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Fish Tale, The (2022)

Posted: 05/03/24 15:54
by bunniefuu
(Whether it's a boy or a girl, it doesn't really matter.)

Good morning.

I'm heading out.


Good morning, everyone.

Today, we're here to investigate the aquatic
ecology of Gyokuzan City in Chiba Prefecture.

So let's depart right away.

There are sea bream and
triplefin hogfish, they're so lively.

And here we
have yellowtail fish.

Awesome! Look,
we've caught so many sea bream.

They seem to be dancing.

There are black sea bream,

peppered butterflyfish,
yellowtail fish, red mullet, and stonefish.

So many and so fresh.

Gya-gya, we've really
made a rich harvest.



Wow, it's Mr. Fish.

The Fish Tale.

Attention, all visitors.
Today's operating hours will come to an end.

Visitors who are
still exploring or shopping,

please pick up the pace.

We look forward
to your next visit.

Let's go back then.

The octopus looks quite
cute upon closer inspection.

Yes, Mr. Octopus is very cute and handsome.

That's right.

Now it's sticking to
the glass with its suckers.


Its head can also change shape.

Isn't it beautiful?

It can stretch so long.

So adorable.

- Seems like it's dancing.

- Where is it going?
-Hey, Meebo.


(Fish and Shellfish Illustrated Guide)

This book is for you.

Wow, amazing!

Besides Mr. Octopus,
there are many Mr. Fish as well.

They all look handsome.

Very handsome, right?

Meebo, we're done for today.
Let's come back next week


Let's go out from here.



Get up,
let's go back.

Put on your coat.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Mr Octopus is so cute.

Indeed, very cute.

But it d*ed.


Let's start eating.

Let's dig in.

- Is it delicious?
- Mmm.

(Octopus Sashimi)

There are a few more.

There are eight more.

Eight, so that makes three.

We can achieve it
in another three days.

Three more days, huh?

come on.

The champion has appeared.

- Why are you hitting me?
- Are we on the same team?

I'm supposed to hit you.

Oops, I need to save
my teammates from a crisis.

Thank you.

I'm spraying, spraying.

This is the Meebo
news for this week.


What is this, octopus?

Hmm, I saw Mr. Octopus
at the aquarium last time.

Why did
you add "Mr." to octopus?

Because it's handsome.

No way,
it's disgusting.

That's not true.
Haven't you seen a live octopus before?

I have.

Really? Where?

- By the seaside.
- Which seaside?

- Chiba.
- Where in Chiba?

I'm not familiar with Chiba's sea.
Isn't the sea just the sea?

Is that so?
Chiba also has many seas.

Let me tell you,
the ocean is connected,

There's only one sea.

Does Chiba have that privilege?

Meebo, what are you
talking to the girl about?

I'm talking about
Mr. Octopus and the ocean.

You like Momoko, right?

Yeah, I like her.

You pervert.
You like Momoko.

I do.

you're so perverted.

Pervert, pervert.

What does "pervert" mean?

Pervert means...

It means being very lewd.

Pervert, pervert.

Pervert, pervert.

Pervert, pervert.

(Strive for good health,
treat friends well, think deeply.)

Give me your
flute and blow it.

I do not want.

Stingy person.

Are you pretending
to be a poor scholar?

I'm not.

Hiyo, look,
Mr. Octopus is so cool.

Don't call him
Mr. Octopus, he's a fish.

I really want to touch
the real Mr. Octopus.

Stop adding "Mr." to it.

You show respect to
Mr. Octopus but not to me.

Mom will take me to
the seaside during the summer vacation.

Here we go again.
Your mom spoils you.

Hiro, do you want to come along?

No, that's a family trip for you.

But it seems like Momoko
and her whole family will be there.

That's impossible.
You're going to marry Momo, aren't you?


who is He?

Don't you know?
Hide your thumbs.

Why should
I hide my thumbs?

Otherwise, you won't be able
to fulfill your duty to your parents.

It means not being able to
see your parents for the last time.

I don't want to see them.

Hurry up!


Let's go quickly.



Excuse me,
do you like fish?

- Run faster!
- But...

Your field guide.

Run quickly!

hurry up!



Your hat looks nice.

Well then, goodbye.

Let's chat about
fish when you have time.



It's rare to make friends.

Run, Meebo!

That was close.
Almost got caught by Uncle Fish.

That man is Uncle Fish?

yeah, don't you know?

I've heard of him.

If you encounter Uncle Fish,

praise his hat and then run away.

What will happen
if I don't do that?

- He will catch you.
- Catch you?

