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03x01 - Six Months Later

Posted: 03/10/15 13:31
by bunniefuu

[Muffled screams]

Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not safe to run wearing earbuds?

Your routine makes you an easy target, Dale.

Listen to me.

Do us both a favor.

Take the offer.

Settle the lawsuit.

[Rustling in bushes]

[Running footsteps, she gasps in fright]


I've just been att*cked.

[Traffic roaring, horns beep]

And how did she react to the request?

That's disappointing to hear.

Look, we need to lock this down, fast.

What's it going to take to get her on side?

Robert, hang up.

His mother could never get him off that thing.

I doubt you can.

I just think there's a time and a place for business, and it's at the office.

I'll call you when I get to the office.

You know, it's the work that pays for all your pretty things.

Oh, darling, if I wanted your money, I'd be marrying your father.


Here she is.

So, I've been thinking about my birthday.

Surprise. Surprise.

And I want to make it a fundraiser for the Fraserview Rehabilitation Clinic.

I thought it was going to be a nice, quiet, family get-together.

Emphasis on quiet?

Emphasis on family.

You've only been home...

Six months.

And I'm tired of being treated like a porcelain doll.

That doesn't mean you have to wear your recovery on your sleeve.

What do you think, Maria?

I think it's a nice gesture.

So you'll help me plan it?

She's our director of communications, she's not your party planner.


It's up to Maria.

How can I help?


Okay, we're going to throw a kids' party for adults.

Gift baskets, magicians, tigers...

No tigers.

London Montgomery?

Do you know who this is?

Well, until we can notify her family, she's a Jane Doe.

Who was not robbed.

Probably an overdose.

Given her history with addiction.

Well, according to the gossip blogs, she'd cleaned up her act.

And I've never known an overdose to turn corneas black.


Yes, sir?

You think we should get her covered?

I'm on it.

There you go.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, Oscar.

Maybe somebody had a grudge against her father?

Yeah, well, then k*ll him.

[Cell phone chimes]

Until further notice, Detective Lucas is in charge.


Bag the phone. It's evidence.

[Cell phone alarm rings]

Why did I want to become a police officer?

It's a question I ask myself every morning when I put on the uniform.

I don't do it for the money...


And I'm not it for the glory.

It's because I want to help people.

I believe I can make a difference.

So, why do you want to be a police officer?

Well, not to sit behind some desk. No offence.


No. I totally get it.

I requested this assignment, but that's all right.

You want to be, what, you want to be out on the beat, kicking in doors?

Yeah, something like that.

Yeah, why not? Look at you.

Bet you run a good sprint.





We'll be in touch.

[Police scanner crackles]

Suspect is a Caucasian male.

Medium build. Shirtless.

He's walking down the middle of Cambie Street

with a circular saw...

[knock on door]

Hey. What are you doing here?

London Montgomery's been m*rder*d, and the last person to contact her was Franco Vega.

Oscar's dad?

Well, how's Oscar handling it?

He recused himself from the case.

Sure, but how is he handling it?

You'll have to ask him.

Do they need me?

I want to be clear about this.

I know you were feeling burned out.

So, there's no pressure.

Okay, well, if there's anything I can do, you just let me know.

What did you do when you recognized the number on the victim's phone?

I handed the cell phone over to you and I recused myself. Right?

And were you aware that your father knew the victim?

Not until I saw the texts between them, no.


I think we're done.

Oh, I think you know what you got to ask.

Those texts could mean anything.

Never give a defense attorney any opportunity to question the integrity of the investigation.

Ask the question.

Would you say that your father is attracted to younger women?

That is a fair assessment, yes.

Is London Montgomery his type?


[Door opens]

Brian, I need the room.

We'll take care of this.

Okay, so I've discussed things with Boyd.

You are to assume command of the section while I run the case.

Copy that.

And he's sending us some help.


Welcome back.

Thank you. So, where do you want me to start?

I want you to look into Franco Vega's relationship with our victim.

Here's everything you'll need to get up to speed.

Brian and I are on our way out.

We're going to go interview the family.

Good to have you back.

It's good to see you, Angie.

Good to see you.

I like the suit.




Look at you.

How are you?

I'm good.

I'm... good.

How about you?

I'm good, yeah. Thanks.

