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03x16 - Red Rag the Bull

Posted: 03/04/15 06:41
by bunniefuu
What's the matter, Welch, you lost?

Looks like I'll be working here at 51 for a while.

Beth, how'd you know where to find me?

I'm here meeting my ex-husband.

You should let your Lieutenant know that he can't be making out with the chief's ex, or Pridgen will destroy him.

Help me keep an eye on Lieutenant Casey.

That's not how we do things here.

I'll make it worth your while.

I apologize for keeping you waiting.

Not a problem.

What all have you been told?

Just that it was urgent, and I needed to come in person.

Well... you were contacted because we've suffered a security glitch.

Some of the clinic's confidential records have been compromised.

And this affects me how, exactly?

We're contacting every sperm donor whose DNA has resulted in conception to let them know their identity may have become public.

I'm sorry.


You're suggesting my DNA may have possibly resulted in a child.

Well, that part's not in question.

What I'm saying is it's possible the child may know that his or her biological father is donor 1128, and that... that's you, Mr. McHolland.

How do you want to split it up, Casey?

What's that, Chief?

The alimony payments.

Or were you just hot-bunking her out the door?

Chief, I can...

Hey, you need to mind your own damn business.

Hey, I'm not the one sleeping with the chief's ex.

I let it go when you ran off your mouth to Dawson.

Now Pridgen?

You looking to get knocked on your ass, Welch?

The way I heard it, Beth got liquored up and blabbed to her sister-in-law.

Either way, I got a ringside seat to watching your career go down the toilet.

Guess who I ran into at my new Zumba class.

Is it cheer or cringe worthy?



From Chicago Med?

You know, with the k*ller blue eyes.

Oh, the hot guy in admin?


Ooh. And?

And I asked him out on a date... with you.

What? I don't...

I don't even know the guy.

That's why it's a double date.

You know, you and Phil, me and Cruz.

Sylvie, I don't know about this, seriously.

This is what friends are for.

To nudge you when you're getting cold feet.

Come on, it's gonna be awesome.



I thought these things were supposed to be completely anonymous.

Which is why I checked the box marked "confidential."

There's no secrets. Not anymore.

Not on the internet.

So, how old is this kid?

I'm not sure.

Well, is it a boy or a girl?


Wait, you didn't ask at the clinic?

No, because I don't want to know.

Severide: Hey, Mouch, you got a phone call.

Who is it?

I don't know.

But it's the second time the guy's called, so go pick it up.

Hello? My what?

Oh, my car.

Oh, thank God.

I mean, thank you.

No, yeah, I'll just pick it up after shift.

Appreciate it, Maury.

[alarm blares]

woman: Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, structure fire, Washington and Kedzie.

[siren wails]

[horn honks]

Go, go, go, go, go.

I'm the building manager.

We got a kid missing! On the third floor!

The other tenants are accounted for?

Yes, sir. All of them.

Casey: Mouch, Cruz, south entrance.

Herrmann, Dawson, grab irons.

We'll take the north.

You all need any help?

No, stand down.

My uncle, he fell down the stairs!

His leg's hurt real bad.

Can you help him?

Where is he?

He's down the block. Real close here.



Truck 81's being redeployed.

Grab your EMS gear and accompany this young woman down the block!

Chief, we got a kid trapped inside a burning building.

Did it sound like I was asking?

Truck 64 is two minutes out. Move it!

Clear how that works, Lieutenant?

Red rag the bull and you get gored.

Yes, sir.


Pridgen: Get in there and find that kid!

Let's go. Out of the way.

Step back.

Come on.

Severide: Capp, you're with me.

Tony, Welch, take the East side.

Let's go.

Right, got it.

Fire department! Call out!


Hey, hold up!

You hear that?

Help me!

In there!

girl: Please, help!

Get down!

You okay?


We can't go through there.

We've got to find another way in.

Capp, we'll go through the neighbors' apartment.

Severide: Hey, Capp! This way.

Hey, enter through here!

We'll punch through the back wall!


[both grunting]

All right, Capp.

Call out!


Where are you? Call out!

girl: Help me!

Please help!


Did you lock the door?


Good job!

Let's get you out of here!


Get out of here now!!

Severide, you good?


Let's go.


Severide: No visible burns, but she sucked in a lot of smoke.

Okay. We'll bag her en route.

You're gonna be just fine.

We're taking you to the hospital, okay?

Mills: All right. Let's go.