If he catches you,
he'll dissect you

and turn you into a fish.

He wouldn't do such things.

You're just naive
and don't know yet.

Wait for me!

Why did you come?

Because my mom told me to.

Same here.

Why did we join
someone else's family trip?

It's the season for
catching white fish now.

look at these.

Although they're still small.

What's underneath?

- Can't catch them with a net. Take this.
- Meebo.

Meebo, don't go.




what are they doing?

who knows?

Aren't you going over?

No, I'm not a kid.

Are you afraid of the sea?

I'm not afraid.

Look, it's Mr. Octopus.

It's Mr. Octopus.

Is it okay?
Does it hurt?

so cool.

So Disgusting.

Mr. Octopus is so cute, right?

No, you're talking nonsense.
It's too big.

So cool!
Meebo is awesome.

It's squirting ink.

We caught it together,
and I discovered it.

- What will you do with it?
- I'm going to raise it.

Where will you keep it?

In the bathroom.

- What about the seawater?
- put salt in the water.

There's no other way.
How will you take it for a walk?

Dad, Meebo and
I caught an octopus.

mom, look.

you're amazing. It's so big.

Look, the suction cups are powerful.


Mom, can we bring
it home and raise it?

How can we raise it at home?

Yes, we can

But you can't keep it, can you?

The condition is that you have
to take care of it yourself. Can you do that?


Meebo, you're amazing.

Let me see.

It's such a big octopus.

Were you scared?
Octopuses need to be prepared like this.

Mr. Octopus.

If you don't handle octopuses like this,
they won't taste good, Mr. Octopus.

Mr. Octopus.

Mr. Octopus.

Mr Octopus.
Mr Octopus.

Let me see.


Here you go.

- Is it delicious?
- delicious.

Is it delicious,

Keep it up.



It's definitely you.

You're the kid
who loves fish, right?


do you really like fish


Last time you were looking
at the fish illustrated book.

is your hat a box pufferfish?


You know "box blowfish".

Well I like box puffer fish very much.

I've seen them at the aquarium and the fish store.

Fish store?

Yes, the one that Grandpa
Kimura specially stocks.

Have you tried it?

Pufferfish is really delicious.

have you tried it too?

Yes, I had it in the Oshima Islands.

- Oshima Islands?
- Hmm.

There are nine companions
of the pufferfish in the waters of Japan.

Let me draw its nine companions.
Wait a moment.

Can you help me hold this?
Thank you.

I'll draw it here.

I never expected someone
to love fish more than Meebo.

He knows much more about
fish than I do. It's surprising.

Is that so?

Next time,
I want to visit Uncle Fish's house.

Can I go?


Yay! I heard Uncle Fish has
a lot of fish tanks at home.

And he has fish books,
fish specimens,

and lots of collections.

You must be looking forward to it.

I am. Mom too.



No, you can't.

What's wrong?

You can't just go
to a stranger's house.

Why not?

What if something dangerous happens?

What kind of danger?

What if he
plays a prank on you?

Uncle Fish won't play pranks.

Dad doesn't agree.


Do you really like him?

Then you can go.

But you have to promise me.

Come back home
before it gets dark, okay?


No, it's not okay.
How can she go?

I hope our child learns to trust,
not to doubt.

I agree.
That's not the point.

I think it'll cause problems
if we always cater to the child.

There's no problem right now.

But Meibao's grades are terrible.

It doesn't seem normal
no matter how you look at it.

A primary school student
obsessing over fish day and night,

only thinking about fish
and eating fish.

Fish is always on their mind.

Isn't that wrong?

i'm just worried,

after all that kid

Is different from the other kids.

it doesn't matter.

let the kids be themselves.

(Meibao's news this week)

Hey, help me draw a muscular man here.

(Muscular Man)

That's awesome.

so cool.

super strong.

You could be a manga artist.

- Meebo wants to be a fisherman, right?
- Why?

Because He love fish.

Then why not become a fish scientist?

Stupid! To become a scientist,
you have to be good at studying.

Oh, I see.

Meebo is so dumb,

- and He don't even wear glasses.
- Does it have to do with glasses?

Hiyo, what do you want to be?

Me? I want to be a soccer player.

But you don't play soccer.

I'll start in junior high.

Meebo, do you have time now?

See you later.

Oh no,
I'll get scolded by the teacher.

See you later.

Do you want to sneak and watch them?

Let's go.

You draw really well.

you are really amazing.

The "Peeling Fish" piece is fantastic.

The facial expressions
are so lifelike and full of character.

The "Shrimp Tiger Fish" piece is also great,
and it's easily caught around here.


