Here's where we're going.

We need the fastest train
that stops in Alawwa.

Thank you.

What time does it leave?

It leaves in 20 minutes.

How far is Alawwa?


Flight Time, Big Easy!

Everybody's gonna be here.

I know.

We're all on here.

Come on, babe.

Really beautiful out here.

It's mountainous, it's green.

A train is a pretty
special opportunity.

It's not stressful,
it's beautiful.

You know, that's a lot of fun.

Riding the trains
in Sri Lanka has been unreal.

So great to see people
in the environment

where they really live.

It's a magnificent country.

I'm getting on
the road in Sri Lanka!

Should be on that side.


Wanna cross the tracks?

Let's do it.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Right here! Excuse us!

Let's get out, baby.

Up and over, I think.

- This way.
- Okay, let's go.

- Connor, where is it?
- This way!

- Come on, babe.
- Baby.

- That way.
- All right, go.

Right here! Brendon!

- I'm going!
- Road Block.

"Who wants to fill 'er up?"

There are an estimated 500,000

of these thrifty three-wheelers
here in Sri Lanka.

In this Road Block, teams
will help them keep motoring on.

First, they'll enter
this gas station

and pick a colored badge.

Then they must search among
a chaotic tangle

of hundreds of tuk-tuks

to find four with the same
colored marker.

Finally, they'll need
to lead their tiny taxis

back to the gas station
and fill them up.

Once they have
topped off the tanks,

the station manager will hand
them their next clue.

What do you say?

I can do it.

Go, go.

Choose a color card.

Color card? Green.

We're green team, so I picked
the color green.

"Locate four three-wheelers
marked with your color."

This is insane.

There were tuk-tuks lined up
for over a block.

I've never seen
anything like it.

"Who wants to fill 'er up?"

- I'll do it.
- Okay.

"Who wants to fill 'er up?"
I do.


When I was 16,
I worked in a gas station.

I need four! Here!

And so I thought, sh**t,
I can fill up some tuk-tuks.

Yellow, yellow, yellow,
yellow-- okay.

"Who wants to fill 'er up?"

- You do.
- I will.

This is just to put
gas in the car.

- You got this?
- Oh, yeah.

- All right.
- Yeah.

- I'll do it.
- It's your turn.

Where's the color card? Red.

"Who wants to fill 'er up?"

- Me?
- Yeah.


I need that!

- That's fine!
- I need one.

Thank you.

Purple, purple.

This is insane.

I'm glad I'm not doing this.

Come on, Jamal!

What's your color?


There was a hundred
of these tuk-tuks

filled up on both sides
of the streets.

You had to go out there, run,

then you gotta look for your
exact color code

and fill 'er up.

Hey! Where's the yellow?

Yellow, yellow,
yellow, yellow...

I had to look for
all yellow little stripes

on the front of the glass
and pull these tuk-tuks

on the side of the streets.

You, come on, come on.

Come on, Rach!

Fill up three liters of gas.

When it said "marked car,"

I just kind of assumed
it meant green cars.

I want to fill you up.

Can I take you?

Come on, come on!

Brendon and I need a lead,

so I just started
filling up every green car

I could possibly find.

Come on, green!

You're not my color,
you're not my color, go!

I was planting my feet,
and, like,

rickshaws out of the way.

Green! Come on, green!

I was not about to let anyone
get their car into my gas pump.

Three liters, good.

Green, green!

Come on, come on,
come on, come on!

Rachel was holding
the freaking gasoline

and telling the next
tuk-tuk to come.

I can't reach it.

Come on, come on!

Come on!

Come on, green!

Push through!

Yes, come!

All right, three liters?

I'm done withmy first one. Okay.

I need a brown tuk-tuk.

Oh, you come with me.
Come, come, come.

There were only two gas pumps.

The key was to be able to get
your tuk-tuk in close enough

and fill him up with three
liters of gas.

If you can't reach...

I can reach it, trust me.

Rachel obviously didn't
understand the clue correctly,

because she was pumping gas
in the wrong tuk-tuks.

Three liters.

Green, come on! Green, come on!

I don't even see Cord.

