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Assembly, The (2024)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:29
by bunniefuu
Hello? You all right? Over there?

Hello, hello. You all right?

I'm Charlotte. Hello, Charlotte.

Lovely to meet you.

My name's Caroline, pleased to meet

you. Hello, Caroline.

What's your name? Paul. Paul.

Lovely to meet you, Paul.

Yeah? Yeah. How are you?

Where shall I sit, do you think?

Hello. I heard you like, um,

football and stuff.


Well, I'm not really

a football person.



Do you do wall-climbing?

I've not done much rock climbing,



We're going to start officially now,

if that's OK.

I think Sophie's got

an introduction.

Welcome to The Assembly.

Our collective of autistic,


and learning disabled interviewers.

We are delighted to have

you joining us today.

Our rules are...

No subject is out of bounds.

No question is off the table.

And all might happen.

Please tell us who you are.


That was...

That was brilliant and terrifying.

I can't believe he actually said


My name is Michael Sheen.

I'm an actor.

I come from Wales

and it's an

absolute pleasure to be here today.

This is very exciting

and thank you for having me.

And our first question

is from Jacob.

Hello, Michael Sheen.

Nice to meet you. I'm Jacob.

Hello, Jacob, lovely to meet you.

My first question is,

was John Taylor from Duran Duran

your first-ever crush? Yes!


He absolutely was, yes.

I thought he was the most beautiful

person I'd ever seen, man or woman.


His hair...

His hair was like a miracle.

And I used to try

and make my hair like him.

But I... What I didn't realise

was my hair was very curly

and his was very straight,

and that doesn't really work.

Um, I was going to ask, um,

so, about Strictly...

Have you ever been asked to

do Strictly,

cos this year is the 20th

anniversary of Strictly.

Is it really?

Yeah, started the year

I was born, 2004. Wow!

Started before I was born.

Yeah. It's a... It's an amazing

show, isn't it? It is fantastic.

I would be such a terrible

dancer on it, though.


I don't, well, I don't...

Maybe I'm not brave enough to go on.

Are you scared?

I'll tell you something,

I'll be honest with you, I don't

like doing things...

..that people watch

me doing if I'm not very good at it.

I don't, it makes me

feel too vulnerable and insecure.


I think that's part, yeah, that's

part of what is good about that

show and what's very brave

about people who go on that show.

It really takes a lot of guts, I

think, to go on there, and I'm not

sure I want to show people me doing

something I'm not very good at.

Thank you!

Thank you, Jacob, thank you.

You have a fantastic voice,

Jacob, by the way.

Do you act?

Um, well,

I've been on TV once before.

I was on TV for a school

I went to for children with autism.

Um, I was on BBC Breakfast

back in 2019... Wow!

..cos our school won

a Horticultural Society Award.

Wow! Well, you have a fantastic

speaking voice,

it's really lovely to listen to.

Do you ski?

I've been skiing once.



OK, this question is a bit

intense, so...


How does it feel to be dating

someone who's only five years older

than your daughter?



Yeah, I think, because

of the age difference, um, I think

both of us were quite surprised

when we got together.

I don't think either of us

were kind of looking for that.

You know, it's not like,

it's not like I've dated lots of,

you know, people who are much

younger than me or, but,

but, you know,

you meet who you meet.

We were very aware of what,

you know, what that was, what

differences that would make and also

how people might respond to that.

So it's not like it was

the easiest thing to do.

You know, we were both aware that it

would be difficult and challenging.

Ultimately, we felt it was...

it was worth it because of how we

felt about each other.

And now we have two beautiful

children together, um, and...

Aww! I bet you're happy.

Are you both happy?

Yeah, really happy,

really, really happy.

Because of the age difference,

I'm aware that I'm a much older

father, and it does worry me,

you know, it makes me

concerned and makes me

sad thinking about the time that

I won't have with them, you know?

But ultimately, I think,

you know, if you,

if you find someone who brings you

happiness and you make them

happy, um, you've got to go,

you've got to go for that, I think.


And so that's what we decided to do.

And I'm so happy we did, cos

we have this wonderful family now.

Who's the rudest celebrity

that you've met?

Who's the rudest celebrity?

Have you heard of a man

called David Tennant?


He was Doctor Who!

He was Doctor Who.

Doctor Rude!


The rudest man.

Really? No, he's not really.

He's lovely. He's very nice.

You're just going to

dodge around that question.

Well, no, what I'll do is, I'll, as

we keep going, I'll try and think.