Look, I don't know what Welch told you about Pridgen's ex, but you should have heard it from me.

It's a firehouse, Lieutenant. People talk.

And we both agreed to take some time, which means that we can... see other people, right?

Glad you're okay with it.

We're both grown-ups. Don't sweat it.


Sprained ankle.

Guy refused treatment. Where do you want us?

The fire's under control.

Return to quarters.

Hey, we got this, tough guy.


Oh, my God!



Dawson: Main, Truck 81, we're gonna need a second ambo at Kedzie and Washington.

Copy that, 81. Second ambo en route.

The kid. I went back in looking for her.

Dawson: Shh. You want to save your energy.

Brent: I got trapped in.

Ambo's a block out.

Dawson: He's going into shock.

Hey, sir, hey! Stay with me, stay with me.

Dawson: Look at me. Look at me.

C-collar him.

Yeah, got it.

Stay with me.

Dawson! What do we got?

Fell from the third floor window.

He's got a bilateral femur fracture.

Possible head and spinal injury.

Chout: Okay, we got it.

77 to Main. Leaving Washington and Kedzie...

[over radio] with a trauma victim inbound for Chicago Med.

Copy that, 77.

Thought you were napping.

That makes two of us.

I found this under the couch.

Oh, I'm sorry, babe.


Now this is going back on the second that I leave.

I know you, Wallace Boden.


"You can't turn back the clock, Wallace.

The baby's only little for a short while."

Your father said that to you?


That man never took any time off until he passed.

That ain't gonna be me, Donna.

Not with this little man.

Is that okay? Ooh.


Hey, hey.

Well, this little man needs to nurse.

So I will trade you.

Yeah. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Tomorrow night.


You and me.


Double date.

Absolutely. Who with?

Dawson and Phil from Chicago Med.

Wait. What? Are you out of your mind?

No. Why?

Casey's my boss, and he and Dawson just broke up.

Exactly, key words being "broke up."

No. Way, Unh-uh. Forget it.

Dawson really needs this, Joe, and I promised her.

And the wheels are already in motion.

What did you do?

Look, if you want to give Casey the heads-up as like a courtesy or whatever, go ahead, but we are going.

[knock at door]

Can I have a word, Chief?

Sure you can.

Hell, we're practically family.

I had no idea who she was, all right?

If I had, it never would have happened.

Regardless. It's over.

You have my word.

The main thing is, I don't want this getting in the way of the job, for either one of us.

Well, I can't speak for you, Lieutenant, but I'm a professional.


So I can assure you, it won't affect how I conduct my affairs, if you'll pardon the expression.

Anything else?

Yeah. Welch.

What about him?

If he keeps getting in my face, we're gonna have a problem.

You got a beef with Tommy Welch, take it out behind the backstop and settle it like a man.

Or float to another house.

I already told you he's not going anywhere.


He's a man. I'm a man.

He'll get it, right?

Of course.

I mean, it's just a date with his ex, right?


All right, man, you got this.

No, hey, man... [clears throat]

Uh, hey, Lieutenant?

What is it?

Know what? Never mind.

Hey, Chief Tiberg.

Lieutenant Severide.

The Battalion Chief here?

Oh, he just stepped out to the app floor a few minutes ago. What's up?

Squad 3 was on the fire call at Washington and Kedzie, correct?

Yes, sir.

We pulled out a young girl. Uh, Sarah...



Yeah, looks like she's gonna make it.

You saw the building manager as well?

Yeah, he was there when we arrived.

We all saw the aftermath.

I didn't witness the actual fall.

You're aware he's in critical condition?

No, sir. I wasn't.

Well, his sister's an attorney, and now firehouse 51 is under investigation for negligence.

Joel, what do you say?

Chief Pridgen.

Something other than a social call, I gather.

We're looking into the apartment fire on Washington.

Whether the building manager was injured due to negligence.

Well, let me stop you right there...

CFD's concern, Pat, is that the fire got short-staffed when Truck 81 was redeployed and that this tactical error, if that's what it was, is what led to the injury.

You're asking me why I made the call.

That's correct.

Well, based on the information at hand, I believed the EMS run to be a heart attack victim.

In the moment, I made a split-second decision to save the man's life and...

Let's take it into my office, shall we?

But it turned out to be something less critical, obviously, but I didn't know that going in.

I see.

Now, the question I have, from a tactical perspective, is what took Casey so long to realize it wasn't a life-threatening emergency?

What's the answer?