I don't know where he went.

Go around!

To the gas!

Blue, blue, blue, blue!

- I'm next?
- Yeah, yeah.


Jamal, like, sprayed gasoline
everywhere, including me.

This is number two.

Come on, Jamal!

Come on, come on!

No, this way, this way,
this way!

Are you brown?
Yeah, you come with me.

Come on, come on.

You, come on.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no...

I was the police, I was
the traffic control,

telling people to stop,
telling people to wait.

Go, go, go, go, go!

Making sure that my tuk-tuk

has the easiest route
to that gas station.

I need you to cut
all of them, I need you to cut.

Yo, yo, come on!

Green, come on!

Come on, I'm up, I'm up!

Here I go, here I go,
here I go, here I go!

Green, green, green!

Come on, you gotta let it go,
you gotta let it go.

How many, how many?

He's gonna fill 'em up.

You come next.

My strategy was to get as many
tuk-tuks as I possibly could

and get them into line

so I could fill them up

You come right after her.
It's on the front.

- Come on.
- Excuse me.

No, no, no, we're in here.

- Oh.
- We're in here.

We got this one.


This is mine.

He puts his body in front of
my freakin' tuk-tuk.

He's like, no! He's competitive.

I am first!

This is mine, move over.

I'm after you.

- Is that Dave?
- Yeah, that's my dad's.

Look, push it, move, move, move!

Dave may have an AARP card,

but he's, like, in his 20s.
He still brings his game.

Oh, I'm next on this.

Okay. Stop, stop!

- Stop!
- No, no, no, it's mine!

- No, she's got it.
- This is mine.

I think I got hit
by about four tuk-tuks.

Those things were, like,
cramming in.

It was like bumper cars with
your bodies in the tuk-tuks.


Come on, come on.

Go around the other side.

The only way to get into
the gas pump

was to go around the other way.

I went in the other way and then
have them back in this side.

Back up, back up!

This is freaking awesome!

This is awesome.

Cowboy is never waiting in
line, just cut everybody.

Back up, back up, back up!

Yo, somebody got me,
I got a another blue one,

I got a blue one!

It's done, it's done!

I got me, here we go, excuse me.

Oh, I'm next on this.


There's one.

Okay, I got it.

I have my car right here.

Yeah, I have it
here ready to go.

So do I, I've got
two right here.

Reach it right now,
reach it right now.

Okay, go ahead.

You reach it right now,
you can reach it, you got it.

And then I get it
after you, John.

Yes, that's cool.

- Yeah.
- Green, go!

I feel like whoever
is most insane

under those circumstances is,
like, the most successful.


Yeah, thank you, yeah.

Green, come on, pull up!

I just need one more.

My last one.

Three liters.

All right, race is finished.

I did four green.

I did four green.

I filled up four green cars,
and they're like, nope.

And I was like, ugh,
what am I doing wrong?

Come on, Rach.

Why are they not giving
us the clue?

Come on, Rach!


I don't know what I did wrong.


Get it done.

Brendon, I'm trying.

Green, come on, green!

Just get it done.

Brendon, I'm trying.

I'm kind of freaking out
'cause I really had no idea,

like, why I'm not getting past.

I was just gonna
fill up more green cars.

I guess I kind of lost focus
a little bit.

Green, come on!

No! No!

You're not my color!

Green, green!

Green, you have to be here!

We're gonna get out!

You push in here!

I just wanted to do
whatever it took

to fill up all the green cars
I could possibly ever find.

Come on, Rach!

Come on!

Come on!

We were in the first lane,
come on!

It's really hard to watch.

I can just see our lead
slipping away.

I called this one!

Okay, okay.

Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Come through, there's room!

Come on, green!

Rachel, it's not green,
it's red.

Oh, my God.

Crap, of course it is.

So this is mine.

Come on.

Read your clue.

Just calm down
and figure it out.

I'm such an idiot, I didn't
read the stupid clue.

There it is, go, there it is.

More tuk-tuks, I need brown.

Gray, I need gray.

Green, come on, come on.

I can't believe that happened.

Gas station, gas station.

Go, go, go! Come on.