And someone will occur to me

and then I'll let you know.

OK? Cool. Ben wanted to go next.

Excuse me, please.

All right.

Jennifer Lawrence was very cheeky.

She's very cheeky.


It's all right, it's all right.


How tall are you?

I would, well, I would like to say

5 foot 11.


I'm closer to 5 foot 10.

I'm 5 foot 11.

There you go, you've got, yep.

I would like to be your height.

All right, thank you, Mr Sheen.

Thank you.

By the way, my mum likes you.

She said she likes you.

Aww. Don't tell Anna.

Next up, Leo's got a question.

Hello, Leo.

Come on, Leo, don't worry,

we're all there for you.

SOFTLY: That's all right,

we've got plenty of time.

Do you want me to read it for you,

Leo, or do you want to do it?

MICHAEL, SOFTLY: We'll get there,

won't we? We can get there.

Good, good. You can do it.

Just nerves.

I know, love, it's all right.

Nerves are normal.

You take as much time as you want,

Leo. Just nerves.

Increase your courage!

Come on, Leo!

You've got this.

SOFTLY: Right.

You say that there is no other

writer than Dylan Thomas.

Do you relate to his work

more on a personal level

because you are both Welsh?

That's a fantastic question.

So Dylan Thomas comes from Swansea.

I come from Port Talbot, which is

just next to Swansea.

I mean, a lot of his poetry

I don't understand.

I mean, it's quite hard to

understand what he's writing about,

but it sort of makes you feel

something and it conjures up images

in your head

and it definitely kind of resonates

with me, I think, because a lot

of HIS references are MY references,

a lot of things that he describes

are places that I know, that I've

been to, that are near where I live.

And I find the way he writes just

really exciting and vivid and vital.

And I suppose quite Celtic,

so quite Welsh, I suppose. Hm.

And so that definitely does resonate

with me, yes, because of

coming from a similar place, I

think, and having similar interests.

It's a great question.


Thank you. Well done, Leo.

Luka has a Dylan Thomas poem

he'd like to share.

"Do not go gentle into that

good night.

"Old age should burn

and rave at close of day.

"Rage, rage against

the dying of the light.

"Though wise men at their end know

dark is right, because their words

"had forked no lightning, they do

not go gentle into that good night.

"Good men, the last wave by, crying

how bright their frail deeds could

"have danced in a green bay, rage,

rage against the dying of the light.

"Wild men who caught and sang

the sun in flight and learn,

"too late,

they grieved it on its way.

"Do not go gentle into

that good night.

"Grave men, near death, who see with

blinding sight, blind eyes could

"blaze like meteors and be gay,

"rage, rage

against the dying of the light.

"And you,

my father, there on the sad height,


"Bless me now

with your fierce tears.

"I pray, do not go

gentle into that good night.

"Rage, rage

against the dying of the light."

That was beautiful.


That was fantastic.

Thank you so much for doing that.

It is an opportunity

I never expected to do.

Well, that was wonderful,

really fantastic.

That was amazing.


What makes you cry?

Oh, my goodness.

So many things make me cry.

I cry every day, I think.

When I was growing up, I think,

like a lot of people, um,

sort of made to feel like it's not

a good thing to cry, that it

somehow shows weakness or something.

It's not weak to cry,

I cry all the time.

Exactly, yeah.

To be moved by something and to

be touched and to feel deeply about

something and to show that through

tears, I think,

is a beautiful thing.

Ali, you're up!

Good to see you, Michael Sheen.

Lovely to see you, too.

My name is Ali, as my introduction.

Hi, Ali.

Have you ever taken any

part of any TV quiz shows?


I went on The Chase.

I've seen you...

I've seen you on The Chase Celebrity

Special with Sarah Jane and Martin.

You were in the final.

We should have won that.

How much did you lose?

It was very close.

It was 72,500, right?

It might have been. Funnily enough,

I don't remember THAT...

I've seen it on YouTube as well.


To refresh my memory about it.

Oh, good. Well, I'm glad...

I'm glad you refreshed your memory

about how much money I lost.

Thank you for that!

Do you know anything about

Tom Jones, the long-term celebrity?


Yes, do you know anything about him?

I have never heard him be called

the "long-term celebrity" before.

That's an excellent phrase.

I hope that eventually people will

say that about me.

When I was living

in Los Angeles, I broke my toe.

You broke your toe? My big toe.

It was on an exercise

machine in a gym.