Pridgen: I can't speculate what's in another man's head, Chief.

I trust my lieutenants to handle their business.

Now, if you're asking me whether there was an error in his judgment, well, that's for you to decide.

Any further questions for Lieutenant Severide?

No, carry on, Lieutenant.

Well, they can't possibly blame Truck 81.

We didn't do anything wrong.

We weren't even there.

Herrmann: Exactly, if we were, maybe we could have prevented the guy from going back in or dragged him out before he got all jammed up.

Dawson: Every single one of us would have rather been in that building.

Herrmann: You know that, Dawson, and so do I, but do they?

It's not like they can fault Casey.

He was just following a direct order from Chief Pridgen.

This is exactly the kind of thing we have union reps for.

Right, Mouch?

Mary Mother of God.

Herrmann: What?


[male on voicemail] Hey, I know this probably comes as a shock. My name's Emmett Bird.

I looked into it, and I think you may be my dad.

Anyway, if you're willing to sit down with me, I'll be at the Golden Apple on Friday at noon.

I'll be standing out front in a beanie and a Blackhawks jersey.

At least he's a Blackhawks fan.


This is a catastrophe.

I say you go meet him. What do you got to lose?

No good can come from this, Herrmann, none.

Why not?

Seriously, Mouch, he's your kid.

He could be really cool.

In fact... [beep]

female voice: Message has been deleted.

Problem solved.


I didn't hear you knock.

I didn't.

We have a problem, Lieutenant?

I heard what you told Tiberg.


You knew that wasn't a life-threatening call.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I was there, Chief.

It was a tactical decision to save a man's life.

Full stop.

I can't do it.

You know what, don't sweat it if it's awkward with Casey or whatever.


Yeah. Yeah.

I'll just take Otis instead.


As a friend.

You're not taking Otis.

I was friends with him before I was friends with you.

Forget it.

Oh, he doesn't mind.

Will you go with me, Otis?



As a friend.

Joe, this is not about you or me.

It's for Dawson.

So either you suck it up...


Fine. I'll do it.

[knocks on door]


Hey, Lieutenant, can I ask you a question?

What's up?

How would you feel about Brett and me going on a double date?

What do I care?

With Dawson and somebody else.

You know what, I can tell that this is not the right time, so...

[laughs] It's a perfect time.

Go right ahead. Tear up the town.

You're sure?

I'm her Lieutenant.

That's all.

Okay, thanks.

Oh, and, uh, Cruz, don't run this by me again.

Mills: Heads up. I'm not coming in next shift.

I got a meeting.

What meeting?

Tests with medical section.

See if I prequalify for Squad.

So you're gonna, what, just quit the ambo and drop me as a partner?

If I'm approved, honestly, yeah.

Wow, harsh.
Mills: Hey, clear out, guys. Paramedics coming through.

Clear the way.

Hey, over here.

Right here.

Brett: Stand back, please. Thank you.

Duncan: Stay calm, buddy.

Paramedics are here. We're gonna be okay.

We're gonna be fine.

Daddy? Dad!

Is my dad going to die?


Mills: My name is Peter, this is Sylvie, okay?

What's your name, buddy?


A.J., we're gonna take care of your dad, okay?

I promise.

Just be strong.

And do what they say, boy.



Brett: Ear is clear of spinal fluid.

We're gonna have to secure this skate before we can transport him to trauma.

A.J., I need you to stay perfectly still while we take off this boot.

Can you do that?

I don't know.

You can do it, boy.


You're doing great, kiddo.

Stay still, A.J.

All right, nice and easy, A.J.

I want you to pull your foot out on three.

One, two, three.

[A.J. whimpers]

[both gasp]


Foot clear.

All right.

Good job, son.

Hey, you.

Go grab me some towels as fast as you can.

Now, go help that security guard.

Mills: Go with him, A.J..

Am I gonna die?

I don't want to die.

Please. My kid...

Hey, hey, buddy, you're doing great, okay? Just stay strong.

Are you sure I'm gonna make it?


Please, God, please.

Right here. Thanks.

Gonna be okay.

Okay, buddy?

It's gonna be fine, bro.

We're just gonna roll you up on your side, all right?

All right. You, grab his feet.

Hey, come over here. Grab his chest.

We're gonna roll him up, all right?

Brett: On three. One, two, three.


Brett: I need you to go get that stretcher.


Brett: You can ride with us, A.J..

Welch, you know, you were the only other person who heard that girl tell Pridgen about her uncle.