Come on, Jamal!

Get that number three,
no cutting!

Yeah, yeah, come on!

- Oh, whoa!
- Hey, come on!

This is absolutely insane.

Keep going!

Here we go, here we go!
Flight time!

Come on, Rach,
you're almost done up there.

- Flight time!
- You're almost there.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!


Get it, Jamal!

Come on, one more, Jamal!

One more!

Watch out, watch out, go, go!

Right here, right here!
Come on, come on!

- You come right in here.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Right here! You stay there!

Stay there!

Come on, back it up, back it up!

Hold it, hold it,
hold it, hold it!

Look at Big Easy
pushing on that one.

Hold it, hold it! Back it up!

Back it up!

Holy cow!
He just pushed that one back.

He is physically
moving the cars.

That's me, that's me.

That's four!

That's four, that's four! Hey!

Thank you.

Here we go, baby.

Let's go, Fliggy,
let's go, baby!

"Travel by train to Rambukkana,

then ride the three-wheeler."

Teams will now travel
by train to Rambukkana

and take a tuk-tuk to the
Millennium Elephant Foundation,

a sanctuary for rescued

There, they must search the
river for their next clue.

Let's go.

Come on, Jamal,
that's the last one!

I got four, I got four!

Thank you, thank you, thank
you, thank you,

thank you, thank you. Thank you.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Come on!

- Okay.
- All right, there it is, there it is.

I got four.

Hey, Jess, I got it,
I got it, let's go.

Come on, Rach!

Green, green!

You come here! You're my car!

Train tickets, this way?

Let's get a train before
the other team get a train.

Rambukkana. When does it leave?

What time? How long, what time?

It's still 12 minutes.

I think this is
Cord's fourth one.

You come with me!

Take him, Dad!
Come on, Dad, come on!


Thank you, yeah.

Let's go, come on, train.

Let's go, dude, come on, man.

All right, is that four?

I'm done, that's four.

I thought it was three,
but it's four.

Okay, I'm finished.

- Great job.
- Okay.

Good work.

Come on, Rach.

We will outrun anybody,
so as soon as you're done,

we're gonna sprint
and pass everyone.

Three liters.

I need two, Rambukkana.


Same place, Rambukkana.

But that train
leaves in five minutes.

Rach, get it done,
whatever it is, get it done.

Go, go, go, I need one more,
one more, come on.

Just waiting for, um,
Brendon and Rachel.

Cutting it close.

Hopefully they
don't make it on here.

Three liters, good.

Thank you.

Come on, let's go back.

We gotta sprint, we gotta
sprint, we gotta sprint.

- We gotta sprint.
- Excuse me!

All aboard!

The train!

It's on the other side, Rach.


Excuse us!

Oh, here they come.

Come on, train.

We have to get tickets!

There's Brendon and Rachel,
we're all on.

Hopefully they're
gonna miss this train.

- sh**t, they're here.
- Damn it.

We need to be the racers
that we used to be.

Good, sharp, hungry.

- I'm such an idiot.
- Not sloppy.

I think Rachel was so
focused on getting out of there fast

because she was in there first,
that that's what messed her up.

This isn't a blame game, you
know, I'm her teammate,

so when she fails, I fail,

'cause we've been failing
and getting frustrated.

This is gonna be it, there's
not gonna be any more make-ups.

I know.

Sometimes you need to
step back, take a breather,

you know, refocus and
figure out what it is

that needs to be done.

We got lucky.


- Tuk-tuk.
- Right there, guys.

- Go, go!
- Go, go, go, go!

- Let's go!
- Yes!

Here, here, here!

Go, Connor, go, go, go, go!

Come on, Brendon!

Get in this one right here!

Let's go! Let's go!

Right here,
right here, right here!

Hey, no, no, no!
We got this one!

- Flight Time, Flight Time!
- Here we go, Nate, Nate!

- I'm right here!
- Down here!

- Go!
- Run!


Elephant Millennium Station!

Go, go, be number one,
number one!

Go, go, go, go!

- Follow them!
- Follow them!

Go, go!

Millennium Elephant Farm?

Sir, sir, sir, sir?