This is why gyms are bad for you.

So I went... I was on an exercise

machine in the gym, you know, like -

what do you call it? - a cross

trainer, and your feet are on there.

And my foot slipped off the front

of the cross trainer,

but it kept going around

and it crushed my foot into the...

I couldn't do anything about it.

And then I went to the foot doctor

and I was sitting in this room

and he's looking at my foot.

And then I hear a voice

from across the corridor going,

"Is that Michael Sheen?"


And I said, "Yes."

And this voice went,

"I'm Tom Jones's sister."

No freaking way.

Tom Jones's sister!

In the other room! Wow.

So we had this conversation.

I didn't see her. To this day,

I don't know what she looks like.

I was, "How's Tom?"

"Yes, he's very good, thanks."

"What are you in for?"

"I broke my toe."

"Oh, God!" I can't remember

your original question, now,

but, uh, you said Tom Jones.

Thank you, Michael Sheen,

appreciate your time. Thanks, Ali.

Right, Miss Paris. OK. Hello.

What's your favourite Disney film?

My favourite Disney film is Moana.

Moana! I love Moana.

I think it's a perfect film.

Every time I watch it - and I watch

it a lot, because my youngest

daughter, Mabli, she watches it

maybe twice a day at the moment.

Oh, my God! Twice a day? Yeah.

I love Moana, it makes me

cry every time I watch it.

It makes me feel inspired and, uh,

I love that film.

When I was younger...

I just want to quickly say

something, sorry to interrupt.

But nowadays I really think

that Disney have

fallen off with their films, man.

Do you think?

Yeah. Why? Like Wish.

Wish is bad. Don't watch that.

I haven't seen that one.

I recommend you don't watch it.

It's bad.

Things like Disney films,

they'll go up and down.

I've kind of had my doubts.

I don't think they're going to be

able to redeem themselves.

Right, well, we'll see.

You tell them straight, boy!

Can you cook?

I mean, I did win Bake Off.

Oh. Yeah.

You can either sit down or stand up

if you want, Nichola. I'll stand up.

Hi, Michael. Hello, Nichola.


Are you scared of bats?

Do you know, that's

a brilliant question.

I could talk literally

for hours about bats.

Strap yourselves in, folks.

So in, um...

In our house in Wales... Yeah.

..we have bats,

and if our window is open,

they might accidentally come in.

All right.

Now, I didn't know that.

One day, just sitting in the,

in the living room

and suddenly, this thing starts

flying around inside the house.

Oh, no!

And, I mean, I was,

we were all terrified! Oh, really?

And this was just before Lyra

was born.

We brought her

back from the hospital.

You know, she's in the bedroom

and we put her in a little crib.

And then we discover what the bats

like to do, they like to fly in,

and then they like to find things

like curtains or clothes so they

can go into the folds of, and they

hook their little feet on them and

then they are upside down

and they're hidden in the folds

of curtains.

But then sometimes

they can't get out and they die.

So I was moving the curtains one day

and then I found a dead

bat on the floor.

It had been in the folds

of the curtain,

and it had been in our bedroom

with the baby for ages.

I realise I'm talking

a lot about bats.


Do you worry that AI will

take your job away?

Yes, I do.

I think AI is something that,

you know,

we only started hearing about not

that long ago, but it,

it seems like it's going to

change everything.

I think a lot of people think

that it's just actors

and people in this profession

who are going to be affected by it.

It's going to affect everything.

AI is going to change everything.

And I worry sometimes that just

because we have technology

that can do all kinds of things,

that somehow nobody seems to

be in charge of deciding whether it

SHOULD do those things or not.

It just seems to just happen.

And by the time it gets to the point

where people start to say,

"Maybe this is not good for us,"

it's too late.

Yeah. Thanks, Paul.

Marcus, would you like to

ask your questions now, mate?


Do you like beatboxing? Beatboxing?

Yeah. Oh, right, yeah, yeah, yeah.

No, I love all that, I think

it's brilliant.

Do you remember a TV series

called Dynasty?

I think it was called Dynasty. Yes.

I remember once, um, thinking of the

theme tune to Dynasty and then

discovering that I could do a really

bad sort of beatbox-y type thing.

So I'll try to remember

how that goes.


Everyone clap.

Yeah, so that's it.

You gave it your all,

but that was... I gave it my all.


Right, Anand? Michael Sheen.

Hello, Anand.

What's your favourite food?

Um, my favourite food?

Probably egg and chips.