Yeah, you probably want to get caught up on the case.

I'll let you do that, and I'll be in the office.

How did she die?

We're still waiting on the coroner's report.

Anything you need, Detectives.

We are at your disposal.

Detective Lucas and I will have some questions when you're ready.

And we'll need a copy of last night's guest list.

I'll get it.

No, I'll go.

Neville Montgomery for Henry guenther.

I don't care where he is, just put me through.

[Cell phone vibrating]


London... is dead.

Neville, oh, my god.

I'm so sorry.

I'll be right over.

London Montgomery is dead.

Pull over.

Find out everything you can.

Did you hear me?

What about Montgomery's whistleblower?

We'll worry about that later.


Miss Montgomery, it's time to go.

It's a private party, man. Get out of here.

You get out of here.


Do us both a favor and leave London alone.


Miss Montgomery.

Where can I take you for breakfast?

I want fried chicken.

Fried chicken it is.

I saw London just before she left for the party.

What time was that?

Around 8:00 P.M.

She was so excited.

I didn't even get a chance to wish her a Happy Birthday.

I thought I'd see her at the party.

Did you?

Only briefly.

She was furious.

Did she say why?

We barely said two words.

She just told me that she needed to find somebody.

She wouldn't say who.

That was the last I saw of her.

Do you remember what time that was?

Around 10:00.

Maria, was London seeing anyone?

Um, as far as I knew, she'd...

She'd been single since she got out of rehab, about six months ago.

There is something about a woman in uniform.

She demands respect, authority.

She also hates the tie.


Franco, hi.


Please, Angie, why the formal attire?

Uh, it's a long story.

Do you know London Montgomery?

Yes, I know London.

But something tells me you already knew that.

And you were texting her last night?

Why, do you have her cell?

Uh, well, your last text to her said "don't do anything you'll regret."

What did you mean by that?

I might be of more assistance if I knew what this was about.

London Montgomery died last night.


We're still waiting on the coroner to determine her exact cause of death.

What time did you see her last?

Just around 10:30.

I was at London's fundraiser.

She wanted to thank me for my donation.

And how long did you talk for?

I'm not sure.

I was home by midnight.

My staff can confirm that.

How would you describe your relationship with her?

I wouldn't.

Not without an attorney present.

Franco, you don't need counsel.

Oh, I'm afraid I do.

London Montgomery was poisoned with...

Osmium tetroxide.

It's a staining agent used for fat cells, turns the corneas black.

How hard is it to get this stuff?

With an Internet connection and a credit card, the world of terror is your oyster.

So someone could be just handing out poison and disguising it as cocaine.

Yeah, that's a possibility, considering the chemical was cut with baby laxative, but so far, we haven't had any other deaths with black corneas.

You find any narcotics in her system?


She was completely clean.

Then something made her want to fall off that wagon last night.

Thank you.


Angie said she's working the case.


It must be nice having her back.

It's temporary.

I have some initial information for you.

That was fast.

Put him on speaker.

London died sometime between 2:00 and 6:00 A.M.

Someone disguised a lethal chemical as cocaine.

Her body was found in an alley near one of your construction sites.

The police are treating it as a homicide.

Do they have any suspects?

I haven't been able to find that out yet.

Do you have any suspects?

There are some people from her old life that I can look into.

Do it.

Say no more.

So, back to Fraserview...

Is that what this is?

Yes, back to Fraserview.

My dad would save himself a lot of money if he could just accept the fact that this is who I am.

Come on, London.

You know you're better than this.

Yeah, so much wasted potential.


Look at this, it's a narcotics anonymous book.

A list of names?

Step nine, "making amends."

So, maybe somebody didn't accept her apology.


[Cell phone chimes]

[Mumbles] Really?


So, there were no narcotics in London's system.

Well, whatever made her fall off the wagon last night happened between 8:00 and 10:00 before she even got to the party.

How did it go with Franco?

Uh, he and London slipped away from the party to have a private meeting at 10:30.

Okay, what did they talk about?

When I asked him, he lawyered up.

But anybody could have given her chemicals at the party.

Until we have evidence to the contrary, Franco Vega is our prime suspect.

This was clean, right?

The alcohol should k*ll just about anything.