All the teachers love fishing.

Your weekly reports are highly
appreciated among the teachers.

That's why...

I hope your works can reach more people.

Oh, look!

Its tail tip is poisonous.
Be careful not to get too close.

Among the moray eels,
there are poisonous species.

Did you know that
octopuses have eight legs?


We're almost there.


Right here.

Look, it looks just like
the box pufferfish, doesn't it?

so cute!

Very adorable.
Please come in.

They are so lively in the water.

So cute!

Here they come.
It feels so real.

Uncle Fish,
do you often watch aquariums?


Either I'm watching the fish in
the aquarium or looking at picture books.

What do you do for work?

My friend asked me today
what I want to do in the future.

Uncle's family used
to be very wealthy.

But now we don't
have money anymore.


Uncle Fish is unemployed.
I don't have a job now.

But you're a fish expert, right?

No, I really wanted
to become a fish expert.

But I'm not good at studying,
so I couldn't make it.

But you know so much about fish.

I still have a long way to go.

But I've never met anyone
who knows more about fish than you.

You really think so?

Then let's both become the best.

I've made up my mind.
I want to become a fish expert in the future.



so cute.


Let's paint the eyes golden.

Big eyes, smiling.

You're really good at painting.

Meibao, look.
It looks so impactful from below.

That's cool.

The teeth are so impressive.

You're really good
at drawing lines.

Uncle, someone's
knocking on the door.

Nobody ever
comes to my house.

Maybe you misheard.

Oh, I see.



Sir, hello.


Please apologize first.

I'm really sorry.

We were so engrossed in
painting that we forgot the time.

This could be seen
as child abduction.

And what's with
that inexplicable hat?

Ouch, it hurts.

What are you, exactly?

I'm Uncle Fish.

It's not convenient to talk here.
Please come to the police station.

The police station?

We have some things to ask.
Please cooperate.

Let's go to the station and talk slowly.

Watch your step.

police car.

Yeah, is it your first time seeing a police car?
Don't be afraid.

Come, let's go to the police station with us.

it's not uncle's fault.

It's because I was so absorbed
in painting that I forgot the time.

Is Meebo real?


This kid said so

Come, let's go to
the police station with us.

It's not Uncle's fault.

This isn't an arrest.
He's assisting with an investigation.

Please don't investigate Uncle Fish.

Uncle Fish.


You can go now.

Meebo, you want to
become a fish expert, right?

Thank you.

Meebo, Meebo.

Meebo, Meebo.

Uncle, Uncle Fish.

don't chase after them.

It's dangerous.
Uncle Fish.

(Land for sale)

(Illustration: Old Man's Modified Motorcycle)

(Meibao High School News)

(Cloudy, Misaki Town)
Obata River.

The wind is strong.

That's him.

Are you Meebo?

Yes, I am.

I've warned you not to write
about our affairs in the news.

This is already the third time.

But many people love reading it.

Do you think
we are insignificant?

Ao Oni.

But my mom always says
that the media shouldn't succumb to v*olence.

what media?

What do you know about the media?

Meibao News can't
even be considered media.

No matter what
theories you bring up,

You disregard the wishes of others
and insist on continuing, which is not right.

That is more important
than the media ethics you talk about.

Hey, didn't you listen
to what our boss said about media theory?

Yeah, I wanted to say
we can chat while fishing.

That's possible,
but what's wrong with you?

You're quite courageous.

I don't think
that's true courage.

I think the same.

What's up with this guy?

- He's a fishing enthusiast
- a fishing enthusiast.

He kills fish and sticks them on a board,
puts them on the table.


Because they're cute.

How can you catch
fish in a place like this?

We can catch them.

Don't underestimate people.
Our boss's grandpa is a fisherman.

Look, we caught
a spotted Shanao fish.

Isn't it cute?

Is it real? Can you
really catch fish in this small creek?

Do you like fish?

How could our boss
like fish? He only eats meat.

- Really?
- Really.

Chi Gui, what gives
you the right to decide the boss's diet?

Growing men like
our boss should eat meat.

Are you going to
argue with me?

I'm sorry.

Anyway, it's good
that you heard it.

Hmm, I heard it.

If you don't show some respect soon,
I might "deal" with you.

By the way, let's go
fishing together next time.

Why? What kind
of conversation is this?


I'm back.

you are back.

Today, we caught Oikawa-san and Ugui-san.

What did you say?

Oikawa-san and Ugui-san.

- Oikawa-san and three Ugui-san.
- Hmm.

- Need any help?
- It's fine.

- Come on, let's fry them fresh and eat them. - Really?