We're just not as fast
as the guy.

- Yeah.
- Elephant preserve!

- We're the best!
- Yee-haw!

Giddy up, cowboys!


Yay! We're in second!

Go, go, go! Elephant!

Pass them, pass them!

Go, go, pass 'em,
pass 'em, pass 'em!

We're cooking right now, baby!


Oh, look at that elephant.

Oh, my gosh!

Pass 'em, pass 'em!

- Yay!
- Ha-ha!

Yeah, get around those guys!

No, no!

Is that another team?

Yeah, they're back there.


Oh, man, come on.


We made it, let's go!

- Whoo!
- Let's go!

Flight, Flight, Flight!

Thank you!

Go, Brendon, go!

Look for red and yellow
by the riverbed.

- Is that the clue, Jet?
- Yep!

- What? Jamal!
- Be careful.

- Got it?
- Yeah.

Good job, good job.

Be careful, be careful.

There's one.

Connor, you got it?


John, get it!

Here, come on, Jamal!


"Trunk or Sheets?"

Elephants are an integral
part of life in Sri Lanka

and have worked side by side
with people here for centuries.

Trunk gives teams
the opportunity

to work with these
magnificent creatures.

After choosing a piece
of marked timber,

they must properly attach
a specially designed chain

that elephants use
to carry logs.

Working together, the elephants
and teams will have to carry

three logs each
and load a truck.

Once they have transported
a total of six logs,

a mahout will
hand them their next clue.

Sheets gives teams
the opportunity

to make this environmentally
friendly paper

made with elephant dung.

First, they'll need to load a
wheelbarrow with elephant waste

and transport it
to this mixing station.

Combining the dung with water
and scraps of paper,

they will create a pulp
which they must spread onto

these paper making screens.

Once they have successfully
made five sheets

of this high-quality paper,

and laid out a stack of
pressed paper to dry,

the managing director
will hand them their next clue.

We're going with Trunk.

- Trunk.
- We're gonna do Trunks.

Let's do the elephants.

Elephant is risky,
but could be fast.

- Let's do Trunk.
- Trunk.

Cord. There's only four chains.

We gotta get there because
only four teams can do it.

Oh, across the bridge,
dude, come on.

- Trunk, Trunk, Trunk.
- Trunk.

John, get over here! John!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Only four--

One at a time,
we gotta get there.

You all right?

There's four chains up there.

Okay, grab the chain.

Over here, Cord. Get the chains.

- Grab this.
- Yeah.

Four teams got it.

We gotta do the other one now.

- Let's go back to Sheets.
- Yeah.

You wanna do Trunk?

- Trunk.
- Trunk.

- The Sheets?
- I think so.

Come on, hurry, let's go.

There's no chains.

So we have to do the other one.

Watch this.

You bring that over
and twist it.

Knot it.

Tie those in a knot.

The elephant loads three,
we load three.

Growing up on a ranch,

we've always kind of done
those kind of tasks.

If I was gonna tie
a chain on a log,

that would have been how
I would have done it anyway.

No, roll it over, roll it over.

But I can see some of
the other teams having trouble.

- Do you know what you're doing?
- I think.

- Take this.
- I don't remember this.

It's closer than sewing
to working on the farm.

What it says to do?

Transfer a load of elephant
dung to drop off point.

Ew. Come on, get it with me.

Let's go. You start shoveling.

Flight Time
just went straight in.

Bam, he just grabbed some.

If he gonna put his hand
in some doo-doo,

I gotta get my hand
in some doo-doo.

- Come on, come on.
- I loved every minute of it.

- That's enough, come on.
- Okay.

- Let's go.
- All right, come on.

We just need to fill it up
and then we drop it off.

We got all up
in that elephant dung.

It doesn't smell,
which is really weird.

"Make the bucket of pulp

"by adding elephant dung
and paper scraps

in a bucket of water."

Put it in there?

- And we need paper.
- And paper scraps.

Be careful, it'll cut you.

Get it down.

I think I have elephant
dung in my face.

Getting all over our hands.

We're just covered
in elephant dung.

Rachel's shoving her hands
in it to mix it up more.