So, one day, and then you're back to recruiting?


I never should have left.

You never should have left.

You thought it was going to help.

I thought it was going to help.

But it didn't help.

It didn't help.

[Clinking glasses]



Franco Vega a suspect? Really?

Well, he was the last person to see London Montgomery alive.

Was there any evidence of sexual activity?

As far as I can tell, she celebrated her birthday with diet ginger ale and chocolate cake.

You need to tell the police what you know.

You know that is not easy.

It should be.

A woman is dead, a woman that you had a secret relationship with.

I appreciate your not saying anything to your colleagues.

Well, they'll eventually figure it out.

London Montgomery snorted a toxic chemical.

Are you implying that I gave it to her?

I'm telling you to be careful.

We believe this is a list of names of people she wanted to apologize to.

We've identified everyone on the list except for the circled names.

Dee and Jay?

They could be initials.

London spells... spelled out letters.

When she sent me an email, she'd spell out the letter "M" phonetically, "e-m."

"Jay" could be James Patterson, Jeff Schwable, Janice Goldberg.

"Dee" could be David Hornby, Denise Maxson.

There's also Jason Ross.

Who's Jason Ross?

One of London's other friends.

He's the one who should be apologizing to her.

Okay, hypothetically speaking, why would a suspect admit to knowing a victim, and then refuse to give any of the details of the nature of the relationship?

I thought I was here to give a urine sample.

Yeah, well, in this job, you've got to be ready for anything.

Women's washroom is down the hall.

You've got to leave your sample in the collection box.

Where's the suit?

I spilled coffee on it.

Little vinegar and water will take that out.

Yeah. So will a dry cleaner.

Okay, so Franco Vega, I've got a theory.

All right, let's hear it.

Well, it's one that I'd like to check out first before I say anything, so I cleared my schedule at recruiting, and the good news is, I'm available to you for as long as you need.

Angie, what are you doing?

Trying to investigate a lead for you.

If you want to come back, just say you want to come back.


Can I investigate Franco Vega?

I'm impressed you even asked me.

It's off the record.

After London texted you, you both disappeared from the party.

London and I were not intimate.


No, but you were confidants.

That text, "don't do anything you'll regret," that was advice, wasn't it?

What kind of advice could I offer London Montgomery?

To not throw away her sobriety.

You were in Narcotics Anonymous together, weren't you?

You need to come forward with that.

[Sighing] Any CEO with a history of drug addiction would be ousted by his shareholders.

Doesn't the same apply to a CEO charged with m*rder?

London was upset.

She was thinking about using.

I thought I'd talked her down.

Any idea what set her off?

She felt betrayed, said she'd been used.

By who?

I asked.

She refused to tell me.

She was too embarrassed.

She said that if her father ever found out, he'd disown her.

Does Oscar know about you?

It's hard to make amends to someone who barely talks to you.

Why does he always treat me like his dirty little secret?

Trust me, El, you are not your father's dirty little secret.

He's worried about you.

He's worried that you're going to embarrass his precious company.

Do I know you?

Hi, I'm Dale Barbizan.

She's the lawyer harassing your father.

Five men died because Neville Montgomery puts profits before people, and I'm harassing him?

That building collapse was a tragic accident.

It was no accident.

It's also not the first time people have died because of your father's greed.

Ignore her, London.

She's just another pathetic truther.

Here's a conspiracy theory for you.

Line up your stints in rehab with your father's annual shareholder meetings.

See if you spot the pattern.

Come on.

You're a smart, beautiful woman.

No one should treat you like an afterthought.

Come on.

My clients won't accept a penny under 10 million, Guenther.

[Fire alarm wailing]

Well then, tell Neville Montgomery to get ready for court.

Come on, lady, it's just a test.

Yeah, I'm coming.

Come on, do us both a favor.

You gotta get going.

What did you say?

I said you gotta get going.
Maria Snow?

I'm Detective Angie Flynn.

Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.

Anything to help with the investigation.

London was like a sister to me.

So, London's sponsor told me the night of the fundraiser, London fought with someone.

Franco talked to you?

You knew that Franco was her sponsor?

More like second father.

Don't get me wrong.

Neville adored London, but he didn't understand her.

Was she seeing anyone?

London kept her personal relationships pretty close to the chest, but, um....