Hey, little fish.


Show me your face.



Does a fish head count?

Get in.

Meebo, come here.

look at this.

Oh my God,
how is this possible?

Pretty cool, right?
I was shocked too.

Our boss's grandpa is a fisherman.

It got caught in a fishing net yesterday,
so they brought it to the school as a teaching material.

And they're a male and female pair.

The teacher was happy to receive them,
but didn't know how to take care of them.

So, Meebo,
are you willing to help?

What should we do?

Do you really know
how to raise horseshoe crabs?

Tell me.

Baby horseshoe crab.

can i take the horseshoe crab for a walk.


A walk.

My back hurts.

My back hurts.



why do you like fish?

Because fish are cool.


And fish are different from humans.
They come in many different species and are interesting.

Humans are also different, right?
Everyone looks different.

Fish are like that too.
Each one looks different.

Alright, you have the final say.

Fish are my friends.
I admire them.

They're just fish,
they can't talk.

Sometimes you can tell their mood.

Is that true?

When you're feeling down and fishing,
when the fishing line is tugged,

Don't you feel like you're
having a conversation with the fish?

I don't feel that way,
and they're at a life-and-death moment.

Boss is here.

Boss, directly pull it up,
hold the fishing rod up.

- Using the lever principle.
- What's a lever?

Zhu Ce Fish.

Wow, it's so big. You're amazing.

So adorable.

What's so adorable about it?

Indeed, it does look a bit cute.

- Can we eat this?
- It's very delicious.

Ao-oni, lend me your Kn*fe.

Hmm, quickly lend it to me.


- It's struggling
- What are you going to do?

Deal with it.
Didn't the boss often say that?

Yes, but I don't know
how to do it that way.

There are fish eggs inside.

This is the liver,
and this is the gills.

Let's take a look
at what's inside the stomach.

Why do we need to look?
No need to look.

It's almost empty.
It seems like it's been hungry for a long time.

don't you have your own Kn*fe?

I do, but it will get fishy.


Nobody wants their
things to stink, right?

That's true,
but how about Ao Oni's?

Here you go.

It has no taste.

That's impossible.
Taste it properly; it's very sweet.


I understand now.
I used to eat soy sauce.

The delicious thing is not raw fish slices,
it's the taste of soy sauce.

No, the delicious
thing is raw fish slices.

what is soy sauce made of?


Soybeans are really amazing.

By the way, soybeans are white.
How do they turn black when brewed?

Soybeans are awesome.

No, they're not.

Compared to fish,
soybeans are not interesting at all.

Think more about
the merits of fish.

i know you like fish,

But you shouldn't
belittle things other than fish.

The amazing Three-Spined Stickleback.

What do you want?

I'm Momiyama,
and this area belongs to me.

Boss, that guy is "Momiyama."

What kind of crap are you bringing onto my turf?

I've only seen you in textbooks.

What do you want to do here? It's none of your business.


Is this your land? No, right?

This belongs to Chiba Prefecture.


It's the land of Ushizu City,
Chiba Prefecture, you idiot.

what does that
have to do with you?

Are you guys from the municipal government?
Sent here by the authorities?


Stop talking nonsense,
you punks. This is our sea.

The sea doesn't belong to anyone.

Enough noise, little goats.

Little goats.

The fish here belong to us.

why are you like this?

Don't you think the fish are pitiful?
Don't you have a conscience?

That's right,
disrespecting life, you bastard.

What nonsense,
it's clearly you who k*lled it.

I didn't k*ll it.
I "processed" it.

It's all the same.

Apologize to the fish.

Yes, quickly apologize to the fish.

Kneel down and kowtow, ugly freak.

Ugly freak,
apologize quickly.

Don't say "ugly."

Boss, that's "Mad Dog."

Here comes an unwelcome guest.

really interesting.

Someone dares
to provoke us in Chiba.


Hey, Mad Dog.

What's up?

he is calling you.


Ah, what?
He's calling you.

Hey, Hiyo.

What are you doing?

Who are you?
I don't know you.

What's wrong with you, I'm Meebo.

- Your friend.
- No, you're not.

It's obvious,
don't pretend anymore.

We learned calligraphy together.

- You learned calligraphy?
- No, I didn't.

Are you a friend of the mad dog?

Mad Dog,
his name is Hiyo.

So, you're Hiyo?

I'm not Hiyo, you idiot.

shut up!

Don't call people idiots, Hiyo.

You big idiot, I'm coming
over to teach you a lesson now.


where are you going?

Eww, so gross.

Little shrimp.

Mom, it hurts so much.

what are you doing?