It's pretty gross.

Three minutes, stir it.

I'm getting down and dirty,
I'm getting down and dirty.

Good job, Carol.

Good job. Stir it around.

Can you come check my chain?

We're good.

Here, yes?

The elephant would walk up there

and wrap it with his trunk...

and then lift it up to his mouth

and when he would pick it up...

Good job, buddy.

It was incredible. Incredible.

You gonna carry it by yourself?


We can't screw this up.

Cowboys have already got one.

Cut the slack.

Okay, we're done.

Hey, hey, hey!

The elephant bit it and,
like, picked it up,

like there was
no tomorrow, like, strong.

Good job, elephant, let's go.



- No, no, no.
- No, no, no?

Come on.

We gotta make sure that
there's no slack in this thing.

Too much slack in the line
and it wasn't approved.

Tighter, tighter.

Is this correct?

- No.
- Oh, this sucks.

Can you tie it a little tighter?

- Let's go, let's go.
- We're good, we're good.

Come on, come on, Brendon.

I got one.

Come on, let me get
inside with you.

Don't drop it.

Here, here, here, here.

Hold on, hold on.

Oh, my God.

Look at that, look at that.

You take the mush,
you put it in the screen.


Mush it around, swing it
around, swing it around.

Sift it a little bit.


- And...
- Slides over.

Slide it over,
put it on a cloth.

Okay, they wipe it all down,
smooth the edges.

And then turn it over.

Flip it, press it.

All right, let's go.


- One, two--
- Ow!

- Where do we go?
- Oh, my God.

Check him out, dude.

The elephant, he just walked
all the way to the truck

with a huge log...

and pushed it
all the way in the truck.

Check that out. That is awesome.

Good job.

That is sweet.

Throw that log up there.

We gotta stay ahead of
that next team.


We gotta b*at the cowboys.


Okay, good?

- Yeah.
- Elephant, okay.

Look at that,
he grabs it with his mouth.

He's so cute.
Okay, stay behind the elephant.

- Good, good?
- Okay, good.

- Okay.
- Look at this.

This is unreal.

We gotta hustle, Dad.

Nice and good. There you go.

All right, let's put it back on
good right here.

- No.
- She said no.

You put too much on there.

No, no, no.


Too much mush.

Rach, come on.

- Good, good?
- Good?

- No?
- No?


Put more in.

Here we go,
let's get it back on.

- Bubbles.
- Bubbles.

Are you serious?

We in trouble.

- Okay?
- No.

Why is this so hard?


Why, what's wrong?

- Bubbles.
- Bubbles.

Oh, my God.

Well, this is impossible,
to get rid of all the bubbles.

I don't know what to do.

- Bubbles.
- Bubbles.

We gotta look at it again,
let's look at it again.

- Push.
- Oh, press it.

- Oh.
- Press it out.

Bubbles, to get the bubbles out.

You had to flip it over and...

- Press it down.
- Just press it down.

If you didn't do that,
when you come up,

it's just gonna be bubbles
and wrinkles everywhere.

- Got it?
- Yeah.

That's one. Come on.

- Let's go, baby.
- We gotta make four more.

- Come on, elephant.
- Yay!

This is pretty wild, man,

to see these elephants pick
these huge logs up.

- We need to hurry.
- I'm hurrying.

We gotta b*at Leo and Jamal.

One, two, three.

Dude, we got this.

Good work, Jess.

Jess was the only girl on
the elephant side of the Detour

and she k*lled it.

- Got it, honey?
- Yes.

Jess is definitely holding
her own, you know?

- All right, we're ready.
- Ready!

Over here.

You're only as fast
as your big, fat elephant.


- No good.
- No good?

- No good.
- We did it wrong, Dad.

Too much slack.

- Good.
- Good!

- We're losing a lot of time.
- I know, I know, I know.

We gotta get one of these
elephants, Jet.

As long as we b*at
the cowboys, you know?

- Good job, guy.
- Way to go.

Catch up.

- Good, good?
- Okay.

Just grab a log.


Keep-- Put it down
and mash it around.

That was perfect, babe,
it was perfect.