Yeah, well where I come from, people who make statements against their Battalion Chiefs just don't last long in the CFD, Lieutenant.

Here at 51 we tell it like it is.

Yeah, well, you don't know Pridgen.

I know he's throwing Casey under the bus to cover up a mistake that he made.

Look, even if I were to put myself on the line, it sure as hell wouldn't be for your buddy.

This idiot pissed him off, he can pay the price.

Say it again, Welch.


Pridgen is gonna bury your ass, man.

Donna, Lieutenant Casey is on his...



[doorbell rings]

[baby crying]

He's here.

He's here, okay.



[baby continues crying]

I'm telling you, Chief.

I know what kind of guy Welch is, and he's goading me into it.

And when I drop him, he's gonna take half my pension.

Then don't let him push your buttons.

You know how this works. You got to go through Pridgen.

Pridgen's got it in for me.

Then maybe you shouldn't sleep with his ex.


I thought you were on furlough.

I know everything.

Nothing would make Pridgen happier than for me to crack Welch.

That way, everyone forgets he almost k*lled my guys in the truck crash, and I come off as the bad guy.

It's just a couple more months, Casey, come on.

I'm not gonna make it till then.

Either he's gonna have a broken neck or I am.

So if I have to float to another house, that's what I'll do.

Look, please just keep your cool.

I'll make some calls, okay?

Thanks, Chief.


Donna: Wallace?

Yeah, I'm coming.


Send him in.

Chief Tiberg can see you now.


Brett: No way.

Cruz: I'm telling you.

Brett: You are out of your mind.

Dawson, will you please settle this for us?

I'm so sorry I'm late. Hey.

Hey. Oh, sorry.


Joe Cruz.

Don't let me interrupt.

Oh, actually Dawson was just about to settle an important argument for us.

About what?

Who sees the crazier action, truck or ambo?

She's the only one who's seen both.


[clears throat]

Let's just say for starters that no one calls 911 when they do something smart.

Hmm! Amen.

So true.

There are more calls on ambo and you definitely see more wackos.

Told you.


I'm going to Mills for a second opinion.

But in the terms of straight up intensity, nothing beats the feeling of rushing into a burning building or bailing off of a rooftop that's about to collapse.

That's what I'm talking about, girl!

What about you, Phil? What's your scoop?

Uh, me? I work in Admin.

It's mostly data entry.

That's cool.

I did fix this massive typo once, so...

I'm kidding.



This Pridgen, he's a real piece of work, Chief.

I'll tell you about it over a beer.

I will gladly get you a cold one, Herrmann, but I'm gonna pass on the shop talk.

Are you kidding me?

"Constant dates."

Those were your exact words.

I've already had an earful from Casey.

Besides, I am trying to unplug from the job for a while like my Pop suggested, you know?

Support Donna. Spend some time with my boy.

Hmm. How's it going?


Boden: Yes, ma'am.

You mind giving a listen at his door, make sure the baby's down?

Glad to.

How you holding, Mom?

That little kid wearing you out?


But he is.



What's going on?

Well, Lord knows I love the man and I appreciate his enthusiasm for fatherhood...

But he's really putting his shoulder into it, isn't he?

He needs to get back to work. Seriously.

I think it would be better for everyone.

All right.

[knocks on door]


Had dinner with Chief Tiberg st night.

Is that right?

Yeah, our kids do Tae Kwan Do together.

He said... said you came to see him.

I did, yeah.

I told him what happened at the apartment fire.

Yeah, well... the fact that your statement conflicts with mine is a... a major problem... especially given that there's a civilian in critical condition.

You know, promotion exams are next month.

I mean, you'd make a hell of a Captain.

I'm happy where I am, thanks.

So you won't consider amending your statement?

I said what happened.

You come at me, you better not miss, Severide... because you could make Captain, or be stripped of your rank.

Gentlemen, don't get up.

There is nothing to see here.

Is that...

Cheese Danish from Dinkel's, and no, no they are not for you.

Okay, come on. We got to talk.

Come on.

I get first pick!

No, no!

You always get the crust!

There are a handful of defining moments in a man's life, Randall.

This is one of them.

I thought we discussed this.

We did, but I just can't sit back and watch the plane crash into the mountain.


Emmett's gonna love you for who you are.

And if not, the hell with him.

But never to find out?

You don't want to lay awake at night wondering.

I don't know how to explain this, Trudy, but me at the firehouse... works.

It makes sense.