The usual signs weren't there.

You know, running out of the room to take calls, smiling at nothing.

She had been on this social justice kick lately.

"Be the change you want to see" kind of thing.

The fundraiser, for example.

Were there any other causes that she was involved in?

Maybe something that her family didn't know about.

There was this lawyer, Dale Barbizan.

I think she was London's inspiration.

What are you doing in here?

She was right.

That building collapse, those construction workers didn't cause it.

You've been talking to Dale Barbizan?

Those five men are not the only ones to die because of my father's greed.

Even if what you're saying is true, how do you expect to prove any of it?

Your father's not stupid, El.

You won't find what you're looking for on his laptop.

Now, get out of here before he catches you.

So, I talked to Jason Ross, and he is the "Jay" from London's amends list.

She called him two weeks ago.

Why would London apologize to her drug dealer?

Well, according to him, Neville Montgomery sent some thug to, uh, persuade him to stop selling to her.

Now, Ross says he filed a police report.


We should have seen that when we searched his name.

Here we go.

Clerical error.

He was written up as a "Jason Rose."

Okay, let's see...

Guy breaks into the room, says "do us both a favor."

"Leave London alone."

Then he dislocated Ross's shoulder.

Well, apparently, it worked.

I just talked to the drug squad.

They say he's been clean for about a year.

London's only been out of rehab for six months.

So, she had another dealer after Ross, then.

[Telephone rings]

Sergeant Cross.

Yeah, send him up.

Oscar's dad is here.

So, this is where you work.

It does not have your view, I'll give you that.


This conversation has to be on the record.


I'm a drug addict.

Yeah, no, I know.

And I'm in recovery.

How long?

One year, 11 months, four days.

Good. Good for you.

That's good.


I owe you an apology.

I don't... I don't need one.

Then how about information?

That I can use.

So, I take it that you and London were in the same N-A group.

Yes. I was her sponsor.

And, uh, were you...

Did you help her with her amends?


The letter "D", does that mean anything for you?

Because we think it's an initial of one of her dealers.




I wish it did.

Will this help your case?

This engineer's report holds your father responsible for the building collapse.

This proves he had the report altered.

This could ruin him.

Are you sure about this?

Because I...

I can't believe I'm about to say this...

I won't use it unless you're absolutely sure.

I'm sure.

[Chuckles nervously] I'm sure.

[Mouthing silently]

So, my father was London's N-A sponsor.

Maria Snow corroborates that.

He was trying to convince London not to do dr*gs the night she died.

This the theory you were trying to run down?


So, your father's innocent.

I don't believe he's responsible for London's death, no.

Dale Barbizan, she may be the person that London was meeting between 8:00 and 10:00 P.M.

Isn't she the lawyer that's suing Neville Montgomery over that building collapse?

She's also made it her personal mission to prove that Neville Montgomery is an amoral monster responsible for human misery around the globe.

Seems like an odd pairing.

It does, but according to Maria, she's also responsible for London's newfound social awareness.

Oscar, it's your case.

Okay, well, if you and Lucas keep looking for London's dealer, Angie and I will investigate Dale Barbizan.

Yeah? You're sure about this?

Yeah, I mean, you know the investigation.

I could use the help.

Yeah, it's just that I wasn't expecting to stay on.

I mean, if you want to go back to recruiting...

According to a witness, you accosted London Montgomery on the street recently.

I can get a little passionate.

Well, still, that's not the smartest move for a lawyer to make.

Especially if that passion has turned into an obsession.

[Angie]: Is that what you and London argued about the night she died?

Your obsession with her father?

I'm not saying anything else without a lawyer.

How about we split the difference and search your home and office.

How about you get a warrant?

I am amazed the judge signed this.

Well, you are the one with a previous drug charge.


In college.

Hardly enough to justify this invasion of privacy.

You seem to have a very cynical view of the justice system.

Yeah, well, when you see the abuses I've seen, and continue to see...

Oh, they've found something.

That's absurd. There's nothing to find.

Thank you.


Right this way.

We've arrested Dale Barbizan in connection to London's death.

Thank you, Detective.

We owe you and your department a great debt.

No, you don't owe us a thing, sir.

Dale Barbizan? I don't understand why.