This is just brutal.

Press it.

Oh, we keep forgetting
to press it.

Oh, are you serious?


We're losing time.

Yes? That's three.

Man, we got this.

- Okay?
- Three.

Ah, perfect.

- Yes.
- Yes.

- Okay, yay.
- Finally.

One down, four to go.

I'm the poop master.

Poop Master Flex.

Press it down from here.

That is beautiful!

Perfect, yes!

- We got the hang of it.
- We got it, we got it.

I can't believe we got one.

You have to have
the perfect amount of dung...

As usual.

Ow, ow!

"Deliver a load of palm leaf
for the elephants,

and the mahout will
give you your next clue."

Cowboys are done.

John and Jessica
are still there.

Are the Afghanimals done?

Yeah, so we're last.


Where do we get our palm leaves?

Looks like right there.

Thanks for your help.

That is sweet.

Thank you.

"Travel by taxi to the
Heritage Ambepussa Rest House

and let your ears
guide you to the wise man."

Let's go find a cab.
We gotta b*at them.

They can't dominate
this whole race.

We're dying here.

Enjoy, elephant!

You've been a good boy.

Thank you, sir.

"Let your ears guide you
to the wise man."

This is the last one.

Too much.

We need to finish this
right now.


Heritage Ambepussa Rest House.

It says, "Let your ears guide
you to the wise man."

We don't hear too good.


Fast, fast, fast,
we need to be number one.

The cowboys.

Those dang cowboys.

"Let your ears guide you
to the wise man."

- Okay.
- Okay, a taxi, let's bounce.

- Good?
- Good, good.

- Okay.
- Thanks.

We can only hope the paper
took longer.


I think you was made to do-

You way better at this than
you were at sewing.

Tell me about it.

Three. All right!

We're doing great, babe.

I think we definitely
have the hang of it now.

- Three.
- Okay?

- Three? Three?
- Okay.

Okay, okay.

Two, three.

Flight Time, you know,

he winked at the judge
a little bit,

did a little dance
for her, shake for her.

I knew we had it right there.

She couldn't say no.


- That wrinkle got us.
- All right, here we go.

What a tough thing to do.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

"Let your ears guide you
to the wise man."

- Okay.
- Let's roll.


How many taxis leave?


Then the paper took a long time.


Oh, yes! That's it!

That's five.

What's next?

Hang five of them out to dry.


Spread 'em out, spread 'em out.

We good, everybody behind us.

The Globetrotters are finished.

"Let your ears guide you
to the wise man."

Let's go. We gotta go, go, go.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Let's go, guys!


- Yes.
- It's good.

- One more.
- One more.

They're already out of here.

They're done.

"Let your ears guide you
to the wise man."

You see the taxi there?

Pass the cowboys, pass them.

- Good job.
- Yeah.

Yes, yes, yes.


Where did that guy come from?

Is that another cab?

Go, go, go, go, go!

- Holy moly.
- Leo and Jamal.

- Listen.
- Where is it, where is it?

We have to listen.

- Oh, right here.
- Okay, let's go.

Let's go this way.


Let's hear it.

Good job!

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

You guys got a fast cab, huh?

It says, "Travel by taxi to
the Mount Lavinia Hotel Beach."

Built more than 200
years ago, Mount Lavinia

is heralded as
Sri Lanka's first hotel.

Today, this historic landmark

is the Pit Stop
for this leg of the race.

The last team
to check in here...

may be eliminated.

"The last team to check in
may be eliminated."

See you later!

We gotta hurry before
they get done with the tune.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

- Don't let those guys catch us.
- Don't let those guys catch us.

"Mount Lavinia Hotel Beach and
search for your next Pit Stop."

We need to b*at
the other team, okay?

We're gonna have to
outrun them two.

- Oh, look it!
- We need to b*at that taxi.

Those are bad cowboys.
Bad cowboys.

I'll outrun the slow one,
you take the fast one.


Eat my dust, cowboys!

It's Cowboys versus Indians.

And the Indians are winning!

Oh, man, no way.


Oh, he's trying to pass you!


Holy cow.

Be careful, man.