Egg and chips!

You can't beat it.

You can't beat egg and chips.

Maybe with a bit of ham.

Do you travel by train or bus?

I travel by both train and bus,

but my favourite thing is train.

I love going on train journeys.

So train. Nice one, Anand, thank you

so much for that. Anand, well done.

Thanks, Anand.

Michael Sheen,

you're doing fabulous.

Thank you.

Right, Callum.

Hello. Hello.

Would you ever go onto Love Island?

Oh, my goodness.

Love Island.

That's about everyone...

Isn't everyone sort of half

naked all the time? Yeah.

And trying to get off with

each other, isn't that what that is?

I think my Love Island

days are over now. OK. Yeah.

Right, we're going to have a little

bit of a word from Girio,

and then I'm going to come to

Essin after that. Hello.


What about Superman?

Superman, love Superman, yeah.

What about Spider-Man?


Big fan of Spider-Man, yeah.

What about Doctor Who?

Doctor Who, depends on which one.




That's my Scooby-Doo.

That's my Scooby-Doo impersonation!


Do it again.



That's funny.

Essin, you're up.

You were awarded, I can't remember,

it was an MBA or something,

and you had it for a while,

but then you gave it back.

Can I ask why?

Yeah, sure. So I was given an OBE,

which was a great honour.

A few years later,

I was asked if I would do something

called The Raymond Williams Lecture.

It essentially became

a history of Wales, really.

As I was researching that

and writing my lecture,

I realised that

if I was to give this lecture

and to say the things that

I was discovering,

I would be very hypocritical to also

have something that was

calling me

an Officer Of The British Empire.

And I had nothing

against the honour sy-... I mean,

if people want to do that,

that's fine. Yeah.

But I felt at that moment I couldn't

give this lecture and have the OBE.

So I gave the OBE back.

Because I thought it had something

to do with when the British

royal family came into Wales

and that old malarkey happened.


I'm curious, what is your opinion

on the British royal family?

Uh, I think...

Well, I think, like everybody,

I was a huge fan of the Queen.

I thought, you know, as individuals,

I think, um, you know,

there are some rummuns in there.

Clearly there's a few of them

that are, you know.

I have a bit of a problem with

people who have so much wealth.


When there are people

who are sleeping on the streets,

I find that a bit difficult.

And personally, with

the particular title of Prince

and Princess of Wales, there is

a history to that title,

which I think is problematic.

Which I was hinting at. Yeah.

I didn't know how you felt about it.

So I was trying to be diplomatic.

Well, no, sure.

Well, I think it's problematic.

I get you.

If you had to replace two

members of the Royal Family,

who would you replace them with?

And it can't be yourself.

On the spot!

That's interesting.

So I can pick anyone...

Yeah, swap them out. be put into the Royal Family.

Oh, yeah.

Well, let's get rid of Andrew...

Let's get rid of him.

..and let's put Joe Lycett in there.

Oh, yeah. Oh, that's better.

That would be interesting.

I think he would be great, wouldn't

he, to be put in the Royal Family?

I would pay to see that.

That would be brilliant.

And then, um, maybe I'd put

David Attenborough in there.

I love everything about that.

But who would they replace?

Uh, I would maybe...

Sack all of them.

I mean, Camilla, Camilla, I...yeah.

Or you could put

Tom Jones in as Prince of Wales!

Why not that? There we are.

Yeah, that's a good idea!


Hello, Michael Sheen. Hello, Harry.

How are you?

I'm very well, thank you.

It's good to meet you.

Ah, it's lovely to meet you too.

If you were in Doctor Who,

who would you play?

The Doctor or the Master?


He's put you on the spot again.

Pfff. I'm on that spot.

I mean, there's been a lot of very

good Doctor Whos.

There has been.

The first Doctor Who I watched

was Jon Pertwee.

Jon Pertwee, he was the third

Doctor Who. Right.

Well, I thought he was brilliant.

And then Tom Baker.

He was the fourth Doctor Who.

Well, yeah.

I think maybe the Master would be

a good part.

I think you would be

the Good Master.

They'll have to bring David Tennant

back as Doctor Who again...

Yes, they should! ..and then I can

be the Master opposite him maybe.

What are you most afraid of,

fears or phobias?

Pfff... Ohhh... Wow.


My biggest fear is probably,

um, being alone.

To feel like you have to deal with

things that are very scary or

difficult and you've got

no-one to help you.

I think that's the thing that I'm

most afraid of myself

and it's what I worry

about the most for other people.