Hey, Meebo
defeated the mad dog.

Oh my, really?

That must be a squid.

Is it tasty?

Of course,
fresh ones are the best.

can you catch it?

I don't know,
I didn't bring a net.

Damn it,
I really want to eat it.

I really want to eat it too.

I want to eat the net.

- Go ahead, Meebo.
- Okay.

get ready.




Stir it again.

great - delicious

I'm ready, come.

It's delicious.

Razor clam.

I heard that squid
livers have parasites.

I don't eat them.

Don't worry,
there are no parasites in the soft meat.


Eat more.

It's really tasty.

this is for you.

Thank you.

That guy looks like
a protagonist surrounded by everyone.


Meebo, I want some too.

Sure, wait a moment.

You haven't changed at all.


You're still very "fish-like."

Yeah, I never expected
you to turn into a "mad dog."

I'm almost graduating
from my "mad dog" persona.

No more being a mad dog.

Even if we continue like this,
we'll still be the "failure group" in life.

I want to study seriously
and go to a good university in Tokyo.

Is that so?

Are you still as
stupid as before?

I'm not stupid,
but I'm not good at studying.

If you genuinely
want to study fish,

you must study diligently.

Is that how it is?

You won't succeed like this.

Take it seriously.

- I am serious.
- Then go study.

Okay, I'll study a bit more.

You can't just study a little.

Then I'll study hard and
go to the same university in Tokyo as you.

What's with you?

see you next time.

The pufferfish is here.

And the sea bream too.

Everyone lives in the world.

Sardines, catfish, octopus.

Genius is "Genius," right?

Guide is "Guide."

Capability is...

(School Academic Test)

(5th place, Akinobu Hiyoshi)

What are you going to do?
English and math are mandatory subjects for the entrance exam

But I got perfect
scores in music and art.

Anyway, you need
to work a bit harder.

I know you love fish.

But you need to
learn to restrain yourself.


Please, Mom, help
him study more at home.



Grades have always
had distinctions. Isn't it better this way?

If everyone were the same,
studying everywhere,

the world would be full
of model students, like a world of robots.

I understand what
you're trying to say.

But I don't want Meebo
to regret it in the future.

It's alright.

He loves fish, loves drawing fish.
That's enough for me.

I have no other expectations.

- Is it good now?
- Yes, it's good.

Let's get ready.


Countdown, five, four, three...

High school students' achievement.

The three-spined horseshoe crab has been
successfully artificially hatched in Japan for the first time.

Let's listen to what
the parties involved have to say.

Was it difficult?

I just took them for a walk.

Meebo really loves fish, right?


what is your future dream?

I want to become a fish expert.

Okay, let's take a photo.

A bit higher.

very good.

(High school students successfully
artificially hatch horseshoe crabs)

I'm starting.
- I'm starting.

Mebao always starts
eating from the fish head.

Yeah, that way the
bones won't prick the throat

I see.

- I didn't know that.
- Hmm.

let me try.

It's heavy.


The bones extend to the back.

Oh, I see.


you don't have to worry about me.

Worry about what?

Mom knows.

You want to understand more about fish.

You want to work with
fish-related jobs in the future.

Venture into the vast sea.

Got my mouth dirty.


I also went fishing today too.

Look, a three-lined chickenfish.

And a bullseye pufferfish.

Impressive, right?

see you next time.

Is it delicious?


First of all,

the work at the aquarium starts

with cleaning the tanks and taking temperature
measurements every morning.

Then we prepare fish bait,
which is the food for the fish.

- Any questions?
- I have one.

When can I have
contact with the fish?


When can I clean
the manta rays or feed the sharks?

Let's start with
temperature measurements, okay?

This is the thermometer.
Go in from here.

Are you done?

not yet.

Only one.

Just one?

Try a little harder, okay?


Here you go.

- One.
- Hmm.

The sea lion show
is about to begin.

Please proceed to
the sea lion pool for viewing.

pay attention.

Applause encourages,
thank you.

It performs very agile jumps.

Now we're going to switch props.

We're going to play a game
using the hoops held by the big brother.

Keep up the great performance
for the sea lion show.

Well caught,
all of them.

Even struck a handsome pose.

Sea lions have long necks,

so they can easily
catch all the hoops.

They also perform adorable dances.

Phosphorus shrimp and mantis shrimp
are for the large fish tanks, no need to handle them.


Cut the bamboo fish into pieces like this.
Very good, now sort them.

Any problem? I'm leaving now.


Please take care of it.

Did you understand?
Any problem?

What's wrong?

I'm sorry.