We don't have life insurance.

- Listen.
- I hear it.

- Very good, very good.
- Thank you, that was so great.

Thank you so much.
Thank you much.

♪ Next Pit Stop ♪


- Okay?
- Yes.

- Fine, okay, thank you.
- Oh, we're done.

We're done.

Thank you,
now we have to go dry it.

Oh, no. Hurry!

There we go.

- Thank you, yay!
- Oh, thank you!

"And let your ears guide
you to the wise man."

- Okay.
- Okay, come on.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

- Okay, that looks good.
- Is that good?

Okay? Five.

Okay, let's hurry.

- We're not going home this leg.
- Exactly.

"Let your ears guide you
to the wise man," okay.

- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.

"Search for your next Pit Stop.

Warning-- the last team to
check in may be eliminated."

Let's go, go, go, go.

- Mount Lavinia Hotel.
- The beach!

That's it right there.

- You hear it?
- There he is.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

I used to have hair like that.

Just playing.

"Warning-- last team
may be eliminated."

Here we go.

Mount Lavinia.

The way he's driving,
there's a good chance

that we might catch one of these
teams on the way.

Now we're headed
to the Pit Stop.

Looks like we got
a team ahead of us.

Dave and Connor.

- Let's go, let's go.
- We'll outrun them.

That's Flight Time and Big Easy.


You ready to go, Dave?

- Hey, I'm ready.
- You got that Achilles?

Dave, Dave.

Dave, don't do it, Dave.

Just don't do it!

Hey, we'll see you boys later.

- That's your brother?
- Yes.

- Your brother?
- Yes.

This goes way beyond the race,

they're brothers, so they're
obviously competitive.

Fast! Good, good, good.

- Stay behind them.
- Stay behind them.

As long as we can see them,
we got them.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Here we go.

"Search for your next Pit Stop."

All right.

We think your neighborhood
is beautiful.

This is amazing.

- Yay!
- Yay!

- Beautiful!
- Beautiful!

Rachel and Brendon have
a two-minute lead on us,

and traffic is so crazy.

They could be a half-hour
in front of us,

or they could be behind us,
but all we can do is, is...

- All we can do.
- Yeah.

Look, there's Leo and Jamal.

My friend, light taxi like this,

go in front of them, stop.

We just asked this red
to go in front of the taxi,

and just stop in front of them.
And stop in front of

their car.

Oh, he just stopped
in front of him!


Go around the other side!

Way to work.

They're right there,
right there,

right there, right there.

Get in front of them.
Stop that taxi.

They're right on us.

Don't let 'em around you.

This is w*r!

All right, ready to bail?

We gotta outrun those two guys.

We gotta go b*at them.

Where's Phil?

Where the hell is he?

Jet, we go over top.

Come on, Cord!


Run it out, come on,
you got it in you!

Let's go, Leo,
you can do it! Leo!

Get it on, my friend!

Where's Phil?


Jet, we go over top.

Come on, Cord!

Go, go, go, go! Get it!

- We gotta move!
- Let's go, Leo!

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

Let's go, Leo, you can do it!

Come on!

We're nearly there, come on!

Let's go, Leo, let's go, Leo!


Good job, man!

Welcome to
Mount Lavinia Sri Lanka.

Thank you, sir.

- Wow, what a finish.
- It was a race.

Leo and Jamal, you are
team number one.


Good job, man, good job.

Finally b*at those Cowboys.

Cowboys and Indians,
Indians took over today.

What's up?

Jet and Cord,
you're team number two.

Man, you always hate
to win second.

It just kinda stings a little.

But come tomorrow morning,

we can forget about this leg
and move on to the next one.

Leo and Jamal, I do have
some good news for you.

As the winners of
this leg of the race,

you have won a five-night trip
for two to Berlin, Germany.


And of course,
that comes from Travelocity.

You're gonna stay at
the Western Grand Berlin.

You're gonna see the sights on
the Trabi City Safari Tour,

and enjoy waterskiing
and wakeboarding

on one of Berlin's
man-made lakes.

I got a lot of family
in Germany!

It means a lot to win
among the best of the best.