Which is your favourite season?

Cold or hot?

Oh, you see, you've put me

on that spot again, Harry.

Put you on the spot again!

I mean, I do really love

when it's a

cold day, a cold winter's day.

Maybe snow,

and everywhere looks so beautiful.

There's nothing better than that.

So probably winter.

I'm more of a summer person, me.

You seem like a summer person,

Harry, you do.

You've got a very sunny disposition.

Yes! Very good to meet you,

Michael Sheen.

Lovely to meet you too.


I just want to say that it's like a

dream, genuinely, having you here.

Aw, thank you. I feel like I'm going

to wake up any second now in bed.

So, the one question

I just had to ask...

Can you just walk us

through the before, the during,

and the after of your passionate

kiss with David Tennant?


Had to.

Well, I remember reading the script

and thinking,

"That's going to be a big deal."

Ah, and, uh, yeah, didn't really

talk about it, and just went for it.

I remember seeing that everyone was

quite moved by the scene, and all

the people who were working on it,

so we knew that it had gone

quite well.

And now we never talk about it.

If I had the opportunity to kiss

David Tennant,

I'd never live it down.

I'd tell everyone.

Well, maybe you will.

Maybe one day you will. Oh, I wish.

Amazing. Thank you.

This one is very important to me.

Right, OK.

The autistic community are often

rejected for employment. Uh-huh.

Have you ever been, as an actor,

rejected for roles?

And if so, do you have any

tips for us about this?

Well, first of all,

just being an actor means that

you are going to be rejected.

I mean, no actor has got every job

that they've gone up for, you know.

What you're talking about, though,

has a different point to it as well,

which is that for years and years

and years, people who have the sort

of life experiences that you have,

whether it's to do with autism or

physical disabilities, people have

been shut out from the industry.

They have.

And, I mean, in the past I have

played a character who had CP,

cerebral palsy.

I loved playing that character.

He was a wonderful man and

I got to know him a bit doing it.

But, you know,

these days you kind of go,

"Well, why wasn't a person with

cerebral palsy playing that part?"

you know. Yeah. It IS acting.

And so acting is about pretending to

be something that you're not

and all that kind of stuff.

But there is a wealth

of richness of experience.

You know, the experiences

you've gone through,

the experiences everyone here has

gone through, you know

that better than anyone else,

you know?

And if you have aspirations to act,

I mean, we've just seen

a brilliant performance of that

poem, then surely people

who are in a position to give

the jobs out, surely they'd want

people like yourselves or whoever

it is to bring that experience.

And if the only reason that that is

being stopped is because,


we just don't give jobs to people,

"oh, it'll be too difficult" or

whatever it is,

then that's nonsense, you know.

So the more that that's being

addressed now, I think,

absolutely the better.

Some of our group have prepared

a musical performance.

MUSIC: Here Comes The Sun

# Here comes the sun,


# Here comes the sun

# And I say, it's all right

# Little darling

# It's been a long, cold,

lonely winter

# Little darling

# It feels like years

since it's been here

# Here comes the sun,


# Here comes the sun

# And I say, it's all right

# Little darling

# The smile's returning

to their faces

# Little darling

# It feels like years

since it's been here... #


ALL: # Here comes the sun,


# Here comes the sun

# And I say, it's all right

# Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

# Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

# Little darling

# I feel that ice is slowly melting

# Little darling

# It seems like years

since it's been here

# Here comes the sun,


# Here comes the sun

# And I say, it's all right. #





That was great.


Could sing that all day.

Now for our closing statement.

Marcus, if you please.

So, Michael Sheen,

how did that go for you?

I loved it.

You know, because usually

interviews are so boring.

You get asked the same

questions over and over again.

This one was... This, you don't

know what you're going to be asked.

It's like being on the ultimate

version of The One Show.

I've loved it.

Thank you so much, everyone.

Thank you, Michael Sheen,

it was very lovely to meet you.

It was lovely to meet you, Harry,

and all of you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, Marcus, thank you.

Thank you, Harry.

Good to see you, Michael.

Lovely to meet you, Paul.

Oh, that was so beautiful.

It was really,

really lovely, thank you.

How are you going to travel

back from here?

Yeah, just walking. Are you going

to... Just walk, I think.

..walk over the bridge?

I think probably walk over

the bridge, yes.

To the theatre?

To the theatre, yes,

cos it's just along the way.

What's your name again?

Hmm? What's your name? Michael.