I apologize.

what are you doing?

Don't apologize to me.

Don't mix them up.
Have you sorted them?

Use this.
Put the shrimp in here.

Where did the other container go?

Spread the feed more evenly.

Don't concentrate it in one spot.


Don't stop,
keep spreading it continuously.

Otherwise, the fish
will gather in one spot. Yes, spread it out.


Are you okay?

- I'm fine.
- Really?

Someone's here.

What's going on?

- Why are there people here?
- Let's go quickly.


be careful,

Thank you.

To be honest,

this job isn't suitable for you.

please change the channel.


Sorry for the interruption.

Linda, long time no see.
How have you been?

Are you okay?

Come, let's have a drink.

I'll have a Shandygaff.


I heard you quit your white-collar job.

Mind your own business.

I'm just curious how you ended up here.

I work at a sushi restaurant.

You really can't live without fish.


I want to work with fish-related jobs.

But it seems like none of them are ideal wherever I go.

Is your home nearby?

Yeah, sort of. And you?

Not right now, but I'll move here later.

By the way, are you free? You must be, right?

No, I'm working at
the sushi restaurant now.

Then I can move.


Will that person provide for
all your expenses, including food and drink?

What about rent?

Sort of.

What's up?


If you have any thoughts,
just say it.

Well, I do have some thoughts.

What are you thinking?

Nothing, really.

I just feel like you're
being supported by someone else.

So what?

- Would you like a drink?
- Sure, thanks.

Do you have something to hold water?

What for?

Just something to hold water.

What are you doing?

- Housewarming gift
- What is it?

It's the first time I've seen
someone take out a goldfish from a backpack.

I wanted to say that
you will be lonely.

They say it's for two people,
so how can it be lonely?

The other person
isn't often around.

By the way, I thought of
a job that suits you well.

Sorry for keeping you waiting.

Who are you?

I'm Meebo.

I know, you're Linda's friend.
Thank you for coming.

Thank you.

What do you want to talk about?

Oh, I want to talk about the aquarium.


I want to place
a giant aquarium here.

I think it would be great.

I want to bring a sense
of wonder to the guests.

Wonderful, I understand.

For those guests who
rush to see a dentist because of toothaches,

to bring them
a sense of wonder,

to help ease
their mood a bit.

Here, it's not just
about dental care,

but also about
providing a great experience.

I want people to come
here more often to have their teeth extracted.

Constantly thinking
about coming here for tooth extractions.

I want an aquarium
that can create that kind of effect.

I see.

Can you design it?

Do you believe I can?

I appreciate the look in your eyes.

Alright, I'll leave it to you.


Oh, it's you again.

Mr. Seaman, can you
provide me with lionfish fry.

It's difficult to feed
lionfish fry, you know.

Of course,
I'm prepared.

Oh, really?
How so?

You're impressive, Meebo.
You're qualified.

Dovii cichlid,
bumblebee cichlid, garbage fish.

and sunlight fish,
how about those?

No, there will be issues
with them preying on each other.

Striped catfish,
lake carp, filter-ear catfish,

shrimp, firefish, pufferfish,

No, this combination won't work.

Mickey Mouse platy,
peacock cichlid, jewel cichlid,

Labeotropheus trewavasae, Danio dangila,

plus some Vallisneria
and Echinodorus as aquatic plants.

I think that would work.

No, it still won't work.

what's missing?

It feels like something is missing.

The sense of wonder that
the dentist requested is missing.

What else is missing?

Idiot! Come back quickly!
Don't you care about your life?

I don't care anymore.
Good luck to you.

How terrifying.

It's too terrifying.

Using a net won't work here.

I'll catch that monster.

That idiot actually caught it.

It's really outrageous.

That's not something humans can do.

He's the offspring of a fish.

Good morning, Doctor.

He has arrived.

Is everything ready?

I've used all
my experience in this.

Oh, are we going
to put the fish in now?

It may seem like it,
but if you look closely, behind the rocks...

There are lionfish fry.


Look, there's
a pipefish on the rock.

And a seahorse on the sand.

Are there no other fish?

There are 13 species
of fish and 2 species of shrimp in there,

along with numerous
aquatic plants and seaweed.

Where are they?

In the dark corners. I've tried to make
the ecosystem resemble nature as much as possible.

If you observe carefully,
you'll see the seahorse dancing.

And then the lionfish fry.

They need to be fed
with dead shrimp twice a day.

Please shake this stick
to make it look like a live shrimp.



I don't want this kind.


I don't want such
a serious approach.


I want something more dazzling.

Like a peacock swimming around.