We may never understand why.

All that matters is that London has justice.

I am being framed by Neville Montgomery.

And why would he do that?

Because I was going to win.

This is the final engineer's report for the building collapse.

Essentially, it states that the construction crew failed to adhere to the plans.

Okay, and why would they do that?

Well, the report alleges the crew was selling excess building materials and pocketing the money.

So, you think Montgomery had the report changed?

I know he did.

Because I had the report that originally blamed Neville Montgomery for forcing his crew to ignore the engineering specs in order to save money.

This isn't the first time he's done something like this.

However, it is the first time that you can go after him for it.

Robert Montgomery had written a note on the cover page.

It said, "what can we do about this?"

You're sure it was his handwriting?

I'm sure.

Because London Montgomery told you when she gave you the document?

Obviously, Neville Montgomery had someone break into my office, steal the document, and plant the chemical used to k*ll London for you to find.

You know, I don't... I don't think it's that obvious.

This isn't the first time he's sent his g*ons after me.

You buy her story?

It's not the first time someone's been framed for m*rder.

It won't be the last.

Any time I've spoken to victims' families, they always want to know the same thing.


Montgomery didn't even ask.

Maybe because he already knew?

I don't know, I don't see him k*lling his own daughter.

[Beeping sharply]



Thank you.

Here's the file on Dale Barbizan's attack.

She was pulled into the bushes by a masked assailant who told her to "do us both a favor. Drop the lawsuit."

Sound familiar?

Yeah, very familiar.

Not familiar to me.

Jason Ross's assailant used the same language.

You got that report?


I have seen him before.

A few days ago.

He's the security guard that came into my office during a fire alarm.

Okay, let's just say that your story is true, and this mystery man is Montgomery's fixer, who broke into your office to frame you.

Here's where we bump.

London has been clean for six months.

What made her decide to get high that night?

I have no idea.


I mean, something happened between you two that made London want to throw away her sobriety.

If you can't tell us the truth, we can't help you.

She came to tell me...

She came to tell me she was in love with me.

And you rejected her.

I can't get involved with the daughter of a defendant.

She didn't see it like that?

She exploded.

She said that I had seduced her into stealing that engineer's report for me.

Did you?

I tried to make her understand.

I didn't mean to lead her on.

[Sharp knock on door]

The osmium tetroxide that you found in the lawyer's office is a match to the traces I found on London Montgomery's body.

Same batch?

Same vial.

What do you think?

Well, I don't think Dale's stupid.

There's no way she'd leave the vial lying around her office.

There's only one way Montgomery's fixer would have the same vial.

Yeah, he gave London the lethal dose.

You're no longer a person of interest in this investigation.

Thank you.

How are you?

Oh, I'm fine.


[Sighs heavily]

I gotta... I'm gonna head back to work.

I keep thinking, maybe if I had just stayed longer.

Well, you couldn't have known.

I should have, though.

A lot of people wrote London off.

Her friends, her... her own family.

We could show his sketch to the Montgomerys, see if it strikes a nerve.

He's a fixer, right?


Let's give him something to fix.

[Dale]: You want me to act as bait?

It's the best way to draw him out.

And if I say no?

There's the door.

Well, here's the thing.

You may not have k*lled London, but you drove her to the man who did.

I never said I loved her.

No, you just used her.

[Neville]: What do you mean they dropped the charges?

Barbizan k*lled my daughter!

We can't worry about that right now.

We can't worry about my daughter's m*rder?

I didn't mean it like that.

Barbizan just filed a new injunction against you.

Which project?

All of them.

Barbizan's planned a press conference for tomorrow morning.

Find out what she has and how she got it.

[Angie]: Any movement?

None yet.


Gracias, senor.

So, how's it going?

Well, it's not the worst stake-out I've ever been on.

I meant with Angie being back.

Must be weird.

I wouldn't say weird.

You wouldn't say anything.

I think you need to.

You shot a man to save her.

Well, you know, she needed some space, some time, that's all.

And I respect that.

But you needed her, too.

You stand by your partner.


Stand by.

That's him.

Send her in.

Okay, he's heading in.

Let's go.

Put the g*n down! Move, move, move!

Down on the ground now!

Put your w*apon down!

[Officers shouting]

All right, we're all clear.