On a call, I know what to do and what not to do.

But when I leave 51... things haven't always gone my way, okay?

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I thank God for it, every day.

I just don't want to lift this garden stone.

I'll be better off.

And whether the kid knows it or not, he will too.



You have all of 51.

You have me.

You might have had a son that loved you, Randall.

But you'll never know.


I'll go meet him.

Hi, Chief.

Hey, have a seat.

What's up?

CFD's inquiry into this apartment fire is now a full-blown investigation.

Thanks to Lieutenant Severide, this thing has gone nuclear.

Huh? What's this?

Your sworn statement that Lieutenant Casey and Truck 81 were redeployed because we believed it was a life-threatening emergency.

All you have to do is sign.

[alarm blares]

woman: Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.

Hit and run, 3304 South Wabash.

[siren wails]

[horn honks]

Go block that side of the street.


Apparently the car fled after barreling the sidewalk.

Our guys are trying to figure out what the hell happened.

Severide: How many injured?

At least a dozen scattered over a block, maybe more.

We'll work our way down the block.

You leap frog.

Yeah, copy that.

Ma'am, you all right?

I'll call for an EMS Plan One.

I'm gonna start triaging.

All right.

You all right, kid? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Easy, kid. Hey, what's up, man?

Easy now, easy.

What kind of a damn fool drives a car down the middle of a sidewalk?

We're gonna patch you up, okay?

Here he comes again!

Easy, now.

Come on, kid. Easy.

Just let me check you out.

[Tires screeching]

Come on, kid. Easy, kid.



[siren wails]

[overlapping chatter]




The main thing he wanted to know is what the girl told Pridgen.

I had to tell him I didn't hear it.

Why not just question the girl directly?

They can't find her.

The uncle refused treatment, so there's no paperwork.

So it's my word against Pridgen's.



And the only other person there was...

Walking into Pridgen's office.

Once this all shakes out, Squad 3 is gonna need a new lieutenant.

You know, everyone here at 51 has treated me with respect, Chief.



I just want to get along in this house.

You don't sign this, Welch, there is no house.

I brought you in here, and I can bounce you out.

[clicks pen]

Then bounce me out.

Because I'm not lying for you.

Then get your gear and get out.


Yeah, well, I was a firefighter before Pat Pridgen became Chief.

I'll be one after he's gone.



Hi, I'm Randy McHolland.

McHolland. Randy McHolland.

Emmett, I'm your biological f...


Emmett, hey, it's great to meet you.

Thanks for reaching out.

Okay, I admit it.

The double date idea, total bust.

[scoffs] You think?

The important thing is that you're getting back out there.

I say we finish these and go anywhere besides Molly's.

Because the perfect guy is out there somewhere.

Let's go hunt him down.

You know, the, um... the truth is I just...

I just don't feel ready for all this.

Come on, it's ladies' night in, like, half the bars in Chicago.

You know what I really need, Sylvie?


A friend.

You got one.

This one you're gonna want to hear. Trust me.

I just got off the phone with Deputy District Chief Tiberg.

All right, you first.

Welch gave a statement supporting Severide.

Pridgen has been relieved of his command.

Oh, Chief, that is fantastic.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but here's the thing.

I haven't told Donna yet.

I don't even know how to tell her because she's come to rely on me, you know what I'm saying?

Donna: Wallace?

Ah, suggestions? Come on.

Okay, just tell her that your family at 51 needs you.

I mean, I bet you she'll understand that.

Okay, okay. Hey.


How's my baby boy?

Sound asleep.


Hey, Donna.

Is everything okay?

[laughs] Um...

There's no easy way to say this.

My replacement Chief at 51, he's been ordered to step down.

You're going back to work.

Boden: I'm afraid I've got no choice, Donna.

Well, I hate for you to go, you know that.

I know.

But if they need you...

They do.

Then I understand.

You do?


Oh! Oh, God.

Oh, God.

[mouths silently] Thank you.

Okay, I'm gonna step out and make a quick phone call.

I'm not getting it.

That's okay.

No double date tonight?


Hey, how did it go?

Good. Great. Nice guy.

Just wanted to meet me, you know?

I told you it was gonna be okay, sweetheart.

You were right.

Mouch: Scotch?

All right, thanks, Herrmann.


Truck 81 has been cleared of all wrongdoing.

Chief Boden will be back at 51 next shift.

No way!


What about Pridgen? Gone for good.



Mmm! Drinks on the house, everyone!