Hmm, I knew it would be like this.

You anticipated it?

Your ideas are too
dull and too professional.

I'm really sorry.

It's okay.

I've received the money
and got the fish back.

It's undeniable that some
people treat fish as decorations.

I'm also sorry for how I treated you.

would you like to work here?


You don't have a job now, do you?

Right. Can I really?

Of course you can.

I'm not capable of many jobs.

I tend to cause damage
and make the store suffer. Are you sure?


Thank you,
Mr. Umihito, I will work hard.

By the way, "Umihoto" is
the name of the store, not my name.

And by the way, you pronounced it wrong.
It should be pronounced in the Okinawan dialect.



Please confirm the taste.

It's delicious.

Thank you.

- Cheers!
- Cheers!

Hiyo, it's me, Meebo.

This guest,
let me show you to your seat.


Why are you
dressed like this?

It's a lavender fish my mom
made for me. It looks nice, right?

Yes, it looks nice.
Please sit down first.

This is Miss Tanizaki Yurie.


And this is Meebo.

I heard about you.
You seem to really like fish.


your friend?

Yes, we are dating.


I'm sorry.

Meebo, don't you feel
like you've seen Yurie before?

On TV or something.

Shining Dreams Line.

Don't you like watching TV?

I only watch programs related to fish.

what do you do now?

Which part do you
want to ask about?

The work part.

I'm still working at the pet shop.


Yes, I want to become
a fish doctor in the future.

Is that funny?

No, sorry.
I'm just a bit surprised.

- Why do you still talk like that?
- A fish doctor, huh?

Is it that strange?


You're already an adult,
but you act like a child.

I apologize.

Where's Yurie?

She went back.


I don't care about her anymore.

Do you remember the strange uncle who
used to appear around here when we were kids?

He used to play tricks on you.

No, he didn't.

I remember a trick.

You had to hide your thumb,
compliment his hat, and then run away.

What would happen
if you didn't do that?

He would dissect
and transform you into a fish.

I really want to see
you become a fish doctor.

You'll definitely make it.




Mom, we only have
fish bone tea at home.

Please have some.

Is there really no other drink?

I brewed it myself,
naturally and organically.

Please have it.

Thank you.

Why did you suddenly come over?
You scared me.

Who is this person?


Such a strange name.

What's your name?


- Do you like fish?
- I don't like or dislike them.

What about goldfish?

I like them.

You like goldfish, huh?


don't you have any questions?

what do you want me to ask?

Right now, we're homeless.

do you remember this?

It can't die at all.

Mom, Mei Bao is awake.

Good morning.



Hot water.

I'm starting.

Is it okay?


Be careful on the way.

I am leaving.

You're back.

Today, Mitsuko fed
the fish for you.


so cute.

It's heartwarming to
have the whole family together.

She is the cutest now.

Sorry, Meebo.

What's wrong?

We suddenly barged
into your and the fish's life.

It's okay. I'm happy.

We're not normal like this, right?

what is normal?


I don't quite understand what's normal.



What are you doing?

i'm playing with the waves.

The waves are coming.

where's the fish?

What's wrong with you, Meebo?

Store manager,
I want to earn more money.

I often think the same way.

can i take on more work?

why do you suddenly
want to earn money?

i have to work harder.

(20-color crayons, 1200 yuan)

(30-color crayons, 6600 yuan)


This one.


I'm back.

(Fish bone tea is delicious.)

Liu Leaf Fish has arrived.

Thank you.

Store clerk.

Come here for a moment.

I ordered Willow Leaf Fish.

This is Willow Leaf Fish.

Willow Leaf Fish should be
smaller with a bigger belly.

What you have here
is Capelin willow Leaf Fish.

Yes, this is Willow Leaf Fish
caught locally in Shakalin.

It's different.

Capelin willow
Liu Leaf Fish.

Willow Leaf Fish.

It's different.

Also known as Capelin with roe Fish.

Both are cucumber fish,
but completely different.

Are you blind?

Good morning, everyone.

Welcome to Marufuku Shopping Street.

What's this?

Willow Leaf Fish.

This is Willow Leaf Fish, right?

Such a big Willow Leaf Fish.

did you draw this?


You haven't changed a bit.



- Boss
- Hey, don't touch me.

Good morning.
What's going on?

(Love Bar)


come in.

- You haven't had lunch yet, right?
- Yeah.

The sushi here is delicious.

You can't tell, huh?

Sit down quickly.

Please enjoy directly.

I'm starting.

So delicious,
it's soft roe.

Eating soft roe.

No need to worry about parasites.