It's amazing.

All-stars, that's what it is.

We're all all-stars.

That's what we do, we bring
our A-game, get number one.

Afghanimals are here
and they're hungry.

We ain't going nowhere.

I think we're getting really
close to the Pit Stop.

There's been a lot of traffic,
so it's a little scary.

Maybe it will come down
to a sprint,

that would be kind of fun.

We like sprinting.

Babu is driving amazing.

Who knows, maybe even catch
a team or two.

Go fast, go fast, go fast.

Go, go, go, go, go!

You number one, baby,
number one!

Don't let him pass you.

No, go, go, go!


Go, Babu!

Mount Lavinia Railway, okay?

He doesn't know?

Send him in the wrong direction.

Don't tell him, Babu.

Send him wrong direction.

Yes, yes, yes, do it.

No, no, no, no!

Yo, whoa, whoa!

- What'd they do?
- Went the other way.

- They did?
- Yep.

Good, good, good, good, good.

We lost the Globetrotters.

They went a totally
different way,

so hopefully we're right
and they're wrong.

We just hope that we're going
the right way right now.

I kinda feel
like we might be in last.

If there's a miracle
and we happen to not be last,

then we'll be the most grateful
two girls in the world.

- Open the trunk!
- Trunk, trunk, trunk!

There go John and Jessica.

Go, go!

Go, go, go!

The beach, the beach!

John, run!

John, run!

Yeah, you'll b*at
an old man, guys.

Come on, Dad, come on!

Take him, Dad!

Come on, Dad, come on, come on!

Go, go, go, go, go!

We're gonna win,
we're gonna win!

Keep going!

These young guys
are gonna k*ll me.

Where is it, where is it?

Oh, my gosh, come on!

- Keep going, keep going!
- Ahh...

Jessica and John,
you're team number three.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Whoo-hoo!

Dave and Connor,
you're team number four.

- We'll take it.
- Oh, my God.

I think this is the first time
we've ever b*at you guys.

In our entire lives.

We've been chasing these guys
our entire race career.

Yeah, yeah, I'm so happy.

That's the bus--
No, no.


We went to a bus station.

We have the wrong place.

Mount Lavina Railway,
by the beach.

Oh, no.

Hopefully, some other team
is struggling right now.

- Thank you, brother.
- You're awesome.

Thank you, go, go!

Brendon and Rachel,

I'm pleased to tell you that you
are team number five.


We'll take it.

Do not count
the Brenchel's out yet.

Little by little,

we're gonna make it up
to first place

and win that million dollars,

'cause I told this little lady

that if we win a million

I get to have a baby.

And a house.

Mostly a baby.


Almost there?


This is no joke, boy.

Oh, my gosh.

So nervous.

I'm so nervous.

Railway, railway.

Where's the freakin'
railway station?

I think that's another taxi up
there though, I see it now.

I'm having a heart att*ck.

It's a long run.

- Flight Time and Big Easy.
- Yes.

You're team number six.


Wow, what a close race.

Our whole motto is
always never come in last.

Only leg that counts
is the last one.

As long as you b*at
one team every day

and you b*at two
on the last day.

Welcome to
Mount Lavinia Sri Lanka.

Not a bad place
to end your race.

No, not a bad place.

This is such a close finish.

But somebody has to be last.

And I'm sorry to tell you that
you are the last team to arrive.

The thing is,

it just so happens that this is
a non-elimination leg.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Which means
you're still racing...

and maybe you can show those
boys that you are a strong team.

This is so much harder
than our season.

Why is it so much harder?

- It's insane.
- Nobody makes mistakes.

We didn't make any mistakes,

we had a great day,
we ran a good race today,

but it's on a whole different
level with the people

that we're racing against,
because nobody makes mistakes.

This is just, like,
it's so hard.

Sometime during
the next leg of the race,

you will encounter a Speed Bump.

We can do it.

But you're not gonna give in.

No! We're not giving--

- We're still here.
- Are you kidding me?

We're gonna go out--
Die trying.

- Promise?
- Yes.

Promise it's gonna k*ll us?

No, promise you're gonna finish.