Get that g*n down to forensics.

How's Dale?

She's good.

I'm scared.

You're safe.

Derek Caster.

You are a hard man to track down.

I'd like a lawyer.

Oh, I bet you do.


There is nothing in the system on this guy.

No priors. No fingerprints.

Just a couple of reports and a police sketch.

Well, you've already got him on the as*ault and attempted m*rder of Dale Barbizan.

Yeah, I want him for the m*rder of London Montgomery.

This might help.

Right there.

11:45, Derek receives a phone call from a pay phone.

Which is only a couple of blocks away from London's party.

She calls, she says, "pick me up. Bring dr*gs."

He gives her the tetroxide, she snorts it, she dies.


I mean, that doesn't give much time to get ready.

Uh, unless he already had the tetroxide.

Yeah, but I mean, that's a pretty weak plan for a fixer.

I mean, you buy a toxic chemical, and then hope she calls looking for dr*gs?

Yeah, but what if that's it?

What if he was just hoping that she called?

If the "Dee" on London's amends list stood for Derek?

Then London's death would not be an assignment.

It was personal.

We didn't get a chance to meet.

I'm Detective Vega.

You remember Detective Flynn?

We met at your arrest.

Now, this is usually where we ask you to confess, but, uh, you've lawyered up.

Oh, by the way, Henry Guenther will not be taking your case, and I know this because he is currently in the next room, putting as much distance between the two of you as possible.

You see, that's how we know his law firm hired you to investigate a possible leak at Neville Montgomery's company.

[Angie]: But according to him, that's all you were hired to do.

I can wait.

Well, so can we.

We wait.

Yeah, we wait...

Why do you think he did it?

Oh, well...

She was a beautiful woman. You know.

Really beautiful.

I think it was personal.

You are stronger than you think.

Why do you even care?

I bet you tried really hard, but you just couldn't get her to love you as much as she loved the dr*gs.

It's hard to realize that the dr*gs come first, isn't it?

Then you started providing them, didn't you?

You must have hated yourself. But at that point, you would have done anything to keep her.

And then she finally got serious about getting clean.

I wanted you to know that it was because of you I went to rehab.

That's all I ever wanted was for you to get better.

I know, and when I realized what I'd made you do for me, get me dr*gs, lie to my family...

I hated myself.

That is all in the past.

You're better now, that's all I care about.

See, that's what I'm trying to tell you.

I made you think that I loved you.

You did love me. The dr*gs got in the way.

I really wish that were true.

Of course it is.


No, no, no, don't.

I never loved you.

I needed you...

And I don't need you anymore.

You shouldn't have to pay for my addiction.


How did it go?

It was hard.

He didn't take it well.

You did the right thing.

Not here.

Did you know Dale used London?

Seduced her, to get ahold of the engineer's report.

You knew you were going to k*ll her as soon as she called you, didn't you?

I knew you'd come.

I knew you'd take care of me.


I can't believe I fell for all of her lies.

I gave her everything she needed to ruin my father.

You're too trusting.

Thank you.



Derek, what was that?

[Wheezing and choking]

Let's get you some fresh air.

[Gasping for breath]

[Choking and gasping]


[Gasping and crying]

[Struggling for air]

I don't need you anymore.

Reduced sentence.

Minimum security.


What makes you think we'd even humor a deal?

Because I can give you Neville Montgomery.

And how can you do that?

Everything that Dale Barbizan suspected of Neville Montgomery, I can prove.

You have the original engineer's report, don't you?

Amongst other things.

I don't like this guy getting a deal.

I don't like waiting this long for a drink.

Consider the greater good, Lucas.

Maybe there are other cases he can close.

Hey, any word?

Well, that is a problem for another day, and hopefully another section.

Come on, drinks are on me.

Oh, finally.

Hey, hey, Vega.

Listen, I didn't like where I was headed, and I thought I had to leave to be better.

[Clears throat] And I was wrong.

How would you feel if I put in for a transfer back?

I don't think things can go back to the way they were, but, you know, I don't think that's a bad thing.

[Cell phone vibrating]

Detective Vega.


We've got to get to Remand.

[Sighs sadly]

[Vega]: So much for his plea bargain.


Well, I'll see you Monday.