You're just realizing it now?

I met you in high school,
and I was moved by the deliciousness of squid.

After graduation,
I interned at a sushi restaurant.

It's really delicious.
Tobiko is amazing.

You haven't changed at all.

No, I've also grown up.

I heard you got drunk
and painted on someone's wall.

No, it was a metal gate.

I see.

Would you help this
shop with the painting?


Although it's currently a bar,

I want to renovate it
into a proper sushi restaurant.

Of course,
I will pay you for your work.


Are you willing?



(Nio Sushi)




You're amazing.


Everything seems like you.

Can you do it?

Mom, please have a seat.

Thank you.


I am the boss.

long time no see.

This is Momiyama.

I am Momiyama.


excuse me.

Thank you.

By the way,
I got a job as an artist.

The owner saw this
mural and liked my work,

so he asked me to
illustrate for a magazine.


it's a job that pays.

That's great!
A formal job indeed.


I want to use the payment
to treat Mom to sushi.

Oh, and next time,
let's invite Dad and Sumio to join us.

Everyone can have sushi together.


Mom wants to tell you something.

there's one thing
i've been keeping from you.

What is it?

Mom isn't fond of fish.

Honestly, Dad
and Sumio aren't either.

Is it true?

You should've just told me.

Maybe you've been giving
Dad and Sumio a hard time in the past.

but i'm happy,

that you've always loved fish.

You're amazing.

What would you like to eat?

Let me think.

i want octopus.

- Octopus.
- Okay.

Coming right up.

Me too.

Coming right up.


(Masafumi Kido's Strange Animal Zoo Program)

(Produced by Akihito Hiyoshi)

We're a small program,
so you can speak freely.

I can't appear on TV.


I get shy, and
I don't know what to talk about.

Don't worry.
Just talk to us like you do about fish.

I want to introduce
you to more people.

Instead of saying
it's about me personally,

it's more about the audience
wanting to hear you speak.

Recording starts in five seconds.
Four, three, two...

Ladies and gentlemen,
do you like fish?

The world of fish
is vast and profound.

Let's welcome today's special guest.

please come in.


- So fast!
- Welcome, welcome.

This is Mibao, an illustrator
who knows everything about fish.

- Nice to meet you.
-Thank you.

Hello, everyone.
I'm Meebo! .

So energetic.
Welcome to our show, Meebo! .

That's right.

Before we begin,
may I ask,

about your hat?

This is a pufferfish hat.

A pufferfish hat?


Wow, so enthusiastic.

You pressed the bell so quickly.

Did you always love fish
since you were young, Meebo! ?

Yes, that's right.

I've been deeply fascinated
by fish since I was young.

It seems like you have
great respect for fish.

Is your way of
speaking always like this?

Do you have any questions?

No, it's nothing.
Hamano is just a little curious.

Actually, it wasn't fish that
I fell in love with at first.

It was octopus.

But you're wearing a fish hat.

That's right.
Look here.


What should I look at?

This is Meebo! News.

Mibao News,
a newspaper made by Meebo!

- The bobtail squid appeared.
- That's right.


At that time, the bobtail squid was
successfully artificially hatched in Japan.

It even made it to
the TV and newspapers.


The person next door is the boss.

This is too shy.

super shy.

You were introduced on TV, right?

You look extremely rebellious.

There's a huge
Mr. Octopus over there.

I think it might
be some kind of monster.

Indeed, the shape of
the octopus is very peculiar.

It looks a bit like a monster.

I want to take it home and raise it.

But my dad smashed
it and k*lled it on the spot.

Your dad immediately slaughtered it.

Yes, he flipped the octopus
over and took out its innards.

Like this, he hit it.
It was so violent.

Your dad slaughtered the octopus
and took out its innards in front of the child.

When I was a young, I used to go to
the aquarium with my mom every weekend.

I still have the fish guidebook
my mom gave me back then.

Treasure it.

Meebo, this is for you.

Mom, what is this?

Wow, there are so many fish.

Are there so many fish species in the world?
That's amazing.




What's wrong?

- Meebo, thank you for the interview.
- Thank you all.

How do you feel
about your first interview?

very happy.

I really love fish,
super love them.

I always only think about fish,
and that's how I got here today.

I'm really grateful.
Thank you, everyone.

I believe there is
nothing stronger than love.

I will always be
with fish in the future.

this is for you.

Use this today to endure a little.

(Happy Fish Guidebook,
Fish Doctor Meebo)

It's great.

so handsome.

super beautiful.

like a snowman.

that is...

It's Meebo.



It's really Meebo.

Meebo, don't go.